Spelling suggestions: "subject:"shielding.""
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Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas metavulcânicas máficas e ultramáficas do complexo metamórfico Brusque, região Serra da Miséria, Itapema, SCCampos, Roberto Sacks de January 2007 (has links)
O Complexo Metamórfico Brusque (CMB) é uma das principais unidades do Cinturão Tijucas em Santa Catarina. Na região de Itapema este complexo é composto por uma associação de metassedimentos com ocorrência subordinada de rochas metavulcânicas máficas e ultramáficas. Estas rochas estão expostas na forma de quatro corpos principais com espessuras métricas a decimétricas intercalados com metapelitos, quartzitos e xistos calci-silicáticos. As rochas máficas estão representadas por metabasaltos e anfibólio xistos e as rochas ultramáficas por xistos magnesianos, sendo interpretadas como fluxos máficos interacamadados. São reconhecidas texturas blastoporfiríticas e blastoamigdaloidais. Geoquimicamente são reconhecidas duas suítes vulcânicas compostas por basaltos toleíticos e basaltos komatiíticos do tipo hiperstênionormativo e com distinta composição de elementos traços. A composição geoquímica e os padrões de elementos traços mantélicos normalizados apresentam feições características de basaltos toleíticos continentais e sugerem fontes mantélicas enriquecidas em elementos crustais. As relações de campo, geoquímicas e a composição dos protólitos indicam que os corpos de rochas máficas e ultramáficas estudados foram provavelmente originados no mesmo ambiente tectônico. Estes corpos representam episódios vulcânicos gerados em um ritf continental de idade paleo a mesoproterozóica. Dentro do contexto regional, a formação das unidades vulcânicas e dos metassedimentos do Complexo Metamórfico Brusque marca um período de fragmentação da antiga crosta continental Paleoproterozóica representada nesta região pelos gnaisses do Complexo Granulítico de Santa Catarina e do Complexo Camboriú. / Brusque Metamorphic Complex is one of main units of the Tijucas belt in Santa Catarina. In Itapema region this complex is composed by metasedimentary association with subordinate presence of mafic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic units are exposing like four bodies of metric to decametric thickness interlayered with metapelites, quartzites and calc-silicate schists. The mafic rocks are represented by metabasalts and amphibole schists and the ultramafic rocks by magnesian schists. These rocks are interpreted as interlayered mafic flows. Blastoporphyritic and blastoamigdaloidal textures are recognized in metabasalts. Geochemically are identified two volcanic suites composed by tholeiitic basalts and komatiitic basalts of hy-normative type with distinct trace elements characteristic. The chemical composition and normalized mantelic trace elements present typical features of continental tholeiitic basalts and suggests crustal elements enriched mantelic sources. The field relations, geochemistry and protolith composition indicates that studied mafic and ultramafic bodies were probably originated in the same tectonic environment. These bodies represent volcanic episodes generated in a continental rift of paleo to mesoproterozoic age. Into the regional context, the formation of volcanogenic and metasedimentary units of Brusque Metamorphic Complex mark a period of fragmentation of ancient paleoproterozoic continental crust represented in this region by gneisses of Santa Catarina Granulitic Complex and by Camboriú Complex.
