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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D mesh morphing

Mocanu, Bogdan Cosmin 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This Ph.D. thesis specifically deals with the issue of metamorphosis of 3D objects represented as 3D triangular meshes. The objective is to elaborate a complete 3D mesh morphing methodology which ensures high quality transition sequences, smooth and gradual, consistent with respect to both geometry and topology, and visually pleasant. Our first contributions concern the two different approaches of parameterization: a new barycentric mapping algorithm based on the preservation of the mesh length ratios, and a spherical parameterization technique, exploiting a Gaussian curvature criterion. The experimental evaluation, carried out on 3D models of various shapes, demonstrated a considerably improvement in terms of mesh distortion for both methods. In order to align the features of the two input models, we have considered a warping technique based on the CTPS C2a radial basis function suitable to deform the models embeddings in the parametric domain maintaining a valid mapping through the entire movement process. We show how this technique has to be adapted in order to warp meshes specified in the parametric domains. A final contribution consists of a novel algorithm for constructing a pseudo-metamesh that avoids the complex process of edge intersections encountered in the state-of-the-art. The obtained mesh structure is characterized by a small number of vertices and it is able to approximate both the source and target shapes. The entire mesh morphing framework has been integrated in an interactive application that allows the user to control and visualize all the stages of the morphing process

Opérateurs de forme et critères mécaniques dédiés à la préparation des composants pour la simulation du comportement mécanique

Ferrandes, Rosalinda 27 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le traitement la forme d'un produit et la formalisation de l'information impliquée dans le processus de liaison entre les activités de Conception et d'Analyse Mécanique sont essentiels. Dans ce travail, un cadre générique la définition d'un modèle intermédiaire est proposé. Le modèle de forme de référence est polyédrique mais également enrichi avec une description de plus haut niveau. La représentation mixte de forme qui en découle permet de transférer quelques hypothèses et objectifs du problème considéré en termes de contraintes qui doivent satisfaites pendant la génération du modèle intermédiaire, où, plus tard dans le processus, pendant la génération modèle de simulation où effectuer l'analyse mécanique. De plus, la relation qu'il y a entre l'application d'un ( mécanique et la suppression d'un sous-domaine de forme est mise en évidence. En particulier, la formulation critère mécanique a posteriori supportant les transformations de forme est fournie.

Systèmes d'équations différentielles linéaires singulièrement perturbées et développements asymptotiques combinés

Hulek, Charlotte 12 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce travail nous démontrons un théorème de simplification uniforme concernant les équations différentielles ordinaires du second ordre singulièrement perturbées au voisinage d'un point dégénéré, appelé point tournant. Il s'agit d'une version analytique d'un résultat formel dû à Hanson et Russell, qui généralise un théorème connu de Sibuya. Pour traiter ce problème, nous utilisons les développements asymptotiques combinés Gevrey introduits par Fruchard et Schäfke. Dans une première partie nous rappelons les définitions et théorèmes principaux de cette récente théorie. Nous établissons trois résultats généraux que nous utilisons ensuite dans la seconde partie de ce manuscrit pour démontrer le théorème principal de réduction analytique annoncé. Enfin nous considérons des équations différentielles ordinaires d'ordre supérieur à deux, singulièrement perturbées à point tournant, et nous démontrons un théorème de réduction analytique.

Förändringskompetens på industrigolvet : kontinuerligt förändringsarbete i gränslandet mellan lean production och socioteknisk arbetsorganisation /

Börnfelt, Per-Ola, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2006.

Administrative Simplification and "Positive Regulation" in the Environmental and Mining Regulations / Simplificación Administrativa y «Regulación Positiva» en la Normativa Ambiental y Minera

Tong González, Francisco 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author studies the objectives and principles established during the 90’s,with respect to administrative simplification in contrast with the current governmental objectives for the optimization of the economy and reduction of unnecessary procedures,basically related to mining and environmental proceedings. Finally, the author proposes theneed for a structural change in Peruvian Mining and Environmental Regulations under the framework of what he calls a «positive regulation». / En el presente artículo el autor reflexiona acerca de los objetivos y principios trazados en la década del noventa, en lo que respecta específicamente a la simplificación administrativa comparándolos con los objetivos actuales de dinamización de la economía y reducción de trámites innecesarios; principalmente, los referidos a procedimientos mineros y ambientales. Finalmente, el autor plantea la necesidad de un cambio estructural en la regulación ambiental y minera bajo la forma de lo que denomina una «regulación positiva».

