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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La chasse aux trophées : conséquences comportementales, démographiques, et évolutives chez les populations d'ongulés : l’exemple des ongulés des savanes africaines / Trophy hunting : behavioral, demographic, and evolutionary consequences in ungulate populations : the example of the ungulates of African savannahs

Crosmary, William Georges 11 May 2012 (has links)
La chasse aux trophées peut contraindre les ongulés à ajuster leur comportement pourréduire le risque de mortalité. De plus, comme cette chasse est basée sur des critères detaille, et biaisée en faveur des mâles, elle peut causer des changements morphologiquesvers des individus plus petits, et altérer la structure et la dynamique des populations. Lachasse aux trophées est l’un des modes de conservation des habitats naturels. Son potentielde conservation est encore incertain parce qu’il y a peu d’études en dehors des parcsnationaux, notamment en Afrique. Cette thèse examine les effets de cette chasse sur lesongulés africains, i.e. sur leur comportement, la longueur des cornes, la proportion de mâlesadultes, la taille de groupe, et la densité des populations. J’ai travaillé à partird’observations comportementales et de données populationnelles de suivis à long terme.Pour plusieurs espèces (surtout l’impala Aepyceros melampus, le grand koudouTragelaphus strepsiceros, et l’hippotrague noir Hippotragus niger), j’ai comparé lecomportement, la structure et la densité des populations entre le Parc National de Hwangeet les zones de chasse adjacentes, Zimbabwe. Dans les zones de chasse, j’ai analysé lestendances de longueur des cornes au cours des 30 dernières années. Les ongulés venaientdavantage de nuit aux points d’eau, et étaient plus vigilants dans les zones de chasse quedans le parc national. L’amplitude de ces ajustements en revanche, était limitée par lebesoin en eau, et par le risque de prédation naturelle. La longueur des cornes a décliné, plusparticulièrement pour les espèces prisées des chasseurs et subissant une pression de chasseélevée. Il n’y avait pas de différence significative de la proportion de mâles adultes, ou dela taille de groupe, entre les populations du parc national et des zones de chasse. Au coursdes 30 dernières années, les densités de population ont globalement davantage diminuédans le parc national que dans les zones de chasse. Ceci suggère que la chasse aux trophéesn’a eu qu’un effet minime sur les densités de population par rapport à d’autres facteurscomme les précipitations, ou possiblement la prédation naturelle et l’éléphant. Malgré lesajustements comportementaux, le déclin de la longueur des cornes, et le prélèvement biaiséen faveur des mâles adultes, les densités d’ongulés étaient aussi élevées dans les zones dechasse que dans le Parc National de Hwange. Cette étude illustre comment les zones dechasse aux trophées, lorsque rigoureusement gérées, peuvent jouer un rôle dans laconservation des ongulés africains. / Like predation, trophy hunting may constrain ungulates to adjust their behaviour todecrease mortality risk. Moreover, because this removal is size selective and male-biased, itmay induce morphological changes towards individuals with smaller traits, alter populationstructure and dynamics. Trophy hunting is one of the conservation modes of naturalhabitats, particularly in Africa. However, its conservation potential is still unclear becausethere are few studies outside National Parks. This thesis aimed to investigate the subtleeffects of trophy hunting on African ungulates, i.e. on their behaviour, horn length ofharvested males, proportion of adult males, group size, and population densities. I workedfrom behavioural observations, and from population data of long-term surveys. For severalspecies (mainly impala Aepyceros melampus, greater kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros, andsable antelope Hippotragus niger), I compared behaviour, population structure, anddensities between Hwange National Park and adjacent hunting areas, Zimbabwe. In huntingareas, I analysed trends in horn length of harvested males over the past 30 years. This thesisshows that ungulates drank more often at night, and were more vigilant in hunting areasthan in the national park. However, the amplitude of these adjustments was constrained bythe need of surface water, and by natural predation risk. Trophy hunting caused a decline inhorn length, particularly for species that experienced high hunting pressure and were ofhigh value for hunters. Trophy hunting tended to decrease proportion of adult males,though not significantly, and did not affect group size. Moreover, during the last 30 years,ungulate densities generally declined more in the national park than in neighbouringhunting areas. This suggests that trophy hunting played a minor role on densities comparedto other factors, i.e. rainfall, and possibly natural predation and elephant densities. Despitebehavioural adjustments induced by hunting risk, decline of horn length, and harvestskewed towards adult males, ungulate densities in hunting areas adjacent to HwangeNational Park remained comparable to densities within the national park. This studyillustrates how trophy hunting areas, when rigorously managed, may play a significant rolein the conservation of ungulates in Africa.

