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Brousseau och teorin om didaktiska situationer i matematik / Brousseau and the theory of didactical situations in mathematicsDanås, Sofie, Nöjd, Alla January 2024 (has links)
Matematikundervisningen har en flera hundra år lång historia och matematik är idag ett av de ämnen i grundskolan som det undervisas mest i. Trots det visar resultatet från den internationella undersökningen PISA 2022 att elever i den svenska skolan presterar lågt i jämförelse med tidigare PISA-studier i ämnet matematik. Forskning visar att det är lärarens kompetens som är den mest väsentliga faktorn för elevernas lärande och därmed behövs nya perspektiv på lärarens undervisning i matematik. Något som har väckt stort internationellt intresse under de senaste femton åren är den franska undervisningen i matematik där Brousseaus teori om didaktiska situationer i matematik är en central del. Därför är syftet med denna litteraturstudie att lyfta teorin samt hur forskningen använder den. Resultatet visar att teorin kan användas som undervisningsdesign för att främja elevernas lärande och som ett framgångsrikt verktyg för att observera och analysera lärares roll i undervisningen. Dessutom används teorin som grund för ett undervisningsprogram.
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The meaning of caring as narrated, lived, moral experienceÅström, Gunilla January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to understand the meaning of caring as narrated, lived, moral experience. Forty-five good nurses experienced in the care of patients in surgical, medical and geriatric wards were interviewed. They described their experience of; caring, caring abilities, the worthwhile of caring, the strength related to caring and narrated situations (n=88) in which they had experienced that their caring had made a difference to the patient. Surgical nurses described care and cure as an integrated whole, medical nurses described care as integrated with the patients' social context and geriatric nurses described care as enhancing the autonomy of patients (I). The nurses' narrated, lived, experiences of caring situations revealed ways of intervening and interacting with the patient including caring actions (II). Eighteen good nurses experienced in the care of cancer patients were also interviewed. Their narrated, lived experiences of morally difficult care situations i.e. situations where it had been hard to know what was the right and good thing to do for the patient (n=60), revealed that relationships with their co-workers were very important for their possibility to act according to their moral reasoning and feelings(III). The situations for the nurses were either disclosed as overwhelming or possible to grasp. When narrating about these situations the nurses used different terms about themselves and their co-workers (One, They, I and We). The nurses viewed the patients either as a task to be accomplished or as a valuable unique person. In the latter situations ethical demands were interpreted, judged and acted upon (IV). Interpretations of these nurses' skills in managing morally difficult care situations disclosed two levels; one group of nurses who described positive paradigm cases, liberating maxims and disclosed open minds, while the other group described negative paradigm cases, restrictive maxims and revealed closed minds. The latter nurses were mostly the nurses who disclosed in Paper III that they used the term "one" about themselves and "they" about their co-workers (V).en patients recently cared for at surgical and medical wards were interviewed(IV). They narrated lived experiences of receiving/not receiving the help they needed or wanted when suffering from pain and anxiety/fear. The patients revealed that the most important thing for them to feel cared for in these situations was to be listened to, taken seriously and trusted, if they were not treated in this way the patients revealed that they felt they were in the hands of somebody who was uncaring. The findings are interpreted within the framework of Paul Tillich's philosophy concerning love, power, justice and courage, thereby showing the tension between these phenomena in the narrated, lived, moral experience. Light is also thrown on the dynamics of openness, vulnerability, fallibility, forgiveness, affirmation as well as powerlessness, meaninglessness, insufficiency, dissociation and exclusion. Reflections are made concerning practical wisdom. / <p>S. 1-60: sammanfattning, s. 61-151: 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Analyse du niveau de complexité de situations évaluatives de compétences utilisées par des enseignantes et des enseignants de la formation professionnelle au secondaire: le cas du programme de Santé, assistance et soins infirmiersRoussel, Chantal January 2014 (has links)
Récemment, une décision ministérielle crée un vent d’inquiétude au sein de la formation
professionnelle (FP) de niveau secondaire. Le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du
Sport (MELS) fait le choix de stopper la production des référentiels en évaluation, un
instrument jugé indispensable à l’activité évaluative de sanction des compétences.
