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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma análise da demanda de shopping centers de Porto Alegre a partir de dados provenientes de pesquisas domiciliares de origem e destino

Dela Giustina, Cristiano January 2005 (has links)
A maioria dos estudos de impactos de pólos geradores de viagens são desenvolvidos a partir da adequação de metodologias desenvolvidas em diferentes contextos e disponíveis na literatura. Este trabalho buscou avaliar a adequação de algumas destas propostas, em termos de área de influência, distribuição de viagens e escolha modal, em shopping centers de Porto Alegre. Os dados para análise foram provenientes de uma pesquisa origem e destino realizada recentemente em Porto Alegre por meio de entrevistas domiciliares (EDOM). A partir da comparação dos resultados obtidos na análise de cinco shopping centers, foi possível identificar a relação entre as características dos usuários, da região de entorno e do padrão de viagens dos empreendimentos. Com relação à escolha modal, observou-se que as características do empreendimento, a facilidade de acesso ao pólo pelos diversos modos de transporte disponíveis e os aspectos sócio-econômicos da área de influência são variáveis que podem explicar a escolha do modo utilizado. Para a delimitação da área de influência dos shopping centers, constatou-se que as propostas que utilizam a distância de viagem como critério para definição se mostraram mais realistas do que aquelas que adotam o tempo de viagem como base. Na distribuição de viagens, verificou-se que o perfil econômico dos residentes na área de influência, bem como informações que caracterizem as atividades existentes nas zonas de tráfego são variáveis que podem explicar a distribuição de viagens de shopping centers. Por fim, concluiu-se que o banco de dados da EDOM é uma fonte de dados potencial na análise da demanda de shopping centers.

Antecedentes da intenção de recompra dos consumidores no contexto de compras on-line

Eckert, Alex 01 April 2016 (has links)
O surgimento da internet e sua popularização provocaram uma mudança na maneira de se realizarem operações comerciais, emergindo as compras on-line. Essas operações dependem de percepções e atitudes que fazem com que os consumidores concretizem suas compras nesse ambiente, e estejam propensos a repetir essas operações. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre os construtos segurança, privacidade, qualidade das informações, confiança e propaganda boca a boca eletrônica (e-WOM) positiva como antecedentes da intenção de recompra dos consumidores no contexto de compras on-line. Para atingir este objetivo, inicialmente, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre estes construtos, propondo um modelo teórico a ser testado e validado. Na sequência, foi realizada uma survey com uma amostra de 410 consumidores que já realizaram este tipo de operação (compras on-line). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente utilizando técnicas de análise multivariadas, mais especificamente pela técnica da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, para a explicação do fenômeno estudado. Os principais resultados indicam que a segurança, a privacidade e a qualidade das informações do site de compras on-line afeta positivamente a confiança depositada neste site, e que a confiança, por sua vez, impacta positivamente na intenção de recompra dos consumidores que realizam compras neste ambiente. Além disso, ficou evidenciado que a confiança depositada no site de compras on-line não afeta o envolvimento dos consumidores em propaganda boca a boca eletrônica positiva, e esta, por sua vez, não impacta na intenção de recompra neste site. Como implicação destes achados de pesquisa, o presente estudo contribuiu para uma melhor compreensão acerca dos fatores antecedentes da intenção de recompra dos consumidores que compram no ambiente on-line, o que pode repercutir no sucesso para as empresas que operam neste contexto. / The emergence of the internet and its popularity led to a change in the way we conduct business operations, what caused online shopping growth. These operations depend on perceptions and attitudes that make consumers materialize their purchases in this environment, and heighten their propensity to repeat these operations. Thus, this study aims to analyze the relationships between the constructs security, privacy, quality of information, trust and positive electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) as antecedents of repurchase intention of consumers in online shopping context. To achieve this goal, initially we performed a theoretical review in these constructs, proposing a theoretical model that has been tested and validated. Afterwards, a survey was conducted with a sample of 410 consumers who have already performed this type of operation. The data was statistically analyzed using multivariate analysis techniques, specifically the Structural Equation Modeling, which assist in the explanation of the phenomenon studied. The main results indicate that security, privacy and the quality of online shopping site information positively affects trust in that site, and that trust, in turn, positively impacts consumers intention to repurchase. Furthermore, it was found that trust in online shopping site does not affect the involvement of consumers in positive electronic word-of-mouth, and this, in turn, does not impact on the repurchase intention in that site. As implication of these findings, this study contributed to a better understanding of the determinants of consumers intention to repurchase in online environments, which can have impact on the success of companies operating their business on the Internet.

