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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Use of Social Media and Online-based Tools in Academia: Results of the Science 2.0-Survey 2014: Data Report 2014

Pscheida, Daniela, Minet, Claudia, Herbst, Sabrina, Albrecht, Steffen, Köhler, Thomas January 2015 (has links)
The Science 2.0-Survey investigates the dissemination and use of online tools and social media applications among scientists of all disciplines at German universities (institutions of higher education) and research institutions (Leibniz, Helmholtz, Max Planck institutes). Results show that digital, online-based tools have found widespread use and acceptance in academia and must therefore be considered a central component of scientific working processes. Furthermore the data gathered also make it clear that certain usage patterns begin to emerge and stabilise as routines in everyday academic work. The most popular tools are the online encyclopedia Wikipedia (95% of all respondents use it professionally), mailing lists (78%), online archives/databases (75%) and content sharing/cloud services such as Dropbox or Slideshare (70%). Meanwhile, social bookmarking services remain largely untapped and unknown among scientists (only 5% professional usage). Online tools and social media applications are most commonly utilised in a research context. In addition to Wikipedia (67%), the top three tools used for research purposes are online archives/databases (63%), reference management software (49%) and content sharing/cloud services (43%). In teaching, learning management systems (32%) play a significant role, even though this mainly applies to universities. Video/photo communities (25%), online archives/databases (23%) and content sharing/cloud services (21%) are also used by scientists in the context of teaching. However, there seems to be some backlog in the fi eld of science communication. Scientists are rarely active in this area; 45 per cent of respondents say science communication is not part of their range of duties, while for another 40 per cent such activities comprise no more than 10 per cent of their daily workload. When active in the fi eld of science communication, scientists seem to favour classic online-based tools such as mailing lists (44%) or videoconferences/VoIP (35%), while typical Web 2.0 tools such as weblogs (10%) or microblogs (6%) are rarely used in this context. Social network sites (SNS) with a professional and/or academic orientation (30%), however, are relatively common for communication purposes in academia. The situation is similar for science administration practices where, although the use of online-based tools and social media applications is more common, no more than one-quarter of the scientists use a particular tool, while personal organizers/schedule managers (27%) dominate. The main factors cited by scientists as preventing them from using online-based tools and social media applications professionally are a lack of added value for their own work (30%), insufficient technical assistance (21%) and insufficient time to become familiar with the handling of the tools (15%). In particular, many scientists do not use microblogs (53%), discussion forums (41%) and weblogs (40%) professionally because they cannot see any added value in using them. With regard to the attitudes of scientists in relation to the use of online tools and social media applications, results show that they are aware of privacy issues and have relatively high concerns about the spread of and access to personal data on the Internet. However, scientists generally have few reservations about dealing with social media and show themselves to be open to new technological developments. This report documents the results of a Germany-wide online survey of a total of 2,084 scientists at German universities (1,419) and research institutions (665). The survey explores the usage of 18 online tools and social media applications for daily work in research, teaching, science administration and science communication. In addition to the frequency and context of use, the survey also documents reasons for the non-use of tools, as well as general attitudes towards the Internet and social media. The survey was conducted between 23 June 2014 and 20 July 2014 and is a joint project of the Leibniz Research Alliance „Science 2.0“, led by the Technische Universität Dresden’s Media Center.:Executive summary 1. Introduction 2. Methodology and research design 3. Characterisation of the data sample Gender Age Type of institution Academic position Duration of employment in academic context Subject group Fields of activity 4. Use of social media and online-based tools 4.1 General use of social media und online-based tools General usage Devices 4.2 Use of social media und online-based tools in academic work Professional and private usage Frequency of professional usage Professional usage by gender Professional usage by age Professional usage by subject group Professional usage by position 4.3 Use of online-based tools and social media applications in various areas of academic activity 4.3.1 Use of online-based tools and social media applications in research 4.3.2 Use of online-based tools and social media applications in teaching 4.3.3 Use of online-based tools and social media applications in science administration 4.3.4 Use of online-based tools and social media applications in science communication 4.4 Barriers to the use of social media applications and online-based tools in everyday academic life Reasons for professional non-use of online tools 4.5 Active and passive use of social media applications in everyday academic life 5. Attitudes to the use of social media applications and online-based tools in everyday academic life Overall attitudes Attitude measurement reliability analysis Attitudes by gender Attitudes by age Attitudes by position Attitudes by subject group References Cover letter English Cover letter German Questionnaire English Questionnaire German

