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Comparação entre a quantidade de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) e contagem de células somáticas (CCS) de leite proveniente de glândulas mamárias de bovinos com mastite subclínica e associadas à presença de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. e a associação de ambos microrganismos / Comparison between the amount of colony forming units (CFU) and the somatic cells count (SCC) from milk taken from bovines mammary glands, suffering from subclinical mastitis, associated to the presence of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. as well as the association of both microorganismsAnna Catharina Maia Del Guercio Von Sydow 18 August 2010 (has links)
A mastite é uma doença complexa que pode ter diferentes causas, graus de intensidade e variações de duração e de conseqüências. Os processos inflamatórios na glândula mamária são especialmente freqüentes e importantes em bovinos leiteiros. A mastite infecciosa é a mais importante sob os pontos de vista econômico e de saúde pública. A forma subclínica é a mais onerosa e prevalente com um comprometimento mundial de 40% do rebanho leiteiro e perdas econômicas entre 5% e 25% da produção leiteira. No Brasil, a mastite subclínica caracteriza-se pela alta incidência, com índices variando de 44,88% a 97,0%, e a redução da produção leiteira situa-se entre 25,4% e 43,0%. Dentre os agentes etiológicos mais isolados em casos de mastite subclínica destacam-se os Staphylococcus spp., os Streptococcus spp. e o Corynebacterium bovis. A quantidade de UFC/mL no leite proveniente diretamente da glândula mamária bovina com infecção permitiria o conhecimento da quantidade de microrganismos associada a uma determinada intensidade de processo inflamatório na glândula. A comparação destas informações com a contagem de células somáticas na amostra avaliaria mais acuradamente a natureza do processo inflamatório e infeccioso na glândula. Importante seria o risco que representa a presença de microrganismos no leite, sobretudo se considerar o hábito do consumo de leite in natura, verificando em um estudo quantitativo desta natureza, a carga microbiana ingerida pelo homem. Foram examinadas 80 amostras de leite de vacas mestiças ou holandesas, primíparas e multíparas, em diferentes estágios de lactação de plantéis do Estado de São Paulo. Quatro grupos foram formados de 20 animais cada: grupos com crescimento negativo, de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. em cultura pura e grupo com a associação de ambos microrganismos. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em avaliação comparativa da quantidade de UFC/mL de microrganismos e CCSs no leite proveniente de glândulas mamárias bovinas, associadas com a presença dos microrganismos Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. e infecções mistas ocorridas com a presença de ambos. Tanto Staphylococcus spp. (mediana = 4,772), quanto Streptococcus spp. em cultura pura (mediana = 5,933), não apresentam diferenças significativas na contagem de UFC com seus respectivos agentes em associação (Staphylococcus spp. com mediana da associação foi de 5,048 e mediana de Streptococcus spp. da associação foi de 5,792). Nas amostras em que houve crescimento de Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. associados, a quantidade de UFC de Streptococcus spp. foi estatisticamente maior. Comparados entre si (crescimento em cultura pura de Staphylococcus spp. com mediana = 5,765 e Streptococcus spp., mediana = 5,920), mesmo apresentando um maior número na CCSs no grupo de crescimento de Streptococcus spp., este aumento não foi significativo estatisticamente. Porém, quando associados (mediana = 5,673), comparados à cultura pura de Staphylococcus spp. (mediana = 5,765), este último teve aumento significativo. Tanto em cultura pura como em associação, a presença dos microrganismos quando comparados, não induziram a um aumento significativo na CCSs ou à contagem de UFCs em amostras de leite com sinais de mastite subclínica, porém Staphylococcus spp. induziu maior contagem de células somáticas / Mastitis is a complex disease that can occur due to different causes, intensity of degrees and variation of duration and consequences. The inflammatory processes in the mammary gland are specially frequent and important in dairy producing cattle. The infectious mastitis is the most important because of the economic aspects and public health. The subclinical manifestation is the most expensive and prevailing affecting 40% of the milk producing herd and causing an economic loss between 5% and 25% of all dairy production. In Brazil, the subclinical mastitis is characterized by high incidence, with indexes varying from 44,8% to 97,0 % with the reduction of milk production between 25,4% and 43%. Among the more isolated etiological agents in subclinical mastitis, is the Staphylococcus spp., the Streptococcus spp. and the Corynebacterium bovis. The amount of CFU/mL in the milk directly originated from the infected cow mammary gland would make possible to know the amount of microorganisms associated to a determined intensity of inflammatory process in the gland. The comparison between this information with the number of body cells in the sample would evaluate more precisely the nature of the inflammatory process in the gland. The risk represented by the presence of microorganisms in the milk is very important mainly because of the habit of milk consumption in natura, checked in a