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Nekonvenční metody měření proudu a napětí / Non-standard methods of current and voltage measurementsTalába, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This work brings a study about non-conventional methods of voltage and current measurement, followed by a creation of magneto-resistive material based current sensor prototype, suitable for medium voltage switchgear from ABB. Outcome of the study is description of physical principle and the measurement principle of non-conventional methods. Outcome of the experimental part is a current sensor based on magneto-resistive component, which can measure magnetic field generated around a wire with flowing primary current. Through the magnetic field, the sensor can measure primary current flowing in the wire. Sensor was measured in range 0 – 1000 A, and its accuracy and linearity was approximately 6%. The main contribution of this work is the confirmation that this non-conventional method works for measurement of high currents. Based on the outcome, ABB can decide whether is this technology suitable for its product portfolio.
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Využití akustické emise pro monitorování leteckých konstrukcí / Using Acoustic Emission for aircraft structure monitoringKrasavin, Taras January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the theoretical and practical part of the phenomenon of acoustic emission. The thesis examined the theoretical foundations of this phenomenon and also described the equipment that was used in the laboratory of VUT in Brno to perform measurements. Then measurements and their analysis were described. Several possible errors that occurred during the work on the thesis were also described. Error description is the basis for error-free laboratory testing and for improving the quality of laboratory testing.
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Statistická analýza anomálií v senzorových datech / Statistical Analysis of Anomalies in Sensor DataGregorová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the failure mode detection of aircraft engines. The main approach to the detection is searching for anomalies in the sensor data. In order to get a comprehensive idea of the system and the particular sensors, the description of the whole system, namely the aircraft engine HTF7000 as well as the description of the sensors, are dealt with at the beginning of the thesis. A proposal of the anomaly detection algorithm based on three different detection methods is discussed in the second chapter. The above-mentioned methods are SVM (Support Vector Machine), K-means a ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average). The implementation of the algorithm including graphical user interface proposal are elaborated on in the next part of the thesis. Finally, statistical analysis of the results,the comparison of efficiency particular models and the discussion of outputs of the proposed algorithm can be found at the end of the thesis.
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Lokalizace v rámci technologie LoRaWAN / Localization in LoRaWAN technologyPospíšil, Jan January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis in theoretical part focuses on LPWAN in general, meaning the low power wireless device falling into IoT category with a focus on LoRaWAN. The second half of the theoretical part focuses on describing localization techniques and principles in general and selection of one suitable technique for implementation in LoRaWAN. The practical part focuses on the proper HW customizations to enable the localization in this network. There are also described all the steps needed to build the whole working LoRaWAN network. The TDoA localization algorithm is described, the functionality is verified by simulation and also by testing under real conditions. In the end, the results are explained, the shortcomings of the technology are described and finally a suggestion for improvement is provided.
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Tištěný UV senzor na bázi fotoelektrochemického článku / Printed UV senor based on photoelectrochemical cellVičarová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the construction of a photoelectrochemical cell, which is used for detection of ultraviolet radiation by means of generated photocurrent in dependence on the intensity of incident radiation. The cell construction is based on a carbon electrode system with a titanium dioxide sensory layer and a UV curable electrolyte. Printing techniques such as screen printing, inkjet printing and pad printing were used to deposit individual layers. Carbon electrodes with sensory layer were studied through profilometric analysis, optical microscopy, and four-point probes. The viscosity of the liquid formulation of uncured electrolyte was characterized by rheometric measurement. Photoelectrochemical properties of the prepared cell for use as a UV sensor were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry.
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Přípravek pro emulaci senzorů / Sensor emulation toolGromeš, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is design of platform capable of sensor output emulation. The platform allows to emulate either digital sensors, communicating over UART, SPI, I2C, CAN and RS-485 buses, or analog sensors and sensors with frequency output. Design of computer interface to configure the platform is also a part of the thesis. Special emphasis is placed on the universality and overall user-friendliness of the entire system.
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Nízkopříkonový zabezpečovací systém sklepního prostoru bez elektrorozvodu / Low-power Security System of the Electricity-free CellarsKlimeš, Martin January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the available options of security devices for basements, design and implementation of its own security system. An FPGA chip from Xilinx called XC3S50A was used as a device control. The device contains two motion sensors and a door passage sensor. There are two ways to report a breach. One way is the sound signaling by means of a siren and the other is the notification to the mobile phone by means of the GSM network.
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Flexibilní bezdrátový systém pro měření CO2 v budově / Indoor flexible wireless CO2 measure systemVálek, Vít January 2021 (has links)
Monitoring of the carbon dioxide concentration in the building is carried out for several reasons. One is to ensure hygiene conditions. With the advent of Bluetooth 5.0 came the support of mesh network technology, which is defined by the Bluetooth Mesh standard. By implementing this standard, we can create an extensive network of devices monitoring the concentration of carbon dioxide in the building. Based on the monitored concentration, we can control the air conditioning and ventilation of the spaces, ensuring that the hygiene conditions are met. Thanks to the compatibility of Bluetooth Mesh with Bluetooth Low Energy, it is possible to access individual nodes, e.g. from a mobile phone. The aim of this work is to design and implement a measuring system whose elements will communicate with each other using Bluetooth Mesh wireless technology.
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Systém pro ovládání počítačové prezentace s využitím gest / A system for controlling a computer presentation using gesturesNěmec, Radek January 2021 (has links)
This thesis attempts with the design of a device for contactless control of the computer presentation. In the first part there are theoretically described the methods of contactless computer control. The second part is focused on the description of different types of sensors and also the key elements for this thesis – the development board TinyPICO ESP32 and sensor BNO055. Finally, in the third part there is described the design of the device and gestures.
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Analýza konstrukčních uzlů diskového podmítače / Analysis of the structural joints of the disc tillerSmola, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse loading forces which impact on the frame of the disk plough-harrow during the real operation, suggestion and assembling of the measuring system for measuring of real loading. On the basis of this measuring to accomplish structural deformational tensor analysis of the frames load-bearing’s machine. In the introduction is shortly described using of the disk plough-harrow in modern agriculture. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the suggestion of the measuring system and loading measuring under real working conditions. The second part is focused on deformational tensor analysis of the frames load-bearing’s machine through the method of final elements. In conclusion it follows the evaluation of gained pieces of knowledge.
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