Impacts of impala on subtropical thicket in the Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape

Gerber, Johann January 2006 (has links)
Subtropical thicket supports a large variety of indigenous browsing herbivores, such as elephants, black rhino, kudu and bushbuck, but impala historically never occurred in the Eastern Cape. The aim of this study was to determine what impacts extralimital impala (Aepyceros melampus) have on subtropical thicket. The thicket of the Shamwari Game Reserve, Eastern Cape, was used for the study. To quantify the effects of impala, feeding behaviour and diet was investigated during summer and winter. Sixteen impala were also enclosed in a camp of subtropical thicket where they would be limited to feedings on thicket. Vegetation composition and structure were monitored for a period of 12 months in the enclosure. Impala followed the expected high percentage graze and a low percentage browse in thicket in summer. However, the expected was not observed during winter: at this time grazing and browsing were equally important. Field collection of feeding behaviour data showed that impala are attracted to fringes of intact bush clumps or degraded thicket. Analysis of the impala diet confirmed this, with a significantly higher percentage graze (48 percent) than browse (22 percent) during summer. However, during winter, diet analysis indicated grazing to be much higher (36 percent) than browsing (6 percent) with the impala temporarily taking advantage of nutritious grasses still present. The enclosed portion of thicket was originally at 80 percent ecological status but it showed significant changes after addition of 16 impala. Animal trails increased in number and in width, resulting in a trampling effect. Grass cover was significantly different inside the enclosure after 12 months compared to outside. The amount of available browse of the enclosed thicket was also significantly different after addition of the impala. It is concluded that impala have a negative effect on thicket, with trampling the most significant effect. Long term monitoring of the effects of extralimital impala in different types of thicket will be required to accurately quantify their direct effects on subtropical thicket in the Eastern Cape. The main aim of this study was to determine the impacts of impala on Thicket. The study showed significant impacts on Thicket as found in Shamwari, and therefore the aim of the study was achieved.

Evaluation of methods and approaches for surveying savanna invertebrates.

Lovell, Saskie Joanne. January 2006 (has links)
The savanna is an important biome, which is under threat from land transformation, and it is therefore a focus for conservation planning. Yet, the invertebrate fauna of this biome is poorly documented and hence there is a need to provide baseline data for this component of biodiversity. This project aimed to provide relevant information that can be used by conservation planners and ecologists, by recommending a sampling strategy for the collection of specific taxa for savanna invertebrate surveys. The effectiveness and efficiency of a sampling strategy using passive and active sampling methods was assessed to provide recommendations for a multi-taxa approach to sampling invertebrates in a savanna ecosystem. In the collection of data, volunteers assisted and they were evaluated in comparison with experienced researchers to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and benefits of using volunteers to carry out multi-taxa invertebrate surveys. In addition, cross-taxon congruency and congruency across taxonomic levels were assessed between nine invertebrate taxa, to select potential surrogates to reduce biodiversity survey costs for conservation planning. Fieldwork was carried out in the Mkhuze Game Reserve (27.67°S:32.27°E, 400km2 ), Phinda Private Game Reserve (27.78°S:32.35°E, 140km2 ) and False Bay Park (27.94°S:32.38°E, 25km2 ) in north-eastern Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. Forty-three different sites were sampled between November 2002 and March 2005 (summer months). Twenty of these sites were re-sampled across years and in different months during the summer season, giving 77 sampling events. Fifty-four volunteers recruited by the Earthwatch Institute assisted in the collection of data. Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera (Apoidea), Diptera (Asilidae, Bombyliidae), Neuroptera, Odonata, Hemiptera (Cicadellidae), Coleoptera (Cetoniinae, Scarabaeinae), Orthoptera, Blattodea, Isoptera, Araneae (Araneidae, Thomisidae, Oxyopidae), Scorpionida, Myriapoda (Diplopoda, Chilopoda), Mollusca and Annelida were sampled using four active searching methods (transects, tree beating, leaf litter and sweep sampling) and two passive methods (pan traps and baited traps). In its entirety, this project sampled 50 558 individuals from 797 invertebrate species and an extensive database consisting of 33 257 records now exists. A standardised sampling protocol is described for the effective sampling of multiple invertebrate taxa in a savanna biome and recommendations are made for improving the efficacy and completeness of invertebrate surveys based on the application of species accumulation models. Restrictive active searching methods (quadrats) were found to be more effective for sampling epigaeic invertebrates and should be used in conjunction with leaf litter samples. Flying and plant-dwelling invertebrates should be sampled using a range of sampling methods which include baited, malaise and pan traps, active searching along transects and vacuum sampling. I suggest over 75% of the Lovel/, s.1. - MSc. Thesis i ii total estimated fauna to be a satisfactory and realistic level of inventory completeness for making valid comparisons between regions and across sites. Volunteers sampled lower rates of species accumulation, species richness and unique species when using timed, active search methods. Nevertheless, volunteers and researchers were shown to perform equally well when using un-timed, active searching methods. Previous experience or knowledge of scientific method was beneficial when researchers assessed the perceived usefulness of volunteers to researchers for carrying out fieldwork. The project experience raised the volunteers' environmental awareness, knowledge about biodiversity, invertebrates and conservation research, and enabled volunteers to participate in or design locally relevant conservation based projects on their return home. Cross-taxon congruencies were observed. However, relationships were weak and potential surrogates could not be selected. The use of higher taxonomic levels to represent species shows good potential as a surrogate but only in species-poor genera or families. The use of species density to determine congruency and select surrogates is likely to produce different results to those produced by community similarity. Furthermore, when selecting surrogates from congruency assessments an optimal p-value greater than 0.75 should be required. Below this value, the relationship is likely to be weak and if used as a surrogate misinterpretation may occur. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

