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Suivi en ligne par voltampérométrie de la spéciation des éléments traces métalliques et des espèces soufrées réduites en cours d’eau : de la conception de la station de mesure aux applications environnementales / Voltammetric on line monitoring of trace metals speciation and reduced sulphur species in rivers : from the conception of the monitoring station to environmental applicationsSuperville, Pierre-Jean 06 March 2014 (has links)
Afin d’affiner la compréhension du devenir et de la spéciation dynamiques des Eléments Traces Métalliques (ETM) dans les milieux aquatique, un système voltampérométrique automatisé de mesure en ligne a été développé au cours de cette thèse. Il comprend un potentiostat-galvanostat, un stand avec cellule de mesure, des pompes et des burettes et est piloté par un ensemble de procédures optimisées qui a permis de mesurer toutes les heures les concentrations en métaux électrolabiles et lixiviables à pH acide. Un second ensemble de procédures de suivi des espèces soufrées réduites, pouvant influencer la spéciation des ETM, a également été mis au point. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées sur la Deûle, rivière quotidiennement naviguée, en aval d’un complexe métallurgique, où les sédiments sont fortement contaminés en Zn et en Pb. Les résultats obtenus montrent pour la première fois dans ces systèmes aquatiques que la remise en suspension chronique des sédiments entraîne la désorption des ETM des particules sédimentaires et leur passage dans la colonne d’eau. De plus, l’ensemble des suivis sur l’année 2011 a permis d’observer une évolution de ces mécanismes de sorption. Il semblerait en effet qu’une forte activité bactérienne sédimentaire en été entraîne la création de phases particulaires piégeant moins efficacement les ETM. Ces derniers présentent ainsi un comportement plus dynamique en période estivale et des concentrations plus faibles et moins variables en hiver. Ces avancées ouvrent la voie à de nombreuses recherches concernant le comportement des ETM dans les masses d’eau continentales soumises à des évènements transitoires ou exceptionnels (crues, eutrophisations, curages…). / In order to better understand the dynamic fate and speciation of trace metals in the aquatic systems, an Automatic Trace metal Monitoring Station (ATMS) based on voltammetric techniques has been developed during this PhD. This ATMS includes a potentiostat-galvanostat, a stand with a measurement cell, pumps and burettes and is handled with optimized procedures to measure hourly the concentrations of électrolabile and acid-leachable trace metals. Another set of procedures was also developed for the measurement of reduced sulphur species which can greatly influence the metal speciation. These methods have been applied to the Deûle River, daily navigated, downstream of a metallurgical complex, where sediments are heavily contaminated, especially with Zn and Pb. The results demonstrate for the first time in this kind of aquatic system that the chronic resuspension of sediment leads to the desorption of trace metals from sedimentary particles and their dilution in the overlying water. Furthermore, the set of data recorded during the year 2011 reveals an evolution of these sorption mechanisms. A strong bacterial activity in the sediment in summer seems indeed to result in the formation of less-efficient-metal-bounding particulate phases. Thus, trace metals exhibit a more dynamic behaviour in summer and lower and less variable concentrations in winter. These advances open clearly the way for new researches on trace metal behaviour in riverine water where transitory or exceptional events occur (floods, eutrophication, dredging…).
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Evaluation of an ethanolic extract of propolis as a potential pre- and post-harvest fungicide for 'fuerte' avocado (Persea americana Mill.) fruits and orchidsGiovanelli, Lorenzo Corrado 14 April 2009 (has links)
Propolis has been used by man for millennia for its antimicrobial and pharmaceutical
properties. However, its use as an agricultural antimicrobial agent has only recently been
assessed. This study assessed the use of an ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) for the
control of avocado fruit fungal pathogens. Qualitative analyses of EEP indicated
flavonoids as the main antimicrobial constituents. Quantitative analyses detected 16.35
mg ml-1 total flavonoids and 3.28 mg ml-1 total phenolics. The Minimum Inhibitory
Concentration (MIC) of EEP was determined as 5 mg ml-1 against Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides, Pestalotiopsis guipinii, a complex of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
and Pseudocercospora sp. (CgP complex), Verticillium sp., Fusarium sp. and Monilia
sp., isolated from avocado fruits, using the agar dilution method, at a concentration
gradient from 1 to 10 mg ml-1. Electron micrographs of Pestalotiopsis guipinii,
Colletotrichum sp. and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides/Pseudocercospora sp. (CgP
complex) incubated on agar media containing EEP clearly indicated signs of cell wall
damage with large pores within the hyphae. Conidial germination of Colletortichum sp.
