Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electoral""
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Beiträge zur sektoralen und regionalen ÖkonomieJanuary 2011 (has links)
Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes sind im Rahmen eines Forschungs- und Doktoranden-seminars vorgetragen und diskutiert worden, das im Dezember 2010 in Potsdam stattfand und an dem Wissenschaftler der Staatlichen Universität für Wirtschaft und Finanzen, St. Petersburg, und Wissenschaftler der Lehrstühle für Statistik und Ökonometrie sowie für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Wirtschaftstheorie, der Universität Potsdam teilnahmen. Die Veröffentlichung der Aufsätze zeigt zum einen die Vielfalt der Forschungsfelder an beiden Universitäten, die sich aus den unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten der wissenschaftlichen Einheiten ergeben, sie zeigt auch zum anderen in beispielhafter Weise die unterschiedlichen Forschungstraditionen und Forschungsstile an beiden Universitäten. Die Beiträge beziehen sich sowohl auf ausgewählte Branchen und als auch auf bestimmte raumwirtschaftliche Fragestellungen.
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Sectoral Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Host Country Economic Growth: Evidence from Emerging CountriesRahimov, Vugar January 2013 (has links)
In this paper, I study the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on a group of host country economic growth for the period 1994-2011. Using aggregate level FDI data for a group of five emerging countries, the paper reveals that FDI has a positive effect on economic growth. Then I use sectoral data and test whether all the sectors have positive effects on growth. The results vary across the sectors. The results seem to be positive for mining and quarrying as well as manufacturing sector, while trade and financial intermediation sectors to have a negative effect on economic growth.
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Nanotechnology research in the US agri-food sectoral system of innovation: toward sustainable developmentCortes-Lobos, Rodrigo 17 January 2013 (has links)
Nanotechnology, the scientific study of manipulating matter on an atomic scale (1 to 100 nanometers) that provides new properties in materials and devices had received considerable research attention and public funding support during the last decade in the US. This emerging technology promises to improve the competitiveness of most of the US industrial sectors. Malerba (2004) an innovation system researcher has developed the theoretical framework "Sectoral System of Innovation (SSI)" to study the process by which new technologies and knowledge are produced and transferred to industrial sectors, where actors interact based on an institutional framework to generate innovation processes.
In this dissertation I studied the agriculture and food processing sector, which is a key sector of the US economy that has provided with enough food for the US population, but in an unsustainable way that has harmed the environment, natural resources and human health. The US agrifood sector is facing new challenges of increasing food demand, which need to be addressed in a more sustainable way that takes consideration on economic, environment, and social aspects. The main questions that this dissertation research focuses on studying how much attention the public nanotechnology agrifood research agenda has paid to sustainability issues during the last decade in the US and what role has played the system's actors in influencing this research agenda. The analysis of the policy process in which system's actors try to influence the research agenda is framed in the Advocacy Coalition Framework (Sabatier 1993) that complemented the Sectoral System of Innovation approach in studying the formation of advocacy groups to achieve their coalition's policy goals.
Three data sources were utilized to achieve my research goals, the CNS-ASU nanotechnology publications dataset 2000-2010(Porter A, Youtie J et al. 2007; De Bellis 2009)which was used to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the agrifood nanotechnology research publications in the US, semi-structured interviews with key actors and their interaction in advocacy coalition groups, and a literature review of several official documents and public hearing with respect to the US nanotechnology system to evaluate the influence of advocacy groups in the policy process. Utilizing Vantage point data mining and Nvivo qualitative analysis software I conducted the data analysis of my research. The results show increasing research attention toward environmental research and food safety issues that can indirectly impact positively on sustainability development, as well as increasing research attention in studying environmental, health and safety issues (EHS) that can reduce potential risks.
The analysis of actors' interaction to influence the policy process, two advocacy coalitions was identified. On one side, a coalition that advocate for more research funding oriented to applied research to achieve the potential that this coalition members believe this technology has to revolutionize the way food is produced giving more competitiveness to the US agrifood sector, this coalition is composed by researchers, federal agency managers and industry representatives. On the other side, a rival coalition that raise concerns respect to potential risks associated to this technology that required to be addressed by the public research agenda. This coalition mainly composed by environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other social actors claim for a regulatory framework that guarantee a nanotechnology development environmental friendly that benefit the society.