Fisioecologia comparativa de gramí­neas nativas e invasoras em duas fitofisionomias de um fragmento de cerrado / Comparative physioecology of native and invasive grasses in two distinct cerrado formations

Kayano, Gabriel Massami 28 August 2018 (has links)
A invasão por gramíneas africanas é uma das principais ameaças à diversidade biológica e funcional das formações savânicas do cerrado. Uma questão central em invasões por plantas é entender como espécies oriundas de sistemas com diferentes pressões seletivas são capazes de adquirir e utilizar recursos em um novo ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi de comparar os padrões de uso luz e água de gramíneas nativas e invasoras em duas condições de cobertura arbórea ao longo de um gradiente de invasão em uma área de cerrado localizada no Parque Estadual do Juquery - SP. O efeito da presença da cobertura sobre os indivíduos foi investigado através de amostragens em fisionomia de campo (dossel ausente) e de campo cerrado (dossel presente). A hipótese de que o desempenho no uso de recursos de invasoras supera o de nativas em presença de cobertura arbórea foi testada através da medição de aspectos ligados à capacidade de interceptação da luz e ao desempenho de uso da luz e água associado ao potencial de ganho de carbono. As gramíneas africanas apresentaram padrões de arranjo espacial das folhas e estrutura foliar que diferem dos de nativas. As copas das invasoras apresentaram maior grau de sobreposição entre as folhas. As folhas das invasoras exibiram menores inclinações, menor espessura e menor razão de massa seca por área. A presença do dossel arbóreo favoreceu o transporte fotoquímico de elétrons de invasoras e desfavoreceu o de nativas. As principais diferenças nas dinâmicas de trocas gasosas entre nativas e invasoras foram observadas quando as razões foram expressas por massa seca foliar. Diferenças nas relações entre as variáveis indicam que a relação do padrão de investimento em tecidos foliares com o potencial fotossintético pode implicar em respostas contrastantes de nativas e invasoras aos regimes de irradiância nas fisionomias de campo sujo e campo cerrado / Invasions by African grasses constitutes one of the greatest threats to the biological and functional diversity of the cerrado savannas. A central question to understand plant invasions is how species originating from systems with distinct selective pressures are able to acquire and utilize resources in their new environments. The objective of this study was to compare native and invasive grasses with respect to their light and water use patterns in two sites with differing canopy tree cover along an invasion gradient in a cerrado area in the Juquery State Park, SP. The effect of the canopy tree cover on the grass individuals was investigated through sampling in the cerrado physiognomies of \'campo sujo\' (tree cover absent) and \'campo cerrado\' (tree cover present). The hypothesis that invaders outperform natives under the presence of canopy tree cover in terms of resource-use was tested through field measurements of traits related to light interception capacity and to the performance in light and water use associated with carbon gain potentials. Invasive African grasses showed distinct patterns of crown architecture and leaf structure when compared to natives. Invaders showed a greater degree of leaf overlapping in the crown. Invaders leaves were thinner, relatively more planophile, and showed smaller leaf dry mass per area ratios. The presence of canopy tree cover favored the invaders photochemical electron transport while disfavored natives. The main differences concerning native and invaders gas-exchange dynamics were observed on a leaf dry mass basis. The relation between patterns of leaf tissue investment and photosynthetic potentials could imply in contrasting responses of native and invasive grasses to the irradiance regime in differing cerrado vegetation types

Towards a predictive understanding of savanna vegetation dynamics in the eastern Lowveld of South Africa : with implications for effective management.

