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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognição e comportamento de uma coorte de escolares estratificada pelo peso ao nascer: comparações e preditores / Cognition and behavior of a cohort of school-age children stratified by birth weight: comparisons and predictors

Sabrina Kerr Bullamah Correia 05 August 2011 (has links)
Sob a perspectiva da psicopatologia do desenvolvimento, o baixo peso ao nascer tem sido considerado condição adversa ao desenvolvimento infantil, influenciando a saúde mental e as tarefas desenvolvimentais típicas, que para crianças em idade escolar abrangem o desempenho cognitivo e comportamental. Os efeitos para o desenvolvimento do nascimento com baixo peso têm sido amplamente estudados, contudo, no Brasil, tais estudos são escassos, especialmente focalizando coortes. Objetivou-se: a) caracterizar e comparar os desempenhos cognitivo e comportamental de uma coorte de crianças em idade escolar, estratificada em grupos com base em três critérios relativos ao peso ao nascer, a saber: 1º ) em dois grupos de peso ao nascer (GBPgrupo de baixo peso e GPN- grupo de peso normal); 2º ) em cinco grupos de peso ao nascer (MBP- muito baixo peso, BP- baixo peso, PI- peso insuficiente, PN- peso normal e MAP- muito alto peso); e 3º ) em três grupos de adequação do peso ao nascer à idade gestacional (PIGpequeno para a idade gestacional, AIG- adequado para a idade gestacional e GIG- grande para a idade gestacional); e b) identificar possíveis variáveis preditoras para os desempenhos cognitivo e comportamental, baseado em variáveis biológicas, clínicas e socioeconômicas. Foram avaliadas, aos 10/11 anos, 677 crianças, de ambos os sexos, nascidas em Ribeirão Preto-SP. Procedeu-se à avaliação cognitiva das crianças, por meio do Teste Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven, e à avaliação comportamental, por meio do Questionário de Capacidades e Dificuldades (SDQ) respondido pelos pais. As informações socioeconômicas das famílias e clínicas das crianças foram obtidas por meio de Questionário Complementar. Os dados foram codificados de acordo com as proposições dos instrumentos e analisados por procedimentos estatísticos. Em relação ao desempenho cognitivo, avaliado pelo Raven, apenas o grupo PIG apresentou déficits cognitivos em comparação aos grupos AIG e GIG. Com relação ao desempenho comportamental, avaliado pelo SDQ, observaram-se as seguintes diferenças significativas: a) GBP apresentou mais dificuldades nas escalas de sintomas emocionais e hiperatividade em comparação ao GPN; b) o grupo de BP apresentou mais dificuldades na escala de sintomas emocionais em comparação aos grupos de MBP, PI, PN e MAP; c) o grupo de MBP apresentou escore maior de hiperatividade nas comparações com BP, PI, PN e MAP; d) o grupo PIG apresentou significativamente mais dificuldades no escore total e na escala de sintomas emocionais que os grupos AIG e GIG. Verificou-se na análise de predição que as variáveis nível socioeconômico e escolaridade da mãe influenciaram os desempenhos cognitivo e comportamental, e que a idade gestacional e gênero das crianças influenciaram, respectivamente, os desempenhos cognitivo e comportamental. Conclui-se que a estratificação dos grupos de peso ao nascer por três critérios permitiu a identificação de dificuldades mais específicas quanto aos desempenhos cognitivo e comportamental, especialmente quando da combinação da adequação do peso ao nascer à idade gestacional, ampliando a compreensão sobre o impacto do baixo peso ao nascer em associação às condições biológicas, clínicas e socioeconômicas / From the perspective of developmental psychopathology, low birth weight has been considered adverse condition for child development, influencing the mental health and typical developmental tasks, which for school-age children include cognitive and behavioral performance. The effects on the development of low birth weight have been extensively studied, however, in Brazil, such studies are scarce, especially focusing on cohorts. This study aimed to: a) describe and compare the cognitive and behavioral development of a cohort of school-age children, stratified into groups based on three criteria related to birth weight, namely: 1) in two groups of birth weight ( GLBW-group of low birth weight and GNBWgroup of normal birth weight), 2) in five groups of birth weight (VLBW-very low birth weight, LBW-low birth weight, IBW- insufficient birth weight, NW-normal birth weight and HBW- high birth weight) and 3) in three groups of adequacy of birth weight for gestational age (SGA- small for gestational age, AGA-appropriate for gestational age and LGA-large for gestational age), and b) identify possible predictors for cognitive and behavioral performance, based on biological, clinical and socioeconomic characteristics. At 10/11 years old, 677 children of both genders, who were born in Ribeirão Preto, has been evaluated. The cognitive assessment of children was carried out by using the Coloured Progressive Matrices Test of Raven and, in regard to its behavior aspects, parents answered to the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The socioeconomic profile of families and children\'s clinics were collected through supplementary questionnaire. Data were coded according to the propositions of the instruments and analyzed by statistical procedures. In relation to cognitive performance assessed by the Raven only the SGA group showed cognitive deficits compared to the AGA and LGA groups. With regard to behavioral performance measured by the SDQ, there were the following significant differences: a) GLBW had more difficulties in the scales of emotional symptoms and hyperactivity compared to the GNBW, b) the LBW group had more difficulties in the scale of emotional symptoms in compared with groups of VLBW, IBW, NBW and HBW c) the VLBW group had higher scores of hyperactivity in comparison with LBW, IBW, NBW and HBW d) the SGA group showed significantly more difficulties in the total score and the scale of emotional symptoms that AGA and LGA groups. The analysis of prediction has demonstrated that elements as family´s socioeconomic level and mother´s education influenced the cognitive and behavioral performance, and the gestational age and gender of the children affected, respectively, the cognitive and behavioral indicators. We conclude that stratification of the groups of birth weight by three criteria allowed the identification of specific difficulties regarding the cognitive and behavioral performance, especially when combining the birth weight for gestational age, increasing understanding about the impact of low birth weight in association with biological, clinical and socieconomic conditions