and P. guipinii was inhibited by 98.95 % and 40.41 % respectively by EEP. Trees
infected with Colletotrichum sp., P. guipinii or CgP complex conidia were incubated
within greenhouse conditions and treated with 5 mg ml-1 EEP at weekly intervals from
once every week to once every six weeks. Disease indices from experimental and control
trees were similar but noticeable control of CgP disease symptoms was observed from
treatment with EEP. ‘Fuerte’ avocado trees were treated with copper hydroxide, borehole
water or 5 mg ml-1 EEP during the 2006-2007 growing season. All fruit were similar
after harvesting with respect to pre-harvest disease. The occurrence of post-harvest
diseases was analysed after simulations of import and export markets. EEP treated fruit
were similar to bore-hole treated fruits (control). Similar results were observed after trials
to assess the use of EEP as a post-harvest dip. The stem-end of prematurely harvested
‘Fuerte’ fruit were dipped into 5 mg ml-1 EEP, and incubated until ripe, to assess control
of stem-end rot (SER). EEP reduced the occurrence of SER by 30 %. EEP was further
assessed to inhibit infection or disease spread by Colletotrichum conidia. Fruits were
inoculated with Colletotrichum conidia and either treated with 5 mg ml-1 or 10 mg ml-1
EEP either after or before infection. The fruits were incubated until ripe. Both treatments
reduced the occurrence of disease (P < 0.001). In conclusion, EEP did not efficiently control disease in the field, but showed high potential as a future fungicide for avocado
fruit. Optimisation of EEP includes higher concentrations, the addition of stickers, and/or
more frequent spraying of trees.
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Aplicação de técnicas químicas de remediação em áreas contaminadas por compostos organoclorados / Application of chemical remediation technologies for organochlorine contaminated sitesCunha, Alaine Santos da 07 October 2010 (has links)
Grande parte das áreas contaminadas conhecidas atualmente advém de práticas passadas onde os cuidados com a proteção à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente eram desconhecidos ou ignorados. O uso indiscriminado de produtos solventes clorados fez com que tais compostos se tornassem uma das principais fontes de contaminação no setor industrial. Por serem compostos de alta toxicidade, quando presentes na água subterrânea, mesmo em baixas concentrações, a tornam imprópria para o consumo. Técnicas de remediação como atenuação natural, ou que envolvam bombeamento e tratamento de água subterrânea contaminada por solventes clorados, vêm sendo substituídas por metodologias químicas destrutivas, por apresentarem resultados satisfatórios em um período de tempo inferior às técnicas utilizadas anteriormente. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar os resultados obtidos em duas áreas industriais onde foram aplicadas técnicas de remediação, envolvendo a redução química in situ, através da injeção de polisulfeto de cálcio e a oxidação química in situ, com a injeção de permanganato de potássio. Em ambas as áreas, os contaminantes organoclorados são os principais compostos de interesse presentes na água subterrânea. A redução química in situ é uma metodologia que utiliza um agente químico para reduzir óxidos de ferro III, presentes naturalmente no aquífero sedimentar, e transformá-los em ferro II que, por sua vez reduzirá contaminantes organoclorados. A principal característica desta metodologia é a eliminação contígua de dois átomos de cloro das moléculas dos contaminantes, o que tende e diminuir ou eliminar o acúmulo de subprodutos tóxicos como cloreto de vinila. Na oxidação química in situ, o agente promove a transferência de elétrons, onde os íons Cl- das moléculas dos contaminantes são substituídos por H+. Devido à baixa reatividade entre o permanganato de potássio e a matriz do aquífero durante as reações de oxidação química, este oxidante pode ser transportado pelos processos advectivo e dispersivo juntamente com o fluxo da água subterrânea e persistir por um período maior de tempo, reagindo com os contaminantes orgânicos. Ensaios de bancada com solo saturado contaminado de uma das áreas de estudo mostraram excelentes resultados na utilização do polisulfeto de cálcio, mas o mesmo não foi observado no teste piloto realizado em campo. Embora tenha sido observada dispersão do produto nas proximidades de pelo menos um dos pontos onde a solução foi injetada, notou-se que não houve redução significativa dos contaminantes, evidenciando que o ferro II não foi eficaz no processo de degradação. Isto pode ter sido ocasionado por uma série fatores, como possíveis reações, características hidráulicas, ou geológicas do meio. Portanto, o prosseguimento desta