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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human papillomavirus vaccination status association with subsequent health behaviors

Kasting, Monica Louise 28 April 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection results in serious health issues including cervical, anal, vulvar, penile and oropharyngeal cancers. There are three vaccines against HPV but vaccination rates in the United States remain low. One barrier to uptake is a concern that individuals who are vaccinated may increase their risky sexual behaviors or decrease their use of cervical cancer screenings, an adjustment in perceived level of risk for HPV that can be studied using risk compensation theory. Methods Three distinct studies examined risk compensation after HPV vaccination. A systematic review examined literature from January 1, 2008-June 30, 2015, using three databases. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews of 22 healthcare providers that assessed their beliefs regarding sexual disinhibition and cervical cancer screening following vaccination. A cross-sectional survey that assessed cervical cancer screening practices, awareness and comfort with recommendations, and knowledge regarding the purpose of a Papanicolaou (Pap) test. Results Twenty articles were included in the systematic review. None of the studies of sexual behaviors and/or biological outcomes found evidence of riskier behaviors after HPV vaccination. Instead, the studies found vaccinated individuals were less likely to report risky sexual behaviors, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and pregnancy. Qualitative interviews found no healthcare providers believed the HPV vaccine would result in increased risky sexual behavior or decreased cervical cancer screening, and these concerns would not influence their vaccination recommendations. The survey included 291 women 21-35 years old; 62% were non-Hispanic black, 84% had a Pap test in the last three years, and 33% had at least one HPV vaccine. Logistic regression showed that vaccinated women did not have greater odds of having a Pap test in the past three years (OR=1.32; 95% CI=0.66-2.65; p=0.427). However, this odds ratio was significant when controlling for age and race (AOR=3.06; 95% CI=1.37-6.83; p=0.006). Conclusion These studies found no evidence of increased risky sexual behaviors or decreased cervical cancer screening rates after HPV vaccination. Furthermore, vaccinated women showed less evidence of risk compensation. These results should alleviate concerns about administering the HPV vaccination among parents and providers.

'n Ondersoek na die emosionele behoeftes en probleme van die seksueel misbruikte adolessent wat betrokke is by die hofsisteem

Ras, Semantha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This research concentrates on the development of guidelines for the social worker who works with the sexual abused adolescent that is involved in the court. The research was executed according to the quantitative descriptive design. The first part (Chapter 2, 3 & 4) focus on the problem analysis and information gathering linked to the development of a theoretical stage for the develop of guidelines. Adolescence as developmental stage is discussed and suggestions are made as to how this information can be used by the social worker during the preparation of the child that is involved in the court. Different forms and consequences of sexual abuse are discussed. The law system and testimony are discussed as well as the process and problems that occur in the law system. The second part of the research (Chapter 5 & 6) is related to conducting of a pilot study and the results of the empirical research are presented (A questionnaire was handed to twenty respondents). The focus is on the problems and needs of the sexually abused adolescent. The study concludes with conclusions and recommendations. Recommendations for the social worker as well as the court system that work on a daily basis with sexually abused children have been outlined. These recommendations can be used as a support for effective service delivery.

Maatskaplike werkers se assessering van seksueel gemolesteerde kinders in hul middelkinderjare