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Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas metavulcânicas máficas e ultramáficas do complexo metamórfico Brusque, região Serra da Miséria, Itapema, SCCampos, Roberto Sacks de January 2007 (has links)
O Complexo Metamórfico Brusque (CMB) é uma das principais unidades do Cinturão Tijucas em Santa Catarina. Na região de Itapema este complexo é composto por uma associação de metassedimentos com ocorrência subordinada de rochas metavulcânicas máficas e ultramáficas. Estas rochas estão expostas na forma de quatro corpos principais com espessuras métricas a decimétricas intercalados com metapelitos, quartzitos e xistos calci-silicáticos. As rochas máficas estão representadas por metabasaltos e anfibólio xistos e as rochas ultramáficas por xistos magnesianos, sendo interpretadas como fluxos máficos interacamadados. São reconhecidas texturas blastoporfiríticas e blastoamigdaloidais. Geoquimicamente são reconhecidas duas suítes vulcânicas compostas por basaltos toleíticos e basaltos komatiíticos do tipo hiperstênionormativo e com distinta composição de elementos traços. A composição geoquímica e os padrões de elementos traços mantélicos normalizados apresentam feições características de basaltos toleíticos continentais e sugerem fontes mantélicas enriquecidas em elementos crustais. As relações de campo, geoquímicas e a composição dos protólitos indicam que os corpos de rochas máficas e ultramáficas estudados foram provavelmente originados no mesmo ambiente tectônico. Estes corpos representam episódios vulcânicos gerados em um ritf continental de idade paleo a mesoproterozóica. Dentro do contexto regional, a formação das unidades vulcânicas e dos metassedimentos do Complexo Metamórfico Brusque marca um período de fragmentação da antiga crosta continental Paleoproterozóica representada nesta região pelos gnaisses do Complexo Granulítico de Santa Catarina e do Complexo Camboriú. / Brusque Metamorphic Complex is one of main units of the Tijucas belt in Santa Catarina. In Itapema region this complex is composed by metasedimentary association with subordinate presence of mafic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic units are exposing like four bodies of metric to decametric thickness interlayered with metapelites, quartzites and calc-silicate schists. The mafic rocks are represented by metabasalts and amphibole schists and the ultramafic rocks by magnesian schists. These rocks are interpreted as interlayered mafic flows. Blastoporphyritic and blastoamigdaloidal textures are recognized in metabasalts. Geochemically are identified two volcanic suites composed by tholeiitic basalts and komatiitic basalts of hy-normative type with distinct trace elements characteristic. The chemical composition and normalized mantelic trace elements present typical features of continental tholeiitic basalts and suggests crustal elements enriched mantelic sources. The field relations, geochemistry and protolith composition indicates that studied mafic and ultramafic bodies were probably originated in the same tectonic environment. These bodies represent volcanic episodes generated in a continental rift of paleo to mesoproterozoic age. Into the regional context, the formation of volcanogenic and metasedimentary units of Brusque Metamorphic Complex mark a period of fragmentation of ancient paleoproterozoic continental crust represented in this region by gneisses of Santa Catarina Granulitic Complex and by Camboriú Complex.
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Europa enquanto condicionante da política externa e de segurança da Rússia : o papel da defesa antimíssilPiccolli, Larlecianne January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho se propôs a efetuar uma análise estratégica do peso da Europa como condicionante da Política Externa e de Segurança (PES) da Rússia, com ênfase ao papel cumprido pelo escudo antimíssil (NMD na Europa). Para tanto, procurou-se resenhar de forma muito breve as relações da Rússia com a Europa no pós Guerra Fria: a guerra do Kosovo (1999), a guerra da Geórgia (2008) e situação da Ucrânia e Mar Negro (2011). Por sua vez os projetos de cooperação entre os países da Europa e a Rússia são examinados com mais vagar. E, por outro lado, analisa-se o escudo antimíssil no seu estágio atual e o cronograma de sua implementação nos termos anunciados em 2012. Constatou-se que de fato a Europa exerce peso considerável na elaboração da política externa russa como um todo, que o aspecto crítico da relação com a Europa é a defesa antimíssil, que o principal ponto de cooperação para além de infraestrutura energética é o centro de inovação e tecnologia de Skolkovo. Conclui-se que no pós Guerra Fria são seguidas as linhas gerais da política externa da Rússia pré-revolucionária e da URSS, o que é descrito como o marco