metodologia como alternativa de remediação para toda a área impactada foi descontinuado, tornando necessário novos estudos para avaliar a melhor técnica aplicável na área. Quanto à área onde foi aplicada a oxidação química, a remediação foi considerada eficiente. Ao longo do período de vinte e dois meses, quando foram realizadas atividades de monitoramento da água subterrânea, observou-se a presença do permanganato de potássio nas áreas mais impactadas das plumas de contaminação, fato que permitiu o processo de transferência de elétrons e consequentemente a oxidação dos contaminantes. Vinte e dois meses após as atividades de injeção, o principal contaminante identificado na área, o 1,-1-dicloroeteno, foi detectado em apenas um ponto com concentração superior a meta de remediação obtida anteriormente à injeção. Considerando que durante a sequência das atividades relacionadas à remediação, este contaminante sofreu alterações em seus valores toxicológicos estabelecidos pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos, e passou a ser considerado um composto não carcinogênico, todos os poços apresentaram-se com concentrações inferiores a nova meta de remediação calculada. Como efeito colateral, foi observado o aumento das concentrações de metais dissolvidos, como: alumínio, bário, cromo e ferro. Tal mobilização de metais para a água subterrânea pode ser considerada temporária. Após o total consumo do permanganato de potássio pelos contaminantes ainda presentes no meio, as características físico-químicas do aquífero retornarão à situação identificada naturalmente, permitindo a precipitação dos metais. / Most of the currently known contaminated areas are the result of past practices, where precautions regarding protection of human health and the environment were either unknown or ignored. The indiscriminate use of chlorinated solvents is the driving factor that has led to such compounds becoming one of the main sources of contamination in the industrial sector. Chlorinated solvents are highly toxic and, when present at even low concentrations in groundwater, they make this resource unfit for human consumption. Such remediation techniques as natural attenuation, or that involve pumping and treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated solvents, are currently being replaced by destructive chemical methods, as they show satisfactory results in a shorter period of time than previously used techniques. This study has the objective of showing the results obtained at two industrial sites where remediation techniques have been used involving in-situ chemical reduction, through injection of calcium polysulfide, and in-situ chemical oxidation, with injection of potassium permanganate. At both sites, organochlorine contaminants are the main compounds of concern present in groundwater. In-situ chemical reduction is a methodology that uses a chemical agent in order to reduce iron III oxides, naturally present in the sedimentary aquifer, and transform them into iron II which, in turn, reduces the organochlorine contaminants. The principal characteristic of this methodology is that of contiguous elimination of two chlorine atoms from contaminant molecules, which tends to reduce or eliminate accumulation of such toxic byproducts as vinyl chloride. In in-situ chemical oxidation, the chemical agent brings about a transfer of electrons, where the Cl- ions of contaminant molecules are replaced by H+ ions. Due to the low degree of reactivity between potassium permanganate and the aquifer matrix during chemical oxidation reactions, this oxidizing agent can be transported via groundwater flow, by advective and dispersive processes, and persist for a longer period of time, reacting with organic contaminants. Bench tests performed with contaminated saturated soil from one of the sites under study showed excellent results through the use of calcium polysulfide; however, the same results were not observed during a pilot test performed in the field. Although product dispersion was observed in the vicinity of at least one of the points where the solution had been injected, it was found that there was no significant reduction of contaminants, showing that iron II was not effective in enhancing the degradation process. This could have been the result of a series of factors, for example, possible reactions or the hydraulic or geological characteristics of the medium. Therefore, it was decided not to continue with use of this methodology as a remediation alternative for the whole impacted area, making it necessary for further studies in order to assess the best technique applicable at the site. With respect to the site where a chemical oxidation approach was adopted, remediation was considered to be effective. Over a