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問題場面の児童に対する教師による言葉かけの分類 : 大学生の回答をもとにして西口, 利文, Nishiguchi, Toshifumi 25 December 1998 (has links)
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Att leda en byråkratisk organisation : - Med hänsyn till reglering och medarbetarens kravPettersson, Olivia January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Att leda en byråkratisk organisation Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur ledarna av byråkratisk organisation strukturerar sitt arbete och hur de kan fördela arbetsuppgifter på ett smidigt och effektivt vis. Metod: Studiens grundas i en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning med en deduktiv teori och syftar till att förstå en komplex bransch. Insamling av empiriskt material har varit genom intervjuer och den teoretiska referensramen är taget från böcker och vetenskapliga artiklar. Slutsats: De slutsatser som kan dras av denna studie är bland annat att hur pass viktigt det kan vara att vara flexibel som ledare, varje situation är unik och det finns inga generella lösningar att tillgå. Redan vid organisering av hur strukturen inom en organisation skall vara, är det ytterst viktigt att ledarens roll blir tydligt definierad. Dels för tydlighet gentemot de anställda men samtidigt för ledarens skull, det är viktigt att redan från första början vara medveten om vad som förväntas från dig som ledare. Beroende på vem du som ledare skall bemöta, kan det behövas anpassning och förberedelser inför mötet. Anställda kan inte behandlas på samma vis, just eftersom alla anställda är enskilda individer som behöver tillgodoses med olika behov. Något annat som visas av denna studie är att ledaren även behöver anpassa sitt ledarskap beroende på kundens beslut från Försäkringskassan samt att delge de anställda kring den regalerade branschen för att få förståelse för ledningsgruppens arbete i en relation med Försäkringskassan.
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Decision Criteria in Ethical Dilemma Situations: Empirical Examples from Austrian ManagersLitschka, Michael, Suske, Michaela, Brandtweiner, Roman January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This paper is the result of an empirical research project analysing the decision behaviour of
Austrian managers in ethical dilemma situations. While neoclassical economic theory would
suggest a pure economic rational basis for management decisions, the empirical study
conducted by the authors put other concepts to a test, thereby analysing their importance for
managerial decision making: specific notions of fairness, reciprocal altruism, and
commitment. After reviewing some of the theoretical literature dealing with such notions, the
paper shows the results of an online survey working with scenarios depicting ethical dilemma
situations. By judging such scenarios the respondents showed their preference for the named
concepts, though with different degrees of confirmation.
The results (with all limitations of an online survey in mind) support the theoretical work on
the named concepts: Fairness elements (including Rawlsian principles of justice and an
understanding of fairness as conceived by a reference transaction) play a major part in
management decisions in ethical dilemma situations. Also, commitment as a behaviour that
sticks to rules even if personal welfare is negatively touched, and reciprocal altruism as a
cooperative behaviour that expects a reciprocal beneficial action from other persons have
been concepts used by Austrian managers when analysing ethical dilemmas. The article also
tries to put the results into a comparative perspective by taking into account other studies on
ethical decision factors conducted with e.g. medical doctors or journalists, and by discussing
intercultural implications of business ethics.