Defensivo-Reativo-Utilitário (DRU). Além disso, que a principal prioridade da PES da Rússia é sua manutenção enquanto grande potência (daí a importância de reter capacidade nuclear de segundo ataque); priorizar os fóruns multilaterais e empenhar-se na construção de um equilíbrio multipolar. Estas constatações serviram para convalidar a percepção acerca do papel da Europa como condicionante da política externa russa: seja para manter-se enquanto grande potência, para ter peso as decisões dos fóruns multilaterais ou ainda para consolidação da multipolaridade, importa para a Rússia uma Europa livre de ingerências extracontinentais. / This work aimed to do a preliminary assessment about the weight of Europe as being a determinant to Russian’s Foreign and Security Policy, with emphasis on the role played by the missile shield (NMD) in Europe. Therefore, we tried to do a briefly review of Russia's relations with Europe in the post-Cold War: the Kosovo’s War (1999), the Georgia’s War (2008) and the situation in Ukraine and the Black Sea Region (2011). In turn, the cooperation projects between European countries and Russia are examined more carefully. And, on the other hand, we analyze the missile shield in its current state and its implementation schedule pursuant announced in 2012. It has been found that in fact Europe has considerable weight in the development of Russia’s foreign policy as a whole, that the critical aspect of the relationship with Europe is the missile defense, that the main point of cooperation beyond energy infrastructure is the Skolkovo’s Center of Innovation and Technology. We conclude that the general lines of external politics in the pre-revolutionary Russia and the USSR are followed in the post-Cold War, which is described as the landmark-Reactive-Defensive Utility (RDU) In addition, the main priority of the Russia’s Foreign and Security Policy is the maintenance of it’s great power status (hence the importance of retaining nuclear second strike capability); prioritize multilateral forums and be engage in building a multipolar balance. These findings served to validate the perception about the role of Europe as a condition of Russia’s foreign policy: whether to maintain itself as a great power, to take the weight of the decisions multilateral forums, or to consolidate multipolarity, it matters to Russia an Europe free from extra continental interference.
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Datação 40K-40Ar de Ilitas associadas a processos hidrotermais em regiões mineralizadas: uma aplicação nas Minas do Camaquã (Bacia do Camaquã, sul do Brasil)Canarim, Denise Moreira January 2013 (has links)
As Minas do Camaquã são compostas pelas Minas Uruguay e São Luiz, foram produtoras de Cu e localizam-se no extremo sul do Brasil (na região do Escudo Sul-rio-grandense) na chamada Bacia do Camaquã (Neoproterorozoico ao Paleozoico). A região das Minas do Camaquã é classicamente conhecida como “Janela Bom Jardim” e já foi objeto de diversos estudos porém ainda persistem dúvidas principalmente quanto a gênese do minério e a sua relação temporal. As mineralizações ocorrem alojadas em falhas e como disseminações nos arenitos e conglomerados do Alogrupo Santa Bárbara desta Bacia. Os sulfetos presentes incluem a paragênese composta por calcopirita, bornita, calcocita e pirita, aparecendo o Au e a Ag como principais subprodutos. Na Mina Uruguay destaca-se a presença de um conglomerado com seixos zonados de composição granítica decorrentes dos processos de alteração hidrotermal atuantes nessas rochas. Amostras desses seixos foram coletadas em testemunhos de sondagem e analisados por petrografia, por difratometria de raios X e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrando a presença de alteração hidrotermal de composição ilítica principalmente na porção mais central dos seixos. Assim, em 4 amostras coletadas em diferentes profundidades nos testemunhos foram separadas diferentes frações granulométricas (<1; <0,2; <0,3; >0,1<0,4; <0,4 mμ). Estas frações, ricas em ilita foram datadas pelo método 40K-40Ar e obteve-se diferentes idades (507,41 ± 10.37; 486,74 ± 9,96; 466,23 ± 9,54; 465,92 ± 9,48; 396,84 ± 8,1 e 250,61 ± 5,38 Ma). São então reconhecidos três grupos de idades: - 507,41 ± 10.37 a 465,92 ± 9,48 (Cambro-Ordoviciano); - 396,84 ± 8,1 (Devoniano); - 250,61 ± 5,38 (Triássico). O primeiro grupo foi relacionado aos processos hidrotermais geradores do minério na região com idades coerentes com dados geocronológicos já existentes. O segundo e terceiro grupo foram interpretados como o registro de atividades tectônica marcadas pelos falhamentos presentes em toda região ou pela reativação desses falhamentos. Conclui-se então que a datação 40K-40Ar de ilitas hidrotermais resulta em dados significativos para a interpretação de regiões mineralizadas. / The Camaquã Mines (consisting