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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of fault and top seal effectiveness through an integration of hydrodynamic and capillary analysis techniques

Underschultz, James Ross January 2009 (has links)
Fault and top seal effectiveness has proved to be a significant risk in exploration success, and creates a large uncertainty in predicting reservoir performance. This is particularly true in the Australian context, but equally applies to exploration provinces worldwide. Seals can be broadly classified into fault, intraformational, and top seal. For geological time-scale processes, intraformational and top seals are typically characterised by their membrane seal capacity and fracture threshold pressure. Fault seals are typically characterised by fault geometry, juxtaposition, membrane seal capacity, and reactivation potential. At the production time scale, subtle variations in the permeability distribution within a reservoir can lead to compartmentalization. These are typically characterised by dynamic reservoir models which assume hydrostatic conditions prior to commencement of production. There are few references in the seals literature concerning the integration of hydrodynamic techniques with the various aspects of seal evaluation. The research for this PhD thesis by published papers includes: Methodology for characterising formation water flow systems in faulted strata at exploration and production time scales; a new theory of hydrodynamics and membrane (capillary) seal capacity; and case study evaluations demonstrating integrated multidisciplinary techniques for the evaluation of seal capacity (fault, intraformational and top seal) that demonstrate the new theory in practice. By incorporating hydrodynamic processes in the evaluation of total seal capacity, the evidence shows that existing shale gouge ratio – across fault pressure difference (SGR-AFPD) calibration plots need adjustment resulting in the calibration envelopes shifting to the centre of the plot. / This adjustment sharpens the predictive capacity for membrane seal analysis in the pre-drill scenario. This PhD thesis presents the background and rationale for the thesis topic, presents each published paper to be included as part of the thesis and its contribution to the body of work addressing the thesis topic, and presents related published papers that are not included in the thesis but which support the body of published work on the thesis topic. The result of the thesis is a new theory and approach to characterising membrane seal capacity for the total seal thickness, and has implications for an adjusted SGR-AFPD calibration to be applied in pre-drill evaluations of seal capacity. A large portion of the resources and data required to conduct the research were made available by CSIRO and its associated project sponsors including the CO2CRC.

Modeling And Simulation Of Oil Leakage In Radial Lip Seals

Yildiz, Meltem 01 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Radial lip seals are used to prevent leakage between machine elements in many industrial applications. During operation, fluid film between seal lip and shaft surface generates a pressure distribution on the lip which is elastically deformed due to hydrodynamic pressure. Surface roughness parameters in terms of moments of height profile distribution (rms roughness, skewness and kurtosis) affect the rate of oil leakage. A computer program is developed for elastohydrodynamic analysis of radial lip seals. Both the fluid mechanics of the lubricating film and the elastic deformation of the lip are taken into consideration to determine the hydrodynamic pressure distribution and the oil flow through the seal lip. The effect of shaft surface roughness on hydrodynamic analysis is taken into account by using average Reynolds equation with flow factors. For non-Gaussian surfaces, the modified flow factors are used to investigate the effects of skewness and kurtosis on the oil leakage. Numerical tests are performed for different skewness, kurtosis and initial seal tightness values. Results show that when a seal is mounted with a high initial tightness, the hydrodynamic pressure developed is not enough to deform the lip to form a fluid film between the shaft and the seal lip. It is observed that for the same rms roughness and skewness, the side flow rate increases as the kurtosis value increases. However, for the same rms roughness and kurtosis values, the side flow rate decreases for all skewness values.

