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Características Clínicas- Epidemiológicas en pacientes con cirrosis hepática en el Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú durante el periodo 2013- 2016Matos Santiváñez, Stephany Paola January 2017 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓN: La cirrosis es una causa creciente de morbilidad y mortalidad en los países más desarrollados, siendo la 14ª causa de muerte más frecuente en todo el mundo pero la cuarta en Europa central. Cada vez más, se ha visto que la cirrosis no es una sola entidad de enfermedad, pero que puede subclasificarse en distintas etapas clínicas de pronóstico, con un año de mortalidad que oscila entre el 1% y el 57% dependiendo del estadío.
OBJETIVO: Determinar las características clínicas y epidemiológicas en pacientes con el diagnóstico de cirrosis hepática en el Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú. MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal. Se tomó todo el universo de historias clínicas comprendidas entre el período mencionado, las cuales incluyeron 72 historias clínicas de pacientes con Cirrosis Hepática. Se analizaron los datos con el software SPSS Statistics 19, se consideró las medias y desviación estándar para las variables numéricas y frecuencia y porcentajes para las variables categóricas. RESULTADOS: El 59.72% fueron mujeres; la media de la edad global fue 74.85 +/- 14.1 años. La etiología más frecuente de Cirrosis Hepática fue la Cirrosis Biliar Primaria (26.39%) y en segundo lugar la ingesta de alcohol (18.06%). El 61.11% tuvo alguna hospitalización previa, siendo las infecciones (45.45%) la causa más frecuente de hospitalización, seguida de la ascitis (18.18%), encefalopatía (15.91%) y HDA (13.64%). La infección de mayor frecuencia fue la infección del tracto urinario (75%). Cuando se evaluó el score de Child- Pugh el 51.39% se encontró en estadío A y según el score de MELD, la severidad de la enfermedad hepática se encontró que el 45.83% tenía un puntaje entre 10-18 puntos. Las comorbilidades más frecuentes que presentó la población fue: HTA (59.72%) y DM2 (41.67%). CONCLUSIONES: Las características clínicas- epidemiológicas de los pacientes con Cirrosis Hepática en el Hospital Central de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú, en una población de 72 pacientes, mostro una gran heterogeneidad epidemiológica, etiológica y clínica.
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Estimation of genetic parameters for udder quality in Hereford cattleBradford, Heather Lynn January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Daniel W. Moser / Udder quality is an important trait for beef producers because udders impact cow longevity and calf performance. The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for udder quality in Hereford cattle. The Beef Improvement Federation recommends collecting subjective scores on udder suspension and teat size. Prior to these guidelines, the American Hereford Association (AHA) recorded an overall score, which combines all udder characteristics into a single score. In all cases, scores ranged from 1 to 9 with a score of 9 considered ideal. Records on 78,556 animals and a 3-generation pedigree with 196,540 animals were obtained from the AHA, Kansas City, MO. These records contained repeated observations for overall score (n=126,753), suspension (n=61,758), and teat size (n=61,765). Data were modeled using a multiple trait animal mixed model with random effects of additive genetic and permanent environment and with fixed effects of age and contemporary group (herd-year-season). Variances were estimated with ASREML 3.0. Heritability estimates (standard errors) of overall score, suspension, and teat size were 0.32 (0.01), 0.31 (0.01), and 0.28 (0.01), respectively. These results showed udder quality was moderately heritable, agreeing with previous research. The phenotypic correlation (standard error) between teat size and suspension was 0.64 (0.003). Of the records for suspension and teat size, 57% had the same score for both traits. The genetic correlations (standard errors) between teat size and suspension, overall score and teat size, and overall score and suspension were 0.83 (0.01), 0.72 (0.02), and 0.70 (0.02), respectively. The genetic correlations between traits were extremely strong. In addition, producer education is important to ensure the scoring systems are used correctly.
