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Design, simulation, and characterization toolset for nano-scale photonic crystal devicesReinke, Charles M. 04 December 2009 (has links)
The objective of this research is to present a set of powerful simulation, design,
and characterization tools suitable for studying novel nanophotonic devices. The
simulation tools include a three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain code adapted
for parallel computing that allows for a wide range of simulation conditions and material
properties to be studied, as well as a semi-analytical Green's function-based complex
mode technique for studying loss in photonic crystal waveguides. The design tools
consist of multifunctional photonic crystal-based template that has been simulated with
nonlinear effects and measured experimentally, and planar slab waveguide structure that
provides highly efficient second harmonic generation is a chip-scale device suitable for
photonic integrated circuit applications. The characterization tool is composed of a
phase-sensitive measurement system using a lock-in amplifier and high-precision optical
stages, suitable for probing the optical characteristics of nanoscale devices. The high
signal-to-noise ratio and phase shift data provided by the lock-in amplifier allow for
accurate transmission measurements as well as a phase spectrum that contains
information about the propagation behavior of the device beyond what is provided by the
amplitude spectrum alone.
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Analysis of second harmonic generation at a free boundary for oblique incidenceBender, Frank Alexander 30 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates the generation of second harmonic bulk waves in the
presence of a free boundary. Second harmonic waves have proven to be useful in
the field of nondestructive evaluation to detect fatigue in a material at an early
stage. Since most experimental setups include a free surface, the influence of such a
boundary is of significant practical interest. As a result, the objective of this research
is to develop a quantitative understanding of the complete process of second harmonic
generation at a free boundary.
This research shows that the interaction of primary waves (with each other) in
the nonlinear framework leads to the generation of second harmonic bulk waves. We
distinguish between self-interaction of a single primary wave and the cross-interaction
of two different primary waves. The proposed approach uses the perturbation method
to solve the nonlinear equations of motion, and shows two fundamentally different
solutions. In the case of resonance, the secondary waves grow with propagation
distance. This is the most important practical case, since the growing amplitudes of
these waves should be easier to experimentally measure. In the second, non-resonant
case, the amplitudes of the secondary waves are constant.
The complete process of second harmonic generation is analyzed for an incident Pand
an incident SV-wave, with the primary and secondary fields given. Finally, the
degenerate case of normal incidence is presented. Normal and oblique incidence are
compared with regard to their feasibility in experimental setups. The specific behavior
of second harmonic waves propagating in aluminum is numerically determined. These
results enable a variety of physical insights and conclusions to be drawn from the
analytical and numerical investigations.
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Epioptics of stepped silicon surfacesEhlert, Robert 16 June 2011 (has links)
Spectroscopic second-harmonic generation (SHG) and reflectance-anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) are used to probe molecular adsorption on clean reconstructed single-domain stepped Si(001) in ultra-high vacuum (UHV). We implement a simplified bond hyperpolarizability model (SBHM) as a common microscopic analysis for SHG and RAS. Three different scenarios are studied: (i) The dissociative adsorption of molecular hydrogen on dangling bonds of D[subscript B] step-edges. (ii) Structural changes to rebonded r-D[subscript B] steps induced by exposure to atomic hydrogen. (iii) The adsorption of cyclopentene on Si(001)(2x1) terrace dimers in a [2+2] cycloaddition pathway. Using the SBHM we develop a new optical fingerprinting method to isolate, identify and monitor individual types of bonds (e.g. dimers, rebonds, dangling bonds, backbonds) and their chemical activity on a single-domain stepped Si(001) surface using nonresonant, but rotationally-anisotropic, second-harmonic generation (RA-SHG). The methods presented here will be applicable to many material systems and allow to track, in-situ and in real-time, the chemical action of adsorbates on surfaces. / text
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Nanoscale engineering of semiconductor heterostructures for quadratic nonlinear optics and multiphoton imagingZieliński, Marcin 09 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Nonlinear coherent scattering phenomena from single nanoparticles have been recently proposed as alternative processes for fluorescence in multiphoton microscopy staining. Commonly applied nanoscale materials, however, have reached a certain limit in size dependent detection efficiency of weak nonlinear optical signals. None of the recent efforts in detection of second-harmonic generation (SHG), the lowest order nonlinear process, have been able to cross a ~40 nm size barrier for nanoparticles (NPs), thus remaining at the level of "large" nanoscatterers, even when resorting to the most sensitive detection techniques such as single-photon counting technology. As we realize now, this size limitation can be significantly lowered when replacing dielectric insulators or wide gap semiconductors by direct-gap semiconducting quantum dots (QDs). Herein, a new type of highly nonlinear nanoprobes is engineered in order to surpass above mentioned size barrier at the single nanoparticle scale. We consider two-photon resonant excitation in individual zinc-blende CdTe QDs of about 12.5 nm diameter, which provide efficient coherent SHG radiation, as high as 105 Hz, furthermore exhibiting remarkable sensitivity to spatial orientation of their octupolar crystalline lattice. Moreover, quantum confinement effects have been found to strongly contribute to the second-order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ(2) features. Quantitative characterization of the χ(2) of QDs by way of their spectral dispersion and size dependence is therefore undertaken by single particle spectroscopy and ensemble Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering (HRS) studies. We prove that under appropriate conditions, χ(2) of quantum confined semiconducting structures can significantly exceed that of bulk. Furthermore, a novel type of semiconducting hybrid rod-on-dot (RD) QDs is developed by building up on crystalline moieties of different symmetries, in order to increase their effective quadratic nonlinearity while maintaining their size close to a strong quantum confinement regime. The new complex hybrid χ(2) tensor is analyzed by interfering the susceptibilities from each component, considering different shape and point group symmetries associated to octupolar and dipolar crystalline structures. Significant SHG enhancement is consequently observed, exceeding that of mono-compound QDs, due to a coupling between two nonlinear materials and slower decoherence, which we attribute to the induced spatial charge separation upon photoexcitation.
