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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High-intensity Ultra-fast Laser Interaction Technologies

Bernath, Robert Thomas 01 January 2007 (has links)
To our knowledge this is the first comprehensive study of laser-induced effects generated at intermediate distances using self-channeled femtosecond laser pulses. Studies performed were made both experimentally and theoretically with the use of novel modeling techniques. Peak laser pulse powers above 3 GW allow beam propagation without divergence for up to several kilometers. In this regime, experiments were performed at 30 meters from the laser system in a custom propagation and target range, utilizing the Laser Plasma Laboratory's Terawatt laser system. Experiments included investigations of laser ablation; electromagnetic pulsed (EMP) radiation generation over the 1-18 GHz region; shockwave formation in air and solid media; optical coupling of channeled pulses into transparent media; and, conservation of energy in these interactions. The use of bursts of femtosecond pulses was found to increase the ablation rate significantly over single-pulse ablation in both air and vacuum. EMP generation from near-field focused and distance-propagated pulses was investigated. Field strengths upwards of 400 V/m/[Lambda] for vacuum focusing and 25 V/m/[Lambda] for self-channeled pulses were observed. The total field strengths over 1-18 GHz measured at distance surpassed 12 kV/m. Shockwaves generated in transparent media at 30 meters were observed as a function of time. It was found that the interaction conditions control the formation and propagation of the shock fronts into the medium. Due to the processes involved in self-channeling, significant fractions of the laser pulse were coupled into the target materials, resulting in internal optical and exit-surface damage. Basic estimations on the conservation of energy in the interaction are presented. The results of the experiments are supported by hydrodynamic plasma physics code and acoustic modeling.

Use of Low-Cost Microphones for Acoustic Measurement of High-Powered Amateur Rockets

Briggs, Nicholas J 03 May 2019 (has links)
The payload environment of a rocket is random and dynamic during liftoff and flight, with acoustic noise, vibration, and acceleration falling under its definition. Characterization of this environment is important to finalize payload design requirements and insure mission completion. This report will focus on the study and measurement of acoustic noise using a low-cost microphone. Various spectral analysis techniques were utilized to characterize acoustic intensities and frequency content. Effects of vibration and acceleration, ground reflection, atmospheric absorption, and nonlinear propagation were investigated. Noise data were obtained from a rocket launch and several vertical, staticired hybrid motors. The propulsion system acoustic loads were compared to prediction methods from NASA SP-8072.

Métrologie ultrarapide : application aux dynamiques laser et à l'imagerie / Ultrafast metrology : application to the study of laser dynamics and for imaging

Hanzard, Pierre-Henry 11 October 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la caractérisation optique à haute cadence en temps réel. Des outils de métrologie ultrarapides ont ainsi été utilisés pour l’étude d’une source laser impulsionnelle ainsi que pour l’imagerie de phénomènes physiques. La mise en place et la caractérisation temporelle d’une source laser impulsionnelle a permis l’observation d’événements anormalement intenses pour certains régimes de fonctionnement, et ces dynamiques ont pu être confirmées numériquement. La compréhension de ces phénomènes présente un intérêt fondamentalmais également pratique, notamment en vue de limiter les dommages optiques dans les sources laser. L’utilisation d’une technique d’imagerie appelée « imagerie par étirage temporel » a permis l’observation de jets liquides à une cadence de 80MHz. Reposant sur le principe de Transformée de Fourier Dispersive, cette technique permet de rendre compte de phénomènes non-répétitifs à des cadences élevées, et ainsi d’outrepasser les limitations imposées par les systèmes d’enregistrement conventionnels. La technique a également permis l’étude d’ondes de choc générées par ablation laser, et la détermination du profil de vitesse de l’onde de choc à travers la zone de mesure. Le phénomène de réflexion d’une onde de choc sur une paroi a également pu être observé. / This PhD work is dedicated to optical characterization in real time. Ultrafast metrology tools have thus been used to study a pulsed laser source and also for physical phenomena imaging. The implementation of a temporally well characterized pulsed laser source allowed the observation of events involving abnormally high intensity, the dynamics of which have also been numerically studied and confirmed. Understanding of these phenomena addresses a fundamental and interesting need to prevent optical damage in laser sources. The use of the imaging technique called “time-stretch imaging” allowed the imaging of liquid sprays at an 80MHz repetition rate. Based on Dispersive Fourier Transform, this technique enables the study of non-repetitive events at high sampling frequency, and thus goes beyond the performance of traditional imaging devices. This technique also allowed the tracking of shockwaves, and thus profiling the shockwave’s velocity variation through its propagation along a certain measuring distance. Shockwave reflection has also been observed.

