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Early maladaptive schemas and their relationship to psychopathology in adolescenceMakinson, Jenny Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
Schema therapy was developed by Jeffery Young to treat adults with personality disorders, and has been evidenced to be effective in treating both Axis I and Axis II disorders. While Young stipulates that schemas are likely to be in place by adolescence, there is currently little agreement over the appropriateness of schema theory and therapy in understanding and treating psychopathology in adolescence. This thesis aims to explore the evidence–base and potential utility of applying schema theory to adolescent psychopathology, and consists of a systematic review and research article. The review included published studies measuring Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) in 12 to 18 year olds, including those exploring relationships between EMS and psychopathology. The search of relevant literature from 1990 to 2012 yielded 19 articles for review, which were then subject to assessment of methodological quality. Most studies were assessed as ‘moderate’ in quality. Good quality evidence was found for the detection of higher rates of EMS in clinical or referred adolescent populations compared to non–clinical populations, as well as some evidence for effects of age and gender on EMS. Less consistent evidence was found for specific associations between individual EMS or domains and particular types of psychopathology or problem behaviour. Common limitations of the articles reviewed included poor control of confounding variables and little testing of EMS alongside contextual constructs to provide validation of findings. The main research article used a quantitative, questionnaire–based cross– sectional design to test the dimensionality of the schema concept in a population of 12 to 18 year–olds, comparing levels of EMS between a referred and non–referred group. EMS were measured alongside attachment and interpersonal behaviours to test their unique predictive effect on psychopathology. Specific relationships between individual groups of EMS and type of psychopathology were also explored. Results showed that the referred group scored significantly higher than the non–referred group on overall schema score. Schemas were found to significantly predict level of psychopathology, over and above prediction by attachment or interpersonal behaviour scores. There was also evidence for the specific prediction of internalising and externalising problem behaviour, affective, anxiety, oppositional–defiant and conduct problems by clusters of EMS. In conclusion, EMS appear to be a valid concept in predicting and understanding psychopathology in adolescence. A conceptual model is suggested for future research to explore the adaptation of schema theory more fully within developmental psychopathology. It is hoped that future research will test other aspects of schema theory in adolescents such as coping styles and modes. It is proposed that, following further validating evidence, this may result in the development of improved interventions for a range of presenting problems in adolescence.
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Examining how post-secondary L2 readers make use of background knowledge when reading literary texts an exploratory studyAguiar, Aline January 2011 (has links)
Literary texts offer rich opportunities for language learning. However, can second language (L2) learners fully understand L2 literary texts? According to Bernhardt (2001):"the act of reading in a second language is extremely tricky -- is even trickier with literary texts that are inherently ambiguous, full of metaphor and intertextual relations to texts to which the readers have no access" (p.198). In other words, L2 readers are often poorly equipped grammatically, linguistically and culturally to cope with literary texts in which it might be difficult to recognize figurative language, to comprehend metaphors, to identify underlying cultural assumptions and above all to think critically while navigating those complexities. Therefore, during the reading process, L2 readers encounter gaps in the text which necessarily compel them to use whatever background knowledge they possess in order to create meaning. The purpose of this research is to see exactly how post-secondary L2 readers use their existing background knowledge to understand literary texts and what they do when confronted with text passages for which they lack such knowledge.
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The Effects Of Prior Knowledge Activation On Learner Retention Of New Concepts In Learning ObjectsHenderson, Kelsey 01 January 2007 (has links)
Establishing relationships between a learner's prior knowledge and any new concepts he or she will be expected to learn is an important instructional activity. Learning objects are often devoid of such activities in an attempt to maintain their conciseness and reusability in a variety of instructional contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine the efficacy of using questioning as a prior knowledge activation strategy in learning objects. Previous research on the use prior knowledge activation strategies supports their effectiveness in helping to improve learner retention. Approaches such as questioning, advance organizers, and group discussions are examples of techniques used in previous studies. Participants enrolled in a Navy engineering curriculum were randomly assigned to two groups (experimental and comparison). The experimental group was exposed to a prior knowledge activation component at the start of session I, while the comparison group received no treatment. Participants in both groups were tested at three different times during the course of the study- the pretest, at the start of session 1, posttest I, at the conclusion of session1, and posttest II, during session 2. The findings indicate that the prior knowledge activation strategy did not result in statistically significant differences between the levels of retention gained by the experimental and comparison groups. Due to administrative constraints experienced during the course of the study, statistical power was not achieved due to an insufficiently sized sample. Potential limitations and implications for future research directions are described.
