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Caracterização de fatores sigma ECF de Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 / Characterization of ECF sigma factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14Larissa de Oliveira Magalhães 08 September 2016 (has links)
A proteobactéria Pseudomonas aeruginosa é um patógeno oportunista em humanos, sendo associado a queimaduras e infecções pulmonares crônicas em pacientes com fibrose cística. Essas infecções são difíceis de erradicar devido à resistência intrínseca de P. aeruginosa a antibióticos e à formação de biofilmes. Essa bactéria é altamente capaz de adaptar ao ambiente, tem um metabolismo versátil e pode direcionar a expressão de genes por vários fatores sigma alternativos. Estes são subunidades para transcrição de conjuntos específicos de genes em bactérias e interagem com o cerne da RNA polimerase, levando ao reconhecimento do promotor e início da transcrição. Os fatores sigma alternativos permitem que bactérias redirecionem a sua expressão genética. Um grupo de fatores sigma alternativos é o grupo dos fatores sigma de função extracitoplasmática (ECF) que são envolvidos principalmente em funções do envelope celular. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar dois fatores sigma ECF de função desconhecida, PA14_21550 e PA14_46810. A linhagem mutante Δ21550 foi analisada quanto a sua sobrevivência a diferentes estresses, observando-se que é mais resistente ao choque de 45°C que a linhagem selvagem. Esse fator sigma não é essencial para crescimento da bactéria em meio LB e meio mínimo M63 acrescido de glicose ou succinato. Além disso, observou-se que a superexpressão desse fator sigma aumenta a expressão da proteína hipotética PA14_30100, usando-se uma abordagem proteômica. O mutante de transposon para o fator sigma PA14_46810 apresenta melhor crescimento que a bactéria selvagem em meio M63 acrescido de glicose. Essa linhagem mostrou mesmo fenótipo para biofilme e formação de exopolissacarídeo que a bactéria selvagem. Ademais, foi realizada análise de transcritoma por RNA-Seq com a superexpressão do fator sigma PA14_46810 na linhagem selvagem. Na linhagem de superexpressão Observou-se que ocorre indução de genes envolvidos com a desnitrificação, transporte de moléculas e metabolismo de uma maneira geral, em relação à linhagem controle. Por outro lado, o excesso de PA14_46810 reprime principalmente genes envolvidos com a tradução de proteínas e síntese de espermidina. Este trabalho, portanto, trouxe novas informações sobre as funções de diferentes fatores sigma ECF de P. aeruginosa, contribuindo assim para um maior entendimento da fisiologia desta bactéria e sua adaptação a diferentes condições. / The proteobacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen in humans, and it is associated to chronic pulmonary infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and burn wounds. These infections are difficult to eradicate due to P. aeruginosa intrinsic resistance to antibiotics and formation of biofilms, which allow the bacteria to adhere to biotic and abiotic surfaces. This bacterium is highly adaptaptable to the environment has a versatile metabolism and can direct the expression of genes by several alternative sigma factors. The sigma factors bind to the RNA polymerase core, providing recognition to promoter and transcription initiation. Therefore, the alternative sigma factors can redirect bacterial genetic expression by recognizing specific promoters. One subfamily of alternative sigma factors is the extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors, involved mostly in cell envelope functions. The aim of this work was characterize two ECF sigma factors with unknown function in P. aeruginosa, PA14_21550 and PA14_46810. The strain Δ21550 was analyzed for its survival in different stress conditions and it is more resistant in heat shock conditions at 45°C than the wild type strain. It was also observed that PA14_21550 sigma factor is not essential for bacterial growth in LB and M63 minimal medium added with glucose or succinate as the carbon source. Furthermore, overexpression of this sigma factor increases the expression of hypothetical protein PA14_30100, as verified by a proteomic approach. A strain insertionally inactivated in the PA14_46810 gene has better growth than the wild type strain in M63 added with glucose and the same phenotype regarding to biofilm formation and exopolysaccharide production as the wild type strain. Moreover, transcriptome analysis was carried out by RNA-Seq with overexpression of the PA14_46810 sigma factor in the wild type strain. Induction of genes involved in denitrification, transport of molecules and energetic metabolism in relation to the control strain was observed. On the other hand, excess of PA14_46810 represses genes involved in protein translation and spermidine synthesis. This work, therefore, brought new information about the functions of two ECF sigma of P. aeruginosa, thus contributing to a greater understanding of the physiology of this bacterium and its adaptation to different conditions.
