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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Long-term evaluation of a shared tobacco cessation curriculum using a theory-based approach

Nervana I El-Khadragy (8767869) 27 April 2020 (has links)
Research indicates that tobacco cessation rates are at least doubled when smokers receive assistance from a clinician; receiving tobacco cessation advice from multiple types of clinicians increases quit rates even further.<sup>1</sup> To address a decades-long deficiency in the tobacco cessation training of health professionals in general, a shared curriculum, Rx for Change: Clinician-Assisted Tobacco Cessation, was developed in 1999 as a collaboration of the schools of pharmacy in California.<sup>2,3</sup> Between 2003 and 2005, pharmacy faculty members (n=191) participated in national train-the-trainer workshops designed to equip faculty with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the Rx for Change curriculum at their academic institutions.<sup>4</sup> <div><br></div><div> The studies that comprise this dissertation are a logical extension of this national initiative, applying a mixed-methods approach to: (a) evaluate the long-term impact of training pharmacy faculty using the Rx for Change program, (b) delineate recommendations for developing and disseminating shared curricula for health-care programs, and (c) evaluate utilization of the Rx for Change website, which hosts faculty resources and curricular files for download. In combination, these (along with a previously-conducted qualitative study) provide a comprehensive “view” of the long-term impact of this unique shared curriculum. </div><div><br></div><div>Results from the three studies provided evidence for: (1) reach to the majority of pharmacy institutions, (2) a high level of adoption of the Rx for Change in health professional schools, (3) a positive impact on faculty trainees’ careers and their level of confidence for teaching, precepting clinical students, and assisting tobacco users, (4) implementation of the Rx for Change curriculum with a variety of teaching methodologies, and (5) continuity of use within the core curriculum of pharmacy institutions. Seven key factors were found to have contributed to the success of the Rx for Change program, and thus the following are recommended for future shared curriculum developers: (1) appeal to attendees, (2) relate content to clinical practice, (3) deliver live training (in-person), (4) develop high quality materials delivered by experts, (5) meet accreditation standards, (6) provide support for teaching, and (7) demonstrate effectiveness. Data from the website analysis provided evidence for interprofessional reach of the Rx for Change website to educators, learners, and professionals.<br></div>

20th Anniversary Update of the Ottawa Decision Support Framework: Evidence Syntheses of Needs Assessments and Trials of Patient Decision Aids

Hoefel, Lauren 25 October 2019 (has links)
Purpose: To synthesize evidence on decisional needs assessments and patient decision aid (PtDA) trials based on the Ottawa Decision Support Framework (ODSF) in order to validate the concepts and test the main assertion in the ODSF. Decisional Needs: The systematic review studies (n=45) validated all of the decisional needs identified in the ODSF. Nine new manifestations of ODSF decisional needs emerged (e.g. information overload, unreceptive to information/deliberation, relationship barriers with practitioner). PtDAs: The sub-analysis identified 24 ODSF PtDA trials. Compared to usual care, ODSF PtDAs improved decision quality, addressed decisional needs and reduced decision delay. Further evaluation is needed on downstream impacts of these improvements on decision-making. Conclusions: Using Walker and Avant’s theory testing steps, the integrated findings from the systematic review and sub-analysis validated the ODSF decisional needs concepts and tested the main assertion in the ODSF (that PtDAs address decisional needs and improve decision quality).

Einflussfaktoren auf die Art der Therapieentscheidung im zahnärztlichen Behandlungsprozess