Qualidade da informação, desconfiança, risco percebido e intenção de compra no contexto de compras on-line

Bebber, Suélen 03 September 2015 (has links)
O comportamento do consumidor, frente às novas opções oferecidas pela internet e pelos canais on-line tem mudado a forma com que os consumidores agem e buscam pela melhor opção de compra. Diante disso, é necessário o entendimento dos antecedentes ou dos fatores determinantes da intenção de compra dos consumidores, o que é oportuno de ser estudado no contexto de compras on-line, visto que tal contexto está se disseminando entre os consumidores. Isto posto, a partir desta pesquisa, foi elaborado e testado um Modelo Teórico, considerando os construtos Qualidade da Informação, Desconfiança e Risco Percebido como antecedentes da Intenção de Compra, com o objetivo de analisar a relação entre estes construtos no contexto de compras on-line. Dando sequência ao estudo, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de uma survey. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas estatísticas multivariadas, incluindo a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, para que fossem testadas e analisadas as hipóteses de pesquisa. Os resultados evidenciaram que a qualidade da informação influencia positivamente a desconfiança no site de compras on-line; a desconfiança influencia negativamente o risco percebido; a qualidade da informação influencia positivamente na intenção de compra do consumidor no site de compras on-line; e a desconfiança influencia negativamente na intenção de compra do consumidor no site de compras on-line. Dessa forma, o estudo contribui com a evolução dos conceitos empiricamente testados, no sentido de um maior entendimento individual de cada construto apresentado no Modelo Teórico, bem como da relação entre eles como determinantes da intenção de compra, indicando que se encontrem relações significativas entre a Qualidade da Informação, a Desconfiança e o Risco Percebido como determinantes da Intenção de Compra no contexto de compras on-line, que podem vir a repercutir em maior lucratividade e rentabilidade e, consequentemente, maior competitividade para varejistas on-line. / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. / Consumer behavior, facing the new options that the internet and online channels offer, has changed the way consumers act and search for the best purchase option. Therefore, the understanding of the antecedents or determinant factors of customers’ purchase intention is necessary, what is opportune to be studied in the online purchase context, since such context is disseminating among customers. Therein, from this research, a Theoretical Model has been elaborated and tested, considering the constructs Information Quality, Distrust and Perceived Risk as antecedents of Purchase Intention, aiming at analyzing the relation among these constructs in the online purchase context. Continuing the study, a quantitative research was performed, by means of the application of a survey. Multivariate statistics technics were applied for data analyses, including Structural Equation Modeling, to test and analyze the proposed research hypotheses. The results showed that information quality positively influences distrust in the website; distrust negatively influences perceived risk; information quality positively influences customer purchase intention in the website; and distrust negatively influences customer purchase intention in the website. Therefore, this study contributes with the evolution of the empirically tested concepts, in the sense of a greater individual understanding of each construct presented in the Theoretical Model, as well as the relation among them as determinants of purchase intention, indicating that meaningful relations be found between Information Quality, Distrust and Perceived Risk as determinants of Purchase Intention in the online purchase context, that may impact greater profitability and, consequently, greater competition for online retailers.

Dinâmica da rua de comércio na cidade de São Paulo. / Commerce street dynamic in são paulo city.

Ana Maria de Biazzi Dias de Oliveira 07 August 2006 (has links)
Este estudo dedica-se a levantar elementos que configurem a dinâmica da rua de comércio dentro de um contexto de transformações recentes da atividade comercial na cidade de São Paulo. O método envolve primeiro, num âmbito geral, o estudo da dinâmica da rua de comércio sob três diferentes aspectos: pela evolução urbana, pelas transformações sócio-econômicas e pelos hábitos de compra do consumidor. A síntese se apóia em pesquisas quantitativas para relacionar as principais ruas de comércio, categorias de produtos mais procurados e as razões pelas quais as pessoas freqüentam estas ruas de comércio. Apresenta, em conclusão, os principais atributos de uma rua de comércio, através do levantamento do seu mix de lojas, ocupação e transformações. / This study proposes to come up with elements which configurate the commerce street dynamic inside a recent transformation context of commercial activity in São Paulo city. The method envolves the study of the street dynamic upon three different aspects: through the urban evolution, the socio-economic transformation and the consumer shopping habits. The synthesis is supported on quantitative researches to relate the main commerce streets, products categories most required and the reason why people go to those commerce streets. It presents the main attributes of a commerce street, through the survey of its mix, occupation and present transformation.

Die invloed van openbare vervoer op inkoopgeriewe in die sentrale sakekerns van Johannesburg, Kempton Park en Sandton, met spesiale verwysing na blanke-inkopers

Prinsloo, Gert Cornelis 11 March 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Transport Economics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Online shopping for women's apparel : A study extending generalization possibilities for problematic heuristics in online shopping

Nilsson, Emma January 2007 (has links)
As an increasing number of people are logging on to the internet to do their shopping, it is imperative for a site to be accessible and usable. Nielsen’s heuristic method is one esteemed method that many web site developers use in their design work. One study suggests that online shopping needs most improvement with the heuristics “User control and freedom” where an undo button often is lacking and in ‘Help and Documentation’ where the user may not easily switch between their work and the help. The study, however, has been made on grocery shops alone. The following study adopts the results of the past study as hypotheses and investigates if they hold true for another type of online shopping site – women’s apparel. The results of the study confirm that these two heuristics indeed are the two most troublesome. However, for the biggest usability disaster under each, the results are either inapplicable or only lend weak support. The following results lend more support to a possible generalization for all online sites and better awareness among software developers of online shopping sites. Yet a more consistent base of common usability disasters under these two specific heuristics needs to be developed.