Transmission loss of vehicle seals

Li, Qi January 2008 (has links)
<p>  Sound transmission loss of vehicle seals was studied in this thesis. Reverberation room test and semi-anechoic chamber test were respectively studied. By comparing the sound pressure level, sound intensity level and average sound power level at the receiving side, it proved that a simple sound pressure level test may obtain same measurement accuracy when there is little reflected sound. A semi-anechoic chamber was designed for testing sound transmission losses of the seals on a trial vehicle. By comparing the sound pressure levels between the location of the passenger ear and door area, it proved that most of outside sound energy passed through the door seals into the interior. The sound transmission losses of different sealing conditions were measured which included well sealed and imperfectly sealed conditions; Sound pressure levels at passenger’s ear in three different types of vehicles were also compared, these comparison results indicated this laboratory was capable of distinguishing different sealing conditions. The installation procedure was compared with the one in reverberation room test. Numerical analysis showed that the latter method produced a different compression shape which would definitely influence the sound insulation abilities of the seals.</p><p>  The transmission mechanism of the acoustic waves through a vehicle seal was also discussed. Contact analysis showed high compression ratio leaded to tremendous inner stress intensity. But any further increase of the contact depth would not improve the effect of wind noise prevention. A vehicle seal with a complex shape was replaced by a simple model. The sound transmission theory of multiple partitions on the basis of mass law was applied. Whereas, compared with the experimental result, a different trend in the high frequency range was found. When taking the transmission though the side material and integration of incident angle into account, the result was quite similar to the experimental one. FEM analysis was also performed. The majority of sound power was believed to transmit along the seal wall into the interior instead of passing through the multiple partitions. A distorted circular duct model is believed to be close to the real geometry.</p><p> </p>

Análise Morfológica e Ultra-estrutural do Coração do Lobo-Marinho-do-Sul (Arctocephus australis, Zimmermann, 1783) / Morphological and Ultrastructural Analysis of the Heart of the Southern-Fur-Seal (Arctocephalus australis, Zimmermamm, 1783)

Juliana Plácido Guimarães 15 December 2009 (has links)
O lobo-marinho-do-sul pertencente à ordem Carnivora, subordem Pinnipedia e família Otariidae habita ambientes aquáticos e terrestres e, desta forma, apresentando alterações morfofisiológicas adaptativas importantes, entre elas o sistema cardíaco. O coração é o órgão muscular central do sistema circulatório que tem como função o transporte de oxigênio e nutrientes para os tecidos, assim como o transporte de dióxido de carbono. Considerando a importância deste órgão para o funcionamento geral dos demais sistemas corpóreos, este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a morfologia e aspectos morfométricos do coração a fim de estabelecer comparações entre o coração do lobo-marinho-do-sul com outros pinípedes e carnívoros terrestres. Para tanto, foram utilizados corações de lobo-marinho-do-sul (Arctocephalus australis) que vierem a óbito por causas naturais. Após análise macroscópica e realização de mensurações, os corações foram analisados em nível de microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, por meio de crio fratura em nitrogênio líquido, e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. As características topográficas e morfológicas do coração do lobo-marinho-do-sul são descritas. O órgão é quase totalmente envolto pelo pulmão e revestido pelo pericárdio tendo uma forma alongada e achatada. Os aspectos ultra-estruturais apresentaram a disposição de fibras musculares dos átrios e ventrículos com as características típicas de fibras cardíacas revelando os feixes de miofibrilas, mitocôndrias com as cristas mitocondriais nítidas, junções em forma de placas, anastosmoses entre os feixes de miofibrilas e grânulos elétron-densos, nátrio-uréticos, próximo ao núcleo das células musculares ou ao longo da disposição de mitocôndrias das fibras musculares de átrios. / The southern-fur-seal belongs to the order Carnivora, suborder Pinnipedia and Otariidae family lives in aquatic and terrestrial environments and thus presenting important adaptive morpho-physiological changes, between then the cardiovascular system. The heart is the central muscular organ of the circulatory system whose function is to transport oxygen and nutrients to tissues, as well as the transport of carbon dioxide. Considering the importance of this organ to the overall functioning of other body systems, this study was to aim to describe the morphology and morphometric aspects of the heart in order to establish comparisons between the heart of the southern-fur-seals with other pinnipeds and terrestrial carnivores. Therefore, hearts of southern-fur-seals (Arctocephalus australis) were used that come to death by natural pathologies. After macroscopic analysis and execution of measurements, the hearts were analyzed at the level of light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, using cryo fracture in liquid nitrogen, and transmission electron microscopy. The heart of the fur seal-of-south is surrounded almost entirely by the lung and covered by the pericardium, having long, flat in shape. The ultrastructural aspects presented the dispositive of muscle fibers of the atrium and ventricles under the typical cardiac fibers revelry the myofibrils bundles, mitochondria with mitochondrial cristal, junction in form of plates, anastomosis between the myofibrils bundles, and electron dense granules like natriun-uretriz near to nuclear of muscle cells or along the disposal of mitochondria of the muscle fibers of atrium.

