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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Génération de sources optiques fibrées très hautes cadences et caractérisation de fibres optiques microstructurées en verre de Chalcogénure / High bit rate optical pulses sources generation and microstructured chalcogenide fibers characterizations

Balme, Coraline 19 January 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte du projet FUTUR financé par l'ANR et concernant le développement de Fonctions optiques pour les Transmissions à très haut débit dans le Réseau coeur et porte sur la génération de sources optiques fibrées très hautes cadences et la caractérisation de fibres optiques microstructurées en verre de Chalcogénure. A cet effet, nous étudions les caractéristiques linéaires et non-linéaires au sein de fibres microstructurées en verre de chalcogénures conçue et réaliser via différentes collaborations dans le cadre du projet de l'ANR FUTUR. Pour cela un grand nombre de méthodes de caractérisations ont été mises au point donnant une comparaison entre une fibre SMF standard et ces fibres microstructurées chalcogénures. Par exemple, un montage interférométrique pour la mesure de la dispersion chromatique pour échantillon court, ou encore de nombreux banc expérimentaux permettant la caractérisation des propriétés non-linéaires de ces fibres (diffusion Raman, diffusion Brillouin, Coefficient non linéaire Kerr...). La seconde partie de ce mémoire présente la mise au point de méthode de conversion d'un battement sinusoïdal en un train d'impulsions hautement cadencé. Il est montré dans ce manuscrit que cette technique a été exploitée au plus prêt de ses limites, par l'obtention d'impulsions extrêmement courtes et par des débits très élevés. Les trains d'impulsions à très hautes cadences ont été caractérisés par un dispositif expérimental SHG-FROG. Une démonstration de la multiplication du débit par deux a été démontrée par l'effet Talbot. / This memory of thesis s' registered voter in the context of the FUTUR project financed by l'ANR and concerning the development of optical finctions fot the high bit-rate transmissions in the Network heart and carries on very high rates optical fibers sources generation and the optical chalcogenide microstructured fiber charaterization. For this purpose, we study the linear and non-linear characteristics of microstructured chalcogenide fibers conceived and realized in various collaborations within the framework of the ANR FUTUR project. For that a great number of characterizations methods were developed giving a comparison between a standard single mode fiber and there microstructured chalcogenide fibers. For exemple, an interferometric setup for the chromatic dispersion measurement for short sample, or many experimental setup allowing the nonlinear properties characterizations as of these fibers (Raman scattering, nonlinear Kerr Coefficient). The second part of this memory presents the settling of sinusoidal beat conversion into a high bit rate generation method. It is shown in this manuscript that this technique was exploited with readiest of its limits, by obtaining extremely short pulses and by very high bit-rate. The pulses train at very high rates were characterized by an experimental device SHG-FROG. A demonstration of the multiplication of the bit-rate by two at summer shown by Talbot effect.

La génération de seconde harmonique comme technique complémentaire pour la caractérisation des poudres organiques. / Second Harmonic Generation as a Complementary Technique for Characterization of Powdered Organics

Yuan, Lina 30 June 2017 (has links)
L'existence de différentes phases, polymorphes, sels, solvates et co-cristaux génère de nombreuses questions concernant la caractérisation des matériaux à l'état solide, en particulier pour l'industrie pharmaceutique. Les problématiques relatives à l'identification des phases et à la surveillance des processus de crist(allisation et de transitions de phase ne peuvent toutefois pas toujours être résolues à l'aide de techniques d'analyse conventionnelles. Dans ce travail, nous développons une approche analytique basée sur le phénomène d'optique non-linéaire de génération de seconde harmonique (GSH). La GSH est une technique sensible et précise pour détecter l'absence de centre d'inversion au sein d'une structure cristalline et pour suivre des modifications subtiles de symétrie. A travers plusieurs exemples, nous montrons comment les mesures de GSH résolues en température (TR-SHG) peuvent être utilisées pour étudier les diagrammes de phases et pour suivre les mécanismes et cinétiques des transitions de phase, y compris pour des transitions de type ordre-désordre. La combinaison de la TR-SHG avec les techniques classiques (XRPD, DSC et microscopie) permet ainsi de démontrer l'utilité et le potentiel de l'optique non-linéaire dans la caractérisation des propriétés physico-chimiques des matériaux. / The existence of different phases, including polymorphs, salts, solvates and co-crystals generates concerns in the characterization of solid-state materials, especially for the pharmaceutical industry. Issues related to the identification of phases and the monitoring of phase transitions and crystallisation processes cannot be always solved using conventionnal techniques. In this work, a complementary analytical approach based on the nonlinear optical phenomena of second harmonic generation (SHG) is developed. SHG is a sensitive and accurate technique to detect the absence of inversion center in the crystalline structure and to capture subtle symmetry changes. Herein, through several examples we show how Temperature-Resolved SHG (TR-SHG) measurements van be used to study phase diagrams and for tracking mechanisms and kinetics of phase transitions including order-disorder phase transitions. The combination of TR-SHG with classical techniques (XRPD, DSC and microscopy) reveals in this study the usefulness and the potentials of nonlinear optics in material characterization.

