Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deals."" "subject:"meals.""
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Estudo das propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos WC-6Co, WC-10Co, WC-20Co, WC-6Co-6Ni, WC-6Co-12Ni obtidos por metalurgia do pó convencional para aplicação em anéis de selos mecânicosMartins, Vinicius January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do metal duro nas composições WC-6Co, WC-10Co, WC-20Co, WC-6Co-6Ni, WC-6Co-12Ni, obtidos por metalurgia do pó convencional para aplicação em anéis de selos mecânicos. Estes compósitos foram obtidos a partir de uma composição comercial de WC-6Co, e adicionado cobalto e níquel para realização do balanço de massa. Determinou-se um procedimento de obtenção das composições, através de cálculos de balanceamento adicionando-se a quantidade de cobalto e níquel necessária para transformar um compósito comercial 94WC-6Co nos metais duros mencionados. Após este procedimento adicionou-se 1,5% de lubrificante, em um misturador em “Y”. Analisou-se no Microscópio eletrônico de varredura a homogeneidade das composições. Determinou-se a densidade aparente, a curva de compressibilidade e compactaram-se as amostras de metal duro obtendo-se as densidades a verde. Realizou-se a pré-sinterização e determinaram-se as densidades das peças présinterizadas, executou-se ensaio de compressão e obtiveram-se parâmetros de usinagem na operação de faceamento e furação dos corpos de prova pré-sinterizados. A sinterização foi realizada em diversas vezes, nos dois fornos resistivos e em três atmosferas de controle diferentes. Determinaram-se curvas rápidas de sinterização e utilizou as temperaturas de 1360, 1400, 1420, e 1450ºC para as várias composições de metal duro. Para analisar-se a eficiência da mistura foi realizado ensaio de densidade das amostras sinterizadas, dureza, microdureza, metalografia, micrografia, EDS, contração linear e contração volumétrica e compressão. Após a caracterização dos materiais foi projetado e fabricado um ferramental de compactação. Compactou-se, sinterizou-se e retificou-se um anel de selo mecânico. / The aim of this work is to characterize to study the mechanical properties of carbide in the composition WC-6Co, WC-10Co, WC-20Co, WC-6Co-6Ni, WC-6Co-12Ni obtained by conventional powder metallurgy for application to rings of mechanical seals. These composites were obtained from a commercial composition of WC-6Co, and added cobalt and nickel to perform the mass balance. It was determined a procedure for obtaining the compositions, by calculation of balancing resulting in the amount of cobalt and nickel needed to transform a composite commercial 94WC-6Co in hard metals mentioned. After this procedure was added to 1.5% of lubricant, in a blender "Y". Analyzed in a scanning electron microscope the homogeneity of the compositions. It was determined the density, the compressibility curve and compress the samples carbide yielding green densities. We calculated the pre-sintering and determined the densities of pre-sintered parts, performed in compression test and it was obtained machining parameters in milling operation and drilling of the specimens pre-sintered. The sintering was performed at various times in the two resistive furnaces and atmospheres in three different control. Were determined fast corners and used sintering temperatures of 1360, 1400, 1420, and 1450 º C for various compositions of carbide. To analyze the efficiency of mixing was performed to test the samples sintered density, hardness, hardness, metallography, electron micrograph, EDS, linear and volumetric shrinkage and compression. After the characterization of materials was designed and manufactured tools of compaction, compacted, sintered and ground a ring of mechanical seal.
