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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploration des systèmes d'expression de protéines recombinantes pour la caractérisation d'un anticorps catalytique / Exploration of recombinantes proteins expression systems for the characterization of a catalytic antibody

Ben Naya, Raouia 24 May 2013 (has links)
Les anticorps catalytiques sont étudiés pour comprendre leur rôle en conditions physiopathologiques. Ils semblent aussi représenter des outils révolutionnaires pour des études à l'interface entre la chimie, la biochimie, la biologie et immunologie. Par conséquent, la connaissance des relations de structure- fonction représente un grand intérêt. Nous avons exploré deux systèmes d'expression pour la production d'un anticorps catalytique modèle présentant une activité bêta-lactamase. Le fragment scFv recombinant a été produit dans le système d'expression procaryote. Les scFv sont souvent décrits comme des protéines difficiles à produire. Une méthode efficace a été développée pour produire de grandes quantités de scFv solubles et correctement repliés. L'anticorps catalytique entier a aussi été produit en exploitant le système d'expression eucaryote. Des cellules de mammifères ont été utilisées car elles peuvent conserver le repliement original des protéines, leur assemblage et les modifications post-traductionnelles. La structure secondaire du scFv catalytique a été analysée par dichroïsme circulaire pour s’assurer que la renaturation du scFv est en accord avec le repliement des scFv natifs. La fonctionnalité du scFv catalytique et de l'anticorps catalytique entier a été validée par deux approches : (1) le développement d’un test immuno-enzymatique (ELISA) et la résonance plasmonique de surface (RPS) et (2) le développement d'un test catalytique sensible utilisant un substrat fluorogénique. Ce travail amène à considérer de potentielles applications biotechnologiques et thérapeutiques des anticorps catalytiques. / Catalytic antibodies are investigated in order to understand their role under physio-pathological situations. But they also appear to be revolutionary tools to perform studies at the interface between chemistry, biochemistry, biology and immunology. Consequently, the knowledge of structure–function relationships is of great interest. We explored two expression systems for the production of a model catalytic antibody displaying a beta-lactamase activity. The recombinant scFv fragment was produced in the prokaryotic expression system. scFv fragments are often described as proteins being laborious to produce. An efficient method was developed to produce large quantities of refolded soluble catalytic scFv. Whole catalytic antibody was also produced by exploiting eukaryotic expression system. Mammalian cells were used because they are able to retain the original protein folding, assembly and post-translational modifications. The secondary structure of the catalytic scFv has been analyzed by circular dichroism to ensure that the refolded scFv is consistent with a native scFv fold. The functionality of the catalytic scFv and whole catalytic antibody has been validated by two approaches: (1) development of enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) approaches for testing that the binding characteristics of an inhibitory peptide have been retained, and (2) proof of the subtle catalytic properties conservation through the development of a new sensitive catalytic assay using a fluorogenic substrate. This will lead to consider potential biotechnological and therapeutic applications of catalytic antibodies.

Production of Porcine Single Chain Variable Fragment (SCFV) selected against a recombinant fragment of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus non structural protein 2

Koopman, Tammy L. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology / Richard 'Dick' Hesse / Carol Wyatt / Over the last two decades molecular laboratory techniques have enabled researchers to investigate the infection, replication and pathogenesis of viral disease. In the early eighties, Dr. George Smith developed a unique system of molecular selection. He showed that the fd bacteriophage genome could be manipulated to carry a sequence of DNA coding for a protein not contained in the phage genome. Infection of the recombinant bacteriophage or phagemid into a specific strain of the bacterium, Escherichia coli, produced progeny phage with the coded protein displayed as a fusion with the phage's coat protein. Antibody phage display utilizes the same technology with the DNA encoding an antibody fragment. The DNA insert can carry the information to produce either a single chain variable fragment (scFv) producing the heavy chain variable and light chain variable (VH-VL) portion or a Fab fragment which also contains the heavy chain constant 1 with the light chain constant (CH and CL) portion of an antibody. Screening an antibody phage display library has the possibility of producing an antibody not produced in the normal course of immune selection. This decade also saw the emergence of a viral disease affecting the porcine population. The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSV) has been one of the most costly diseases affecting the pig producer. Molecular investigations found that PRRSV is a single, positive-stranded RNA virus which codes for five structural and 12-13 nonstructural proteins producing an enveloped, icosahedral virus. An interesting characteristic of PRRSV is the ability to produce infective progeny with genomic deletions, insertions and mutations within the nonstructural protein 2 (nsp2). With this knowledge, many researchers have produced marker vaccines containing fluorescent tags with the hope of developing a DIVA (Differentiate Infected from Vaccinated Animals) vaccine. In my Master‟s studies, I studied the techniques of antibody phage display technology and how to apply these methods to producing scFvs which recognize a recombinant PRRSV nsp2 fragment protein and the native protein during infection of MARC-145 cells.