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A Value-Added Analysis of Teacher Effects on Student AchievementLusco, Ellen 20 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of teachers on student achievement using a longitudinal analysis. The analysis was based on the value-added assessment system implemented in Tennessee. In order to conduct this study, data were collected for two sets of students in one school district. The first set of students began Kindergarten in Spring 2000-Spring 2001 and continued to third grade in the Spring 2003-Spring 2004. The second set began Kindergarten in Spring 2001-Spring 2002 and went through second grade in the Spring 2003-Spring 2004 school year. Using mixed model ANOVAs modeled after Sanders' work, data were examined in thirteen separate analyses using nine independent variables. Year-to-year language arts differences, math differences, and reading differences on the ITBS were the dependent variables. In all of the year-to-year models, teachers were found to have a profound impact on student achievement. Prior achievement level was found to be another important factor in student achievement, with higher achieving students making consistently higher year-to-year gains than lower-achieving students.
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Efeito da suplementação com monensina no pré e pós-parto nas concentrações plasmáticas de AGNE, IGF-1 no diâmetro do maior folículo e na sua capacidade ovulatória a um estímulo com GnRH de vacas Nelore /Biluca, Daniel Feijó. January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: José Luiz Moraes Vasconcelos / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com monensina, em vacas nelore paridas a pasto, em anestro, nas concentrações plasmáticas de AGNE, IGF-1, no diâmetro de maior folículo e na capacidade de resposta desse folículo a um estímulo ovulatório hormonal (GnRH). Nesse estudo foram usadas 302 vacas (123 primíparas e 179 multíparas) que foram divididas em dois tratamentos, proporcionalmente, onde o lote controle recebeu apenas suplementação mineral e o lote tratado recebeu suplementação monensina (110mg/vaca/dia). Os tratamentos se iniciaram 30 dias pré-parto, onde avaliou-se o ECC pré-parto, até 90 dias pós-parto. Todas as vacas, em média aos 54 dias pós-parto, receberam um estímulo hormonal ovulatório (administração de 50 mcg de GnRH), foram avaliadas para o escore de condição corporal (escala de 1 a 5), colhido sangue para análise de IGF-1 e AGNE e foram avaliadas para o do diâmetro folicular através de ultra-sonografia (US). Após 7 dias nova US foi realizada para verificar a taxa de ovulação. As variáveis foram submetidas à análise de variância pelo GLM do SAS. O ECC pós-parto foi maior (p<0,01) em vacas tratadas com monensina (3,11) que vacas controle (3,00); além disso, vacas tratadas não perderam ECC no período periparto enquanto vacas controle perderam 0,19 pontos. Vacas suplementadas com monensina (883,9 mmol/l) tiveram concentração plasmática de AGNE menor (p<0,01) que vacas controle (1013,8 mmol/l), caracterizando, junto com a ECC, menor mobilização de reservas. Já a concentração plasmática de IGF-1 foi maior (p<0,01) nas vacas tratadas (118,5 ng/ml) que vacas controle (85,1 ng/ml). Primíparas (118,0 ng/ml) apresentaram IGF-1 maior (p<0,01) que multíparas (84,8 ng/ml). Vacas tratadas (10,07mm) apresentaram folículo maior que vacas controle (9,58mm) e multíparas (10,35mm) maior que primíparas (9,30mm)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of monensin supplementation in suckled anestrous Nellore cows on IGF-1 and NEFA concentrations, follicular diameter and GnRH ovulatory response. In this trial were used 302 cows (123 primiparous and 179 multiparous) divided in two treatments. The control group received only mineral supplementation and the treated group received monensin supplementation (110 mg/cow/day). The treatments began 30 days prepartum to 90 days postpartum. All cows, at average of 54 days postpartum, received hormonal ovulatory stimulation (50 mcg GnRH), BCS were evaluated (1 to 5 scale), blood samples were collected to IGF-1 and NEFA analysis and follicular diameter was measured by ultrasound (US). Seven days later ovulation rate was evaluated. Cows that received monensin had higher postpartum BCS (3.11) and lost less BCS at peripartum than control cows (3.00). Treated cows had lower (P<0.01) NEFA plasmatic concentration (883.9 mmol/l) than control cows (101.8 mmo/l), which associated with BCS suggests less reserve mobilization. IGF-1 plasmatic concentration was higher in treated cows (11.5 ng/ml) than control cows (85.1 ng/ml). Primiparous (118.0 ng/ml) had higher IGF-1 than multiparous (84.8 ng/ml). Treated cows had higher follicular diameter (10.07mm) than control cows (9,58mm) and multiparous (10.35mm) higher than primiparous (9.30mm). The hormonal ovulatory stimulation (GnRH) response is follicle diameter dependent and treated cows had higher response (35.9%) than control cows (31.5%). Monensin supplementation is a good strategy to improve energy status due to decrease in BCS loss and reduction of NEFA concentration. Monensin supplementation also increased IGF-1 plasmatic concentration, follicular diameter and hormonal (GnRH) ovulatory response. / Mestre
