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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementação da técnica de PCR Quantitativa em Tempo Real (qPCR) para o monitoramento de Microcystis e genótipos potencialmente produtores de microcistinas / Implementation of Real Time Quantitative PCR technique (qPCR) for the monitoring of Microcystis and potentially microcystin-producing genotypes

Adriana Sturion Lorenzi 15 May 2008 (has links)
Florações de cianobactérias tóxicas em corpos dágua doce usados como fonte para o consumo humano, recreação e irrigação são freqüentes nos dias de hoje devido à eutrofização destes ambientes. O monitoramento de linhagens tóxicas é importante para a prevenção dos efeitos adversos causados por suas toxinas na saúde de humanos e animais. Métodos rápidos e sensíveis para a detecção precoce das cianobactérias tóxicas em estações de tratamento de água e em programas de monitoramento de mananciais são de fundamental interesse para a prevenção desses efeitos. Atualmente, contagem de células, identificação de cianobactérias por microscopia óptica e análises químicas ou imunológicas das toxinas são usadas nos monitoramentos. Em anos recentes, métodos moleculares estão sendo desenvolvidos e propostos para o diagnóstico rápido e sensível da presença de cianobactérias tóxicas em diversos ambientes. Este estudo teve por objetivo implementar uma metodologia capaz de acessar e quantificar as cianobactérias do gênero Microcystis na Praia dos Namorados, no reservatório de Salto Grande, Americana, SP, local cujo uso recreacional é bastante intenso e florações de cianobactérias são freqüentemente observadas. Simultaneamente, buscou-se detectar o potencial de produção de microcistinas desses organismos. A técnica de PCR Quantitativa em Tempo Real (qPCR) foi empregada com essa finalidade e dois conjuntos de oligonucleotídeos LUX foram desenvolvidos tendo como alvo dois genes distintos. Seqüências de cpcBA-IGS do operon da ficocianina (PC) foram obtidas para sete linhagens de cianobactérias brasileiras, as quais foram alinhadas com outras seqüências existentes em banco de dados público, e permitiram o desenho dos iniciadores de qPCR QPCF/QPCR, capazes de amplificar fragmentos de 144 pb. Da mesma forma, outras 11 sequências inéditas foram obtidas para uma região do domínio da N-methyltransferase do gene da sintetase de microcistinas (mcyA) e permitiram o desenvolvimento dos iniciadores QmcyANMTF/ QmcyA-NMTR, capazes de amplificar fragmentos de 154 pb. Ambos os conjuntos foram marcados uma única vez com os fluoróforos FAM (QPCF/QPCR) ou JOE (QmcyA-NMTF/QmcyA-NMTR). Curvas de calibração para ambos os genes foram estabelecidas com regressão linear simples usando os valores de Ct (número de ciclos da qPCR em que a fluorescência atinge um limiar fixo pré-determinado) e concentrações conhecidas de DNA gênomico (em número de células equivalente) da Microcystis sp. NPLJ-4 (produtora de microcistina). As diluições utilizadas para o estabelecimento dessas curvas variaram de 1:10 a 1:10-5 e as concentrações de DNA foram correlacionadas com o respectivo número de células na amostra, obtido pela técnica de Utermöhl em laboratório certificado, como metodologia independente. Para PC e mcyA, as equações de regressão foram y = 43,977 - 1,8097Ln(x) (R2 = 0,99, p<0,05) e y = 42,932 - 1,8449Ln(x) (R2 = 0,99, p<0,05), respectivamente, sendo y = Ct com limiar de fluorescência fixo avaliado em 0,03 e x = quantidade de DNA na amostra em concentrações conhecidas (dada como log do número de células equivalente). Para ambos os genes analisados, o limite de detecção foi de 100 células por reação. Eficiências de 79 e 76% foram alcançadas nas amplificações para PC e mcyA, respectivamente. Posteriormente, essa metodologia foi aplicada a duas outras linhagens isoladas de Microcystis e em amostras ambientais de água, que foram coletadas sempre no mesmo ponto (Praia dos Namorados), em quatro períodos distintos (dez 06, abr 07, set 07 e nov 07). Genótipos PC (em número de células mL-1) foram quantificados pela técnica de qPCR em todas as amostras analisadas. Porém, genótipos mcy puderam ser determinados apenas em M. aeruginosa NPJB1 (0,5%) e na amostra referente à primeira coleta (2,7%). Os resultados de número de células em todas as análises feitas usando a técnica de Utermöhl foram superiores aos obtidos pela qPCR. A comparação entre as médias dos valores de quantificações gerados por Utermöhl e qPCR (PC) mostrou diferença significativa (Teste t de Student, p <0,05). Nas amostras ambientais, com exceção da primeira coleta, a presença de outros gêneros de cianobactérias cocóides, como Radiocystis e Sphaerocavum, foi observada, e suas distinções não foram possíveis nas observações microscópicas após a disrupção das colônias. Estudos adicionais realizados com a região cpcBA-IGS desses outros gêneros mostraram 96% de identidade com Microcystis, e seqüências IGS bastante similares. Assim, existe a possibilidade de que os iniciadores desenhados neste estudo estejam também amplificando esses dois gêneros de cianobactérias. Em adição, a contagem em microscópio pode ter superestimado os resultados, enquanto que a técnica de qPCR mostrou baixa eficiência de amplificação. O ensaio imunológico ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) identificou a produção de microcistinas dos tipos LR, RR ou YR em todas as amostras com concentrações maiores que 0,1 g L-1, com exceção da M. aeruginosa NPCD1 (não produtora de microcistinas). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que o número de células de Microcystis, estimado pela técnica de qPCR pode ser usado para o monitoramento ambiental na Praia dos Namorados, em atendimento à Portaria MS 518. Além disso, demonstram que é possível inferir a proporção de genótipos mcyA a partir da determinação de genótipos PC. Contudo, a validação dessa técnica requer maiores estudos, incluindo a utilização de mais gêneros de cianobactérias e análises de outros reservatórios brasileiros, para melhor avaliar sua confiabilidade para uso no monitoramento ambiental. Para fins de monitoramento em larga escala, a técnica de qPCR mostrou-se mais viável economicamente em relação à contagem de células por microscopia, devido a sua maior capacidade de processamento (18 amostras dia-1) / Toxic cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater bodies used as a source for human consumption, recreation and irrigation are frequent nowadays due to the eutrofication of these environments. The monitoring of toxic strains is important for the prevention of the side effects caused by their toxins in human and animal health. Rapid and sensitive methods for early detection of toxic cyanobacteria in water treatment stations and aquatic monitoring programs are essential for the prevention of these effects. Currently, cells counting, cyanobacterial identification using optical microscopy and chemical or immunological analyses of the toxins are applied for monitoring purposes. In recent years, molecular approaches are being developed and proposed for rapid and sensitive diagnosis of the presence of toxic cyanobacteria in several environments.This study aimed to implement a methodology capable of access and quantify Microcystis cyanobacterial genus at the Praia dos Namorados, in the Salto Grande reservoir, Americana, SP, where recreation is very intense and cyanobacterial blooms are frequently observed. Simultaneously, it was searched to detect the potential for microcystins production by these organisms. The Real Time Quantitative PCR (qPCR) technique was employed for these purpose and two sets of LUX primers were developed to target two distinct genes. Sequences of cpcBA-IGS of the phycocyanin operon (PC) were obtained for seven Brazilian cyanobacterial strains, which were aligned with other existing public database sequences, and allowed to design the qPCR QPCF/QPCR primers, able to amplify fragments of 144 bp. In the same way, 11 novel sequences were obtained from a region of the N-methyltransferase domain of the microcystin sinthetase gene (mcyA) and allowed the development of QmcyANMTF/ QmcyA-NMTR primers, able to amplify fragments of 154 bp. Both primer sets were labeled only once with FAM (QPCF/QPCR) or JOE (QmcyA-NMTF/QmcyA-NMTR) fluorophors. Standard curves for both genes were established with simple linear regression using the Ct values (the PCR cycle numbers at which the fluorescence reaches a predetermined threshold level) and known Microcystis sp. NPLJ-4 (microcystin producer) genomic DNA concentrations (in cell number equivalents). The dilutions used for the establishment of these curves ranged from 1:10 to 1:10-5 and the DNA concentrations were correlated with the respective cell numbers of the sample, obtained by Utermöhl technique in a certified laboratory, as an independent methodology. For PC and mcyA, the regression equations were y = 43.977 - 1.8097Ln(x) (R2 = 0.99, p<0,05) and y= 42.932 - 1.8449Ln(x) (R2 = 0.99, p<0,05), respectively, where y is the Ct at the set fluorescence threshold level (0.03) and x is the amount of known DNA concentrations in the sample (given as log cell number equivalents). For both analyzed genes, the detection limit was 100 cells per reaction. Efficiencies of 79 and 76% were achieved for PC and mcyA amplifications, respectively. Subsequently, this methodology was applied to two other isolated Microcystis strains and to environmental water samples, which were collected always in the same location (Praia dos Namorados), in four different periods (Dez 06, Apr 07, Set 07 and Nov 07). PC genotypes (in cell numbers mL-1) were quantified by the qPCR technique in all analyzed samples. However, mcy genotypes could be determined only in M. aeruginosa NPJB1 (0.5%) and in the first collected sample (2.7%). The results of cell numbers in all the analyses performed using Utermöhl technique were superior then those obtained by qPCR. The comparison between the average quantification values generated by Utermöhl and qPCR (PC) showed significant difference (Test t of Student, p<0,05). In the environmental samples, except for the first one collected, the presence of other cocoid cyanobacterial genera, such as Radiocystis and Sphaerocavum, was observed, and their distinctions were not possible by microscope observation after colonies disruption. Further studies carried out with the cpcBA-IGS region of these other genera showed 96% of identity with Microcystis, and very similar IGS sequences. Then, there is a possibility that the primers designed in this study are also amplifying these two cyanobacterial genera. In addition, microscopic cells counting may have overestimated the results, whereas qPCR technique showed low efficiency of amplification. The ELISA immunological assay (\"Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay\") identified the LR, RR or YR microcystins types in all samples analysed with concentrations higher than 0.1 mg L-1, with exception of M. aeruginosa NPCD1 (no microcystin producer). The results obtained in this study suggest that Microcystis cell numbers estimated by qPCR technique can be used for the environmental monitoring of the Praia dos Namorados, in attendance to the MS 518 regulation. Furthermore, they demonstrate that it is possible to infer the mcyA genotypes proportion from the PC genotypes determination. However, further studies are required for the validation of this technique, including the use of more cyanobacterial genera and other Brazilian reservoirs analyses, to better evaluate the reliability for its use in the environmental monitoring. For large scale monitoring, the qPCR technique is more economically viable when compared to the microscopic cells counting, due to its large processing capacity (18 samples day-1)