Ennenaikaisina ja pienipainoisina syntyneiden lasten puheen- ja kielenkehityksen taso kahdeksan vuoden iässä:pohjoissuomalainen syntymäkohortti 1985-86

Yliherva, A. (Anneli) 07 June 2002 (has links)
Abstract The speech and language abilities of preterm and low birthweight children were studied at the age of 8 in the northern Finland 1-year birth cohort for 1985 - 86. The language abilities of 42 8-year-old preterm children with birthweight < 1750 g were studied with four different language tests: the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities (ITPA), the Token Test for Children (TTC), the Morphological Test for Finnish speaking children (MT) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). Full-term control children with birthweight ≥ 2500 g (n = 42) from the same birth cohort matched individually with their preterm pairs for age, sex, twinship, mother's education, place of residence, birth order and family type were also studied. In addition, linguistic and motor abilities of low birthweight (LBW, < 2500 g) 8-year-old children (n = 279) were studied using parental (n = 8370, 90 %) and teacher (n = 8525, 92 %) evaluations by mailed questionnaire. The results showed that the 8-year-old preterm (< 1750 g) children scored significantly poorer than their controls in visual subtests measured by ITPA and that the poor performance in visual tests was associated with neonatal infections, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). In addition, the preterm children with minor neurodevelopmental dysfunction (MND) scored worst and differed significantly from their matched controls in verbal comprehension measured by TTC. They also differed significantly from other preterm groups, namely healthy preterm and preterm children with cerebral palsy (CP) in TTC. Periventricular leukomalasia (PVL) findings in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were not associated with the performance in the language ability tests. The parents evaluated the LBW (< 2500 g) children to have more problems in speech and language than the normal birth-weight (NBW, ≥ 2500 g) children. The LBW boys were the poorest in linguistic and motor skills compared with the NBW boys or any of the groups of girls. There was also a clear relationship between speech/linguistic and motor disabilities. Multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that the lower birthweight and some sociodemographic factors, for example mother's younger age (20 - 24y), having more than four children in the family, a reconstructed family, as well as hearing impairment and male gender were the most important determinants of poor speech and language abilities at 8 years of age, with and without adjustment for neonatal risk factor. Smallness for gestational age was also a risk factor for poor speech and language skills. Preterm birth was associated with poor skills only after removal of the neonatal risk factor from the model. Brain auditory evoked potential (BAEP) findings did not associate to poor language abilities of preterm children. To conclude, the preterm (< 1750 g) and the LBW children experienced speech and language disabilities at 8 years of age more than their full-term mates with NBW. Problems in speech production and especially in speech perception were more frequent among them both in clinical studies and parental evaluations.The visual problems were typical for preterm children (< 1750 g), which should be taken into account also in speech therapy. A closer and regular follow-up of language development in the preterm children with MND is important. Parental and teachers evaluations are useful in