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Communicative language teaching : a comparison of the Lesotho form E (English) and South African grade 12 FAL (English) curriculaKobo, Mamorapeli Justinah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Includes glossary of terms / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the study presented, two English curriculum documents were analysed, one from
South Africa and the other from Lesotho. The analysis was focused on English first
additional language curriculum documents for what is known as Grade 12 in South
Africa and Form E in Lesotho. The two curricula are both informed by
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), with the concept
competence, which is the ability to use the linguistic system effectively and
appropriately, at its core. The two curricula are distinguished from each other
being locally developed (South Africa) and internationally developed (Lesotho)
curriculum documents.
Research contributions on the role that English plays in today‟s language learning
and teaching context introduce the study
An overview is provided of the
and the
essentials and difficulties perceived
in CLT
introduction in
Southern Africa.
Jacobs and Farrell‟s (2003) evaluative framework
for CLT is proposed as an indication of the extent to which CLT is evident in
ainst this background, the question arises of how CLT is realised in English first
additional language curriculum documents for Grade 12 in South Africa
for Form
in Lesotho
In answering the question, a qualitative content analysis method that
sets in interpretivist paradigm is employed for analysis of the curricula, and coding is
applied using the evaluative framework proposed by Jacobs and Farrell (2003). The
analysis attempts
evaluate the two English first additional language curriculum
documents (curricula plans
). First,
exploration of the structures of the two
curriculum documents was done. Second, the evaluation of the curricula against
Jacobs and Farrell‟s (2003
eight changes in language teaching and learning
followed. Third, the comparison of the two curricula was carried out. Evaluation and
comparison processes were carried out for the purpose of determining which of the
two curricula best realises CLT.
Reflecting on what is needed in the choice of English first additional language
curricula, the conclusion is reached that (a) curricula need to be explicit in describing
texts for language teaching, (b) they need to include oral and listening proficiency,
and (c) a locally developed curriculum realises the CLT elements better than
an internationally developed curriculum document. This means that learners‟ needs are
tter accommodated when local context and situations are in use. With this,
learners bring their learning experiences as close as possible to their own real-life
and thereby contribute towards language development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie analiseer twee kurrikulumdokumente vir die onderrig van Engels: een
Suid-Afrikaans en die ander van Lesotho. Die analise fokus op Engels as eerste
addisionele taal kurrikula vir wat as Graad 12 bekend staan in Suid-Afrika en as
Vorm E in Lesotho. Beide kurrikula is in die Kommunikatiewe Taalonderrigtradisie
ontwikkel; ʼn tradisie wat vereis dat die taalstruktuur effektief in realistiese situasies
gebruik word. Die twee kurrikula word onderskei deur die feit dat die Suid-Afrikaanse
een plaaslik ontwikkel is en die Lesotho onderwyssisteem gebruik ʼn internasionaal
ontwikkelde kurrikulum, die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate.
Die studie word ingelei deur ʼn bespreking oor die r
ol wat Engels speel in die huidige
en onderrigkonteks. ʼn Oorsig word gegee van Kommunikatiewe Taalonderrig
(KTO), gevolg deur ʼn bespreking van die elemente en probleme wat ervaar word
met KTO in Afrika en in Suider-
Afrika in die besonder. ʼn Raamwerk,
voorgestel deur
Jacobs en Farrell (2003) vir die evaluering van KTO, word voorgestel as ʼn
aanduiding van die mate waartoe kurrikula die beginsels en praktyke van KTO
Die probleem wat hierdie studie bestudeer is die mate waartoe KTO manifesteer in
die Graad 12 Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal kurrikulum in Suid-Afrika en in die
Vorm E kurrikulum, die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate, in Lesotho. Die
navorsingsbenadering is interpretatief en kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise word gebruik
om die kurrikula te analiseer. Deur die raamwerk van Jacobs en Farrell (2003) te
gebruik, word dit moontlik om die twee kurrikulum dokumente te analiseer en te
. As ʼn eerste stap word die struktuur van beide dokumente bespreek, gevolg
deur ʼn evaluering van elke kurrikulum in terme van die agt veranderings in onderrig
en leer wat veronderstel is om KTO te karakteriseer (Jacobs en Farrell 2003:10).
Hierdie twee stappe is nodig om die finale vergelyking van die twee kurrikula te kan
doen sodat die mate waartoe hulle KTO manifesteer, aangedui kan word.