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Analise de efeitos de tratamento em modelos de árvores Bayesianas / Tree-based Bayesian treatment effect analysisSantos, Pedro Henrique Filipini dos 16 May 2019 (has links)
A inclusão do escore de propensão como uma covariável em modelos de árvores de regressão Bayesianas para inferência causal pode reduzir o viés existente nas estimações de efeitos de tratamento, o qual ocorre devido ao fenômeno de confudimento induzido por regularização. Este estudo defende o uso do escore de propensão por meio de um panorama de seleção de variáveis totalmente Bayesiano, e através do uso de Gráficos de Expectativa Individual Condicional, que se trata de um elemento que pode aprimorar a análise de efeitos de tratamento. Tal ferramental pode ser utilizado como meio de identificar grupos que possuem diferentes respostas ao tratamento aplicado e para analisar o impacto de cada variável no efeito de tratamento estimado. / The inclusion of the propensity score as a covariate in Bayesian regression trees for causal inference can reduce the bias in treatment effect estimations, which occurs due to the regularization-induced confounding phenomenon. This study advocates for the use of the propensity score by evaluating it under a full-Bayesian variable selection setting, and the use of Individual Conditional Expectation Plots as a graphical tool to improve treatment effect analysis. These tools can be used to form groups with different responses to the applied treatment, and to analyze the impact of each variable in the estimated treatment effect.
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Specificity of the diagnostic materials for laryngopharyngeal reflux.Logan, Jeanneane 16 May 2011 (has links)
Rationale: Laryngopharygeal reflux (LPR) is a controversial area of diagnosis and
consequently management. Many patients suffering from voice and swallowing
disorders may be suffering from LPR but decreased specificity of diagnosis makes
management ineffective and impacts on quality of life as well as leading to overdiagnosis
of LPR.
Aims: (1) To establish the relationship between the Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) and
the Reflux Finding Score (RFS) in participants who have attended the Wits University
Donald Gordon Voice and Swallowing clinic. (2) To establish if there is a correlation
between the total RFS and RSI scores. (3) To ascertain which test items of the RSI
and the RFS are elevated in the participants. (4) To describe trends in RFS and RSI
sub scores and (5) to determine if extraneous factors such as age, gender, professional
voice use and smoking impact on the subscores of the RFS and RSI and to describe
the trends based on these variables
Method: A quantitative retrospective chart review of 105 patients who attended the
Voice and Swallowing clinic was conducted. Each participant completed a self-rating
scale for reflux severity (the RSI) as well as undergoing stroboscopic examination.
Stroboscopic results were rated by a multidisciplinary team (2 otolaryngologists, a
speech therapist and a voice coach) to ascertain the patient’s Reflux Finding Score
(RFS). Inferential and descriptive statistics were employed to achieve the aims.
Results: A weak negative significant correlation on totals of the RFS and RSI
(r=0,20; p= 0,0395) was established. There were a number of intra-item correlations
on the RSI and the RFS. Descriptive statistics revealed that hoarseness, excess mucus
and throat clearing were the most frequently rated symptoms on the RSI and
erythemia, posterior commisure hyperatrophy and diffuse laryngeal oedema most
frequently rated signs on the RFS. Gender was the only variable found to have a
significant effect on the total RFS and RSI ratings.
Conclusion: There is specificity in the RSI and RFS as diagnostic materials for LPR.
However, there may be an incidence of over diagnosis. Factors such as age, smoking,
professional voice use and gender must be considered in diagnosis.
