Spelling suggestions: "subject:"site.""
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Síntese e propriedades de nanocompósitos de polietileno/nanolâminas de grafeno obtidos através de polimerização in situFim, Fabiana de Carvalho January 2012 (has links)
A síntese de nanocompósitos de polietileno/nanolâminas de grafeno através de polimerização in situ foi alcançada utilizando o sistema catalítico Cp2ZrCl2/MAO (dicloro bis(ciclopentadienil)zircônioIV)/metilaluminoxano(MAO). Grafite com dimensões nanométricas, previamente tratada com MAO foi adicionada no reator como carga em percentuais que variaram de 1,2 até 20,9% (p/p). A análise de difração de raios-X (DRX) mostrou que os tratamentos térmico e físico empregados preservaram a estrutura das lâminas de grafite. A formação de nanolâminas de grafeno (NG) e dos nanocompósitos foi confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM). As micrografias de MET mostraram que o polietileno cresce entre as NG, resultando em nanocompósitos intercalados e esfoliados. As propriedades térmicas, dinâmico-mecânicas, mecânicas e elétricas foram investigadas por análise termogravimétrica (TGA), análise dinâmico-mecânica (DMA), resistência à tração e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE), respectivamente. As NG aumentaram a estabilidade térmica do polietileno em 30 °C. Uma leve diminuição na resistência à tração foi verificada com a adição das NG à matriz polimérica. A adição de grafite ao polietileno aumentou o módulo de armazenamento, assim como o valor da temperatura de transição vítrea. A condutividade elétrica apresentou um limite de percolação de 3,8% vol. (8,4% p/p) de NG. Todos os resultados mostraram que o polietileno tornou-se mais rígido e termicamente mais estável e passou de um material isolante para semicondutor na presença das nanolâminas de grafeno. Com o objetivo de estudar outros caminhos para obter grafeno foi estudada a síntese de óxido de grafite (GO) que foi realizada através do protocolo de Staudenmaier. O grafite oxidado foi reduzido nas temperaturas de 600, 700 e 1000 °C. A melhor temperatura de redução foi de 700 °C, pois nessa temperatura a análise de espectroscopia Raman mostrou a presença de grafenos. / The synthesis of polyethylene/graphene nanosheet (PE/GNS) nanocomposites by in situ polymerization was achieved using the catalytic system Cp2ZrCl2/MAO (bis(cyclopentadienyl)zirconium(IV) dichloride)/methylaluminoxane(MAO). Graphite with nano dimensions (GNS), previously treated with MAO, was added into the reactor as filler at percentages from 1.2 to 20.9% (w/w). X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) showed that the chemical and thermal treatments employed preserved the structure of the graphite sheets. The formation of graphene nanosheets and nanocomposites was confirmed by TEM and AFM. TEM micrographs showed that the polyethylene grew between the graphene nanosheets, giving intercalated and exfoliated graphite nanocomposites. The thermal, dynamic mechanical, mechanical and electrical properties were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA), tensile strength and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), respectively. The GNS increased the thermal stability of polyethylene in 30 °C. A slight decrease in tensile strength was observed with the addition of GNS to the polymer matrix. The addition of graphite to the polyethylene increased the storage modulus, as well as the glass transition temperature. The electrical conductivity showed a percolation threshold of 3.8 vol%. (8.4% w/w) of GNS. All results showed that the polyethylene became stiffer and thermally more stable and it could be transformed from an insulator to a conductor material in the presence of GNS. In order to study other path to obtain graphene, the synthesis of graphite oxide (GO) was performed using the Staudenmaier protocol. The oxidized graphite was reduced at temperatures of 600, 700 and 1000 °C. The best reduction temperature was 700 ° C because Raman spectroscopy analysis showed the presence of graphene.