Reporting from 'the field' : foreign correspondents and the international news coverage of East Africa

Bunce, Melanie J. January 2012 (has links)
There has been significant academic criticism of the international news coverage of Africa, but little or no first-hand research on the forces that create this news. This thesis draws on 51 semi-structured interviews and ethnographic work with practicing foreign correspondents in Sudan, Kenya and Uganda to explore the question: how can we explain and theorise the production of international news on East Africa? The thesis argues that Pierre Bourdieu’s Field Theory, and its analytical toolbox of ‘field’, ‘capital’ and ‘habitus’, can be meaningfully used to examine international journalistic practice. Field theory has been widely and productively used to understand domestic news production, but it has not yet been employed to empirically investigate journalistic production in the global sphere. The analysis is presented in three sections, each of which focuses on a different ‘layer’ of the international news system: the global field, where newswires compete for clients and capital; the national field ‘back home’ where traditional, nation based news outlets are based; and, finally, the local and immediate site where foreign correspondents work. Each of these layers is explored through an in depth case study of a major news producer/group of producers working in East Africa. The first and most substantial section examines the global journalistic field, and the position and practices of the Reuters newswire within this field. The second examines the foreign correspondents who report on Africa for print outlets in the UK. The final section presents two case studies of correspondents at work, negotiating a local news ecology: the election violence in Kenyan (2007-8), and the international coverage of the Darfur crisis. The discussion explores the fluidity between these three layers. Each analysis section stands alone as an investigations of major news producers in Africa today, and the forces that influence their work. Together, they build the argument that field theory is a useful approach to conceptualising the contemporary global news system, and examining journalistic practices within this. The main strengths of the theory lie in its notion of habitus; the extent to which it can incorporate and explain change; and its ability to link macro level phenomenon with micro level practice. The theory is ideally suited to capture and study the way in which foreign correspondents negotiate a complex and fluid global news system.

Revenue management with flexible products : models and methods for the broadcasting industry /

Müller-Bungart, Michael. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Diss. University Duisburg-Essen, 2007.

Talking about the Big Bang: An exploratory study of how Russian science communicators use social media

Rudneva, Valeriia January 2018 (has links)
Science communication in Russia has been developing fast during the last several years: new popular science projects, educational programmes for science journalists and science communicators, new media channels have appeared. Social media play a significant role in this process because of its unprecedented capacity to bring science closer to the public. This study is aimed at providing an understanding of how leading Russian science communicators, often famous science journalists and lecturers, manage their VK and Facebook profiles. Content and discourse analysis were used to examine communication strategies and to find patterns in the communication of those responsible for public science promotion. The investigation provided an understanding that 2 out of 5 science communicators devote about 50% of all the content on their pages to science or science popularization domain and miss "a rich opportunity to discuss science with the nonscientists in their networks by actually posting [scientific materials]" (McClain 2017: 4). Analysis of subscribers' likes, comments, and shares demonstrated that people are ready to consume scientific content: the most liked and shared posts on several analyzed pages are connected to these topics. Semi-structural interviews opened up to science communicators' own views of science communication development in Russia and the role of social media in science communication. Interviews confirmed that science communicators comprehend the difference of VK (more suitable for communication with a wide audience) and Facebook (space for communication with other scientists and foreign colleagues). Moreover, they stated that they had strategies for communication with their subscribers in social media, but their number is quite modest. Previous studies focusing on a Russian context have been connected to the contemporary evolution of science communication in Russia. However, these studies rarely analyze the modern market. This thesis aims to bridge the gap and to deepen the understanding of Russian science communication development.