period of twenty-two months, during which groundwater monitoring activities were performed, the presence of potassium permanganate was observed in the most impacted areas of the contamination plumes, a fact that allowed for the electron transfer process and, consequently, contaminant oxidation. Twenty-two months after initiation of injection activities, the main contaminant identified at the site (1,1-dichloroethene) was only detected at one point at a concentration exceeding the post-remediation target value established prior to commencing these activities. Considering that, during the sequence of activities related to the remediation process, this contaminant underwent changes in its toxicological values established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and came to be considered a non-carcinogenic compound, all wells showed concentrations below the new calculated post-remediation target. As a collateral effect, there was found to be an increase in concentrations of such dissolved metals as aluminum, barium, chromium and iron. Such mobilization of metals to groundwater can be considered a temporary effect. Following complete consumption of potassium permanganate by contaminants still present in the medium, the physical-chemical characteristics of the aquifer will return to the situation occurring naturally, allowing for the precipitation of these metals.
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Numerical simulation of air injection processes in high pressure light & medium oil reservoirsTingas, John January 2000 (has links)
Research, pilot scale and field developments of In-Situ Combustion (ISC) for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in shallow, low pressure, heavy oil reservoirs intensified between the first and the second oil crisis from 1973 to 1981. A decline of interest in EOR followed the collapse of the oil prices in 1986. Renewed interest on in-situ combustion EOR research in the late 1980’s and beginning of the 1990’s was expanded and focused on high pressure medium and light oil reservoirs. The applicability of air injection in deep high pressure light petroleum reservoirs was established by research work of Greaves et al. in 1987 & 1988, Yannimaras et al. in 1991 and Ramey et a l in 1992. Accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) tests were used to screen the applicability of various types of light oil reservoirs for in-situ combustion EOR by Yannimaras and Tiffin in 1994. The most successful light oil air injection project in the 1990s in the Medicine Pole Hills Unit, Williston Basin, N. Dakota started in 1987 and was reported by Kumar, Fassihi & Yannimaras, in 1994. Low temperature oxidation of light North Sea petroleum was studied at the University of Bath. A high-pressure combustion tube laboratory system was built at Bath University to evaluate performance of medium and light petroleum in-situ combustion processes. Gravity effects and the impact of horizontal wells in Forced Flow In-Situ Combustion Drainage Assisted by Gravity (FFISCDAG) were studied with three-dimensional combustion experiments. In this study, the university of Bath combustion tube experiments have been simulated and history matched. The tube experiments were up-scaled and field simulation studies were performed. A generic PVT characterization scheme based on 5 hydrocarbon pseudo-components was used, which was validated for light Australian and medium ‘Clair’ oil. A generic chemical reaction characterization scheme was used, which was validated for light Australian and medium ‘Clair’ oil. Advanced PVT and chemical reaction characterizations have been recommended for future work with more powerful hardware platforms. Extensive front track and flame extinction studies were performed to evaluate the performance of currently available non-iso-thermal simulators and to appraise their necessity in air injection processes. Comparative ISC field scale numerical simulation studies of Clair medium oil and light Australian petroleum were based on up-scaled combustion tube experimental results. These studies showed higher than expected hydrocarbon recovery in alternative EOR processes for both pre and post water flood implementation of ISC. Further in this study field scale numerical simulation studies revealed high incremental hydrocarbon recovery was possible by gravity assisted forced flow. The applicability of light oil ISC to gas condensate and sour petroleum reservoirs has been examined in this study with promising results. Light petroleum ISC implemented by a modified water flood including oxidants such as H2O2 and NH4NO3 are expected to widen the applicability of ISC processes in medium and light petroleum reservoirs, especially water flooded North Sea reservoirs.