Rheology and Structure Formation in Complex Polymer Melts

Schneider, Ludwig 10 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Physico-chemical properties of polymers at interfaces

Díez Orrite, Silvia 16 December 2002 (has links)
A polymer is a large molecule constructed from many smaller structural units calledmonomers joined together by covalent bonds. Polymers have existed in natural formsince life began and those such as DNA, RNA, proteins and polysaccharides are someof the most important macromolecules found in plant and animal life. From the earliesttimes, the man has used many of these polymers as materials for providing clothing,decoration, tools, weapons and other requirements. However, the origins of today'spolymer industry commonly are accepted as being in the nineteenth century whenimportant discoveries were made concerning to the modification of certain naturalpolymers, as cellulose. The use of synthetic and natural polymers as stabilisers forcolloid systems (sols, dispersions, microemulsions, etc.) is becoming more importanteveryday in contemporary life. Polymer additives can be applied in preconcentrationsand dehydration of suspensions in mineral processing, purification of wastewater andeven in nutritional and pharmaceutical emulsions being their importance related to thecharacteristics of the process and the properties that they show. The present work aimsto develop appropriate numerical and analytical modelling techniques, which candescribe (considering the formation of loops and tails) the structure of a polymeric layeradsorbed on heterogeneous surfaces; this adsorbed layer is an relevant factor in theproperties showed by this kind of materials. Taking into account this, the methodologyknown as Single Chain Mean Field (SCMF) (originally used to study micellaraggregates and grafted polymers) was modified to apply on polymer adsorptionproblems. In this way, it was possible to calculate numerically properties that can beexperimentally measured, such as total monomer volume fraction profiles, loop and tailvolume fraction profiles, adsorbance or the thickness of the adsorbed layer. Thestructure of the polymeric layer was examined both for flat and spherical (colloidalparticles) surface geometries. When compared with other well establishedmethodologies for the numerical simulation of polymeric systems, this new version ofSCMF was found to be more efficient due to the improved sampling of the polymerchain configuration space.Thus, SCMF method results, in the case of the adsorption on flat surfaces, compare wellwith those obtained either with Monte Carlo simulations or with the method developedin the 80s by Scheutjens and Fleer (SCF). Due to the lack of studies focusing to polymeradsorption on colloidal particles, our results have been the first to present quantitativepredictions of the structure of the polymeric layer adsorbed on a spherical surface. Thus,we have demonstrated the dependence of the adsorbed polymer layer with the size ofthe colloidal particle as well as the characteristic lengths that influence on it. Finally, inthis work an analytical approach for the description of polymer-colloidal mixtures hasbeen developed which compares well with the numerical results obtained from theSCMF methodology. Furthermore, the analytical approach is able to predict systembehaviours, as for example the formation of gels. / Un polímero es una molécula de grandes dimensiones formada de pequeñas unidadesllamadas monómeros, los cuales se encuentran unidos por medio de enlaces covalentes.Los polímeros han existido de forma natural desde el comienzo de la vida, y aquelloscomo el DNA, RNA o las proteínas son algunos de los polímeros más importantesencontrados tanto en la vida animal como en la vegetal. Desde siempre el hombre hautilizado muchos de estos polímeros como materiales para hacer ropa, decoración,herramientas, etc. Sin embargo, el origen de la industria de polímeros que conocemoshoy en día se produjo en el siglo 19, gracias a importantes descubrimientos dentro de lamodificación de ciertos polímeros naturales, como la celulosa. El uso de polímerossintéticos y naturales como estabilizadores de sistemas coloidales (dispersiones,microemulsiones, etc.) juega en nuestros días un papel importante. Los polímerosutilizados como aditivos, pueden ser aplicados en preconcentraciones y deshidrataciónde suspensiones dentro de procesos minerales, tratamiento de aguas residuales e inclusolos podemos encontrar dentro de la industria farmacéutica y alimentaria, donde suimportancia es debida a la procesabilidad y propiedades que ellos exhiben. El trabajoque se presenta es orientado al desarrollo de técnicas de modelización, tanto analíticascomo computacionales, y su aplicación en la descripción (por medio de la formación debucles y colas) de la estructura de la capa de polímeros adsorbida en superficiesheterogéneas, siendo dicha capa de polímeros un factor importante en las propiedadesque este tipo de materiales presentan. Con este propósito, la metodología conocidacomo Single Chain Mean Field, utilizada anteriormente tanto para el estudio deagregados micelares como de polímeros anclados en superficies, ha sido modificadapara describir la adsorción de polímeros en superficies. Así se han podido calcularnuméricamente propiedades medibles experimentalmente como los perfiles de lafracción en volumen de monómeros totales, además de los pertenecientes a los bucles ycolas, adsorbancia o el espesor de la capa adsorbida, para geometrías de la superficieabsorbente tanto plana como esférica (partículas coloidales). En su comparación conotras metodologías, ya establecidas para la simulación numérica dentro de la física depolímeros, la aplicación de esta nueva versión del Single Chain Mean Field (SCMF)ha resultado ser más eficiente debido a un mejor muestreo del espacio deconfiguraciones de las cadenas poliméricas. De este modo, comparando los resultadosobtenidos a partir del SCMF, con aquellos obtenidos mediante técnicas de simulaciónMonte Carlo o la teoría desarrollada en los años 80 por Scheutjens y Fleer (SCF), se hapodido encontrar un buen acuerdo en las propiedades calculadas para el caso de laadsorción en superficies planas. Debido a la dificultad intrínseca del estudio de laadsorción en superficies curvadas, nuestros resultados son los primeros que presentanpredicciones cuantitativas sobre la estructura de la capa que se forma sobre unapartícula coloidal. Así hemos podido comprobar la dependencia de la estructura de lacapa de polímeros adsorbidos con el tamaño de la partícula sobre la que se encuentranadsorbidos además de las longitudes características de las cuales depende. Finalmente,en este trabajo se ha desarrollado, también, una teoría analítica para la descripción de lamezcla polímero-coloide. De este modo, los resultados numéricos obtenidos con elSCMF han podido ser comparados con dicha teoría, obteniendo, de nuevo, un buenacuerdo y predecir, además, comportamientos colectivos como la formación de geles.

