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“A promising little society”: Kinship and Community Among the White Water Shakers 1824-1850Cummings, Lindy 09 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Inactivation Mechanisms of Shaker IR and Kv2.1 Potassium Channels: Lessons from Pore MutationJamieson, Quentin 11 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribuição ao controle de máquinas de vibração eletrodinâmicas / Contribution to the control of electrodynamic vibration machinesFlora, Leandro Della 20 March 2009 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work presents contributions to the sinusoidal acceleration control of electrodynamic shakers applied in vibration testing. Considering the importance of sine tests to identify critical frequencies of operation and to determine mechanical weakness in the specified performance of specimens, vibration controllers are designed to reproduce the amplitude and the frequency of the reference acceleration specifically at the interface between
the shaker and the structure under test. Two distinct approaches are considered to solve the control problem: time domain control, where the acceleration instantaneous
value is adjusted to track the sinusoidal reference, and frequency domain control, in which only the amplitude or the root mean square value of the acceleration is compensated to follow the reference magnitude. The solutions developed based on these two different
approaches are implemented in a digital control platform and experimentally evaluated. The development of vibration controllers is complemented by contributions to the
study of the shaker dynamic model, as well as to the instrumentation applied to measure and feedback the acceleration and to the voltage control of switching-mode power amplifiers designed to drive the shaker. Regarding the vibration machine dynamic model, a method is proposed to experimentally identify the mechanical parameters of a two degrees of freedom system that represents the suspension resonance and the finite armature stiffness of the electrodynamic shaker. A procedure is developed to design and implement charge mode preamplifiers and signal conditioning circuits for piezoelectric accelerometers.
A robust model reference adaptive algorithm is applied to control the output voltage of an industrial switching-mode power amplifier. The experimental analysis of the adaptive
controller considers not only the improvements on the power amplifier performance, but also the of impact over the behavior of a commercial digital vibration control system. / Este trabalho apresenta contribuições ao controle de aceleração senoidal de vibradores eletrodinâmicos utilizados em ensaios de vibração. Considerando a importância de testes
com aceleração senoidal para identificar freqüências críticas de operação e determinar a resistência de materiais e estruturas, são desenvolvidos controladores para a máquina de
vibração com o propósito de garantir que a amplitude e a freqüência da aceleração imposta à estrutura sob teste correspondam aos valores de referência. Na solução do problema, admitem-se duas abordagens distintas: controle no domínio do tempo, onde o valor instantâneo da aceleração é ajustado para seguir a referência senoidal, e controle no domínio da freqüência, no qual apenas a amplitude ou o valor eficaz da aceleração é regulado conforme a magnitude de referência. As técnicas propostas com base nestas abordagens são implementadas numa plataforma de controle digital e avaliadas experimentalmente. O desenvolvimento dos controladores de vibrações é complementado por contribuições
ao estudo do modelo dinâmico do vibrador, à instrumentação aplicada para realimentar a aceleração e ao controle da tensão de amplificadores de potência que utilizam inversores
com modulação por largura de pulso para acionar a máquina. Com relação ao modelo do vibrador, é descrito um método que permite determinar experimentalmente os parâmetros mecânicos de um modelo com dois graus de liberdade, o qual representa o comportamento da máquina devido à suspensão e à rigidez finita da armadura. Um procedimento de projeto e realização prática de pré-amplificadores de carga e de um circuito de condicionamento para acelerômetros piezoelétricos é apresentado. Um algoritmo adaptativo robusto por modelo de referência é avaliado no controle da tensão de saída de um
amplificador industrial projetado para excitar o enrolamento da armadura do vibrador. A análise experimental do impacto do controlador adaptativo é realizada considerando não
apenas a melhoria no desempenho do amplificador, mas também em termos dos reflexos na performance de uma plataforma comercial de controle de ensaios de vibrações.
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Equipment for Accelerated Vibration Testing / Utrustning för Accelererad VibrationstestningHideblad, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The increasing complexity with the decrease in size of EEE – components (Electronic, electric and electromagnetic) raises the question on how higher energy frequencies will affect the components and their continuous development. The most common vibration testing equipment currently in use within the automotive industry and SCANIA CV AB are the electrodynamic shaker (ED system). This thesis covers the characteristics of different vibration testing equipment while analysing their strengths and weaknesses, not only for the automotive industry but also including equipment more commonly handled within the aero and space industry. The project aims to find a complement for the ED system and study the possibility for its replacement in the automotive industry.In particular, experiments are carried out and documented on a so-called “Repeatable shaker system” (RS system) for the purpose to get a better understanding on the functions of the equipment and its overall differences compared to the electrodynamic system when it comes to random vibration testing.It became clear that complementing or replacing the ED system is difficult and that the RS system work fundamentally different in comparison. Accordingly, the RS system is not a potential replacement for our purpose and it cannot perform at the same level of precision but instead is able to achieve higher energy frequencies overall, making it still ideal for its intended purposes, but not as a replacement of the ED system.
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Zpracování dat provozního zatížení pro zkoušky na elektrodynamickém zkušebním stavu / Processing of Operating Load Data for Electrodynamic Test BenchProuza, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with data processing for an electrodynamic test bench. The thesis presents a theoretical overview of signal distribution, determination of fatigue damage from random vibrations and a description of test benches. The next part deals with setting up the test time reduction in GlyphWorks software. The aim of this thesis is to process and create a procedure for an accelerated fatigue test from data measured during an operational test on a polygon. The data are then verified on an electrodynamic test rig using a Skoda Auto dynamic test room. The final part of the thesis contains data evaluation and a guide explaining how to easily create a test in the relevant software.