Beneath the sea ice : exploring elephant seal foraging strategy in Earth's extreme Antarctic polar environment / Sous la banquise Antarctique : écologie alimentaire des éléphants de mer des îles Kerguelen, influence des paramètres océanographiques et de glace de mer

Labrousse, Sara 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les mammifères marins de l'Océan Austral sont des éléments essentiels des écosystèmes marins antarctiques et des sentinelles de l’état des océans polaires. Comprendre comment les conditions océanographiques déterminent leurs habitats préférentiels est essentiel pour identifier de quelle façon et dans quelle région ces mammifères acquièrent les ressources nécessaires à leur déplacement, leur croissance, leur reproduction et donc leur survie. Les éléphants de mer du Sud (Mirounga leonina) se déplacent dans l’océan austral à l’échelle des bassins océaniques pour s’alimenter en plongeant en moyenne à 500 m et jusqu’à 2000 m de profondeur. En fonction de leur colonie d’origine, de leur sexe, et de leur âge, ils exploitent des régions radicalement différentes de l’océan austral, mettant ainsi en œuvre des stratégies alimentaires diversifiées. Les éléphants de mer de Kerguelen utilisent deux zones préférentiellement: la zone du Front Polaire ou la zone Antarctique couverte par la banquise. Dans cette thèse, les stratégies alimentaires des voyages post-mue Antarctiques de 46 mâles et femelles éléphants de mer de Kerguelen ont été étudiées. Une série temporelle de 11 années (2004-2014) de données de déplacement, de plongées et de données hydrologiques a été analysée pour déterminer le rôle des paramètres océanographiques et de glaces de mer impliqués dans l’acquisition des ressources alimentaires des éléphants de mer en Antarctique. L’influence de la variabilité spatio-temporelle et interannuelle de la glace de mer associée à la position des mâles et des femelles ainsi que le rôle des polynies côtières sur les stratégies alimentaires des mâles en hiver ont été examinés. / Understanding how physical properties of the environment underpin habitat selection of large marine vertebrates is crucial in identifying how and where animals acquire resources necessary for locomotion, growth and reproduction and ultimately their fitness. The Southern Ocean harbors one of the largest and most dynamic marine ecosystems on our planet which arises from the presence of two majors physical features, (i) the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and (ii) the seasonal sea ice cover region. In the Antarctic, marine predators are exposed to climate-induced shifts in atmospheric circulation and sea ice. However, because these shifts vary regionally, and because much remains to be understood about how individual animals use their environment, it has been difficult to make predictions on how animals may respond to climate variability. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are a major consumer of Southern Ocean resources and use two main large scale foraging strategies, (i) feeding in the frontal zone of the Southern Ocean, or (ii) feeding in the seasonal sea ice region. In the present thesis I examined the winter post-moulting foraging strategies of 46 male and female Kerguelen southern elephant seals which utilized the second strategy. Using an eleven year time-series of tracking, diving, and seal-collected hydrographic data (from 2004-2014) I assessed their movements and foraging performance in relation to in situ hydrographic and sea ice conditions. The influence of both the spatio-temporal and inter-annual variability of sea ice around seal locations was investigated, and an investigation on the role of polynya for male elephant seal during winter conducted.

Oprava turbínové skříně / Repair of the turbine housing

Jelínek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the repair of a steam backpressure single-stage turbine. This thesis is assigned to a specific Spilling turbine case. A revisional report of this turbine with repair or exchange suggestions of demaged turbine parts is processed. In addition, a simulation of the contact pressure is carried out on the split plane of the housing. Structural modifications are designed and simulated to increase the parting plane's tightness. Further, the calculation of the tightening torque of the split plane is performed and a control thermodynamic and strength calculation of the labyrinth seals is performed.