O consenso como meio de simplificação do procedimento criminal : perspectivas e possibilidades no processo penal brasileiro

Hoppe, Harold January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar como o consenso tem sido utilizado para abreviar, interromper ou encerrar antecipadamente o procedimento criminal. A inserção do consenso ou dos acordos entre acusação e defesa nos sistemas jurídicos de civil law exigiu a abertura de espaços de oportunidade ao exercício da ação penal (princípio da legalidade), e tem contribuído para a superação da ideia de que todo o processo penal deve contar sempre com as fases preliminar, intermediária e decisória. O estudo de Direito Comparado revela como Itália, Alemanha e Espanha incorporaram as soluções negociadas norte-americanas em seus respectivos ordenamentos, ora oferecendo soluções diversionistas à aplicação da lei penal, ora admitindo que a declaração de culpa e a consequente aplicação da pena tomem em conta o acordo firmado entre acusação e defesa. A pesquisa prossegue com a averiguação dos principais óbices à admissibilidade dos acordos no processo penal, notadamente a eventual violação aos direitos ao silêncio e de não produzir prova contra si mesmo, e a suposta privatização do processo com a admissão de uma verdade consensuada. Diante deste cenário internacional, analisam-se as alterações legislativas levadas a efeito pelo Brasil para admitir os acordos em seu processo penal, bem como a principal inovação no projeto de novo Código Processual Penal brasileiro: os acordos penais. O estudo conclui que o consenso não é incompatível com os princípios e valores do devido processo legal, mas reconhece a necessidade de aprimoramento dos mecanismos de controle judicial daquele, salvaguardas essas que não só protegem o acusado mas também reforçam a natureza pública e indisponível do processo penal. / The purpose of the present study is to analyze how the consensus has been used to shorten, interrupt or close the criminal procedure in advance. The insertion of consensus or agreements between prosecution and defense in the civil law legal systems has required the opening of opportunities for criminal prosecution (the principle of legality), and has contributed to overcoming the idea that all criminal proceedings must always have the preliminary, intermediate and decision-making phases. The Comparative Law Study reveals how Italy, Germany, and Spain incorporated US negotiated solutions into their respective jurisdictions, sometimes offering diversionary solutions to the application of criminal law, or assuming that the guilty plea and the consequent application of the penalty take into account the agreement between accusation and defense. The investigation proceeds with the investigation of the main obstacles to the admissibility of the agreements in criminal proceedings, namely the possible violation of the rights to silence and of not producing evidence against itself, and the supposed privatization of the process with the admission of a truth agreed upon. In view of this international scenario, we analyze the legislative changes carried out in Brazil to admit the agreements in the criminal process, as well as the main innovation present in the draft new Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code: penal agreements. The study concludes that consensus is not inconsistent with the principles and values of due process, but recognizes the need to improve judicial control mechanisms, which safeguards not only protect the accused but also reinforce the public nature and unavailability of criminal proceedings.

Vers une approche hybride mêlant arbre de classification et treillis de Galois pour de l'indexation d'images / Towards an hybrid model between decision trees and Galois lattice for image indexing and classification