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Retrospektive Analyse zur Bewertung der Vena femoralis als Bypassmaterial beim tiefen Protheseninfekt / Retrospectiv analysis of the deep vein as a bypass material for reconstruction after a deep prostetic vascular graft infectionRichwien, Daniela Maria January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung: Die Protheseninfektion ist in der Gefäßchirurgie eine seltene, aber gefürchtete Komplikation, da sie bis dato immer noch mit einer hohen Mortalität und Morbidität einhergeht. Protheseninfektionen werden in verschiedenen Klassifikationen dargestellt. Die Pathophysiologie des Infektes verläuft über die Aktivierung des Immunsystems und die Fähigkeit der Erreger, sich vor den Angriffen des Immunsystems zu schützen. Dabei ist der häufigste Kontaminationsweg die lokale Kontamination im OP-Gebiet. Der häufigste Erreger stellt der Biofilm bildende Staphylococcus aureus dar. Nach präoperativer Diagnostik erfolgt die vollständige Explantation der infizierten Gefäßprothese mit lokalem radikalem Debridement des Entzündungsgewebes und Wiederherstellung der Perfusion. Für diesen Gefäßersatz stehen verschiedene Materialien zur Verfügung.
Material und Methoden: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, retrospektiv die Therapie der tiefen Protheseninfektion mittels autologer In-Situ-Rekonstruktion durch die V. femoralis superficialis im Zeitraum von September 2003 bis Juni 2010 an der Universitätsklinik in Würzburg zu analysieren. Es wurden insgesamt 24 Patienten behandelt. Es erfolgte eine detaillierte Aufarbeitung der Krankengeschichte, der mikrobiologischen Befunde, sowie der Operationsberichte und Folgeeingriffe. Des Weiteren wurde eine Kontrolluntersuchung im Rahmen der gefäßchirurgischen Sprechstunde durchgeführt.
Ergebnisse: 20 Männer und vier Frauen wurden aufgrund einer Protheseninfektion (6x Frühinfekt, 14x Spätinfekt, 2x persistierender Infekt) operiert, nachdem ihnen eine aortoiliacale, aortofemorale oder iliacofemorale Kunststoffprothese zur Behandlung einer pAVK, eines Aneurysmas, oder aufgrund beider Entitäten implantiert worden war. Am häufigsten zeigte sich als klinisches Erstsymptom eine inguinale Wundheilungsstörung. Lymphfisteln und Infektblutungen belegten Platz zwei und drei. Jedes Mal wurde die V. femoralis superficialis (11x beidseits, 13x einseitig) entnommen, in acht Fällen kombiniert mit der V. saphena magna.
23x erfolgte die Rekonstruktion der Perfusion in-situ, lediglich einmal als extraanatomischer Obturator-Bypass. Bei 19 Patienten (79,2%) konnte ein Pathogen nachgewiesen werden, bei fünf Patienten (20,8%) nicht. In 54,2% der Fälle lag eine Monoinfektion vor, bei 12,5% eine Mischinfektionen. Der häufigste Erreger mit 25% Anteil war Staphylococcus aureus, zweimal gelang der Nachweis eines MRSA. Insgesamt kam es bei sieben Patienten zum Nachweis eines gram-positiven Pathogens, bei sechs Patienten eines gram-negativen Pathogens, was der allgemeinen Entwicklung entspricht.
