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Vyhledávání nemovitostí na Internetu / Real property search using the InternetSemerák, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This Master's thesis explores people's behaviour when searching for real property to buy or to rent using the Internet. It examines the specifics of real estate sale or rental process and searches for various ways of using modern trends and technologies in this process. Goals of this thesis are to identify most frequent ways of people's behaviour when searching for real property on the Internet, map the search mechanisms used in current real estate offering websites in the Czech republic, test their user-friendliness based on own analysis and find the criteria responsible for perceived quality of a real estate offering website. The thesis also makes recommendations for a potencial newcommer sto the czech real estate offering website market.
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Získávání a výběr vrcholových pracovníkůBínová, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá pravidly a metodami získávání a výběru nových pracovníků. Podrobně představuje metodu přímého oslovování (executive search, vhodnou zejména pro obsazení vrcholových funkcí. Praktická část řeší problematiku nevhodnosti využití metody přímého oslovování pro obsazení funkcí specialistů a nižších manažerských míst. Analýzy dvou projektů obsazujících hierarchicky odlišná pracovní místa ukazuje důvody zvýšené obtížnosti a nevhodnosti použití zmiňované metody pro obsazení jiných než vrcholových funkcí. Také přináší podklady pro vytvoření uceleného produktu ve formě intenzivní a úzké spolupráce společnosti s vysokými školami, který personálně poradenské společnosti mohou nabídnout příchozím klientům jako alternativní řešení.
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The Impact of Database Querying Exactitude in Intellectual Property Law Practice in BrazilHemerly, Henrique January 2020 (has links)
In current business affairs, most executive professions require one or several kinds of data consultation in their practice. Nowadays, the majority of data either is or has been digitalized and digital data is defined as information represented in a discrete and discontinuous manner. For accessibility purposes, data are often stored in databases that organize information via design and modeling techniques to facilitate querying. Data retrieval is crucial and if this process lacks efficacy, users either are presented incomplete information or are forced to perform repetitive queries. Intellectual property (IP) lawyers in Brazil are among that group and must regularly access a private database for trademark information. While it contains all the data they require, the database’s querying mechanisms are not tailored for IP law practice. The existing filters and lack of replacement algorithms often yield incomplete results, increasing time and resources dispended. With millions of dollars in potential lawsuits and work-hours, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether an IP-focused querying system could help mitigate this resource waste, facilitating the trademark comparison work of IP lawyers. For this, a new orthographic and phonetically focused querying logic was implemented. ANOVA tests and a questionnaire were used to compare the existing querying mechanism with the new one in terms of time, work satisfaction and querying accuracy. Results indicate the new querying system significantly decreased the amount of searches needed to execute a complete trademark analysis, while lawyers averaged the same amount of time to complete their work. Lawyers also reported higher work satisfaction levels and perceived increase in work efficiency.
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Protein Function Prediction Based on Sequence and Structure InformationSmaili, Fatima Z. 25 May 2016 (has links)
The number of available protein sequences in public databases is increasing exponentially. However, a significant fraction of these sequences lack functional annotation which is essential to our understanding of how biological systems and processes operate. In this master thesis project, we worked on inferring protein functions based on the primary protein sequence. In the approach we follow, 3D models are first constructed using I-TASSER. Functions are then deduced by structurally matching these predicted models, using global and local similarities, through three independent enzyme commission (EC) and gene ontology (GO) function libraries. The method was tested on 250 “hard” proteins, which lack homologous templates in both structure and function libraries. The results show that this method outperforms the conventional prediction methods based on sequence similarity or threading. Additionally, our method could be improved even further by incorporating protein-protein interaction information. Overall, the method we use provides an efficient approach for automated functional annotation of non-homologous proteins, starting from their sequence.
