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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implication du système de sécrétion de type VI de la souche Pseudomonas fluorescens MFE01 dans l'activité antibactérienne, la formation de biofilm et l'inhibition de mobilité. / Involvement of Pseudomonas fluorescens type VI secretion system on antibacterial activity, biofilm formation and motility inhibition

Gallique, Mathias 12 December 2017 (has links)
Le système de sécrétion de type VI (SST6) est un complexe multi-protéique permettant l’export d’effecteurs. Ce mécanisme est impliqué à la fois dans la virulence envers les cellules eucaryotes, dans l’activité antibactérienne mais également dans l’acquisition d’ions présents dans ’environnement. Ainsi, le SST6 joue un rôle important dans l’adaptation et la compétition, éléments essentiels dans la colonisation et la persistance au sein d’une niche écologique. Actuellement, très peu d’études portent sur l’importance du SST6 chez des souches environnementales, contrairement aux nombreuses études portant sur des pathogènes tels que Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia thailandensis, Vibrio cholerae ou Escherichia coli. Mon sujet de recherche avait pour objectif de caractériser le ou les rôles du SST6 de la souche environnementale Pseudomonas fluorescens MFE01. Ces travaux ont permis d’appréhender certaines fonctions du SST6 de cette souche. Le génome de MFE01 ne comporte qu’un seul cluster de gènes du SST6 où sont regroupés les gènes codant pour la machinerie du SST6 (le « core-component ») à l’exception des gènes hcp. Les protéines Hcp sont des éléments structuraux du SST6 dont elles forment le tube interne qui permet le transfert des effecteurs. Différents gènes hcp sont disséminés sur le chromosome et parmi ces « hcp » orphelins, hcp2 et hcp3 codent respectivement pour les protéines Hcp2 et Hcp3. Ces deux Hcp sécrétées par le SST6, sont associées à l’activité antibactérienne de MFE01 sur différentes souches pathogènes et environnementales, tels que P. aeruginosa, P. fluorescens MFN1032 et Pectobacterium atrosepticum. La protéine Hcp1, codée par le gène orphelin hcp1, est impliquée dans l’inhibition de mobilité de souche compétitrice. Hcp1 permettrait la sécrétion d’au moins deux toxines qui perturberaient l’assemblage du flagelle. Chez MFE01Δhcp1 et MFE01ΔtssC (TssC est un élément de la gaine contractile du SST6), ces toxines seraient accumulées dans le cytoplasme, inhibant ainsi ’assemblage de leur propre flagelle. La surproduction du régulateur FliA, qui contrôle notamment l’assemblage du filament flagellaire, restaure la mobilité chez ces deux mutants. En parallèle, le SST6 de la souche MFE01 est essentiel à la formation et la maturation de biofilm mais également à la compétition bactérienne en biofilm mixte. Ce système interviendrait dans la communication bactérienne indispensable au comportement social, requis lors de l’élaboration des biofilms. / Type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a multiproteic apparatus that secreted proteinaceous effectors. T6SS participate in a variety of functions, whose eukaryote virulence, antibacterial activity or metal ion uptake. These capacities conferring an advantage in adaptation and competition, crucial to colonization or persistence within ecological niche. As well, only a few studies have focused on the T6SS functions of environmental strains, contrary to numerous studies dealing with pathogens as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia thailandensis, Vibrio cholerae or Escherichia coli. The purpose of my research project was to characterize the T6SS function(s) of the environmental strain Pseudomonas fluorescens MFE01. This work had led to understand the various functions of T6SS of MFE01 strain. This strain has a single T6SS cluster where all the core component proteins were gathered, except hcp genes. Three orphan hcp genes where found and are scattered in genome. Hcp proteins form the inner tube allowing effectors secretion. Both Hcp2 and Hcp3 proteins were involved in antibacterial activity on pathogens or environmental strains like P. aeruginosa, P. fluorescens or Pectobacterium atrosepticum. Characterization of Hcp1 proteins role constituted a major focus of this project. Hcp1 proteins participate to motility inhibition of competitive strains through T6SS. Hcp1 may be associated with secretion of at least two toxins perturbing the flagellar filament assembly. In MFE01Δhcp1 and MFE01ΔtssC mutants (Tss is a contractile sheath constituent), these toxins may be accumulated into cytoplasm and perturb assembly of their own flagella. Interestingly, overproduction of FliA flagellar regulator, which controls assembly of flagellar filament, restores motility of both mutants. Simultaneously, T6SS of MFE01 strain contributes to maturation and biofilm formation but also in bacterial competition within mixed biofilm. T6SS may be a mean of bacterial communication and thus coordinate a social behavior, primordial for biofilm formation.

Diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por Pseudomonas aeruginosa em crianças com Fibrose Cística / Serological diagnosis of pulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with Cystic Fibrosis

