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Det är något som inte stämmer : Att urskilja dyslexi hos andraspråkselever / “There’s something strange” : How to distinguish second language learners’ dyslexiaLarsson, Ulrika, Petersson, Ulla-Britt January 2018 (has links)
Att urskilja om en andraspråkselevs läs- och skrivsvårigheter är av tillfällig, andraspråksrelaterad natur eller ett tecken på en djupare problematik är svårt. Samtidigt är det av fundamental betydelse för att eleven i fråga ska få den undervisning som svarar mot aktuell utvecklingsnivå och behov. I föreliggande kvalitativa studie har pedagoger som ansvarar för språkundervisning i grundskolans högstadium och gymnasium intervjuats. Syftet med studien är att förstå pedagogers tankar kring faktorer som bidrar till att de uppmärksammar och urskiljer dyslexi hos tonåriga andraspråkselever, samt vad de anser vara viktigt för att skolorna ska kunna agera på ett adekvat sätt när funderingar kring dyslexi finns. Resultaten har analyserats utifrån teorin the Simple View of Reading och Aarons m.fl. (2008) vidareutveckling av denna teori. Pedagogerna i studien diskuterar läs- och skrivsvårigheter i allmänhet och dyslexi i synnerhet på ett sätt som visar att de har kunskap om vad som skiljer dyslexi från övriga läs- och skrivsvårigheter och förmåga att upptäcka vad som kan vara avvikande och problematiskt i en enskild elevs språkutveckling. Pedagogerna framhäver samarbete och elevens lärmiljö som viktiga faktorer för att skolan ska kunna agera på ett adekvat sätt kring andraspråkselever med eventuell dyslexi. Fasta modersmålslärare gagnar eleverna, eftersom dessa finns i verksamheten och är involverade i det dagliga arbetet. En önskan finns bland flera av informanterna att specialpedagoger och speciallärare kommer ut i klassrummen. Tillsammans med övriga pedagoger kan de observera, reflektera, föreslå och hjälpa till med extra anpassningar utifrån eleven i kontexten. Likaså uttrycks en önskan om en mindre hierarkisk organisation där pedagoger och skolledning har tillit och respekt för varandra och där fokus ligger på ett effektivt arbete med att stödja elevens utveckling. Genom en rutin att screena alla elevers läs- och skrivförmåga kan svårigheter upptäckas tidigare. Ett problem som fler av informanterna i studien tar upp är den långa väntan på utredning av extern aktör, vilket kan leda till att insatser för att stötta elevens utveckling försenas när skolorna saknar underlag för ändamålsenliga åtgärder. Därför är det önskvärt att skolan har egen kompetens att utreda läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Ett proaktivt ledarskap, där skolan är tydlig med vad den står för, har höga förväntningar på både elev och personal, struktur i undervisningen, regelbunden kunskaps- och färdighetskontroll och snabb respons är några exempel på framgångsrikt agerande, likaså att snabbt reagera när en elev inte utvecklar sina färdigheter och kunskaper som förväntat.
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Arbete, nöje, gemenskap och lägerplatsen i den svenska pojkscoutrörelsen 1910–1930 : Det enkla livets infrastruktur och dispositivLjunggren, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
This thesis posits that the scout camp can fruitfully be studied as a technological environment, more specifically as an infrastructure of the simple life. Mainly based upon periodicals, handbooks, still and moving pictures (from the Swedish boy scouts 1910–1930, but with international outlooks) it draws upon the Foucauldian notion of the apparatus (dispositif) as well as theory on modern infrastructure. Particular attention is payed to the role of work, leisure and community building at and around the camp site. The simplification of the camp site – socially as well as technologically – was strategic in the sense that it enabled other goals and functions on a larger, societal level. To some extent it can also be seen as a critique of a growing complexity in modern life. A shared infrastructural sensibility finally grew out of the camp life, connecting scouts on a scale that stretched from the individual to the world.