studying children's speech and language abilities. / Tiivistelmä Pohjoissuomalaisen vuoden 1985 - 86 syntymäkohortin ennenaikaisina ja pienipainoisina syntyneiden lasten puheen- ja kielenkehitystä tutkittiin heidän ollessaan 8-vuotiaita. Aluksi testattiin 42 ennenaikaisena ja alle 1750 g syntyessään painanutta 8-vuotiasta lasta sekä heidän 42 täysiaikaisina syntynyttä ja ≥ 2500 g painanutta kontrollipariaan neljällä kielellisellä testillä, nimittäin Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities -testillä (ITPA), Lasten Token testillä, Morfologiatestillä ja Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test nimisellä sanavarastotestillä (PPVT). Kontrollilapset valittiin samasta kohortista ja kaltaistettiin ennenaikaisina syntyneiden lasten kanssa iän, sukupuolen, kaksosuuden, äidin koulutuksen, asuinpaikan, syntymäjärjestyksen ja perhetyypin perusteella. Koko syntymäkohortin kaikkien pienipainoisina (LBW, < 2500 g) syntyneiden 8-vuotiaiden lasten (n=279) kielellisiä ja motorisia taitoja tutkittiin lisäksi vanhemmille (n = 8370, 90 %) ja opettajille (n = 8525, 92 %) osoitetun kyselyn perusteella. Tulokset osoittivat, että ennenaikaisina (< 1750 g) syntyneet lapset saivat merkitsevästi heikommat pisteet kuin heidän kontrollinsa ITPA:n visuaalisissa tehtävissä. Heikko visuaalinen suoriutuminen oli yhteydessä neonataalikauden infektioihin, ylipainehoitoon (CPAP) ja avoimeen valtimotiehyeen (PDA). Lisäksi ne ennenaikaisina syntyneet lapset, joilla oli lievää neurologista toiminnan häiriötä (MND) saivat puheen ymmärtämistä mittaavasta Token testistä heikommat pisteet kuin kontrollinsa. MND-lapset erosivat myös merkitsevästi muista ennenaikaisina syntyneistä lapsista, terveistä ja CP-vammaisista, Token testillä mitattuna. Periventrikulaarisen leukomalasian (PVL) löydökset aivojen magneettikuvauksessa (MRI) eivät olleet yhteydessä suoriutumiseen kielellisissä testeissä. Vanhempien arvioiden perusteella LBW lapsilla oli enemmän ongelmia puheessa ja kielessä kuin normaalipainoisina (NBW, ≥ 2500 g) syntyneillä kahdeksan vuoden iässä. LBW-pojat olivat heikompia kielellisissä ja motorisissa taidoissa kuin NBW-pojat tai kummatkaan tyttöjen ryhmät. Tutkimuksen perusteella puheen ja kielellisten taitojen sekä motoriikan välillä oli selvä yhteys. Monimuuttujaisen logistisen regressioanalyysin perusteella matala syntymäpaino sekä tietyt sosiodemografiset tekijät, kuten äidin nuori ikä (20 - 24 v.), perheen yli neljän menevä lapsimäärä, uusperhe sekä kuulovika ja poikasukupuoli olivat lasten keskeisimpiä heikkoon puheen- ja kielenkehitykseen liittyviä riskitekijöitä 8 vuoden iässä riippumatta siitä, oliko analyysissa mukana neonataalikauden riskitekijä vai ei. Pienipainoisuus raskauden kestoon nähden oli myös riski heikolle puheen ja kielen kehitykselle. Ennenaikaisuus oli yhteydessä heikkoon puheen ja kielen kehitykseen, kun neonataalikauden riskitekijä poissuljettiin analyysista. Aivorunkoaudiometrian (BAEP) löydökset puolestaan eivät olleet yhteydessä kielenkehityksen ongelmiin. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä voidaan esittää, että ennenaikaisina (< 1750 g) syntyneillä ja LBW-lapsilla oli enemmän ongelmia kuin täysiaikaisina syntyneillä NBW-lapsilla puheen- ja kielenkehityksessään 8 vuoden iässä. Ongelmat puheen tuotossa ja erityisesti vastaanotossa olivat heillä yleisempiä sekä kliinisen tutkimuksen että vanhempien arvion perusteella. Visuaalisen hahmottamisen vaikeudet olivat tyypillisiä ennenaikaisina (< 1750 g) syntyneille lapsille, mikä olisi hyvä huomioida myös puheterapiassa. Tutkimuksen perusteella ennenaikaisina syntyneiden MND-lasten kielenkehityksen tarkka ja