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Aplicação de técnicas químicas de remediação em áreas contaminadas por compostos organoclorados / Application of chemical remediation technologies for organochlorine contaminated sitesAlaine Santos da Cunha 07 October 2010 (has links)
Grande parte das áreas contaminadas conhecidas atualmente advém de práticas passadas onde os cuidados com a proteção à saúde humana e ao meio ambiente eram desconhecidos ou ignorados. O uso indiscriminado de produtos solventes clorados fez com que tais compostos se tornassem uma das principais fontes de contaminação no setor industrial. Por serem compostos de alta toxicidade, quando presentes na água subterrânea, mesmo em baixas concentrações, a tornam imprópria para o consumo. Técnicas de remediação como atenuação natural, ou que envolvam bombeamento e tratamento de água subterrânea contaminada por solventes clorados, vêm sendo substituídas por metodologias químicas destrutivas, por apresentarem resultados satisfatórios em um período de tempo inferior às técnicas utilizadas anteriormente. Este trabalho objetiva apresentar os resultados obtidos em duas áreas industriais onde foram aplicadas técnicas de remediação, envolvendo a redução química in situ, através da injeção de polisulfeto de cálcio e a oxidação química in situ, com a injeção de permanganato de potássio. Em ambas as áreas, os contaminantes organoclorados são os principais compostos de interesse presentes na água subterrânea. A redução química in situ é uma metodologia que utiliza um agente químico para reduzir óxidos de ferro III, presentes naturalmente no aquífero sedimentar, e transformá-los em ferro II que, por sua vez reduzirá contaminantes organoclorados. A principal característica desta metodologia é a eliminação contígua de dois átomos de cloro das moléculas dos contaminantes, o que tende e diminuir ou eliminar o acúmulo de subprodutos tóxicos como cloreto de vinila. Na oxidação química in situ, o agente promove a transferência de elétrons, onde os íons Cl- das moléculas dos contaminantes são substituídos por H+. Devido à baixa reatividade entre o permanganato de potássio e a matriz do aquífero durante as reações de oxidação química, este oxidante pode ser transportado pelos processos advectivo e dispersivo juntamente com o fluxo da água subterrânea e persistir por um período maior de tempo, reagindo com os contaminantes orgânicos. Ensaios de bancada com solo saturado contaminado de uma das áreas de estudo mostraram excelentes resultados na utilização do polisulfeto de cálcio, mas o mesmo não foi observado no teste piloto realizado em campo. Embora tenha sido observada dispersão do produto nas proximidades de pelo menos um dos pontos onde a solução foi injetada, notou-se que não houve redução significativa dos contaminantes, evidenciando que o ferro II não foi eficaz no processo de degradação. Isto pode ter sido ocasionado por uma série fatores, como possíveis reações, características hidráulicas, ou geológicas do meio. Portanto, o prosseguimento desta metodologia como alternativa de remediação para toda a área impactada foi descontinuado, tornando necessário novos estudos para avaliar a melhor técnica aplicável na área. Quanto à área onde foi aplicada a oxidação química, a remediação foi considerada eficiente. Ao longo do período de vinte e dois meses, quando foram realizadas atividades de monitoramento da água subterrânea, observou-se a presença do permanganato de potássio nas áreas mais impactadas das plumas de contaminação, fato que permitiu o processo de transferência de elétrons e consequentemente a oxidação dos contaminantes. Vinte e dois meses após as atividades de injeção, o principal contaminante identificado na área, o 1,-1-dicloroeteno, foi detectado em apenas um ponto com concentração superior a meta de remediação obtida anteriormente à injeção. Considerando que durante a sequência das atividades relacionadas à remediação, este contaminante sofreu alterações em seus valores toxicológicos estabelecidos pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos, e passou a ser considerado um composto não carcinogênico, todos os poços apresentaram-se com concentrações inferiores a nova meta de remediação calculada. Como efeito colateral, foi observado o aumento das concentrações de metais dissolvidos, como: alumínio, bário, cromo e ferro. Tal mobilização de metais para a água subterrânea pode ser considerada temporária. Após o total consumo do permanganato de potássio pelos contaminantes ainda presentes no meio, as características físico-químicas do aquífero retornarão à