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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Handlingsutrymme och ansvar : En kvalitativ studie om personal på HVB-hem och stödboende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn / Acting space and sense of responsibility

Granberg, Moa, Lisa, Jeansson January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is about staff in Sweden working with unaccompanied migrant children, either in supported accommodation or HVB-homes, a form of residential care. A previous study shows that staffs’ acting space often led them feeling a higher sense of responsibility for their work. This study seeks to understand if the staffs’ acting space relate to their sense of responsibility for children in care. To answer this, we have used a qualitative method. We have done eight semi-structured interviews with staff working in HVB-homes and supported accommodation, to take part of the staffs’ perspective and point of views. The theory used for analysing out material is Lipsky’s Street-level bureaucracy: dilemmas of the individual in public services. We have also used Ulla Johansson’s conception analysis Om ansvar. The result of the study shows that staff feel like they have a big acting space at their place of work. Staff also describe how they feel responsible for the children they meet in their work, but not a sense of responsibility that goes beyond their work role. From our interviews we have concluded that it doesn’t seem to be a significant relation between acting space and the staffs’ sense of responsibility for the children. The latter relates more to the staffs’ attitude and their boundaries.

Creencias colectivas en la escuela pública / Creencias colectivas en la escuela pública

Córdova, Elizabeth Rosales 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article presents the qualitative analysis of public teachers’ interviews who worked at low socioeconomic schools. We found that school contexts condition teachers’ beliefs about students’ performance and achievement. Through the emphasis on students’ difficulties, teachers reduce their responsibility for student learning. However, institutional activities oriented to teachers’ change may be related to strengthen collective efficacy beliefs which diminish their beliefs about negative conditions of low socioeconomic contexts, and motivate teachers’ pedagogical change. / En este artículo se presenta el análisis cualitativo de entrevistas a docentes de cuatro escuelas públicas ubicadas en sectores desfavorecidos. Se encontró que el contexto socioeconómico de las escuelas influye en las creencias de los docentes. Los docentes enfatizan las dificultades y los problemas de los estudiantes y explican cómo su condición social y económica está directamente relacionada a dichas dificultades. De esa forma, reducen su responsabilidad frente al aprendizaje de los alumnos. Sin embargo, al parecer, algunas prácticas institucionales orientadas al cambio docente podrían estar jugando un rol importante en el fortalecimiento de creencias colectivas de eficacia que contrarrestan sus creencias sobre las condiciones negativas de los contextos en los que trabajan e impulsan procesos de cambio en sus prácticas pedagógicas.

Essai d'une théorie générale des aménagements de peine / Towards a general theory of sentence adjustments

Carpentier, Yan 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les aménagements de peine sont devenus le fer de lance d’une politique pénale de lutte contre la récidivefondée sur l’insertion ou la réinsertion des condamnés. Le nombre de mesures qualifiées comme desaménagements de peine n’a jamais cessé de croître au fil du XXe siècle. Pourtant, au fur et à mesure ques’amoncelaient les réformes éparses, aucune réflexion d’ensemble relative aux aménagements de peine n’a eu lieu.Ainsi, la notion d’aménagement de peine n’a jamais été construite alors que la France est sûrement le payseuropéen qui recourt le plus à ces mesures. La France apparaît alors comme le pays le plus fertile en matièred’aménagement de peine avec une variété de mécanismes importante. Cette variété rend nécessaire une théoriegénérale des aménagements de peine dans la mesure où le sens technique de cette notion demeure obscur.Une théorie générale semble le moyen le plus sûr pour tenter de déceler une cohérence parmi les diversesmesures. En ce sens, il ne peut y avoir de théorie générale s’il est impossible d’identifier abstraitement ce qu’estune mesure d’aménagement de peine. En effet, le désordre normatif a effacé les frontières entre les modalitésd’exécution de la peine, les aménagements de peine et les mesures de sûreté. Aussi, le cadre d’une théorie généralepermet de construire la notion même d’aménagement de peine. En outre, la construction d’une notion unitaire doitpermettre d’apprécier la technique unitaire de ces mesures. Ce faisant, la théorie générale restaure une certainelisibilité du droit et met en lumière toute la cohérence d’un système tendant à responsabiliser le condamné. / Sentence adjustment spearheads a new criminal policy of fight against recidivism based on integration orrehabilitation of convicted people. The number of measures qualified as sentence adjustment increased throughoutthe XXe century. However, as scattered reforms kept accumulating, no overall study regarding sentence adjustmenthas taken place. As a result, even though France is surely the European country that uses them the most, the conceptof sentence adjustment has never been constructed. France indeed seems to be the most fertile country regardingsentence adjustment, creating many different mechanisms. Since the technical sense of the notion of sentenceadjustment remains blurry, a general theory of sentence adjustment is necessary.A general theory seems to be the surest way to try to find a coherence among those various measures. Butthere cannot be a general theory if it is not possible to identify abstractly what is a sentence adjustment. Nowadaysthe normative disorder blurred the lines between enforcement of a sentence, sentence adjustment and preventivedetention. Therefore, a general theory would help build the concept of sentence adjustment itself. Besides, theconstruction of a concept would make it easier to assess the one technique behind all those mechanisms. By doingso, the general theory of sentence adjustment would restore some clarity to the law and give all of its consistencyto a system tending to give a sense of responsibility to the convicted.

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