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The Effect of the ESG Score on Stock Price Jumps : A Quantitative Study on Nordic CountriesAfrooz, Zakia, Kruusman, Artur January 2019 (has links)
Sustainability performance of a firm is gaining equal importance as the economic performance in today’s world. Sustainability scores or ESG ratings have successfully emerged to be popular sustainability performance measurements for firms across the globe. Therefore, many studies have been done focusing on relating the firms’ sustainability performance with the financial performance from different aspects in different regions. Other studies have also looked at the relationship between sustainability performance/CSR/ESG and the risks related to the firms. But no study has been found that consider the relationship between ESG/CSR and more extreme stock price movements, i.e., so called stock price jumps, which is an important part of the total risk. To fill this knowledge gap, this study aims to investigate the relationship between firms ESG score, as well as how separate E, S and G scores, relate to stock price jumps.The Nordic countries are chosen as the research area as the four Nordic countries, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Norway are ranked among the top five countries in terms of ESG ratings for the last two years. Logically, the investors in these countries should be interested in the firms ESG score as well. Data source for this study is mainly the Thomson Reuters Eikon database. In total 105 companies listed in the Nordic Stock Exchanges have been selected as the sample within the time frame 2008-2017. The findings of this study indicate that, there is no statistically proven significant relationship between firms’ overall sustainability performance or the ESG score and the number of stock price jumps. However, some significantresults have been found at the country levelandforindividual E, S and G scores however. Therefore, individual environmental, social and governance scores have been recommended to be studied by investors before taking any investment decision if they want to reduce the probable stock price jump risk.
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Livscykelns modererande effekt på sambandet mellan CSR och utdelning : En kvantitativ studie på europeiska börsnoterade företagLundström, Viktor, Sutinen, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: En grundläggande övertygelse är att socialt ansvar lönar sig för företaget såväl som för intressenter och samhället i allmänhet. Det finns bevis för att företag som lägger ned mer resurser på CSR-arbete ökar i värde, och får ett bättre anseende. Syftet är att förklara sambandet mellan CSR och företagets utdelning, samt om olika stadier i livscykeln har en modererande effekt på sambandet. Metod: En positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med en hypotetisk-deduktiv ansats tillämpas i studien. Studien har en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi som implementerat data från åren 2013–2017. Studien består av 426 europeiska börsnoterade företag. När de modererande effekterna undersöks består urvalet av 142 företag i mognadsstadiet respektive 70 företag i tillväxtstadiet. Studien består av sekundärdata från Thomson Reuters Datastream som analyseras i statistikprogrammet IBM SPSS. Resultat & slutsats: Resultatet från studien visar att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan företagets CSR-aktiviteter och utdelning, samt att mognadsstadiet har en modererande effekt på sambandet. Resultatet antyder att CSR-aktiviteter och utdelning ökar tillsammans när företag befinner sig i mognadsstadiet. Examensarbetets bidrag: Studien bidrar till den företagsekonomiska forskningen genom att undersöka livscykelstadiernas modererande effekt på sambandet mellan CSR och utdelning, samt således ökad kunskap om ämnet. Studien bidrar även med praktisk information till potentiella investerare om vilken utdelning de kan förvänta sig av ett företag beroende på hur mycket de satsar på CSR och var i livscykeln de befinner sig. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Urvalet i den här studien består av europeiska börsnoterade företag. Det vore intressant att se om resultaten skiljer sig åt om fler världsdelar inkluderas. Ett annat förslag är att använda fler variabler, exempelvis vid uppskattning av företagets livscykelstadie. / Aim: It is a fundamental belief that social responsibility benefits companies as well as stakeholders and society as a whole. Evidence suggests that companies that devote more resources to CSR increase in value, and they also earn a greater reputation. The aim of this study is to explain the relationship between a company’s CSR activities and its dividend policy, and whether different stages of the corporate life cycle have a moderating effect on the relationship. Method: The study is based on a positivistic research philosophy with a hypothetical-deductive approach. The study applies a quantitative research strategy that includes data from the years 2013–2017. The study consists of 426 European publicly listed companies. When the moderating effect is examined the data selection consists of 142 companies in the mature stage of the corporate life cycle, and 70 companies in the growth stage. The study is based on secondary data collected from Thomson Reuters Datastream. The data analysis was then conducted using IBM SPSS statistics software. Result & Conclusions: The result of the study shows a positive correlation between CSR and dividend policy, and that the mature stage of the corporate life cycle has a moderating effect on the relationship. The result suggests that CSR-activities and dividends increase together when companies are in the mature stage of the life cycle. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to business research by examining the effect of the corporate life cycle stages on the relationship between CSR and dividend policy, and thus increasing the knowledge of the subject. The study also provides important practical information to potential investors about expected dividend payout depending on how much a company invests in CSR, and where it is in the corporate life cycle. Suggestions for future research: The data selection of this study consists of data from publicly traded European companies. It is our belief that it would be interesting to see the effect on the relationship if companies from a wider selection of countries is used. Another suggestion for future research is to widen the scope of the study by including a greater number of variables, for example when estimating the company’s life cycle stage.