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Greehouse Gas Simulations in Munich : Investigation of Wind Averaging Techniques for analysis of column measurements (XCO2) using CFDPawa, Diptesh January 2018 (has links)
The underlying objective of this thesis was to perform GHG simulation studies to predict the dispersion and transport of greenhouse gases emitted from a thermal power plant in order to assess the extent of dangerous living environment for those surrounding it in case of an unforeseen calamity. The research carried out during this thesis was to investigate the method of wind averaging techniques to analyse column measurements (XCO2). The reason for adopting this method of analysis was to correlate the physical aspect of wind data to average over a certain period of time wherein the amount of XCO2 (in ppm) observed displays values greater than the background concentration. CFD simulations were performed using the open source code, OpenFOAM, and steady RANS models modified with turbulence boundary conditions for the urban environment case with previously validated simulation studies carried out for the same region in Munich, Germany. Initial results performed during the testing stage indicated that maximum average XCO2 value (in ppm) was recorded at the lowest value of mean wind speed and at a more downwind location of the measurement site. The results obtained from simulation studies on comparison with experimental values (arithmetic average) also suggest that for the same time interval, the difference in values for similar wind conditions as mentioned before makes this technique a more favourable choice for comparison and verification at another time instant. There have been recent developments in GHG simulation based studies and however the current method does represent certain drawbacks, an insight into performing averaging analysis at time intervals representing peak XCO2 moments could be demonstrated which can also help in reducing the overall number of simulations as well as provide information with respect to mitigation measures based on transport and diffusion behavior.
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Everything you always wanted to know about blank nodes (but were afraid to ask)Hogan, Aidan, Arenas, Macelo, Mallea, Alejandro, Polleres, Axel 06 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper we thoroughly cover the issue of blank nodes, which have been defined in RDF as "existential variables". We
first introduce the theoretical precedent for existential blank nodes from first order logic and incomplete Information
in database theory. We then cover the different (and sometimes incompatible) treatment of blank nodes across the
W3C stack of RDF-related standards. We present an empirical survey of the blank nodes present in a large sample of
RDF data published on the Web (the BTC-2012 dataset), where we find that 25.7% of unique RDF terms are blank
nodes, that 44.9% of documents and 66.2% of domains featured use of at least one blank node, and that aside from
one Linked Data domain whose RDF data contains many "blank node cycles", the vast majority of blank nodes form
tree structures that are efficient to compute simple entailment over. With respect to the RDF-merge of the full data,
we show that 6.1% of blank-nodes are redundant under simple entailment. The vast majority of non-lean cases are
isomorphisms resulting from multiple blank nodes with no discriminating information being given within an RDF
document or documents being duplicated in multiple Web locations. Although simple entailment is NP-complete and
leanness-checking is coNP-complete, in computing this latter result, we demonstrate that in practice, real-world RDF
graphs are sufficiently "rich" in ground information for problematic cases to be avoided by non-naive algorithms.