Atividade antibacteriana de Burkholderia spp. endofíticas e da rizosfera de cana-de-açúcar / Antibacterial activity of Burkholderia spp. endophytic and of the rhizosphere of sugarcane

Viviane Colombari Pedrazzini dos Santos 27 July 2010 (has links)
A cultura de cana-de-açúcar ocupa posição de destaque nos cenários nacional e internacional devido principalmente a produção de etanol como fonte de energia renovável e menos nociva ao ambiente. Entretanto um dos obstáculos à produtividade é a ocorrência de várias doenças dentre elas a escaldadura das folhas causada por Xanthomonas albilineans. Bactérias endofíticas e rizosféricas pertencentes ao gênero Burkholderia tem sido isoladas com alta frequência em diferentes culturas como, por exemplo, a cana-de-açúcar. Nas últimas décadas, estas bactérias têm recebido especial atenção devido ao seu potencial como promotoras de crescimento vegetal, como agentes de biorremediação, mas muito pouco é explorado quanto ao potencial biotecnológico dessas bactérias como agentes de biocontrole de doenças. Visto que essas bactérias vivem em um ambiente altamente competitivo e sujeito a flutuações ambientais, representam uma fonte altamente significativa de metabólitos secundários bioativos, como as bacteriocinas sintetizadas ribossomicamente e outros peptídeos não ribossomais. Portanto, os objetivos principais deste trabalho foram determinar a frequência de linhagens de Burkholderia spp. endofíticas e da rizosfera de cana-deaçúcar capazes de produzir bacteriocinas e outros metabólitos secundários e por meio de mutagênese aleatória por transposon, identificar genes associados a produção desses metabólitos. Os resultados de caracterização permitiram concluir que as bactérias endofíticas e rizosféricas pertencentes ao gênero Burkholderia avaliadas apresentaram grande potencial em produzir metabólitos com atividade antibacteriana in vitro; sendo capazes de controlar X. albilineans importante patógeno da cultura de cana-de-açúcar. Para uma das linhagens foi obtida uma biblioteca de mutantes, a qual foi parcialmente caracterizada quanto à alteração da atividade antibacteriana. Foram identificados doze mutantes que apresentaram perda da atividade antibacteriana. A análise das sequências flanqueadoras do transposon para os doze mutantes permitiu a identificação de genes associados a produção de bacteriocinas, a regulação da expressão gênica, a enzimas possivelmente associadas ao metabolismo secundário, ao metabolismo geral da célula e a proteínas hipotéticas. A identificação e clonagem de tais genes permitirão uma maior compreensão da produção desses compostos e futuras aplicações biotecnológicas. / The sugarcane crop has an important role in international and national scenery mainly because the ethanol production as a sustainable energy source and less harmful to the environment. However one of the obstacles to the productivity is the occurrence of several diseases among them leaf scald caused by Xanthomonas albilineans. Endophytic and rhizospheric bacteria that belong to the Burkholderia genus have been isolated in high frequency in different cultures, such as sugarcane. In the last decades, these bacteria have been receiving attention due their potential as plant growth promoters, bioremediation agents. However, the biotechnological potential of these bacteria as agents of diseases biocontrol is very poorly evaluated. Since these bacteria live in a highly competitive environment and subject to environmental fluctuations, they may represent a highly significant source of bioactive secondary metabolites, as ribosomal synthesized bacteriocins and other nonribosomal peptides. Therefore, the main aim of this work was to determine the frequency of bacteriocin and secondary metabolites production by endophytic and rhizospheric isolates of Burkholderia spp. from sugarcane. Also, the genes associated to synthesis of these metabolites were identified by random mutagenesis based on Tn5 transposon. The results showed that endophytic and rhizospheric Burkholderia spp. present in vitro potential to production of metabolites with antibacterial activity; being inhibited X. albilineans, an important pathogen of sugarcane crops. For one of the Burkholderia strain it was obtained a mutant library, which was partially characterized according to antibacterial activity. Twelve mutants that showed the loss of antibacterial activity were identified and further evaluated. Also, the analysis of the transposon flanking sequences for these mutants indicated that genes associated to the bacteriocin production, regulation of gene expression, enzymes possibly associated to the secondary metabolism, general metabolism of the cell and hypothetical proteins are related to loss of inhibition ability. The identification and cloning of such genes will allow a better understanding of the production of theses compounds and further biotechnological applications.