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Zavedení elektronického obchodu / Implementation of E-commerceŠúryová, Tatiana January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation a web presentation of e-commerce of a firm. It includes descriptions and analysis of the specific subject. Also it contents suggestion of electronic commerce, which should contribute to a stable position of the firm in this market, to increase awareness among customers and ultimately to increase profits. Then it describes the problems related to implementation of e-commerce and economic evaluation of the proposal for electronic commerce.
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Vyhledávání a sledování objektů autonomním dronem / Search-and-Track Techniques for Autonomous DronePatík, Vladimír January 2020 (has links)
In this diploma thesis we are proposing solution for the search and track problem an evading ground object by an air pursuer in a 3D environment. In addition to static obstacles, there may be dynamic obstacles in the environment which are not plotted on the map provided to the drone. In order to avoid a collision, a safety method has been proposed which is based on processing the image from the input camera by a neural network. The tracking subtask is solved by a reactive algorithm adapted for movement in a built-up area. The probabilistic search algorithm is based on solving Art Gallery and Orienteering problems using nature-inspired algorithms. All algorithms and procedures are evaluated in a simulated environment on randomly generated maps.
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A Descriptive Study of Qualities That Influenced the Selection of University and College PresidentsWaller, Gary (Gary Wilton) 08 1900 (has links)
This is a descriptive study of factors that influenced search committees to recommend a candidate as president of a higher education institution. Chairpersons were asked, by means of a written survey, to indicate why their committee selected the individual to nominate as president as opposed to other finalists. Each chairperson classified one's response as being in one of the following categories: personal, performance, participation, or friendship.
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Enterprise Search Management Maturity : - A model for the assessment of an organization’s maturity level within enterprise search management / Att mogna inom styrning av enterprise search : - En modell för att utvärdera en organisations mognadinom styrning av enterprise searchDenbu Wilhelmsson, Felicia, Eriksson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
As organizations grow larger, so does the information base of the organization, and the need to findimportant information increases along with it. However, many organizations are neglecting theimportance of information. Enterprise search lets users search for information in multiple informationrepositories from one single application, without having to know where the information resides. The focalfirm of this research, Findwise AB, is a Swedish IT consultancy firm specialized in delivering searchsolutions to its customers. It has been shown that not many organizations have a strategy for their internalwork with enterprise search. Therefore, Findwise wants to be able to deliver enterprise search strategies toits customers. Such a strategy would facilitate the customers’ development of their internal enterprisesearch management. However, this requires the ability to define an organization’s current and future statewith regard to enterprise search management, something that, up until now has not been possible.Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop an enterprise search management maturity (ESMM)model, which Findwise’s consultants can use for assessing an organization’s current state, as well aspossible future state within enterprise search management. Through an extensive literature study, incombination with an empirical study consisting of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, theESMM model was developed. The themes of the identified maturity levels of enterprise searchmanagement are; knowledge, management, priority, standardization, and sustainability. It is concludedthat the parameters to evaluate on each of these maturity levels are the three parameters information,technology, and user. Each of these parameters consists of three specific factors to evaluate, providingguidelines for what to look at in an assessment. This will enable Findwise to define an organization’scurrent and future state within enterprise search management, as well as enable organizations to gain themost benefit out of their enterprise search solution. / När organisationer växer ökar även deras interna informationsmängd. I takt med detta, ökar även behovetav att finna relevant information inom organisationen. Tyvärr är detta något som ofta försummas avdagens organisationer. Enterprise search är en sökapplikation som möjliggör sökning i flera olikainformationskällor från endast en applikation. Detta innebär att istället för att söka igenom olikainformationskällor via separata sökfunktioner, behöver användare av en enterprise search-lösning endastgöra en enda sökning. Findwise