Advanced nano- and microdomain engineering of Rb-doped KTiOPO4 for nonlinear optical applications

Liljestrand, Charlotte January 2017 (has links)
Fine-pitch ferroelectric domain gratings are extensively used for generation of light in the visible and near-infrared spectral regions through quasi-phase matched (QPM) frequency conversion. Sub-μm QPM devices enables demonstration of nonlinear optics with counterpropagating waves, a field of nonlinear optics which remains sparsely explored due to the difficulty of fabricatinghigh quality gratings. In recent years, bulk Rb-doped KTiOPO4 (RKTP) has emerged as a highly promising nonlinear materials for fabrication of fine-pitch QPM devices through periodic electric-field poling. RKTP possesses large optical nonlinearity and high resistance to optical damage, while demonstrating improved material homogeneity and lower ionic conductivity than its isomorphs, which are important features for poling. Although fine-pitch QPM gratings, as well as large aperture QPM devices, have been demonstrated, fabrication of sub-μm high quality QPM devices remains a challenge. The primary aim of this research was to develop a reliable method to fabricate high-quality sub-μm periodically poled RKTP crystals (PPRKTP) and exploit them in novel optical applications. For this purpose, a novel poling method was developed. It was based on periodic modulation of the coercive field through ion exchange, where K+ ions are exchanged with Rb+ in the crystal, to modulate the coercive field and the ionic conductivity. This enables periodic poling of higher quality and with shorter period than ever before. High quality PPRKTP with a period of 755 nm were fabricated and used to demonstrate the first cascaded mirrorless optical parametric oscillator (MOPO), as well as the first MOPO pumped by a Q-switched laser. PPRKTP samples for blue light generation were fabricated, and second harmonic generation (SHG) was investigated with a high power 946 nm fiber laser. Up to 2 W of blue power was demonstrated for bulk samples, where the output power was limited by absorption of the SHG, leading to thermal dephasing of the devices. Laser-written waveguides were fabricated in PPRKTP for the first time, and a record high SHG power of 76 mW was obtained. Finally, the high-temperature stability of ferroelectric domain gratings was investigated. This is of utmost importance when a PPRKTP crystal is used as a seed for crystal growth. It was found that for charged domains walls, the domain-wall motion was highly anisotropic with rapid movement in y-direction while only small movements were observed in the x-direction of the crystal. / Ickelinjära ferroelektriska kristaller med artificiella domängitter med perioder av några mikrometer används idag för generering av ljus i de synliga och nära-infraröda våglängdsområdena, genom kvasifasmatchad (QPM) frekvenskonvertering. Med sub-μm QPM domängitter kan man åstadkomma ickelinjära optiska effekter med motpropagerande parametriska ljusvågor. Detta är ett område av den ickelinjära optiken som fortfarande är tämligen outforskat på grund av svårigheten med att tillverka högkvalitativa domängitter.  Under de senaste åren har Rb-dopat KTiOPO4 (RKTP) blivit ett mycket lovande ickelinjärt material för tillverkning av QPM-gitter med mycket korta perioder genom periodisk elektrisk fält polning. RKTP kristallen har en hög optisk ickelinejäritet och den tål höga optiska intensiteter, samtidigt som materialet har bättre materialhomogenitet och lägre jonledningsförmåga än vad dess isomorfa kristaller har. De två senare egenskaperna har visat sig viktiga för att få en lyckad polning. Fastän QPM-gitter med kort periodicitet, liksom QPM-gitter med stor apertur, har demonstrerats, är tillverkningen av högkvalitativa QPM-kristaller med sub-µm perioder fortfarande en utmaning. Det primära syftet med denna avhandling var att utveckla en pålitlig metod för att tillverka högkvalitativa sub-μm periodiskt polade RKTP kristaller (PPRKTP) och utnyttja dem i nya optiska tillämpningar. I detta syfte utvecklades en ny polningsmetod. Den baseras på periodiskt jonutbyte, där K+ joner byts mot Rb+ i kristallen, vilket resulterar i en samtidig modulation av materialets koerciva fält och jonledningsförmåga. Detta möjliggör i sin tur periodisk polning av högre kvalitet och med kortare perioder än någonsin tidigare har uppnåtts. Högkvalitativa PPRKTP kristaller med en period på 755 nm tillverkades och användes för att demonstrera den första kaskaderade spegelfria optiska parametriska oscillatorn (MOPO), liksom den första MOPO processen pumpad av en Q-switchad laser. Vidare utvecklades PPRKTP-kristaller för generering av blått ljus via frekvensdubbling. Dessa utvärderades med hjälp av en högeffekts-fiberlaser vid 946 nm. Upp till 2 W av blått ljus erhölls för bulkkristallerna. Uteffekten begränsades av absorption av det blåa frekvensdubblade ljuset, vilket ledde till urfasning i QPM-gittret p.g.a. termiska effekter. Laserskrivna vågledare tillverkades sedan i PPRKTP för första gången, och en rekordhög effekt på 76 mW erhölls via frekvensdubbling. Slutligen undersöktes stabiliteten hos de periodiskt polade domängitterna vid höga temperaturer. Det är viktigt att domängittrena är stabila när PPRKTP kristallerna används som ympämne för kristalltillväxt. Det visade sig att instabila domänväggar flyttade sig mycket anisotropt, med en snabb rörelse i kristallens y-riktning och en långsam rörelse i kristallens x-riktning. / <p>QC 20170519</p>