La présente recherche tire son origine des changements exigés par le MELS pour
l’évaluation des compétences et des répercussions que cela entraine sur les fonctions du
personnel enseignant de cette filière. Pour nous, cette situation est préoccupante du fait
que nous oeuvrons à la formation universitaire en enseignement professionnel. En effet,
dans notre recherche doctorale, nous voulons mieux appréhender l’évaluation en FP, dans
le but de soutenir les enseignants dans leur pratique.
D’une manière spécifique, notre étude vise à comprendre les niveaux de complexité des
situations évaluatives de compétences utilisées durant la première année du programme
de Santé, assistance et soins infirmiers (SASI). Pour étudier ces situations évaluatives,
nous avons conçu des outils d’analyse prenant la forme de différents continuums ciblant
trois éléments particuliers: les ressources internes et externes, l’articulation qui existe
entre ces ressources, puis le contexte déployé au moment de leur mise en oeuvre.
Les données qualitatives examinées dans cette recherche proviennent d’une analyse
documentaire, complétée par des entrevues semi-dirigées. S’ajoutant à ces modalités, un
journal de bord a été tenu par la chercheure tout au long des phases de collecte et
d’analyse des données.
Au final, les résultats de cette étude montrent 5 configurations référant à des niveaux de
complexité des situations évaluatives. Ces configurations particulières témoignent de
« l’évaluation de l’installation des ressources » où figurent des zones d’évaluation et des
niveaux de complexité distincts. Parmi ces niveaux, il existe des situations évaluatives
d’« exploration », d’« appropriation », d’« application procédurale » et d’« intégration
partielle ».
C’est entre autres en prenant pour appuis théoriques les travaux de Roegiers (2007) et
Roegiers, Dehon, Rampy, Ratziu et Rosy (2010) que nous sommes parvenues à
conceptualiser, puis à produire ces résultats.
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A portfolio of compositions with commentaryMuenz, Harald January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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”Nu har vi var sin dator – nu finns inga hinder!” : Om musiklärarens användning av digitala verktyg / “Now, we all have our own computer – no more obstacles!” : About music teachers´ use of digital toolsNilsson, Claes January 2013 (has links)
De flesta av oss har säkert erfarenhet av hur digitala verktyg kan vara en hjälp på många områden i vardagen. Det går att fastslå att fler och fler funktioner och tjänster i vårt samhälle digitaliseras på olika sätt och i många yrkesgrupper verkar digitala hjälpmedel vara ett självklart inslag. Syftet med detta arbete är att öka kunskapen om vilken syn musik- och instrumentallärare har på användningen av digitala verktyg i undervisningen. För att uppnå detta syfte har jag ställt ett antal frågor till några musiklärare i olika läromiljöer. Resultat visar bland annat att användandet av digitala hjälpmedel styrs till viss del av musikalisk genre, det vill säga om en lärare arbetar med klassisk musik eller med rock- och popmusik. Tydligt i resultatet är också att musiklärarna vill öka både sin kunskap och sitt användande av digitala verktyg. En av mina viktigaste slutsatser är att de lärare som på ett personligt plan använder digitala verktyg utanför skolan också använder dem i sin undervisning. / Most of us have probably experienced how digital tools can help us in many areas of everyday life. The intent of this paper is to increase knowledge concerning the attitudes of music and instrumental teachers' towards the use of digital tools in their pedagogical methodology. To achieve this aim, I have posed a number of questions to a small selection of music teachers, working within different learning environments. The results show that the implementation of computer and digital media in teaching is dependent upon whether the type of music taught is classical or pop/rock. The results furthermore indicate that music teachers are keen to increase both their knowledge and use of digital tools. One of the most important conclusions that I have reached is that there is a strong correlation between the personal and private use of computers and digital tools by teachers, and whether or not they are utilized as teaching aids.