Design and Optimization of Recombinant Antibodies Directed Against Platelet Glycoprotein VI with Therapeutic and Diagnostic Potentials

Zahid, Muhammad 24 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Human platelets glycoprotein VI (GPVI) is evidenced to be a platelet receptor of major importance in the occurrence of arterial thrombosis. Thus, it can be considered to be of great interest in diagnosis and therapeutic of atheriosclerotic diseases. Antibodies are powerful molecules which can be used in both diagnostic as well as for therapeutic purposes due to their unique characteristics. Monoclonal and recombinant antibodies have antigen restricted specificity, high affinity and can be used in various assays. Moreover, the good knowledge of their structure and molecular engineering facilities now allows the antibody modulation according to desired properties.Our group has already produced several monoclonal antibodies to human GPVI by gene gun immunization against the immunoadhesin hGPVI-Fc, which differ in fine epitopespecificity, affinity and other functional properties (Lecut et al. 2003). One, 3J24, with diagnostic potential while the other, 9O12, has a therapeutic potential because it blocks the binding of GPVI to collagen. Its Fab fragment has been extensively characterized in vitro,ex vivo and in vivo for its antithrombotic properties.Here, we designed and reshaped a single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) based on 3J24variable domains for the quantification of GPVI with diagnostic potential. We were also involved in the design, production and functional evaluation of humanized anti-GPVI recombinant antibody fragments (scFvs and Fabs) with therapeutic properties.