Souza, Angélica Rossana Castro de 20 March 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The production of a bioherbicida for the biological control of weeds requires the development of a series of steps ranging from the selection of a suitable microbial strain for the production of product having herbicidal action until final formulation. Thus, this study aimed to select microorganisms from biological resources of the Pampa biome with potential for producing phytotoxins. Systematic samplings were performed with infectious symptoms in rice-growing areas and natural pastures of the Pampa biome. The first stage of the research was to select isolates with pathogenic potential inhibition test plants seedlings (Cucumis sativus L. var wisconsin.). The fungus that showed the best inhibitory effect was the VP51, identified through the use of molecular biology techniques, classified as Diaporthe sp. For optimization studies by means of submerged fermentation, industrial waste corn steep liquor were used (AMM) and sorghum (MAS), compared to synthetic medium. The means of submerged fermentation industry (AMM) showed better growth of fungal biomass and effect on test plant germination. In submerged fermentation bioreactor STR type, the rotation effect is significant, and the best results were obtained in tests with less rotation. In the pre-germination tests plants dormant and hard seeds were recorded, with a satisfactory result as biocontrol potential germination. / A produção de um bioherbicida para o controle biológico de plantas daninhas requer o desenvolvimento de uma série de etapas que vão desde a seleção de uma cepa microbiana apropriada para a produção do produto com ação herbicida até a sua formulação final. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho teve como objetivo selecionar micro-organismos a partir dos recursos biológicos do bioma Pampa com potencial na produção de fitotoxinas. Foram realizadas coletas sistemáticas de plantas com sintomas infecciosos em áreas de cultivo de arroz irrigado e pastagens naturais do bioma Pampa. A primeira etapa da pesquisa foi selecionar isolados fitopatogênicos com potencial de inibição de plântulas de plantas-teste (Cucumis sativus L. var wisconsin.). O fungo que apresentou o melhor efeito inibitório foi o VP51, identificado através do uso de técnicas de biologia molecular, classificado como Diaporthe sp. Para estudos de otimização do meio de fermentação submersa, foram utilizados resíduos industriais de água de maceração de milho (AMM) e de sorgo (MAS), comparando com o meio sintético. O meio de fermentação submersa em meio industrial (AMM) apresentou melhor crescimento de biomassa fúngica e efeito na germinação de plantas-teste. Na fermentação submersa em biorreator do tipo STR, o efeito da agitação foi significativo, sendo que os melhores resultados foram obtidos nos ensaios com menor agitação. Na germinação das plantas testes foram registradas sementes dormentes e duras, sendo um resultado satisfatório como potencial biocontrole da germinação.

Analysis of a Partial Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) Library and Differential Expression of Genes in Biochemical Morphotypes of the Marine Sponge Discodermia dissoluta

Waikel, Patricia A. 23 November 2010 (has links)
A variety of secondary metabolites with promising antimicrobial and anti-tumor properties have been identified in marine organisms. Sponges, in particular, have been the source of several of these, including discodermolide from Discodermia dissoluta. While metagenomic studies have been undertaken to identify genes involved in discodermolide production, presently, a transcriptomic approach has not been taken to characterize the metagenome of D. dissoluta. Samples of D. dissoluta were collected from a site in the Bahamas and screened for secondary metabolite production. Some specimens of D. dissoluta were positive for discodermolide while others were not. In order to determine which genes are differentially expressed between the two specimens, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed utilizing a chemistry negative and chemistry positive morphotype as the “driver” and “tester” populations respectively. Here we demonstrate the efficacy of SSH through the identification of transcripts related to symbiosis and secondary metabolite production by metatranscriptomic and bioinformatics analyses of the resulting subtracted library as well as a 16S rRNA library. Additionally, we have confirmed differential gene expression of selected sequences utilizing quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) with SYBR Green chemistry to screen and characterize genes, some of which appear to be related to novel metabolism and unknown functions related to symbiosis within the complex sponge-microbial community.

Izolace alkaloidů druhu Magnolia soulangeana Soul.-​Bod. a studium jejich biologické aktivity / Isolation of alkaloids of the species Magnolia soulangeana Soul.-​Bod. and study of their biological activity

Baková, Izabela January 2017 (has links)
Baková I.: Isolation of alkaloids of the species Magnolia soulangeana Soul.-Bod. and study of their biological activity. Diploma thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology, Hradec Králové, 2017. Key words: Magnolia solulangeana, secondary metabolites, alkaloids, biological activity. Secondary metabolites of plants are responsible for various biological activities. Alkaloids were described as a potentially suitable for Alzheimer's disease therapy (AD) through their inhibition activities against cholinesterases. Nowadays, these substances are important medicine for AD, therefore a screening of herbal drugs is still a current topic. An alkaloid extract of Magnolia × soulangeana flowers was tested in a preliminary testing on anticholinesterase activity. Because of the promising results, it was chosen for an isolation and identification possible effective alkaloids. The extract was separated by a column chromatography using aluminium oxide and a step gradient elution. Alkaloids were isolated by a repeated preparative thin-layer chromatography. Individual alkaloids were identified by a structural analysis (NMR, MS) and then their optical activity was measured. Substances were tested for an inhibition activity against human...