Van Zyl, Elizabeth Jacoba 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / 277 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages i-xv and numbered pages 1-255. Includes bibliography, list of tables and figures. Used a Hp Scanjet 8250 Scanner to pdf format(OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:The purpose of the research for this assignment was to establish and provide guidelines as well as techniques according to which social workers, who are involved in family welfare organisations, will be able not only to assess molested children in their middle childhood, but also to plan and introduce the required intervention. To achieve the aforementioned, use was made of a literature survey in terms of which all aspects of sexual molestation that need to be considered whilst handling molested children as well as the phases and processes of assessing such molestations, are discussed. Techniques are also proposed according to which such assessments could be performed. Following this study the empirical research was utilised by means of exploratory and descriptive studies. To obtain the required information, data was collected by means of a postal (mail) questionnaire containing quantitative as well as qualitative questions. This research has shown that social workers do not regard themselves as adequately equipped in handling cases involving sexually molested children. Their (social workers) knowledge and skills in terms of the areas relating to service delivery came across as being poor. The respondents agreed that the shortage of resources restricted the referral of these cases. This results in social workers having to treat such cases themselves. It is apparent that knowledge regarding the handling of molested children is mostly gained by practical experience. Assessments are often carried out without the required theoretical background. This contributes to findings and actions taken not always being scientifically substantiated, resulting in a lack of professional conduct. The study also shows that the training and conduct of social workers, especially as it relates to the assessing of sexually molested children which could lead to statutory action in terms of the Children's Status Act 82 of 1987 (as amended) as well as the Sexual Offences Act 23 of 1957, are lacking. No clear guidelines and policy are stipulated in this instance by the family welfare organisations. Based on the findings of this research the deduction is made that social workers, despite the statutory obligation they have towards a sexually molested child, do not possess the necessary skills or are not equipped with the competence required to execute the task on hand. In this regard social workers have a significant need to learn and be given the required competence, as organisations and tertiary institutions currently do not equip them adequately or effectively. Recommendations relative to the assessment of sexually molested children have been made to tertiary institutions, organisations and social workers. Opportunities for further research are also indicated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om riglyne en tegnieke voor te stel waarvolgens maatskaplike werkers werksaam by gesinsorgorganisasies gemolesteerde kinders in hulle middelkinderjare kan assesseer en intervensie kan beplan. Om daarin te slaag, is 'n literatuurstudie ondemeem ten opsigte van alle aspekte van seksuele molestering wat in ag geneem moet word in die hantering van gemolesteerde kinders. Die fases en prosesse van assessering word bespreek en tegnieke word voorgestel waarvolgens die assessering gedoen kan word. Daarna is die empiriese ondersoek onderneem deur middel van 'n verkennende en beskrywende studie. Posvraelyste, bestaande uit kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe vrae, is benut vir data-insameling. Die navorsing het getoon dat maatskaplike werkers hulleself nie bekwaam ag in die hantering van seksueel gemolesteerde kinders nie. Hulle kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van die area van dienslewering kom swak voor. Die respondente was dit eens dat 'n tekort aan hulpbronne verwysing van die gevalle bemoeilik, wat meebring dat maatskaplike werkers die gevalle self moet hanteer. Dit is duidelik dat kennis ten opsigte van die hantering van gemolesteerde kinders meestal deur middel van praktykervaring verkry word. Assessering word dikwels sonder die nodige teoretiese agtergrond uitgevoer wat meebring dat bevindinge en optrede nie altyd wetenskaplik verklaarbaar is nie en daartoe lei dat daar 'n tekort aan professionele optrede is. Die navorsing toon voorts dat maatskaplike werkers se opleiding en optrede ten opsigte van die assessering van seksueel gemolesteerde kinders vir statutere optrede ingevolge die Wet op Kindersorg (Wet 74 van 1983 soos gewysig) sowel as die Wet op Seksuele Misdrywe (Wet 23 van 1957) veral tekort skiet. Geen duidelike riglyne en beleid word in die verband deur gesinsorgorganisasies neergelê nie. Na aanleiding van die bevindinge word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat maatskaplike werkers, ten spyte daarvan dat hulle 'n statutêre verpligting teenoor die seksueel gemolesteerde kind het, nie oor die nodige bevoegdheid beskik om die taak uit te voer nie. Maatskaplike werkers toon 'n groot leerbehoefte in die verband, aangesien gesinsorgorganisasies en opleidingsinstellings hulle tans nie genoegsaam toerus nie. Aanbevelings ten opsigte van die assessering van seksueel gemolesteerde kinders word aan opleidingsinstansies, gesinsorgorganisasies en maatskaplike werkers gemaak. Moontlikhede vir verdere navorsing word ook vermeld.

Maatskaplike werkers se sienings oor die seksuele mishandeling van seuns in die middelkinderjare