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Evaluation of the application of the Six Sigma Strategy results in an industrial restaurant. / Avaliação dos resultados da aplicação da estratégia seis sigma em um restaurante industrialClaudia Hitomi Yokomizo Hoff 12 May 2005 (has links)
Implantation of methodologies and tools for the quality and of productivity improvement in industrial and services companies has been growing in order to make possible the
obtaining of products and services every better and cheaper. In this survival effort, a lot of companies have been stimulating the engagement of all the areas in adoption of
varied strategies that can contribute to make a most competitive organization. One of these strategies is named by Six Sigma. In an uncommon application, it was implemented for optimizing the acting of a great chemical company industrial restaurant placed in São José dos Campos in the state of São Paulo. By the use of a group of indicators for the attendance and analysis of the results of Six Sigma, it was possible to verify if there was or no increments in associated results the administration of restaurant businesses, as well as, to evaluate the effectiveness of the used indicators. The results evidenced won with the use of the strategy Six Sigma, especially concerning to the reduction of costs operation in the restaurant, in function of the wastes reduction or elimination. / A implantação de metodologias e ferramentas para a melhoria da qualidade e de produtividade em empresas industriais e do segmento de serviços tem crescido na medida em que estas procuram viabilizar a obtenção de produtos cada vez melhores e mais baratos. Neste esforço de sobrevivência e crescimento, muitas empresas têm estimulado o engajamento de todas as áreas na adoção de variadas estratégias que possam contribuir para tornar a organização mais competitiva. Uma destas estratégias é conhecida como Seis Sigma. Em uma aplicação incomum, esta foi implementada como meio de otimizar o desempenho de um restaurante industrial de uma grande empresa do setor químico situada em São José dos Campos no estado de São Paulo. Utilizando-se um conjunto de indicadores para o acompanhamento e análise dos resultados do Seis Sigma, foi possível verificar se houve ou não incrementos nos
resultados associados a gestão de negócios do referido restaurante, assim como, avaliar a eficácia dos indicadores utilizados. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram ganhos com a utilização da estratégia Seis Sigma, especialmente no tocante a redução dos custos de operação do restaurante, em função da redução e eliminação de desperdícios.
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Návrh a realizace Sigma-Delta modulátoru v technice SC / Design of CMOS SC Sigma-Delta Modulator in i3t technologyValehrach, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
Design step for Sigma-Delta ADC is introduced. Suitable solution for performance improvement of the original Sigma-Delta ADC, which meets new requirements on resolution of 16 bits and signal bandwidth 20-50 kHz is presented. Advantage of using multi-bit quantization and DEM DWA method reducing the linearity requirements of the internal feedback DAC is shown.
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Zvuková karta pro PC s obvodem FPGA / FPGA based sound card for PCŠtraus, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This project deals with implementation of a first order Sigma–Delta AD converter on the FPGA. This ADC is design for an audio signal processing. ADC is build up partially from digital blocks implemented in FPGA (programmed using VHDL) and from few analog components placed external to FPGA. Output from ADC is PCM signal. Data from ADC is created UDP datagram, which is sent to PC via network connection. Income data are received in created program, which save data to text file. This text file is processing in MATLAB.
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Použití metod Lean Enterprise a Six Sigma v praxi / Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma implementationVybíralová, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes practical usage of Lean Enterprise and Six sigma tools in Honeywell Brno o. z. The aim of this diploma thesis is to demonstrate Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma tools like one of the most effective tools of continous improvement in production.