The cloning, characterisation and engineering of an IGF-I-BINDING single chain Fv

Roberts, Anthony Simon January 2004 (has links)
This thesis describes the construction and characterisation of an insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I)-binding single chain Fv (scFv) and the utilisation of this scFv as a model protein for the study of the application of DNA shuffling and ribosome display to antibody engineering. The variable domain genes were isolated from the hybridoma cell line producing the monoclonal antibody and successfully joined by PCR for the construction of the scFv, named anti-GPE. Sequencing of the gene revealed an unusually short heavy chain CDR2 region. The cloned scFv was expressed in E. coli and purified. Expression levels were low and the protein has poor solubility, most likely due to a reduction in folding efficiency caused by the abbreviated CDR2. The purified monomeric form of the protein was analysed for binding to IGF-I using surface plasmon resonance on the BIAcore 1000 with the specificity of the IgG version of the antibody for the three N-terminal residues of IGF-I - Gly-Pro-Glu - reproduced. The scFv's calculated dissociation constant of 3.68 µM is a low affinity for an antibody and is approximately 36-fold weaker than was calculated for the Fab version of the antibody, but it is concluded that the calculated affinity for the scFv was an apparent affinity that may be an underestimation of true affinity due to the presence of non-functional or misfolded scFv species within the gel-filtration purified monomer peaks. A mutant version of anti-GPE with residues inserted in the CDR2 to restore it to normal length produced a protein with improved expression and solubility characteristics while retaining IGF-I-binding. It was concluded that the short CDR2 was due to deletions generated during the somatic mutation process and a model for this is described. A ribosome display method using a rabbit reticulocyte lysate as a source of ribosomes was developed for specific selection of anti-GPE against IGF-I. Error prone PCR was used to produce a random point mutated library of anti-GPE (EPGPE). This was taken through several cycles of display and selection but selection for non-specifically binding scFvs was commonly observed. This was probably due to poor folding of ribosome-displayed proteins in the system used, possibly caused by the presence of DTT in the lysate and/or the low capacity of the anti-GPE framework to tolerate mutation while retaining stability. It is assumed misfolds, exposing hydrophobic regions, would have a tendency to non-specifically interact with the selection surface. Of the 64 EPGPE clones screened from four rounds of display and selection, many were shown to have poor or non-specific binding, but one scFv was characterised that was affinity matured 2.6-fold over anti-GPE wild type affinity for IGF-I. A DNA shuffling method was developed to produce libraries of chimaeric scFvs between anti-GPE and NC10 (anti-neuraminidase scFv) with the objective of isolating functional IGF-I-binding chimaeras. The NC10 scFv had its CDRs replaced with the anti-GPE CDRs prior to the shuffling to increase the likelihood of isolating IGF-I binders. Ribosome display was used for selection from the chimaera libraries. Selection strategies included elution of specific binders by GPE peptide and a GPE 10-mer peptide. Selection was also performed using IGF-I immobilised on a BIAcore sensorchip as a selection surface. Again, much non-specific selection was observed as seen for display of EPGPE, for what was expected to be the same reasons. Selected scFvs were genuinely chimaeric but with poor expression and solubility and mostly non-specific in their binding. One characterised selected chimaera, made up of three segments of each of the parental scFvs, was shown to bind specifically to IGF-I by BIAcore. Steps to improve the efficiency of the ribosome display system have been identified and are discussed.

Characterisation and recombinant expression of antigens for the rapid diagnosis of West Nile virus infection