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Psychosomatika a její výchovné a sociálně pedagogické aspekty / The Psychosomatics and it's educational and socially pedagogical aspectsPetříková, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is psychosomatics and its educational and socially pedagogical aspects. The main goal is to characterize this theme and describe its aspects in the educational process. General framework for understanding the term psychosomatics in this diploma thesis is a holistic way how to act as a teacher to the students, remembering his physical and psychical part and not forgetting the psychosomatic troubles. In the description part there are terms, history of the psychosomatics thinking, examples of psychosomatics troubles, the influence of the family, stress in the educational process. The practical part contains of research, which had as a main goal characterize, which of the psychosomatic troubles are according to the teachers from Gymnázium Jiřího Ortena in Kutná Hora the most common according to their pedagogical experience. Key words Psychosomatics, psychosomatical troubles, education
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Anestesisjuksköterskors och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors upplevelse av teamarbete och kommunikation i akuta situationer. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie.Granberg, Pernilla, Norling, Tommy January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund Det beskrivs att vissa akuta situationer känns bra och att teamarbetet fungerar väl men i andra situationer så kanske medlemmarna har ett sämre samarbete och det leder till en dålig känsla som påverkar deras prestation. En svårighet som finns är att identifiera vad som påverkar samarbetet. Specialistsjuksköterskornas upplevelser kan vara en viktig del i att identifiera detta. Syfte Syftet var att beskriva hur anestesisjuksköterskor och intensivvårdssjuksköterskor upplevde teamarbete och kommunikation i akuta situationer. Metod Studien genomfördes med beskrivande design och kvalitativ induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem anestesisjuksköterskor och fem intensivvårdssjuksköterskor utgjorde datainsamlingen. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes. Huvudresultat Temat var hur tydlighetens betydelse i akuta situationer påverkar tryggheten och huvudkategorierna var; att samverka mellan professioner, att uppleva ledarskap i akuta situationer, att uppleva kommunikationens betydelse, att uppleva arbetsmiljön i samband med akuta situationer och att delta vid akuta situationer väcker känslor. Teamets utformning var beroende av dess teammedlemmar. Specialistsjuksköterskor upplevde det mer lättarbetat och tryggt när de kände personalen. Samt när deras yrkesroller och arbetsuppgifter var väl definierade. Teamets ledare hade stor betydelse i hur arbetet i teamet fungerade. Kommunikationsverktyg som ”closed-loop” ingav trygghet. Tydlighet framkom som en viktig del i teamarbetet. Slutsats Specialistsjuksköterskorna efterfrågade en lugn, tydligt och strukturerat omhändertagande av patienten. En tydlig teamledare som är informerande och uppmuntrande och tar till vara alla medlemmar i teamet och deras erfarenheter Kommunikationen ska helst vara ”closed-loop” samt att de önskade scenarioövningar, uppföljning och debriefing angående de akuta situationerna.
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The Speech Situation Checklist: A Normative And Comparative InvestigatVerghese, Susha 01 January 2004 (has links)
Studies conducted over the past decades have identified the presence of a greater amount of negative emotional reaction and speech disruption in particular speech situations among children who stutter, compared to those who do not (Brutten & Vanryckeghem, 2003b; Knudson, 1939; Meyers, 1986; Trotter, 1983). Laboratory investigations have been utilized to describe the particular situations that elicit the greatest or least amount of speech concern and fluency failures. More recently, in order to deal with the limitation of laboratory research, the use of self-report tests have gained popularity as a means of exploring the extent of negative emotional reaction and speech disruption in a wide array of speaking situations. However, the availability of such instruments for use with children has been limited. Toward this end, the Speech Situation Checklist (SSC) was designed for use with youngsters who do and do not stutter (Brutten 1965b, 2003b). Past investigations utilizing the SSC for Children have reported on reliability and validity information and provided useful normative data (Brutten & Vanryckeghem, 2003b; Trotter, 1983). Additionally, the findings from those research studies have consistently revealed statistically significant differences in speech-related negative emotional response and speech disorganization between children who do and do not stutter. However, since its initial construction, the SSC has undergone modifications and paucity of normative data for the current American form of the SSC has restricted its clinical use. To fill this void, the revised SSC for children was utilized in the present study to obtain current normative and comparative data for American grade-school stuttering and nonstuttering children. Additionally, the effect of age and gender (and their interaction) on the emotional reaction and speech disruption scores of the SSC was examined. The SSC self-report test was administered to 79 nonstuttering and 19 stuttering elementary and middle-school children between the ages of 6 and 13. Only those nonstutterers who showed no evidence of a speech, language, reading, writing or learning difficulty, or any additional motor or behavioral problems were included in the subject pool. Similarly, only those stuttering participants who did not demonstrate any language or speech disorder other than stuttering were contained in the study. Measures of central tendency and variance indicated an overall mean score of 78.26 (SD=19.34) and 85.69 (SD=22.25) for the sample of nonstuttering children on the Emotional Reaction section and Speech Disruption section of the SSC, respectively. For the group of stutterers the overall mean for Emotional Reaction was 109.53 (SD=34.35) and 109.42 (SD=21.33) for the Speech Disruption section. This difference in group means proved to be statistically significant for both emotional response (t=3.816, p=. 001) and fluency failures (t=4.169, p=. 000), indicating that, as a group, children who stutter report significantly more in the way of emotional response to and fluency failures in the situations described in the SSC, compared to their fluent peers. Significant high correlations were also obtained between the report of emotional response and the extent of fluency failures in the various speaking situations for both the group of nonstuttering (.70) and stuttering (.71) children. As far as the effect of age and gender is concerned, the present study found no significant difference in the ER and SD scores between the male and female or the younger and older group of nonstuttering children. Interestingly, a significant age by gender interaction was obtained for the nonstuttering children, only on the Speech Disruption section of the test.