situação identificada naturalmente, permitindo a precipitação dos metais. / Most of the currently known contaminated areas are the result of past practices, where precautions regarding protection of human health and the environment were either unknown or ignored. The indiscriminate use of chlorinated solvents is the driving factor that has led to such compounds becoming one of the main sources of contamination in the industrial sector. Chlorinated solvents are highly toxic and, when present at even low concentrations in groundwater, they make this resource unfit for human consumption. Such remediation techniques as natural attenuation, or that involve pumping and treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated solvents, are currently being replaced by destructive chemical methods, as they show satisfactory results in a shorter period of time than previously used techniques. This study has the objective of showing the results obtained at two industrial sites where remediation techniques have been used involving in-situ chemical reduction, through injection of calcium polysulfide, and in-situ chemical oxidation, with injection of potassium permanganate. At both sites, organochlorine contaminants are the main compounds of concern present in groundwater. In-situ chemical reduction is a methodology that uses a chemical agent in order to reduce iron III oxides, naturally present in the sedimentary aquifer, and transform them into iron II which, in turn, reduces the organochlorine contaminants. The principal characteristic of this methodology is that of contiguous elimination of two chlorine atoms from contaminant molecules, which tends to reduce or eliminate accumulation of such toxic byproducts as vinyl chloride. In in-situ chemical oxidation, the chemical agent brings about a transfer of electrons, where the Cl- ions of contaminant molecules are replaced by H+ ions. Due to the low degree of reactivity between potassium permanganate and the aquifer matrix during chemical oxidation reactions, this oxidizing agent can be transported via groundwater flow, by advective and dispersive processes, and persist for a longer period of time, reacting with organic contaminants. Bench tests performed with contaminated saturated soil from one of the sites under study showed excellent results through the use of calcium polysulfide; however, the same results were not observed during a pilot test performed in the field. Although product dispersion was observed in the vicinity of at least one of the points where the solution had been injected, it was found that there was no significant reduction of contaminants, showing that iron II was not effective in enhancing the degradation process. This could have been the result of a series of factors, for example, possible reactions or the hydraulic or geological characteristics of the medium. Therefore, it was decided not to continue with use of this methodology as a remediation alternative for the whole impacted area, making it necessary for further studies in order to assess the best technique applicable at the site. With respect to the site where a chemical oxidation approach was adopted, remediation was considered to be effective. Over a period of twenty-two months, during which groundwater monitoring activities were performed, the presence of potassium permanganate was observed in the most impacted areas of the contamination plumes, a fact that allowed for the electron transfer process and, consequently, contaminant oxidation. Twenty-two months after initiation of injection activities, the main contaminant identified at the site (1,1-dichloroethene) was only detected at one point at a concentration exceeding the post-remediation target value established prior to commencing these activities. Considering that, during the sequence of activities related to the remediation process, this contaminant underwent changes in its toxicological values established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and came to be considered a non-carcinogenic compound, all wells showed concentrations below the new calculated post-remediation target. As a collateral effect, there was found to be an increase in concentrations of such dissolved metals as aluminum, barium, chromium and iron. Such mobilization of metals to groundwater can be considered a temporary effect. Following complete consumption of potassium permanganate by contaminants still present in the medium, the physical-chemical characteristics of the aquifer will return to the situation occurring naturally, allowing for the precipitation of these metals.