quantitative study of this nature, based on the amount of microbes intake by man. Eight milk samples of half-breed cows and Dutch cows were examined as well as those in first or after various calving, in different lactation stages in breeding stocks in São Paulo State. Four groups were organized, with 20 animals in each with negative Staphylococcus spp. growth and Streptococcus spp. in pure culture and group, with the association of both microorganisms. The purpose of this study is the comparative assessment of the amount of CFU/mL of microorganisms and CCSs in the milk from the mammary bovine glands, associated with the presence of microorganisms Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. and a mixed infection that occurred with the presence of both. The Staphylococcus spp. (median = 4,772) as well as the Streptococcus spp. in pure culture (median= 5,933) did not show significant differences in the CFU count, with their respective agents in association (Staphylococcus spp. with median of association was of 5,048 and median of Streptococcus spp. of the association was of 5,792). On the samples in which there was a growth of Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. associated, the amount of CFU of Streptococcus spp. was statistically larger. Compared between themselves (growth in pure culture of Staphylococcus spp., median = 5,920, this increase wasnt statistically significant. Although when associated (median=5,673), compared to the pure culture of Staphylococcus spp. (median=5,765), the latter had a significant increase. In pure culture as well as in association, the presence of microorganisms when compared to a significant increase in CCSs or to the CFUs count in milk samples with indication of subclinical mastitis, but the Staphylococcus spp. induced a larger count of somatic cells
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On-chip Pipelined Parallel Mergesort on the Intel Single-Chip Cloud ComputerAvdic, Kenan January 2014 (has links)
With the advent of mass-market consumer multicore processors, the growing trend in the consumer off-the-shelf general purpose processor industry has moved away from increasing clock frequency as the classical approach for achieving higher performance. This is commonly attributed to the well-known problems of power consumption and heat dissipation with high frequencies and voltage. This paradigm shift has prompted research into a relatively new field of "many-core" processors, such as the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer. The SCC is a concept vehicle, an experimental homogenous architecture employing 48 IA32 cores interconnected by a high-speed communication network. As similar multiprocessor systems, such as the Cell Broadband Engine, demonstrate a significantly higher aggregate bandwidth in the interconnect network than in memory, we examine the viability of a pipelined approach to sorting on the Intel SCC. By tailoring an algorithm to the architecture, we investigate whether this is also the case with the SCC and whether employing a pipelining technique alleviates the classical memory bottleneck problem or provides any performance benefits. For this purpose, we employ and combine different classic algorithms, most significantly, parallel mergesort and samplesort.
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Evaluating the time-dependent deformations and bond characteristics of a self-consolidating concrete mix and the implication for pretensioned[sic] bridge applicationsLarson, Kyle Hatch January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Civil Engineering / Robert J. Peterman / Results of an extensive experimental program conducted to determine the material, bond characteristics, and time-dependent deformations of a proposed self-consolidating concrete (SCC) mixture for bridge girders are presented. This research program was completed in a three-step process. The first phase consisted of 15 full-scale, pretensioned SCC flexural specimens that were tested to evaluate their transfer and development lengths. These specimens included both single-strand and multiple-strand beams, as well as specimens designed to evaluate the so-called “top-strand" effect. The top-strand specimens, with more than 20 inches of concrete below the strand, were tested to evaluate the current American Association of State Highway Officials requirement of a 30% increase development length when the concrete below the strand is more than 12 inches. Strand end-slip measurements, used to estimate transfer lengths, indicated the proposed SCC mixture meets ACI and AASHTO requirements. In addition, flexural tests confirmed the proposed SCC mixture also meets current code requirements for development length.
The second step was to evaluate the elastic shortening, creep, and shrinkage properties of the proposed SCC mixture for bridge girders. Four bridge girders with an inverted-T profile were used to measure these time-dependent deformations. In two of the specimens, the strands were tensioned to 75% of ultimate tensile strength (representing a girder that would be put into service). Strands of the other two specimens were left untensioned to evaluate shrinkage effect of the concrete alone. The shrinkage was then subtracted from the fully tensioned specimens and elastic shortening and creep were isolated after relaxation losses were calculated from code expressions. In addition, the fully tensioned specimens were used to determine transfer lengths of the prestressing strand.