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Desenvolvimento de equipamento para ensaios Simple ShearCorte, Marina Bellaver January 2016 (has links)
Em virtude da presença cada vez mais frequente de solicitações cíclicas nas estruturas de engenharia e do aprimoramento da análise de projetos, os ensaios em solos sob carregamentos cíclicos tiveram seu interesse renovado nos últimos anos. Os ensaios de laboratório são realizados de forma que simulem, da melhor maneira possível, as condições observadas em campo. Tais condições auxiliam na escolha dos ensaios a serem conduzidos para a determinação de parâmetros geotécnicos relevantes a cada situação observada em campo. Dentre os ensaios empregados na Engenharia Geotécnica, destaca-se o simple shear. Este ensaio é conhecido e utilizado para medir a resistência ao cisalhamento e a rigidez de solos. Este é o único ensaio de laboratório capaz de submeter uma amostra a condições de deformação plana sob volume constante e permitir a rotação das tensões principais. Tais condições são frequentemente representativas em diversas situações em campo como, por exemplo, o modo de cisalhamento adjacente ao fuste de uma estaca ou sob plataformas offshore com base gravitacional. Nesse contexto, um equipamento foi desenvolvido para a realização de ensaios do tipo simple shear. O aparato conta com uma câmara, na qual é aplicada pressão à amostra de solo. Diferenciando-se do equipamento comercial para tais ensaios, que emprega uma membrana com anéis metálicos, a amostra de solo neste equipamento é envolta por uma membrana de látex, o que possibilita a consolidação de forma isotrópica ou anisotrópica. Quanto ao carregamento, o equipamento desenvolvido permite que o carregamento seja realizado de forma monotônica ou clíclica. Quando do carregamento cíclico, este pode ainda ser realizado de forma a se manter a tensão controlada ou a deformação. Foram conduzidos ensaios de calibração e validação do equipamento empregando-se uma areia fina de granulometria uniforme cujas propriedades são amplamente conhecidas através de outros ensaios. Os resultados obtidos foram então comparados com estudos no mesmo material em equipamentos triaxiais, cisalhamento direto e outro simple shear. Os resultados mostraram-se satisfatórios, validando o equipamento desenvolvido. / In view of the ever more frequent presence of the cyclic solicitations on Engineering structures and the enhancement of design analysis, the soil testing under cyclic loading conditions had its interest renewed in the last years. The laboratory tests are conduced in a way that simulates, in the best way possible, the observed field conditions. Said conditions aid on the choice of the tests to be conducted in order to determinate the relevant geomechanics parameters.to each situation observed on the field. Among the employed tests in Geotechnical Engineering, it is highlighted the simple shear. This test is known and used to measure the shear strength and soil righty. This is the only laboratory test capable of submitting the sample to plane strain conditions under constant volume and allows the main stress rotations. Said conditions are frequently representative in many field situations, such as, the adjacent shear mechanism to the shaft of a pile or, under offshore platforms with gravitational base. In this context, a equipment was developed to perform simple shear tests. The apparatus has a chamber, in which it is applied confining pressure to the soil sample. Contrasting from the commercial equipment for said tests, that uses a membrane with metallic rings, in this equipment the soil sample is involved by a latex membrane, allowing the consolidation being carried out isotropically or anisotropically. The loading on this equipment can be conduced on monotonic or cyclic conditions. The cyclic loading can even be conduced by controlling the deformation or the stress. Calibration and validation testes where conduced on the equipment using a fine sand of uniform granulometry which properties are largely known through other tests. The obtained results where then compared to other tests carried out on the same material in triaxial tests, direct shear and other simple shear, The results obtained were considered satisfactory, validating the developed equipment.
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Graph based algorithms to efficiently map VLSI circuits with simple cells / Algoritmos baseados em grafos para mapear eficientemente circuitos VLSI com porta simplesMatos, Jody Maick Araujo de January 2018 (has links)