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Efeitos de diferentes tipos de nanopartículas de óxido de titânio nas propriedades de nanocompósitos fotodegradáveis obtidos via polimerização in situMatos, Kacris January 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, serão apresentados os resultados referentes a síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de polietileno reforçados com nanoesferas, nanotubos e nanofitas de TiO2 e do compósito de polietileno reforçado com microesferas de TiO2. A primeira etapa do trabalho envolveu a síntese e caracterização do polietileno e das partículas de TiO2. Inicialmente foi realizado um estudo para se determinar o melhor solvente para a polimerização in situ utilizando como sistema catalítico Cp2ZrCl2/MAO. Após análises de atividade, massa molar e distribuição de massa molar das amostras obtidas em hexano, ciclohexano e tolueno, foi escolhido o tolueno à 60ºC, como melhor solvente. Nano e micropartículas aproximadamente esféricas foram obtidas comercialmente, contudo nanofitas e nanotubos foram sintetizados através de rota química e eletroquímica respectivamente, apresentando pequena distribuição de tamanhos. A segunda etapa envolveu a caracterização dos compósitos. Foram realizadas análises morfológicas, térmicas, estruturais e análises de produto de fotodegradação através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e de transmissão (MET), difração de raio-X (DRX), Calorimetria Diferencial Exploratória (DSC), Análise Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMA), infravermelho (FTIR/ATR) e evolução de CO2. Observou-se que a concentração de TiO2 na matriz polimérica não influencia a temperatura de fusão e cristalinidade dos polímeros e não resulta em melhora na estabilidade térmica e nas propriedades mecânicas dos materiais. Através de análises dos picos de difração dos planos (110) e (200) do polietileno nos nanocompósitos e no compósito quando comparados ao polietileno puro, pode-se observar que a presença das nanopartículas afeta o tamanho dos cristalitos. Para realizar experimentos de fotodegradação, as amostras foram irradiadas com uma lâmpada de Xenônio, simulando a irradiação solar. O monitoramento das amostras irradiadas foi realizado através de análises de infravermelho, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e evolução de CO2, sendo possível observar uma grande influência da carga inorgânica na degradação do polímero. / In this work, we present the results from synthesis and characterization of polyethylene nanocomposites reinforced with TiO2 nanospheres, nanotubes and nanoribbons and composites reinforced with TiO2 microspheres. The primary step was the synthesis and characterization of polyethylene and TiO2 particles. At first it was evaluated the ideal solvent for in situ polymerization using Cp2ZrCl2/MAO as catalyst system. After evaluating activity, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of the samples obtained in hexane, toluene and cyclohexane, the toluene at 60ºC, was found to be the best solvent. Spherical nano and microparticles were obtained commercially, nanoribbons and nanotubes were synthesized by chemical and electrochemical route, respectively, presenting narrow size distribution. The second part of this work concerned the characterization of the composites. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), Differential Thermal analyses (DSC), Dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR/ATR) and CO2 evolution experiments were carried out to analyze the morphology, structure, thermal properties and photodegradation of the materials. According to the results the melting and crystallinity temperatures of polymers is not dependent on the concentration of TiO2 in the matrix and it does not improve thermal stability or mechanical properties. By analyzing the XRD diffraction peaks of the (110) and (200) planes of the polyethylene pure, in the nanocomposites and in the composite, it was observed that the presence of the TiO2 affects the crystallite size. Photodegradation experiments were carried out using Xenon lamp, in order to simulate sunlight irradiation. The irradiated samples were monitored with infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and CO2 evolution. According to the results, it was possible to observe a strong influence of the inorganic load on the polymer degradation.
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Corrosion behaviour of zirconium alloys in high temperature aqueous environment by electrochemical impedance spectroscopyWang, Peng January 2011 (has links)
The corrosion behaviour of zirconium based alloys has been primarily investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). In-situ autoclave EIS experiments were performed in simulated primary coolant conditions in order to study the high temperature water corrosion of zirconium alloys in PWRs. In-situ impedance response of the corroding material was recorded throughout first kinetic transition. A physical model of the zirconium oxide was proposed in accordance with the microstructural observation' made by SEM analysis. Electrical properties of the oxide was evaluated with equivalent circuit model (ECM) which was constructed according to the physical oxide model. Evolution of various oxide parameters obtained from ECM was analysed in accordance with the microstructure observation made by SEM. A two layer structure consists of a outer porous oxide and an inner barrier oxide, was found to be the most accurate description for the autoclave formed oxide. Supporting evidence from the SEM cross-section and surface analysis of the oxide had shown cracks and pores that were linked and connected with the environment. This observation is also confirmed by the in-situ EIS measurement which has shown porous electrode behaviour throughout the course of oxidation. The porous oxide behaviour was also confirmed by the ex-situ soaking experiment on samples with incremental exposure time. Evolution of inner barrier layer oxide thickness was found to be correlated with kinetic transition which was determined from weight gain measurement. This indicated that barrier layer maybe the oxidation rate controlling layer and its thickness maybe reduced during transition. Thus, a thinner barrier layer would resulted in a rapid corrosion of zirconium alloys. Furthermore, maintaining the barrier layer thickness maybe the possible route to improve zirconium alloy corrosion resistance.