Aline da Costa Cruz 11 August 2009 (has links)
A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma doença letal, de caráter autossômico recessivo, que acomete populações de diferentes etnias. A doença caracteriza-se pelo comprometimento sistêmico das glândulas exócrinas e, na maioria dos pacientes, a doença pulmonar acaba tornando-se a patologia predominante. A infecção por P. aeruginosa é a principal causa de mortalidade dos pacientes com FC. O Sistema de Secreção Tipo III da bactéria é expresso na fase aguda da doença e é responsável por injetar proteínas citotóxicas no interior da célula eucariótica. Há um grande interesse em se investigar a resposta de anticorpos anti P. aeruginosa em pacientes com FC a fim de diagnosticar a colonização e ou infecção pulmonar antes da cultura, permitindo a antibioticoterapia preventiva, a fim de se evitar a infecção pulmonar crônica. Nesta tese, investigamos a resposta de anticorpos (IgG+IgM+IgA) contra as proteínas do SSTT de P. aeruginosa, através do Western-Blot. Participaram do estudo 51 pacientes com FC, de 1.1 a 16.8 anos acompanhados no Departamento de Pneumologia do Instituto Fernandes Figueira - FioCruz, durante um período aproximado de 2 anos. De cada paciente foram coletadas de 1 a 4 amostras de sangue, com intervalo médio de 6 meses entre as coletas. O grupo controle negativo consistiu de 28 indivíduos não fibrocísticos, de 2 a 17 anos, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - HUPE UERJ. As proteínas do SSTT foram extraídas das cepas PAO1 e PAOΔExsA (regulador da expressão do SSTT) de P. aeruginosa. Controles positivos e negativos foram utilizados em todas as reações. Para a identificação das proteínas do SSTT na reação utilizou-se antisoro de camundongos imunizados com a proteína recombinante PcrV. Doze (75%) dos 16 pacientes fibrocísticos considerados não infectados por P. aeruginosa tiveram a primeira sorologia positiva para PopB e 15 (93,75%) para ExoS/ExoT, indicando a colonização ou infecção por P. aeruginosa. Aproximadamente 25% e 35,7% dos soros do grupo controle mostraram reatividade fraca com PopB ou ExoS/ExoT, respectivamente. O tempo decorrido entre a primeira sorologia positiva e o primeiro isolamento de P. aeruginosa nestes pacientes variou de 18 a 30 meses. Concluindo, é possível fazer o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por P. aeruginosa antes do isolamento da bactéria pela cultura. / Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a lethal disease of autosomal recessive character, which affects people of different ethnicities. The disease is characterized by the involvement of systemic exocrine glands and in most patients, the lung disease becomes the predominant pathology. The infection with P. aeruginosa is the leading cause of mortality in patients with CF. The Type III Secretion System (TTSS) of bacteria is expressed during acute disease and injects cytotoxic proteins inside the host cell. There is a great interesting in investigate the antibody response to P. aeruginosa in CF patients in order to diagnose a pulmonary infection or colonization before the culture. Then, preventive antibiotic treatment can be initiated before the installation of chronic lung infection. We investigated the antibody response (IgG + IgA + IgM) against TTSS proteins of P. aeruginosa by Western-blot. The study included 51 patients with CF, from 1.1 to 16.8 years attending the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit of Fernandes Figueira Institute (IFF) FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, for a period of approximately 2 years. Most patients had or 4 blood samples collected for antibody analyses. Samples were obtained with a mean interval of 6 months. The negative control group consisted of 28 non-CF individuals, from 2 to 17 years, attended at Pedro Ernesto University Hospital - HUPE - UERJ. The TTSS proteins were extracted from strains PAO1 and PAOΔExsA (regulator of TTSS proteins expression) of P. aeruginosa. Positive and negative controls were used in all reactions. For the identification of TTSS proteins in the reaction we used antisera from mice immunized with the recombinant protein PcrV. Twelve (75%) of 16 CF patients considered not infected by P. aeruginosa had their first serology positive for "PopB" and 15 (93.75%) for "ExoS/ExoT. These results indicated that these patients were colonized or infected by P. aeruginosa. About 25% e 35,7% of negative control sera showed a weak reactivity with PopB or ExoS, respectively. The time between the first positive serology and the first isolation of P. aeruginosa in these patients ranged from 18 to 30 months. In conclusion, it is possible to make a serological diagnosis of pulmonary infection by P. aeruginosa before the isolation of the bacterium by culture.

Développement de l'immunothérapie anti-tumorale médiée par vecteur bactérien vivant basé sur le système de sécrétion de type III de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Development of anti-tumor immunotherapy mediated by type III secretion system-based live attenuated bacterial vectors