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Verificação da adição de cinza leve no composto ferro-cobre-grafite para fabricação de anéis de selos mecânicos pelo processo de metalurgia do pó convencionalMotta, Clayton André Oliveira da January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho possui como objetivo analisar as propriedades do composto que apresenta em sua composição Fe-Cu-C com adição da cinza leve em percentuais de 4,8% classificado como composto A; 9,8% classificado como composto B; e 14.8% classificado como composto C, processados por metalurgia do pó convencional. Outro objetivo foi analisar o percentual desses compostos e compará-los a liga Fe-Cu-C, classificado como composto Sem Cinza (SC), que não apresenta cinza em sua composição. O composto que não apresenta cinza é utilizado na fabricação de anéis de selos mecânicos. Buscou-se nesse trabalho a melhor condição de cinza em balanço como sendo uma possível alternativa na fabricação desses componentes. A cinza leve foi adicionada ao composto SC já citado (Fe-Cu-C). O carbono presente no composto sem cinza, que tem por finalidade apresentar uma melhor condição de lubrificação nos anéis de selos mecânicos, foi mantido e balanceado junto aos três novos que apresentaram a adição de cinza. Foi analisada no microscópio eletrônico de varredura a distribuição dos elementos ferro, cobre, grafite e cinza leve após a sinterização. Já o tamanho das partículas dos constituintes dos compostos, foram analisados ainda em estado pulvurulento. Determinou-se a massa específica aparente, a curva de compressibilidade e foram compactadas as amostras dos compostos Fe-Cu-C com e sem cinza. Foi realizada a sinterização em atmosfera controlada por argônio em temperatura de 1150ºC com taxa de resfriamento constante. Para a análise da eficiência da mistura, foram realizados ensaios de densidade das amostras sinterizadas, dureza, microdureza e metalografia. Ensaio de micrografia, Dispersão de Energia por Espectroscopia (EDS), ensaio de desgaste pelo método tribológico, análise perfilométrica 2D e 3D e análise dimensional (variações de altura e diâmetro). Foi realizada também a análise da resistividade elétrica dos compostos balanceados com cinza e sem cinza. Para mensurar a possibilidade do uso dos compostos com cinza foram avaliados os resultados obtidos e comparados com os resultados do composto Fe-Cu-C sem adição de cinza. Os resultados indicaram a possiblidade do emprego do composto A (4,8% de cinza) para fabricação de anéis de selo mecânico. / This work aims to analyze the properties of the compound having in its composition Fe-Cu-C with the addition of fly ash in 4,8% percentage classified as compound A, 9,8% classified as compound B, and 14,8% classified as compound C, processed by conventional powder metallurgy. Another objective was to analyze the percentage of these compounds and compare them to Fe-Cu-C, classified as compound No fly ash (SC), which has no gray in their composition. The compound that has no ash is used in the manufacture of mechanical seals rings. We sought in this work the best condition of gray balance as a possible alternative in the manufacture of these components. The fly ash was added to the compound SC (Fe-Cu-C). The addition of carbon in the compounds was to reduce the friction in process compression. Was examined in a scanning electron microscope the distribution of the elements iron, copper, graphite, and fly ash after sintering. The size of the compounds particles were analyzed in powdery state. It was determined the apparent density, compressibility curve of the compounds Fe-Cu-C and Fe-Cu-C with fly ash. Sintering was performed in a controlled atmosphere with argon at a temperature of 1150 ° C with a constant rate of cooling. To analyze the efficiency of mixing of test samples of sintered density, hardness, hardness and metallography were performed. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), tribological wear test method, analysis perfilométrica 2D and 3D dimensional analysis (variations in height and diameter). Analysis of the electrical resistivity of the compounds with and without fly ash was also performed. To measure the possible use of the compounds with fly ash, results were evaluated and compared with results of the compound Fe-Cu-C without adding ash. The results indicated the possibility of employment of compound A (4,8% ash) for the manufacture of mechanical seal rings.