Secondary metabolites of plant cultures in vitro II

Pakánová, Alica January 2017 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacognosy Student: Alica Pakánová Supervisor: PharmDr. Marie Kašparová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Secondary metabolites of plant cultures in vitro II Diploma thesis is focused on callus and suspension plant cultures of Juniperus virginiana 'Glauca' and their production of secondary metabolite. Produced content of podophyllotoxin was observed during 15 subcultivations for both types of cultures. The highest content of podophyllotoxin (0.060 %) was established in the 18th subcultivation of suspension culture derivated from the three-years-old callus culture and then subcultivated in the period of 21 days. The maximal content of podophyllotoxin produced by callus culture (0.0515 %) was found out in the 46th subcultivation. Simultaneously it represented the last observed subcultivation subcultivated in the period of 28 days. This research shows that nor the production of Juniperus virginiana callus culture neither the production of suspension culture is stopped by increased number of subcultivation. Keywords: Suspension cultures, callus cultures, production of secondary metabolites, Juniperus virginiana, podophyllotoxin.

Avaliação das atividades biológicas e composição química dos extratos de algas vermelhas do gênero Laurencia (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) do litoral do Espírito Santo, Brasil / Evaluation of biological activities and chemical composition in extracts of red algae Laurencia (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) from the coast os Espírito Santo, Brazil

