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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation of Dynamic Impact of Self-Centering Concentrically-Braced Frames using LS-DYNA 971

Blin-Bellomi, Lucie M. 02 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Parametric Study of Friction-Damped Braced Frames with Buckling-Restrained Columns using Recommended Frame and BRC Strength Factors

Anozie, Valencia Chibuike January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dancing to the Desert: A Proposal for Self-Help Reconstruction of Post-Earthquake Cities in Hot-Arid Climates

Nejad, Sara Khakbaz January 2011 (has links)
Natural hazards kill 82,500 people globally in a typical year, with earthquakes as the largest cause of death amongst all natural hazards in Central and Southern America, East Asia, Europe, and the Near East. Damages are highest in middle-income countries due to lack of resources for hazard prevention and mitigation. Dancing to the Desert concentrates on Bam, Iran, as a typical post earthquake city, searching for architecture appropriate for post-disaster cities of hot-arid climates. Dancing to the Desert is a discourse on current seismic, urban, and architectural design conditions in hot-arid climates of the globe, and searches for an appropriate architecture for post-disaster cities in developing regions of the desert climate. Chapter One includes analysis on global seismic hazard conditions, focusing on the hot-arid climates in the world and concentrating on the city of Bam, Iran. Chapter Two includes a detailed analysis of the traditional as well as contemporary architecture of Bam, searching for appropriate architectural elements to use in the proposed architecture. Chapter Three proposes a Pilot Project for an orphanage in Bam, based on the architectural elements and strategies discussed in Chapter Two. Through scientific research, case studies, a site visit to Bam, and discussions with local residents, this thesis finds an appropriate proposal adaptable to all post-disaster cities of the hot-arid climate. It also suggests various strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation through public education. These strategies educate the public in employing cultural and environmental friendly resilient architecture, which will subsequently reduce damage and fatalities on brisk of disaster. It also familiarizes the public with the proposed disaster prevention and mitigation strategies and facilitates the adoption of the proposed design in future post-disaster conditions.

Dancing to the Desert: A Proposal for Self-Help Reconstruction of Post-Earthquake Cities in Hot-Arid Climates

Nejad, Sara Khakbaz January 2011 (has links)
Natural hazards kill 82,500 people globally in a typical year, with earthquakes as the largest cause of death amongst all natural hazards in Central and Southern America, East Asia, Europe, and the Near East. Damages are highest in middle-income countries due to lack of resources for hazard prevention and mitigation. Dancing to the Desert concentrates on Bam, Iran, as a typical post earthquake city, searching for architecture appropriate for post-disaster cities of hot-arid climates. Dancing to the Desert is a discourse on current seismic, urban, and architectural design conditions in hot-arid climates of the globe, and searches for an appropriate architecture for post-disaster cities in developing regions of the desert climate. Chapter One includes analysis on global seismic hazard conditions, focusing on the hot-arid climates in the world and concentrating on the city of Bam, Iran. Chapter Two includes a detailed analysis of the traditional as well as contemporary architecture of Bam, searching for appropriate architectural elements to use in the proposed architecture. Chapter Three proposes a Pilot Project for an orphanage in Bam, based on the architectural elements and strategies discussed in Chapter Two. Through scientific research, case studies, a site visit to Bam, and discussions with local residents, this thesis finds an appropriate proposal adaptable to all post-disaster cities of the hot-arid climate. It also suggests various strategies for disaster prevention and mitigation through public education. These strategies educate the public in employing cultural and environmental friendly resilient architecture, which will subsequently reduce damage and fatalities on brisk of disaster. It also familiarizes the public with the proposed disaster prevention and mitigation strategies and facilitates the adoption of the proposed design in future post-disaster conditions.

Displacement Based Design of Hybrid Coupled Walls with Replaceable Fuses

Muhaisin, Muthana January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Parametric Study of Seismic-Resistant Friction-Damped Braced Frame System

Blebo, Felix C. 19 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Determinación de los esfuerzos últimos de la Guadua Angustifolia en la región andina de Colombia correlacionada con variables de clima