The final step in the program was to record strain measurements in actual bridge girders used in the field. Elastic shortening, creep, and shrinkage prestress loss results of the proposed SCC mixture were compared with current design equations. Instrumentation of seven pretensioned girders in a five-span bridge located in Cowley County, Kansas, was used to measure time-dependent deformations. Three of these girders utilized SCC, while the other four were cast with conventional concrete.
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The effect of nitrite on pitting and stress corrosion cracking of corrosion resistant alloys (CRA) under oil field conditionsOkeremi, Akinyemi January 2011 (has links)
The need to inject treated seawater to enhance reservoir pressure and secondary oil recovery is increasing in the oil field, so also is the reservoir souring potential caused by the activities of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) generating H2S in the reservoir. The total cost of SRB mediated corrosion in the United States alone is estimated to be 1-2 billion US dollars per year. In the last few years, a number of potential souring mitigation and prevention tools have been studied. These include: sulphate-reduction using membranes, biocide injection and nitrate injection. Out of all the various methods used for the mitigation and prevention of reservoir souring, the use of nitrate injection in conjunction with waterflood projects is becoming more popular because of its economic benefits and least environmental impact. However, nitrate injection is still widely considered as an emergent technology because there are still many unknowns. One of the major unknowns, of great concern is the susceptibility of subsea hardware components to nitrite, which is a by-product of nitrate anti-souring treatment. Any detrimental effect can compromise the technical integrity of subsea installations. The objective of this research is to study the corrosion susceptibility of CRA (13Cr- Martensitic, 22Cr, and 25Cr super duplex stainless steel) to pitting and stress corrosion cracking in the presence of nitrite. Research hitherto, has investigated corrosion susceptibility of carbon steel to nitrite and found out that nitrite causes pitting in carbon steel. This research work built on previous studies and extensively investigated the effect of nitrite on CRA materials in terms of pitting and stress corrosion cracking. Using electrochemistry techniques in conjunction with C-ring test and slow strain rate test, with variables such as temperature, and nitrite concentration all under anaerobic conditions. Metallographic examination and further evaluation using scanning electron microscopy confirmed pitting and intergranular stress corrosion cracking of 13Cr-L80 and 25Cr due to presence of nitrite.Test data confirmed that sodium nitrite is an anodic inhibitor; it shifts the corrosion potentials to more noble potential and also shifts the anodic curve to lower current, given a net reduction in corrosion rate. A critical concentration of 400ppm is required for inhibition to be effective on 13Cr-L80 and 25Cr. However, below the critical concentration, nitrite significantly increases the corrosion rate. The experimental data generated from this research work provides very valuable information that will tremendously assist the materials selection process for subsea and subsurface hardware components and also serve as a guide in the corrosion management process in existing systems.
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Software pro řízení experimentů na biomechanickém testovacím zařízení. / The Software for Experiments Control on Biomechanical Machine.Hejč, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of this masters thesis is the design and the realization of graphical user interface for constructionally-advanced prototype of biochemical device, which was realized in terms of the cooperation of ISMMB (Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics) and IAI (Institute of Automation and Computer Science). The NI LabVIEW developing suite has been used as the main design tool of this software. This experimental device is used to investigate characteristics of spinal vertebra. The main aim of this thesis is to realize the control software, which is able to plan, initialize and record the long-term experiments on this device. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. First part is focused on the description of the experimental device and sums all apointed requirements. This part also includes characterization of software tools, that has been used to realization in NI LabVIEW 8.6 development suite. The practical part deals with the design and successive realization of the developed application used for planning and controlling experiments, and also describes performed long-term tests. The solutions of a few fundamental problems, which were shown during these tests, are also included.