Parní kondenzační turbína malého výkonu / Small Condensing Steam Turbine

Vítek, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this Master’s thesis is to create the design of a low power condensing steam turbine. The turbine has a Curtis control stage and a reaction blading. The work also contains the calculation of gland labyrinth seals and the balancing piston, specification of a forces and losses at bearings. Finally, the gearbox and generator are selected and the efficiency at generator’s clamps is specified. The Master’s thesis includes the design drawing of a longitudinal turbine view.

Maternal foraging behaviour of Subantarctic fur seals from Marion Island

Wege, Mia January 2013 (has links)
Foraging forms the cornerstone of an animal’s life-history. An individual's foraging success shapes the demography and health of a population. Understanding key facets of maternal foraging behaviour are crucial to get a holistic picture of both regional and local environmental factors that drive foraging behaviour. This study aimed to measure the maternal foraging behaviour of a marine top predator, the Subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis), from Marion Island (MI) over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Arctocephalus tropicalis females from MI have one of the longest duration foraging trips for the species. They are most similar to conspecifics at temperate Amsterdam Island, but differ considerably from those at subantarctic Îles Crozet and Macquarie Island. Hitherto, no diving data existed for MI females. I illustrate how their diving behaviour is more similar to individuals from Îles Crozet despite their differences in foraging trip parameters. Together with Îles Crozet, MI females have one of the deepest mean diving depths (34.5 ± 2.2 m , 45.2 ± 4.8 m summer and winter respectively) and longest dive durations (70.2 ± 3 s , 104.3 ± 7.8 s summer and winter respectively) for the species. In summer, females follow the diel vertical migration of their myctophid prey. Counter intuitively, during the winter, females performed short and shallow crepuscular dives, possibly foraging on different prey. Considering that these individuals dive in deep waters, this is most likely related to myctophids occupying lower depths in the water column during winter. At dusk and dawn they are inaccessible to diving fur seals. At-sea data from multiple foraging trips per female illustrated that females have both a colony- and individual preferred foraging direction which varied seasonally. Individuals travelled consistently in the same direction regionally, but locally appear to track prey in a heterogeneous environment. The few trips in the winter to the west of MI suggest that this is a short-term response to varying prey availability rather than a long-term foraging tactic. Six years of observer-based attendance cycle data were used to augment telemetry data. Multi-state mark-recapture models were used to determine the probability of a female being missed when she was present (detection probability). Attendance data were corrected accordingly. Neither El Niño (EN) nor anomalous seasurface temperature (SSTa) influenced any of the attendance cycle parameters, as foraging trip duration is a poor predictor of weak environmental change. Only season and pup sex had a significant impact on female provisioning rates. Foraging trip duration was longer during winter than during summer. Females spent a higher percentage of time on land when they had female pups rather than male pups. Although observational attendance data remain useful it ideally requires concomitant data on pup growth, production and female body condition to elucidate changes in female provisioning rates. Temporally, season had the most influence on female foraging behaviour. Spatially, it appears that a lack of prominent local bathymetrical features overshadows MI's favourable position in the productive Polar Frontal Zone. Arctocephalus tropicalis females from MI work harder at foraging than at any other island population of conspecifics. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Zoology and Entomology / Unrestricted

Development of a standard test method for determining the Bitumen bond strength of emulsions : a South African perspective