Wang, Yan 18 April 2012 (has links)
En raison de l'efficacité pour délivrer des antigènes directement dans le cytoplasme des CAPs in vivo, les vecteurs bactériens atténués et basés sur les propriétés du système de sécrétion de type 3 (SST3) attirent de plus en plus l'attention grâce à leur potentiel dans le développement des vaccins contre le cancer. Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable d'infections graves chez les personnes immunodéprimées, les grands brûlés et les patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. Cette pathogénicité repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont le SST3. Dans nos travaux précédents, le potentiel de souches atténuées de P. aeruginosa dans le domaine de la vaccination anti-tumorale a été démontré. Dans ce travail, nous avons optimisé des vecteurs vaccinaux basés sur le SST3 de P. aeruginosa pour des applications cliniques. Dans un premier temps, la performance de ces vecteurs bactériens a été améliorée en utilisant différents modèles de tumeurs murines. Ceci par : 1) l'ajout d'un épitope spécifique des lymphocytes CD4+ Th aux vecteurs; 2) l'application d'un modèle d'expression bi-antigénique aux vecteurs; 3) la construction de vecteurs induisant une réponse humorale. Dans un deuxième temps, la performance thérapeutique du vecteur bactérien a été optimisée par la modulation de la fréquence des injections et l'intervalle qui les sépare. Cette performance a été confirmée dans des modèles différents de tumeurs murines. Dans un troisième temps, un candidat qui pourrait être appliqué en clinique a été généré par l'adaptation d'un mutant (CHA-OAL) de P. aeruginosa totalement avirulent dans un milieu chimiquement défini. La très faible infectiosité de cette souche a été surmontée par en vaccinant à des emplacements multiples. Par la suite, le potentiel du vecteur bactérien dans l'immunothérapie humaine a été également évalué- dans un premiers temps-dans un modèle de souris humanisées (HHD). Enfin, nous avons observé qu'une immunité anti-vecteur pré-existante n'a pas d'effet sur l'efficacité de la vaccination par le vecteur bactérien. L'ensemble de nos résultats a mis en évidence le potentiel de nos vecteurs vivants et atténués de P. aeruginosa pour des applications dans des essais cliniques pertinents. / Due to the endowed effective ability to deliver antigen to cytoplasm of APCs in vivo, T3SS based attenuated bacterial vectors attracted more and more attention for their potential interest in cancer vaccine development. Pseudomonas aeruginosa est un pathogène opportuniste responsable d'infections graves chez les personnes immunodéprimées, les grands brûlés et les patients atteints de la mucoviscidose. Cette pathogénicité repose sur de nombreux facteurs de virulence dont le système de sécrétion de type III (SSTT). In our previous work, the potential of attenuated P. aeruginosa strains as the carriers for anti-tumor vaccination purpose has been reported. In this work, we would like to strengthen P. aeruginosa T3SS based vaccine vectors and direct the development of these bacterial vectors toward clinical applications. First, the performance of these bacterial vectors has been improved in different murine cancer models by: 1) adding one CD4+ Th epitope to vectors; 2) applying bi-antigen expression pattern to vectors; 3) constructing potential humoral response inducing vectors. Second, the therapeutic performance of bacterial vector has been optimized by modulating injection frequency and interval and then be confirmed in murine tumor models. Third, one clinically applicable candidate has been generated by adapting one totally avirulent P. aeruginosa mutant (CHA-OAL) in a chemically defined medium and the poor infectivity of this new strain has been overcome by vaccinations at multiple loci. Fourth, the potential of bacterial vector for human immunotherapy has been further evaluated in one first level humanized mice (HHD) model. Finally, we observed that the pre-existing anti-vector immunity didn't impair the vaccination efficiency of bacteria vector. Taken together, our results highlight the potentials of our live attenuated P. aeruginosa vectors for applications in relevant clinical trials.

Etude de deux protéines impliquées dans l'injection de toxines par la bactérie Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Study of two proteins involved in toxin injection by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Perdu, Caroline 04 June 2013 (has links)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, une bactérie à Gram négatif responsable d'infections nosocomiales, possède de nombreux facteurs de virulence lui permettant d'infecter ses hôtes. En particulier, le Système de Sécrétion de Type III (SST3) lui permet d'injecter des effecteurs directement dans le cytoplasme de la cellule cible eucaryote. Durant cette thèse, deux protéines du SST3 de P. aeruginosa ont été étudiées : l'ATPase PscN et la protéine ExsB. Plusieurs approches ont été utilisées afin d'étudier l'ATPase PscN, indispensable à l'activité du SST3. Des mutations ponctuelles réalisées dans PscN conduisent à des souches de P. aeruginosa non cytotoxiques, et cet effet est dominant négatif. Une autre approche a permis l'obtention de fractions partiellement purifiées de l'ATPase PscN active, sous forme de grands complexes visualisés en microscopie électronique. Ces fractions contiennent également d'autres protéines du SST3, qui pourraient être des partenaires de PscN. La protéine ExsB a été caractérisée pour la première fois. Après avoir vérifié son expression chez P. aeruginosa, son association à la membrane externe de la bactérie a été démontrée. Son rôle a ensuite été étudié par une analyse du phénotype d'une souche de P. aeruginosa dépourvue du gène exsB. Nous n'avons pas identifié d'activité de ExsB dans la régulation du SST3. Après avoir constaté l'implication de ExsB dans la virulence de la bactérie dans des modèles d'infections aiguës chez les animaux, son rôle dans l'activité du SST3 a été établi. Nous avons enfin pu montrer que ExsB a une activité de pilotine, car elle participe à l'assemblage de la sécrétine, le composant de la membrane externe du SST3. / Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a Gram negative bacterium responsible for nosocomial infections, exhibits numerous virulence factors to infect its hosts. In particular, the Type III Secretion System (T3SS) allows the injection of effectors directly into the host cell cytoplasm. This work focuses on the study of two proteins from the T3SS of P. aeruginosa: the ATPase PscN and the ExsB protein. Several approaches were used to study the ATPase PscN, an enzyme essential for T3SS activity. Site-directed mutations, made on PscN, lead to non cytotoxic strains, and this effect is dominant negative. Another approach allowed the partial purification of active PscN, visualized as large complexes by electron microscopy. These partially purified samples also contain other T3SS proteins, which could interact with PscN. The ExsB protein was characterized for the first time. After checking its expression in P. aeruginosa, its association with the outer membrane was shown. The phenotypic analysis of a strain lacking exsB gene gave insights into the role of this protein. We did not identified any function of ExsB in the T3SS regulation. After showing the involvement of ExsB in the bacterial virulence during acute animal infections, ExsB role in T3SS activity was established. Finally, we showed that ExsB has a pilotin activity as it participates in the assembly of the secretin, the outer membrane component of T3SS.