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Tunable diode laser trace gas detection with a vertical cavity surface emitting laserVujanic, Dragan Unknown Date
No description available.
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Nonlinear Microscopy for HistologyTuer, Adam 13 August 2013 (has links)
Histology has long recognized the intimate link between structure and function. Over centuries histologists have utilized an assortment of optical microscopy techniques to elucidate functional attributes of tissues through investigating tissue architecture. This thesis includes developments in the field of nonlinear optical microscopy for use in histology
and pathology. The main contributions focused on the study of fibrillar collagen in the extracellular matrix (ECM) with polarization-dependent second harmonic generation (P-SHG) microscopy and the study of harmonophore-stained cellular nuclei with third harmonic generation (THG) microscopy. The P-SHG microscopy technique, “polarization-in, polarization-out” (PIPO), was developed to accurately determine the second-order polarization properties of thin tissue sections. The polarization instrumentation was implemented into a nonlinear optical microscope and a custom fitting algorithm extracted ratios of the second-order nonlinear susceptibility elements at every pixel of an obtained image. Hierarchical organization, at every level of structure, can contribute significantly to the macroscopic second-order polarization properties of fibrillar collagen in the ECM and quantifiable differences between the various tissue architectures were observed. A framework was developed, based on the collagen hierarchical organization, to interpret the submicron polarization properties of various tissues. Complimentary to the P-SHG study of connective tissue, the structure of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained nuclei was revealed by THG microscopy. Imaging the 3D organization of nuclei was possible using the inherent optical sectioning provided by nonlinear microscopy. The origin of THG was investigated with spectrally- and temporally-resolved measurements, as well as the THG ratio method. A rather complex situation involving multiple dye complexes was revealed. The structure of dye aggregates was investigated with THG PIPO microscopy.
The techniques of PIPO and harmonophore-stained harmonic generation microscopy show great potential for ultimately furthering understanding of tissue structure and function. H&E stained tissue investigations with THG microscopy has applications as a tool for cancer diagnostics. PIPO can elucidate the symmetry and organization of materials beyond tissues, including starch, nanowires, and protein crystals. In pathology, the developed collagen framework has strong implications, as collagen is recognized as playing a more active role in a number of diseases including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, wound repair, and tumour development and progression.
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Nonlinear Microscopy for HistologyTuer, Adam 13 August 2013 (has links)
Histology has long recognized the intimate link between structure and function. Over centuries histologists have utilized an assortment of optical microscopy techniques to elucidate functional attributes of tissues through investigating tissue architecture. This thesis includes developments in the field of nonlinear optical microscopy for use in histology
and pathology. The main contributions focused on the study of fibrillar collagen in the extracellular matrix (ECM) with polarization-dependent second harmonic generation (P-SHG) microscopy and the study of harmonophore-stained cellular nuclei with third harmonic generation (THG) microscopy. The P-SHG microscopy technique, “polarization-in, polarization-out” (PIPO), was developed to accurately determine the second-order polarization properties of thin tissue sections. The polarization instrumentation was implemented into a nonlinear optical microscope and a custom fitting algorithm extracted ratios of the second-order nonlinear susceptibility elements at every pixel of an obtained image. Hierarchical organization, at every level of structure, can contribute significantly to the macroscopic second-order polarization properties of fibrillar collagen in the ECM and quantifiable differences between the various tissue architectures were observed. A framework was developed, based on the collagen hierarchical organization, to interpret the submicron polarization properties of various tissues. Complimentary to the P-SHG study of connective tissue, the structure of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained nuclei was revealed by THG microscopy. Imaging the 3D organization of nuclei was possible using the inherent optical sectioning provided by nonlinear microscopy. The origin of THG was investigated with spectrally- and temporally-resolved measurements, as well as the THG ratio method. A rather complex situation involving multiple dye complexes was revealed. The structure of dye aggregates was investigated with THG PIPO microscopy.
