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Caractérisation de délétions du gène et des effets d'inhibiteurs de la protéine Cagα d’Helicobacter pyloriBlier, Veronique 12 1900 (has links)
Les relations complexes entre un organisme et son microbiome stimulent beaucoup de recherche dans l’univers de la science. Les bases moléculaires des interactions avec le microbiome ne sont pas encore bien comprises et pourraient présenter des cibles potentielles pour différents traitements de maladies. Le cas d’Helicobacter pylori est très pertinent dans ce contexte. La bactérie a déjà été reconnue comme la cause d’ulcères gastriques et du cancer de l’estomac chez l’homme(1). Plus spécifiquement, elle infecte les cellules épithéliales gastriques par le biais de son îlot de pathogénicité du système de sécrétion de type IV (SST4) causant ainsi une réponse inflammatoire maintenue et cette réponse peut être quantifiée par la variation d’interleukine 8 (IL-8) sécrétée (2-4). Afin d’éclaircir la contribution mécanistique de Cagα, une ATPase nécessaire dans le bon fonctionnement du SST4 de H. pylori, un mutant Δcagα a été créé afin d’agir en tant que contrôle négatif lors de l’infection avec les cellules hôtes in vitro (3, 4). Deux façons de le caractériser ont été effectuées : l’identification d’expression protéique du SST4 et la mesure de la production de l’IL-8. Ensuite, une analyse d’expression différentielle a été effectuée avec ou sans une molécule inhibitrice de l’activité de Cagα. En somme, l’étude des interactions du microbiome représente un domaine stimulant et prometteur dans lequel la compréhension des bases moléculaires pourrait ouvrir des perspectives thérapeutiques intéressantes. / The complex relationships between an organism and its microbiome stimulate a lot of research in
the field of science. The molecular basis of interactions with the microbiome are not yet well
understood and could present potential targets for the treatment of various diseases. The case of
Helicobacter pylori is very pertinent in this context. The bacterium has already been recognized
as the cause of gastrointestinal ulcers and stomach cancer (1). More specifically, it infects gastric
epithelial cells through its pathogenicity island of the type IV secretion system (T4SS), thus
causing a sustained inflammatory response, which can be quantified by the variation in secreted
interleukin-8 (IL-8) (2-4). To clarify the mechanistic contribution of Cagα, an ATPase necessary
for the proper functioning of the T4SS of H. pylori, a Δcagα mutant has been created to act as a
negative control during infection with host cells in vitro (3, 4). The strain was characterized using
two approaches: analysis of T4SS protein expression and of the induction of IL-8. A differential
expression analysis with or without an inhibitory molecule of interest targeting Cagα was
conducted. In summary, the study of microbiome interactions represents a stimulating and
promising field in which understanding the molecular foundations could lead to intriguing
therapeutic prospects.
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Molekulare Charakterisierung von Typ IV Sekretionssytem-spezifischen Wirtszellantworten und bakteriellen Virulenzfaktoren des humanen Magenpathogens Helicobacter pyloriBauer, Bianca 28 January 2010 (has links)
Das humane Magenpathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) besiedelt den menschlichen Magen und kann zu der Entstehung schwerwiegender Krankheiten wie Magenkrebs und Magengeschwüren führen. Die Pathogenese ist eng mit dem bakteriellen Typ IV Sekretionssystems (T4SS) assoziiert, das die Translokation des Effektorproteins CagA in die Wirtszelle vermittelt. Bisher ist noch unbekannt, in welchem Ausmaß wirtszellspezifische Faktoren die T4SS induzierte Pathogenese beeinflussen. Dieser Aspekt wurde in dieser Arbeit durch die Analyse verschiedenster Zelllinien das erste Mal systematisch untersucht. Interessanterweise unterschied sich die zelluläre Antwort auf die T4SS spezifische Infektion erheblich in Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Zelllinie. Die Ergebnisse beweisen, dass Wirtszellfaktoren eine ebenso große Rolle in der H. pylori induzierten Pathogenese spielen wie bakterielle Effektoren. Zusätzlich wurde in dieser Arbeit eine genomweite Screening-Methode etabliert, die es ermöglicht, neue Komponenten des T4SSs, translozierte NF-B Effektoren und bakterielle Adhäsine zu identifizieren. Auch der Einfluss von CagA auf den EGF-Rezeptor wurde hier näher untersucht. Der Rezeptor steht ebenfalls eng mit der Entstehung von Krebs in Verbindung. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass CagA die Endozytose des EGF-Rezeptors durch die Aktivierung der Nicht-Rezeptor Tyrosinkinase c-Abl hemmt und dadurch die Rezeptorpopulation auf der Wirtszelloberfläche erhöht. Interessanterweise führt dieser Effekt jedoch nicht zu einer Verstärkung der EGF-Rezeptor Signaltransduktion. Vielmehr kommt es zu einer Hemmung der EGF-Rezeptor Transaktivierung und zu einer Blockade der EGF vermittelten Wundheilung. Die Daten weisen auf eine Rolle des EGF-Rezeptors in der H. pylori induzierten Geschwürbildung hin. Auch der zu Grunde liegende molekulare Mechanismus der Rezeptor-Inhibierung konnte hier entschlüsselt werden, der sowohl von CagA als auch von der Phosphatase SHP-2 gesteuert wird. / The human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) elicits a tremendous medical burden because of its causative association with peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The pathogenic potential of H. pylori is intricately linked to the expression of a pathogenicity island encoded type IV secretion system (T4SS), which translocates the bacterial effector protein CagA into the eukaryotic host cell. The role of host cell determinants in T4SS mediated pathogenesis has not yet been systematically examined. To elucidate the role of host cell factors within T4SS induced host cell responses, different eukaryotic cell lines were analyzed systematically for respective phenotypes. Remarkably, T4SS mediated host responses among these cell lines varied considerably, thereby demonstrating the importance of host cell components in H. pylori induced pathogenesis. In addition, a H. pylori genome wide bacterial screen for factors important in pathogenesis, such as unknown T4SS components or novel NF-kappaB effector molecules, was developed and optimized. The precise function of the prominent effector protein CagA remains unclear. To functionally characterize the role of CagA, its impact on the epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor pathway was analyzed. The results suggest a mechanism where EGF-receptor endocytosis is completely blocked by a CagA induced activation of c-Abl, leading to an elevated receptor surface exposition. Surprisingly, EGF-receptor transactivation and EGF-dependent wound healing are selectively blocked during prolonged infections as well, indicating that an increased receptor-population on the cell surface does not necessarily promote signaling. This data suggests a role for the EGF-receptor in H. pylori- induced ulcer disease. The underlying molecular mechanism was identified as being SHP-2 and CagA dependent.
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Étude de la toxicité de DspA, protéine essentielle au pouvoir pathogène d’Erwinia amylovora, chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Analysis of the toxicity of DspA, a protein essential for the pathogenicity of Erwinia amylovora, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSiamer, Sabrina 01 March 2013 (has links)
La bactérie phytopathogène E. amylovora, est l'agent responsable du Feu bactérien des Spiraeoideae (pommier, poirier, pyracantha), une maladie caractérisée par l'apparition de symptômes nécrotiques des tissus infectés. Le pouvoir pathogène d’E. amylovora repose entre autre sur un système de sécrétion de type III (SSTT) qui permet la sécrétion et l'injection d'effecteurs dans la cellule hôte végétale. Parmi les protéines injectées par le T3SS d'E. amylovora, DspA est essentielle au pouvoir pathogène de la bactérie puisqu’un mutant dspA est non pathogène sur plante (Gaudriault et al., 1997). Le rôle de DspA est dual, d’une part, l’expression de dspA est suffisante pour provoquer des symptômes nécrotiques sur plante et une toxicité chez la levure, d’autre part, DspA est impliquée dans la suppression des réactions de défense telles que la déposition de callose (Degrave et al., 2008; Boureau et al., 2006; Oh et al., 2007; DebRoy et al., 2004). DspA appartient à la famille des effecteurs AvrE qui sont répandus chez les bactéries phytopathogènes et semblent posséder une fonction similaire. Cependant, peu de connaissance existe sur la structure ainsi que la fonction de DspA. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était de déterminer les domaines ou motifs importants pour la fonction de DspA. Pour cela nous avons choisi d'effectuer une analyse in silico et fonctionnelle de la protéine DspA. L'analyse in silico révèle la présence d'un domaine bêta-propeller au sein de la protéine DspA ainsi que de tous les homologues analysés. De plus, l'analyse fonctionnelle indique que ce domaine est important pour la structure et la fonction de DspA. Dans un second temps, j'ai étudié le mécanisme d'action de DspA dans la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J'ai pu mettre en évidence que l'expression de dspA chez la levure induit un arrêt de croissance et une forte altération du trafic cellulaire. L'étude de mutants de levure suppresseurs de la toxicité de DspA, effectuée avant mon arrivée au laboratoire, montre que les suppresseurs les plus forts sont affectés dans la voie de biosynthèse des sphingolipides, je me suis donc plus particulièrement intéressée au rôle des sphingolipides dans la toxicité générée par DspA. Nos résultats montrent que DspA inhibe la biosynthèse des sphingolipides indirectement via les régulateurs négatifs de la voie, les protéines Orms. / Erwinia amylovora is the causative agent of fire blight of Spiraeoideae (apple, pear, pyracantha), a disease characterized by the apparition of necrotic symptoms on infected tissues. The pathogenicity of E. amylovora relies on a functional type III secretion system (T3SS) that allows secretion and injection of effector proteins into the host plant cell. Among these effector proteins injected by the T3SS of E. amylovora, DspA is essential to the bacteria disease process since a dspA mutant is nonpathogenic on plants (Gaudriault et al., 1997). DspA has a dual role; on the one hand dspA expression is sufficient to induce cell death on plants and toxicity on yeast, on the other hand, DspA is involved on suppression of defense reactions like callose deposition (Degrave et al., 2008; Boureau et al., 2006; Oh et al., 2007; DebRoy et al., 2004). DspA belongs to the AvrE familly of type III effectors which are widespread on phytopathogenic bacteria and likely possess a similar function. However, the structure and function of DspA remain unknown. In the first part of my thesis, I attempted to characterize domains or motifs important for the function of DspA. We performed an in silico and a functional analysis of the DspA protein. In silico analysis predicted a bêta-propeller domain in DspA and all the analysed effectors. In the second part of my thesis, I analysed the mechanism of function of DspA in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Results showed that expression of dspA in yeast inhibits cell growth and alters the actin cytoskeleton and endocytosis. Screening of the Euroscarf library for mutants resistant to DspA induced toxicity revealed that mutants impaired in the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway are the best suppressors. Based on this results, I attempted to determine the role of sphingolipids in the toxicity induced by DspA. Results showed that DspA inhibits indirectly the sphingolipid biosynthetic pathway via the negative regulators, Orm proteins.
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Mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la formation de biofilm à l’interface eau-composés organiques hydrophobes / Molecular mecanisms involved in the bacterial biofilm formation at the water-hydrophobic organic compound interfaceArantxa, Camus Etchecopar 28 November 2014 (has links)
Les composés organiques hydrophobes (HOC), une grande famille de molécules naturelles ou d’origine anthropique incluant les lipides et les hydrocarbures, constituent une part significative de la matière organique dans les écosystèmes marins. Du fait de leur faible solubilité dans l’eau, les bactéries qui les dégradent requièrent la mise en place de fonctions cellulaires spécifiques permettant d’augmenter la fraction assimilable de ces HOC. La formation de biofilms à l’interface eau-HOC est une de ces stratégies adaptatives. C’est le cas pour Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17, modèle d’étude utilisé au laboratoire, qui est capable de former des biofilms sur un large spectre de HOC métabolisables tels que les alcanes, les triglycérides et les alcools gras. Le but de mes recherches consistait à améliorer la compréhension du processus d’adhésion et de développement des biofilms sur les HOC, à travers la caractérisation fonctionnelle de 10 gènes