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Avaliação de escore corporal em equinos através da ultrassonografia / Evaluation of body condition score in horses by ultrasonographyMartins, Roberto Alexandre Díaz Toledo 15 December 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, a avaliação do treinamento e da nutrição dos cavalos de esporte, vem sendo amplamente estudada , no intuito de atingir o máximo desempenho dos cavalos de esporte nas competições. A composição corpórea muscular e de deposição de gordura, assim como em humanos, é um dos melhores indicativos deste desempenho. O escore de condição corporal (ECC) é um indicador subjetivo do estado corpóreo em equinos, baseado exclusivamente no depósito de gordura .A ultrassonografia tem demonstrado ser uma ferramenta de grande valor nesta avaliação.Com o objetivo de estudar a relação do escore corporal com medidas de espessura de gordura e músculos obtidas através da ultrassonografia em três raças distintas , utilizou-se 14 equinos Puro Sangue Inglês(PSI), 7 equinos Quarto de Milha(QM) e 10 equinos Puro Sangue Árabe(PSA) , com idade média de 3,5± 0,5 anos e peso médio de 471 quilos. Os animais foram avaliados por ultrassonografia em três regiões paralelas a coluna vertebral: espessura da gordura lombar(EGL), espessura do músculo glúteo(EMG) e espessura da gordura na cauda(EGC).As mensurações foram realizadas a cada 30 dias ,durante 60 dias. Os resultados mostraram um comportamento diferente entre as raças, porém a correlação do escore corporal com a medida de espessura de gordura na base da cauda(EGC),teve uma maior correlação, comparada com as outras variáveis ultrassonográficas. A avaliação ultrassonográfica mostrou-se uma ferramenta confiável e prática de avaliação de condição corpórea nas raças de cavalos de esporte. / Currently, the evaluation of training and nutrition for sport horses, has been widely studied in order to achieve maximum performance of sport horses in competitions. The body composition of muscle and fat deposition, as well as in humans, is one of the best indicators of performance. The body condition score (BCS) is a subjective indicator of body condition in horses, based exclusively on fat deposition. Ultrasonography has proved to be a valuable tool in the evaluation. In order to study the relationship score with measures of body fat and muscle thickness obtained by ultrasonography in three distinct races, we used 14 Thoroughbred horses (PSI), 7 Quarter Horses (QM) and 10 Purebred Arabian horses (PSA) with a mean age of 3.5 ± 0.5 years and average weight of 471 kg. Os animals were evaluated by ultrasonography in three regions parallel to the spine, back fat thickness (EGL ), thickness of gluteal muscle (EMG) and fat thickness in tail (EGC). the measurements were performed every 30 days for 60 days. The results showed a different behavior between the races, but the correlation of scores with a measure of body fat thickness at the head of the tail (EGC), had a higher correlation, compared with the other variables Ultrasonographic evaluation proved to be a reliable and practical tool for assessing body condition of horses in sport horses.
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Walking in the City of Ottawa: Pedestrian Volume and its Relationship with WalkabilityBouchard, Marc 06 March 2019 (has links)
Walkability indices are currently used for a wide range of research and commercial applications. Few studies have examined the relationship between walkability indices and measured pedestrian volume or walking rates, nor explored moderators of pedestrian volume such as weather. With 14 years of traffic study data from the City of Ottawa, a spatial auto-regressive (SAR) multi-level model (MLM) was used to understand the proportion of variance in walking explained by the commercial Walk Score® index and selected weather variables. Modeling revealed that a significant proportion of pedestrian volume at a given location in Ottawa, including its spatial lag, was explained by the corresponding Walk Score® value and its spatial lag (51.45%). Furthermore, weather expressed as a combination of ‘felt’ temperature, presence or absence of precipitation, and percent cloud cover, accounted for 2.79% of the variance in walking. These findings indicate that walkability indices may provide value as cost-effective engineering and urban planning tools.
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