The influence of these two coalitions have succeed in allocating more federal funding resources to research nanotechnology in the agrifood sector, with particular emphasis in EHS research that show the right path to a sustainable development that guarantee enough resources for the future generations.
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An Analysis Of Innovation And R& / d Activities Of Firms In Turkish Medical Devices SectorEren, Ilke 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to explore the challenges of Medical Devices sector in their innovative activities with the use of qualitative and quantitative methods. The specific subject of analysis is the Turkish Medical Device industry. Throughout the thesis the convergence of Medical Devices with pharmacy and its role in healthcare is mentioned in addition to the institutional regulations of the sector due to their effect on the firms innovative activities. The main focus of this thesis is the innovation in medical devices as vital components of healthcare supply with an important share in health expenditures. Even though Medical Devices are considered to be heterogeneous and classified in many other sectors such as chemicals, textiles and electronics, they have common features sufficient to be considered as a special product group and being an important part of the healthcare system, they are subject to common regulations. Sectoral Systems of Innovation approach is used to investigate Medical Devices Sector in Turkey. Medical devices sector also suffer from regulations that put cost on innovative activities, reimbursement policies that aim at cost containment, lower degrees of consumer support (in terms of user-producer relationship), high marketing costs due to the specific market they act in, in addition to the general obstacles such as scarce finance and human resources. Nonetheless, the ambiguity in entrance and allowance to reimbursement lists is also found to be a blocking factor on innovation.The studies on this aspect of the medical devices sector are limited and this thesis aims to fulfil the gap in this respect.
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[pt] Este trabalho estima a volatilidade de choques agregados e setoriais, bem como suas contribuições para flutuações econômicas, usando microdados de preços. A ideia central é que inovações setoriais estão associadas com a dinâmica de certas estatísticas, como tamanho médio de reajustes de preços, de um setor econômico específico, enquanto a volatilidade de choques agregados pode ser inferida pela correlação destas estatísticas entre setores diferentes. Portanto, microdados de preços contêm informação sobre a natureza dos ciclos econômicos. Emprega-se aqui um modelo de fixação de preços no qual firmas enfrentam não somente custos de menu, mas também fricções de natureza informacional. O modelo é estimado usando o Método
dos Momentos Simulados e dados do Reino Unido. Encontra-se que choques setoriais são consideravelmente mais voláteis que choques agregados. / [en] We estimate the volatility of aggregate and sectoral shocks, as well as their contributions to business cycles fluctuations, using price setting data. The key idea is that sector-specific innovations are associated with the dynamics of price setting statistics, such as average size of price adjustments, within a single economic sector, while the volatility of aggregate disturbances can be inferred from the correlation of these statistics across different sectors. Therefore, price setting data provides useful information about the nature of economic fluctuations. We employ a rich price setting model in which firms face not only menu costs, but also informational frictions and estimate it using Simulated Method of Moments and data from the UK. We find that sectoral shocks are considerably more volatile than their aggregate counterparts.