candidats mis en évidence lors d’analyses d’expression en protéomique et en transcriptomique. Pour mener à bien ce projet, des outils génétiques et une caractérisation fonctionnelle propre à chaque gène ont dû être développés. L’étude fonctionnelle du gène MARHY2686 a relevé son implication dans la formation de biofilm sur les alcanes. La co-expression de MARHY2686 et des gènes adjacents MARHY2687 et MARHY2685 en transcriptomique, leur distribution phylogénétique et leur conservation de la synthénie suggèreraient que ces trois gènes soient impliqués dans le même processus biologique. D’après l’identité forte de 36 % qui existe entre la protéine MARHY2686 et une protéine périplasmique AdeT d’un système de pompe d’efflux tripartite d’Acinetobacter baumanii, cette protéine, en association avec MARHY2687 et MARHY2685, pourrait faire partie d’un système de ce type. Par ailleurs, des observations ont permis d’envisager une implication potentielle de ce gène dans l’assimilation des HOC ou dans l’accumulation des réserves lipidiques intracellulaires. M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 utilise les pili de type IV lors de la formation de biofilm sur les HOC. Ces appendices interviennent lors de l’adhésion de cette souche à des HOC ainsi que dans un processus de détachement d’un support hydrophobe. Les pili pourraient soit intervenir directement pour permettre à la bactérie de se détacher de la surface à laquelle elle s’est adhérée, soit indirectement par l’action de bactériophages. La présence d’une mobilité de type twitching sur les HOC a pu être également envisagée. Enfin, le rôle du système de sécrétion de type VI (T6SS), connu pour permettre à la bactérie d’interagir avec une cellule hôte, lors de la formation de biofilm mono-spécifique sur HOC, où aucun autre microorganisme que M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 n’est présent, a été étudié. / Hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC), a large family of naturally-produced or anthropogenic molecules including lipids and hydrocarbons, represent a significant part of organic matter in marine ecosystems. Because of their low solubility in water, bacteria that degrade those compounds require the establishment of specific cell functions to increase their biodisponibility. Biofilm formation in water-HOC interface is one of these adaptations. The model of bacteria used in our laboratory, Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17, is able to form a biofilm on a wide range of HOC, such as alkanes, fatty alcohols and triglycerides, in order to use them as a carbon and energy source. The main purpose of my work was to broaden the knowledge of how bacteria adhere to and from biofilms on HOC, through the functional characterization of 10 candidate genes highlighted during proteomic and transcriptomic studies. Genetic tools and a gene-specific functional characterization have been developed in order to carry out this project. Functional study conducted on MARHY2686 revealed its involvement in the formation of biofilm on alkanes. Co-expression of MARHY2686 and the adjacent genes MARHY2687 and MARHY2685 durnig transcriptomic analysis together with their phylogenetic distribution and synteny conservation suggest that these three genes are involved in the same biological process. According to the high peptide sequence identity between MARHY2686 and AdeT, a periplasmic protein of a tripartite efflux pump system of Acinetobacter baumanii, MARHY2686 in combination with MARHY2687 and MARHY2685 could be the components of such a system. Other phenotypic observations would consider the involvement of MARHY2686 either in the assimilation of HOC or in the accumulation of intracellular lipid reserves. M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 uses type IV pili during biofilm formation on HOC. These appendages are involved in the adhesion of this strain to and in a detachment process from HOC. Type IV pili could either act directly to allow bacteria to detach from the surface to which it is adhered, or indirectly through the action of bacteriophages. The presence of twitching motility on HOC has also been suggested. Finally, the role of the type VI secretion system (T6SS), a well-known protein system which allows interactions between bacteria and host cells, during the formation of a mono-species biofilm on HOC where no other microorganism than M. hydrocarbonoclasticus SP17 is present, has been studied.