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Uplatnění lean managementu v administrativních procesechPodhorná, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis applies to Lean management and it´s application in administrative processes. The goal of diploma thesis is proposal to increase the value added activities and to reduce waste at the same time in the area of administration. The methods of Lean management as 7+1 waste, Kaizen, Lean office, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma are applied in administrative processes in Shared service centre. These methods are evaluated by performance and productivity of processes.
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Faktory interagující s bakteriální RNA polymerázou a jejich vliv na regulaci iniciace transkripce / Factors interacting with bacterial RNA polymerase and their effect on the regulation of transcription initiationRamaniuk, Volha January 2019 (has links)
(ENGLISH) The bacterial cell needs to regulate its gene expression in response to changing environmental conditions. RNA polymerase (RNAP) is the pivotal enzyme of this process and its activity is controlled by a number of auxiliary factors. Here I focus on RNAP-associating factors involved in regulation of transcription in G+ bacteria: factors, initiating nucleoside triphosphates (iNTPs), HelD, δ and small RNA Ms1. The main emphasis is on σ factors from Bacillus subtilis. σ factors allow RNAP to specifically recognize promoter DNA. In my first project I set up in vitro transcription systems with purified alternative σ factors, σB , σD , σH , σI from B. subtilis. Using these systems, I studied the effect of initiating NTP concentration ([iNTP]) on transcription initiation. I showed that promoters of alternative factors are often regulated by [iNTP]. In the next project I comprehensively characterized one of the least explored alternative factors from B. subtilis, I . I identified ~130 genes affected by I , though only 16 of them were directly affected. Moreover, I discovered that I is involved in iron metabolism. Finally, I showed that I binding requires not only the conserved -35 and -10 hexamers, but also extended -35 and -10 elements located in the spacer region. In collaboration with...
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Using Six Sigma Methodology to improve the performance of the Shipment TestBin, Yang January 2015 (has links)
Competition and lead-time pressure motivates us to find new and better ways of continuously improving the output of our work. The emphasis on improvement in both efficiency and quality has become more and more significant in daily activities. The performance of Ericsson’s AXE/APZ products during shipment test phase is one such activity and is the focus of this thesis project. One of the essential principles of shipment testing is to ensure that the test campaigns finish on time. Over the last several decades companies have spent large amounts of time and money on improving test quality and efficiency. Unfortunately, the results have not always been as good as expected. It seems that it is very difficult to improve shipment testing performance using traditional test management methods. Motorola introduced Six Sigma in 1986 and achieved 5.4 Sigma level which help them saved 2.2 Billion dollars during the first six years. From Statistic aspect, it means only 3.4 defects per million opportunities. The Six Sigma methodology has been applied as a management philosophy focused on improving efficiency and performance during the shipment test period. This thesis gives an introduction to the Six Sigma approach, including the concepts of Six Sigma, its history, development, and methodology. More specifically the author uses the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) approach to evaluate the performance of Ericsson’s AXE/APZ Shipment Testing. This project goal was defined: Compare with the performance of 08AXE shipment test which 87% of test campaigns (2.68 sigma level) were finished on time, 3 sigma level in 09AXE shipment test which means 93%of the test campaigns will be finished on time has to be achieved. The thesis measured the 08AXE shipment test performance and analyzed the lead time of test campaigns, found the root causes such as poor documents quality from the legacy project, lack of test resources, no system impact analysis. The thesis also provided a set of proposals for improvements and control of the improved process in order to ensure sustainable improved performance results. Finally 93% test campaigns were finished on time in 09AXE and project