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Dominoefekty v kritické infrastruktuře / Domino effects in the critical infrastructureKUBELKA, Václav January 2015 (has links)
The title of thesis is Domino effects in critical infrastructure and sets the objective to analyse the interaction between the representatives of individual critical infrastructure sectors. In case of failure in one sector, which would cause a domino effect and subsequently limited functionality or a failure in other sectors, the consequences for the population and the entire affected area would be enormous. This reason, as well as general topicality of this problem led me to focus my thesis on the area of critical infrastructure. Probably the most feared is power failure, which currently occurs very often and sometimes affects areas larger than cities, regions, and even states. Fortunately, all infrastructure representatives are usually best prepared for this kind of failure, and therefore its start and a short-term effect have practically no significant impact on their normal functioning. But for longer exposure exact consequences cannot be estimated because it depends on specific circumstances around individual representatives. The thesis is divided into several parts. The theoretical part, which is further subdivided, includes three chapters concerning critical infrastructure. The chapter setting the fundamental terms, which are used further in the thesis, enables to understand the inclusion of critical infrastructure. The historical development of the critical infrastructure and its position from the point of view of the European Union and also of the Czech Republic is also mentioned in the theoretical part. Finally, there are itemized and characterized individual critical infrastructure sectors. Very important questions dealing witch the protection of the critical infrastructure are discussed at the end of the theoretical part. It is important components involved in it are mentioned there, as well as various procedures supporting the effectivity, according to several publications. The practical part is also divided into chapters. The first part concerns interviews with specialists representing each sector of the critical infrastructure. Each of these representatives was asked about the effect of possible failures in other sectors that may arise in these situations. The question is whether the sectors tend to be influenced and thus to cause a domino effect, which could even result in the collapse of the companies represented by them. These interviews are then written in an adapted form. To see the interview data more easily, they are processed into tables according to the individual sectors of critical infrastructure and then commented.
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A co-evolução dos elementos do sistema setorial de inovação do setor automotivoFaria, Lourenço Galvão Diniz [UNESP] 15 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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faria_lgd_me_arafcl.pdf: 1018667 bytes, checksum: 6b395a6b747d3a624422d5af21bcb98d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar e analisar as principais evoluções simultâneas nos elementos – demanda, regime tecnológico, atores e instituições - que compõem o Sistema Setorial de Inovação do Setor Automotivo, através de uma metodologia baseada no trabalho de Malerba (2002). Desta forma, utiliza-se uma abordagem que trata a inovação como um processo sistêmico, contínuo e evolucionário. O trabalho conclui que, nos últimos dez anos, o Sistema Setorial de Inovação do setor automotivo passou – e ainda passa - por profundas transformações - fruto da co-evolução dos seus elementos - que alteram continuamente sua estrutura e o tornam mais dinâmico e complexo / This research work aims to identify and analyze the main simultaneous evolutions in the elements – demand, technological regime, actors and institutions – that compose the Sectoral Innovation System of Automotive Sector, through a methodology based on Malerba’s (2002) work. Thereby, we use an approach that treats innovation as a systemic, continuous and evolutionary process. The work concludes that, in the past ten years, the Sectoral Innovation System of automotive sector has undergone deep transformations - result of co-evolution of its elements - that continually change its structure and make it more dynamic and complex
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Výdajové chování magistrátních měst / Expenditure comportment of magistrate's citiesLUKŠOVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with expenditure comportment of magistrate's cities. The main objective of this thesis was to examine the expenditure side of municipal budgets of cities of the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part describes the basic informations about municipal authorities, budget and budget's process. Next important part is about current and capital expenditure and overview of existing studies on magistrate's cities. Five cities were selected for analytical part. These cities were Olomouc, České Budějovice, Hradec Králové, Havířov and Kladno. The analytical part describes these cities and their budgets and current and cupital expenditures of these cities. The expenses were analyzed according to the sectoral classification. The expenses of these cities were also compared with the municipalities of the Czech Republic.
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Estudo dos impactos de uma nova indÃstria atravÃs da metodologia da matriz de insumo-produto: os casos da siderurgia e refino de petrÃleo no Estado do Cearà / Study of the impacts of a new industry through the methodology of input-output matrix: the cases of steel and petroleum refining in CearÃAntÃnio Cristiano de Oliveira Costa 21 January 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo utilizou a Teoria do Insumo-Produto para desenvolver uma estimativa de
impactos em termos de produÃÃo, valor adicionado e postos de trabalho, no Cearà e no
restante do Brasil. Impactos estes gerados pela entrada em operaÃÃo de dois empreendimentos
industriais de grande porte: A Companhia SiderÃrgica do PecÃm e a Refinaria Premium II.