Estudo da orientação molecular em filmes automontados de azopolímeros por meio da técnica de geração de segundo harmônico (SHG) / Molecular orientation in self-assembled azo-polymer thin films studied by second harmonic generation (SHG).

Lopes, Fábio Juliano da Silva 17 August 2006 (has links)
Filmes ultrafinos de polímeros que contém azocromóforos são importantes para muitas aplicações como armazenamento óptico, formação de grades de relevo superficiais, alinhamento de camadas de cristal líquido e dispositivos ópticos com propriedades não-lineares. Dentre as muitas técnicas de fabricação de filmes orgânicos ultrafinos, a técnica de Automontagem eletrostática camada a camada (Layer-by-Layer, LBL) é muito atrativa devido a sua simplicidade e versatilidade, permitindo o controle na espessura e na composição dos filmes em escalas nanométricas. Contudo, a completa caracterização estrutural de tais filmes enfrenta dificuldades devido à falta de técnicas experimentais apropriadas. Utilizamos a Geração de Segundo Harmônico (SHG) para estudar a orientação molecular de filmes automontados de um polieletrólito catiônico (PAH - Poli(alilamina hidroclorada)) e um polieletrólito aniônico contendo azocromóforos como grupos laterais (Ma-co-DR13) sobre substrato de vidro. O sinal de SHG é proporcional à susceptibilidade não-linear de segunda ordem do filme, que por sua vez depende da distribuição orientacional dos azocromóforos nesse filme. Os resultados indicam que existem uma orientação preferencial dos azocromóforos, que leva a uma não-linearidade óptica significativa. Entretanto, a intensidade do sinal e a anisotropia não são homogêneas por toda a amostra, indicando a presença de domínios orientacionais, que é verificado por meio da Microscopia a Ângulo de Brewster (BAM). O sinal médio de SHG não aumenta com a espessura do filme, indicando que a ordem orientacional das sucessivas bicamadas são independentes. Analisando o sinal de SHG em função das polarizações de saída e entrada, alguns parâmetros da distribuição orientacional dos azocromóforos podem ser deduzidos. Ajustando as medidas de SHG a uma distribuição modelo concluímos que os cromóforos possuem uma certa distribuição angular com um ângulo médio em relação à superfície do plano de aproximadamente 40° e uma pequena anisotropia ao longo do plano do filme. Utilizamos também o Método da Máxima Entropia (MEM) para determinar a distribuição mais larga possível compatível com nossos dados experimentais e comparar então com a distribuição modelo obtida através dos procedimentos de ajuste. / Ultrathin films of polymers containing azochromophores are important for many applications such as optical data storage, formation of surface relief gratings, liquid crystal alignment layers and non-linear optical devices. Among several techniques for fabricating organic thin films, the Layer-By-Layer electrostatic self-assembly (LBL) is very attractive due to its simplicity and versatility, allowing one to control film thickness and composition in the nanometer scale. However, thorough structural characterization of such films is often difficult due to lack of appropriate experimental techniques. We have used optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) to study the molecular orientation of Layer-by-Layer films of a cationic polyelectrolyte ((PAH - Poly(allylamine hydrochloride)) and a anionic polyelectrolyte containing azochromophores with azo side groups (PAH/Ma-co-DR13) on a glass substrate. The SHG signal is proportional to the second-order nonlinear susceptibility of the film, which in turn depends on the orientational distribution of the azo chromophores in the film. The results indicate that there is a preferential orientation of the azo chromophores in the film, leading to a significant optical nonlinearity. However, both the signal strength and its anisotropy are not homogeneous throughout the sample, indicating the presence of orientational domains. This is verified through Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM). The average SHG signal does not increase with film thickness, indicating that the orientational order of successive bilayers are independent. Analyzing the SHG signal as a function of the input and output polarizations, a few parameters of the azochromophore orientational distribution can be deduced. Fitting the SHG signal to a simple model distribution, we have concluded that the chromophores have an angular distribution with a mean tilt from the surface plane of approximately 41° and a slight in-plane anisotropy. We have also used the Maximum-Entropy Method (MEM) to determine the widest orientational distribution compatible with our data and compared it to the model distribution obtained by the fitting procedure.