Förtroende och risk inför ett online köp : En kvalitativ studie om riskupplevelse

Bhatti, Therese January 2017 (has links)
Problem: The risk of online shopping differs from consumer to consumer. Previous scienceshow that consumers experience a higher risk related to online shopping, compared topurchase in traditional stores. The reason behind this is that there is no possibility to physically inspect the product before the purchase is completed, and most people want to try and feel the clothes before they decide to buy it. Also there is no opportunity to create an opinion about the seller, since there is no physical interaction between the customer and the ecommerce, which creates difficulty in assessing whether it is a reliable seller or not. An actionto reduce the consumers perceived risk is by creating a trustworthy impression. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate consumers perceive risks related buy ingclothes online, and if confidence in the e-commerce affects the risk level. Method: The research method for this study was qualitative, with a deductive approach. Data collection was developed through eight semi- structured interviews, in which participant werechosen from a convenience selection from the Stockholm area. Focusing on individuals between the age of 20- 45. Result: The study found that consumers who purchase clothes more often experience a lower risk related to online shopping, compared to those who do it rarely. The two distinct risks that respondents experienced in online shopping were the risk related to the clothes and the financial transaction. Results also showed that trust towards e-commerce has a decisive impact on the degree of risk, and how confident a consumer feels ahead of buying clothes online. It was found that the most effective trust-creating approach was contently information about the clothes, and several payment options. Additionally the results shows that consumers reduce the perceived risk level of online purchase through viral marketing, which is word-of mouth.

Životní styl a jídlo: nákupní a stravovací návyky v české společnosti / Food related lifestyle: shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech society

Hynková, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis deals with a problematics of shopping and nutritional habits in the Czech society. Its primary aims are to identify the shopping characteristics of Czech consumers, to find out whether the consumers are interested in a healthy lifestyle, if they pursue and consume organic (bio) food, and most importantly, what are the motivation factors of the consumers for shopping in general. The secondary aim is a comparison of the presented survey and the foreign FRL (Food Related Lifestyle) concept which served as an inspiration of the analytical part of this thesis. The research section of the thesis is characterized as a pilot survey for which the method of quantitative research by questionnaire survey was chosen. The previously determined hypotheses are verified by the crosstabs and by the cluster analysis method. The main parameter of the study is the healthy lifestyle which is confronted with particular aspects of the FRL concept and also compared to the identified consumer segments. On the general level, the main contribution of the presented diploma thesis is the introduction of the FRL concept, which allows to create a typology of consumers on which is possible to build some effective measures to streamline the eating habits of the general population. Keywords: food related...

Shopping for apparel: how can kiosk systems help?

Koller, Monika, Königsecker, Andrea 12 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
When shopping for apparel, many consumers seek advice from friends and family or store personnel. In-store kiosk systems might serve as an alternative decision support system. In the present study we address the key question of how such kiosk systems are evaluated by consumers. We conducted three focus group discussions with regular apparel shoppers aged between 23 and 39 years. In sum, qualitative information from 15 participants was subject to a qualitative content analysis with the aim of gaining a more comprehensive understanding of how apparel shoppers experience the shopping process. Getting a more in-depth understanding of the needs and wishes associated with the apparel shopping process gives a basis for evaluating the potential acceptance of electronic decision support systems in apparel shopping. Although our study is exploratory in nature, we are able to draw an initial picture of how kiosk systems could be used in apparel shopping. (authors' abstract)

A framework for determining the factors influencing the performance of commercial property investments.

Jensen, Ulrich 23 April 2008 (has links)
Verskeie faktore, finansieel en nie-finansieel, kan die opbrengs op winkelsentrum-beleggings beïnvloed. Hierdie faktore is egter nie almal ewe belangrik nie. Sommige, byvoorbeeld die huurdersamestelling, kan ‘n wesenlike impak op die finansiële resultate hê. Ander faktore is onbeheerbaar, byvoorbeeld die inflasiekoers. Die bestuur en bestuursagente van winkelsentrums het bepaalde doelwitte wat hulle moet bereik. In die geval van ‘n kommersiële eiendom soos ‘n winkelsentrum is dit heelwaarskynlik maksimering van die markwaarde (toekomstige kontantvloeie). Ten einde die gestelde doelwitte te bereik, moet die bestuur: • weet watter faktore die opbrengs van die winkelsentrum kan beïnvloed • beheerbare, halfbeheerbare en onbeheerbare faktore kan identifiseer • dié faktore wat die grootste impak op opbrengs kan hê, kan identifiseer • bewus wees van die verwantskap tussen die verskillende faktore ‘n Lys van 133 subfaktore wat die opbrengs op winkelsentrums kan beïnvloed is geïdentifiseer. Hierdie fakore is in die volgende vyf hoofkategorieë ingedeel: • ligging • ekonomiese omstandighede • bestuursstrategie • huurderverwante aangeleenthede • verbruikersverwante aangeleenthede Hierdie raamwerk dui aan watter faktore die opbrengs van winkelsentrums kan beïnvloed, hoe belangrik elke faktor is, en in watter mate die faktore beheerbaar is al dan nie. / Prof. A. Boessenkool

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