Essa tese introduz um conjunto de algoritmos baseados em grafos para o mapeamento eficiente de circuitos VLSI com células simples. Os algoritmos propostos se baseiam em minimizar de maneira eficiente o número de elementos lógicos usados na implementação do circuito. Posteriormente, uma quantidade significativa de esforço é aplicada na minimização do número de inversores entre esses elementos lógicos. Por fim, essa representação lógica é mapeada para circuitos compostos somente por células NAND e NOR de duas entradas, juntamente com inversores. Células XOR e XNOR de duas entradas também podem ser consideradas. Como nós também consideramos circuitos sequenciais, flips-flops também são levados em consideração. Com o grande esforço de minimização de elementos lógicos, o circuito gerado pode conter algumas células com um fanout impraticável para os nodos tecnológicos atuais. Para corrigir essas ocorrências, nós propomos um algoritmo de limitação de fanout que considera tanto a área sendo utilizada pelas células quanto a sua profundidade lógica. Os algoritmos propostos foram aplicados sobre um conjunto de circuitos de benchmark e os resultados obtidos demonstram a utilidade dos métodos. Essa tese introduz um conjunto de algoritmos baseados em grafos para o mapeamento eficiente de circuitos VLSI com células simples. Os algoritmos propostos se baseiam em minimizar de maneira eficiente o número de elementos lógicos usados na implementação do circuito. Posteriormente, uma quantidade significativa de esforço é aplicada na minimização do número de inversores entre esses elementos lógicos. Por fim, essa representação lógica é mapeada para circuitos compostos somente por células NAND e NOR de duas entradas, juntamente com inversores. Células XOR e XNOR de duas entradas também podem ser consideradas. Como nós também consideramos circuitos sequenciais, flips-flops também são levados em consideração. Com o grande esforço de minimização de elementos lógicos, o circuito gerado pode conter algumas células com um fanout impraticável para os nodos tecnológicos atuais. Para corrigir essas ocorrências, nós propomos um algoritmo de limitação de fanout que considera tanto a área sendo utilizada pelas células quanto a sua profundidade lógica. Os algoritmos propostos foram aplicados sobre um conjunto de circuitos de benchmark e os resultados obtidos demonstram a utilidade dos métodos. Adicionalmente, algumas aplicações Morethan-Moore, tais como circuitos baseados em eletrônica impressa, também podem ser beneficiadas pela abordagem proposta. / This thesis introduces a set of graph-based algorithms for efficiently mapping VLSI circuits using simple cells. The proposed algorithms are concerned to, first, effectively minimize the number of logic elements implementing the synthesized circuit. Then, we focus a significant effort on minimizing the number of inverters in between these logic elements. Finally, this logic representation is mapped into a circuit comprised of only two-input NANDs and NORS, along with the inverters. Two-input XORs and XNORs can also be optionally considered. As we also consider sequential circuits in this work, flip-flops are taken into account as well. Additionally, with high-effort optimization on the number of logic elements, the generated circuits may contain some cells with unfeasible fanout for current technology nodes. In order to fix these occurrences, we propose an area-oriented, level-aware algorithm for fanout limitation. The proposed algorithms were applied over a set of benchmark circuits and the obtained results have shown the usefulness of the method. We show that efficient implementations in terms of inverter count, transistor count, area, power and delay can be generated from circuits with a reduced number of both simple cells and inverters, combined with XOR/XNOR-based optimizations. The proposed buffering algorithm can handle all unfeasible fanout occurrences, while (i) optimizing the number of added inverters; and (ii) assigning cells to the inverter tree based on their level criticality. When comparing with academic and commercial approaches, we are able to simultaneously reduce the average number of inverters, transistors, area, power dissipation and delay up to 48%, 5%, 5%, 5%, and 53%, respectively. As the adoption of a limited set of simple standard cells have been showing benefits for a variety of modern VLSI circuits constraints, such as layout regularity, routability constraints, and/or ultra low power constraints, the proposed methods can be of special interest for these applications. Additionally, some More-than-Moore applications, such as printed electronics designs, can also take benefit from the proposed approach.
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Experiment s jednoduchými pomůckami / Physical experiments with simple materialsBARTL, Adam January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Experiment with simple tools" is about preparation experiments made from object of daily use or different commercially available tools. Experiments are direct to fluid subject. Experiments are constructed to homemade use. Working students? sheets are prepared for these experiments. They are attached to this thesis. These students sheets serve as leading in independent work. Students after them can try experiment and brush subject up.