Development of a database for classification and analysis of type IV secretion systems / Desenvolvimento de um banco de dados para classificação e análise de sistemas de secreção do tipo IV bacteriano

Diogo dos Santos Netto 31 October 2008 (has links)
The type IV secretion system can be classified as a large family of macromolecule transporters divided in three recognized sub-families involved in different bacterial functions. The major sub-family of T4SS is the conjugation system, which allows transfer of genetic material as a nucleoprotein via cell contact among bacteria. Analogously to bacterial conjugation, the T4SS can transfer genetic material from bacteria to eukaryotic cells; such is the case of T-DNA transfer of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to host plant cells. The system of effector proteins transport constitutes the second sub-family, being indispensable for infection processes of several mammalian and plants pathogens. The third sub-family corresponds to the DNA uptake/release system involved in genetic transformation competence, independently of cell contact, as it was described to the systems VirB/D4 from Campylobacter jejuni and ComB form Helicobacter pylori. Several essential features of T4SS are well known, but the knowledge in support of an uncomplicated classification or proper protein annotation of system subunits remains confusing, which in same cases can avoid making inferences about evolution of the system in bacterial species. The purpose of this work was to organize, classify and integrate the knowledge about T4SS through building a database devoted to this bacterial secretion system. The T4SS database was created using the SGBD MySQL and Perl programming language and with a web interface (HTML/CGI) that gives access to the database. Currently, this database hold genomic data from 43 bacteria and 10 plasmids acquired from the GenBank NCBI, these organisms comprise groups from Actionobacteria to Gram-negative Proteobacteria including symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria. By applying Bidirectional Best-Hits method was possible to get a core set of 75 clusters with 974 proteins involved in the T4SS. Also, during this procedure BlastP, Muscle e ClustalW algorithms were applied. The database was manually annotated supported by cross references built-in the T4SS annotation pages, such as the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, COG, InterPro and TCDB as well as by the methods for signal peptide and transmembrane regions prediction. All T4SS protein records scattered into 75 ortholog clusters were organized into five different classes of type IV secretion system proteins: (i) Type IVA Mpf/T4CP; (ii) Type IVA Dtr; (iii) F-type plasmid; (iv) IncP-1-type plasmid; (v) Type IVB Icm/Dot. All 974 proteins were annotated into 68 well-known families, which can be involved in conjugation, effector translocator, DNA uptake/release or even can be bifunctional proteins. Also, by using the Maximum Likelihood method were built 70 unrooted phylogenetic trees that represents just 70 clusters instead of 75, this is due to five clusters had only two protein sequences, five unrooted phylogenetic trees were built for each group of first hierarchical classification, one unrooted phylogenetic trees including proteins from archetype systems of all groups, one unrooted phylogenetic trees from 16S sequence of each organism and one rooted tree including a sequence from a Gram-positive bacteria as an external group. The phylogenetic analyses show that some proteins of T4SS are more divergent than others, which indicate that for a particular function few sequence mutations were needed, but other proteins required many sequence mutations to get another functions. Thus, these results proved that proteins belong to the same cluster show different functions: conjugation, DNA uptake/release or effector translocator. Consequently, it was possible verify that similar functions were grouped together within phylogenetic tree, which allowed to annotate a probable function of some uncharacterized proteins, that is possibly due to the sequence similarity may reveal a similar evolution to get the same function. Thus, the phylogenetic trees allowed confirming the protein annotation as well as inferring whether uncharacterized proteins would encompass a known function. The T4SS database will be an open access, given to the users searching and submission sequence tools, which will permit to get insights about classification and phylogeny of T4SS sequence of interest. T4SS Database is accessible at the URL http://www.t4ss.lncc.br. / O T4SS pode ser classificado como uma família de transportadores de macromoléculas envolvidos em diferentes funções bacterianas. A maior subfamília do T4SS é a do sistema de conjugação, o qual permite a transferência de material genético entre bactérias. Analogamente à conjugação, o sistema pode transferir material genético entre bactérias e eucariotos, tal como a transferência de T-DNA de Agrobacterium tumefaciens. O sistema de transporte de proteínas efetoras constitui uma segunda subfamília do T4SS, sendo indispensável nos processos de infecção de vários patógenos de mamíferos e plantas. A última subfamília corresponde ao sistema DNA-uptake/release" que funciona independente de contato com uma célula alvo, representado pelos sistemas VirB/D4 de Campylobacter jejuni e ComB de Helicobacter pylori. Muitas características básicas do T4SS são bem conhecidas, entretanto o conhecimento para a classificação simples e intuitiva ou a anotação apropriada das proteínas ainda não está claro, impedindo em alguns casos estabelecer correlações evolutivas deste sistema em bactérias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de organizar, classificar e integrar o conhecimento do T4SS através da construção de um banco de dados especializado para este sistema secretório bacteriano. O banco de dados T4SS foi criado utilizando o SGBD MySQL e a linguagem de programação Perl e com uma interface web (HTML/CGI) que fornece acesso ao banco. Este banco consta atualmente com 43 genomas bacterianos e 10 plasmídeos obtidos do GenBank NCBI, estes organismos vão desde Actinobactérias até Proteobactérias Gram-negativas, incluindo simbiontes e patogênicos. Foi utilizada a metodologia do Bidirectional Best-Hits", com a qual foi possível obter um conjunto mínimo de 75 clusters" com 974 proteínas envolvidas no T4SS. Também, durante este procedimento foram utilizados os algoritmos BlastP, Muscle e ClustalW. O banco foi anotado manualmente utilizando referências cruzadas incluídas nas páginas de anotação do T4SS, tais como UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, COG, InterPro e TCDB e métodos para predição de regiões de peptídeos sinal e transmembrana. As análises do banco T4SS permitiram criar uma classificação hierárquica e funcional para as proteínas do T4SS, consistindo em cinco grupos: (i) Type IVA Mpf/T4CP; (ii) Type IVA Dtr; (iii) F-type plasmid; (iv) IncP-1-type plasmid; (v) Type IVB Icm/Dot). As 974 proteínas foram anotadas em 68 famílias conhecidas, as quais podem estar envolvidas em conjugação, transferência de T-DNA, transferência de proteínas efetoras, DNA-uptake/release" ou bem serem proteínas bifuncionais. Também, através do método de máxima verossimilhança foram geradas 70 árvores filogenéticas não enraizadas (NR) representando apenas 70 clusters, já que cinco clusters apresentaram apenas duas seqüências de proteínas, cinco árvores filogenéticas NR foram criadas para cada grupo da primeira categoria hierárquica, uma árvore NR com representantes de todos os grupos, uma árvore NR gerada a partir das seqüências 16S de cada organismo e uma árvore de um cluster incluindo uma seqüência de bactéria Gram-positiva como grupo externo. As análises filogenéticas mostram que determinadas proteínas do sistema são mais divergentes que outras, indicando que para uma determinada função poucas mutações de seqüências foram necessárias, já outras proteínas precisaram de maiores mutações para adquirir outras funções. Por isso, verifica-se que proteínas de um mesmo cluster apresentam diferentes funções: conjugação, DNA-uptake/release", traslocadores de proteínas efetoras. Conseqüentemente, foi possível verificar que funções semelhantes se agruparam juntas nas árvores filogenéticas, permitindo anotar uma função provável das proteínas ainda não caracterizadas (unknown"), isto possivelmente devido a que em virtude de sua semelhança de seqüências, possivelmente evoluíram para realizar a mesma função. Assim, as arvores possuíram a finalidade de confirmar a anotação e contribuíram permitindo inferir se os unknown" ou probable" podem ser de uma determinada classificação funcional. O banco T4SS será de uso público, oferecendo ao usuário ferramentas de buscas e submissão de seqüências, as quais permitirão inferir respostas sobre a classificação e filogenia da seqüência T4SS de interesse. O banco de dados T4SS pode ser acessado na URL: http://www.t4ss.lncc.br.

Diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por Pseudomonas aeruginosa em crianças com Fibrose Cística / Serological diagnosis of pulmonary infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with Cystic Fibrosis

Aline da Costa Cruz 11 August 2009 (has links)
A Fibrose Cística (FC) é uma doença letal, de caráter autossômico recessivo, que acomete populações de diferentes etnias. A doença caracteriza-se pelo comprometimento sistêmico das glândulas exócrinas e, na maioria dos pacientes, a doença pulmonar acaba tornando-se a patologia predominante. A infecção por P. aeruginosa é a principal causa de mortalidade dos pacientes com FC. O Sistema de Secreção Tipo III da bactéria é expresso na fase aguda da doença e é responsável por injetar proteínas citotóxicas no interior da célula eucariótica. Há um grande interesse em se investigar a resposta de anticorpos anti P. aeruginosa em pacientes com FC a fim de diagnosticar a colonização e ou infecção pulmonar antes da cultura, permitindo a antibioticoterapia preventiva, a fim de se evitar a infecção pulmonar crônica. Nesta tese, investigamos a resposta de anticorpos (IgG+IgM+IgA) contra as proteínas do SSTT de P. aeruginosa, através do Western-Blot. Participaram do estudo 51 pacientes com FC, de 1.1 a 16.8 anos acompanhados no Departamento de Pneumologia do Instituto Fernandes Figueira - FioCruz, durante um período aproximado de 2 anos. De cada paciente foram coletadas de 1 a 4 amostras de sangue, com intervalo médio de 6 meses entre as coletas. O grupo controle negativo consistiu de 28 indivíduos não fibrocísticos, de 2 a 17 anos, atendidos no Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto - HUPE UERJ. As proteínas do SSTT foram extraídas das cepas PAO1 e PAOΔExsA (regulador da expressão do SSTT) de P. aeruginosa. Controles positivos e negativos foram utilizados em todas as reações. Para a identificação das proteínas do SSTT na reação utilizou-se antisoro de camundongos imunizados com a proteína recombinante PcrV. Doze (75%) dos 16 pacientes fibrocísticos considerados não infectados por P. aeruginosa tiveram a primeira sorologia positiva para PopB e 15 (93,75%) para ExoS/ExoT, indicando a colonização ou infecção por P. aeruginosa. Aproximadamente 25% e 35,7% dos soros do grupo controle mostraram reatividade fraca com PopB ou ExoS/ExoT, respectivamente. O tempo decorrido entre a primeira sorologia positiva e o primeiro isolamento de P. aeruginosa nestes pacientes variou de 18 a 30 meses. Concluindo, é possível fazer o diagnóstico sorológico da infecção pulmonar por P. aeruginosa antes do isolamento da bactéria pela cultura. / Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a lethal disease of autosomal recessive character, which affects people of different ethnicities. The disease is characterized by the involvement of systemic exocrine glands and in most patients, the lung disease becomes the predominant pathology. The infection with P. aeruginosa is the leading cause of mortality in patients with CF. The Type III Secretion System (TTSS) of bacteria is expressed during acute disease and injects cytotoxic proteins inside the host cell. There is a great interesting in investigate the antibody response to P. aeruginosa in CF patients in order to diagnose a pulmonary infection or colonization before the culture. Then, preventive antibiotic treatment can be initiated before the installation of chronic lung infection. We investigated the antibody response (IgG + IgA + IgM) against TTSS proteins of P. aeruginosa by Western-blot. The study included 51 patients with CF, from 1.1 to 16.8 years attending the Pediatric Pulmonology Unit of Fernandes Figueira Institute (IFF) FIOCRUZ, Rio de Janeiro, for a period of approximately 2 years. Most patients had or 4 blood samples collected for antibody analyses. Samples were obtained with a mean interval of 6 months. The negative control group consisted of 28 non-CF individuals, from 2 to 17 years, attended at Pedro Ernesto University Hospital - HUPE - UERJ. The TTSS proteins were extracted from strains PAO1 and PAOΔExsA (regulator of TTSS proteins expression) of P. aeruginosa. Positive and negative controls were used in all reactions. For the identification of TTSS proteins in the reaction we used antisera from mice immunized with the recombinant protein PcrV. Twelve (75%) of 16 CF patients considered not infected by P. aeruginosa had their first serology positive for "PopB" and 15 (93.75%) for "ExoS/ExoT. These results indicated that these patients were colonized or infected by P. aeruginosa. About 25% e 35,7% of negative control sera showed a weak reactivity with PopB or ExoS, respectively. The time between the first positive serology and the first isolation of P. aeruginosa in these patients ranged from 18 to 30 months. In conclusion, it is possible to make a serological diagnosis of pulmonary infection by P. aeruginosa before the isolation of the bacterium by culture.