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Pilot Testing of a Hydraulic Bridge Exciter / Pilottest av en hydraulisk broexciterareBorg, Richard, Dymén, Olivier January 2015 (has links)
In the design of a railway bridge that is meant for train speeds larger than 200 km/h, the Swedish Traffic Administration requires a dynamic analysis in addition to the conventional static design. The models used for static design may not always be suitable for dynamic analysis, which could lead to inaccurate estimations of the dynamic response. The reason for this is a limited knowledge of the actual structural dynamic behaviour of bridges, which is why a hydraulic bridge exciter has been developed. With this device, smaller bridges can be excited in a load- or displacement-controlled manner under variable frequency and load. By having known inputs, the bridges’ dynamic properties can be evaluated using experimental modal analysis. A finite element model of the double tracked railway bridge Pershagen was created in order to plan a pilot test of the bridge exciter. The influence of the load amplitude and sweep rate was evaluated. A theoretically optimal excitation position was also investigated in order to excite as many eigenmodes as possible from one position during the pilot test. Based on these results, a pilot test was performed on the Pershagen Bridge. The dynamic properties of the bridge were evaluated based on the results from the test. From the pilot test it could be concluded that the load amplitude had a direct influence on the dynamic properties of the bridge, hence the dynamic behaviour is non-linear. The 1st vertical bending mode and its dynamic properties could also be identified. / Då en järnvägsbro som är avsedd för tåghastigheter över 200 km/h ska dimensioneras ställs det krav av Trafikverket att en dynamisk analys av bron skall utföras, utöver konventionell statisk dimensionering. De bromodeller som används för statisk analys är dock inte alltid lämpliga för dynamisk analys, vilket kan leda till felaktiga skattningar gällande den dynamiska inverkan. Anledningen till detta är att kunskapen om broars dynamiska egenskaper är begränsade, och av denna anledning har en lastexciterare utvecklats. Med hjälp av denna anordning kan mindre broar exciteras med kontrollerad last eller förskjutning under variabel frekvens och last. Då dessa input-parametrar är kända kan broars dynamiska egenskaper utvärderas genom experimentell modal analys. En finit element-modell av den tvåspåriga järnvägsbron vid Pershagen har skapats för att kunna planera ett pilottest av lastexciteraren. Svephastigheten och lastamplituden har analyserats. En teoretiskt optimal exciteringsposition har utvärderats för att excitera största möjliga antal moder från en och samma position under pilottestet. Utifrån dessa resultat utfördes ett pilottest på bron vid Pershagen, där brons dynamiska egenskaper utvärderades utifrån resultaten. Från pilottestet kunde en slutsats dras om att lastamplituden hade en direkt inverkan på de dynamiska egenskaperna, vilket betyder att det dynamiska beteendet är olinjärt. Den första vertikala böjmoden och dess dynamiska egenskaper kunde också fastställas.
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Controle de aceleração de uma máquina de vibração eletrodinâmica / Acceleration control of an electrodynamic vibration machineFlora, Leandro Della 24 March 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work presents the development of a novel digital acceleration controller for sinusoidal vibration tests using switching-mode AC power source (ACPS) fed electrodynamic vibration machines. The proposed scheme is based on the interaction of two control loops: one for the shaker's acceleration regulation and another for the ACPS output voltage control. A robust model reference adaptive algorithm (RMRAC) is used in the voltage control loop. To
reduce the effects caused by the plant's parameters variations as well harmonic vibrations and resonances of the test specimen, the acceleration feedback controller is augmented with a feedforward and a robust controller. Experimental results show that the proposed system is capable to achieve excellent acceleration reference tracking performance and robustness in the closed loop
control from 20 Hz to 200 Hz. Investigations shall be performed to evaluate the response of this scheme when controlling vibrations as fast as 2000 Hz. A specific instrumentation system has been developed to feedback the electrodynamic vibration machine's acceleration. The proposed solution employs piezoelectric accelerometers, voltage mode preamplifiers, circuit for signal conditioning,
analog to digital conversion and filtering. A study concerning the commonly used vibration measurement techniques and the design procedure, simulation, implementation and experimental results are described in detail. / Esse trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um novo tipo de controlador digital de aceleração para ensaios com vibrações senoidais em máquinas de vibra ção eletrodinâmicas supridas por fontes de potência CA com comutação. O esquema proposto é baseado na interação entre duas malhas de controle: uma para regulação de aceleração da máquina de vibração e outra para ajuste da tensão de saída da fonte de potência CA. Um algoritmo adaptativo robusto por modelo de referência (RMRAC) é utilizado na malha de controle de tensão. Os efeitos de variações paramétricas existentes na planta bem como de vibrações harmônicas e ressonâncias do objeto ensaiado são minimizados com o uso de um controlador feedforward e um controlador feedforward robusto na malha de aceleração. Resultados experimentais demonstram que o sistema proposto é capaz de garantir excelente rastreamento da aceleração de referência e robustez em malha fechada entre 20 Hz e 200 Hz, necessitando ainda de investigação para controle de vibrações tão rápidas quanto 2000 Hz. A realimentação da aceleração da máquina é realizada com o desenvolvimento de uma instrumentação adequada a esse fim. A solução proposta utiliza acelerômetros piezoelétricos, pré-amplificadores modo tensão, circuito para condicionamento de sinais, conversão analógico-digital e filtragem. Um estudo sobre as principais técnicas utilizadas em medições de vibrações bem como a metodologia de projeto, simulação, implementação e testes experimentais são descritos detalhadamente.
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Cultural conflicts in high schools of the Inland Empire and Cleveland, OhioLove, Ann Marie 01 January 2002 (has links)
This study focuses on the students who participate in acts of racism. The study examines the degree to which students who commit acts of racism and engage in cultural clashes are outsiders or nonparticipants in their schools as well as in their communities.
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