goal was fulfilled. / Konkurrens och ledtid tryck motiverar oss att hitta nya och bättre vägar att kontinuerligt förbättra resultatet av vårt arbete. Betoningen av förbättring av både effektivitet och kvalité har blivit allt mer signifikant i våra dagliga aktiviteter. Prestationen av Ericssons AXE/APZ produkter under sändningens test fas är en sådan aktivitet och det är där fokusen på detta tes projekt ligger. En av de grundläggande principerna av sändnings test är att se till att test kampanjer avslutat i tid. Under de senaste årtionden har företag spenderat stora summor tid och pengar att förbättra test kvalité och effektivitet. Tyvärr har resultaten inte vart så bra som förväntat. Det ser ut så att det är mycket svårt att förbättra sändnings test prestationen när du använder traditionella test förvaltningsmetoder. Six Sigma metodik har blivit tillämpad som en ledningsfilosofi fokuserad på att förbättra effektivitet och prestation under test exekverings perioden. Denna tes ger en introduktion till Six Sigma tillvägagångssättet, inklusive konceptet från Sig Sigma, dess historia, utveckling och metodik. Mer specifikt använder vi Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve och Control (DMAIC) tillvägagångssätt för att utvärdera prestationen av Ericssons AXE/APZ sändnings testning. Denna process kräver definitionen av prestationsmålet, mätningar av nuvarande prestanda och analys av data för att hitta rötterna till orsakerna av problemen. Resultatet av denna definition, mätning och analys var en rad förslag till förbättringar och kontroll av den förbättrade processen för att säkerhetsställa hållbara förbättrade prestations resultat.
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Förbättrande av Punktlighet – ur ett Lean-perspektiv : Avgångspunktlighet för SJ AB Hagalund / Increasing Punctuality - from a Lean Management Perspective : Punctuality study at SJ’s train depot in HagalundAnderberg, My January 2016 (has links)
I denna rapport har avgångspunktligheten på SJ:s tågdepå i Hagalund undersökts, med som syfte att hitta bakomliggande mönster och orsaker till förseningar. Det teoretiska ramverk som använts är en kombination av Lean och Six Sigma, där managementverktyget Lean har sin grund i optimering av resursutnyttjande och minskande av slöseri. De Lean-begrepp som främst tagits fasta på är Visualisering och Standardisering, då SJ har haft stora problem inom just dessa områden. Det praktiska arbetet i rapporten har i sin tur följt Six Sigma-metoden DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), där stor tyngdpunkt har lagts vid Mätning och Analysering. Den kvantitativa data som använts kommer direkt från SJ:s egna förseningsrapporter, där tåg som avgår fem minuter eller mer efter planerad avgångstid anses försenade. Denna försening avläses maskinellt, och den planerade avgångstiden kallas Rättidighet (RT). Alla RT > 5 avgångar noteras automatiskt, och för dessa förseningar rapporteras även förseningsorsak. Förseningsorsakerna sätts manuellt av personal på Depå Hagalund utifrån en begränsad lista med valbara förseningstyper (JDE-koder). Arbetet i denna rapport gjordes under en sexmånadersperiod hösten/vintern 2012/2013. Arbetet tittade främst på data från perioden för Tidtabell 2012 (T12), vilken sträckte sig från den 11e december 2011 till den 8e december 2012. Extra punktmarkering lades på november 2012, under vilken ett experiment i punktlighetsrapportering utfördes. Stor vikt lades vid visualisering och standardisering av processer, där tidtabellen är en naturligt styrande process vilken resursfördelat ger arbetsprocesser. En dataminering av förseningsstatistiken för T12 visade under arbetets gång på stora brister i den manuella förseningsrapporteringen, där inkonsekvent användning av JDE-koderna gjorde det omöjligt att med säkerhet få fram bakomliggande förseningsorsaksmönster. För att komma runt bristerna i grunddatan gjordes därför ett ovan nämnt experiment i november 2012 där all förseningsorsaksrapportering under månaden övervakades så att JDE-kodsättningen blev korrekt gjord. Resultatet visade på ett stort mörkertal i inrapporterade förseningar av typen ”Handhavandefel”, förseningar som tidigare dolts i slaktratskoden ”Övrigt”. En visualisering av den maskinellt inrapporterade avgångspunktligheten, RT-datan, kunde i sin tur visa på brister vid skiftesbyten, samt fastställa 13:00-18:00 som en generellt tungt förseningsdrabbad tid på dygnet. Dygnsvisualiseringen av förseningar jämfördes även med en dygnsvisualisering av tågens tid på bangården, den så kallade vändtiden, där tåg som spenderar mindre än tre timmar på