Theron, Susanna Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The sexual abuse of boys is regarded as a worldwide problem. Even in South Africa the sexual abuse of boys is described as an epidemic that as the social work phenomenon of women as perpetrators, can no longer be seen as rare. Although legislation, The South African Children’s Act, 38 of 2005 (2006) and The Sexual Offences Amendment Act, 32 of 2007, have contributed to a greater awareness with regards to the boy as victim of sexual abuse, there still is a lot of misconceptions with regards to the boy as victim of sexual abuse. A need for formal scientific research with regards to this problem was therefore identified and lead to the conducting of this study. Focusing on the sexual abuse of the boy in middle childhood was the purpose of this study, because the middle childhood is seen as the most vulnerable developmental phase for the boy to be sexually abused in. Social workers play a primary role in the prevention, early intervention, intervention and after care in this regard. This study was aimed at determining social workers’ opinions on the sexual abuse of boys in middle childhood. The purpose of the study was met through the five goals that were determined. The goals of the study were to discuss the middle childhood as developmental phase within a human developmental perspective and to describe the sexual abuse of boys as social work phenomenon, in order to develop insight with regards to the sexual abuse of boys. Goals determined for the purpose of this study also included the discussion of the sexual abuse of boys as social work phenomenon, focusing on the definition of sexual abuse, inclining factors to sexual abuse, the types of sexual abuse and the context and motivation for sexual abuse of boys. To discuss the different types of perpetrators in the sexual abuse of boys and to investigate the motivations of perpetrators with regards to the sexual abuse of boys were also goals that were determined. This study’s goals were also to investigate the opinions of social workers with regards to the sexual abuse of boys in middle childhood and to make recommendations regarding the promoting of social work service delivery to the sexually abused boy. The literature study that was undertaken builds a foundation for the problem of the sexual abuse of the boy in middle childhood to be seen, within the right context. An explorative and descriptive study was conducted with twenty seven social workers in the Western Cape, Olifantsrivervalley area as geographical area. Semi-structured questionnaires were used for data collection. The results were purposefully processed and analyzed according to a qualitative- and quantitative research method. The empirical study’s findings enabled the researcher to come to certain conclusions. Using the literature study, the empirical study, findings and conclusions that followed on that, recommendations could be made to social workers in order to promote social work service delivery to the sexually abused boy in middle childhood. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die seksuele mishandeling van seuns word as ‘n wêreldwye probleem beskou. Ook in Suid- Afrika word die seksuele mishandeling van seuns as ‘n epidemie beskryf wat net soos die maatskaplike werk verskynsel van vroue oortreders, nie meer as raar beskou kan word nie. Alhoewel wetgewing soos Die Suid-Afrikaanse Kinderwet, 38 van 2005 (2006), asook Die Wysigingswet op die Strafreg (seksuele misdrywe en verwante aangeleenthede), 32 van 2007, bygedra het tot ‘n groter bewustheid van die seun as slagoffer van seksuele mishandeling, bestaan daar steeds baie wanbegrippe ten opsigte van die die seun as slagoffer van seksuele mishandeling. ‘n Behoefte aan formele wetenskaplike navorsing met betrekking tot hierdie probleem is geïdentifiseer met die gevolg dat hierdie studie onderneem is. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is daar gefokus op die seksuele mishandeling van die seun in sy middelkinderjare, aangesien die middelkinderjare as die mees weerloosste ontwikkelingsfase beskou word vir die seun om seksueel mishandel te word. Maatskaplike werkers speel ‘n primêre rol in die voorkoming, vroeë intervensie, intervensie en nasorg in hierdie verband. Hierdie studie het daarom ten doel gehad om maatskaplike werkers se sienings oor die seksuele mishandeling van seuns in die middelkinderjare te bepaal. Die doel van die studie is bereik na aanleiding van vyf doelwitte wat gestel is. Die doelwitte van die studie was om die middelkinderjare as ontwikkelingsfase binne ‘n menslike ontwikkelingsperspektief te bespreek en om die seksuele mishandeling van die seun as maatskaplike werk verskynsel te verduidelik ten einde begrip met betrekking tot die probleem van seksuele mishandeling van seuns te ontwikkel. Doelwitte wat gestel is ten einde die doel van die studie te bereik, het onder andere behels om seksuele mishandeling van seuns as maatskaplike werk verskynsel te beskou, deur te fokus op die definiëring van seksuele mishandeling, aanleidende faktore tot seksuele mishandeling, die vorme van seksuele mishandeling en die konteks en motivering van seksuele mishandeling van seuns. Om die verskillende tipes oortreders in die seksuele mishandeling van seuns te bespreek en om ondersoek in te stel na die motiverings van oortreders ten opsigte van die seksuele mishandeling van seuns, was ook as doelwit gestel. Hierdie studie se doelwitte was ook om ‘n ondersoek te doen na die sienings van maatskaplike werkers ten opsigte van die seksuele mishandeling van seuns in die middelkinderjare en om aanbevelings te maak ten opsigte van die bevordering van maatskaplike werk dienslewering aan die seksueel mishandelde seun. Die literatuurstudie wat gedoen is het ‘n fondasie geskep om die probleem van die seksuele mishandeling van die seun in sy middelkinderjare, in die regte konteks te kan beskou. ‘n Verkennende en beskrywende studie is gedoen en het sewe-en-twintig maatskaplike werkers in die Wes-Kaap, Olifantsriviervallei area as geografiese gebied ingesluit. Semigestruktureerde vraelyste is benut om inligting in te samel. Die resultate was volgens ‘n kwalitatiewe- en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode verwerk en geanaliseer. Die empiriese ondersoek se bevindinge het die navorser in staat gestel om sekere gevolgtrekkings te maak. Na aanleiding van die literatuurstudie, die empiriese ondersoek, die bevindinge en die gevolgtrekkings wat daarop gevolg het, kon aanbevelings gemaak word aan maatskaplike werkers ten einde die maatskaplike werk dienslewering aan die seksueel mishandelde seun in sy middelkinderjare te bevorder.