Développement d'une méthode de couplage partitionné fort en vue d'une application aux turbomachines / Development of a partitioned strong coupling procedure with the aim of turbomachinery application

Bénéfice, Guillaume 11 December 2015 (has links)
Pour améliorer la conception des turbomachines, les industriels doivent appréhender des phénomènes aéroélastiques complexes présents dans les compresseurs comme les cycles limites d’interaction fluide-structure des fans. La compréhension et la modélisation de ces phénomènes impliquent de développer des modèles numériques complexes intégrant des phénomènes multi-physique et de valider ces modèles à l’aide de bancs d’essais. Le banc d’essai du compresseur CREATE est instrumenté pour étudier des instabilités aérodynamiques couplées à des vibrations, notamment sur le rotor du premier étage, et permet de valider des modèles numériques. La modélisation de l’écoulement en amont du premier étage du compresseur à l’aide du logiciel Turb’Flow, développé pour l’étude des écoulements dans les compresseurs aéronautiques, a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance des conditions limites d’entrée pour l’obtention de résultats précis. En particulier, il a été possible de modéliser correctement l’ingestion d’une alimentation non-homogène en entrée de la roue directrice d’entrée. Ce phénomène peut se produire en amont des fans et interagir avec un mode de la structure. Une stratégie de couplage partitionné fort explicite dans le domaine temporel a été introduite dans le logiciel Turb’Flow. Comme cette méthode présente un risque de décalage temporel à l’interface fluide-structure, une attention particulière a été portée à la modélisation de la conservation de l’énergie à cette interface. La conservation de l’énergie à l’interface est cruciale quand les déplacements sont importants et quand un comportement non-linéaire fort apparaît entre le fluide et la structure (onde de choc et amortissement structurel nonlinéaire). Parallèlement au développement du module aéroélastique, le schéma implicite de Runge- Kutta d’ordre 3 en temps (RKI-3) a été développé et évalué sur un cas de dynamique (vibration d’une aube de turbine transsonique) et sur un cas de propagation d’onde de choc. L’utilisation du schéma RKI-3 permet d’augmenter, à iso-précision, d’un ordre le pas de temps par rapport aux schémas de Gear et de Newmark. S’il apporte un gain en temps CPU pour l’étude de la dynamique des structures, il est pénalisant dans le cadre de simulation URANS. Cependant, le schéma RKI-3 est utilisable dans le cadre de simulations couplées fluide-structure. / To increase turbomachinery design, manufacturers have to comprehend complex aeroelastic phenomena involving compressors like fluid-structure interaction limit cycles of fans. The understanding and the modeling of these phenomena involve developing complex solvers coupling techniques and validating these techniques with bench tests. The bench test of the CREATE compressor is instrumented to study the coupling between aerodynamic instabilities and structure vibration, in particular on the first stage rotor, and allows to validate numerical techniques. The flow modeling upstream to the first stage with the Turb’Flow flow solver (targeting turbomachinery applications) shows that, to have accurate results, inlet limit conditions must take into account. The ingestion of non-homogeneous flow upstream to the inlet guide vane is accurately modeled. This phenomenon can appear upstream to fans and interact with structure Eigen-modes. Explicit partitioned strong coupling considered in time domain was implemented in a Turb’Flow flow solver. As there is a risk of time shift at the fluid-structure interface, careful attention should be paid to energy conservation at the interface. This conservation is crucial when displacements are large and when strong non-linear behaviors occur in both fluid and structure domains, namely shock waves, flow separations and non-linear structural damping. In parallel with coupling technique development, the three-order implicit Runge-Kutta scheme (RKI-3) was implemented and validated on a structure dynamic case (transonic turbine blade vibration) and on a case of shock waves propagation. The RKI-3 scheme allows increasing the time step of one order of magnitude with the same accuracy. There is a CPU time gain for structure dynamics simulations, but no for URANS simulations. However, the RKI-3 scheme can be to use for fluid-structure coupling simulations. The coupling technique was validated on a test case involving tube in which the shock wave impinges on a cross flow flexible panel, initially at rest. This case allows modeling an interaction between sonic flow and a panel movement with a tip clearance. Some numerical simulations were carried out with different temporal schemes. The RKI-3 scheme has no influence on results (compared with Gear and/or Newmark scheme) on the energy conservation at the fluid-structure interface. Compared to experimental results, pressure is in fairly good ix Liste des publications agreement. The analysis of numerical results highlighted that a vertical shock tube with up and down waves creates pressure fluctuation. Frequency is under predicted and amplitude is not in fairly good agreement. The panel root modeling might be questionable.

Escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus de largura constante e convergentes, usando o método Hidrodinâmica Suavizada de Partículas / Skimming flow over stepped spillways with non-converging and converging sidewalls using Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics Method

Juliana Dorn Nóbrega 23 November 2018 (has links)
O método Hidrodinâmica Suavizada de Partículas (em inglês: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - SPH) foi utilizado para o desenvolvimento de um estudo numérico envolvendo descarregadores lisos e descarregadores em degraus (considerando escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões), com paredes laterais paralelas e paredes convergentes, usando o software DualSPHysics. Muitas vezes é conveniente utilizar a construção de descarregadores com maior largura na crista, e menor largura do descarregador, para adaptação das limitações físicas locais. O estreitamento do descarregador de forma gradual até atingir a largura da seção de jusante é feito por meio de paredes laterais convergentes, que por sua vez induzem à formação de ondas estacionárias laterais, e consequentemente aumento da altura do escoamento junto às paredes. Existem poucos estudos na literatura sobre esse tema, justificando o estudo numérico desenvolvido neste trabalho. O modelo numérico foi desenvolvido com base em um modelo físico do Laboratório de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos do Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, sendo os resultados experimentais obtidos em estudos anteriores. A instalação experimental é composta por um descarregador com declividade de fundo de 26,6º, e ângulo das paredes de 0º; 9,9º e 19,3º em relação ao plano vertical. As simulações foram realizadas em duas ou três dimensões, conforme a condição de largura constante ou convergente. Os resultados foram comparados com dados experimentais em termos de alturas do escoamento na parede e no eixo do descarregador, perfis de velocidade na região não-aerada do escoamento, e largura da onda estacionária lateral. Para as simulações tridimensionais, também foram elaborados gráficos de isolinhas para a altura do escoamento, podendo-se observar a extensão das ondas estacionárias laterais conforme a condição de superfície lisa ou em degraus, e a elevação de água junto às paredes. Em geral, houve boa aproximação entre dados numéricos e experimentais, verificando-se a aplicabilidade do método SPH para simular o escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em estruturas em degraus, ou estruturas convencionais de paramento liso. / A numerical study using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method (SPH) was developed for smooth and stepped spillways (for skimming flow regime), with converging and non-converging sidewalls, using the software DualSPHysics. In numerous situations, it is convenient to built spillways with longer width at the crest and narrower width at the downstream end of the spillway, depending on the site constrains. The gradual narrowing of the spillway width is usually made through converging sidewalls, which induce the formation of shockwaves, leading to higher flow depths along the sidewalls. Few studies in the literature were carried out in this research topic to date, justifying the numerical study developed in this project. The numerical model was based on a physical model assembled at the Hydraulic and Water Resources Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, using experimental data obtained in previous studies. The experimental setup was composed by a spillway with slope of 26.6º, and angles of converging sidewalls of 0º, 9.9º, and 19.3º in relation to the vertical plane. Two-dimensional or three-dimensional simulations were carried out according to the condition of constant width or converging walls. The results were compared with experimental data, related to the flow depths at the centerline and sidewall of the spillway, the velocity profiles on the non-aerated region, and the lateral standing wave width. Regarding the three-dimensional simulations, contours of the flow depth were also represented, to visualize the extent and height of the sidewall shockwaves, according to the smoothed or stepped face. In general, a good agreement was obtained between numerical and experimental results, which confirms the ability of the SHP method to simulate the skimming flow over stepped spillways, or the flow on more conventional, smooth spillway chutes.