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Análise do perfil de genes relacionados ao SST5 e SST6, formação de biofilme e invasão em cepas de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa / Profile analysis of genes related to SST5 and SST6, biofilm formation and invasion in strains EAECFelipe da Silva Sarges 31 August 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A Escherichia coli enteroagregativa (EAEC) é um patotipo emergente e heterogêneo que causa a diarréia aguda ou persistente em indivíduos de diferentes faixas etárias e em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Além disso, EAEC é um dos principais agentes etiológicos da diarréia dos viajantes. O padrão de aderência agregativa de EAEC está associado ao plasmídeo de aderência agregativa (pAA). Genes presentes no plasmídeo e no cromossomo codificam proteínas envolvidas na secreção extracelular de fatores de virulência na superfície ou diretamente na célula hospedeira. A capacidade de produção de muco e biofilme, elaboração de toxinas, aderência e indução de inflamação intensa na mucosa intestinal são importantes características da patogenicidade de EAEC. Nesse estudo, determinamos o perfil genotípico de genes do sistema de secreção Tipo V (SST5) e sistema de secreção Tipo VI (SST6) em cepas de EAEC. Os genes do SST5 ocorreram com mais frequência que os genes do SST6. A presença de pelo menos um gene do SST5 foi detectada em 79% das cepas, enquanto que os genes relacionados ao SST6 foram detectados em apenas 42% das cepas analisadas. A produção de biofilme foi observada em teste quantitativo e verificamos que 67% das cepas produziram biofilme. No teste qualitativo, o tipo de biofilme que predomina é o biofilme moderado (11 cepas), seguido do biofilme forte (9 cepas) e do biofilme discreto (4 cepas). A presença ou ausência de genes do SST5 e SST6 não parece interferir com a capacidade de produção de biofilme, nem com o tipo de biofilme formado. Em ensaios de citotoxicidade, apenas 25% das cepas EAEC (sobrenadante) causaram redução significativa na viabilidade de células T84 avaliada pelo teste de redução com MTT. Nossos resultados mostram que as cepas EAEC isoladas de crianças com diarréia aguda ou de grupo controle são invasoras para células T84. Ao compararmos a capacidade invasora das cepas clinicas e controle, observamos que a média do índice de internalização obtido nas 15 cepas do grupo clinico foi de 5,7% 1,7 e para as 9 cepas do grupo controle foi de 2.4 % 0,7; entretanto essa diferença observada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Não foi possível correlacionar o perfil genotípico dos genes do SST5 e SST6 com o perfil fenotípico analisado (formação de biofilme, citotoxicidade e invasão).O que pode ser atribuído a heterogeneidade genotípica e fenotípica, uma característica relevante de cepas EAEC. / Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an emerging and heterogeneous pathotype that causes acute or persistent diarrhea in individuals of different age groups and HIV-positive patients. In addition, EAEC is a major etiologic agent of travelers' diarrhea. The pattern of aggregative adherence of EAEC is associated with the aggregative adherence plasmid (pAA). Genes present in the plasmid and chromosome encode proteins involved in extracellular secretion of virulence factors on the surface or directly into the host cell. The production of mucus, biofilm and toxins; and induction of intense inflammation in the intestinal mucosa and mucosal adherence are major features of EAEC pathogenesis. In this study, we determined the genotypic profile of type V secretion system (T5SS) and type VI secretion system (T6SS) genes in EAEC strains. T5SS genes occurred more frequently than T6SS genes. The presence of at least one T5SS gene was detected in 79% of the strains, while genes related with T6SS were detected in only 42% of the strains tested. The biofilm production was observed in quantitative test, we have found that 67% of strains produced biofilm. In the qualitative test, we detected three distinctive patterns of biofilm formation: moderate (11 strains), strong (9 strains) and discrete biofilm (4 strains). The presence or absence of T5SS and T6SS genes do not interfere with the ability to produce biofilm, neither with biofilm pattern. In cytotoxicity assays, only 25% of EAEC strains (supernatant)resulted in significant reduction of T84 cells activity as evaluated by MTT reduction test. Our results show that EAEC strains isolated from children with acute diarrhea or the control group are able to invade T84 cells. When comparing the invasive ability of clinical and control strains, we observed that the average rate of internalization obtained in 15 clinical strains was 5.7% 1.7, for the nine strains of control group was 2.4% 0. 7, however this difference was not statistically significant. It was not possible to correlate the genotypic profile of T5SS and T6SS genes with the phenotypic profile analysed (biofilm formation, cytotoxicity and invasion), which can be attributed to genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, an important characteristic of EAEC strains