Bei elf Patienten (45,8%) kam es zu einer postoperativen inguinalen Wundheilungsstörung. Deshalb erfolgten auch die meisten Folgeeingriffe mit chirurgischer Wundtoilette, Vakuum-Okklusiv-Verband, Sekundärnaht oder Meshgraft-Deckung als definitiven Wundverschluss. Fünf Patienten (20,8%) erlitten eine periphere Ischämie bzw. einen Bypass-Verschluss. Davon wurden zwei Patienten auf Höhe des Oberschenkels amputiert. Ein Viertel der Patienten verstarb noch während des stationären Aufenthaltes.
Das Gesamtüberleben am untersuchten Patientengut betrug bei Durchführung dieser Doktorarbeit die Zahl zehn.
Sieben Patienten stellten sich zur Kontrolluntersuchung vor, dreien war dies nur schriftlich möglich. Zweimal erfolgte poststationär eine Ischämie-bedingte Majoramputation. Alle Patienten waren infektfrei. Ein Patient erhielt eine PTA bei Stenose der A. femoralis superficialis rechts nach autologem aortobifemoralem Ersatz. Nach Venenentnahme besteht jedoch bei fünf von sieben Patienten ein mildes bis mittelschweres Phlebödem (1-2cm Umfangszunahme am Knöchel) nach Porter. Zwei Patienten erhalten bis dato eine Lymphdrainage.
Zusammenfassung: Die Protheseninfektion ist eine technische Herausforderung, insbesondere wenn die Aorta mitbetroffen ist. Die V. femoralis superficialis erscheint aktuell die erste Wahl bei Notwendigkeit eines großlumigen Gefäßersatzes zu sein. Sie garantiert bis dato eine Infektfreiheit und eine nahezu hundertprozentige Offenheitsrate. Jedoch ist eine präoperative Patientenselektion aufgrund der generell hohen Mortalität und Morbidität durchzuführen und es sind alle Alternativen zu prüfen, um im Individualfall die bestmögliche Lösung für Patient und behandelnden Arzt zu finden. Denn zur Behandlung einer Protheseninfektion gibt es zurzeit noch keinen Goldstandard. Ob es bei dieser komplexen Art der Erkrankung jedoch jemals EINEN Goldstandard geben wird, ist zu bezweifeln. Weitere Diskussionen und Entwicklungen werden und müssen folgen. / Introduction: The prostectic vascular graft infection is a rare, but dreaded complication, connected to a high rate of mortality and morbidity. The prostetic vascular graft infections are divided in different classifications. The pathophysiology depends on the activation of the immun system and the defence strategies of the pathogen to hide from it. The most common way of contamination is intraoperativ. The most common pathogen is Staphylococcus aureus, which is able to built a biofilm. After the whole praeoperativ diagnostic the infected prostetic vascular graft is explanted including a radicale surgigal debridement of the surrounded tissue and the Perfusion is reconstructed again. There are different materials for this vascular Bypass.
Materials and Methods: The aim of this study was to analyse retrospectively the therapy of the deep prostetic vascular graft infection with the autologes deep vein in-situ-reconstruction from septembre 2003 to june 2010 at the surgical departement I at the University Hospital in Würzburg. 24 patients has been treated. The patients were analysed by their history of sickness, microbiology, typs of operation and the following revisions. There was a follow-up during the vascular consultation hour.