AB är ett svenskt IT-konsultbolag som är specialiserade på att utvecklasådana enterprise search-lösningar. Ett stort problem är att organisationer ofta saknar ett konkretarbetssätt och en strategi för enterprise search. Detta leder till att det blir mycket svårt att dels realiseravärdet av söklösningen, men även till svårigheter med att definiera hur det interna arbetet kringsöklösningen bör se ut. På grund av detta vill Findwise kunna erbjuda sina kunder enterprise searchstrategier.En sådan strategi skulle underlätta kunders interna utveckling av styrprocesser för enterprisesearch. Detta kräver dock förmågan att definiera en organisations nuvarande och framtida tillstånd medavseende på styrningen av enterprise search, något som fram tills nu ej har varit möjligt. Således varsyftet med detta arbete att ta fram en mognadsmodell för utvärdering av styrprocesser för enterprisesearch. Denna mognadsmodell ska bistå Findwise-konsulter med ett verktyg för att definiera vilkenmognadsnivå en organisation befinner sig på i dagsläget, men även se var man vill befinna sig iframtiden. Från denna utvärdering kan sedan de aktiviteter identifieras, som behöver utföras för att uppnåett framtida mål och skapa en strategi för enterprise search. Denna rapport beskriver utvecklandet av ensådan mognadsmodell för styrning av enterprise search. Modellen utvecklades genom en kvalitativfallstudie på Findwise AB, där resultat från en enkät och semistrukturerade intervjuer utgör grunden förstudien. Fakta och diverse koncept har även grundats i teori. Resultatet blev en mognadsmodell beståendeav fem olika mognadsnivåer: kunskap, hantering, prioritering, standardisering och hållbarhet. Dessaanvänds för att utvärdera mognaden inom tre huvudområden av enterprise search: information, teknik ochanvändare. Inom varje område är tre olika faktorer identifierade, som bidrar med riktlinjer för vad manbör titta på vid en utvärdering av enterprise search. Modellen möjliggör för Findwise att kunna definieraen organisations nuvarande- och framtida tillstånd med avseende på styrning av enterpris search. Dessutom skulle en sådan modell möjliggöra för organisationer att få maximalt utbyte av sin enterprisesearch-lösning.
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Optimization of Pile Groups : A practical study using Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search with four different objective functionsBengtlars, Ann, Väljamets, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Piling is expensive but often necessary when building large structures, for example bridges. Some pile types, such as steel core piles, are very costly and it is therefore of great interest to keep the number piles in a pile group to a minimum. This thesis deals with optimization of pile groups with respect to placement, batter and angle of rotation in order to minimize the number of piles. A program has been developed, where two optimization algorithms named Genetic Algorithm and Direct Search, and four objective functions have been used. These have been tested and compared to find the most suitable for pile group optimization. Three real cases, two bridge supports and one culvert, have been studied, using the program. It has been difficult to draw any clear conclusions since the results have been ambiguous. This is probably because only three cases have been tested and the results are very problemdependent.The outcome depends, for example, on the starting guess and settings for the optimization. However, the results show that the Genetic Algorithm is somewhat more robust in its ability to remove piles than Direct Search and is therefore to prefer in pile group optimization.
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A Quantitative Study of the Presidential Search Process and Position Longevity in Community CollegesHowells, Constance L. 12 1900 (has links)
A great deal of time, money, and effort can be expended on hiring community college presidents without any assurance that they will remain in their new positions a substantial amount of time. Building on decades of literature reporting the continuing decrease of presidential longevity, this study examined the methods most successful in selecting presidents with relatively greater longevity and what relationship exists between the type of presidential search used and the length of tenure. An original 18-question survey was e-mailed to 904 community college and two-year institution presidents to capture information about both current and previous presidencies. Participants returned 224 valid responses for a response rate of 24.8%. Results of a generalized linear model (GLM) yielded a statistically significant result showing a positive relationship between the variable Q7STDT1(type of presidential searches in current position) and length of tenure of selected candidates (F = 3.41, p = .006).No significant relationship was found between the selection process used in the immediately previous presidential positions and selected candidates’ longevity in those positions. Information from this study can be used to decide what types of selection process should be used and to indicate further topics of inquiry in this area.
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