säännöllinen seuranta on tärkeää. Vanhempien ja opettajien arviot ovat hyödyllinen lisä lasten puheen- ja kielenkehityksen tutkimuksessa. / Čoahkkáigeassu Davvisuopmelaš jagi 1985-86 riegadankohortta ovdaláigge ja menddo geahpasin riegádan mánáid hupman- ja giellaovdaneapmi dutkojuvvui go mánát ledje 8-jahkáččat. Álggos testejuvvojedje 42 riegádettiin vuollái 1750 g deaddán 8-jahkásaš máná ja sin 42 dievasáigge šaddan ja ≥2500g deaddán kontrollapára njeljiin giellateasttain, namalassii ITP:ain (Illinois Test of Psycolinguistic Abilities), Mánáid Toke-teasttain, Morfologiijateasttain ja Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-sátnerádjoteasttain (= PPTV). Kontrollapárat válljejuvvojedje seamma kohorttas ja dahkkojuvvojedje seammaláganin čuovvovaš áššiid ektui: ahki, sohkabealli,jumešvuohta,eatni skuvlejupmi,orrunbáiki,riegádanortnet ja bearaštiipa. Riegádankohortta menddo geahpasin (< 2500) riegádan 8-jahkásaš mánáid (n = 279) gielalaš ja motora dáiddut dutkojuvvojedje dasa lassin váhnemiid ja oahpaheaddjiid árvvoštallamiid vuođul. Mánáid váhnemiin 8370 (90%) ja oahpaheaddjiin 8525 (92%) vástidedje jearahallamii. Bohtosat čájehedje, ahte ovdaláigge riedágan mánát ožžo statistihkalaččat mearkkašahtti heajut čuoggaid go sin kontrollapárat ITPA visuála bargguin. Heajos visuála návccain lei oktavuohta neonatála-áiggi infekšuvnnaide, alladeaddodikšui (CPAP) ja rabas váibmosutnii (PDA). Dasa lassin ovdaláigge riegádan mánát, geain ledje muhtun veardde neurologalaš doaibmanváttut(MND) ožžo Toke-teasttas, mainna mihtidit hupmama ipmirdeapmi,heajut čuoggáid go sin kontrollapárat. MND-mánát sierranedje maiddái mearkkašahtti veardde Toke-teasttas eará ovdaláigge riegádan mánáin, sihke dearvasiin ja CP-váttogiin. Periventikuláralaš leukomasiija (PVL) gávdnosiin ii lean oktavuohta gielalaš teasttain birgemii. Periventikuláralaš leukomasiija (PVL) gávdnosiin magnehtagovvideamis(MRI) ii lean oktavuohta gielalaš teasttain birgemii. Váhnemiid árvvoštallama mielde menddo geahpasin riegádan mánáin ledje eambbo váttisvuođat hupmamis go normáladeattogin riegádan mánáin. Menddo geahpasin riegádan bártnit ledje heajubut gielalaš ja ja motora dáidduid ektui go normáladeattogin riegádan bártnit dahje goabbáge nieddaid joavkkuin. Dutkamuša vuođul hupmama ja gielalaš dáidduid ja motoriikka gaskkas lea čielga oktavuohta. Logistihkalas regreššuvdna-analiissa,mas ledje máŋga rievdi, vuođul menddo geahppa riegádandeaddu ja dihto sosiodemográfalaš dahkkit, dego eatni ahki (20-24 j.), mánáid lohku > 4 bearrašis, ođđabearaš ja lossa gullu ja bárdnesohkabealli ledje mánáid deaháleamos heajos hupmama ja giela ovdaneami einnosteaddjit 8 jagi agis, fuolakeahttá das, leigo analiissas mielde neonatála-áiggi várradahkki vai ii. Menddo geahppa riegádandeaddu ohkeagi ektui lasihii maiddái vára ahte mánná hupmagoahtá heajut ja su giella ovdana funet. Ovdaláigge riegádeamis lei oktavuohta heajos hupmama ja giela ovdaneapmái, go neonatála-áigge várradahkki ii váldojuvvon vuhtii analiissas. BAEP-gávdnosiin ii lean fas lean oktavuohta giela heajos ovdaneapmái. Dutkamuša jurddaboađusin sáhttá buktit ovdan,ahte ovdaláigge ja menddo geahpasin riegádan mánáin ledje 8- jahkásažžan eambbo váttisvuođat hupmama ja giela ovdaneamis go ollesáigge ja normáladeattogin riegádan mánáin. Maiddái hupmama ipmirdeamis ledje eambbo váttisvuođat. Heajos visuála návccat ledje sidjiide mihtilmaččat ja dan galggašii váldit vuhtii maid hupmanterapiijas.Dutkamuša vuođul MND-mánáid giellaovdaneami dárkilit ja regulára čuovvun lea deahálaš. Váhnemiid ja oahpaheaddjiid árvvoštallamat sáhttet leat ávkkalaččat mánáid hupmama ja giela ovdameami dutkamis.