Results: 20 men and 4 women were treated because of a deep prostetic vascular graft infection (6x early infect, 14 late infect, 2 persistend infect) after having a surgery with aortoiliacal, aortofemoral or iliacofemoral Bypass in case of peripheral vascular occlusive desease or in case of an abdominal aneurysm or because of both. The most common clinic Symptome in case of infection was a inguinal wound with secretion. Second and third place has been a lymphozyste oder a bleeding. Every time the deep vein namened V. femoralis superficialis was harvested, 8 times with the V. saphena magna. The reconstruction for Perfusion was 23 times an in-situ- reconstruction, only one time an extra-anatomic Obuturator-Bypass. There was a positiv microbiolgy in 19 cases (79,2%), in 5 cases a negative (20,8%). In 54,2 % there was a mono-infection, in 12,5 % a mixed one. The most common pathogen was Staphylococcus aureus, 2 times with MRSA. 7 patients had a gram positive pathogen, and 7 a gram negative, which is simillar to the General developement of microbiolocigal findings. 11 patients had again a bad wound healing with the most following operations with wound debridement, vacuum-occlusive-therapy, secondary wound closure or meshgraft. 5 Patient had a peripheral ischaemie. 2 Patients had to underwent a Major Amputation. 25% of the patients died during the Hospital stay. There were 10 patients for the follow-up, 3 only by questionnaires and phone calls. There were two more Major amputations postoperative. All patients were free of infection. Only one Patient had to underwent a percutane angioplastie of Stenosis of the anastomosis. After vein harvesting there is a mild to severe lymphedema in 5 of 7 patients, two patients still need Manual lymphmassage.
Conclusion: The prostectic vascular graft infection is a technical challenge especially when the distal Aorta is infected, too. The deep vein V. femoralis superficialis is at the Moment the first choice for a Bypass material with a big Diameter. Nearly 100% freedom of infect and patency are garanted. But a stricte praeoperative selection of the patients is necessary because of the high rates of mortality and morbidity. Every alternative method should be included to get the best Treatment in every individual case. Unfortunatelly there is no Goldstandard for the diagnostic and therapy for the deep prostetic vascular graft infection. More Discussion and Research must follow to develope such a Standard.
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Investigation of combustive flows and dynamic meshing in computational fluid dynamicsChambers, Steven B. 17 February 2005 (has links)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a field that is constantly advancing. Its advances in terms of capabilities are a result of new theories, faster computers, and new numerical methods. In this thesis, advances in the computational fluid dynamic modeling of moving bodies and combustive flows are investigated. Thus, the basic theory behind CFD is being extended to solve a new class of problems that are generally more complex. The first chapter that investigates some of the results, chapter IV, discusses a technique developed to model unsteady aerodynamics with moving boundaries such as flapping winged flight. This will include mesh deformation and fluid dynamics theory needed to solve such a complex system. Chapter V will examine the numerical modeling of a combustive flow. A three dimensional single vane burner combustion chamber is numerically modeled. Species balance equations along with rates of reactions are introduced when modeling combustive flows and these expressions are discussed. A reaction mechanism is validated for use with in situ reheat simulations. Chapter VI compares numerical results with a laminar methane flame experiment to further investigate the capabilities of CFD to simulate a combustive flow. A new method of examining a combustive flow is introduced by looking at the solutions ability to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics. All laminar flame simulations are found to be in violation of the entropy inequality.
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In-situ 3D imaging of structure and failure of materials using synchrotron radiation tomography2013 March 1900 (has links)
X-ray micro-tomography has become an increasingly important technique for
characterizing the 3D microstructure of materials. This became possible mainly because spatial
resolution of the imaging detectors has improved, and synchrotron radiation is more accessible
for micro-tomography imaging.
In the presented project a novel experimental system has been designed and built at
Biomedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT)’s 05B1-1 beamline at Canadian Light Source (CLS).
This system allows imaging structural transformation during in-situ loading experiments under
tensile stress. The system was tested and several examples illustrating the application of this
experimental system are presented.
The system has been used to image the structure of porous aluminum and the size and
distribution of pores was analyzed. The system was also used to image the structure of
Al/Al2O3/TiC hybrid composites manufactured by accumulated roll bonding (ARB) process and
this allowed analyzing the size distribution of reinforcing particles and voids. It was further
demonstrated that in-situ imaging of deformation can be used to image consecutive stages of
structural transformation (change in volume, change of position of reinforcing particles, creation
of voids etc.) in aluminum alloy and aluminum composites during application of tensile stress
and to illustrate the nucleation of failure.