Étude de l'équation d'état des matériaux ablateurs des capsules du Laser Mégajoule / Equation of state study of Laser Mégajoule capsules ablator materials

Colin-Lalu, Pierre 19 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de recherches menées sur la fusion par confinement inertiel (FCI). En particulier, l’étude proposée ici s’est concentrée sur les équations d’état tabulées de deux matériaux ablateurs synthétisés sur les capsules du Laser Mégajoule. Le but est alors de tester la modélisation théorique implémentée dans ces tables. Nous avons concentré notre étude sur un domaine restreint du diagramme de phase caractérisé par des pressions de quelques mégabars et de températures de quelques électronvolts qui peut être atteint sur des installations laser de tailles moyennes.Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes basés sur le modèle QEOS, car il est simple d’utilisation, paramétrable et donc facilement modifiable.Nous avons ensuite appliqué les méthodes de la dynamique moléculaire quantique pour générer la courbe froide et les courbes d’Hugoniot des deux matériaux étudiés. Ces calculs ont notamment mis en avant l’influence de la dissociation chimique sur la forme de ces courbes. Une comparaison avec le modèle QEOS a montré un écart important sur l’Hugoniot. Une modification de ce modèle, à travers le coefficient de Grüneisen, nous a ensuite permis de restituer les effets observés et d’étudier leurs impacts sur la chronométrie des chocs dans une capsule de FCI.Parallèlement à cette étude numérique, nous avons mesuré des états thermodynamiques le long de l’Hugoniot lors de trois campagnes sur les installations laser LULI2000 et GEKKO XII. L’utilisation de diagnostics VISAR et d’un diagnostic d’émission propre, nous a alors permis de sonder la matière sous choc. En outre, les données expérimentales ont confirmé les précédents résultats.En outre, cette étude a été réalisée sur deux matériaux ablateurs différents parmi lesquels on distingue le polymère non dopé CHO et le polymère dopé au silicium CHOSi. Elle montre un comportement universel de ces matériaux le long de l’Hugoniot. / This PhD thesis enters the field of inertial confinement fusion studies. In particular, it focuses on the equation of state tables of ablator materials synthetized on LMJ capsules. This work is indeed aims at improving the theoretical models introduced into the equation of state tables. We focused in the Mbar-eV pressure-temperature range because it can be access on kJ-scale laser facilities.In order to achieve this, we used the QEOS model, which is simple to use, configurable, and easily modifiable.First, quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulations were performed to generate cold compression curve as well as shock compression curves along the principal Hugoniot. Simulations were compared to QEOS model and showed that atomic bond dissociation has an effect on the compressibility. Results from these simulations are then used to parametrize the Grüneisen parameter in order to generate a tabulated equation of state that includes dissociation. It allowed us to show its influence on shock timing in a hydrodynamic simulation.Second, thermodynamic states along the Hugoniot were measured during three experimental campaigns upon the LULI2000 and GEKKO XII laser facilities. Experimental data confirm QMD simulations.This study was performed on two ablator materials which are an undoped polymer CHO, and a silicon-doped polymer CHOSi. Results showed universal shock compression properties.

Escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus de largura constante e convergentes, usando o método Hidrodinâmica Suavizada de Partículas / Skimming flow over stepped spillways with non-converging and converging sidewalls using Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics Method