De la génération de somme de fréquence à la fluorescence paramétrique dans des nanostructures plasmoniques hybrides / From SFG to SPDC in hybrid plasmonic nanostructures

Chauvet, Nicolas 05 March 2019 (has links)
L'optique non-linéaire étudie des phénomènes capables de modifier la fréquence de la lumière incidente en s'appuyant sur la symétrie intrinsèque de certains matériaux. Le défi actuel de la miniaturisation des composants va de paire avec une perte d'efficacité à l'échelle sub-micrométrique. Pour résoudre ce problème, l'idée explorée au cours de cette thèse consiste à utiliser un phénomène d'oscillation collective des électrons libres d'une nanostructure en métal, appelé résonance plasmon de surface localisé. Cet effet est associé à une exaltation du champ au voisinage immédiat d'une structure plasmonique, une propriété adaptée pour augmenter l'efficacité non-linéaire d'un matériau placé non loin. Les objectifs principaux de ma thèse consistaient à fabriquer ces objets hybrides, à développer une plate-forme expérimentale polyvalente capable de réaliser différents types d'observation à l'échelle de la particule unique, puis à analyser leur génération de second harmonique (SHG). Ces travaux ont abouti à l'obtention de structures hybrides non-linéaires efficaces, dont l'intensité SHG atteint jusqu'à 100 fois celle d'une antenne plasmonique isolée et jusqu'à plus de 1000 fois celle d'un nanocristal non-linéaire unique, confirmant l'intérêt de ces structures. Nous avons aussi tenté d'observer de la fluorescence paramétrique (SPDC) dans une nanostructure individuelle, une prouesse encore inachevée dans le monde; si nos études n'ont pas davantage abouti, elles esquissent des pistes d'amélioration pour y parvenir, et un modèle numérique innovant développé dans l'équipe annonce un rendement compatible avec des observations. Enfin, une source de photons intriqués a été développée dans le cadre d'une collaboration sur l'intelligence artificielle dans des systèmes physiques et constitue une perspective envisageable d'application pour les travaux précédents. Ces résultats ouvrent potentiellement la voie à l'amélioration de l'éfficacité et de la fiabilité des algorithmes IA actuels. / Nonlinear optics study phenomena able to modify the frequency of incoming light by using intrinsic symmetry properties of some materials. The current challenge of component miniaturization goes with an efficiency drop at the sub-micrometer scale. To solve this issue, the idea we have explored during my PhD consists in using a collective oscillation phenomenon from free electrons in a metal structure called localized surface plasmon resonance. This effect is indeed linked to an enhancement of the electromagnetic field near a plasmonic structure, a property well suited to increase the nonlinear efficiency of a material placed beside. The main objectives of my PhD consisted in fabricating these hybrid objects, developing a versatile experimental platform able to make different kinds of observations at the single particle level, and finally analyzing their second harmonic generation (SHG). This work has managed to produce efficient nonlinear hybrid structures, whose SHG intensity is up to 100 times that of an isolated plasmonic antenna and up to 1000 times that of a single nonlinear nanocrystal, confirming the potential of this type of structures. We have also tried to detect spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) in a single nanostructure, a never-achieved feat that has yet to be done; although our study wasn't successful, it gives hints to improve experiments, even more since a cutting edge numerical model developed in our team has predicted intensities compatible with observations. Finally, an entangled photon source has been developed in the framework of a collaboration on artificial intelligence in physical systems and is a reachable perspective for potential applications of our work. These results pave the way to improving efficiency and liability of current AI algorithms.