This system of dynamic imaging at BMIT-BM at CLS can help in better description of
structural transformation associated with the application of stress and will contribute to better
understanding of the failure mechanisms of different types of materials during straining.
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Ray tracing large distributed datasets using ray cachesLittle, Christopher 09 March 2012 (has links)
Many large scale simulations now produce datasets that are signi cantly
larger than can typically be stored in memory on a visualization system. Visualization
algorithms then become ine ective and stall since the data must be
paged to disk. Recently, in-situ visualization has received renewed attention
for visualizing large datasets that are distributed among many processors during
a simulation. It takes advantage of the fact that the full dataset is already
in main memory, distributed among multiple processors. Visualization in this
environment then requires communication which can be more expensive than
disk access. The goal of this thesis was to develop an in-situ visualization
technique using ray tracing that employs ray caches to reduce communication
overhead. Ray caches attempt to replace a communication operation with a
less expensive cache search operation. A prototype implemented on Sharcnet
shows ray caching can signi cantly improve overall performance at a small cost
to image quality. / UOIT
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Expression profile of TSG101 protein and it¡As phosphorylation statusTsai, Hong-Yuan 08 July 2003 (has links)
Functional inactivation of tumor susceptibility gene tsg101 leads to cellular transformation and tumorigenesis in mice. No genomic DNA deletion in TSG101gene in human cancer indicated TSG101 is not a typical tumor suppressive gene. TSG101 participates in the MDM2/p53 feedback control loop and the regulation of the cellular membrane trafficking. However, detail functional characteristics remains to be elucidate.
In this study, we explored the tsg101 expression in adult mouse tissues from various organs using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybrid- ization. The results indicated that tsg101 expression was ubiquitous but in differential steady-state level in various cell types. The expression of tsg101 mainly found in epithelial cells¡Bsecretory cells and nerve cells. The second topic of this study was to characterize the phosphorylation status of TSG101 protein. Endogeneously expressed TSG101 and exogeneously expressed HA-tag TSG101 protein were purified by immunoprecipiation with #820 antiserum against TSG101, and were subjected for western blot analysis using anti-phosphoserine and anti-phosphothreonine antibodies. This experiment had confirmed that TSG101 protein contained both phosphoserine and phosphthreonine residues. In vitro kianse assay using GST-tag and his-tag TSG101 funsion proteins was exploited to investigate the kinase responsible for TSG101 phosphorylation. The results clearly indicated that cdc2¡BGSK3£] and PKC kinases could phosphorylate TSG101 fusion Protein, implying that the function of TSG101 might be regulated by the signaling involving these kinases.
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Investigation of combustive flows and dynamic meshing in computational fluid dynamicsChambers, Steven B. 17 February 2005 (has links)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a field that is constantly advancing. Its advances in terms of capabilities are a result of new theories, faster computers, and new numerical methods. In this thesis, advances in the computational fluid dynamic modeling of moving bodies and combustive flows are investigated. Thus, the basic theory behind CFD is being extended to solve a new class of problems that are generally more complex. The first chapter that investigates some of the results, chapter IV, discusses a technique developed to model unsteady aerodynamics with moving boundaries such as flapping winged flight. This will include mesh deformation and fluid dynamics theory needed to solve such a complex system. Chapter V will examine the numerical modeling of a combustive flow. A three dimensional single vane burner combustion chamber is numerically modeled. Species balance equations along with rates of reactions are introduced when modeling combustive flows and these expressions are discussed. A reaction mechanism is validated for use with in situ reheat simulations. Chapter VI compares numerical results with a laminar methane flame experiment to further investigate the capabilities of CFD to simulate a combustive flow. A new method of examining a combustive flow is introduced by looking at the solutions ability to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics. All laminar flame simulations are found to be in violation of the entropy inequality.
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