Training Condom Use Skills for Sexually Active College Students

Smith, Teresa E. (Teresa Elizabeth) 12 1900 (has links)
Eighty-nine single, sexually active, heterosexual college students (ages 17-24) participated in one of two intervention conditions. Experimental groups were taught skills specific to condom use and sexual communication via a multimedia presentation. Control groups viewed a video on an unrelated topic. Individuals in the experimental conditions were expected to show higher levels of self-efficacy, greater knowledge concerning diseases, and improved attitudes about condoms immediately following the intervention. They were also expected to report safer sexual practices at the one month follow-up. Findings reveal that improved attitude and knowledge scores did not translate into behavioral changes.

Female Adolescent Runaways: Personality Patterns in Response to Physical or Sexual Abuse

Keefe, Carmen Kay 08 1900 (has links)
Personality patterns of sexually abused female adolescent runaways are compared to personality patterns of physically abused female adolescent runaways. Eighty-six female adolescents from 13 to 17 years of age completed a self report inventory to determine personality traits. To test the hypotheses of the study, a multivariate analysis of variance was conducted, followed with univariate tests to find differences on separate dependent measures. Results indicated that on the Jesness Inventory there may be a common personality pattern associated with abuse. Univariate tests yielded data which indicated that although there may be a general personality pattern for abused adolescents, there were significant differences between the physically and sexually abused adolescents on some personality variables. Results were evaluated taking into account the selective sample from which the population was drawn. Recommendations for future research included the use of projectives, a more comprehensive personality inventory, and selected demographics.

Male circumcision as a bio-medical HIV intervention targeting male heterosexual sexually transmitted disease (STD) patients in China: an acceptability study and a single-arm test-of-concept trial. / 應用包皮環切手術作為預防中國男性性病患者HIV感染的生物醫學干預手段: 一項可接受性研究及一項測試概念的臨床實驗 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Ying yong bao pi huan qie shou shu zuo wei yu fang Zhongguo nan xing xing bing huan zhe HIV gan ran de sheng wu yi xue gan yu shou duan: yi xiang ke jie shou xing yan jiu ji yi xiang ce shi gai nian de lin chuang shi yan

January 2013 (has links)
Wang, Zixin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 215-223). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract and appendixes also in Chinese.

Prostitution, purity and feminism : a study of the campaign to repeal the Contagious Diseases Act, 1864-1886

L'Espérance, Jeanne. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Management of reproductive tract infections among health providers and in the community in Lao People's Democratic Republic /

Sihavong, Amphoy, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

'n Kwantitatiewe beskrywing van die seksueel-misbruikte kind

Heslinga, S. 16 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / This study comments on the debate surrounding behavioural indicators on the child that has been sexually abused. The basic objective of this study is to determine whether behavioural differences can be identified between the child that has been sexually abused and a child that has not been abused. For this research study the quasi-experimental design and specifically the comparison post-test-alone is utilized. The experimental group was exposed to sexual abuse and the comparison group was not exposed to sexual abuse. The result of this study indicates a statistically significant difference toward behavioural indicators, between the experimental group and the comparison group. Children in the experimental group experienced higher levels of psycho-social problems. Therefore it can be accepted that sexual abuse resorts in behavioural changes. It is therefore recommended that behavioural changes are utilized in practice by social workers to verify sexual abuse.

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