Hierdie analise kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Engels eerste addisionele
taalkurrikulum in Lesotho (a) duideliker riglyne moet verskaf vir die aard van tekste
wat vir Engels taalonderrig gebruik kan word, (b) dat hierdie kurrikulum mondelinge-
en luistervaardighede moet insluit en (c) dat die plaaslik-ontwerpte, Suid-Afrikaanse
kurrikulum beter rekenskap gee van KTO as die Cambridge Overseas English Certificate, die internasionaal-ontwikkelde dokument wat in Lesotho gebruik word. As
gevolg van die vergelyking met die Jacobs en Farrell raamwerk, blyk dit dat leerders
se behoeftes beter ondervang kan word wanneer plaaslike kontekste en situasies
gebruik word omdat leerders op hulle eie leerervarings kan staatmaak om hulle
taalvermoë te ontwikkel.
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Att introducera, befästa och använda nya begrepp i samhällsorienterande ämnen : En fallstudie / To introduce, consolidate and use new concepts in society orientated subjects : A case studyBerander, Ing-Marie January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att studera vilka olika arbetssätt läraren använder för att introducera, befästa och använda nya begrepp i undervisningen i samhällsorienterande ämnen (SO) samt hur undervisningen uppfattas av elever med språkstörningsdiagnos i en klass i årskurs 4. Utifrån ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv är fokus att hitta arbetssätt som stöder lärandet för elever med språkstörningsdiagnos. I min studie ingår lärarintervju, lektionsobservationer samt två elevintervjuer. Jag analyserade data utifrån Grundad teori. Analysprocessen var uppbyggd av flera steg och mynnade ut i en egen grundad teoretisk modell med utgångspunkt i mitt syfte och mina frågeställningar. Den teoretiska modellen representeras av sex trappsteg, tydlighet, varierade arbetssätt, repetition, progression, förståelse och förmåga att använda ord och begrepp där det personliga stödet utgör förutsättningen - grunden - för att eleverna med språkstörningsdiagnos ska kunna tillgodogöra sig den klassgemensamma undervisningen. Läraren hade samtalet i helklass som stomme i sin undervisning. Hen använde arbetssätt baserade på forskning: tydliga instruktioner uppdelade i steg, visuellt stöd, elevernas tidigare kunskaper och erfarenheter samt vardagsspråk är utgångspunkt, många tillfällen för repetitioner och uppgifter där eleverna får använda de nya orden och begreppen. Eleverna beskrev att de behövde många repetitioner för att ta till sig nya ord och begrepp. De upplevde de största svårigheterna när många nya begrepp presenterades samtidigt och om de själva skulle söka förklaringar i skriven text. Det bästa sättet att ta till sig ny kunskap var att lyssna, gärna i kombination med bilder av olika slag. De var överens om att Ipad var ett bra verktyg som gav möjlighet att lyssna och tala istället för att läsa och skriva. Studien visar på nödvändigheten av funktionella metoder och uppgifter i klassrummet i kombination med extra anpassningar och personligt stöd utifrån elevens individuella behov. / The aim of this work has been to study the methods a teacher practice when introducing, consolidating, and using new concepts in society orientated subjects and how the education was perceived by students with language disorder diagnosis in a class of 4th graders. Based on a special educational perspective, the focus has been to find ways of working that supports the learning of students with language disorder diagnosis. My study includes a teacher interview, lesson observations, as well as two student interviews. I have analyzed the data on the basis of Grounded theory. The several steps of the analytical process have resulted in a theoretical model of my own record, initialized by my purpose and my issues. The theoretical model is represented by six steps: clarity, various approaches, repetition, progression, understanding and the ability to use words and concepts where personal support is the condition - the basis for students with language disorder diagnosis being able to assimilate the class shared teaching. The observed teacher used conversation with the whole class as the foundation of the teaching. The methods were based on research: clear step-by-step instructions, visual aids, students prior knowledge and experience, as well as everyday language as starting point. The teacher also gave many opportunities for rehearsals and tasks where they are allowed to use new words and concepts. Both of the interviewed students stated that they needed many repetitions to absorb new words and concepts. They mostly experienced difficulties, when many new concepts were introduced simultaneously and if they themselves were expected to find the explanations in texts. The best way to absorb new knowledge was to listen, preferable in combinations with images of the various kinds. They agreed that the iPad was a good tool giving the opportunity to listen and speak instead of reading and writing. The study shows the necessity of functional methods and tasks in the classroom combined with extraordinary adaptions and personal support based on the students individual needs.
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An impact study of the competency and placement (CAP) test intervention at further education and training (FET) collegesAdams, Gavin 06 1900 (has links)
The research undertaken involves a quasi-experimental approach in determining the impact of the Competency and Placement (CAP) test in the Further Education and Training (FET) colleges. The evaluation became necessary because poor learner performance within the National Certification Vocational (NCV) programme has persisted amid the implementation of a country-wide roll-out of the CAP test; and a recapitalisation injection of R1.9m.