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Diversité et confrontation intergénérationnelle dans la construction du sens : comprendre la Perception et le management de la reconnaissance au sein les laboratoires de recherche / Variety and confrontation intergenerationnelle in the construction of the sense : understand the Perception and the management of the gratitude within research laboratoriesDuboeuf, Patrick 08 February 2011 (has links)
À la lumière des évolutions actuelles du dispositif de traitement des pensions de retraite, afin de faire face au vieillissement des salariés, l’action des seniors au sein des organisations devient un enjeu de management majeur. Cette recherche vise la compréhension des spécificités de la relation âge-activité professionnelle dans le cadre de la nécessaire réintégration/conservation des quinquas avec une perspective d’efficacité organisationnelle, vidée de toute orientation d’instrumentalisation des cohortes seniors. La prise en compte du bien vivre professionnel des acteurs, avec des objectifs de résultats organisationnels, peut être un cadre de réflexion en sciences de gestion. Les représentations positives sont une clé d’une meilleure performance collective de groupes d’acteurs hétérogènes en âge. Cette hétérogénéité est le cadre de jeux de comparaison limitant l'engagement des seniors. La compréhension des mécanismes de reconnaissance des acteurs, en tant que valeur et action managériale, est posée comme un point focal, source de connaissances. Plusprécisément, cette démarche tente de répondre à la question : comment le management de la reconnaissance adaptée aux seniors leur permettra de « jouer un rôle » au sein des organisations par leur action contributive à la performance collective ? Afin d’apporter des éléments de réponse, nous analysons les schèmes constitutifs des représentations derépondant âgé de plus de 50 ans selon le modèle cognitiviste proposé par Cossette (2004). À partir de la mise à jour des schèmes individuels liant entités reconnaissantes, sièges de reconnaissance et engagement, nous avons élaboré et analysé quinze cartes cognitives de chercheurs et ingénieurs de recherche, en vue de tirer des éléments de compréhension et explication, au moyen du logiciel Decision Explorer. Les résultats mettent d’abord en évidence les types de reconnaissance perçus ou attendus en termes de moyens et objectifs. Deux unités de temps d’analyse sont ensuite proposées. Elles permettent de distinguer et rapprocher les reconnaissances d’utilité et appartenance dans le cadre d’interactions liées à la situation, de la reconnaissance de singularité liée aux dispositions personnelles en échos avec les spécificités liées à l’âge. Le croisement, entre cadre des unités de temps, entités et sièges de reconnaissance, constitueune boussole pour les actes de management de reconnaissance possibles orientés seniors. / In the light of the current evolutions of the device of treatment of retirement pensions, to face the ageing of the employees, the action of seniors within organizations becomes a stake in major management. This search aims at the understanding of the specificities of the relation age-activity professional within the framework of the necessary reinstatement / conservation of quinquas with a prospect of organizational efficiency, emptied of any orientation of instrumentalisation of the troops seniors. The consideration of the property to live professional actors, with objectives of organizational results, can be a frame of reflection in sciences of management.The positive representations are a key of a better collective performance of groups of heterogeneous actors in age. This heterogeneousness is the frame of sets of comparison limiting thecommitment of seniors. The understanding of the mechanisms of gratitude of the actors, as value and manager action, is put as a focal point, a source of knowledge. More exactly, this approach tries to answer the question: how the management of the gratitude adapted to seniors will allow them " to play a role " within organizations by their contributory action the collective performance? To bring elements of answer, we analyze the constituent schemas of the representations of referee of more than 50 years old according to the model cognitiviste proposed by Cossette (2004). From the update of the individual schemas linkin grateful entities, seats of gratitude and commitment, we elaborated and analyzed fifteen cognitive maps of researchers and engineers of search, to pull elements of understanding and explanation, by means of thesoftware Decision investigate.The results bring to light at first the types of gratitude received or waited in terms of means and objective. Two units of time of analysis are then proposed. They allow to distinguish and to move closer to the gratitudes of utility and membership within the framework of interactions connected to the situation, of the gratitude of connected to the personal capacities in echos with the age-related specificities. The crossing, between frame of the units of time, the entities and the seats of gratitude, constitutes)a compass for the possible acts of management of gratitude directed seniors.