Nóbrega, Juliana Dorn 23 November 2018 (has links)
O método Hidrodinâmica Suavizada de Partículas (em inglês: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - SPH) foi utilizado para o desenvolvimento de um estudo numérico envolvendo descarregadores lisos e descarregadores em degraus (considerando escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões), com paredes laterais paralelas e paredes convergentes, usando o software DualSPHysics. Muitas vezes é conveniente utilizar a construção de descarregadores com maior largura na crista, e menor largura do descarregador, para adaptação das limitações físicas locais. O estreitamento do descarregador de forma gradual até atingir a largura da seção de jusante é feito por meio de paredes laterais convergentes, que por sua vez induzem à formação de ondas estacionárias laterais, e consequentemente aumento da altura do escoamento junto às paredes. Existem poucos estudos na literatura sobre esse tema, justificando o estudo numérico desenvolvido neste trabalho. O modelo numérico foi desenvolvido com base em um modelo físico do Laboratório de Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos do Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, sendo os resultados experimentais obtidos em estudos anteriores. A instalação experimental é composta por um descarregador com declividade de fundo de 26,6º, e ângulo das paredes de 0º; 9,9º e 19,3º em relação ao plano vertical. As simulações foram realizadas em duas ou três dimensões, conforme a condição de largura constante ou convergente. Os resultados foram comparados com dados experimentais em termos de alturas do escoamento na parede e no eixo do descarregador, perfis de velocidade na região não-aerada do escoamento, e largura da onda estacionária lateral. Para as simulações tridimensionais, também foram elaborados gráficos de isolinhas para a altura do escoamento, podendo-se observar a extensão das ondas estacionárias laterais conforme a condição de superfície lisa ou em degraus, e a elevação de água junto às paredes. Em geral, houve boa aproximação entre dados numéricos e experimentais, verificando-se a aplicabilidade do método SPH para simular o escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em estruturas em degraus, ou estruturas convencionais de paramento liso. / A numerical study using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method (SPH) was developed for smooth and stepped spillways (for skimming flow regime), with converging and non-converging sidewalls, using the software DualSPHysics. In numerous situations, it is convenient to built spillways with longer width at the crest and narrower width at the downstream end of the spillway, depending on the site constrains. The gradual narrowing of the spillway width is usually made through converging sidewalls, which induce the formation of shockwaves, leading to higher flow depths along the sidewalls. Few studies in the literature were carried out in this research topic to date, justifying the numerical study developed in this project. The numerical model was based on a physical model assembled at the Hydraulic and Water Resources Laboratory of the Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, using experimental data obtained in previous studies. The experimental setup was composed by a spillway with slope of 26.6º, and angles of converging sidewalls of 0º, 9.9º, and 19.3º in relation to the vertical plane. Two-dimensional or three-dimensional simulations were carried out according to the condition of constant width or converging walls. The results were compared with experimental data, related to the flow depths at the centerline and sidewall of the spillway, the velocity profiles on the non-aerated region, and the lateral standing wave width. Regarding the three-dimensional simulations, contours of the flow depth were also represented, to visualize the extent and height of the sidewall shockwaves, according to the smoothed or stepped face. In general, a good agreement was obtained between numerical and experimental results, which confirms the ability of the SHP method to simulate the skimming flow over stepped spillways, or the flow on more conventional, smooth spillway chutes.

Μικροσκοπική ανάλυση της συμπεριφοράς των οχημάτων σε cluster υπό την επίδραση κυκλοφοριακού πλήγματος σε αυτοκινητόδρομο / Microscopic analysis of vehicle behaviour in a cluster under the influence of shockwaves in motorways

Πεππέ, Μαρίνα 07 May 2015 (has links)
Ο ρόλος των Ευφυών Συστημάτων Μεταφορών είναι η βελτίωση της οδικής ασφάλειας, μέσω της έγκαιρης ανίχνευσης συμβάντων και της αποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης της κυκλοφορίας. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, η έρευνα αυτή εστιάζει στην ανάλυση της σχέσης μεταξύ ενός καθημερινού σοβαρού φαινομένου της κυκλοφορίας, όπως το κυκλοφοριακό πλήγμα (shockwave) και τα οχήματα που κινούνται σε σχηματισμό cluster, μέσω του κυκλοφοριακού πλήγματος. Για να σχηματιστεί ένα cluster απαιτείται δύο ή περισσότερα οχήματα να περιλαμβάνονται στην ακολουθία οχημάτων είτε λόγω της εγγύτητάς τους είτε λόγω της σχετικής τους απόστασής από άλλα οχήματα. Ξεκινώντας με βίντεο κυκλοφοριακής στον αυτοκινητόδρομο I-94, Minnesota, USA, οι τροχιές των οχημάτων εξήχθησαν. Τα αποτελέσματα χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στη συνέχεια προκειμένου να καθοριστούν μεταβλητές όπως χρονοαπόσταση, ταχύτητα, επιτάχυνση για τρεις ομάδες οχημάτων, το Cluster, η ομάδα Πριν το Cluster και η ομάδα Μετά το Cluster. Η σχέση μεταξύ αυτών των ομάδων μελετήθηκε και αποτυπώθηκε σε γραμμικές συναρτήσεις με πολλαπλές ανεξάρτητες μεταβλητές. / The role of Intellignet Transportation Systems is to enhance traffic safety, through timely detection of incidents and effective traffic management. In this framework, this research focuses into analyzing the relationship between a daily severe traffic phenomenon such as shockwave and vehicles which move in cluster formation through the shockwave. For a cluster to be formed it is required for two or more vehicles to be included either because of their closeness or because of their relative distance from other vehicles on the link. Starting with video recordings of traffic flow on I-94, Minnesota, USA, vehicles trajectories were extracted. The results were then used in order to define variables such as vehicles space and time headway, velocity, acceleration for three groups of vehicles; the Cluster, the Before Cluster group and the After Cluster group. The relationship between these groups was studied and was modeled in linear functions with multiple variables.