Peel, Michael John Stephen. 02 December 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop and test a predictive understanding of the vegetation dynamics of the Lowveld of South Africa (30°35'E to 30°40'E and 24°00'S to 25°00'S). The study covered about 5000 km2 in Adjacent Private Protected Areas (APPA) adjoining the Kruger National Park (KNP). Data gathering (800 sites; 23 properties) commenced in 1989 and those recorded up to 2004 are reported here. The value, both ecological and economic, of the wildlife and tourism industry dependent on this savanna region is discussed in both historical and current perspectives. A range of land-use objectives and anthropogenic interventions were exposed. The properties ranged in size from 30 to 800 km2 and formed an effective and extensive manipulative experiment for investigating interaction of bush density, animal stocking, use of fire and landscape-scale processes. The first descriptive classification (at 1:250 000) of the area was developed using Inverse Distance Weighted interpolations. This confirms similar landscape/vegetation patterns in the KNP and Mocambique. The current mode of determining stocking density or carrying capacity was interrogated and indices suitable for complex multi-species systems developed. This was done in the context of equilibrial/disequilibrial paradigms. Application of the original indices resulted in drought-related declines in animal biomass of 4000 kg km2 over 20 years due to overestimation of carrying capacity. The model proposed here uses rainfall, animal type, biomass and vegetation parameters to determine stocking density for both coarse (regional) and ranch-specific scales. Principal driving determinants (rainfall, geology, soil type, tree density canopy cover, animal numbers, feeding classes and fire) of vegetation structure and their influence on the herbaceous layer were investigated. Groupings on ecological potential showed 'high' potential areas are less sensitive to animal impact than those classified as 'low' potential. Sustainability, embedded in a forward-looking component viz. Strategic Adaptive Management (SAM) with well-articulated endpoints viz. Thresholds of Potential Concern (TPCs) was used to study fluctuations in animal populations with Connochaetes taurinus (Blue wildebeest) as the case study. The TPC approach provides strong pointers for proactive management aimed at maintaining the system within bands defined by TPCs supporting operationally practical and periodically reviewed objectives. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Influence of drought or elephant on the dynamics of key woodland species in a semiarid African savanna.

MacGregor, Shaun Donovan. January 2000 (has links)
Extensive drought - and elephant-related dieback of Colophospermum mopane and Acacia tortitis, respectively, offered an opportunity for increasing understanding of the causes of drought-related patch dieback, the factors influencing elephant utilization of woody plants, and the response of woody plants to both aforementioned determinants of savanna structure and function. The dendrochronological analysis of both species was undertaken to estimate potential rates of replacement, following extensive mortality. Areas of discrete dieback were compared with adjacent paired areas of 'healthy' vegetation, which revealed, on average, 87% and 13% loss of basal area by mortality, respectively. 'Live' and 'dead' plots did not differ in soil type, topography or mean slope, but differed in vegetation structure, soil surface condition, and soil chemistry. Although there was evidence of self-thinning, neither inter - nor intra-specific competition explained dieback. 'Dead', by comparison with 'live' plots, had changed from functioning as sinks of sediment and water to sources, were less likely to retain water because of a poor soil surface condition, and were predisposed to drought effects because of a greater proportion of fines, and Na concentration. Dieback resulted from insufficient soil water for survival during a drought owing to the development of a dysfunctional landscape during 50 years of livestock ranching. Spatial heterogeneity within a landscape was suggested to enhance woodland resilience to severe droughts by ensuring the survival of plants in run-on sinks or 'drought refuge' sites. Stem sections were removed from 40 multi-stemmed C. mopane trees and prepared for examination under a dissecting microscope. It was impossible to age C. mopane, owing to a hollow and/or dark heartwood. Nevertheless, the distribution of stem diameters suggested a single recruitment event. Fire scars attributed to the last recorded fire in 1948 could explain the trees' multi-stemmed growth form and indicate that most trees of VLNR were > 50 years of age. Growth rings were identified in 29 A. tortilis trees of unknown age, but were not correlated with annual rainfall records. Growth rates varied between trees; mean ring width ranged from 1.4 to 3.5 mm (overall mean 2.4 ± 0.1 mm). A technique was proposed for predicting growth rate from annual rainfall, using selected data, and several factors potentially influencing ring width in semiarid environs were identified. Permanent ground-based transects were located within riparian (n = 16) and Acacia (n = 5) woodlands to monitor elephant utilization. Elephant had not changed the population structure of the woodlands by 2000, but had reduced stem density from 215.6 stems ha -1 (1996) to 84.4 stems ha -I (2000). Acacia tortitis trees in the woodlands had branches removed, were debarked, uprooted and broken. Acacia tortitis trees in the riverine had lower levels of utilization, whilst Acacia nilotica trees were mostly debarked. The method of elephant feeding varies within and between woody species, provided it is within the mechanical constraints of a certain size or species. Elephant behaviour is concluded to depend on spatiotemporal variation of forage abundance/quality, abundance of a preferred species, and species response (coppice or mortality). Elephant can cause a change of vegetation state, and increase spatial homogeneity of a plant population. The remnant population of woodland trees should provide the potential for recolonization, in which case the system would reflect the stable limit cycle. However, if browsing inhibits seedling recruitment, the system could reflect either a multiple stable state system or an artificial equilibrium imposed on a stable limit cycle. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.