Learner performance data relating to the NCV programme and CAP was obtained in order to undertake an accurate analysis of the poor performance within the FET college sector. In addition to the above, qualitative data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with CAP participating colleges in the country.
Recommendations included the restructuring of the NCV programme; the introduction of an alternative learner placement methodology that was in line with international best practices; and improving quality assurance aspects pertaining to the capacity at colleges to deliver the NCV programme effectively. / Human Resources Development / M. Tech. (Human Resource Development)
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Factors contributing to academic performance of students in a private university in KenyaKarimi, Florah K. 31 December 2008 (has links)
This study aimed at identifying the models that best explain the student-related factors that contribute to the academic performance of students in the university. Students' final high school grade, English Language proficiency, self-regulatory learning strategies and extrinsic goal orientation are observed to generally have direct effects on the academic performance of the students in the university, while attitudes, intrinsic goal orientations, personality traits and age have indirect effects. Student mentors need to understand the factors that contribute to the academic performance of undergraduate students. Further research is also deemed necessary in other universities in Kenya in order to establish whether similar results would be obtained. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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高中職及五專免試入學採計國中在校學科分數加權機制之研究 / A study of adopting weighting schemes on academic performance in school as an access for senior high schools and junior colleges without entrance examinations戴岑熹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究最重要的貢獻之一,是我們在「類典型相關分析法」中證明並推導出一個求得各科權重的公式,只要使用此公式代入簡單的MATLAB程式,其所得的權重結果與最佳化數值分析軟體(GAMS)所得的結果完全相同,但花費的計算時間及成本卻遠少於GAMS所需,是一個求權重極便捷的方法,讀者可以在本論文附錄7.5.2或政大應數系網站上下載此程式。本研究最後結論也發現,類主成份分析的變異解釋率是所有方法中較高的;與基測總分結果較相近的則是類典型相關分析所得的權重機制;而等加權方法所得的排名結果則與基測排名結果差異最小。 / The BCTEST (Basic Competence Test) for junior high school students has been implemented for ten years, however, the screenings for a variety of entrance programs are still based on the scale scores of the BCTEST with a low proportion of multi-intelligence. Hence, the competitive entrance pressure for junior high school students remains un-relieved. In view of this, via mathematics and statistics, this study is to explore an alternative approach which can not only reflect students' in-school grade, their learning situations and achievements but also represent a reference for entering senior high schools and junior colleges without entrance examinations.
The purpose of this study is to determine the different weightings of five learning subjects (that is, multiply the score of each subject by a weighted coefficient) and acquire a new composite variable from the linear combinations of five learning subjects. Then, use this new composite variable as the synthetic score of students' in-school academic performance.
Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Correlation Analysis are used in this study. Due to inconsistent restraints, the other two approaches we use are based on the concept of previously mentioned methodologies and denominated Principal Component Type of Analysis and Canonical Correlation Type of Analysis.
In the study, we compare with the different results of Principal Component Analysis, Principal Component Type of Analysis, Canonical Correlation Analysis, Canonical Correlation Type of Analysis and identical weighted method to realize how these different weighted schemes affect the rankings of students from the same school on both their weighted in-school grade and scores of the BCTEST (Basic Competence Test).
The outcomes of Principal Component Type of Analysis show that subjects with greater variance acquire larger weightings and play a dominant role in weighted in-school grade. Moreover, the correlation coefficients of Canonical Correlation Type of Analysis are completely the same as the ones of Canonical Correlation Analysis and GAMS.
One of the most important contributions in this study is we have proven and derived a formula to acquire different weightings of five learning subjects by using Canonical Correlation Type of Analysis. The acquired weightings are completely the same as the ones of GAMS with less time consuming. Readers can download this program in appendix 7.5.2 or from the website of Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University(NCCU). We have also found that, the explanation rate of variance obtained from Principal Component Type of Analysis is the highest; the weighted scheme of Canonical Correlation Type of Analysis is more similar to the scores of the BCTEST; the difference of the rankings between identical weighted method and the BCTEST is the smallest.
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Factors contributing to academic performance of students in a private university in KenyaKarimi, Florah K. 31 December 2008 (has links)
This study aimed at identifying the models that best explain the student-related factors that contribute to the academic performance of students in the university. Students' final high school grade, English Language proficiency, self-regulatory learning strategies and extrinsic goal orientation are observed to generally have direct effects on the academic performance of the students in the university, while attitudes, intrinsic goal orientations, personality traits and age have indirect effects. Student mentors need to understand the factors that contribute to the academic performance of undergraduate students. Further research is also deemed necessary in other universities in Kenya in order to establish whether similar results would be obtained. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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