of the Uruguay and São Luiz Mines) are former producers of Cu and are located on the southern edge of Brazil (in the Sul- Rio-Grandense Shield region) in the Camaquã Basin (Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic). The Camaquã Mines region is classically known as the “Bom Jardim Window” and has been the subject of many studies. However questions still remain regarding the genesis of the ore and its temporal relationships. Mineralization occurs in faults and as disseminations in the sandstones and conglomerates of the Santa Bárbara Allogroup of this Basin. The sulfides present include the paragenesis composed of chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite and pyrite, with Au and Ag appearing as the main byproducts. The presence of a conglomerate with zoned pebbles of granitic composition resulting from the hydrothermal alteration processes acting on these rocks is highlighted in the Uruguay Mine. Samples from these pebbles were collected from drill cores and analyzed by petrography, x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy, showing hydrothermal alteration of illitic composition, mainly in the innermost portion of the pebbles. Thus, in 4 samples collected from different boring depths, different particle-size fractions were separated (<1, <0.2, <0.3, >0.1<0.4, <0.4 mμ). These fractions, which were rich in illite, were dated by the 40K- 40Ar method, and different ages were obtained (507.41 ± 10.37, 486.74 ± 9.96, 466.23 ± 9.54, 465.92 ± 9.48, 396.84 ± 8.1 and 250.61 ± 5.38 Ma), resulting in the recognition of the following three age groups: - 507.41 ± 10.37 to 465.92 ± 9.48 (Cambro-Ordovician), - 396.84 ± 8.1 (Devonian), - 250.61 ± 5.38 (Triassic). The first group was related to the hydrothermal processes generating the ore in the region, showing ages consistent with existing geochronological data. The second and third groups were interpreted as records of tectonic activity marked by the faulting existing in the entire region or the reactivation of these faults. These findings demonstrate that 40K-40Ar dating of hydrothermal illites results in data that are significant for the interpretation of mineralized regions.
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Alcoolisme au féminin, maternité et processus de différenciation : une étude à partir de la prise en charge de mères de plus de cinquante ans lors du départ de leur enfant du foyer / Female alcoholism, motherhood and process of differentiation : a study from the care and management of 50 year-old women as their child leave the family homeGuiguet-Boulogne, Lydie 26 January 2016 (has links)
Certaines femmes alcooliques consultent pour leur problème d'alcool quand leurs enfants, grands adolescents ou jeunes adultes, prennent leur indépendance. Elles interrogent donc une problématique de dépendance – leur dépendance à un produit – quand leurs enfants prennent leur autonomie.L'hypothèse générale de cette recherche est que pour les femmes alcooliques, la séparation avec les enfants quittant le domicile familial réactiverait les enjeux de séparation-individuation impliqués également dans la dépendance à l'alcool. La concomitance des demandes d'arrêt d'alcool et d'aide pour se séparer des enfants serait due à un soi indifférencié, conséquence de processus de séparation-individuation entravés précocement. Le soi de la femme alcoolique est un soi peu différencié de sa famille d'origine, un « soi-famille » en lieu et place d'un soi individuel, qui se réactualise dans la famille actuelle.La méthode de cette recherche repose sur trois cas cliniques issus de prises en charge sur plusieurs années en addictologie, ainsi que sur l’utilisation de dessins libres de l'arbre généalogique, de données d'une recherche hospitalière et d'un matériel littéraire. Un premier axe d'analyse du matériel clinique porte sur le type de relations que la femme alcoolique a avec ses parents, avec son conjoint et avec ses enfants. Un deuxième axe étudie la fonction de la consommation d'alcool pour la mère alcoolique dans les enjeux de séparation-individuation. Un troisième axe analyse les manifestations d’un « soi-famille » chez la patiente, en lieu et place d'un soi individuel. Cette étude montre les différentes formes que peut prendre le « soi-famille » chez la femme alcoolique lors du départ des enfants du domicile familial, et l'intérêt de l'approche familiale quand une mère souffre d'alcoolisme.Les résultats de cette recherche mettent en évidence l'aspect indifférencié du soi des mères alcooliques, qui tend vers une lente différenciation, et vers l'émergence d'une position féminine. / Certain alcoholic women consult for their drinking problem when their children, old teenagers or young adults,take their independence. Thus they question a problem of dependence - their dependence on one product - when their children achieve