Moteurs Moléculaires Cristallins Photo-pilotés

Lemouchi, Cyprien 14 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'engouement aujourd'hui pour la manipulation des propriétés électriques des supraconducteurs moléculaires dans le domaine des matériaux, nous a conduit à installer des gyroscopes au sein du cristal, pour que la propriété dynamique puisse moduler l'environnement électrostatique pouvant déboucher vers un nouvel ordre de charge et des structures ferroélectriques. Une machine moléculaire qui possède un rotor, un axe de rotation et des stators tel que le 1,4-diéthynylbicyclo[2,2,2]octane, a été choisie pour sa particularité à interagir avec la lumière, que l'on organise au sein du solide, sous forme de monocristaux appelés moteurs cristallins. La RMN CP/MAS sur poudre cristalline et monocristal a permis de caractériser le mouvement du rotor. Le développement d'une approche cristalline ajouté à la fonctionnalisation des rotors ont permis leur auto-assemblage et leur installation dans des architectures ouvertes organisées autour de cation métalliques (MOF,PCP,), ce qui a permis l'élaboration de matériaux multifonctionnels, dotés de la fonction dynamique, aux propriétés de conductivité ou de transition spin (SCO-MOF). Finalement, l'étude de systèmes cristallins dynamiques de basse dimentionnalité en optique non linéaire a permis de mettre en évidence le phénomène de photo-pilotage des gyroscopes par la lumière au sein du solide. le développement de systèmes plus élaborés permettra de mieux comprendre ce phénomène afin de l'utiliser dans des applications industrielles.

Harmonic generation microscopy with an optical parametric oscillator on dental section

Lin, Chin-Jen 06 July 2003 (has links)
In this study we demonstrate the use of third harmonic (TH) and second harmonic (SH) generation in imaging dental sections. Teeth are the hardest and most indestructible part in human body. The TH and SH greatly facilitate observation of porous structures and collagen within the dental sections, respectively. Strong SH has been found on various biological specimens, such as collagen, potato starch, and skeletal muscles. These materials all possess periodical nano-structures that are often referred as (nonlinear) bio-photonic structures. In particular, collagen is an extra-cellular structural protein and is a major component of bone, cartilage, skin, and other tissues. Collagen fibrils have a triple-helical structure and it is believed that this structure enables collagen to generate SH signal from a wide range of wavelengths in the infrared region. For comparison, microtubule structures within dentin, due to its large index mismatch with surrounding, can be clearly seen with THG imaging. The THG also facilitate observation of prismatic structures in enamel. The successful construction of a multi-photon laser scanning microscope that can operate in both reflection and transmission modes is the key for this study. A femtosecond, sync-pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is used to generate second and third harmonics from dental sections. Dental sections have large index of refraction¡]n~1.68¡^and scatter visible light severely. The employment of excitation wavelength at 1260 nm greatly reduces scattering and absorption within the sample. Its corresponding SH and TH wavelengths are at 630 nm and 420 nm, respectively. Additionally, 3-D structural views are also reconstructed from the optically sectioned images by the use of specialized 3D image processing software.

Estudo da orientação molecular em filmes automontados de azopolímeros por meio da técnica de geração de segundo harmônico (SHG) / Molecular orientation in self-assembled azo-polymer thin films studied by second harmonic generation (SHG).