Depå Hagalund kunde påvisas påverka den allmänna punktligheten i högre grad än andra avgångar. Med hjälp av regressionsanalys kunde även dokumenteras att sent ankomande tåg med kort vändtid i högre utsträckning även avgår försenade, meden sent ankommande tåg med längre vändtid ej statistiskt påverkades vad gäller avgångspunktlighet. / This report is a study of departure punctuality at the SJ train depot in Hagalund. The purpose of the report has been to find underlying patterns and reasons behind late departures. The theoretical framework that has been used is a combination of Lean and Six Sigma, where the management tool Lean has its basis in optimal resource utilization and minimizing of waste. The Lean concepts that have primarily been used are Visualization and Standardization, this since those are areas in which SJ have been lacking. The practical work behind the report has been done using the Six Sigma method DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), where a large focus has been put on Measuring and Analyzing. The quantitative data that’s been used has come directly from SJ’s own late departure reports, where trains departing 5 minutes or more past the scheduled time are considered to be late. This lateness is automatically registered, where the scheduled departure time is called Right Time (RT) and RT > 5 hence indicated a late departure. The reason behind the lateness is also noted for all departures, but this data is entered manually and the reason is chosen from a limited, predefined list of lateness codes (JDE codes). A data mining of the late departure statistics for the Timetable period 2012 (December 11th 2011 to December 8th 2012) revealed large flaws with the manual lateness reporting, where inconsistent usage of the JDE codes made it impossible to discern any underlying patterns in lateness factors. To circumvent the data flaws an experiment was mad during November 2012, where all late departure reporting during the month was monitored to ensure proper JDE code usage. The result revealed a large previously unknown source of delay, “Human error”, which had hitherto been hidden in the catch-all code “Miscellaneous”. A visualization of the automatically collected departure data, the RT data, in turn revealed clear issues during personal shift changes, and also concluded 1pm-6pm CET to be a late departure heavy time of the day. The visualization of departure data was also compared to the visualization of trains’ time spent at the depot, the so called turn time, where trains spending less than three hours at Depot Hagalund could be shown to affect the general departure punctuality to a higher degree than other trains. Through use of regression analysis it could also be shown that trains arriving late with a short turn time, to a higher degree also departed late, whilst trains with a longer turn time were seemingly statistically unaffected by delays in arrival.
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Identifikace a modelování regulačních sítí genové exprese v průběhu germinace streptomycet / Identification and modeling of gene expression regulatory networks during streptomycetes germinationStraková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Streptomycetes have been studied mostly as producers of antibiotics and for fundamentals of complex bacterial cell development. Here, transcriptomic and proteomic approaches were applied to systems study of Streptomyces coelicolor germination as a developmental transition from dormancy to the vegetative stage. The time dynamics of the gene expression levels represented by mRNA and intracellular protein accumulation and synthesis were measured throughout 5.5 h of germination at 13 time points by employing both DNA microarray and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis techniques. Using a numerical model of gene expression, genetic networks were reconstructed and functional groups of genes controlled by the sigma factors were identified. Modeling of the regulatory interactions provided a set of parameters allowing simulate kinetics of gene expression control among the sigma factors and their target genes. Particularly regulons of two sigma factors, SigR and HrdD, were identified. The analysis assigned their key role during the germination process. Analysis of global trends in the gene/protein expression revealed that the full capability of regulatory mechanisms responding to the environmental cues is reached within the first hour of germination, and identified the basic gene/protein functional groups...
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