their independence.The general hypothesis of this research is that for alcoholic women, the separation with the children leaving the family home would reactivate the issues of separation-individuation also implied in alcohol addiction. The concomitance of their desire to stop alcohol and their need for help to part from their children would be due to a self undifferentiated, consequence of the process of separation-individuation hindered prematurely. The self of the alcoholic woman is a self little differentiated from her family of origin, one "family self" instead of an individualself, which revives itself into the current family.The method of this research is based on the analysis of three clinical cases stemming of many years care in addictology, free drawings of the family tree, data of a hospital research and some literary material. A first axis of analysis concerns the type of relations whom the alcoholic woman has with her parents, with her spouse and with her children. The second axis studies the function of alcohol consumption for the alcoholic mother in the issue of separation-individuation. The third axis analyzes the expression of one "family self" in the patient, instead of an individual self. This study shows the different aspects which the "family self" in alcoholic women as their children leave then family home can take, and the benefit of the family approach when a mother suffers from alcoholism.The results of this research highlight the undifferentiated aspect of the self of the alcoholic mothers, who aims towards a slow differentiation, and towards an emergence of a feminine position.
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Dataskyddsförordningens tillämplighet vid personuppgiftshantering i molntjänster : En studie av Dataskyddsförordningen, utifrån perspektivet användande av molntjänster / The applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation when processing personal data in cloud services : A study of the General Data Protection Regulation, from the perspective of the use of cloud servicesJohnsson, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
För att förbättra säkerhetsarbetet och för att skapa harmonisering inom EU vad gäller skydd av personuppgifter antogs i april år 2016 en ny EU-förordning om dataskydd, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), även benämnd Dataskyddsförordningen. Förordningen börjar gälla som lag i Sverige först den 25 maj år 2018. Införandet av förordningen kommer innebära att Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 95/46/EG av den 24 oktober 1995 om skydd för enskilda personer med avseende på behandling av personuppgifter och om det fria flödet av sådana uppgifter samt Personuppgiftslagen (1998:204) (PUL) upphör att gälla. Det huvudsakliga syftet med Dataskyddsförordningen är att ytterligare harmonisera och effektivisera skyddet av personuppgifter för att förbättra den inre marknadens funktion samt att öka den enskildas kontroll över sina personuppgifter. Dataskyddsförordningen är direkt tillämplig som lag i samtliga medlemsländer och kommer efter ikraftträdande utgöra grunden för generell personuppgiftsbehandling inom hela EU. Det har under de senaste åren blivit allt mer vanligt att företag, organisationer, kommuner och myndigheter använder sig av molntjänster. Molntjänster är intressanta ur ett juridiskt perspektiv eftersom de mest uppmärksammade juridiska frågeställningarna angående molntjänster är frågor hänförliga till hantering av personuppgifter och säkerhet. I uppsatsen redogörs för införandet av Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR) utifrån perspektivet företags, organisationer, kommuners och myndigheters användande av molntjänster. I uppsatsen beskrivs även molntjänsters funktioner och egenskaper. Dataskyddsförordningen är nyligen antagen och utgör ännu inte svensk lag, förordningen baseras däremot i stora delar på Dataskyddsdirektivets innehåll och struktur. Dataskyddsdirektivet och PUL studeras därför i uppsatsen för att få en förståelse för bestämmelserna i Dataskyddsförordningen. Molntjänster finns i flera olika tekniska lösningar och är även gränsöverskridande, vilket innebär att användande av molntjänster i vissa fall innebär att personuppgifter överförs till ett tredje land. Uppsatsen behandlar därmed tillämpliga bestämmelser avseende överföringar av personuppgifter till tredje land. Uppsatsen avslutas med en analys och en slutsats. I slutsatsen konstateras att förordningen ger ett förstärkt skydd för den registrerade vid hantering av personuppgifter i molntjänster samt att förordningens utökade territoriella tillämpningsområde innebär att förordningen är bättre anpassad till molntjänstanvändande. Vidare konstateras i slutsatsen att rättsläget för överföringar av personuppgifter till USA med stöd av Privacy Shield-överenskommelsen för närvarande är osäkert.