Jody Hobson-Peters Unknown Date (has links)
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen of global significance. It is active on several continents and is responsible for recent outbreaks of fever and fatal encephalitis in humans and horses. While highly virulent strains have been reported in Europe, North, Central and South America, only a benign subtype of WNV (Kunjin virus – KUNV) occurs in Australia. However, virulent, exotic WNV strains are seen as a significant threat to Australia due to the ease with which this virus can move between continents and the presence of suitable vectors and hosts already within Australia. KUNV and WNV subtypes are antigenically and genetically very closely related and cross-react in traditional serological tests. This cross-reactivity makes it very difficult to differentiate between KUNV and WNV infections using standard serological tests. The aim of this thesis was to identify immunogenic epitopes unique to KUNV or WNV and to use these epitopes in the development of a rapid assay that would enable the diagnosis of and surveillance for exotic virulent strains of WNV in Australia. The rapid diagnostic platform chosen was a red blood cell (RBC) agglutination assay that was originally patented and commercialised by AGEN Biomedical Ltd. The RBC agglutination assay reagent consists of the Fab region of a human erythrocyte-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) conjugated to the epitope of interest (in this instance, a WNV-specific peptide). This bi-functional reagent causes the agglutination of the patient’s erythrocytes in the presence of WNV-specific antibody in the patient’s serum. Traditionally, these RBC agglutination reagents have been produced by chemical conjugation. However, a potentially easier and cheaper method involves the linking of the gene encoding the erythrocyte-specific antibody to that encoding the epitope to create a recombinant version of the bi-functional agglutination reagent through expression using prokaryotic or eukaryotic systems. To identify potential differential epitopes, 18 mAbs to WNV (NY99 strain) prM and envelope (E) proteins were assessed. One mAb (17D7) differentially recognised WNV and KUNV in ELISA and maintained recognition of its corresponding epitope upon reduction and carboxymethylation of the viral antigen, suggesting a continuous (linear) epitope. Using synthetic peptides, the epitope was mapped to a 19 amino acid sequence (WN19: E147-165) encompassing the WNV NY99 E protein glycosylation site at position 154. An amino acid substitution at position E156 of many KUNV strains abolishes this glycosylation moiety. The inability of WNV-positive horse and mouse sera to bind the synthetic peptides indicated that glycosylation was required for recognition of peptide WN19 by WNV-specific antibodies in sera. N-linked glycosylation of WN19 was achieved through expression of the peptide as a C-terminal fusion protein in mammalian cells and specific reactivity of WNV-positive horse sera to the glycosylated WN19 fusion protein was shown by Western blot. Additional sera collected from horses that had been infected with Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV), which is similarly glycosylated at position E154 and exhibits high sequence identity to WNV NY99 in this region, also recognised the recombinant peptide. In contrast, no reactivity with the recombinant peptide was observed by sera from horses infected with the unglycosylated WNV subtype, KUNV. Failure of most WNV- and MVEV-positive horse sera to recognise the epitope as a deglycosylated fusion protein (75% and 100% respectively) confirmed that the N-linked glycan is important for antibody recognition of the peptide. Together, these results suggest that the induction of antibodies to the WN19 epitope during WNV infection of horses is generally associated with E protein glycosylation of the infecting viral strain. To assess the feasibility of using peptide WN19 in a rapid immunoassay, the peptide was recombinantly fused to a RBC (glycophorin)-specific single chain antibody (scFv) using previously published constructs which were developed for the bacterial expression of similar bi-functional reagents. To facilitate glycosylation of peptide WN19, the genes for the bi-functional agglutination reagents were subsequently cloned into eukaryotic expression vectors. An additional set of constructs were also produced in which the genes for the variable regions of the anti-RBC antibody were cloned into a vector for the secreted expression of an intact, humanised IgG1 molecule. Stable cell lines were produced for each of these constructs and secreted up to 700 ng/mL glycophorin-reactive antibody. The secreted recombinant protein could be harvested directly from the cell culture medium and used in RBC agglutination assays, where these bi-functional agglutination reagents could be cross-linked either with mAb 17D7 or by anti-peptide WN19 antibodies present in WNV-positive horse serum. The WNV NY99 prM protein was also identified as a useful marker of WNV-infection in horses, as well as a putative antigen to differentiate equine WNV NY99 and KUNV infections using Western blot. Two anti-WNV prM mAbs were also generated in this study and will be extremely valuable in future studies. Preliminary analysis of the prM epitope(s) bound by these mAbs and WNV-immune sera indicate that the binding site(s) is likely to be localised to pr and is conformational.

Characterisation and recombinant expression of antigens for the rapid diagnosis of West Nile virus infection