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Elevers roller i det sociala samspelet under mellanmålet : Ett möjligt rum för lärandesituationerArlinder, Robert, Bundesen Strandberg, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
The after-school centresdevelopment has shifted from being a workplace to today's after-school centre as part of elementary school curriculum with a central content and purpose. Research in the field is in terms of conversational styles and roles but is not so much linked to the after-school centre'ssnack time. The present study has been intended to distinguish and exemplify the social interaction that is taking place in the after-school centre's snack time. Focus off interest has been how pupils talk and listen to each other and whether it is possible to discover in the conversation whether the conversation can be linked to school skills. Based on Sociocultural perspective on learning as well as Goffman's dramaturgical perspective as a frame, four recorded and observed conversations at two different after-school centres have been analysedwith an abductive approach. The purpose of this work is to identify the learning situations that occur during the after-school centre's snack, as well as describe how the students talk to each other. The roles that emerged in the result were categorized into five qualitatively distinct roles called; the conversation leader, listener, co-driver, clown and expert. The conversation leader is dependent on both the listener and the co-driver while the other roles are more independent of each other. The learning situations that can be linked to school skills are described in a separate section and are highly dependent on the role of the expert. All results are exemplified by direct quotes from the transcribed material.
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Modes of Resolving Motor Conflict Situations, Certain Personality Variables, and Scholastic AchievementMathis, James O. 08 1900 (has links)
This was a study of modes of resolving experimentally induced motor conflict situations, certain personality variables, and scholastic achievement of a group of college students.
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Modely herní součinnosti při zakončování útoků ve fotbale / Models of game cooperations at finishing in footballFajfr, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
Title: Models of game cooperation at finishing in football Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to carry out quantitative and qualitative analysis of football matches played at EURO 2012. Methods: Research was made by indirect observation of football matches. Results: The aim of this thesis was accomplished. The teams were compared in several categories. The hypothesis was confirmed in particular categories and disproved in others. Research questions were answered. Acquired knowledge was used for setting up training exercise. Keywords: game performance, players, game situations, qualitative analysis
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Identifier les entraves à l’activité de problématisation en formation. : Quelle auto-évaluation pour se professionnaliser ?Goloubieff, Bruno 25 March 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche se situe dans le champ de la formation professionnelle aux métiers de la relation éducative. A l'origine, un constat portant sur les difficultés et les pièges rencontrés par ces professionnels en situation a motivé un questionnement sur les conditions de préparation à de tels métiers. Dès lors que la formation professionnelle associe deux visées contraires d'instruction et d'émancipation dans son projet, elle tente de faire problématiser les apprenants à partir des situations éducatives rencontrées pour construire les problèmes et produire des avancées. Or, dans une société où la résolution de problème domine, former à la problématisation ne va pas toujours de soi. Certains formés se heurtent à des entraves au cours de leur trajet de formation. Elles peuvent même donner lieu à des paradoxes. L'identification des entraves montre que tout formé navigue entre deux pôles contraires et qu'il est important que chacun effectue pour lui-même un travail d'auto-évaluation en formation afin de travailler ses implications et ainsi d'éviter les dérives de logique et la création de paradoxes. / This research concerns the training of professionals in education-related fields. At the outset, a report dealing with the difficulties and hurdles encountered by these professionals in the work-place led to an investigation into training methods for such occupations. Since professional training combines two opposing objectives , namely instruction and independence of expression of ideas, the aim of this research is to present students with problem situations encountered in real life in order to dissect the issues and find solutions. In a society where resolving problems prevails, training in the analysis of problems is not always evident. During their course, some trainees are faced with obstacles which may lead to paradoxes. Identification of these obstacles shows that each trainee navigates between two opposing poles, and as part of training it is important that each trainee carries out self-evaluation to understand the implication of their actions and thus avoid lapses in logic and the creation of paradoxes.
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