Characterization of structure, dynamics, function and interactions of components from the type IV secretion system of Xanthomonas citri by solution nuclear magnetic resonance / Caracterização da estrutura, dinâmica, interações e função de componentes do sistema de secreção tipo IV de Xanthomonas citri por ressonância magnética nuclear em solução

Luciana Coutinho de Oliveira 01 February 2016 (has links)
Bacteria use specialized systems, called secretion systems, in order to translocate substrates to the environment or to other cells, or even to uptake molecules from the exterior environment. Six different secretion systems have been described in Gram-negative bacteria. The Type IV Secretion System (T4SS) is involved in translocation of virulence factors, bacterial conjugation, uptake and release of DNA, and in the secretion of antibacterial toxins. The T4SS channel corresponds to a toroidal upramolecular complex consisting of 14 repetitions of the VirB7-VirB9-VirB10 heterotrimer. This channel, also called \"core complex\", is divided in two layers, an outer layer consisting of the VirB7 lipoprotein in complex with the C-terminal domains of VirB9 (VirB9CT) and VirB10 (VirB10CT), and an inner layer composed by the N-terminal domains of VirB9 (VirB9NT) and VirB10 (VirB10NT). Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xac) is a gram-negative bacterium that infects citrus plants causing a disease called \"citrus canker\". Although not directly involved in causing the disease, the chromosomally encoded T4SS is responsible for the secretion of toxins, working as a bacterial killing machine (Souza et al., 2015). The three-dimensional structure of Xac\'s VirB7 obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (PDB 2L4W) revealed that, unlike the canonical VirB7, Xac\'s VirB7 consists of a flexible N-terminal domain followed by a C-terminal globular domain. The flexible N-terminal tail is involved in interaction with VirB9CT. In this thesis, the NMR structure of the complex formed between VirB9CT and a peptide derived from the N-terminal tail of Xac-VirB7 (VirB7NT) was solved. This complex is stabilized by hydrophobic interactions involving the side chains of particular amino acid residues such as Phe30, Trp34 and Val37 in VirB7, and Arg250, Tyr167 and Tyr169 in VirB9. Mutations of such amino acids affect not only the stability of the VirB9:VirB7 complex in vitro, but also reduce the T4SS activity and impairs its assembly in vivo. Furthermore, the ability of forming VirB7:VirB7 oligomers is essential for a functional T4SS, although it is not required for assembling the complex. The structural propensity and flexibility of a fragment derived from the proline-rich region (PRR) of the N-terminal tail of VirB10 (VirB10NT - residues 85 to 182) were studied. Measurements of the {1H}-15N heteronuclear NOE showed that VirB10NT is highly flexible on a sub-nanosecond time scale. Analysis of chemical shifts and NOEs showed that the ensemble and time average conformation of VirB10NT consists of a short alpha helix between residues 151-163, and that this helix is involved in interactions with VirB9NT. These findings provide the first compelling evidence for the interaction between the N-terminal domains of VirB9 and VirB10, and for the existence of significant flexibility within Xacs T4SS. / Bactérias usam sistemas especializados, denominados sistemas de secreção, a fim de translocar substratos para o ambiente ou para outras células, ou até mesmo para capturar moléculas do meio externo. Seis diferentes sistemas de secreção foram descritos em bactérias gram-negativas. O Sistema de Secreção do Tipo IV (T4SS) está envolvido na translocação de fatores de virulência, conjugação bacteriana, absorção e liberação de DNA, e secreção de toxinas antibacterianas. O canal do T4SS (core complex) corresponde a um complexo formado por 14 repetições do heterotrimero VirB7-VirB9-VirB10. A camada externa deste canal é constituída por VirB7 em complexo com os domínios C-terminal de VirB9 (VirB9CT) e VirB10 (VirB10CT). Os domínios N-terminal de VirB9 (VirB9NT) e VirB10 (VirB10NT) formam a camada interna do core complex. Xanthomonas citri pv. citri (Xac) é uma bactéria gram-negativa que infecta plantas cítricas causando uma doença chamada \"cancro cítrico\". Embora não esteja diretamente envolvido na infecção, o T4SS cromossomal secreta toxinas capazes de matar outras bactérias gram-negativas. VirB7 de Xac possui uma cauda N-terminal flexível e um domínio globular C-terminal ausente em outras proteínas VirB7. VirB7 interage com VirB9CT através de sua cauda N-terminal. Nesta tese, a estrutura de RMN do complexo formado por VirB9CT e um peptídeo derivado do segmento N-terminal de VirB7 foi resolvida. O complexo é estabilizado, principalmente, por interações hidrofóbicas envolvendo as cadeias laterais de determinados resíduos de aminoácidos, particularmente a Phe30, o Trp34 e a Val37 em VirB7 e a Arg250, a Tyr167 e a Tyr169 em VirB9. A substituição de alguns destes aminoácidos por alanina afeta não só a constante de dissociação do complexo in vitro, como também a atividade e a montagem do T4SS in vivo. Além disso, resíduos específicos envolvidos em oligomerização de VirB7 são essenciais para a manutenção de um T4SS funcional, embora não sejam essenciais para a montagem do sistema. Estudos estruturais, de dinâmica e de interações de um fragmento derivado da região rica em prolinas (proline-rich region - PRR) contida no N-terminal de VirB10 (VirB10NT - resíduos 85-182) também foram realizados. Medidas de {1H}-15N NOE heteronuclear mostraram que VirB10NT é altamente flexível. Análises de deslocamentos químicos e NOEs mostrou que VirB10NT forma uma hélice curta entre os resíduos 151-163. Ensaios de interação por RMN indicaram que esta hélice está envolvida em interações com VirB9NT. Estes resultados são a primeira evidência convincente para a especificidade de interação entre os domínios N-terminal de VirB9 e VirB10. Estes dados apontam também para a existência de flexibilidade dentro do T4SS de Xac.