Jody Hobson-Peters Unknown Date (has links)
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen of global significance. It is active on several continents and is responsible for recent outbreaks of fever and fatal encephalitis in humans and horses. While highly virulent strains have been reported in Europe, North, Central and South America, only a benign subtype of WNV (Kunjin virus – KUNV) occurs in Australia. However, virulent, exotic WNV strains are seen as a significant threat to Australia due to the ease with which this virus can move between continents and the presence of suitable vectors and hosts already within Australia. KUNV and WNV subtypes are antigenically and genetically very closely related and cross-react in traditional serological tests. This cross-reactivity makes it very difficult to differentiate between KUNV and WNV infections using standard serological tests. The aim of this thesis was to identify immunogenic epitopes unique to KUNV or WNV and to use these epitopes in the development of a rapid assay that would enable the diagnosis of and surveillance for exotic virulent strains of WNV in Australia. The rapid diagnostic platform chosen was a red blood cell (RBC) agglutination assay that was originally patented and commercialised by AGEN Biomedical Ltd. The RBC agglutination assay reagent consists of the Fab region of a human erythrocyte-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) conjugated to the epitope of interest (in this instance, a WNV-specific peptide). This bi-functional reagent causes the agglutination of the patient’s erythrocytes in the presence of WNV-specific antibody in the patient’s serum. Traditionally, these RBC agglutination reagents have been produced by chemical conjugation. However, a potentially easier and cheaper method involves the linking of the gene encoding the erythrocyte-specific antibody to that encoding the epitope to create a recombinant version of the bi-functional agglutination reagent through expression using prokaryotic or eukaryotic systems. To identify potential differential epitopes, 18 mAbs to WNV (NY99 strain) prM and envelope (E) proteins were assessed. One mAb (17D7) differentially recognised WNV and KUNV in ELISA and maintained recognition of its corresponding epitope upon reduction and carboxymethylation of the viral antigen, suggesting a continuous (linear) epitope. Using synthetic peptides, the epitope was mapped to a 19 amino acid sequence (WN19: E147-165) encompassing the WNV NY99 E protein glycosylation site at position 154. An amino acid substitution at position E156 of many KUNV strains abolishes this glycosylation moiety. The inability of WNV-positive horse and mouse sera to bind the synthetic peptides indicated that glycosylation was required for recognition of peptide WN19 by WNV-specific antibodies in sera. N-linked glycosylation of WN19 was achieved through expression of the peptide as a C-terminal fusion protein in mammalian cells and specific reactivity of WNV-positive horse sera to the glycosylated WN19 fusion protein was shown by Western blot. Additional sera collected from horses that had been infected with Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV), which is similarly glycosylated at position E154 and exhibits high sequence identity to WNV NY99 in this region, also recognised the recombinant peptide. In contrast, no reactivity with the recombinant peptide was observed by sera from horses infected with the unglycosylated WNV subtype, KUNV. Failure of most WNV- and MVEV-positive horse sera to recognise the epitope as a deglycosylated fusion protein (75% and 100% respectively) confirmed that the N-linked glycan is important for antibody recognition of the peptide. Together, these results suggest that the induction of antibodies to the WN19 epitope during WNV infection of horses is generally associated with E protein glycosylation of the infecting viral strain. To assess the feasibility of using peptide WN19 in a rapid immunoassay, the peptide was recombinantly fused to a RBC (glycophorin)-specific single chain antibody (scFv) using previously published constructs which were developed for the bacterial expression of similar bi-functional reagents. To facilitate glycosylation of peptide WN19, the genes for the bi-functional agglutination reagents were subsequently cloned into eukaryotic expression vectors. An additional set of constructs were also produced in which the genes for the variable regions of the anti-RBC antibody were cloned into a vector for the secreted expression of an intact, humanised IgG1 molecule. Stable cell lines were produced for each of these constructs and secreted up to 700 ng/mL glycophorin-reactive antibody. The secreted recombinant protein could be harvested directly from the cell culture medium and used in RBC agglutination assays, where these bi-functional agglutination reagents could be cross-linked either with mAb 17D7 or by anti-peptide WN19 antibodies present in WNV-positive horse serum. The WNV NY99 prM protein was also identified as a useful marker of WNV-infection in horses, as well as a putative antigen to differentiate equine WNV NY99 and KUNV infections using Western blot. Two anti-WNV prM mAbs were also generated in this study and will be extremely valuable in future studies. Preliminary analysis of the prM epitope(s) bound by these mAbs and WNV-immune sera indicate that the binding site(s) is likely to be localised to pr and is conformational.

Characterisation and recombinant expression of antigens for the rapid diagnosis of West Nile virus infection