Girard, Nathalie 05 July 2013 (has links)
La classification d'images s'articule généralement autour des deux étapes que sont l'étape d'extraction de signatures suivie de l'étape d'analyse des données extraites, ces dernières étant généralement quantitatives. De nombreux modèles de classification ont été proposés dans la littérature, le choix du modèle le plus adapté est souvent guidé par les performances en classification ainsi que la lisibilité du modèle. L'arbre de classification et le treillis de Galois sont deux modèles symboliques connus pour leur lisibilité. Dans sa thèse [Guillas 2007], Guillas a utilisé efficacement les treillis de Galois pour la classification d'images, et des liens structurels forts avec les arbres de classification ont été mis en évidence. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit font suite à ces résultats, et ont pour but de définir un modèle hybride entre ces deux modèles, qui réunissent leurs avantages (leur lisibilité respective, la robustesse du treillis et le faible espace mémoire de l'arbre). A ces fins, l'étude des liens existants entre les deux modèles a permis de mettre en avant leurs différences. Tout d'abord, le type de discrétisation, les arbres utilisent généralement une discrétisation locale tandis que les treillis, initialement définis pour des données binaires, utilisent une discrétisation globale. A partir d'une étude des propriétés des treillis dichotomiques (treillis définis après une discrétisation), nous proposons une discrétisation locale pour les treillis permettant d'améliorer ses performances en classification et de diminuer sa complexité structurelle. Puis, le processus de post-élagage mis en œuvre dans la plupart des arbres a pour objectif de diminuer la complexité de ces derniers, mais aussi d'augmenter leurs performances en généralisation. Les simplifications de la structure de treillis (exponentielle en la taille de données dans les pires cas), quant à elles, sont motivées uniquement par une diminution de la complexité structurelle. En combinant ces deux simplifications, nous proposons une simplification de la structure du treillis obtenue après notre discrétisation locale et aboutissant à un modèle de classification hybride qui profite de la lisibilité des deux modèles tout en étant moins complexe que le treillis mais aussi performant que celui-ci. / Image classification is generally based on two steps namely the extraction of the image signature, followed by the extracted data analysis. Image signature is generally numerical. Many classification models have been proposed in the literature, among which most suitable choice is often guided by the classification performance and the model readability. Decision trees and Galois lattices are two symbolic models known for their readability. In her thesis {Guillas 2007}, Guillas efficiently used Galois lattices for image classification. Strong structural links between decision trees and Galois lattices have been highlighted. Accordingly, we are interested in comparing models in order to design a hybrid model between those two. The hybrid model will combine the advantages (robustness of the lattice, low memory space of the tree and readability of both). For this purpose, we study the links between the two models to highlight their differences. Firstly, the discretization type where decision trees generally use a local discretization while Galois lattices, originally defined for binary data, use a global discretization. From the study of the properties of dichotomic lattice (specific lattice defined after discretization), we propose a local discretization for lattice that allows us to improve its classification performances and reduces its structural complexity. Then, the process of post-pruning implemented in most of the decision trees aims to reduce the complexity of the latter, but also to improve their classification performances. Lattice filtering is solely motivated by a decrease in the structural complexity of the structures (exponential in the size of data in the worst case). By combining these two processes, we propose a simplification of the lattice structure constructed after our local discretization. This simplification leads to a hybrid classification model that takes advantage of both decision trees and Galois lattice. It is as readable as the last two, while being less complex than the lattice but also efficient.

O consenso como meio de simplificação do procedimento criminal : perspectivas e possibilidades no processo penal brasileiro

Hoppe, Harold January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar como o consenso tem sido utilizado para abreviar, interromper ou encerrar antecipadamente o procedimento criminal. A inserção do consenso ou dos acordos entre acusação e defesa nos sistemas jurídicos de civil law exigiu a abertura de espaços de oportunidade ao exercício da ação penal (princípio da legalidade), e tem contribuído para a superação da ideia de que todo o processo penal deve contar sempre com as fases preliminar, intermediária e decisória. O estudo de Direito Comparado revela como Itália, Alemanha e Espanha incorporaram as soluções negociadas norte-americanas em seus respectivos ordenamentos, ora oferecendo soluções diversionistas à aplicação da lei penal, ora admitindo que a declaração de culpa e a consequente aplicação da pena tomem em conta o acordo firmado entre acusação e defesa. A pesquisa prossegue com a averiguação dos principais óbices à admissibilidade dos acordos no processo penal, notadamente a eventual violação aos direitos ao silêncio e de não produzir prova contra si mesmo, e a suposta privatização do processo com a admissão de uma verdade consensuada. Diante deste cenário internacional, analisam-se as alterações legislativas levadas a efeito pelo Brasil para admitir os acordos em seu processo penal, bem como a principal inovação no projeto de novo Código Processual Penal brasileiro: os acordos penais. O estudo conclui que o consenso não é incompatível com os princípios e valores do devido processo legal, mas reconhece a necessidade de aprimoramento dos mecanismos de controle judicial daquele, salvaguardas essas que não só protegem o acusado mas também reforçam a natureza pública e indisponível do processo penal. / The purpose of the present study is to analyze how the consensus has been used to shorten, interrupt or close the criminal procedure in advance. The insertion of consensus or agreements between prosecution and defense in the civil law legal systems has required the opening of opportunities for criminal prosecution (the principle of legality), and has contributed to overcoming the idea that all criminal proceedings must always have the preliminary, intermediate and decision-making phases. The Comparative Law Study reveals how Italy, Germany, and Spain incorporated US negotiated solutions into their respective jurisdictions, sometimes offering diversionary solutions to the application of criminal law, or assuming that the guilty plea and the consequent application of the penalty take into account the agreement between accusation and defense. The investigation proceeds with the investigation of the main obstacles to the admissibility of the agreements in criminal proceedings, namely the possible violation of the rights to silence and of not producing evidence against itself, and the supposed privatization of the process with the admission of a truth agreed upon. In view of this international scenario, we analyze the legislative changes carried out in Brazil to admit the agreements in the criminal process, as well as the main innovation present in the draft new Brazilian Criminal Procedure Code: penal agreements. The study concludes that consensus is not inconsistent with the principles and values of due process, but recognizes the need to improve judicial control mechanisms, which safeguards not only protect the accused but also reinforce the public nature and unavailability of criminal proceedings.