Caracterização estrutural do complexo de proteinas hipoteticas - XACb0032/XACb0033 da bacteria Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Strutural characterization of hypothetical proteins complex - XACb0032/XACb0033 from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

Lopes, Thais Pereira 16 August 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ljubica Tasic / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T16:14:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lopes_ThaisPereira_M.pdf: 827343 bytes, checksum: a4f6f9404835341a96ecd4f5ca467c69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A bactéria gram-negativa Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) é responsável pelo cancro cítrico, uma doença de grande importância econômica em todo o mundo. Seus mecanismos de virulência ainda são pouco conhecidos, mas acredita-se que o processo de translocação das proteínas de virulência para a célula da planta hospedeira seja realizado por meio dos sistemas de secreção, principalmente do tipo III e hipoteticamente do tipo IV, onde se destaca o papel das chaperones secretórias. O alvo do nosso estudo é uma proteína hipotética, a XACb0032, que em ensaios de duplo híbrido, apresentou interação com a também hipotética XACb0033 anteriormente indicada como possível chaperone do sistema secretório tipo IV (TTFS). Ambas as proteínas hipotéticas são codificadas pelo locus virB do plasmídeo pXAC64. Os estudos estruturais apresentados iniciaram-se com a clonagem em pET23a, seguidos de testes de expressão desta proteína utilizando cepas de Escherichia coli, BL21(DE3)pLysS e RP códon plus. A expressão da XACb0032 foi bem sucedida utilizando a cepa RP códon plus. Os problemas encontrados para purificar a insolúvel XACb0032 foram resolvidos utilizando a sua co-expressão com a XACb0033. Após dois passos de purificação, obtivemos o complexo das proteínas (XACb0032/XACb0033) puro e em quantidades satisfatórias para análises espectroscópicas. O complexo destas proteínas foi analisado por dicroismo circular (CD), emissão de fluorescência (estática e dinâmica), ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) e espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS). Todos os dados obtidos indicaram que o complexo purificado exibe a estrutura enovelada e que após a adição de adenosina difosfato (ADP) ocorre uma mudança evidente na sua forma e no seu tamanho, indicando uma possível quebra do complexo XACb0032/XACb0033 após a liberação de ADP na célula. Portanto, podemos supor que o sistema de secreção do tipo IV deve funcionar da seguinte maneira: 1. Ligação da chaperone XACb0033 à XACb0032 mantendo-a em uma conformação semi-desenovelada; 2. Ligação do complexo ao ATP; 3. Reconhecimento do sistema ATP + complexo pelo TTFS, logo a ATPase cliva o ATP; 4. Formação do ADP e sua presença promove a dissociação da XACb0032 do complexo; 5. Possível secreção da proteína alvo, ou seja, a XACb0032 poderia passar através do canal de secreção até atingir a célula eucariótica / Abstract: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) is the causative agent of citrus canker, a disease of significant economic importance worldwide. The molecular bases of the virulence mechanism are still unknown, but is believed that transfer of bacterial virulence proteins directly into the host cell cytoplasm is mediated by protein secretion systems, mainly type III and hypotheticaly type IV. The target of our study was XACb0032. This protein, in two hibrid system, interacted with XACb0033, a protein previously annoted as a possible cytoplasmatic chaperone of type four secretion system (TFSS). Both proteins are hypothetic and encoded by virB locus on pXAC64 plasmid. Structural studies were initiated by pET23a cloning; followed by expression tests with Escherichia coli strands BL21(DE3)pLysS and RP. The XACb0032 RP-expression was successful, however, the protein was insoluble. This problem was solved with its co-expression with XACb0033. After two purification steps, the pure protein complex has been analysed by following spectroscopic methods: circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence emission (static and dinamic), nuclear magnetic ressonance (NMR) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Our results indicate that the complex shows a folded structure and that after ADP addition, a drastic change occured in the complex size and shape, that might indicate complex breaking upon ADP production in cell. Based on these observations, we can provide the following model for TFSS pathway concerning these proteins: 1. The chaperone (XACb0033) binds to the XACb0032 to keep it in a semiunfolded conformation; 2. This complex binds with ATP; 3. ATP bound to complex docks onto the TFSS apparatus and ATPase hydrolysis ATP; 4. ADP is formed and its presence provides that XACb0032 protein dissociates from complex; 5. The XACb0032 could be able to pass through the needle into the eukaryotic cell / Mestrado / Quimica Organica / Mestre em Química

Struktura a funkce mitochondriálního sekretinu. / Structure and function of mitochondrial secretin.