Jody Hobson-Peters Unknown Date (has links)
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen of global significance. It is active on several continents and is responsible for recent outbreaks of fever and fatal encephalitis in humans and horses. While highly virulent strains have been reported in Europe, North, Central and South America, only a benign subtype of WNV (Kunjin virus – KUNV) occurs in Australia. However, virulent, exotic WNV strains are seen as a significant threat to Australia due to the ease with which this virus can move between continents and the presence of suitable vectors and hosts already within Australia. KUNV and WNV subtypes are antigenically and genetically very closely related and cross-react in traditional serological tests. This cross-reactivity makes it very difficult to differentiate between KUNV and WNV infections using standard serological tests. The aim of this thesis was to identify immunogenic epitopes unique to KUNV or WNV and to use these epitopes in the development of a rapid assay that would enable the diagnosis of and surveillance for exotic virulent strains of WNV in Australia. The rapid diagnostic platform chosen was a red blood cell (RBC) agglutination assay that was originally patented and commercialised by AGEN Biomedical Ltd. The RBC agglutination assay reagent consists of the Fab region of a human erythrocyte-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) conjugated to the epitope of interest (in this instance, a WNV-specific peptide). This bi-functional reagent causes the agglutination of the patient’s erythrocytes in the presence of WNV-specific antibody in the patient’s serum. Traditionally, these RBC agglutination reagents have been produced by chemical conjugation. However, a potentially easier and cheaper method involves the linking of the gene encoding the erythrocyte-specific antibody to that encoding the epitope to create a recombinant version of the bi-functional agglutination reagent through expression using prokaryotic or eukaryotic systems. To identify potential differential epitopes, 18 mAbs to WNV (NY99 strain) prM and envelope (E) proteins were assessed. One mAb (17D7) differentially recognised WNV and KUNV in ELISA and maintained recognition of its corresponding epitope upon reduction and carboxymethylation of the viral antigen, suggesting a continuous (linear) epitope. Using synthetic peptides, the epitope was mapped to a 19 amino acid sequence (WN19: E147-165) encompassing the WNV NY99 E protein glycosylation site at position 154. An amino acid substitution at position E156 of many KUNV strains abolishes this glycosylation moiety. The inability of WNV-positive horse and mouse sera to bind the synthetic peptides indicated that glycosylation was required for recognition of peptide WN19 by WNV-specific antibodies in sera. N-linked glycosylation of WN19 was achieved through expression of the peptide as a C-terminal fusion protein in mammalian cells and specific reactivity of WNV-positive horse sera to the glycosylated WN19 fusion protein was shown by Western blot. Additional sera collected from horses that had been infected with Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV), which is similarly glycosylated at position E154 and exhibits high sequence identity to WNV NY99 in this region, also recognised the recombinant peptide. In contrast, no reactivity with the recombinant peptide was observed by sera from horses infected with the unglycosylated WNV subtype, KUNV. Failure of most WNV- and MVEV-positive horse sera to recognise the epitope as a deglycosylated fusion protein (75% and 100% respectively) confirmed that the N-linked glycan is important for antibody recognition of the peptide. Together, these results suggest that the induction of antibodies to the WN19 epitope during WNV infection of horses is generally associated with E protein glycosylation of the infecting viral strain. To assess the feasibility of using peptide WN19 in a rapid immunoassay, the peptide was recombinantly fused to a RBC (glycophorin)-specific single chain antibody (scFv) using previously published constructs which were developed for the bacterial expression of similar bi-functional reagents. To facilitate glycosylation of peptide WN19, the genes for the bi-functional agglutination reagents were subsequently cloned into eukaryotic expression vectors. An additional set of constructs were also produced in which the genes for the variable regions of the anti-RBC antibody were cloned into a vector for the secreted expression of an intact, humanised IgG1 molecule. Stable cell lines were produced for each of these constructs and secreted up to 700 ng/mL glycophorin-reactive antibody. The secreted recombinant protein could be harvested directly from the cell culture medium and used in RBC agglutination assays, where these bi-functional agglutination reagents could be cross-linked either with mAb 17D7 or by anti-peptide WN19 antibodies present in WNV-positive horse serum. The WNV NY99 prM protein was also identified as a useful marker of WNV-infection in horses, as well as a putative antigen to differentiate equine WNV NY99 and KUNV infections using Western blot. Two anti-WNV prM mAbs were also generated in this study and will be extremely valuable in future studies. Preliminary analysis of the prM epitope(s) bound by these mAbs and WNV-immune sera indicate that the binding site(s) is likely to be localised to pr and is conformational.