Determinações territoriais da agricultura mundializada: a soja nos espaços rurais e urbanos de Uruçuí-PI / Territorial determination mundialization of the agriculture: the soybean in rural and urban spaces at Uruçuí, Piaui

Araujo, Márcia Regina Soares de [UNESP] 23 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MÁRCIA REGINA SOARES DE ARAUJO null (araujo_mrs@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-22T21:05:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ARAUJO, MRS 2016 FINAL.pdf: 3095554 bytes, checksum: 349f72795aff7101578c5624db06a122 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-04-26T18:34:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 araujo_mrs_dr_rcla.pdf: 3095554 bytes, checksum: 349f72795aff7101578c5624db06a122 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:34:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 araujo_mrs_dr_rcla.pdf: 3095554 bytes, checksum: 349f72795aff7101578c5624db06a122 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-23 / O processo de monopolização capitalista na agricultura que a região dos cerrados piauienses vivencia remete às transformações territoriais e à recomposição no território de ordem técnica e orgânica. Essa reestruturação territorial adorna fatores que induzem as cidades preexistentes a se revestirem de acordo com as dinâmicas oriundas do campo. Nesse sentido, a presente Tese tem como objetivo central compreender as novas dinâmicas do espaço rural/urbano dos cerrados nordestinos decorrentes do avanço recente do agronegócio na região, em particular o município piauiense de Uruçuí. A metodologia empregada neste trabalho constou de levantamento bibliográfico, pesquisa de campo, construção de dados a partir de instituições públicas e privadas, observação direta, diário de campo, levantamento cartográfico e iconográfico; por fim, a elaboração da tese. A trilha metodológica percorrida propiciou a constatação de elementos aparentemente dissimétricos, como homogeneização e desigualdade que aparecem fartamente nas determinações territoriais do município. A homogeneização das paisagens é reflexo da agricultura mundializada e se traduz na constituição de uma paisagem monocromática. No âmbito das relações sociais de poder, as ações hegemonizantes do capital obliteram parcela significativa da comunidade local desse processo. Como um dos elementos fundadores da dinâmica econômica presente no município está a aplicação de recursos que dizem respeito aos créditos agrícolas, e que despertou o interesse de produtores capitalizados das mais diversas regiões do País. Outro fator ímpar que garante a constatação da desigualdade social se refere ao comportamento altamente concentrador da estrutura fundiária da região. Ao longo do trabalho. foi possível identificar as determinações territoriais da lógica da produção de commodities impressas nesse município, pela ação do capital monopolista e financeiro. Essas determinações também oportunizaram observar claramente que o pêndulo das oportunidades se direcionam em grande medida para os sujeitos que aportam no município providos de capital. A administração pública ineficiente e a baixa absorção de mão de obra por parte do setor privado demonstram quão segregador é esse processo. A inadimplência, a falta de oportunidades e o alijamento da população camponesa, homens e mulheres não conseguem dialogar com o discurso de desenvolvimento e prosperidade, ventilada aos quatro cantos do país pelo discurso hegemônico. A realidade é que a produção nos cerrados piauienses tem, de fato, alcançado patamares elevados de produção e produtividade; no entanto, a promoção de ganhos é unilaterial, o que amplia os desníveis e injustiças sociais dos quais grande parcela da comunidade local é vítima. / The process of capitalist monopolization in agriculture which the region of the Savannas of Piauí experience refer to territorial transformations, and a recomposition in the territory of technical and organic reasons. This territorial restructuring adorns several factors that induce the pre-existing towns to adapt according to the dynamics from the field. In this regard, this thesis is mainly aimed to understand the new dynamics of rural-urban area of northeastern savannas arising from the recent development of agribusiness in the region, in particularly a town called Uruçui. The methodology employed in this work consisted of bibliographic survey, field research, construction of data from public and private institutions, direct observation, field jornal, cartographic and iconographic survey and, finally, the elaboration of the thesis. The methodological tools used provided the observation of elements apparently dissymmetric as homogenization and inequality that appear widely in the territorial regulations of the town. The homogenization of landscapes is a reflection of the mundialization of the agriculture and translates in the constitution of a monochromatic landscape. Within the framework of social relations of power, the hegomonic actions of the capital obliterate significant portion of the local community in this process. As one of the founding elements of economic dynamics present in the municipality is the application of resources relating to agricultural credits that aroused the interest of capitalized producers from different regions of the country. Another unique factor that ensures the evidence of social inequality refers to high concentrator behavior of the agrarian structure of the region. Over the course of the work it was possible to identify territorial determinations of the logic of production of commodities demonstrated in this municipality by monopoly capital and financial action. These determinations also nurture observe clearly the pendulum guide opportunities largely for producers who come in the municipality with capital. The inefficient public administration and low absorption of labour by private sector demonstrate how segregated is this process. Failury pay, lack of opportunities and the decrease of the rural population, men and women are unable to engage in dialogue of development and prosperity spread to the all corners of the country by the hegemonic discourse. In fact, The reality is that production on the savanas of Piauí has achieved high levels of production and productivity, however, the promotion of gains is unilateral which broadens gaps and social injustices from which large portion of the local community is the victim.