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Pressometer : En in situ-metod för Sveriges friktionsjordarHanke, Patric, Matini, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Fältgeotekniska undersökningar är en viktig del av geotekniken och används vid nästan alla byggprojekt för att utreda markförhållanden och skapa underlag för dimensionering av konstruktioner. För att optimera grundläggningsdesign önskas ofta flera fältmetoder eftersom metodernas olika tillvägagångssätt kan resultera i skilda resultat och parametrar, vilka tillsammans möjliggör undersökningar i alla tänkbara jordförhållanden. En metod erkänd utomlands för sin höga tillförlitlighet och användningsbredd är pressometern, en metod som är på väg att glömmas bort i Sverige. Syftet med examensarbetet var att studera pressometerns potential och användningsområde i Sverige. Pressometern som metod bygger på radiell expansion och mäter jordens volymförändring genom trycksättning. Förfaringssättet som pressometern belastar jorden på liknar situationen som jorden kommer att utsättas för under byggnation. Pressometerförsök resulterar i metodspecifika hållfastighets- och deformationsparametrar, från vilka särskilda beräkningsmodeller för uppskattning av bärförmåga och sättningar har utvecklats. Målet var att förse svenska geotekniker med en referens för att förhålla sig till pressometerresultat och -modeller. Ett intressant område för pressometern i Sverige är friktionsjordar där ett behov av pålitliga in situ-metoder har identifierats. Beräkningsmodellerna baserade på pressometerresultat har utvärderats och jämförts med beräkningsmodeller för hejarsondering vilken är en vanlig sonderingsmetod i friktionsjord. Vidare har empirisk data från projekt där båda metoderna använts, analyserats och empiriska samband utvärderats mellan dem. Beräkningsmodellerna tolkades sedan mot det empiriska sambandet. Slutligen utfördes ett fältexperiment med de båda metoderna, som tyvärr misslyckades. Dataanalysen visar på ett tydligt empiriskt samband mellan hejarsondering och pressometerförsök, dock grundade sig den empiriska analysen på endast 14 observationer och hög standardavvikelse iakttogs. Beräkningsmodellerna för vardera metod visade sig skilja markant. Gällande beräknad vertikal bärförmåga kunde visas att för konstruktioner med stort relativt grundläggningsdjup beräknas den vertikala bärförmågan högre med pressometermodellen än hejarmodellen. För sättningsberäkningar ger pressometermodellen gynnsammare uppskattad sättning vid ökad plattbredd än hejarmodellen. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien på att pressometern har ett tydligt användningsområde i Sverige med bra beräkningsmodeller men att klara regler och normer saknas och borde förtydligas. Pressometern är en in situ-metod som i praktiken kantas av problem i utförandet men att den teoretiska grunden och behovet av verklighetsnära fältmetoder ändå skapar utrymme för metoden i svenska friktionsjordar.
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IN SITU TEM STUDY FOR ZINC ION BATTERIESSheng, Guan 03 1900 (has links)
Abstract: TEM is one of the most powerful technologies for material research. In-situ TEM is a TEM technique that allows us to study samples in real-time. Researchers can focus on one area and change the conditions under the electron beam to acquire much more data from the material than conventional TEM techniques. In this research, we use the in-situ TEM technique to observe the rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries which have been considered as a promising candidate for next-generation batteries. We established the platform for the aqueous battery system and studied the charge and discharge processes for both cathode and anode materials in rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries for the first time. Besides, we also combined low-dose TEM techniques to observe the HRTEM images of the electrode materials to probe the change on the surface of the cathode materials and the mechanism of dendrite growth in rechargeable aqueous zinc-ion batteries.