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Maltodextrina e óleos como fontes de energia para leitõesHauptli, Lucélia [UNESP] 23 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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hauptli_l_dr_botfmvz.pdf: 238442 bytes, checksum: 9478a40f1e5cf45a72bf6742f31a3c30 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Para avaliar os efeitos da suplementação dietética de maltodextrina em substituição a lactose para leitões dos 21 aos 51 dias de idade, foram utilizados 120 animais, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com arranjo fatorial 2x4 (duas dietas: simples e complexa e níveis de maltodextrina substituindo a lactose: 0,0%; 33,5%; 66,5% e 100,0%). Foram avaliados o consumo diário de ração (CDR), o ganho diário de peso (GDP) e a conversão alimentar (CA) em dois períodos pósdesmame (0-15 dias e 0-30 dias). Não houve interação entre os níveis de maltodextrina e as dietas para as variáveis de desempenho. Os leitões que consumiram as dietas complexas apresentaram maior GDP (P = 0,016) no período de 0 a 15 dias e melhor CA nos períodos de 0 a 15 dias (P = 0,010) e de 0 a 30 dias (P = 0,020) pós-desmame. Não foram observados efeitos dos níveis de maltodextrina sobre o CDR e GDP nos dois períodos e na CA no período de 0 a 15 dias. O aumento do nível de maltodextrina na dieta dos leitões determinou efeito quadrático na CA no período de 0 a 30 dias (Ŷ = 1,530000 + 0,002287X + 0,000022X2; R2 = 0,64). As rações contendo somente maltodextrina em sua composição proporcionaram melhor resultado econômico. A maltodextrina pode substituir totalmente a lactose nas dietas pré-iniciais e iniciais, simples ou complexas, sem afetar o desempenho de leitões dos 21 aos 51 dias de idade. / One hundred and twenty piglets were used to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation of maltodextrin as a replacement of lactose for weaned piglets from 21 to 51 days of age, in a randomized complete block design, according to a 2x4 factorial (two diet types: simple or complex; and levels of maltodextrin as a replacement of lactose: 0.0%, 33.5%, 66.5% and 100,0%). The daily feed intake (DFI), daily weight gain (DWG) and feed conversion (FC) were measured. No interaction between maltodextrin levels and diet type was observed. The pigs fed complex diets showed higher DWG from 0 to 15 days (P = 0.016) and better FC from 0 to 15 days (P = 0.010) and from 0 to 30 days (P = 0.020) post-weaning period. No effect of maltodextrin levels on DWG or DFI was observed from 0 to 15 days or from 0 to 30 days; on FC from 0 to 15 days. Maltodextrin showed a quadratic effect on FC from 0 to 30 days (Ŷ = 1.53000 + 0.002287X + 0.000022X2; R2 = 0.64). Diets containing only maltodextrin provided the best economical results. The maltodextrin can fully replace lactose in simple or complex pre-starter or starter diets without affecting performance weanling pigs from 21 and 51 days of age.
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Cognitive and decoding correlates of reading comprehension in Nigerian childrenMangvwat, Solomon Elisha January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to better understand English as second language Nigerian children’s reading comprehension attainment, the first such study to be conducted in Nigeria. In the thesis three studies were conducted to investigate the influence of cognitive and decoding/reading skills on the children’s reading comprehension attainment, namely the preliminary study (Chapter-3) with one primary school in Nigeria, the main study (Chapter-4) with 13 state-run primary schools, and the control study (Chapter-5) including four primary schools in London, respectively. It was found that English as second language children’s reading comprehension performance is significantly influenced by cognitive, decoding and chronological age. The development of cognitive skills which is necessary for success in reading comprehension development is also dependent upon chronological age. That is, age-related increase in cognitive skills brings about increased engagement and more efficient reading comprehension attainment in the children. The normal cognitive development of the children had a positive role also on the children’s performance on language tests necessary for text comprehension. The study found that school socioeconomic background played a significant impact in the performance of Nigerian English as second language children – the better the socioeconomic background of the school the higher the reading comprehension attainment of the children. Furthermore gender was not a factor in the performance and development of reading comprehension by English as Second Language Nigerian children. This implies that parents, teachers and schools motivate and support children irrespective of being boys or girls to realise their full potentials without any discrimination. Having reviewed few theories of reading acquisition/development, the Simple view of reading (SVR) was found to be more appropriate for adoption in this study of Nigerian English as second language children’s reading comprehension attainment. The theory postulates that text comprehension is achieved when children have decoding skills and linguistic comprehension knowledge. The results obtained in Chapters 3 and 4 were in line with the Simple view of reading’s assertion – text comprehension depends on decoding and cognitive skills.