Diagnostika lexikálně-sémantické jazykové roviny v předškolním věku / Diagnostics of lexical and semantic level of language in preschool age

Malechová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This theses deals with diagnostic of speech development of pre-school children. Its focus is on lexical-semantic language level. The goal of my work is to trace and map diagnostic possibilities in the lexical- semantic area of of pre-school children and to introduce the international PPVT test , considering its adaptation into czech language environment. Theses consists of two parts - the theoretical and empiric. Theoretical part is concern with the most important theories and personalities in the speech development and the process of experiencing language, characteristics of pre-school period, ontogenesis of speech and the ways to evaluate vocabulary and semantics in Czech and overseas. The empiric part examines the usages of PPVT in czech environment. The survey was realised by quantitative research, using datas from 236 tested individuals. The PPVT was adapted into czech language and given to preschool children, whose results were compared with the results of american children. The outcomes of the empiric part could be a solution for future research in the area, with the purpose of adapting a testing- language instrument into czech language and widening the limited possibilities in the field of language and speech development evaluation. Keywords: ontogenesis of speech, pre-school period,...

Možnosti rozvoje dílčích funkcí u dětí se sociálním znevýhodněním v mladším školním věku / Possibilities of Development of Individual Functions in Socially Disadvantaged Children in Younger School Age

Linková, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of development of partial functions in socially disadvantaged children of younger school age. The theoretical part introduces basic characteristics of children of younger school age, social disadvantage, and impacts of environment on education; partial functions, their diagnostics, and deficits in such functions. It also presents specific learning disorders and behaviour disorders as well as selected options of support for socially disadvantaged children. The practical part presents the results of the research focused on the situation of socially disadvantaged children of younger school age within the context of possibilities of development of their partial functions. The qualitative research was processed using the grounded theory method, while the methods of data collection included interview, observation, and analysis of document. The key elements found were the exhaustion of parents of socially disadvantaged children and transferring of responsibility for the education process to the child. The conclusion of the thesis contains practical recommendations for work with families with children in connection with the education of socially disadvantaged children and the possibilities of supporting their development.

Rozchod rodičů a volba výchovného prostředí pro dítě předškolního věku / Parental separation and awarding custody of pre-school aged child

Krchová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic of parental separation and awarding custody of pre-school and early-school aged children. In the theoretical part the specifics of each developmental stage and also of the mother's and father's role are described. In the following chapter the thesis focuses on the process of parental separation, its phases, causes and its influence on children. Also the most typical phenomenons and risks connected with this complicated situation are mentioned. Not to be forgotten, the legal side of the process is also included. The thesis contains empirical part, in which structured interviews with social workers were led, in order to map current trends, the most serious risks, the possibilities of different forms of custody and the role of psychologists in parental separation in the Czech environment. Key words: parental separation, awarding custody of child, pre-school age, early-school age, sole custody, joint custody

Vliv počítačových her na agresivní chování žáků staršího školního věku / Influence of Computer Games on Aggressive Behaviour of the Pupils of the Older School Age

Zavadilová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma work focuses on a topic which is often discussed in the Czech Republic as well as worldwide. The topic in question is the influence of computer games with elements of aggression and violence on aggressive behaviour of teenagers. The work consists of two parts - a theoretical and an empirical one. The theoretical part has four chapters dealing with theoretical knowledge on the subject. In the empirical part the qualitative research strategy was used - questionnaire method and semi structured interview. The research sample consisted of five pupils from the 9th grade of an elementary school. The main aim of the diploma work will be to establish the subjective perception of the influence of computer games with elements of aggression and violence on aggressive behaviour of pupils of older school age. The secondary aim will be establishing the attitudes of the pupils of older school age to violent and aggressive scenes in computer games and mapping the intrusion of computer games into everyday life of pupils from the point of view of computer games preferences and the time they spend playing computer games during the day. Qualitative research showed that four out of five respondents really subjectively feel that computer games with elements of violence and aggression strengthen their...