Greyling, Andries Hendrik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chip and spray surfacing seals has been widely used in South Africa as the preferred surface treatment for rural roads. The design of these seals has also experienced renewed interest and continuous development in several other countries over the past two decades. In South Africa seals are continually used as increasing attention is given to the periodic maintenance of existing surfaced roads. There is also a significant increase in the use of surfacing seals in North America as the need to develop more energy and resource efficient surfacing options becomes a priority. Despite this growing use of surface seals, the seal design and especially the selection of binder type and grade does not always follow scientific processes. Seals are often designed based on client preference, previous experience, material availability and industry trends. With an ageing road network and limited funding to ensure timeous maintenance, the focus in South Africa is moving towards more stringent and scientific design processes. The USA and Europe, forced by increasing traffic volumes and heightened performance demands, are moving towards performance- based specification to account for deficiencies in their current surface seal design methods. One of the major failure mechanisms of surface seals is ravelling which takes place when the binder and the aggregate bond becomes weak and are broken by the forces generated by traffic. This leads to loose aggregate on the road which in turns leads to bare surface patches and broken windscreens. To prevent and address this as part of the development of performance-based specifications, the need for a simple and inexpensive technique for evaluating bitumen and bitumen emulsion bond strength development over time, as well as binder-aggregate compatibility, was identified. Although various tests exist for investigating adhesion between bituminous emulsions and aggregate chips most of the tests does not deliver the level of information required by the performance-based specifications. The Bitumen Bond Strength (BBS) test method was therefore developed with the aim to address some of the limitations encountered in evaluating bond strength between binders and aggregates. The BBS test (AASHTO TP-91, 2011) was developed by the University of Wisconsin – Madison (UWM) in partnership with the University of Ancona – Italy (UAI) and the University of Stellenbosch – South Africa (US) specifically for evaluating bond strength between aggregates and hot applied binders and emulsions, respectively. US became involved in BBS test efforts in 2008 to assist in the development and practical evaluation of the BBS test method. UAI contributed significantly to the development of the test apparatus through their work in conjunction with UWM. Due to time and resources available, the involvement of the US was limited to various discussion sessions, a study tour, the evaluation of the BBS test, and conducting a series of control tests. By using the Bitumen Bond Strength test it was possible to evaluate the practicality and repeatability of the developed procedure and the results measured was successfully used to evaluate the bond strength development of modified and unmodified bitumen emulsions on tillite and granite aggregates. It was also possible to correlate the results achieved at the University of Stellenbosch with results from the University of Wisconsin-Madison due to the fact that testing took place at both institutions. The development of the test and the inter-laboratory test results in essence reinforced the hypothesis that the BBS test protocol can be used to effectively evaluate bond strength of different emulsion types and aggregate types. Except for the loading rate which is a known critical influence, the emulsion type and curing intervals are both identified as the most significant other factors contributing to bond strength development. Aggregate type is also identified as a significant factor that will influence the bond strength development. Interactions between emulsion type and curing interval are identified as the most significant interaction. A lot of further validation test on