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Características agronômicas, qualidade e composição química dos grãos de híbridos simples de milho doceKwiatkowski, Angela January 2007 (has links)
CNPQ / O milho doce (Zea mays L.) possui ampla versatilidade, além de agregar valor ao
produto. Este tipo de milho vem sendo consumido em diversos países na forma de
espiga cozida “in natura”, congelada ou como grãos enlatados. No Brasil, várias
agroindústrias fomentam a produção e comercialização do milho doce enlatado em
conserva. Dessa forma, seu cultivo vem crescendo gradativamente, atraindo a
atenção dos produtores de milho verde. O presente trabalho possui como objetivos:
avaliar caracteres agronômicos, a qualidade e a composição química dos grãos de
híbridos simples de milho doce apropriados para consumo "in natura" e, também,
pela indústria de milho verde em conserva. As sete linhagens foram selecionadas e
fornecidas para o cruzamento dialélico pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético da
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, sendo obtidos os 21 híbridos simples. O
delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completos casualizados com quatro
repetições. As características avaliadas no campo foram: altura de plantas, altura de
inserção das espigas e massa das espigas sem palha (kg ha-1). As avaliações químicas
realizadas foram: determinação de açúcares redutores e totais, amido, proteínas,
extrato etéreo, fibras e cinzas. Para as análises estatísticas, foi utilizada a análise de
variância e na comparação das médias foi utilizado o teste de agrupamento Scott-
Knott (1974) com probabilidade mínima de 5%. Para a análise de combinação entre
as linhagens genitoras e os híbridos simples obtidos (capacidade geral de
combinação – CGC - e capacidade específica de combinação - CEC) foi utilizado o
método 4 de Griffing e o modelo fixo (1956). Os resultados médios obtidos indicam
que, para a avaliação da altura de plantas e espigas, não houve diferença significativa
(P>0,05), e para a composição química, houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) pelo
teste de agrupamento de médias de Scott-Knott (1974) entre os híbridos avaliados.
Na análise combinatória, as linhagens de milho doce que se destacaram para os
cruzamentos realizados foram as linhagens L4 e L5. Os híbridos L4xL5 e L3xL7 são
os mais indicados para produção, quando se objetiva a maior concentração de
açúcares e menor teor de amido na composição. / Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) possesses wide versatility, besides adding value to the
product. This corn type has been consumed ‘in natura’ in several countries, in form
of cooked ears, or in frozen or canned grains. In Brazil, several agribusinesses
foment the production and commercialization of canned sweet corn. Thus, its
cultivation has been growing gradually, attracting the attention of green corn
producers. The present paper has as objective to evaluate the agronomic characters,
the quality and the chemical composition of the grains of sweet corn, simple hybrids,
appropriate for consumption ‘in natura’, and the corn to be used in the green corn
industry. Seven lineages were selected and supplied for the dialectic crossing by the
Program of Genetics Improvement of the State University of Maringá, thus obtaining
21 simple hybrids. The experimental outlining occurred by using complete
randomized blocks with four replications. The characteristics appraised in the
cultivars were: height of plants, height of ear insertion and mass of corn ears, without
straw (kg ha-1). The chemical evaluations carried out were the ones regarding:
determination of reducer and total sugars, starch, proteins, ethereal extract, fibers and
ashes. Variance analysis was used for the statistical analyses, whereas Scott-Knott
cluster test (1974) was used in the comparison of averages, with a minimum
probability of 5%. For the combining analysis, between the genitor lineages and the
simple hybrids obtained (usual combination capacity - UCC - and specific
combination capacity - SCC), both, method 4 and the fixed model by Griffing (1956)
were used. The average results obtained showed that there was no significant
difference when the evaluating the height of plants and corns ears (P>0.05), but on
the other hand, of chemical composition showed significant difference (P<0.05) in
the test regarding average clustering, by Scott-Knott (1974) for the hybrids
appraised. But L4 and L5 sweet corn lineages were the ones highlighted for the
crossings accomplished in the combining analysis. Both, L4xL5 and L3xL7 hybrids
were the most suitable for production, when aiming at obtaining the largest
concentration of sugars, together with the smallest content of starch, in its
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