Mechanisms for administrative simplification in light of recent amendments to the General Administrative Procedure Law, 27444, and the recent Law of Prevention and Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers, Legislative Decree 1256 / Mecanismos de simplificación administrativa a la luz de las recientes modificaciones a la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General, Ley 27444, y la reciente Ley de Prevención y Eliminación de Barreras Burocráticas, Decreto Legislativo 1256

Maraví, Milagros 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this academic article, the author analyzes the administrative simplification mechanisms implemented in the Law of General Administrative Procedure, 27444, as amended by Legislative Decree 1272, and in the recent Law of Prevention and Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers, Legislative Decree 1256. Thus, it can be seen that both laws have taken into account the recommendations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in order to (i) alleviate the burdens imposed on the citizens in the development of administrative procedures, (ii) empower the Office of the President of the Council of Ministers in order to implement administrative simplification measures and to monitor compliance by entities, and (iii) eliminate bureaucratic barriers in our legal framework. / En el presente artículo, la autora analiza los mecanismos de simplificación administrativa implementados en la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General, Ley 27444, modificada por el Decreto Legislativo 1272, y en la reciente Ley de Prevención y Eliminación de Barreras Burocráticas, Decreto Legislativo 1256. Así, se podrá evidenciar que ambas normas han tomado en consideración las recomendaciones de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) para (i) alivianar las cargas impuestas a los administrados en el desarrollo de los procedimientos administrativos, (ii) empoderar a la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros para que implemente medidas adicionales de simplificación administrativa y supervise el cumplimiento por parte de las entidades, y (iii) eliminar las barreras burocráticas en nuestro ordenamiento.

Produção de biblioteca de compostos derivados de produtos naturais: síntese e estudo de atividades biológicas / Production of library of compounds derived from natural products: synthesis and study of biological activities

Rodrigo Brito de Mello 19 September 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da semissíntese de análogos de importantes compostos líderes (afidicolina, lausona, lapachol e CAPE) utilizando técnicas de química medicinal como bioisosterismo, adição de grupamento funcional e simplificação molecular. Dessa forma foi possível obter uma biblioteca de análogos racionais, visando a manipulação de parâmetros físico-químicos e estruturais, para fins de bioprospecção. Foram desenvolvidos derivados de afidicolina mais lipofílicos, por meio da acilação das hidroxilas presentes na estrutura química deste terpeno. Tentativas de formação de bioisósteros, sais e de ésteres fosfato das hidroxinaftoquinonas naturais - lapachol e lausona, foram realizadas visando avaliar a influência do pKa sobre a atividade deste tipo de moléculas, bem como aumentar hidrossolubilidade. Neste caso, foram observadas reações paralelas, como um rearranjo molecular para a formação de aminonaftoquinonas, no estudo da cicloadição de azida de sódio com grupos cianos. Ademais, foi estudado o efeito da simplificação molecular de CAPE (fenetil éster do ácido cafeico), visando entender os requisitos estruturais de atividade antitumoral desta classe de compostos. Neste trabalho, foram obtidas 14 moléculas e testadas para diferentes atividades biológicas. Derivados naftoquinoidais se mostraram ativos frente à inibição de DHODH em ensaio sobre a enzima e também em ensaio celular. Adicionalmente, análogos simplificados do CAPE apresentaram alta atividade antitumoral, com segurança, em comparação ao controle 5-fluorouracila. / The present study aimed the semi-synthesis of analogues from important lead compounds (aphidicolin, lausone, lapachol and CAPE) by using medicinal chemistry strategies, such as bioisosterism, addition of functional groups and molecular simplification. Thus, we obtained a library of rational analogues, aiming the manipulation of physicochemical and structural parameters with bioprospecting purposes. We developed more lipophilic aphidicolin derivatives by acylation of the hydroxyl groups present in the structure of this terpene. Attempts towards the development of phosphate salts bioisosters from the hydroxinaftoquinones lapachol and lausone in order to evaluate the influence the pKa in the biological activity of these class compounds as well as to increase the water solubility. In this last case, we observed parallel reactions, as a molecular rearrangement for the formation of the aminonaftoquinones during the study of cycloaddition with cyanides and azides. In addition, we studied the effects of molecular simplification of CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester), to better understand the structural requirements for antitumoral activity of this class of compounds. In the present work we obtained 14 molecules which were also tested for different biological activities. Naftoquinoidais derivatives showed inhibition activity on enzymatic essay on DHODH and on cellular essay. Moreover, simplified molecules from CAPE showed high antitumoral activity and safety in comparison to the control 5- fluorouracil.

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