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"Tänk om pappa ser att jag har målat naglarna?" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med yrkesverksamma inom skola med syfte att undersöka machokultur / "What if dad sees that i have painted my nails?" : A qualitative interviewstudy with people working in school purposing to study macho cultureEvertsson, Agnes, Pihlkvist, Anton January 2023 (has links)
The following study aims to investigate the concept of macho culture among younger boys in schools. The paper examines the extent to which the concept can be seen as a problem and whether schools are working with the topic. The paper is presented inductively through qualitative data collection based on interview studies. Before that, two theories, hegemonic masculinity and the gender schema theory, which permeate the study's results and analysis. The interview study took place over the course of the thesis and involved eight different professional school counsellors in different municipalities. The data generated was then subjected to thematic analysis where four themes emerged: poor attitudes, difficulties with emotions, limited norms and working methods. The constructed themes are later presented in terms of results, but also as a discussion analysis to highlight the connection with selected theories and previous research. Conclusions relevant to the study include the recognition of macho culture as a problem in the schools where we conducted interviews, the problem of working methods, and the influence of norms and values from home. / Följande studie syftar till att undersöka begreppet machokultur bland yngre killar inom skolvärlden. Uppsatsen kommer att studera i vilken grad begreppet kan ses som ett problem och huruvida skolor arbetar runt ämnet. Genom att inhämta data kvalitativt med utgångspunkt i intervjustudier har uppsatsen framställts induktivt. Dessförinnan introduceras två teorier, den hegemoniska maskuliniteten och the gender schema theory som genomsyrar studiens resultat och analys. Intervjustudien har skett över tid under uppsatsens förlopp och har innefattat åtta olika yrkesverksamma skolkuratorer och skolsocionomer inom varierande kommuner. Den data som framställts har sedan genomgått en tematisk analys där fyra teman framträdde: dålig attityd, svårt med känslor, snäva normer och svårt att omsätta arbete i praktiken. De teman som konstruerats presenteras senare rent resultatmässigt men även som en diskussionsanalys för att belysa anknytning till valda teorier samt tidigare forskning. Slutsatser som ligger till vikt för studien är bland annat erkännandet av machokultur som ett problem på de skolor där vi utfört intervjuer, problematiken med arbetssätt samt präglandet av normer och värderingar hemifrån.
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Gender Performativity and Motherhood in CoralineNilsson, Nina January 2019 (has links)
Coraline by Neil Gaiman has several characters who in many ways break gender norms. The main protagonist of the novel, Coraline, acts more in accordance with masculine gender norms, and the mother figures are mothers who do not fully conform to the traditional mother role. The purpose of this study is to look at how Coraline and the mother figures perform their gender, and in which ways this breaks with or aligns with traditional gender norms. The analytical approach is based on Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity, and on masculine and feminine gender schemas defined by John Stephens. For the analysis of motherhood, gender performativity has also been used, and works by Adrienne Rich and Einat Natalie Palkovich. This study shows that the protagonists challenge traditional gender role norms of masculinity and femininity, whereof motherhood is part. The study also shows that there is a lack of female role models for the young protagonist, and that acting according to masculine gender norms is desirable and necessary in the novel. But for the mothers, breaking gender norms is undesirable, dangerous, and even punished. A conclusion of the study is that even though Coraline appears to be a feminist novel, the underlying message is not entirely so.
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Enhancing Multi-model Inference with Natural SelectionChing-Wei Cheng (7582487) 30 October 2019 (has links)
<div>Multi-model inference covers a wide range of modern statistical applications such as variable selection, model confidence set, model averaging and variable importance.</div><div>The performance of multi-model inference depends on the availability of candidate models, whose quality has been rarely studied in literature. In this dissertation, we study genetic algorithm (GA) in order to obtain high-quality candidate models. Inspired by the process of natural selection, GA performs genetic operations such as selection, crossover and mutation iteratively to update a collection of potential solutions (models) until convergence. The convergence properties are studied based on the Markov chain theory and used to design an adaptive termination criterion that vastly reduces the computational cost. In addition, a new schema theory is established to characterize how the current model set is improved through evolutionary process. Extensive numerical experiments are carried out to verify our theory and demonstrate the empirical power of GA, and new findings are obtained for two real data examples. </div>
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Gender Role Identity and Audience Perceptions of Music VideosLegaspi, Melissa M. 09 June 2006 (has links)
The emergence in recent years of strong female musical artists asserting their sexuality as empowerment (Andsager & Roe, 2003; Gauntlett, 2002) has necessitated an evaluation of their depictions in music videos as perceived by contemporary target audiences. This study attempts to determine how viewers’ gender role identity, based upon gender schema theory (Bem, 1981; 1993) and measured through Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), relate to perceptions of female pop and hip hop artists’ music videos. It was hypothesized that sex-typed respondents would perceive portrayals as traditional more than other groups, whereas cross-sex typed respondents would perceive empowerment more than others groups. A convenience sample of 177 female undergraduate students was used for this cross-sectional study. Results did not support the hypotheses. Though some of the traditional items were found significant, no other significant differences emerged. Overall, gender role identity was ultimately found to have little relationship to perceptions of music video portrayals.