Postavení vědy a vědeckých autorit v mediální agendě před první světovou válkou (výzkumná sonda) / Position of science authorities in media agenda before the World War I. (research probe)

Havel, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is at least partially to map the position of the scientific theme in magazines produced in the end of 19th century and by the beginning of 20th century with focus on technical progress reflection and partial presence of additional scientific themes. The theoretical part of this work summarizes the role of science in the Czech society from the end of 18th century and presents the main personalities, turning points and processes (mainly industrial revolution) that formed the media discourse by the end of the 19th century. The practical part is dedicated to analyzing of chosen magazines Čas, Naše doba, Česká revue, Český svět a Světozor (Illustrovaný svět) in various periods of time. Firstly, there is a connection concerned with the year 1886, the age of manuscript polemics and "our two questions". Subsequently, it is analyzed the position of science at the turn of the century that was considerably influenced with the general process of technique penetration through society praxis. The last period researched is the pre-war time between years 1912 - 1914, when technical inventions were highly used in the military sphere and were also responsible for a massive militarization.

Les représentations du changement climatique dans les médias écrits belges francophones

Vokou, Antigoni 01 October 2015 (has links)
La problématique du changement climatique constitue un enjeu capital pour les prochaines années sur le plan environnemental, socio-économique et politique. Des solutions politiques, scientifiques et sociales sont requises pour limiter la hausse du réchauffement de la planète à des seuils tolérables pour permettre à la nature et aux sociétés de s'adapter. C'est sur ce point que le rôle des médias d'information pèse sur la balance. Ils possèdent une dynamique relativement à sa construction dans la scène publique, ils peuvent orienter l’attention du public sur ce problème en améliorant sa compréhension et influencer la politique climatique. Par le recours au processus du cadrage de l'information, qui vise à sélectionner et à souligner certains aspects d'une problématique, les médias écrits nationaux généralistes belges francophones, de référence et populaires, construisent un sens sur le changement climatique. Notre étude se concentre sur l'examen de ces représentations et de leurs interactions, synchroniquement et diachroniquement, entre 2001 et 2012 dans les quotidiens Le Soir, La Libre Belgique et La Dernière Heure. D'abord nous analysons sa couverture médiatique et ensuite le cadrage (framing), perçu comme stratégie discursive des médias, de ses différentes approches. Nous démontrons que il existe onze cadres, dans les articles de presse et les éditoriaux, qui par leur présence dominante ou latente offrent au public des schémas d'interprétation spécifiques concernant ses causes, ses conséquences et ses solutions. Essentiellement, deux cadrages principaux se distinguent: un politique et un scientifique. Le premier vise à appuyer la solution politique au niveau international pour régler le problème du réchauffement, le second vise à rendre concrets ses effets pour le public. Ils véhiculent des idéologies relatives à la certitude sur les causes anthropiques et à l'inaction de la classe politique globale. Parallèlement, un cadrage alarmisme insiste sur les risques climatiques négatifs et un cadrage conflit se centre sur l'opposition entre l'État fédéral belge et les Régions, et celle entre les États-Unis et l'Union européenne, concernant l'application du Protocole de Kyoto. Les représentations alternatives par les thématiques de la santé publique, de l'adaptation des sociétés développées, du développement économique durable, des conflits relatifs aux impacts du réchauffement et du changement de paradigme de consommation énergétique occidental sont absentes. / Doctorat en Information et communication / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Erinnerungskultur digital: Herausforderungen und Chancen für die historische und politische Bildung