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Caractérisation biochimique, structurale et inhibition du système de sécrétion de type IV par l’étude des protéines VirB8Casu, Bastien 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise do perfil de genes relacionados ao SST5 e SST6, formação de biofilme e invasão em cepas de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa / Profile analysis of genes related to SST5 and SST6, biofilm formation and invasion in strains EAECFelipe da Silva Sarges 31 August 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A Escherichia coli enteroagregativa (EAEC) é um patotipo emergente e heterogêneo que causa a diarréia aguda ou persistente em indivíduos de diferentes faixas etárias e em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Além disso, EAEC é um dos principais agentes etiológicos da diarréia dos viajantes. O padrão de aderência agregativa de EAEC está associado ao plasmídeo de aderência agregativa (pAA). Genes presentes no plasmídeo e no cromossomo codificam proteínas envolvidas na secreção extracelular de fatores de virulência na superfície ou diretamente na célula hospedeira. A capacidade de produção de muco e biofilme, elaboração de toxinas, aderência e indução de inflamação intensa na mucosa intestinal são importantes características da patogenicidade de EAEC. Nesse estudo, determinamos o perfil genotípico de genes do sistema de secreção Tipo V (SST5) e sistema de secreção Tipo VI (SST6) em cepas de EAEC. Os genes do SST5 ocorreram com mais frequência que os genes do SST6. A presença de pelo menos um gene do SST5 foi detectada em 79% das cepas, enquanto que os genes relacionados ao SST6 foram detectados em apenas 42% das cepas analisadas. A produção de biofilme foi observada em teste quantitativo e verificamos que 67% das cepas produziram biofilme. No teste qualitativo, o tipo de biofilme que predomina é o biofilme moderado (11 cepas), seguido do biofilme forte (9 cepas) e do biofilme discreto (4 cepas). A presença ou ausência de genes do SST5 e SST6 não parece interferir com a capacidade de produção de biofilme, nem com o tipo de biofilme formado. Em ensaios de citotoxicidade, apenas 25% das cepas EAEC (sobrenadante) causaram redução significativa na viabilidade de células T84 avaliada pelo teste de redução com MTT. Nossos resultados mostram que as cepas EAEC isoladas de crianças com diarréia aguda ou de grupo controle são invasoras para células T84. Ao compararmos a capacidade invasora das cepas clinicas e controle, observamos que a média do índice de internalização obtido nas 15 cepas do grupo clinico foi de 5,7% 1,7 e para as 9 cepas do grupo controle foi de 2.4 % 0,7; entretanto essa diferença observada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Não foi possível correlacionar o perfil genotípico dos genes do SST5 e SST6 com o perfil fenotípico analisado (formação de biofilme, citotoxicidade e invasão).O que pode ser atribuído a heterogeneidade genotípica e fenotípica, uma característica relevante de cepas EAEC. / Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an emerging and heterogeneous pathotype that causes acute or persistent diarrhea in individuals of different age groups and HIV-positive patients. In addition, EAEC is a major etiologic agent of travelers' diarrhea. The pattern of aggregative adherence of EAEC is associated with the aggregative adherence plasmid (pAA). Genes present in the plasmid and chromosome encode proteins involved in extracellular secretion of virulence factors on the surface or directly into the host cell. The production of mucus, biofilm and toxins; and induction of intense inflammation in the intestinal mucosa and mucosal adherence are major features of EAEC pathogenesis. In this study, we determined the genotypic profile of type V secretion system (T5SS) and type VI secretion system (T6SS) genes in EAEC strains. T5SS genes occurred more frequently than T6SS genes. The presence of at least one T5SS gene was detected in 79% of the strains, while genes related with T6SS were detected in only 42% of the strains tested. The biofilm production was observed in quantitative test, we have found that 67% of strains produced biofilm. In the qualitative test, we detected three distinctive patterns of biofilm formation: moderate (11 strains), strong (9 strains) and discrete biofilm (4 strains). The presence or absence of T5SS and T6SS genes do not interfere with the ability to produce biofilm, neither with biofilm pattern. In cytotoxicity assays, only 25% of EAEC strains (supernatant)resulted in significant reduction of T84 cells activity as evaluated by MTT reduction test. Our results show that EAEC strains isolated from children with acute diarrhea or the control group are able to invade T84 cells. When comparing the invasive ability of clinical and control strains, we observed that the average rate of internalization obtained in 15 clinical strains was 5.7% 1.7, for the nine strains of control group was 2.4% 0. 7, however this difference was not statistically significant. It was not possible to correlate the genotypic profile of T5SS and T6SS genes with the phenotypic profile analysed (biofilm formation, cytotoxicity and invasion), which can be attributed to genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, an important characteristic of EAEC strains
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