Ryba, Marilena 07 December 2021 (has links)
Die partizipative Entscheidungsfindung (eng. Shared Decision Making) spielt eine im¬mer größere Rolle im medizinischen Alltag und wird nicht nur von staatlicher Sei¬te, sondern auch von Patienten und Ärzten immer stärker eingefordert. Dieses Modell der partnerschaftlichen Patient-Arzt-Beziehung ist durch einen gemeinsamen Ent¬schei¬dungs¬findungsprozess gekennzeichnet. Es bewirkt, dass Patienten aktiver an Entscheidungen teilnehmen und realistischere Erwartungen an die Behandlung aus diesem Entscheidungsprozess mitnehmen können. Sogar Behandlungs¬ergebnisse werden verbessert und das Gesundheits¬sys¬tem pro¬¬fitiert von einer deutlichen Kostensenkung. Trotzdem wird das Shared Decision Making im Praxisalltag selten strukturiert angewandt und konnte sich in alltäglichen Be¬hand¬lungs¬abläufen noch nicht gänzlich durchsetzen. Studien fanden heraus, dass es einige Fak¬toren gibt, die mit dem Wunsch nach einer partizipativen Therapie¬entscheidung ein¬hergehen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es herauszufinden, welche Anforderungen die Probanden an den Therapie¬entscheidungsprozess stellen und welche Faktoren den Wunsch nach par¬tizipativer Therapieentscheidung beeinflussen. Diese Ergebnisse sind gleich¬zei¬tig wichtige Informationen für die Patient-Arzt-Beziehung im Praxisalltag, da man ent¬sprechende Konsequenzen für den alltäglichen Behandlungsablauf ableiten kann. Es wurde eine telefonische Befragung in drei deutschen Städten mit insgesamt 466 Pro¬banden erfolgreich durchgeführt. Der Fragebogen umfasste 53 Items, die nach so¬ziodemographischen Informationen, nach gewünschten Charakteristika des Zahn¬arz¬tes sowie der Praxis und der Mundgesundheit der Probanden fragten. Es wurde auch die gewünschte Form der Therapieentscheidung ermittelt, wobei die Pro¬ban¬den angaben, ob der Zahnarzt, der Patient oder beide gemeinsam mit Haupteinfluss einer Partei über die Therapie entscheiden sollten. Die Daten wurden in ACCESS erfasst und mit SPSS ausgewertet. Zur Beurteilung der Signifikanz der Ergebnisse, wurde der Chi-Quadrat-Test angewandt, wobei Er¬geb¬nisse der statistischen Analysen mit einem p-Wert < 0,05 statistisch signifikant sind. 7,2 % der Probanden forderten eine Therapieentscheidung durch den Zahnarzt und 35,4 % eine gemeinsame mit Haupteinfluss durch den Zahnarzt. 17,4 % der Be¬frag¬ten antworteten, dass sie eine Therapieentscheidung durch den Patienten be¬vor¬zu¬gen und 40,0 % stimmten für eine gemeinsame Entscheidung mit Haupteinfluss des Pa¬tienten. Die jüngste Altersgruppe stimmte eher für eine Therapieentscheidung durch den Patienten und die Älteren für eine durch den Zahnarzt oder zumindest mit Haupteinfluss durch den Zahnarzt. Männliche Pro-ban¬den forderten häufiger eine Therapieentscheidung durch den Patienten als Frau¬en. Zahnlose Probanden oder solche mit abnehmbarem Zahnersatz gaben öfter an, ei¬ne Therapie¬entscheidung durch den Zahnarzt zu befürworten als Probanden mit ei¬gener Bezahnung. Probanden, die im Rahmen des OHIP-G5 Beschwerden an¬ga¬ben, forderten stärker eine Therapie¬entscheidung durch den Zahnarzt. Probanden mit einer guten Schulbildung und einer höheren Berufsausbildung bevorzugten eine The¬rapieentscheidung durch den Patienten. Das Vorhandensein eines Haus¬zahn¬arz¬tes ging einher mit einem stärkeren Wunsch nach einer Therapieentscheidung durch den Patienten. Die Probanden, deren letzter Zahnarztbesuch im Median län¬ger zurücklag und diejenigen, die länger an ihren Zahnarzt gebunden waren, be¬vor¬zug¬ten eine Therapieentscheidung durch den Zahnarzt. Der Wunsch nach einem be-stimmten Geschlecht oder Alter des Zahnarztes war unabhängig von der Wahl der Therapieentscheidungsform. Allerdings stimmten die Probanden, die eine län¬gere Berufserfahrung des Zahnarztes forderten, häufiger für eine The¬rapie-ent¬schei¬dung durch den Zahnarzt. Bestimmte Charakteristika des Therapieentscheidungs¬pro¬zesses, wie Aufklärung und Information über Alternativen, Kosten und die ge¬wähl¬te Behandlung, zeigten sich unabhängig von der Forderung nach einer be¬stimm¬ten Form der Therapieentscheidung. Der Wunsch, den Zahnarzt eigenständig aus¬¬zusuchen ging einher mit der Präferenz einer Therapieentscheidung durch den Pa¬¬tienten selbst. Im Vergleich zur Forderung einer bestimmten Form der Therapie¬ent¬scheidung beim Arzt ergab sich eine Tendenz, dass Probanden beim Arzt stärker die Entscheidung durch diesen bevorzugten als beim Zahnarzt. Mehr als 70 % der Probanden wünschten eine gemeinsame Entschei¬dungs-findung, wes¬halb die partizipative Entscheidungsfindung auch in Zukunft gefördert werden sollte. Um die Wünsche des Patienten individuell einschätzen zu können, kann sich der behandelnde Arzt an Parametern wie dem Alter und dem Bildungs¬stand orien¬tie¬ren. Um die Implementierung des Shared Decision Making zu verbessern, sollte wie¬ter¬hin intensive Versorgungsforschung betrieben werden. Auch in der Aus-, Fort- und Wei¬terbildung des Zahnmediziners bedarf es einer nachhaltigen Etablierung dieser The¬ma¬tik. Gleiches gilt für den Berufsalltag, in dem verstärkt auf sogenannte Ent¬schei-dungs¬hilfen Wert gelegt und die Um¬setzung im Nachhinein evaluiert werden sollte.