Erika Mattos Stein 21 June 2011 (has links)
As algas vermelhas, filo Rhodophyta, representam uma das maiores e mais antigas linhagens de organismos eucarióticos. Dentre as Rhodophyta, o gênero Laurencia J.V. Lamouroux (Ceramiales) é um dos mais completos do ponto de vista químico, pois consiste no maior produtor de metabólitos secundários e assim, destaca-se como uma fonte fascinante de novos produtos naturais, biologicamente ativos. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o potencial farmacológico dos extratos das espécies de Laurencia frente às atividades biológicas, assim como a análise da composição bioquímica e identificação de seus constituintes químicos. As espécies utilizadas foram L. aldingensis (LA), L. catarinensis (LC), L. dendroidea (LD), L.intricata (LI). Adicionalmente L. translúcida (LT), Palisada flagellifera (PF), P.perforata (PP) e uma variante pigmentar de LD (LDV) foram utilizadas para comparação. Para o desenvolvimento das atividades propostas foram utilizados extratos fracionados obtidos sucessivamente através dos solventes hexano (EH), clorofórmio (EC), metanol (EM), água (EA) e também extrato aquoso bruto (EAB). A análise de proteínas foi feita com os métodos de Bradford, Ácido bicinconínico (BCA) e absorção na luz UV a 280 nm. Destes, o método de Bradford mostrou-se o mais adequado Na dosagem de ficobilinas, a ficoeritrina se apresentou em maior quantidade em todas as espécies testadas em relação à ficocianina e aloficocianina. O ensaio para avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana usando vários patógenos foi feito por microdiluição em placa seguindo a NCCLS e as concentrações inibitórias mínimas (CIM) foram obtidas espectrofotometricamente. Em bactérias, LA-EH foi bactericida contra P. aeruginosa a uma concentração de 62,8 &mu;g.mL-1 e os extratos LA-EM e LC-EH tiveram uma ação bacteriostática forte contra S. pneumoniae nas concentrações de 51,1 e 85,1 &mu;g.mL-1, respectivamente. No ensaio antifúngico, LA-EH e LA-EC foram fungicidas contra C.parapsilosis a 49,0 e 57,8 &mu;g.mL-1, respectivamente. O ensaio antioxidante foi feito usando-se o método com DPPH, em que os EC apresentaram-se como os melhores extratos possuidores de moléculas capazes de doar prótons. Para o teste anticolinesterásico foi feito o ensaio qualitativo em CCD e ensaio quantitativo em microplaca pelo método de Ellman que puderam demonstrar a atividade inibidora da AChE sendo menor que 50 % , mesmo para concentrações de 600 &mu;g.mL-1. O perfil foi muito semelhante em todos os extratos testados no qual os EH e EC foram os mais ativos e os EM possivelmente deram um falso positivo, enquanto os extratos EA e EAB tiveram atividades baixas. No ensaio contra o fitopatógeno causador da antracnose no mamão, Colletotrichum gloesporioides, os resultados mostram que LC-EH e LD-EH são os mais ativos, com IC50 de 70 e 40 &mu;g.mL-1, respectivamente. Para o ensaio citotóxico contra células de mamíferos está sendo desenvolvido um modelo em que se utilizam células MES-SA e sua correspondente mutante (MES-SA/Dx5) multiresistente a drogas. O modelo proposto é bastante promissor e, do screening inicial sugere-se uma investigação mais detalhada em LD-EH e LT-EH cujos IC50 foram de 91 &mu;g.mL-1 e 16 &mu;g.mL-1, respectivamente, contra MES-SA. Uma investigação química de cada uma das frações dos extratos das espécies LA, LC, LD e LI foi realizada utilizando-se o CG-EM. Para identificação das substâncias foi utilizada a biblioteca do equipamento e literatura disponível através da comparação dos espectros de massas, tempo de retenção e Índice de Kovat´s. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo apresentaram potencial que justifica dar continuidade na busca de novas moléculas ou grupo de moléculas capazes de serem usadas em terapias sem a toxidez das substâncias sintetizadas quimicamente. / The Red Algae, phylum Rhodophyta, represent one of the largest and oldest lineages of eukaryotic organism. From the chemical standpoint, the Laurencia J.V. Lamouroux (Ceramiales) has been identified as one of the most complete and diverse genus within this specific group. The members of this genus have been identified, for instance, as the largest producers of secondary metabolites known to the Rhodophyta. Thus, it is not surprising that these specific species are currently under intense scrutiny with regard to their potential as new sources of natural products for medical and biotechnological applications. The primary aim of this study is to start a systematic investigation on the identification and characterization of novel Laurencia natural products showing desirable pharmacological and biomedical properties. The species used in this research are L. aldingensis (LA), L. catarinensis (LC), L. dendroidea(LD), L. intricate (LI). In addition, L. translucida (LT), Palisada flagellifera(PF), P.perforata (PP) and a pigment variant of LD (LDV) were included for comparison. Specifically, algal extracts were obtained through the sequential fractionation of dried algae samples with hexane (EH), chloroform (EC), methanol (EM), water (EA), and a single, crude, aqueous extracts (EAB). Protein content was performed using the Bradford, bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA) and the 280 nm uv quantification methods. The Bradford method was identified to be more appropriate for quantification. The analysis of phycobilins revealed that phycoerythrin was the major pigment in all species tested. Extracts were assayed for antimicrobial activity following the NCCLS microdilution tests and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MICs) obtained spectrophotometrically. Antimicrobial activity was explored using a variety of model biological targets (i.e. pathogens). To this end, microdilutions were used following the classical NCCLS and a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) protocol was performed on basis of electronic spectroscopy measurements. With respect to our findings on antibacterial activity, the LA-EH extract was bactericidal against the P. aeruginosa concentration of 62.8 &mu;g.mL-1 extracts and LA-EM and LC-EH had a strong bacteriostatic action against S. pneumoniae at concentrations of 51.1 and 85,1 &mu;g.mL-1, respectively. In the antifungal assay, LA-EH and LA-EC were fungicides against C. parapsilosis to 49.0 and 57.8 &mu;g.mL-1, respectively. The antioxidant assay was tested using the method with DPPH, in which the EC presented them as possessing the finest extracts of molecules capable of donating protons. And for the anticholinesterase test was done in the qualitative assay and quantitative assay on TLC plate by the Ellman method that could demonstrate the inhibitory activity of AChE less than 50 % for concentrations of 600 &mu;g.mL-1. The profile was similar for all extracts in which the EH and EC were the most active and possibly EM gave a false positive, while the EA and EAB extracts had very low activity. In the trial against the pathogen Colletotrichum Gloesporioides that causes papaya anthracnose the results show that LC-EH and LD-EH are the most active with IC50 of 70 and 40 &mu;g.mL-1, respectively. To perform the cytotoxicity assay against mammalian cells a model that is under development was proposed in which use cells MES-SA and its corresponding mutant (MES-SA/Dx5) multi-drug resistant. The proposed model is quite promising and the initial screening we propose a more detailed investigation of LD-EH and LT-EH whose IC50 were 91 &mu;g.mL-1 and 16 &mu;g.mL-1, respectively, against MES-SA cells. The LA, LC, LD and LI extract compounds were analyzed by GC-MS and the identification was performed using the library data and literature by comparing the mass spectra, retention time and index Kovat\'s. The study conducted here is likely to draw directions and help in the search for new molecules or group of molecules capable of being used in therapy without the toxicity of chemically synthesized compounds.