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Exploring Novice Teachers' Cognitive Processes Using Digital Video Technology: A Qualitative Case StudySun-Ongerth, Yuelu 20 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation describes a qualitative case study that investigated novice teachers’ video-aided reflection on their own teaching. To date, most studies that have investigated novice teachers’ video-aided reflective practice have focused on examining novice teachers’ levels of reflective writing rather than the cognitive processes involved during their reflection. Few studies have probed how novice teachers schematize and theorize their newly acquired and/or existing knowledge during video-aided reflection.
The purpose of this study was to explore novice teachers’ cognitive processes, particularly video-aided schematization and theorization (VAST), which is a set of cognitive processes that help novice teachers construct, restructure and reconstruct their professional knowledge and pedagogical thinking while reflecting on videos of their own teaching. The researcher measured novice teachers’ VAST by examining their schema construction and automation in terms of schema accretion, schema tuning and schema restructuring. The study attempted to answer the following questions: a) What is the focus of novice teachers’ video-aided reflection? and b) How do novice teachers connect the focus of their reflections to their prior knowledge and future actions?
The findings indicate that video-aided reflection could help novice teachers (1) notice what was needed to improve in their teaching practice, (2) realize how various elements in teaching were interrelated, and (3) construct, restructure, or reconstruct their professional knowledge – in other words, develop their schemata about teaching and learning through VAST. With a more developed and mature schemata, novice teachers could be able to better understand the various elements involved in teaching and learning, and handle the situations they encounter in their teaching. This may be because people’s schemata can provide the link between concepts and patterns of what they do (Rumelhart, 1980).
This research has provided a new way to look at novice teachers’ video-aided reflection: how the cognitive processes they experience during their reflection can help them develop the knowledge about teaching and learning, and how their cognitive development can help them grow toward becoming teaching experts. The research findings add to the knowledge base about the use of video technology in teachers’ self-reflection and professional development in teacher education.
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Film och mening : En receptionsstudie om spelfilm, filmpublik och existentiella frågorAxelson, Tomas January 2008 (has links)
In what ways and under what circumstances can a movie be a resource for individuals and their thoughts about existential matters? This central research question has been investigated using a both quantitative and qualitative approach. First, a questionnaire was distributed amongst 179 Swedish students to provide a preliminary overview of film habits. The questionnaire was also used as a tool for selecting respondents to individual interviews. Second, thirteen interviews were conducted, with viewers choosing their favourite movie of all time. In the study socio-cognitive theory and a schema-based theoretical tool is adopted to analyze how different viewers make use of movies as cultural products in an interplay between culture and cognition in three contexts; a socio-historic process, a socio-cultural interaction with the world and inner psychological processes. Summarizing the interviews some existential matters dominated. Matters of immanent orientation were in the foreground. Transcendental questions received much less attention. Summarizing the schema-based theoretical question, assessing which cognitive schema structures the narratives were processed through, the study found an emphasis on a combination of two main cognitive structures, person schema and self schema. Detailed person schematic cognitive processes about fictitious characters on the screen and their role model behaviour were combined by the respondents with dynamic cross-references to detailed self schematic introspections about their own characteristics, related to existential matters at some very specific moments in their lives. The viewers in the study seem to be inspired by movies as a mediated cultural resource, promoting the development of a personal moral framework with references to values deeply fostered by a humanistic tradition. It is argued that these findings support theories discussing individualised meaning making, developing ‘self-expression values’ and ‘altruistic individualism’ in contemporary western society.
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Die aanbieding van politiek as nuusonderwerp in Sarie, Rooi Rose en Fair Lady (1994-2005) / C.H. BoshoffBoshoff, Catharina Helena January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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