Lozano Peña, Jorge Enrique 13 April 2021 (has links)
[ES] En el año 2010, el Reglamento colombiano de construcción sismoresistente (NSR-10) estableció el procedimiento de diseño basado en el método de los esfuerzos admisibles para utilizar la Guadua angustifolia Kunth como material de construcción. En la región Andina de Colombia hay gran presencia de bosques naturales de Guadua. Sin embargo, las condiciones geográficas y ambientales (temperatura, pluviosidad, altura sobre el nivel del mar, etc.) dificultan el aprovechamiento de este material para la construcción. Más aún, su localización se encuentra principalmente en lugares de difícil acceso, generando, además de una gran dispersión en sus propiedades físico mecánicas, grandes costes económicos asociados a la caracterización mecánica del material para su uso en aplicaciones estructurales. Por ello, nace la necesidad de plantear un sistema simplificado que permita estimar las propiedades mecánicas de la Guadua, que se pueda ejecutar en cualquier lugar remoto y que también reduzca los costes asociados al transporte de muestras y pruebas de laboratorio. Esta tesis doctoral propone una metodología que permite determinar las características mecánicas de la Guadua angustifolia que crece en la región Andina de Colombia. Se ha llevado a cabo una amplia campaña experimental donde se realizaron 2917 ensayos de laboratorio que tuvieron en cuenta variables como la procedencia, la temperatura y la pluviosidad, así como el diámetro y espesor de pared del tallo. Con ayuda de análisis estadísticos que permitieron eliminar los datos atípicos obtenidos de los ensayos, se han evaluado las propiedades mecánicas de la Guadua: resistencia a tracción, compresión, corte y flexión. Dichas variables se han correlacionado mediante modelos estadísticos para así determinar su relación con los esfuerzos mecánicos resultantes de la campaña experimental. Estos modelos estadísticos, basados y calibrados con multitud de datos experimentales, han perseguido la predicción de los valores de esfuerzo últimos del material antes de su extracción en el bosque y directamente desde un trabajo sencillo de campo. Los resultados y conclusiones alcanzadas en esta tesis doctoral serán de gran utilidad para científicos, arquitectos, ingenieros y constructores en general, ya que permitirán estimar propiedades de la Guadua de una manera económica, precisa y rápida. / [CA] L'any 2010 el reglament Colombià de construcció sismeresistent (*NSR-10) estableix el procediment de disseny basat en el mètode dels esforços admissibles, per a utilitzar la Guadua angustifolia Kunth com a material de construcció. A la regió Andina de Colòmbia hi ha gran presència de boscos naturals de guadua. Però les condicions geogràfiques i ambientals (ex. temperatura, pluviositat, altura sobre el nivell de la mar, etc.) dificulten el seu aprofitament com a material constructiu. Més encara, la seua localització està principalment en llocs de difícil accés no sols generant una gran dispersió en les seues propietats físic mecàniques, sinó també els costos associats per a identificar la seua resistència per a aplicacions estructurals. Com a conseqüència directa, naix la necessitat de plantejar un sistema simplificat que permeta estimar aquestes propietats que no sols es puga executar en el lloc concret de la plantació, sinó que també reduïsca els costos de transport i proves de laboratori. Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa una solució que permet determinar les característiques mecàniques de la Guadua angustifolia Kunth que creix a la regió andina de Colòmbia. Per a això, en primer lloc, es van realitzar 2917 assajos de laboratori relacionant variables com l'origen d'extracció, la temperatura i pluviositat, i el diàmetre i grossària de paret de la tija. Amb aquests assajos, i amb ajuda de l'estadística per eliminar dades atípiques, es caracteritzaren les propietats mecàniques de la guadua com la seua resistència a la tracció, compressió, tallant i moment. Posteriorment, amb tots aquests resultats, es va modelar estadísticament les relacions entre les variables considerades i els esforços mecànics. El propòsit d'aquests models ha sigut el de predir valors d'esforços últims d'aquest material en camp abans de l'extracció i de la realització de qualsevol assaig mecànic. Aquests models són de gran importància perquè científics, arquitectes, enginyers i constructors en general, puguen estimar propietats de la guadua d'una manera econòmica, precisa i ràpida. / [EN] During 2010, Colombian seismic-resistant regulation for construction (NSR-10) established the design procedure using the admissible load method to use Guadua Angustifolia Kunth as a construction material. At the Colombian Andean region, there are a large number of Guadua forests. However, the geographical and environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, rainfall, height above sea level, etc.) limits its exploitation as a construction material. Moreover, these forests are mainly found at remote locations with difficult access, not only making its physical and mechanical properties greatly scattered but also increasing the costs related to identifying its strength for structural applications. As a direct consequence, the necessity of a simplified system that ease the estimation of these properties emerges, not only to foster on-field testing but also to reduce transport and laboratory testing costs. This doctoral thesis proposes one solution to determine the mechanical properties of the Guadua Angustifolia Kunth that grows at Colombian Andean region. For this, 2917 laboratory tests were done to relate variables such as the origin, temperature and rainfall, and the stem diameter and thickness. From this first part of the study, mechanical strength properties of the guadua such as tension, compression, shear and bending were determined with the help of statistical filters to eliminate the abnormal data from tests. Then, all this data was used to statistically model the relationship within the variables and the mechanical strength. The goal of these models is to predict mechanical ultimate strength at the field without doing physical extraction or mechanical tests. These models will enable scientists, architects and, in general, anyone in the construction sector to easily estimate the guadua's mechanical properties in a cheaper, accurate and efficient manner. / Lozano Peña, JE. (2021). Determinación de los esfuerzos últimos de la Guadua Angustifolia en la región andina de Colombia correlacionada con variables de clima [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/165379