Characterisation and recombinant expression of antigens for the rapid diagnosis of West Nile virus infection

Jody Hobson-Peters Unknown Date (has links)
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne pathogen of global significance. It is active on several continents and is responsible for recent outbreaks of fever and fatal encephalitis in humans and horses. While highly virulent strains have been reported in Europe, North, Central and South America, only a benign subtype of WNV (Kunjin virus – KUNV) occurs in Australia. However, virulent, exotic WNV strains are seen as a significant threat to Australia due to the ease with which this virus can move between continents and the presence of suitable vectors and hosts already within Australia. KUNV and WNV subtypes are antigenically and genetically very closely related and cross-react in traditional serological tests. This cross-reactivity makes it very difficult to differentiate between KUNV and WNV infections using standard serological tests. The aim of this thesis was to identify immunogenic epitopes unique to KUNV or WNV and to use these epitopes in the development of a rapid assay that would enable the diagnosis of and surveillance for exotic virulent strains of WNV in Australia. The rapid diagnostic platform chosen was a red blood cell (RBC) agglutination assay that was originally patented and commercialised by AGEN Biomedical Ltd. The RBC agglutination assay reagent consists of the Fab region of a human erythrocyte-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) conjugated to the epitope of interest (in this instance, a WNV-specific peptide). This bi-functional reagent causes the agglutination of the patient’s erythrocytes in the presence of WNV-specific antibody in the patient’s serum. Traditionally, these RBC agglutination reagents have been produced by chemical conjugation. However, a potentially easier and cheaper method involves the linking of the gene encoding the erythrocyte-specific antibody to that encoding the epitope to create a recombinant version of the bi-functional agglutination reagent through expression using prokaryotic or eukaryotic systems. To identify potential differential epitopes, 18 mAbs to WNV (NY99 strain) prM and envelope (E) proteins were assessed. One mAb (17D7) differentially recognised WNV and KUNV in ELISA and maintained recognition of its corresponding epitope upon reduction and carboxymethylation of the viral antigen, suggesting a continuous (linear) epitope. Using synthetic peptides, the epitope was mapped to a 19 amino acid sequence (WN19: E147-165) encompassing the WNV NY99 E protein glycosylation site at position 154. An amino acid substitution at position E156 of many KUNV strains abolishes this glycosylation moiety. The inability of WNV-positive horse and mouse sera to bind the synthetic peptides indicated that glycosylation was required for recognition of peptide WN19 by WNV-specific antibodies in sera. N-linked glycosylation of WN19 was achieved through expression of the peptide as a C-terminal fusion protein in mammalian cells and specific reactivity of WNV-positive horse sera to the glycosylated WN19 fusion protein was shown by Western blot. Additional sera collected from horses that had been infected with Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV), which is similarly glycosylated at position E154 and exhibits high sequence identity to WNV NY99 in this region, also recognised the recombinant peptide. In contrast, no reactivity with the recombinant peptide was observed by sera from horses infected with the unglycosylated WNV subtype, KUNV. Failure of most WNV- and MVEV-positive horse sera to recognise the epitope as a deglycosylated fusion protein (75% and 100% respectively) confirmed that the N-linked glycan is important for antibody recognition of the peptide. Together, these results suggest that the induction of antibodies to the WN19 epitope during WNV infection of horses is generally associated with E protein glycosylation of the infecting viral strain. To assess the feasibility of using peptide WN19 in a rapid immunoassay, the peptide was recombinantly fused to a RBC (glycophorin)-specific single chain antibody (scFv) using previously published constructs which were developed for the bacterial expression of similar bi-functional reagents. To facilitate glycosylation of peptide WN19, the genes for the bi-functional agglutination reagents were subsequently cloned into eukaryotic expression vectors. An additional set of constructs were also produced in which the genes for the variable regions of the anti-RBC antibody were cloned into a vector for the secreted expression of an intact, humanised IgG1 molecule. Stable cell lines were produced for each of these constructs and secreted up to 700 ng/mL glycophorin-reactive antibody. The secreted recombinant protein could be harvested directly from the cell culture medium and used in RBC agglutination assays, where these bi-functional agglutination reagents could be cross-linked either with mAb 17D7 or by anti-peptide WN19 antibodies present in WNV-positive horse serum. The WNV NY99 prM protein was also identified as a useful marker of WNV-infection in horses, as well as a putative antigen to differentiate equine WNV NY99 and KUNV infections using Western blot. Two anti-WNV prM mAbs were also generated in this study and will be extremely valuable in future studies. Preliminary analysis of the prM epitope(s) bound by these mAbs and WNV-immune sera indicate that the binding site(s) is likely to be localised to pr and is conformational.

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