Foram utilizados Modelos inter-regionais de Insumo-Produto fechados com relaÃÃo Ãs
famÃlias, em que a economia foi regionalizada em Cearà e restante do Brasil e desagregada
em 17 setores. Os resultados locais encontrados apontam um incremento de 3,1% no Produo
Interno Bruto -PIB- e de 1,4% na PopulaÃÃo Economicamente Ativa -PEA- do Cearà no caso
da Companhia SiderÃrgica do PecÃm e de 18,0% no PIB e 9,5% na PEA para o caso da
Refinaria Premium II. Resultados fora do estado do Cearà foram de magnitude bruta prÃxima
aos encontrados localmente. O presente trabalho considerou uma estrutura produtiva que
retrata a realidade de 2004, ano referÃncia da principal matriz utilizada. / This study used the Theory of Input-Output to develop an estimate of the impacts in terms of
output, value added and jobs in the Brazilian state of Cearà and in the rest of Brazil to be
caused by the entry into operation of two large industrial enterprises: the Companhia
SiderÃrgica do PecÃm, a steel producing company, and the Refinaria Premium II, a oil
refinery. In this study, interregional input-output models closed with respect to households
were used. The economy has been regionalized in Cearà and the rest of Brazil and
desagregated into 17 sectors. The local results show an increase of 3.1% in GDP and 1.4% of
the labor force in the case of Companhia SiderÃrgica do PecÃm and 18.0% of GDP and 9.5%
of the labor force in the case of Refinaria Premium II. The impacts outside of Cearà were
found to have similar gross magnitude when compared with the local ones. This study
considered a productive structure that depicts the reality of 2004, the year of reference for the
main matrix used.
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Classificação setorial das empresas brasileiras: uma aplicação da análise de clusterLosekann, Vanderléia Leal 17 December 2008 (has links)
The decision-making in a company requires knowledge of the external environment in which it operates. The group of companies, according to an activity or with the behavior of certain variables regardless of the type of product or service, serves as a basis for understanding the relationships and characteristics of businesses in markets that sell or buy. This thesis seeks to evaluate the efficiency of the sector classification from the cluster analysis method. The use of rating sector in studies in the administration area has been based on the assumption that companies within the same industry are similar. So if the classification sector is efficient, it is expected that companies within the same industry form a cluster of industries and companies that are grouped into different clusters mixed. The results, in general, show a high heterogeneity in sectoral clusters or when the number of clusters is suggested by the rule of stopping or BOVESPA criterion. And this heterogeneity is stable, as it remained throughout the study period. Therefore, the results point to the inefficiency of sectoral analysis. The study group of companies from financial and economic data served to identify the lack of homogeneity of the sectors in terms of the indicators when subjected to a classification based solely on the type of goods or services produced. For more precise decisions taken in those sectors can be restructured to incorporate in each group, companies that can be reasonably similar. / O processo de tomada de decisão numa empresa requer conhecimento externo do ambiente em que ela atua. O agrupamento de empresas, de acordo com o ramo de atividade ou com o comportamento de certas variáveis independentemente do tipo de produto ou serviço oferecido, serve como base para a compreensão das características e relações das empresas nos mercados em que vendem ou compram. Esta dissertação busca avaliar a eficiência da classificação setorial a partir do método análise de cluster. A utilização da classificação setorial nos estudos na área de administração tem, por base, o pressuposto de que empresas de um mesmo setor são semelhantes. Portanto, se a classificação setorial é eficiente, espera-se que empresas de um mesmo setor formem um cluster e que empresas de setores diferentes sejam agrupadas em clusters díspares. Os resultados, de um modo geral, demonstram uma alta heterogeneidade setorial nos clusters quer quando o número de clusters é sugerido pela regra de parada ou critério BOVESPA. E esta heterogeneidade é estável, uma vez que se manteve ao longo do período estudado. Portanto, os resultados apontam para a ineficiência da análise setorial. O estudo do agrupamento de empresas a partir de dados econômicos e financeiros serviu para identificar a não existência de homogeneidade dos setores do ponto de vista dos indicadores quando sujeitos a uma classificação baseada unicamente no tipo de bem ou serviço produzido. Para tomadas de decisões mais precisas os setores podem ser reestruturados de modo a incorporar, em cada agrupamento, empresas que possam ser razoavelmente semelhantes.
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