Klápšťová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Type II secretion system (T2SS) is one of the secretion systems found in gram-negative bacteria that provides transport of some bacterial proteins across the outer membrane. The passage through the membrane is mediated by a pore assembled from subunits called GspD or secretin. Together with three other components of T2SS, GspD was discovered in the genome of several protists including Naegleria gruberi, Andalucia godoyi, Reclinomonas americana, Neovahlkampfia damariscottae or in s species of genus Malawimonas. Previously it was found out that these proteins localize into the mitochondria. If found functional and with analogous topology to the bacterial system, the eukaryotic T2SS would represent unique mitochondrial protein export system. Secretin is essential subunit of T2SS which is not only the passive membrane channel, but also participates in the recognition of the substrate. Therefore, the research of the eukaryotic secretin could bring a valuable knowledge about the function of the mitochondrial T2SS. The experimental part of this thesis tries to characterize the eukaryotic secretin and it focuses on (i) the assembly of the secretin channel, in both, the bacteria and in the artificial membranes, (ii) the interactions of GspD with the other subunits of T2SS and (iii) the mechanism of import...

Structural and Biochemical Characterization of VirB8 Protein in Type IV Secretion Systems

Sharifahmadian, Mahzad 07 1900 (has links)
Secretion is the passage of macromolecules across cellular membranes. In bacteria, secretion is essential for virulence and survival. Gram-negative bacteria use specialized envelope-spanning multiprotein complexes to secrete macromolecules called type IV secretion system (T4SS). T4SSs mediate the secretion of monomeric proteins, multisubunit protein toxins and nucleoprotein complexes. Also, they contribute to the horizontal spread of plasmid-encoded antibiotic resistance genes. Consequently, they are potential targets for antivirulence drugs. Gram- negative bacteria have two membranes that the secretion complex spans. As a result, the T4SS consists of proteins inserted in the membranes and of soluble proteins that face into or out of the bacterial cell. The details of channel assembly and structure are not known, although recent advances have revealed the structure of the core secretion channel. VirB8 is an inner membrane protein of the complex that interacts with many other T4SS subunits and works as nucleation factor for T4SS channel assembly. Biophysical studies and NMR experiments in particular were conducted to characterize the structural aspects of VirB8 interactions. Dynamic regions of VirB8 during monomer-to-dimer transition were identified by NMR spectroscopy. X-ray crystal and NMR analyses revealed structural differences at the helical regions (α-1 and α-4) of wild-type VirB8 and its monomeric variant VirB8M102R. Fragment screening identified small molecules binding to the wild-type and monomeric variant. In silico docking analyses suggested that the surface groove in the VirB8 structure is important for effective binding of the small molecules. NMR experiments and biochemical assays demonstrated that the β-sheet domain (β1 in particular) is the binding interface of VirB8 for the interaction with VirB10. The identified interface has functional importance for T4SS-mediated conjugation. In addition, I used NMR spectroscopy to identify changes in the structure of VirB8 upon interaction with VirB5. Altogether, structural and biochemical studies on periplasmic and full length VirB8 enabled us to characterize the sequence of interactions between VirB8 and other VirB proteins during T4SS complex assembly and function. The results of this research may lead to an innovative strategy for the development of novel antimicrobial drugs. / La sécrétion est le passage de macromolécules à travers les membranes cellulaires. Chez les bactéries, la sécrétion est essentielle pour la virulence et la survie. Les bactéries à Gramnégatif utilisent le système de sécrétion de type IV (SST4) pour la sécrétion de toxines et de nucléoprotéines. Les SST4 contribuent notamment à la propagation des gènes de résistance aux antibiotiques. Pour cette raison, les composants du SST4 sont des cibles potentielles pour le développement de médicaments antivirulence. Le SST4 est un complexe protéique qui s’étend entre la double membrane de la bactérie à Gram-négatif. Les protéines qui le composent sont insérées dans les membranes cellulaires ou solubles. Bien que la structure du pore central du SST4 ait été résolue récemment, les détails de l'assemblage et la structure de ce complexe ne sont pas connus. VirB8 est une protéine de la membrane interne qui interagit avec de nombreuses autres sous-unités du SST4. Il s’agit d’un acteur central de l'assemblage du SST4. Des études biophysiques, et notamment des expériences de RMN ont ainsi été réalisées pour caractériser les aspects structuraux des interactions avec VirB8. Des regions dynamiques dans la structure de VirB8 ont été identifiées par spectroscopie RMN lors de la transition entre la forme monomérique et dimérique. Les analyses de cristallographie et de RMN ont révélé des différences structurales dans les régions hélicoïdales (α1 et α4) de VirB8 wild-type et du variant monomérique VirB8M102R. Le criblage de fragments a permis d’identifier de petites molécules capables de se lier à VirB8 ainsi qu’au variant monomérique. Les analyses d’arrimage moléculaire in silico suggèrent que la rainure de surface dans la structure VirB8 est importante pour laliaison de ces petites molécules. Les expériences de RMN et les essais biochimiques révèlent que le feuillet β (β1 en particulier) constitue l'interface d’interaction entre VirB8 et VirB10. Cette interface d’interaction est d’ailleurs importante pour la conjugaison du SST4. De plus, j'ai identifié des changements dans la structure de VirB8 lors de l'interaction avec VirB5. Les études sur la protéine VirB8 nous ont permis de caractériser la séquence d'événements entre VirB8 et d'autres protéines VirB, régulant l'assemblage et la fonction du SST4.

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