Úroveň pohybových schopností dětí mladšího školního věku ve vybraných sportovních hrách / Motor abilities of younger school-age children in selected sports games

Březinová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to determine the level of motoric abilities of the children in primary school age (years of birth 2006 and 2007) who do the selected sports games such handball, football, volleyball and basketball. I tested the level of motoric abilities using the test battery Unifittest (6 - 60) what is suitable tool for testing. The testing was carried out in six sports clubs in the Central Bohemian Region and the Vysočina Region. I compared the level of motoric abilities of the children in primary school age doing the sports with standard population and subsequently made a comparison between selected sports. The other task was also to determine whether the structure of sport performance of selected sports will influence the level of motoric abilities of the children in primary school age. The research-oriented part proves that there is no significant difference in average results. The testing showed that handball and basketball players have the highest levels of motoric abilities. The research also showed that the sportsmen in primary school age have the worst results in the tests focused on physical condition of players. KEYWORDS younger school-age children, motoric abilities, handball, fotball, voleyball, basketball, Unifittest (6-60)

"Co se děje pod zemí" aneb Projekt na rozvoj souvislého vyjadřování a podporu porozumění předčítanému textu dětí předškolního věku / "What is happening underground" or as we might call the project to develop a continuous expressing and the promoting understanding readings text of preschool children

Zyklová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the development of a coherent expression and understanding of read out text by pre-school age children. Theoretical part is focused on a speech development, coherent expression, reading pre-literacy, fairytales and a topic of asking questions. This work also includes the characteristics of a pre-school education and environmental care issues. Furthermore this work defines important knowledge from the General educational programme for preschool education, from which was a practical part preparation based on. Its goal was to design a development of coherent expression and understanding of read out text project, connected with the "What happens under the ground" topic, design particular lessons, implement them in a general kindergarten, reflect its realization and suggest recommendation for practice. Importance of a kindergarten teacher role was confirmed, because he or she is for children speaking idol. Involvement of parents into the project seems as very beneficial - for family relationship, reading pre-literacy and coherent expression children development. Moreover children during the project realization improved their ability to answer higher cognitive difficulty questions.

Aplikace paměťových technik do výuky na 1.stupni ZŠ / Application of memory techniques to primary school instruction

Pok, Marek January 2017 (has links)
Marek Pok Dissertation Abstract Application of memory techniques to primary school instruction The theoretical part is focused on effective teaching methods to primary school instruction. There have been chosen styles, methods and strategies, which are suitable for using memory techniques. Attention is paid to the memory function of students (secondary school age), who become a part of the empirical research. The theoretical part will present the concept of teaching, learning styles, methods and strategies, which effective implement the memory techniques into this construction. The practical part brings using experimental and observational research process to define quantitative and qualitative results on the memory learning. The object of this research is the very process of education, which aims to consolidate memory techniques to effective learning skills. The attention to the middle school age pupils is focused especially of their ability (unlike students at the beginning of schooling) to use naturally intentional memorization, rationality, ambience association and logical connections. Due to memory techniques (bonding system and the system significant figures) students will aplicate information into the instruction so that they will be able to recall them effectively, transform them, interpret and use...

Slovní zásoba dětí mladšího školního věku / Vocabulary of children of primary school age

Hrubá, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the evaluation of lexical-semantic level in primary school children. Vocabulary is tested in a population of children with and without the postponement of compulsory schooling. Diagnostic testing is done with the help of an own research tool. A part-of-speech analysis of spontaneous speech is done with a specific goal of monitoring the performance in the area of perception and preposition use. The data is further analysed using methods of both relational and descriptive statistics. Methods and forms of work used for vocabulary development in pre-school children and first grades are explored through interviews with teachers. All the findings should help monitor the vocabulary in primary school children's speech. The research tool used in the testing also functions as a practical and didactical tool for the development of vocabulary focused on perception and preposition use.

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