Mamíferos de médio e grande porte em fragmentos de Cerrado na Fazenda Experimental do Glória (Uberlândia, MG) / Medium and large-sized mammals in Cerrado fragments at the Fazenda Experimental do Glória (Uberlândia, MG)

Alves, Giselle Bastos 26 February 2010 (has links)
Considered a biodiversity hotspot, the Brazilian Cerrado contains a rich mammalian fauna, despite the high level of degradation in this area. The loss of habitat is major in the Triângulo Mineiro region, where few studies evaluated mammal diversity. In this way, the aim of this study was threefold: 1) evaluate the species richness and composition of medium and large-sized mammals in the Fazenda Experimental do Glória, 2) investigate the patterns of spatial distribution of these animals and 3) determine seasonal variations in this distribution patterns. The Fazenda Experimental do Glória (685 ha), hereafter called FEG, is located in the municipality of Uberlândia, Triângulo Mineiro region. Data were collected from august 2008 to October 2009, in a total of 116 field trips. Four fragments were studied, by walking in pre-existent trails. Medium and large-sized mammals were recorded in those trails through direct (visualizations) and indirect (observation of tracks, faeces, bones, vocalizations and interviews with local population) methods. Distribution of species in the physiognomies was obtained using presence/absence data, and this result was evaluated in order to suggest possible associations between habitat characteristics and species habitat use. Twenty-one medium and large-sized mammals were recorded in the study site, including three species considered vulnerable, three endangered and one critically endangered. Procyon cancrivorus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Mazama sp., Myrmecophaga tridactyla e Chrysocyon brachyurus presented the higher relative frequency. Gallery forest contained a high number of species (n =14) than the other physiognomies. Although a few species seemed restricted to certain habitats, most species explored several physiognomies, indicating a generalist pattern of habitat use. Regarding the frequency of use of different physiognomies, our results suggest that species use in a higher frequency those areas that present food and other important resources. Spatial distribution of species was similar between seasons, except for Lontra longicaudis, which presented a higher frequency in the dry season. This study point out the importance of FEG for mammal conservation; however, in the long-term, the small size and isolation of fragments in this area will not be able to maintain viable populations of the studied mammals. In this way, management decisions, such as connecting FEG fragments with each other and with the surrounding areas, are crucial for conservation of these populations. / O Cerrado, um dos hotspots para conservação da biodiversidade mundial, abriga uma rica fauna de mamíferos, mesmo diante da degradação atual do bioma. De forma similar, o elevado grau de devastação do Cerrado é refletido para o estado de Minas Gerais incluindo o Triângulo, onde estudos da mastofauna são incipientes. Dessa forma, este estudo objetivou determinar a riqueza e composição de mamíferos de médio e grande porte na Fazenda Experimental do Glória; avaliar os padrões de distribuição espacial das espécies e o uso do mosaico de fitofisionomias, bem como identificar possíveis variações da distribuição entre estações climáticas. A Fazenda Experimental do Glória (FEG), área deste estudo, está situada no município de Uberlândia, na região do Triângulo Mineiro e possui uma área de 685 ha. Os dados foram coletados de agosto de 2008 a outubro de 2009, totalizando 116 visitas a campo. Foram selecionados quatro fragmentos naturais ou em regeneração que foram percorridos em trilhas pré-existentes. Os mamíferos de médio e grande porte foram registrados por meio de métodos indiretos (pegadas, fezes, crânios, tegumentos, vocalizações e entrevistas) e diretos (visualizações). A distribuição das espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte foi obtida a partir dos registros de presença nos fragmentos. O uso das fitofisionomias foi analisado buscando sugerir possíveis associações entre características do ambiente e a presença das espécies. Foram registradas 21 espécies de mamíferos silvestres de médio e grande porte, sendo três espécies vulneráveis, três em perigo e uma criticamente em perigo para Minas Gerais. As espécies com maior freqüência relativa foram Procyon cancrivorus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Mazama sp., Myrmecophaga tridactyla e Chrysocyon brachyurus. A fitofisionomia mais especiosa foi a mata de galeria (n =14) e embora alguns mamíferos pareçam restritos a um habitat, a maioria deles explorou mais de uma fitofisionomia analisada, mostrando-se generalistas. Em relação à freqüência de uso das diferentes fitofisionomias, as espécies parecem usar com maior freqüência ambientes que ofereçam os recursos alimentares que elas necessitam. A distribuição das espécies não diferiu entre as estações seca e chuvosa, exceto para Lontra longicaudis, que teve maior ocorrência na estação seca. Portanto, a FEG desempenha importante papel na conservação da mastofauna, porém essa área isolada não conseguirá manter populações viáveis de todas as espécies, a médio e longo prazo, sendo necessária a adoção de medidas conservacionistas, como por exemplo, conectar os fragmentos da FEG entre si e com as áreas de entorno. / Mestre em Ecologia e Conservação de Recursos Naturais