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Estudo técnico-econômico da substituição de gaxetas por selos mecânicos em bombas centrífugas / Technical and economic study of replacement gaskets for mechanical seals in centrifugal pumpsVédson Lopes de Souza 05 October 2009 (has links)
As bombas centrífugas com vedações à base de gaxetas possuem uma boa eficiência, porém impõem ao sistema de bombeamento, perdas do produto recalcado. Estas são variáveis que norteiam fatores relacionados às condições físicas do equipamento, como por exemplo, o desgaste excessivo das buchas, falta da regulagem adequada e até mesmo o porte das bombas. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi identificar e quantificar os vazamentos provenientes das vedações das bombas centrífugas que operam em regime permanente e propor a substituição do sistema de vedação com gaxetas por sêlos mecânicos com maior eficiência, na Estação Elevatória de Água Tratada de Itaquera pertencente à empresa SABESP Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, localizada na Avenida Virgínia Ferne, n 1036 - Itaquera, na cidade de São Paulo. Pôde-se observar com os resultados, que o investimento é totalmente amortizado a partir do 4 ano de operação do selo mecânico, bem como a economia com os vazamentos de água e energia elétrica. O novo dispositivo mostrou-se eficaz na questão de implantação e manutenção, sendo que cabe um investimento inicial a ser disponibilizado pela empresa interessada. / The centrifugal pumps with sealing based on gaskets have a good efficiency, but, impose to the pumping system, losses of product to be pumped. These ones, are variables that guide related factors to physical condition of equipments, for example, exceeding wearing of the sleeves (wad), and a lack of a proper adjustment and even the pumps size. The main objective of this research was to identify and quantify the leakages originated from the sealing of centrifugal pumps which operates in permanent regime, at Lifting Station treated Water of Itaquera, belonging to the company SABESP - Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, located at Avenida Virgínia Ferne, n 1036 - Itaquera, city of São Paulo. We could find out with the results, that the investment is totally amortized from the 4th year of mechanical sealing operation, as well as the economy with the leakages of water and electrical energy. The new device has shown efficiency in implementation and maintenance, and an investment should be made by an interested company due to its efficiency.
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Factors affecting reproductive success of Southern elephant seals, Mirounga, at Marion IslandWilkinson, I.S. (Ian Stewart) January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1992. / gm2014 / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted
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Non-comital women of twelfth-century England : a charter based analysisKilpi, Hanna Ilona January 2015 (has links)
This thesis sets out to explore the place and agency of non-comital women in twelfth-century Anglo-Norman England. Until now, broad generalisations have been applied to all aristocratic women based on a long established scholarship on royal and comital women. Non-comital women have been overlooked, mainly because of an assumed lack of suitable sources from this time period. The first aim of this thesis is to demonstrate that there is a sufficient corpus of charters for a study of this social group of women. It is based on a database created from 5545 charters, of which 3046 were issued by non-comital women and men, taken from three case study counties, Oxfordshire, Suffolk and Yorkshire, and is also supported by other government records. This thesis demonstrates that non-comital women had significant social and economic agency in their own person. By means of a detailed analysis of charters and their clauses this thesis argues that scholarship on non-comital women must rethink the framework applied to the study of non-comital women to address the lifecycle as one of continuities and as active agents in a wider public society. Non-comital women’s agency and identity was not only based on land or in widowhood, which has been the one period in their life cycles where scholars have recognised some level of autonomy, and women had agency in all stages of their life cycle. Women’s agency and identity were drawn from and part of a wider framework that included their families, their kin, and broader local political, religious, and social networks. Natal families continued to be important sources of agency and identity to women long after they had married. Part A of the thesis applies modern charter diplomatic analysis methods to the corpus of charters to bring out and explore women’s presence therein. Part B contextualises these findings and explores women’s agency in their families, landholding, the gift-economy, and the wider religious and social networks of which they were a part.
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Numerical Investigations on theBuckling Characteristics andAnalysis of Deformation andStress of Brush SealsZhang, Tianqi, Bhandare, Chetan January 2017 (has links)
Brush seals are contact seals which are efficient and reliable and can beused in any rotatory machinery. A theoretical model of a brush seal wassuggested and used for a simulation study. Comparison between the resultsof the experiment and simulation is used to verify the accuracy of model.Following the basic simulation steps, more simulation will be done to geta further analysis. The further analysis will be studied in bristles’ bucklingcharacteristics, deformation and stress. The buckling, stress anddeformation is related to the brush seal’s performance. This work givesthe different geometry of bristle’s effect to its buckling characteristics andthe study of stress and deformation caused by fluid flow across bristlesduring operation.