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Etude comparative de l'investissement psychique de l'habitat en France et aux Etats-Unis / Comparative study of psychic investment in housing in France and the United StatesMortet, Jérôme 10 February 2015 (has links)
En cette période de mondialisation des modes d’habitation et d’uniformisation desagencements de l’espace, est-ce qu’il subsiste des différences au niveau du fonctionnementfamilial dans les pays occidentaux ? Et si ces différences subsistent, comment se transposent-ellessur l’habitat réel ? Ainsi cette recherche universitaire propose une étude comparative del’investissement psychologique de l’habitat entre la France et les Etats-Unis. Le test projectifnommé « l’épreuve familiale de spatiographie projective » élaboré par Patrice Cuynet (1999-2000) a pour objectif de comprendre l’image du corps familial à travers l’analyse du dessincollectif de leur maison de rêve. Ce test a été administré à 30 familles françaises et 30familles américaines. Nous sommes partis du postulat que l’habitat est une enveloppe, unepeau réelle et fantasmée de la famille (A. Eiguer, 1983) qui fonctionne comme le Moi-peau(D. Anzieu, 1985). Grâce à cette méthodologie, nous allons pouvoir établir un diagnostic surla structuration familiale et comparer les résultats obtenus en France et aux Etats-Unis. / In this current period of globalization of the housing arrangements and of thestandardization in the space layouts, are some differences subsisting in the family functioningin western societies? And if these differences remain, how do they reflect on the real housingenvironment? This thesis will approach a comparative study of the psychological investmentof the housing environment between France and the United States. The projective test named" the family test of spatiography projective " developed by Patrice Cuynet (1999-2000) set outto gain a better understanding of the image of the family body through the analysis of thecollective drawing of their dream house. This test was assigned to 30 French families and 30American families. We started from the postulate that the housing environment is anenvelope, a real skin and fantasized over the family (In. Eiguer on 1983) which works as theEgo-skin (D. Anzieu on 1985). Thanks to this methodology, we are going to be able toestablish a diagnosis on the family structuring and compare the results obtained in Franceand in the United States.
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Svařování rámů dveří pekařských pecí / Welding of baker´s furnaces casingsŠurýn, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This thesis made in the frame of my engineer studies is focused on technologic process of welding the door-case of bakery ovens. The project will suggest and rate used based material and then the choice of filler material, methods, welding characteristics and welding procedure. At the conclusion of the thesis is brief economical analysis.