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Two Types of Definites in Natural LanguageSchwarz, Florian 01 September 2009 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the description and analysis of two semantically different types of definite articles in German. While the existence of distinct article paradigms in various Germanic dialects and other languages has been acknowledged in the descriptive literature for quite some time, the theoretical implications of their existence have not been explored extensively. I argue that each of the articles corresponds to one of the two predominant theoretical approaches to analyzing definite descriptions: the `weak' article encodes uniqueness. The `strong' article is anaphoric in nature. In the course of spelling out detailed analyses for the two articles, various more general issues relevant to current semantic theory are addressed, in particular with respect to the analysis of donkey sentences and domain restriction. Chapter 2 describes the contrast between the weak and the strong article in light of the descriptive literature and characterizes their uses in terms of Hawkins's (1978) classification. Special attention is paid to two types of bridging uses, which shed further light on the contrast and play an important in the analysis developed in the following chapters. Chapter 3 introduces a situation semantics and argues for a specific version thereof. First, I propose that situation arguments in noun phrases are represented syntactically as situation pronouns at the level of the DP (rather than within the NP). Secondly, I argue that domain restriction (which is crucial for uniqueness analyses) can best be captured in a situation semantics, as this is both more economical and empirically more adequate than an analysis in terms of contextually supplied C-variables. Chapter 4 provides a uniqueness analysis of weak-article definites. The interpretation of a weak-article definite crucially depends on the interpretation of its situation pronoun, which can stand for the topic situation or a contextually supplied situation, or be quantificationally bound. I make a specific proposal for how topic situations (roughly, the situations that we are talking about) can be derived from questions and relate this to a more general perspective on discourse structure based on the notion of Question Under Discussion (QUD) (Roberts 1996, Buring 2003). I also show that it requires a presuppositional view of definites. A detailed, situation-semantic analysis of covarying interpretations of weak-article definites in donkey sentences is spelled out as well, which provides some new insights with regards to transparent interpretations of the restrictors of donkey sentences. Chapter 5 deals with so-called larger situation uses (Hawkins 1978), which call for a special, systematic way of determining the situation in which the definite is interpreted. I argue that a situation semantic version of an independently motivated type-shifter for relational nouns (shifting relations (he; he; stii) to properties (he; hstii)) brings about the desired situational effect. This type-shifter also applies to cases of part-whole bridging and provides a deeper understanding thereof. Another independently motivated mechanism, namely that of Matching functions, gives rise to similar effects, but in contrast to the type-shifter, it depends heavily on contextual support and cannot account for the general availability of larger situation uses that is independent of the context. The anaphoric nature of the strong article is described and analyzed in detail in chapter 6. In addition to simple discourse anaphoric uses, I discuss covarying interpretations and relational anaphora (the type of bridging expressed by the strong article). Cases where uniqueness does not hold (e.g., in so-called bishop sentences) provide crucial evidence for the need to encode the anaphoric link between strongarticle definites and their antecedents formally. The resulting dynamic analysis of strong-article definites encodes the anaphoric dependency via a separate anaphoric element that is incorporated into a uniqueness meaning. Finally, remaining challenges for the analysis are discussed, in particular the existence of strong-article definites without an antecedent and a puzzling contrast between the articles with respect to relative clauses. The final chapter discusses some loose ends that suggest directions for future work and sums up the main conclusions.
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The expression of negativism in three-year-old childrenHaswell, Karen Lois January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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The Determination of Persistent Life Situations in a Public Relations ProgramPoe, Claude D. 08 1900 (has links)
In this study the problem may be stated as follows: to determine persistent life situations in a Public Relations Program. The problem involves a survey of school-community-public relations in the areas of family living, recreational living, occupational living and community living as developed in practice and in educational literature; the establishing of sound criteria for such a program; the application of the criteria to the techniques of the program; and the evaluation of the program once it has been established.
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Two Autonomous Spatial Systems and Their JuxtapositionFlanagan, Rachel Erin 27 September 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the idea of two autonomous spatial systems and their interaction: a syntactic grid and a pure formal volume. The juxtaposition of these two elements allows for insight into and exploration of their autonomous ordering potentialities, as well as the potential relationships or the presence of both systems. The syntactic grid articulates structure and strength for the architectural project , while the pure volume translates the programmatic function and their distinction from the grid. / Master of Architecture
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