Efeito do plantio de Acacia mangium Willd. (Fabaceae) sobre a riqueza e diversidade arbórea em áreas de savana na Amazônia setentrional

Sidney Araújo de Sousa 21 August 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a riqueza e a diversidade arbórea em áreas de savana natural e em áreas convertidas em monocultivos de Acacia mangium na Amazônia Setentrional. Todas as plantas com diâmetro de base maior ou igual a 2 cm foram medidas em 25 parcelas longas e estreitas (250m x 2m) de 0,05 hectares distribuídas em uma área de 190 km2, sendo 8 parcelas em áreas de savana e 17 em plantios. Foram amostrados 1365 indivíduos de espécies arbóreas e arbustivas, sendo 829 indivíduos de A. mangium (60,7%) e 536 indivíduos (39,2%) de espécies nativas. No total, foram registradas 62 espécies arbóreas e arbustivas, sendo 8 espécies típicas de savana (12,9% do total de espécies), 34 espécies florestais (54,9%) e 20 espécies (32,2%) consideradas generalistas, por ocorrerem tanto em savana como em floresta. A maioria das espécies de savana (7) foram encontradas nos plantios de A. mangium, sugerindo que o tempo de estabelecimento dos plantios ainda não atingiu um limite de alterações microclimáticas para excluir todas as espécies de savana. Apenas a riqueza e a diversidade de espécies arbóreas florestais foram relacionadas positivamente com a área basal e a idade dos plantios de A. mangium, indicando que a exclusão do fogo e alterações microclimáticas estão propiciando mudanças abruptas na composição de espécies na área. A distância mais próxima às áreas nativas (floresta e savana) não explicou as variações de riqueza e diversidade de espécies arbóreas encontradas nos plantios. A conversão da savana em plantios florestais de A. mangium causa alterações bruscas na composição de espécies, propiciando a entrada de espécies arbóreas em áreas antes ocupadas por espécies de savana. Os resultados apresentados não permitem afirmar que os plantios florestais podem servir como áreas complementares para conservação da biodiversidade das savanas, tendo em vista as alterações causadas na composição de espécies. Futuros estudos devem focar em outros importantes componentes da biodiversidade das savanas amazônicas como ervas e gramíneas e sobre o efeito da permeabilidade e conectividade da paisagem. / This study aimed to estimate tree species richness and diversity in natural savannas and savannas converted to Acacia mangium plantations in northern Amazonia. All trees with base diameter greater than or equal to 2 cm were measured and identified using thin and long (250m x 2m) plots of 0.05 hectares (8 plots in savannas and 17 plots in Acacia plantations). We found 1365 individuals, 829 (60.7%) of which were of A. mangium, and the remaining 536 (39.2%) from native species. Typical savanna trees were represented by eight species (12.9%), while 34 species (54.9%) were forest species and 20 (32.2%) were habitat generalists. Most savanna species (7) were found in the understory of plantations. Only richness and diversity of forest species were positively related to plantations age and basal area, indicating that possibly fire exclusion and microclimatic changes are favoring the establishment of forest species in the plantation understory. The nearest distance from native forest and/or savanna patch did not explain the variation in richness and diversity of tree species found in the plantations. In conclusion, tree plantation promoted a deep change in species composition in the area, allowing the entrance of tree species not found before in local savannas. Although several savanna species were found in plantations, the results are not conclusive regarding a complementary role of forest plantations for conservation of savanna woody species in northern Amazonia. Future studies should focus on other components of biodiversity such as herbs and grasses and in determining the effects of connectivity and permeability of this landscape.