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Evaluation of Well Seal Integrity and Its Relative Importance in Assessing Groundwater QualitySt-Germain, Pascale L. January 2011 (has links)
Unlike municipal water supplies, provincial regulations do not require systematic testing of domestic well water, which may adversely impact local residents should contamination occur. Private wells are typically shallow relative to municipal wells, and thus, are particularly vulnerable to sources of surficial contamination if preferential recharge pathways such as natural fractures or faulty seals are present.
In order to determine the relative importance of well seal integrity as a preferential pathway, a practical detection method was developed based on infiltrometry. This method successfully detected faulty well seals in a wide range of geological settings across Canada, including: Hobbema, Alberta; Lindsay, Ontario; and Chelsea, Québec. It was most successful in areas of minimal heterogeneity and where the surficial geology is composed of fine-grained sediments.
The community of Chelsea (Québec) was also the primary study site to examine a range of factors affecting water quality including physical characteristics, faulty well seals, other anthropogenic activities and seasonality. Water samples were collected over a period of 14 months and analyzed for bacteria and major-ion chemistry. The results show that the consideration of physical features alone is not enough to predict vulnerability in the study area. Seasonal fluctuations in ionic concentrations (e.g. ionic strength, NO3-N and Cl-) and coliform bacteria are observed and result from disperse and rapid recharge events. Multivariate analysis techniques (e.g. principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis) demonstrate that preferential recharge pathways and anthropogenic activities, such as domestic effluents affect the groundwater quality. The data and findings of this study were used to assist in the design of a probabilistic risk assessment model based on the Poisson distribution.
This study demonstrates the complexity and the challenges related to bacterial contamination in drilled wells. In spite of these challenges, this analysis was useful as a baseline to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities, and may be used in future studies to assist municipalities in the evaluation and protection of groundwater supplies.
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Výzkum opotřebení materiálů v kontaktu s MR kapalinou / Study on wear of material in contact with MR fluidŽáček, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This paper is focused on MR dampers and its critical parts in term of damper`s durability, which seems to be a piston-rod seals, and it should find an ideal material combination of seal and MR fluid for increasing the damper`s life. The tests were conducted in modified pin-on-flat configuration, which was supposed to be more suitable for laboratory testing. There was tested and compared a suitable material for seals, like PTFE, NBR, SBR of polyurethanes. The article is also focused on MR fluids and its contribution to seal`s wear. The impact of particle concentration, wear of MR fluid and effect of modification of MR fluid was tested. It showed up, that the best material for seal is H-PU95FDA. The effect of particle concentration is negligible on seal`s wear, while effect of modification and wear of MR fluids are significantly higher.
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An Analysis of the Correspondence Between the Measures Collected by an Autism Treatment Center and its Stated Mission GoalsKowalchuk, Holly M. 05 1900 (has links)
This study was a program evaluation for an autism treatment center for the period of April 2008 through August 2011. the study extended previous evaluations of the autism treatment center. the purpose of this evaluation was to determine the degree to which the center’s measures corresponded with its stated mission goals. a number of data sources were reviewed including client records of demographic and outcome information. Findings suggest the center maintained records that allow for the evaluation of most of its mission’s goals. There were, however, difficulties with data collection, storage, and retrieval. the present program evaluation found that missing information and lack of follow-up information hindered efforts toward mission evaluation.
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Structural Analysis and Design of Seals for Coal Mine SafetyHolmer, Matthew S 07 May 2016 (has links)
This research shows that worst-case methane-air detonation loading on coal mine seals could be more severe than the design loads required by federal regulations, and therefore mine seals should be designed with sufficient ductility beyond the elastic regime. For this study, reinforced concrete mine seals were designed according to traditional protective structural design methods to meet the federal regulation requirements, and then the response to worst-case loads was analyzed in a single-degree-ofreedom model. Coal mine seals designed to resist the regulation loads elastically experienced support rotations up to 4.27 deg when analyzed with the worst-case loads. The analysis showed that coal mine seals designed to satisfy the federal regulations can survive worst-case methane-air detonations if they have sufficient ductility, but will undergo permanent, inelastic deformation.
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