Fábio Juliano da Silva Lopes 17 August 2006 (has links)
Filmes ultrafinos de polímeros que contém azocromóforos são importantes para muitas aplicações como armazenamento óptico, formação de grades de relevo superficiais, alinhamento de camadas de cristal líquido e dispositivos ópticos com propriedades não-lineares. Dentre as muitas técnicas de fabricação de filmes orgânicos ultrafinos, a técnica de Automontagem eletrostática camada a camada (Layer-by-Layer, LBL) é muito atrativa devido a sua simplicidade e versatilidade, permitindo o controle na espessura e na composição dos filmes em escalas nanométricas. Contudo, a completa caracterização estrutural de tais filmes enfrenta dificuldades devido à falta de técnicas experimentais apropriadas. Utilizamos a Geração de Segundo Harmônico (SHG) para estudar a orientação molecular de filmes automontados de um polieletrólito catiônico (PAH - Poli(alilamina hidroclorada)) e um polieletrólito aniônico contendo azocromóforos como grupos laterais (Ma-co-DR13) sobre substrato de vidro. O sinal de SHG é proporcional à susceptibilidade não-linear de segunda ordem do filme, que por sua vez depende da distribuição orientacional dos azocromóforos nesse filme. Os resultados indicam que existem uma orientação preferencial dos azocromóforos, que leva a uma não-linearidade óptica significativa. Entretanto, a intensidade do sinal e a anisotropia não são homogêneas por toda a amostra, indicando a presença de domínios orientacionais, que é verificado por meio da Microscopia a Ângulo de Brewster (BAM). O sinal médio de SHG não aumenta com a espessura do filme, indicando que a ordem orientacional das sucessivas bicamadas são independentes. Analisando o sinal de SHG em função das polarizações de saída e entrada, alguns parâmetros da distribuição orientacional dos azocromóforos podem ser deduzidos. Ajustando as medidas de SHG a uma distribuição modelo concluímos que os cromóforos possuem uma certa distribuição angular com um ângulo médio em relação à superfície do plano de aproximadamente 40° e uma pequena anisotropia ao longo do plano do filme. Utilizamos também o Método da Máxima Entropia (MEM) para determinar a distribuição mais larga possível compatível com nossos dados experimentais e comparar então com a distribuição modelo obtida através dos procedimentos de ajuste. / Ultrathin films of polymers containing azochromophores are important for many applications such as optical data storage, formation of surface relief gratings, liquid crystal alignment layers and non-linear optical devices. Among several techniques for fabricating organic thin films, the Layer-By-Layer electrostatic self-assembly (LBL) is very attractive due to its simplicity and versatility, allowing one to control film thickness and composition in the nanometer scale. However, thorough structural characterization of such films is often difficult due to lack of appropriate experimental techniques. We have used optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) to study the molecular orientation of Layer-by-Layer films of a cationic polyelectrolyte ((PAH - Poly(allylamine hydrochloride)) and a anionic polyelectrolyte containing azochromophores with azo side groups (PAH/Ma-co-DR13) on a glass substrate. The SHG signal is proportional to the second-order nonlinear susceptibility of the film, which in turn depends on the orientational distribution of the azo chromophores in the film. The results indicate that there is a preferential orientation of the azo chromophores in the film, leading to a significant optical nonlinearity. However, both the signal strength and its anisotropy are not homogeneous throughout the sample, indicating the presence of orientational domains. This is verified through Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM). The average SHG signal does not increase with film thickness, indicating that the orientational order of successive bilayers are independent. Analyzing the SHG signal as a function of the input and output polarizations, a few parameters of the azochromophore orientational distribution can be deduced. Fitting the SHG signal to a simple model distribution, we have concluded that the chromophores have an angular distribution with a mean tilt from the surface plane of approximately 41° and a slight in-plane anisotropy. We have also used the Maximum-Entropy Method (MEM) to determine the widest orientational distribution compatible with our data and compared it to the model distribution obtained by the fitting procedure.

Génération de second harmonique sous pointe métallique : vers un nouveau type de microscopie optique à sonde locale / Second harmonic generation induced at a metallic tip : towards a new concept of scanning probe optical microscopy