Using remote sensing indices to evaluate habitat intactness in the Bushbuckridge area : a key to effective planning

Motswaledi, Mokhine 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Anthropological influences are threatening the state of many savanna ecosystems in most rural landscapes around the world. Effective monitoring and management of these landscapes requires up to date maps and data on the state of the environment. Degradation data over a range of scales is often not readily available due to a lack of financial resources, time and technical capabilities. The aim of this research was to use a medium resolution multispectral SPOT 5 image from 2010 and Landsat 8 images from 2014 to map habitat intactness in the Bushbuckridge and Kruger National Park (KNP) region. The images were pre-processed and segmented into meaningful image objects using an object based image analysis (OBIA) approach. Five image derivatives namely: brightness, compactness, NIR standard deviation, area and the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) were evaluated for their capability to model habitat intactness. A habitat intactness index was generated by combining the five derivatives and rescaling them to a data range of 0 to 10, with 0 representing completely transformed areas, 10 being undisturbed natural vegetation. Field data were collected in October 2014 using a field assessment form consisting of 10 questions related to ecosystem state, in order to facilitate comparisons with the remote sensing habitat intactness index. Both satellite data sets yielded low overall accuracies below 30%. The results were improved by applying a correction factor to the reference data. The results significantly improved with SPOT 5 producing the highest overall accuracy of 62.6%. The Landsat 8 image for May 2014 achieved an improved accuracy of 60.2%. The SPOT 5 results showed to be a better predictor of habitat intactness as it assigned natural vegetation with better accuracy, while Landsat 8 correctly assigned mostly degraded areas. These findings suggest that the method was not easily transferable between the different satellite sensors in this savanna landscape, with a high occurrence of forest plantations and rural settlements too. These areas caused high omission errors in the reference data, resulting in the moderate overall accuracies obtained. It is recommended that these sites be clipped out of the analysis in order to obtain acceptable accuracies for non-transformed areas. The study nevertheless demonstrated that the habitat intactness index maps derived can be a useful data source for mapping general patterns of degradation especially on a regional scale. Therefore, the methods tested in this study can be integrated in habitat mapping projects for effective conservation planning. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Antropologiese invloede bedreig die toestand van savanna-ekostelsels in die meeste landelike landskappe regoor die wêreld. Doeltreffende monitering en bestuur van hierdie landskappe vereis op datum kaarte en inligting oor die toestand van die omgewing. Agteruitgangsdata van verskillende skale is dikwels nie geredelik beskikbaar nie weens 'n gebrek aan finansiële hulpbronne, tyd en tegniese vermoëns. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om ‘n hoë resolusie multispektrale SPOT 5 beeld van 2010 en Landsat 8 beelde van 2014 te gebruik om die habitatongeskondenheid in die Bushbuckridge en Kruger Nasionale Park (KNP) streek te karteer. Die beelde is voorverwerk en gesegmenteer om sinvolle beeldvoorwerpe te skep deur die gebruik van ‘n voorwerp gebaseerde beeldanalise (OBIA) benadering. Vyf beeldafgeleides naamlik: helderheid, kompaktheid, NIR standaardafwyking, area en die genormaliseerde verskil plantegroei-indeks (NDVI) is geëvalueer vir hul vermoë om habitat ongeskondenheid te modelleer. ‘n Habitatongeskondenheidsindeks is gegenereer deur die kombinasie van die vyf afgeleides wat herskaal is na 'n datareeks van 0 tot 10, met 0 om totaal getransformeerde gebiede te verteenwoordig en 10 om ongestoorde natuurlike plantegroei voor te stel. Velddata is versamel in Oktober 2014 met gebruik van 'n veldassesseringsvorm, bestaande uit 10 vrae wat verband hou met die toestand van die ekostelsel, om vergelykings met die afstandswaarneming habitatongeskondenheidsindeks te fasiliteer. Beide satellietdatastelle het lae algehele akkuraatheid onder 30% opgelewer. Die resultate is deur die toepassing van 'n regstellingsfaktor tot die verwysing data verbeter. Die resultate het aansienlik verbeter met SPOT 5 wat die hoogste algehele akkuraatheid van 62.6% gelewer het. Die Landsat 8 beeld vir Mei 2014 bereik 'n verbeterde akkuraatheid van 60.2%. Die SPOT 5 resultate het geblyk om ‘n beter voorspeller van habitatongeskondenheid te wees as gevolg van ‘n beter akkuraatheid vir natuurlike plantegroei, terwyl Landsat meestal gedegradeerde gebiede kon voorspel. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat die metode nie maklik oordraagbaar was tussen die verskillende satelliet sensors in hierdie savanna landskap nie, veral as gevolg van ‘n hoë voorkoms van bosbouplantasies en landelike nedersettings. Hierdie gebiede veroorsaak hoë weglatingsfoute in die verwysing data, wat lei tot gematigde algehele akkuraatheid. Dit word aanbeveel dat hierdie areas gemasker word tydens die ontleding om aanvaarbare akkuraatheid te verkry vir nie-getransformeerde gebiede. Nogtans het die studie getoon dat die afgeleide habitatongeskondenheidsindekskaarte ‘n nuttige bron van data kan wees vir die kartering van algemene patrone van agteruitgang, veral op 'n plaaslike skaal. Daarom kan die getoetsde metodes in die studie in habitatkarteringsprojekte vir doeltreffende bewaring beplanning geïntegreer word. Stellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za

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