Identification of Penicillium species in the South African litchi export chain

Johnston, Candice Leigh 30 April 2009 (has links)
Penicillium species have been studied for over 200 years and the genus was first described by Link in 1809. Initially, morphological identification methods were used however, much diversity within the genus resulted in researchers seeking alternative techniques and approaches to improve accuracy. These methods involved biochemical analysis of secondary metabolites in conjunction with morphological examination. With the emergence of more accurate and rapid molecular identification tools, scientists embraced modem technology to address diversity challenges. In order to provide a more holistic approach towards the taxonomy of complex genera, morphological analysis remains an essential component in Penicillium identification. Penicillium species are omnipresent, dominant and problematic in postharvest environments. They are known to cause major losses in export markets due to fruit decay. The aim of this study was to identify species within the South African litchi export chain and develop a rapid method for Penicillium identification. This study used morphological as well as molecular identification methods in order to develop PCR-RFLP restriction maps for a number of dominant Penicillium species. Seventeen species of Penicillium were identified using conventional morphological methodology and DNA sequencing, both of which are laborious and time-consuming. Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism provided reliability and repeatability as well as being a cost-effective and rapid identification alternative. A combined phylogenetic study indicated that the taxonomic position of several species may need to be reconsidered. Fourteen species were differentiated from one another through digestion of the â-tubulin gene region with five restriction enzymes. Banding patterns correlated well with phylogenetic and biochemical data of related studies, indicating that this method holds promise as a rapid identification procedure for Penicillium species. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Microbiology and Plant Pathology / unrestricted

Spektrofotometrie přírodních látek – sekundárních metabolitů rostlin / Spectrophotometry of natural drugs - secondary metabolites of plants

Hořavová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Plants are an important source of secondary metabolites, such as substances that have a beneficial biological effect on the health of humans and they are irreplaceable in the modern medicine. They may operate in prevention and in the treatment of civilization diseases. In terms of content substances, the phenolic come to fore, especially polyphenols, which have been related to a number of overview studies due to their wide distribution and high concentration in plants. They also represent an important part of substances with redox effects present in the human diet and have an important role for the plant itself. Currently, many laboratories are dedicated to pharmaceutical and biological testing of plants. Individual polyphenols in plant matrices are determined primarily by chromatography, electrophoresis methods, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. Valuable information on the content of polyphenols in plant extract can be obtained also by using spectrophotometric methods. The subject of this thesis is to provide information, characterization and comparison of conventional and modern techniques for the determination of natural substances – phenolic compounds using spectral techniques.

Metody kapalinové chromatografie pro analýzu sekundárních metabolitů aktinomycet - potencionálních antibiotik / Liquid Chromatography Methods for Analysis of Actinomycete Secondary Metabolites - Potential Antibiotics

Kameník, Zdeněk January 2012 (has links)
(EN) This dissertation thesis contains scientific results achieved in the field of analytical chemistry, particularly liquid chromatography. The major part of the results has been published in prestigious international journals in five papers. In addition to that, relevant yet unpublished results have been included as well. In general terms, the work presented here contributed to the concerted efforts to tackle the current lack of novel antibiotics. Specifically, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) techniques coupled to a variety of detection systems have been employed for analysis of antibiotics and actinomycete secondary metabolites. The first thematic part describes the development of liquid chromatography methods for analysis of lincomycin precursors, lincomycin precursor analogues, and lincomycin derivatives. The methods have been applied to study lincomycin biosynthetic pathway and obtain improved lincomycin derivatives by mutasynthesis. The second thematic part aims at investigating alternative approaches for analysis of antibiotics. Firstly, the core-shell particle and the sub-2 μm particle chromatographic columns were compared. The core-shell particle columns compatible with HPLC proved to be a convenient alternative to the...

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