Shared Decision-Making for Contraceptive Counseling Among Women Seeking Services at Safety Net Clinics in South Carolina and Alabama

Nyarambi, Dumisa M 01 August 2021 (has links)
Shared decision-making (SDM) for contraceptive counseling and method initiation is a hallmark of patient-centered care; SDM is associated with patient satisfaction, method continuation, and the prevention of pregnancy and short inter-pregnancy intervals. To achieve a high-quality experience for women Person-centered approach to counseling is the preferred approach to achieve SDM. Demographic factors and women’s perceptions of their providers have been linked to decision-making. Literature is lacking on SDM practices in safety net clinics, particularly in local health departments. Exploring these constructs is important to inform practices and policies for family planning. This research aimed to examine: 1) the influence of sociodemographic factors on SDM; 2) the influence of SDM on contraceptive method choice; and 3) the effect that women’s perceptions of their providers might have on SDM and associated contraceptive method choice, among non-white women in South Carolina and Alabama. Secondary data were from a longitudinal study that surveyed women of reproductive age (16 to 44 years) from the two states. The data used for this research were collected from non-white women between October 2018 and September 2020 as part of a larger evaluation effort. Bivariate and multinomial analyses were conducted to assess associations and relationships. In Study 1, significant differences in SDM were observed for income and age, with younger women and lower income women having increased odds of engaging in SDM compared to older and higher income counterparts. In Study 2, multinomial analysis indicated that, compared to those who maintained autonomy over their decision, those whose decisions were shared and provider-driven had higher odds of choosing a short-acting method over a less effective method (OR = 1.608 and OR = 2.314, respectively). In Study 3, associations between SDM and women’s perceptions of providers were observed. Compared to those who maintained decision-making autonomy and had positive perceptions of providers, those who engaged in SDM and those whose decisions were least autonomous were more likely to choose a short-acting method over other, less effective contraceptive methods. There is need to further examine whether SDM is underutilized in these settings.

Systém pro alokaci a konfiguraci hardwarových zdrojů / System for Allocation and Configuration of Hardware Resources

Slováček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis is about analysis, design and implementation of a system for shared resources reservation and its remote control. Subjects of sharing are test and development prototypes. For remote control are used I/O devices ET-7042 and SITOP PSU8600. The reader is introduced to target environment, REST application interfaces and communication standards Modbus and Profinet. The knowledge gathered is used in design and implementation of the system. The main goal of thesis is to make development and testing in lab more effective.

Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) for disincentivizing car ownership and use in Reykjavík

Quintana, Francisco Javier Ari January 2021 (has links)
Iceland faces problems in achieving decarbonization goals, especially regarding its transportation sector having highly car-oriented passenger transport in the capital city, Reykjavík. Therefore, there is a need to shift toward more sustainable transport modes. It is well established that private and car-centered mobility regimes impose externalities on the environment and the livability of cities. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is a recent mobility service concept that poses a promising solution to shift much of the travel demand within urban settings from private car ownership to shared mobility. This thesis aims to determine whether MaaS can function as a disincentive for private car ownership and find use in the context of Reykjavík, Iceland. Specifically, it provides an initial investigation on how influences on car ownership and use, and opinions on shared mobility services and the concept of MaaS may differ between different demographic groups. To test whether MaaS can function as a disincentive for private car ownership and use in Reykjavík, an online survey was distributed to car owners in the city. Respondents volunteered and were asked to respond to two sets of inquiries relating to perceived influences on car ownership and use, and sentiments on shared mobility and MaaS, respectively. The responses were inferentially analyzed. The results showed that in Reykjavík’s current state (i.e. public transport infrastructure and built environment), MaaS would struggle to disincentivize car ownership and be adopted city-wide. However, the younger generations are the most promising first adopters of the service. The results suggest that the city should focus on increasing urban densification and enhancing public transport. Furthermore, the results suggest that as these factors are enacted, the disincentivizing function of MaaS may become more effective. In line with this, further research should be focused on how to facilitate first adopters in their use of MaaS.

Colegio inicial, primaria y secundaria en la provincia de Satipo-Junín enfocado en espacios compartidos y comunitarios / Initial, primary and secondary school in the province of Satipo-Junín focused on in-between and community spaces

Díaz Sedano, Carlos Alfredo 02 June 2020 (has links)
Se plantea diseñar un colegio público en el distrito de Satipo, en donde la interacción del colegio con la comunidad se manifieste de manera fluida y flexible. El proyecto busca brindar espacios de aprendizaje fuera y dentro de aulas proponiendo espacios compartidos en las aulas, y en áreas de esparcimiento; así como vincular las actividades del colegio con el desarrollo de las comunidades nativas cercanas. Para esto, se analiza y considera los factores del lugar y clima que influyen en el diseño del colegio para proporcionar confort al usuario. El proyecto busca contemplar las necesidades de la comunidad locales proponiendo talleres por medio de los centros técnicos de producción (cetpro) que beneficiarían a los estudiantes al culminar los estudios; así como, la implementación de áreas recreativas y espacios abiertos para la comunidad. / It is proposed to design a public school in the district of Satipo, where the interaction of the school with the community is manifested in a fluid and flexible way. The project seeks to provide learning spaces outside and within classrooms by proposing in between spaces in the classrooms, and in recreation areas; as well as linking the activities of the school with the development of nearby native communities. In addition, it analyzes and considers the factors of the place and climate that influence the design to provide comfort to the user. The project seeks to contemplate the needs of the local community by proposing workshops through the technical production centers that would benefit students at the end of their studies; as well as the implementation of recreational areas and open spaces for the community. / Tesis

VoIP in Jabber Client / VoIP in Jabber Client

Kulička, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
Práce se zabývá možnostmi implementace VoIP do existujícího XMPP programu se sdílenou tabulí. Analyzuje možnosti využití současných technologií pro podporu VoIP.  Cílem je nahrazení stávajících komunikačních knihoven klienta za telepathy. Dále také přidání VoIP.

La résidence alternée : une sociologie de l'expérience temporelle des parents / Shared residence : a sociology of the parents' temporal experience