Berline, Ivan 19 October 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le contexte des microscopies optiques à très haute résolution. Nous proposons un nouveau concept de sonde active pour la microscopie optique en champ proche (SNOM), exploitant les effets de génération de second harmonique (SHG) de molécules. L’idée développée vise à s'affranchir de l’une des principales limitations des sondes actives fluorescentes réalisées jusqu'à présent : l'accrochage des sondes à l'extrémité de la pointe SNOM, étape toujours délicate et souvent peu fiable. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en œuvre une technique qui consiste à utiliser la localisation du champ électrique au sein d’une jonction pointe métallique-substrat conducteur immergée dans une solution de molécules non-linéaires dipolaires. L’interaction champ-molécules entraine l’orientation locale un nano-volume de ces molécules dont l’excitation par un laser permet ensuite la génération d’un signal de second harmonique. Après avoir validé ce concept dit de « nano-EFISHG » (Electric Field Induced SHG) nous avons conçu un nouveau banc expérimental, dédié à l'imagerie de second harmonique haute résolution : celui-ci a permis d'obtenir les premières images présentant un contraste de second harmonique sur un échantillon structuré à l'échelle micronique.Nous avons ensuite travaillé à l’optimisation de la résolution de l’expérience mise en place : nous avons notamment démontré la possibilité de tirer parti d’effets d’exaltation locale du champ électromagnétique se produisant à l'extrémité de pointes ou de nano-objets métalliques. L’extrapolation des résultats obtenus montre que de telles exaltations devraient permettre d’atteindre des résolutions de l’ordre de 50 nm. / This work was achieved within the context of high resolution optical microscopy. We propose a new concept of active probe for near-field optical microscopy (SNOM), exploiting the effect of second harmonic generation (SHG) of molecules. The idea intends to avoid one of the main limitations of currently developed fluorescent active probes: the anchoring of the probes at the end of a SNOM tip which is a very delicate and often unreliable step. The technique implemented here consists in using the electric field localization in a metallic tip – conducting substrate junction immersed in a solution containing dipolar non-linear molecules. The interaction between the molecules and the electric field gives rise to the local orientation of a nano-volume of these molecules whose excitation by a laser allows generation of a second harmonic signal.After validation of this concept named as “nanoEFISHG” (Electric Field Induced SHG) we have designed a new experimental setup, dedicated to high resolution second harmonic imaging. Successful implementation of this setup has leaded to the recording of the first images presenting a second harmonic contrast on a sample structured at the micronic scale. Next step has consisted in working towards optimization of the experimental resolution: we have especially study the possibility of taking advantages of local field enhancement effects occurring at metallic nano-structures or sharp tip’s apex. The extrapolation of the obtained results shows that such effects should allow to reach resolutions about 50 nm.


Lu, Baozhu, 0000-0002-5935-7173 January 2020 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of nonlinear optical techniques and the measurement of topological properties of the Weyl semimetals. The first portion of this thesis describes technical developments of the nonlinear optical spectroscopic probes rotational anisotropy second harmonic generation (RA-SHG) and transient grating. In our work on SHG, we describe a fast-reflective optic-based rotational anisotropy nonlinear harmonic generation spectrometer built upon synchronization of stepper motors and a voice-coil fast turning motor with data recorded by a data acquisition card. This device enables fast accumulation of significantly more data points than traditional SHG spectrometers and further allows spectral measurement over a broad wavelength range to be performed without optical realignment. We then describe the Fourier domain RA-SHG, allows direct measurements of the RA-SHG signal components of Cn symmetry. This method is based on the fast scanning RA-SHG device described above and operates by recording the nth harmonics of the fast scanning signal using a lock-in amplifier. Finally, we describe a novel method of performing transient grating measurements based on low power laser diodes, a laser diode pulser, a digital delay generator, and a data acquisition card. The RA-SHG technique was applied to the chiral Weyl semimetal RhSi, where a spectrum of the sole SHG tensor element χ(2) i jk was measured over the unprecedented 0.275-1.5 eV incoming photon energy range. Our data shows evidence of a strong surface state response and are detailed enough to reveal the second order corrections to the linear band structure as well as the Pauli blocking condition which was observed to occur at ∼630 meV. We also describe measurements of the linear photogalvanic effect (LPGE) and circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) in RhSi deriving from topological Fermi arc states. While the magnitude of the CPGE response broadly matched theoretical predictions, the data also exhibit an inexplicably high degree of symmetry in the response as a function of incoming polarization in both CPGE and LPGE channels. Collaborative work on the SHG spectrum from TaAs is also described, from which we attribute the origin of the SHG response peak to the third cumulant of the Bloch wavefunction. Further collaborative studies of the CPGE in RhSi (111) revealed a response that was likely due to the topological band structure, but that also shows that the theoretically predicted quantized CPGE was not observed due to impurities and from contributions from sources other than the Weyl nodes. Finally, we briefly summarized how the crystal structure of PrAlGe1-xSix was revealed to be non-centrosymmetric using the RA-SHG technique. Transition from intrinsic to extrinsic anomalous Hall effect by tuning the dopant concentration x was studied in this ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal. / Physics

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