The techniques of PIPO and harmonophore-stained harmonic generation microscopy show great potential for ultimately furthering understanding of tissue structure and function. H&E stained tissue investigations with THG microscopy has applications as a tool for cancer diagnostics. PIPO can elucidate the symmetry and organization of materials beyond tissues, including starch, nanowires, and protein crystals. In pathology, the developed collagen framework has strong implications, as collagen is recognized as playing a more active role in a number of diseases including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, wound repair, and tumour development and progression.
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Tunable diode laser trace gas detection with a vertical cavity surface emitting laserVujanic, Dragan 11 1900 (has links)
The nature of work conducted during the course of study towards a MSc degree focused on tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS). This field involves the in-situ detection of gas constituents from low concentration samples. Specifically, I will focus on TDLAS systems utilizing practical optics, readymade electronics, and commercially available near infrared vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL). In attempting to lower the minimum detectable concentrations of constituent gases, quantifying contributory noise sources is vital. Consequently, I seek to characterize principle noise sources of a prototypical TDLAS system in order to gain understanding of the limits that inhibit detection of trace gas concentrations. The noise sources which were focused on can be categorized as follows: source laser noise, optical noise, and detection noise. Through this work it was my goal to provide the means of achieving superior sensitivities.
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[pt] Neste trabalho apresenta-se a implementação de um sistema
de medição de pulsos ópticos curtos gerados por lasers
semicondutores. Através de uma técnica indireta de medida,
que usa a radiação de segundo harmônico gerada
internamente nesses lasers, a duração dos pulsos curtos de
luz é estimada. São apresentadas as principais
considerações teóricas e experimentais envolvidas com a
emissão de segundo harmônico em diodos lasers e são
discutidas as principais limitações da técnica. Mostra-se
que embora a determinação exata da duração dos pulsos
exija medidas adicionais, é possível inferir com boa
resolução temporal a duração de pulsos ópticos gerados nos
regimes de chaveamento de ganho e mode-locking. / [en] In this work the implementation of a measurement system of
short optical pulses generated by semiconductor lasers is
presented. This indirect method estimates the pulse
duration using the internally generated second harmonic
radiation from these lasers. The main theoretical and
experimental considerations related with the second
harmonic emission are also presented. Although the precise
pulse duration requires aditional measurements it is
possible to estimate the duration of optical pulses
generated by gain-switching and mode-loching regimes with
good time-resolution.
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Caractérisation par diffusion de second harmonique de nanocristaux pour l'imagerie biomédicale / Second harmonic scattering characterization of nanocrystals for biomedical imagingJoulaud, Cécile 29 May 2013 (has links)
Les nanocristaux à structure non-centrosymétrique présentent des propriétés optiques non linéaires prometteuses pour une utilisation en tant que marqueurs optiques en imagerie biomédicale, avec un intérêt significatif en termes de suivi sur de longues durées et de profondeur de pénétration dans les tissus biologiques. Le développement de ces marqueurs nécessite la détermination de leurs efficacités optiques non linéaires afin de pouvoir sélectionner les nanocristaux les plus prometteurs. Pour cela, la technique de diffusion Hyper-Rayleigh a été adaptée à la caractérisation de suspensions de nanoparticules (BaTiO3, KNbO3, KTP, LiNbO3 et ZnO, BiFeO3) pour lesquelles l’influence de paramètres comme la taille, la concentration ou l’état d’agrégation a été analysée et discutée. Les nanocristaux de BiFeO3 possèdent une efficacité optique non linéaire largement supérieure aux autres particules, démontrant leur potentiel pour la réalisation de nano-sondes optiques particulièrement performantes. Des mesures résolues en polarisation ont également été mises en œuvre pour déterminer les coefficients optiques non linéaires indépendants des particules étudiées. Dans ce cadre, une étude a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence de la forme des nanocristaux sur cette réponse. / Non-centrosymetric nanocrystals show promising nonlinear optical properties for being used as optical labels in bio-imaging applications, with significant interest for observations of long duration and for penetration depth into biological tissues. The development of such biomarkers requires the determination of their nonlinear optical properties to select the best potential markers. In this thesis, Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering (HRS) technique is used to determine nonlinear efficiencies of several nanocystals (BaTiO3, KNbO3, KTP, LiNbO3, ZnO and BiFeO3). These ensemble measurements have been performed on nanocrystals suspensions, for which the influence of parameters such as size, concentration and aggregation state was discussed. BiFeO3nanocrystals offer the best nonlinear optical efficiency compared to other particles, showing their potential as efficient optical biomarkers. Polarisation-resolved measurements have also been performed to retrieve individual coefficients of the nonlinear tensor of the investigated materials and influent parameters such as nanocrystals shape have been identified.
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