Hachet, Benoît 09 November 2018 (has links)
La résidence alternée, légalisée en France en 2002, est une pratique minoritaire qui touche toutes les catégories de la population des parents séparés. Elle est entendue de manière stricte comme une organisation qui sépare de façon égale les temps de résidence des enfants entre leurs deux parents. Sous ce principe de symétrie coparentale, le temps vécu par les parents est bichronique, marqué par la succession réitérée de temps de même dimension, les uns avec enfants et les autres sans. Nous explorons l’expérience temporelle de cette parentalité alternée à partir d’une méthode mixte qui croise l’analyse de 55 entretiens avec le traitement de 5 103 questionnaires passés auprès des allocataires de la Caisse d’allocations familiales qui ont des enfants en résidence alternée. Dans une première partie, nous contextualisons la question de la résidence alternée dans la France contemporaine. Nous présentons une cartographie des polémiques qu’elle soulève, précisons les évolutions juridiques et les modalités judiciaires de sa mise en place, avant de remarquer que les études existantes sur cet objet sont peu nombreuses et souvent partielles. Si les déterminants socio-économiques du choix de la résidence alternée sont assez bien connus, le fonctionnement concret des alternances est peu étudié. Notre contribution consiste à ouvrir cette boîte noire. Nous inscrivons notre recherche dans une perspective temporaliste qui consiste à interroger les temps différenciés de l’expérience humaine. Dans la deuxième partie, nous caractérisons l’économie générale du cadre temporel de la résidence alternée, en montrant que le partage égal des temps de résidence ne peut se soustraire au temps calendaire dominant. Les deux espaces créés dans ces conditions se constituent en territoires temporels sur lesquels chacun des parents exerce une souveraineté relative selon des règles qui se construisent à l’usage. Nous proposons une topologie des territoires de l’alternance, attentive à leur structure et à leur plasticité. Dans la troisième partie, nous envisageons l’expérience parentale de la succession des temps avec et sans enfant en commençant par préciser les différences de texture temporelle, avant de décrire les modalités de la concordance de ces temps. Nous terminons en changeant d’échelle temporelle pour interroger l’évolution de l’expérience parentale de l’alternance dans la durée, quand elle est confrontée à la survenance de divers événements comme la recomposition familiale ou la mobilité professionnelle. Dans l’ensemble de la thèse, nous sommes attentifs aux variations dans l’organisation et l’expérience temporelle de la résidence alternée selon les variables lourdes de la sociologie, le sexe, l’âge, le milieu social ou le lieu de résidence des parents. / Shared residence, legalized in France in 2002, is a minority practice that affects all categories of the population of separated parents. It is strictly understood as an arrangement in which the residence times of children is equally shared between their two parents. According to the principle of coparental symmetry, the parents’ experience of time is bichronic, marked by the repeated succession of periods of time of equal length, some with children and others without. We explore the temporal experience of this alternate parenthood using a mixed method that combines the analysis of 55 interviews and 5,103 questionnaires sent to French Family Allowance Fund who have children in shared residence. The first part contextualizes the question of shared residence in contemporary France. The thesis maps the controversies it raises, specifies the legal developments and judicial modalities of its implementation, before noting that existing studies on this subject are few and often partial. While the social and economic determinants of the choice of shared residence are fairly well known, the concrete functioning of alternating residence is not well studied. Our research adopts a temporalistic perspective that consists in questioning the differentiated times of human experience. In the second part we characterize the general economy of the temporal framework of alternate residence, showing that the equal sharing of residence times cannot escape the dominant calendar time. The two spaces created in these conditions are constituted into temporal territories over which each parent exercises relative sovereignty according to rules that are built incrementally. We propose a topology of the territories of alternation, attentive to their structure and plasticity. In the third part, we consider the parental experience of time sequences with and without children by first specifying the differences in temporal texture, before describing the modalities of time harmonization. We conclude by looking at the issue from a long term perspective to question the evolution of the parental experience of alternation over time, when it is confronted with events such as family reconstitution or professional mobility. Throughout the thesis, we are attentive to variations in the organization and temporal experience of shared residence according to major sociological variables, gender, age, social background or parents' place of residence.

Same sex families' resilience processes associated with family identity

Rootman, Lemmer January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify the risk- and protective factors to the family identity experienced by same sex family systems, as well as the resilience processes implemented by these family systems. It forms part of a broader study, and aimed to provide additional information in order to support researchers, health care practitioners, and family therapists in working with same sex family systems. Secondary data analysis was conducted on 21 transcribed interviews, which included 14 lesbian, 4 gay, 1 bisexual, and 12 child participants living in the Western Cape and Gauteng provinces. Risk and protective factors were found within the individual, family, and community contexts. Resilience processes identified from the family resilience framework were clarity in communication, open emotional expression, positive outlook, meaning making through adversity, flexibility and connectedness. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted

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