the BBS test method is still required for the test to be integrated into a performance-based specification system for surface seals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Chip and Spray” oppervlak seëls is die verkose seël tipe vir gebruik op Suid Afrikaanse plattelandse paaie. Die ontwerp van hierdie tipe seëls is ook tans besig om hernude aandag te trek in heelwat lande. In Suid Afrika word die tipe seël al meer gebruik soos die behoefte na herseël projeke op die verouderde pad netwerk groei . Daar is ook heelwat groei in die gebruik van “Chip en Spray” seëls in Noord Amerika aangesien daar n behoefte is om n meer energie en materiaal effektiewe seëls te gebruik. Ten spyte van die groeiende gebruik van hierdie seëls het daar min wetenskaplike ontwikkeling plaasgevind in the ontwerp daarvan. Seëls word meestal ontwerp gebaseer op klient voorkeur , ondervinding, materiaal beskikbaarheid en ook industrie norms. ‘n Verouderde pad netwerk dwing die Suid Afrikaanse industrie om meer deeglike en wetenskaplike ontwerp prosedures te volg. Die VSA en Europa word deur vinnig groeiende verkeersvolumes en verhoogte kwaliteits behoeftes gedwing om prestasie gebaseerde spesifikasies te ontwikkel. Een van die hoof defekte op seëls is klipverlies wat plaasvind as die verbinding tussen die bitumen en aggregaat verswak en gebreek word deur die kragte wat deur verkeer oorgedra word. Dit lei tot los klip op die pad wat weer tot skade aan voertuie lei. Om dit te voorkom en aan te spreek het die behoefte laat ontwikkel vir n maklike en goedkoop tegniek om te meet hoe sterk die verbinding is wat ontwikkel tussen verskillende bitumen, bitumen emulsies en aggregaat monsters. Alhoewel daar alreeds toetse bestaan wat kan toets hoe sterk die verbinding is , gee die meeste van die toetse nie die informasie wat benodig word deur die voorgestelde prestasie gedrewe spesfikasies nie. Die “Bitumen Bond Strength” (BBS) toets metode is daarom ontwikkel om die tekortkoming in die toets van die bitumen en aggregaat verdindinge aan te spreek. Die BBS toets (AASHTO TP-91, 2011) is ontwikkel by die Universiteit van Wisconsin – Madison (UWM) in vennootskap met die Universiteit van Ancona – Italy (UAI) en die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) , spesifiek om die die sterkte van die verbinding wat vorm tussen aggregaat en bitumen te meet. Die US het in 2008 betrokke geraak by die BBS toets studie om hulp te verleen met die ontwikkeling en praktiese evalueering van die BBS toets metode. As gevolg van tyd en personeel tekorte is die betrokkendheid by die US beperk tot verskeie besprekings sessies, n studie toer, die evalueering van die BBS toets sowel as die voltooing van n uitgebreide stel toetse. Deur die voltooing van eksperimente met die BBS toets was dit moontlik om die uitvoerbaarheid en herhaalbaarheid van die ontwikkelde prosedure te toets. Die resultate van die toetse is suksesvol gebruik om die ontwikkeling van die verbinding sterkte tussen gemodifiseerde en ongemodifiseerde bitumen emulsies en tilliet en graniet te definïeer en te evalueer. Dit was ook moontlik om die resultate van die Universiteit Stellenbosch en die Universiteit of Wisconsin-Madison suksesvol met mekaar te vergelyk aangesien toetse by beide die instansies voltooi is. Die ontwikkeling van die toets en die inter laboratorium toets resultate het dit moontlik gemaak om die hipotese te bevestig dat die BBS toets prosedure effektief gebruik kan word om die bitumen en aggregaat verdindinge te toets en te evalueer. Behalwe vir die tempo van die lading waarteen die aftrek sterkte getoets word , is die emulsie tipe en die nabehandeling tydperk beide geidentifiseer as die mees beduidende invloede wat bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die verbinding sterkte. Die aggregaat tipe is ook geidentifiseer as n belangrike faktor wat die verbinding sterkte ontwikkeling sal beïnvloed. Die interaksie tussen die emulsie tipe en nabehandeling tydperk was geïdentifiseer as die mees beduidende interaksie. Daar sal wel nog heelwat eksperimente voltooi moet word met die BBS toets prosedure voordat dit volkome geïntegreer kan word as deel van n prestasie gebaseerde spesifikasie stelsel vir die ontwerp van seëls.