Bürger, Thomas, Löffler, Roland 30 August 2024 (has links)
Der digitale Wandel prägt neue Formen der Erinnerungskultur, des Geschichtswissens und des Umgangs der Gesellschaft mit der Vergangenheit. In Deutschland liegen Schwerpunkte der Erinnerungskultur in der Aufarbeitung der Diktatur des Nationalsozialismus und der DDR-Diktatur. Zeitzeugen und auch viele Wissensträger der ersten beiden Nachkriegsgenerationen stehen nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Zugleich gibt es ein weiterhin großes Interesse an der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, wie eine Umfrage der Arolsen Archives unter den zwischen 1997 und 2012 Geborenen („Generation Z“) zeigt. Die Digital Natives wünschen sich jedoch deutlich mehr digitale Angebote zum Lernen und Mitwirken. Interaktive digitale Formen der Vermittlung von Geschichte sollten künftig auch weiteren Themenfeldern wie der Kolonialgeschichte und der Geschichte der Demokratie zugutekommen. In Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie haben Gedenkstätten und Gedächtniseinrichtungen (Archive, Bibliotheken, Museen), zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen sowie Einrichtungen der historisch-politischen Bildung beeindruckende Fortschritte bei der digitalen Wissensproduktion und Wissensvermittlung erreicht. Der vorliegende Band zur Dresdner Tagung vom Oktober 2022 berichtet über Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven und gibt Impulse in Form von 18 Beiträgen zu diesen 7 Themen: • Erinnerungskultur als gesellschaftlicher Auftrag • Digitale Werkzeuge und Methoden der Erinnerungskultur • Digitalisierung historischer Zeitzeugnisse • Social Media und historisches Lernen • Gaming in der Erinnerungskultur • Partizipative Erinnerungskultur und Citizen Science • Erfahrungen von Citizen Scientists Die Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft plädieren für mehr (digitale) Kooperationen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Akteuren und Einrichtungen sowie für engere und vor allem nachhaltige Vernetzungen der vielen Einzelprojekte. Digitale Erinnerungsarbeit kann erstarrte Gedenkrituale neu beleben und die Sichtbarkeit des ehrenamtlichen Bürgerengagements verbessern. „Erinnerungskultur digital“ will auch ein Appell sein, mit breiter Geschichtsarbeit und Medienkompetenz gezielter Desinformation zu begegnen. Sie will zur historischen und politischen Bildung beitragen, um die vielfach angegriffene freiheitliche Demokratie aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft heraus zu schützen und zu stärken. / The new digital wave has led to a change in the way we look at memory culture, historical knowledge and society’s dealings with the past. In Germany the main emphasis in memory culture has been on examining the National Socialist and GDR dictatorships. We can no longer draw on people who have lived through these times or on other witnesses from both post-war generations. But there is still a considerable body of interest being shown in the history of National Socialism, as a survey conducted by the Arolsen Archive among people born between 1997 and 2012 (generation Z) shows. Digital Natives are asking for more and more material to provide information and generate interest. Historical study through interactive digital media may in future be used for other areas such as colonial history or the history of democracy. The COVID pandemic has seen memorials and institutions of memory culture (archives, libraries, museums) registering a notable upsurge in the generation of digital knowledge and its dissemination. The present volume from the Dresden conference in 2022 gives an account of experience from different perspectives and its contributions provide pointers in the following seven areas: • Memory culture in the service of society • Digital tools and the methods of memory culture • Digitisation of contemporary historical sources • Social media and historical acquisition • Gaming in memory culture • Participative memory culture and citizen science • Lessons drawn from memory culture The contributions from academics and sociologists call for more (digital) cooperation between the various bodies involved and for closer and more lasting cooperation between the various individual projects. The use of digital methods to promote memory can give new life to old ways of thinking and can draw renewed attention to voluntary involvement in ‚memory culture digital‘; it can confront fake information through intensified historical study and media know-how. Its aim is to strengthen historical and social awareness and to shore up our embattled freedom-loving democracy from the very centre of society itself. (Übersetzung: Roger Paulin)

Principy popularizace vědeckých poznatků na českých a amerických zpravodajských serverech / Principles of popularization and media coverage of scientific knowledge on the Czech and American news servers

Samšuková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Principles of popularization of scientific knowledge on the Czech and American news servers" evaluates and compares news published during three month period in scientific sections of news servers in the Czech Republic and the United States of America. The thesis follows room provided for scientific topics, the audiovisual features and theme agenda on NYTimes.com, USAToday.com, iDnes.cz and Novinky.cz. The results are accomplished through the quantitative content analysis which is supplemented by the qualitative semiotic analysis. The semiotic analysis determins compositional and narrative structures and the language features in the articles. It is very important to be concerned about the scientific journalism, as science is important in people's lives and, furthermore, it is the public who helps to support scientific efforts financially. Thus, scientists should be concerned about and aware of science communication in media.

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