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Vulkanismus plání v oblasti Tharsis na Marsu: Stáří a reologické vlastnosti vyvřelých hornin / Plains volcanism in Tharsis region on Mars: Ages and Rheology of Eruption ProductsBrož, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Plains volcanism in Tharsis region on Mars: Ages and Rheology of Eruption Products Remote sensing data show clusters of low shield volcanoes in Tharsis volcanic province on Mars (Hauber et al., 2009). These low shield volcanoes and associated landforms are comparable with terrestrial plain-style volcanic products (Plescia, 1981) as defined by Greeley (1982) in the Snake River Plain in Idaho, which represents an intermediate style of volcanic activity ranging between flood basalts and the Hawaiian shields. While a number of recent studies addressed some aspects of low shield volcanoes, in particular their morphology, morphometry, and lava rheology, no systematic study including the chronology for the entire region of Tharsis is available so far. The goal of this work is to determine relative and absolute ages of low shield volcanoes and surrounding lava flows and their basic rheological properties. We used crater size-frequency distribution method (CSFD) developed by Hartman and Neukum (2001) and Ivanov (2001) for determination of absolute dating of the surface. For calculation of the rheological properties of the lava, we used methods established by Hiesinger et al. (2007). It is known that the low shield volcanoes on Mars consist of basaltic lavas that had low viscosities during their effusion, which can...
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Kommersiella aktörers tredjelandsöverföring av personuppgifter efter Schrems II : GDPR-efterlevnad efter EU-domstolens ogiltigförklarande av Privacy Shield, och EU-domstolens uttalanden om acceptabel lägsta nivå för skyddet av personuppgifter / Transfers of personal data to third countries for commercial purposes, post Schrems II : – GDPR compliance after EU-US Privacy Shield invalidation by the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the courts statements regarding fundamental rights for the protection of personal dataBolin, Josef, Svensson, Jimmy January 2021 (has links)
Sedan GDPR trädde i kraft har skyddet för personuppgifter stärkts och harmoniserats inom EU. GDPR tillförsäkrar fysiska personer en grundläggande rättighet till skydd för personuppgifter. Den som behandlar personuppgifter åläggs ett särskilt ansvar. Enligt huvudregeln är det förbjudet att överföra personuppgifter till tredjeland. För att tredjelandsöverföring ska vara tillåten, krävs att flera undantagsvillkor är uppfyllda. Den som ansvarar för behandling av personuppgifter, och inte uppfyller villkoren, riskerar dels skadeståndsansvar, dels administrativa sanktionsavgifter upp till så mycket som 20 000 000 euro, eller 4 % av den årliga omsättningen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att redogöra för de handlingsalternativ en kommersiell aktör har, för att tredjelandsöverföring av personuppgifter ska vara tillåten, vid lagring av personuppgifter hos molntjänstleverantör. För att besvara syftet har vi analyserat relevant svensk och EU-rättslig reglering, doktrin, praxis samt rekommendationer och riktlinjer utgivna av EDPB. Vi tillämpar en rättsdogmatisk och en EU-rättslig metod, vilket innebär att vi använder de allmänna rättskällorna, som för svensk rätt utgörs av lagar, förarbeten, praxis och doktrin. EU-rättslig praxis på området är begränsat och en betydelsefull dom avkunnades i närtid. Rättsläget efter domen är relativt oprövat. Den som behandlar personuppgifter är personuppgiftsansvarig. För denne föreligger ansvar att säkerställa att skyddet för personuppgifterna upprätthålls om uppgifterna överförs till tredjeland. Vid behandling av personuppgifter via molntjänst finns risk att personuppgifterna överförs till ett tredjeland, utanför den personuppgiftsansvariges kontroll. Om molntjänstleverantören faller under amerikansk jurisdiktion, kan amerikanska myndigheter med stöd av sin interna rätt, under vissa omständigheter, begära ut uppgifter från molntjänstleverantören. Kapitel V i GDPR reglerar ett antal undantag, som en personuppgiftsansvarig kan åberopa vid tredjelandsöverföring. Oavsett vilket verktyg som väljs, och oavsett om alla villkoren uppfylls, så har EU-domstolen genom Schrems II fastställt, att det i mottagarlandet måste finnas en adekvat skyddsnivå för personuppgifter, och att mottagarlandets interna rätt inte får urholka eller undanröja det skydd som säkerställs genom GDPR. Med adekvat skyddsnivå menas ett väsentligt likvärdigt skydd som tillförsäkras av EU-rätten.
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