Damage-Free Seismic-Resistant Self-Centering Friction-Damped Braced Frames with Buckling-Restrained Columns

Blebo, Felix C. 26 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Analyse de la vulnérabilité sismique des structures à ossature en bois avec remplissage : essais expérimentaux - modélisation numérique - calculs parasismiques / Seismic vulnerability analysis of timber-framed masonry structures

Vieux-Champagne, Florent 05 December 2013 (has links)
Les séismes constituent une source d’aléas importante pour l’étude de la vulnérabilité d’unbâtiment. Le comportement parasismique des bâtiments à ossatures en bois est particulièrementintéressant. Deux familles de structure à ossature en bois peuvent être distinguées : les ossaturesutilisant les produits industriels que sont les panneaux en bois reconstitué servant à contreventerla structure et les connecteurs métalliques, et les ossatures traditionnelles avec remplissage reposantsur des techniques de construction anciennes et dépendantes du contexte local. L’efficacitédu comportement parasismique des bâtiments à ossature en bois traditionnels avec remplissagereste encore peu reconnue en raison du manque de résultats issus des travaux de recherche.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse visent ainsi à améliorer les connaissances sur le comportementparasismique de cette typologie constructive. Partant de l’hypothèse selon laquellece comportement est gouverné par la réponse des assemblages par connecteurs métalliques, uneapproche multi-échelles, couplant études expérimentales et études numériques est développée.Elle détaille l’analyse à l’échelle 1 de la connexion, en passant par l’échelle 2 des cellules élémentaires,constitutives des murs, par l’échelle 3 des murs de contreventement pour se finaliserà l’échelle 4 du bâtiment dans son ensemble.Sur le plan expérimental, cette approche permet d’une part, de réaliser des études paramétriqueset ainsi d’appréhender l’influence de la réponse de chaque élément (bois, clous, feuillard,remplissage, contreventement, ouvertures) sur le comportement local (échelles 1 et 2) et global(échelles 3 et 4) de la structure. D’autre part, elle permet de fournir une base de données pourla validation des modélisations numériques aux différentes échelles.Sur le plan de la modélisation numérique, cette approche multi-échelles est fondée sur la priseen compte du comportement non-linéaire hystérétique des assemblages à l’échelle supérieure, parl’intermédiaire d’un macro-élément, développé dans la cadre de la méthode des éléments finis.Ainsi, grâce à une modélisation simplifiée (assemblage des macro-éléments), le calcul est rapide,aussi bien à l’échelle du mur qu’à celle du bâtiment, et intègre les phénomènes non-linéaire locaux.Le modèle peut ainsi prédire de manière relativement précise le comportement dynamique de lastructure complète à l’échelle 4, testée sur table vibrante.L’étude présentée dans ce manuscrit fait partie des travaux précurseurs relatifs à l’analysede la vulnérabilité sismique des ossatures bois avec remplissage. Cette étude débouche sur denombreuses perspectives pour l’analyse de cette typologie constructive. Elle confirme que les bâtimentsà ossatures en bois avec remplissage ont un comportement parasismique très performant. / The seismic vulnerabilty is an important issue in the design of a building. The seismicresistant behavior of timber-framed structures is particularly relevant. Two types of timberframedstructures can be distinguished : the timber-framed structures using industrial products,such as wood-products panels used to brace the structure or metal fasteners, and traditionaltimber-framed structures included infill made of natuarl materials (earth or stones masonry).The seismic resistant behavior efficiency of traditional structures remains poorly recognizedbecause of the lack of research results on this kind of construction.Therefore, the thesis aims at improving the seismic behavior knowledge of timber-framedmasonry. Based on the assumption that their behavior is driven by the response of the metalfasteners connections, a multi-scale approach is proposed. It couples experimental and numericalstudies. At the scale 1 of the connection, at the scale 2 of the elementary constitutive cell ofwalls, at the scale 3 of structural elements such as shear walls and finally at the scale 4 of theentire building.In regards to the experimental work, this method allows, on the one hand, to perform parametricstudies and to analyze the influence of each element (wood member, nails, steel strip,infill, bracing, openings) on the local behavior (scales 1 and 2) and on the global behavior(scales 3 and 4) of the structure. On the other hand, it allows to provide a database to validatethe numerical modeling at each scale.In regards to the numerical work, this multi-scale approach allows to take into account thehysteretic behavior of joints in the development of a macro-element at the scale 2. Thus, thanksto a simplified finite element modeling (macro-element assembly), the computational cost islimited and it allows to take into account the local phenomena. The model is able to predictrelatively accurately the dynamic behavior at the scale 4 of the building, tested on a shakingtable.The study, presented herein, is one of the pioneer work that deals with the analysis of theseismic vulnerability of timber-framed structures with infill panels. This study provides outlookfor the analysis of this type of buildings. It confirms that the timbered masonry structures havea relevant seismic resistant behavior.

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