Influence of surface seal variables on bitumen bond strength properties

Lombard, Le Riche 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Surface seals are widely used in South Africa. There are a number of reasons which include affordability, versatility and durability. There are, however, in some cases problems with stone loss that can lead to a shortened lifespan of the pavement. The loss of aggregate chippings in surface seals poses a major problem in the seal pavement industry. This study aims to identify the influencing factors that lead to these adhesive failures as well as to find optimum combinations of binders and aggregates at various conditions. Various binders commonly used in South African surface seal construction will be tested using the Bitumen Bond Strength (BBS) test method. The binders used in the study include 80/100 penetration grade bitumen, elastomer modified bitumen, bitumen rubber, elastomer modified emulsion and cationic rapid setting emulsion. Aggregates used in the study include dolerite, granite and quartzite. The test samples were cured and tested at two temperatures, 15 °C and 35 °C. The samples were also cured for 2, 6 and 24 hours respectively. The study tackles a wide range of variables in order to obtain a good understanding of adhesion properties of surface seals used in South Africa. Tests were repeated at least once to ensure repeatability and in some cases up to four repeats were performed. The loading rate at which the tests were performed had a significant influence on the BBS results. This rate varied which complicated the process of comparing the results. It was therefore decided to unify the loading rates. The BBS results exposed the difference between hot applied binders and emulsions. The former having significant stronger adhesion properties. It was also confirmed by the results that temperature plays a key role in the BBS results due to the visco-elastic properties of bitumen. These influences will be discussed along with others such as aggregate types and curing times. The type of failure is also discussed. Failure can either be adhesive or cohesive, the former being a failure between the aggregate and the binder while the later refers to a failure in the binder itself. The results of other students will also be discussed and compared to the results of this study. These include results of predecessors that tested emulsions as well as results from tests done on fractured aggregate surfaces and precoated aggregates. This study showed very similar results as these from other students, except for tests done with emulsions. It was discovered that the method of curing of the emulsions must be adapted to ensure proper curing of the emulsions. It was found that aggregates did not influence the BBS properties to the same extent as temperature and binder application type. The BBS results of hot applied binders also did not significantly increase as the curing time increased, but the results of emulsions showed some increase. However, the emulsions needed more time to cure properly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oppervlak seëls word algemeen gebruik in Suid-Afrika. Daar is verskeie redes hiervoor waaronder bekostigbaarheid,veelsydigheid en duursaamheid. Daar is egter in sommige gevalle probleme met klipverlies wat kan lei tot n verkorte leeftyd. Hierdie klipverlies ontstaan as gevolg van verskeie redes of kombinasies daarvan. Die studie beoog om hierdie faktore wat die adhesie eienskappe beïnvloed te identifiseer sowel as om optimum kobinasies van bindmiddels en klipsoorte te bewerkstellig by verkeie kondisies. ‘n Verskeidenheid van bindmiddels wat algemeen in Suid-Afrika gebruik word, word in die studie getoets met die Bitumen Bond Sterkte (BBS) toets metode. Die bindmiddels wat in die studie gebruik word sluit 80/100 penetrasie graad bitumen, elastomeer gemodifiseerde bitumen, bitumen rubber, elastomeer gemodifiseerde emulsie en kationiese snel settende emulsie. Die klipsoorte wat vir die studie gebruikword is doleriet, graniet en kwartsiet. Hierdie gesteentes word algemeen in die praktyk gebruik. Die toets monsters word ook by twee temperature gekuur en getoets. Hierdie temperature is 15 °C en 35 °C. Die toets monsters word ook onderskeidelik vir 2, 6 en 24 uur gekuur. Die studie ondersoek 'n wye verskeidenheid van veranderlikes om sodoende 'n goeie begrip van adhesie eienskappe van die oppervlak seëls wat in Suid-Afrika gebruik word te verkry. Elke toets was ten minste een maal herhaal om herhaalbaarheid te verseker. Sommige toetse was tot 4 keer herhaal. Die belasting tempo van die toetse het ‘n beduidende uitwerking op die BBS resultate as gevolg van die visko-elastiese eienskappe van bitumen. Hierdie tempo het gewissel en dit moeilik gemaak om die resultate te vergelyk. Daarom was daar besluit om die tempo van die toetse te verander na ‘n gelykvormige tempo. Daar was ‘n duidelike verskil in BBS resultate van die warm toegepaste bindmiddels en die emulsies. Die warm bindmiddels het baie hoër BBS resultate gelwer. Dit was ook bevestig in die resultate dat temperatuur ‘n beduidende rol speel in die BBS. Hierdie invloede sal bespreek word tesame met ander, soos klipsoorte en kuring tye. Die tipe versaking word ook bespreek. Versaking kan plaasvind as gevolg van adhesie of cohesie, waar adhesie versaking 'n versaking is tussen die klip en die bindmiddel terwyl cohesie versaking verwys na 'n versaking in die bindmiddel self. Die uitslae van die ander studente sal ook bespreek word en vergelyking word met die resultate van hierdie studie. Dit sluit die resultate van voorgangers in wat emulsies getoets het sowel as die resultate van toetse wat gedoen is op gebreekte klipoppervlaktes en bitumen behandelde klippe. Hierdie studie het baie soortgelyke resultate getoon as dié van ander studente, behalwe vir die toetse wat gedoen was met emulsies. Daar is vasgestel dat die metode van kuring van die emulsies moet aangepas word om behoorlike kuring van die emulsies te verseker. Daar is ook gevind dat klipsoorte nie die BBS eienskappe in dieselfde mate as temperatuur en bindmiddel toepassingstipe beïnvloed het nie. Die BBS resultate van warm aangewende bindmiddels het ook nie aansienlik verhoog soos die kuringstyd toegeneem het nie, maar die resultate van emulsies het wel 'n toename getoon. Die emulsies het wel meer tyd nodig gehad om behoorlik te kuur.

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