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In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy for Understanding Heterogenous Electrocatalytic CO2 ReductionAbdellah, Ahmed January 2023 (has links)
This thesis delivers an in-depth investigation into electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction (CO2R), a process with the potential to convert CO2 gas into value-added chemicals and fuels. However, the efficiency and operational durability of current CO2 reduction processes are limited by catalytic performance. To address this, the thesis focuses on gaining a deep understanding of the transformations that CO2R electrocatalysts undergo under realistic conditions, such as morphological, phase structure, and compositional changes. These insights inform the design of next-generation materials by identifying performance descriptors and degradation patterns. A key aspect of this thesis is the development and application of in-situ liquid phase transmission electron microscopy (LP-TEM), an advanced platform that directly correlates nanoscale changes in catalyst materials under the influence of electrode potentials in CO2R reactive environments. Despite its potential, the use of in-situ LP-TEM presents a range of challenges, which this thesis addresses alongside exploring potential advancements for enhancing its accuracy and applicability. With the evolution of nanofabricated liquid cells, dynamic nanoparticle tracking, and high-resolution imaging in a liquid medium, this technology can more accurately mimic realistic exposure conditions. Cumulatively, this thesis systematically navigates the technical hurdles, advancements, and future prospects of in-situ LP-TEM in the context of electrochemical CO2R. The findings not only advance our understanding of the in-situ LP-TEM technical process but also guide new researchers in the field of in-situ TEM of electrocatalyst materials, aiding in the optimization of catalyst design, and paving the way for more sustainable and economically competitive CO2R technologies.
The application of in-situ LP-TEM extends to the examination of two specific catalysts: Palladium (Pd) and a bi-metallic alloy of Copper (Cu) and Silver (Ag). By employing in-situ LP-TEM and selected area diffraction (SAD) measurements, we trace the morphological and phase structure transformations of the Pd catalyst under CO2R conditions. Interestingly, our findings indicate that alterations in reaction energetics, rather than morphological or phase structure changes, chiefly govern catalyst selectivity. This provides invaluable insights for designing more efficient catalysts.
Further, we observe the morphological transformation of a metallic copper catalyst structure into a Cu-Ag bimetallic alloy during a galvanic replacement method. We then investigate the stability of both catalyst structures under operational CO2R conditions. Our results reveal that the metallic Cu structure undergoes significant morphological deformation during CO2R, leading to migration, detachment, and recrystallization of the catalyst surface. Contrarily, the Cu-Ag bimetallic alloy demonstrates notable thermodynamic stability under a similar applied potential. / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy / This PhD thesis focuses on the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies to address the climate change implications of CO2 emissions - a potent greenhouse gas. CO2 molecules could be electrochemically converted into various chemical feedstock and fuels. This process involves the development of efficient catalyst designs that can reduce CO2 gas at high conversion rates. Acquiring mechanistic insights on the behavior of the developed catalysts under reaction conditions would significantly assist on producing performance descriptors for catalyst design in CO2 conversion approach. Among a range of different advanced techniques, in-situ liquid phase transmission electron microscopy (LP-TEM) technology is selected for this study. This technique is capable of correlating dynamic nanoscale compositional and morphological changes with the electrochemical response of the catalysts. The primary focus of the thesis is on developing and implementing in-situ LP-TEM techniques to achieve electrochemical CO2 conditions while tracking particle morphology and phase structures as functions of electrochemical potential and time. Furthermore, the thesis investigates the performance of different catalyst designs under CO2 reduction (CO2R) operational conditions, which includes palladium (Pd) nanoparticles and copper–silver (Cu–Ag) bimetallic alloys. On a fundamental level, these studies provide a detailed understanding of the phase transformation and structural changes of these catalysts during CO2R that contributes valuable knowledge to the field and can be used to design next-generation CO2R catalysts.
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In situ infrared spectroscopic studies of electrocatalytic systemsBae, In Tae January 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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Fluorescence in situ hybridization in prenatal diagnosisQu, Jingyi January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Études morphologiques de la synthèse et de la sécrétion des enzymes pancréatiquesGingras, Diane January 1996 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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