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Estudo da infecção intramamária e dos métodos de triagem para detecção de mastite subclínica em búfalas /Sales, Danielle Cavalcanti January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Humberto Tonhati / Resumo: A mastite é a enfermidade que mais causa prejuízos de ordem quantitativa e qualitativa nos sistemas de produção de leite no mundo. A prevenção e controle da doença precisam envolver atividades práticas e eficientes que auxiliem a tomada de decisões rápidas na fazenda. Os métodos de triagem para o diagnóstico da mastite aplicados às búfalas leiteiras são aqueles desenvolvidos especificamente para as vacas. Assim, o objetivo geral da tese foi estudar a mastite subclínica em búfalas e avaliar os métodos de triagem que auxiliam o diagnóstico da doença na fazenda. O trabalho se divide em quatro capítulos que tratam de: revisar a literatura sobre as temáticas (I); caracterizar o leite de quartos mamários com e sem infecção intramamária, e avaliar a associação entre a presença de infecção intramamária e as características microbiológicas do leite de quartos mamários de búfalas, posição dos tetos e os resultados dos métodos de triagem (II); e avaliar os testes rápidos California Mastitis Test , Somaticell e condutividade elétrica como métodos de triagem para auxiliar o diagnóstico da mastite subclínica em búfalas diretamente na fazenda (III). O estudo foi realizado em um rebanho de búfalas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Foram colhidas 533 amostras de leite de quartos mamários que foram submetidas à contagem eletrônica de células somáticas (CCS), aos testes de triagem (California Mastitis Test – CMT, teste Somaticell - SO e condutividade elétrica – CEL) e ao exame microbiológico pa... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Mastitis is the disease that causes the most quantitative and qualitative losses in milk production systems in the world. Disease prevention and control need to involve practical and efficient actions that may help on decision-making on farm. Screening methods applied for mastitis diagnosis in dairy buffaloes are those developed specifically for cows. Thus, the objective of the thesis was to study subclinical mastitis in buffaloes and to evaluate the screening methods that help the disease diagnosis in farm. The work is divided into four chapters that deal with: reviewing the literature on the themes (I); to characterize breast milk with and without intramammary infection and to evaluate the association between the presence of intramammary infection and microbiological characteristics of buffalo milk, teat position, and the results of screening methods (II); and evaluate the California Mastitis Test (CMT), Somaticell (SO) and electrical conductivity (EC) rapid tests as a screening method to assist the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in buffaloes on farm (III). The work was developed in a buffaloes commercial herd in the Rio Grande do Norte state. A total of 533 randomly selected milk samples were obtained and submitted to electronic somatic cell count (SCC), screening tests (CMT, SO and EC) and microbiological examination for diagnosis of subclinical mastitis (IMM: positive/negative), infection classification (negative, contagious, environmental, mixed and opportunistic) an... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Numerical Modelling of Self-Compacting Concrete Flow : Discrete and Continuous ApproachGram, Annika January 2009 (has links)
With the advent of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) that flows freely, under the soleinfluence of gravity, the wish for hassle-free and predictable castings even in complexcases, spurged the simulation of concrete flow as a means to model and predictconcrete workability. To achieve complete and reliable form filling with smoothsurfaces of the concrete, the reinforced formwork geometry must be compatible withthe rheology of the fresh SCC. Predicting flow behavior in the formwork and linkingthe required rheological parameters to flow tests performed on the site will ensurean optimization of the casting process.In this thesis, numerical simulation of concrete flow is investigated, using both discreteas well as continuous approaches.The discrete particle model here serves as a means to simulate details and phenomenaconcerning aggregates modeled as individual objects. The here presented cases aresimulated with spherical particles. However, it is possible to make use of nonsphericalparticles as well. Aggregate surface roughness, size and aspect ratio maybe modeles by particle friction, size and clumping several spheres into forming thedesired particle shape.The continuous approach has been used to simulate large volumes of concrete. Theconcrete is modeled as a homogeneous material, particular effects of aggregates,such as blocking or segregation are not accounted for. Good correspondence wasachieved with a Bingham material model used to simulate concrete laboratory tests(e.g. slump flow, L-box) and form filling. Flow of concrete in a particularly congestedsection of a double-tee slab as well as two lifts of a multi-layered full scale wall castingwere simulated sucessfully.A large scale quantitative analysis is performed rather smoothly with the continuousapproach. Smaller scale details and phenomena are better captured qualitativelywith the discrete particle approach. As computer speed and capacity constantlyevolves, simulation detail and sample volume will be allowed to increase.A future