Investigations on Supersonic Flow in Miniature Shock Tubes

Subburaj, Janardhanraj January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The emerging paradigms of shockwave research have opened up new horizons for interdisciplinary applications. This has inevitably driven research towards studying the propagation of shockwaves in miniature shock tubes (tube diameters typically in the range of 1−10 ). Studies have revealed that while operating at this diameter range and low initial pressures (typically 1 < 100 ) leading to low values of characteristic Reynolds numbers (typically ′ < 23,000 −1), results in the boundary layer playing a major role in shockwave attenuation. But there are very few studies addressing shockwave attenuation when shock tubes are operated at higher Reynolds number. Pressure measurements and visualization studies in shock tubes of these length scales are also seldom attempted due to practical difficulties. Given that premise, in the present work the shockwave attenuation due to wall effects and non-ideal diaphragm rupture in shock tubes of hydraulic diameters 2 , 6 and 10 has been investigated at ambient initial driven section conditions ( 1 = 300 and 1 = 1 resulting in Reynolds number in the range 70,212 −1 – 888,627 −1). In this study pressure measurements and high-speed visualization have been carried out to find the effect of the pressure ratio, temperature ratio and molecular weights of driver gas on the shock attenuation processes. In order to study the effects of the driver/driven gas temperature ratios on the shock attenuation process, a new in-situ oxyhydrogen (hydrogen and oxygen gases in the ratio 2:1) generator has been developed. Using this innovative device, the miniature shock tubes are also run in the detonation mode (forward facing detonation wave). The results obtained using helium and nitrogen driver gases for these shock tubes reveal that as the hydraulic diameter of the shock tube is reduced, a larger diaphragm pressure ratio is required to obtain a particular strength of shockwave. The attenuation in the shockwave is found to be a function of the driver gas properties namely specific heat ratio ( 4), molecular weight ( 4), temperature ( 4) as well as the diaphragm opening time of the shock tube in addition to the parameters , 21, / , and 1 as already suggested in previous reports. The visualization studies reveal that the effect of diaphragm opening time leading to longer shock formation distances appears to influence the shockwave attenuation process at these shock tube diameters. Further, it is also found that the strength of the shockwave reduces when the ratio 4/ 1 is higher. It is also seen that the length of the driven sections must be less than twice the length of the driver sections to reduce attenuation. Based on the understanding of the nature of supersonic flow in a miniature shock tubes, a novel shock/blast wave device has been developed for certain innovative biotechnology applications such as needleless vaccine delivery and cell transformations. The new device has an internal diameter of 6 and by varying the length of the driver/driven sections either shock or blast waves of requisite strength and impulse can be generated at the open end of the tube. In the shock tube mode of operation, shockwaves with steady time duration of up to 30 have been generated. In the blast tube mode of operation, where the entire tube is filled with oxyhydrogen mixture, shockwaves with peak pressures of up to 550 have been obtained with good repeatability. An attempt to power this device using solar energy has also given successful results. Visualization of the open end of the detonation driven shock tube reveals features typical of flow from the open end of shock tubes and has helped in quantifying the density field. The subsequent instants of the flow resemble a precursor flow in gun muzzle blast and flash. Typical energy levels of the shock/blast waves coming out this device is found to be about 34 for an oxyhydrogen fill pressure of 5.1 in the shock tube operation mode. Transformation of E.coli, Salmonella Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial strains using the device by introducing plasmid DNA through their cell walls has been successfully carried out. There is more than twofold increase in the transformation efficiency using the device as compared to conventional methods. Using the same device, needleless vaccine delivery in mice using Salmonella has also been demonstrated successfully. Overall, in the present thesis, a novel method for generating shockwaves in a repeatable and controllable manner in miniature scales for interdisciplinary applications has been proposed. Also, it is the first time that experiments with the different diameter miniature shock tubes have been carried out to demonstrate the attenuation of shockwaves as the hydraulic diameter of the shock tube decreases. Future research endeavors will focus on quantitative measurement of the particle velocity behind the shock waves, and also on the nature of the boundary layers to further resolve the complex flow physics associated with supersonic flows in these miniature shock tubes.

Evolving Geometries in General Relativity

Taliotis, Anastasios S. 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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