merging of the homogeneous fluid model with the particle approach to formparticles in the fluid will feature the flow of concrete as the physical suspension thatit represents. One single ellipsoidal particle falling in a Newtonian fluid was studiedas a first step. / Med uppkomsten av självkompakterande betong (SKB) och dess möjligheter att flyta ut under inverkan av endast gravitation uppstod ett behov av att kunna förutsäga och kontrollera även mer komplicerade gjutningar. Numerisk simulering av SKBs flöde kan kommma att utgöra ett kraftfullt verktyg för att optimera gjutprocessen, ge möjlighet att förutsäga nödbvändig arbetbarhet och säkerställa kompatibilitet mellan den armerade formen och betongens reologi. I föreliggande avhandling undersöks betongens flöde med både diskreta och kontinuumbaserade simuleringsmetoder. Den diskreta partikelmodellen används för att simulera detaljer och fenomen hos t.ex. ballast i betong. I de här presenterade simuleringarna används sfäriska partiklar, men det är även möjligt att skapa ballastkorn av olika form. Ballastens ytråhet och storlek kan modelleras med parametrar för friktion och storlek medan sammanfogning av ett flertal partiklar kan ge ekvivalent form. Den kontinuumbaserade ansatsen används för att simulera större flödesmängder. Betongen modelleras som ett homogent material, eventuella effekter av ballastens inverkan, till exempel blockering eller separation, ingår ej. God överensstämmelse har uppnåtts med Binghams materialmodell som applicerats på några av SKBs provningsmetoder (bl a flytsättmått och L-låda) liksom även för större gjutningar. Formfyllnad av en hårt armerad sektion av ett STT-element, liksom två pumpade betongleveranser till en hög vägg, har framgångsrikt simulerats. En kvantitativ övergripande analys av betongflödet i formen kan göras med den kontinuumbaserade ansatsen för att upptäcka zoner med eventuella svårigheter. En högupplöst detaljstudie kompletterar sedan analysen på valda delar av och kring dessa zoner för att fånga partikelfenomen kvalitativt med hjälv av den diskreta modellen. Då datorkapaciteten ökar kommer även större volymer med högre detaljrikedom att kunna simuleras. En framtida modell simulerar med stor sannolikhet partiklar i flöde, vilket till fullo kan fånga betongens egenskaper som suspension. Som ett första steg på vägen har en fallande ellipsoid i en newtonsk vätska simulerats.
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Behaviour of High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Columns under Axial LoadingMohammadi Hosinieh, Milad January 2014 (has links)
When compared to traditional concrete, steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) shows several enhancements in performance, including improved tensile resistance, toughness and ductility. One potential application for SFRC is in columns where the provision of steel fibres can improve performance under axial and lateral loads. The use of SFRC can also allow for partial replacement of transverse reinforcement required by modern seismic codes. To improve workability, self-consolidating concrete (SCC) can be combined with steel fibres, leading to highly workable SFRC suitable for structural applications. Recent advances in material science have also led to the development of ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concretes (UHPFRC), a material which exhibits very high compressive strength, enhanced post-cracking resistance and high damage tolerance. In heavily loaded ground-story columns, the use of UHPFRC can allow for reduced column sections.
This thesis presents the results from a comprehensive research program conducted to study the axial behaviour of columns constructed with highly workable SFRC and UHPFRC. As part of the experimental program, twenty-three full-scale columns were tested under pure axial compressive loading. In the case of the SFRC columns, columns having rectangular section and constructed with SCC and steel fibres were tested, with variables including fibre content and spacing of transverse reinforcement. The results confirm that use of fibres results in improved column behaviour due to enhancements in core confinement and cover behaviour. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the provision of steel fibres in columns can allow for partial replacement of transverse reinforcement required by modern codes. The analytical investigation indicates that confinement models proposed by other researchers for traditional RC and SFRC can predict the response of columns constructed with SCC and highly workable SFRC. In the case of the UHPFRC columns, variables included configuration and spacing of transverse reinforcement. The results demonstrate that the use of appropriate detailing in UHPFRC columns can result in suitable ductility. Furthermore, the results demonstrate the improved damage tolerance of UHPFRC when compared to traditional high-strength concrete. The analytical investigation demonstrates the need for development of confinement models specific for UHPFRC.
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Study of the corrosion and cracking susceptibility of low carbon steels under cathodic protection with AC InterferenceSanchez Camacho, Lizeth johana 24 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Men and Women are Not Just From Different Planets: The Role of Sex-Based Differences in the Prevention of Non-Melanoma Skin CancerBurns, Erin Marie 05 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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