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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation critériée et approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère

Ruzibiza, Aloys D. 23 June 2006 (has links)
Durant ces dernières années, les problèmes liés à l'amélioration de la qualité des systèmes éducatifs mondiaux préoccupent bon nombre de partenaires impliqués directement ou indirectement dans le domaine de l'enseignement. Le Rwanda, après le génocide de 1994, n'a pas échappé à une série de difficultés de retisser l'univers pédagogique. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons voulu examiner la situation-problème d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère aux étudiants anglophones de l'Ecole Pratique des Langues Modernes (EPLM) qui fonctionne au sein de l'Université Nationale du Rwanda (UNR). Le thème abordé est intitulé : « Evaluation critériée et approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère ». 72 sujets ont été tirés au hasard d'une population de référence estimée à 129 étudiants anglophones. La taille de l'échantillon représente 55.8% de l'univers de référence. Cet échantillon a été distribué aléatoirement dans un plan expérimental constitué de deux groupes expérimental (GE) et contrôle (GC). La condition expérimentale était basée sur la pratique de l'approche par intégration des compétences de base scripturales en français langue étrangère et la condition contrôle sur celle de la pédagogie traditionnelle. Notre hypothèse supposait la supériorité du niveau de maîtrise des performances scripturales du groupe expérimental à celui du groupe contrôle. La validation des résultats empiriques a été assurée par une série de procédures d'analyse statistique. Nous avons vérifié successivement le degré de fiabilité entre les scores des deux correcteurs indépendants au moyen de l'analyse statistique (1) du coefficient d'accords interjuges K de Cohen (1960), (2) du coefficient de corrélation r et (3) du coefficient de détermination R2 de Pearson. Toutes ces vérifications ont attesté le degré de fiabilité très significatif entre les scores des deux groupes indépendants. Le degré de fiabilité des résultats interjuges nous a permis d'appliquer le test d'hypothèse de Student pour échantillons indépendants sur les moyennes des deux groupes au prétest et au post-test. En définitive, nos résultats confirment l'effet supérieur de la pédagogie de l'intégration des compétences de base (Roegiers et De Ketele, 2000 ; Roegiers, 2005 ; De Ketele et Gérard, 2005 ; Tardif, 2006) à celui de la pédagogie plus transmissive des connaissances. Le groupe expérimental qui a été initié à l'approche par intégration des compétences de base du savoir-résumer en FLE a enregistré un taux de réussite de 66.7% contre un taux de réussite de 36.1% observé chez des sujets du groupe contrôle ayant suivi des activités d'apprentissage centrées sur la pédagogie de transmission des connaissances rédactionnelles. Bien plus, la méthode d'apprentissage intégrative des savoirs appris a enregistré un gain moyen d'apprentissage de 4.38 points sur 20 points qui s'avère légèrement supérieur au gain moyen d'apprentissage reconnu à l'échelle internationale selon la pratique pédagogique conçue en termes d'approche par compétences de base (Aden et Roegiers, 2003). / The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the approach through the skills to those resulting from the traditional pedagogy in a learning situation of French as a foreign language (FLE). After the experimental processing and the statistical analysis of the results emerging from the experimental group and the control group, it appears that the approach through the basic skills produces more significant effects (66.7%) than those emerging from the transmission of knowledges pedagogy (36.1%) in writing production of the text summarizing.

New media’s support of knowledge building and 21st century skills development in high school curricula

Jansen, Barbara A. 02 July 2014 (has links)
There is a growing consensus that the character of pedagogy must shift from one of teacher- and textbook-directed instruction to one of student-centered learning. This transition stems from the need to maintain the United States’ competitive edge in the world market and prepare young people for a society that is more socially, economically, and politically complex. Progressive educators advocate for a “learning reform” facilitated by digital media, and the skills and competencies that young people develop through using participatory media in an informal setting. This study examined how the use of new media can support subject-area knowledge building and 21st century skills development in nine classrooms in an independent high school. A constructivist grounded theory approach guided the collection and analysis of empirical data. This process took the form of semi-structured interviews with students and teachers, classroom observations, and an examination of course-related documents. A symbolic interactionist perspective framed the data analysis. The study examined wiki use, blogging, microblogging, and document sharing in six high school subject areas: ninth grade History, Latin II, Advanced Placement Art History, twelfth grade English, Anatomy and Physiology, and Environmental Science. Conceptual categories derived from the findings suggest that the use of specific new media tools support subject-area knowledge building, both explicit and tacit. This occurs by promoting participation among all students, which helps students broaden their perspectives through universal access to their peers’ thinking. Findings also suggest that the integration and use of these specific new media tools support the development of certain 21st century cognitive and interpersonal skills. The findings from this study support two substantive theories: 1) The use of new media support knowledge building and skills development through increased participation, leading to broadening students’ perspectives about subject-area content, and 2) as students engage in knowledge building activities, specific features of new media support the development of specific 21st century skills within the cognitive and interpersonal domains. The results of this study provide educators with a set of guidelines to consider as they integrate new media into subject-area curricula, and offer an agenda for further research on a local and national level. / text

Lietuvos įmonių vadovų vadybinių įgūdžių ugdymas / Leaders of Lithuanian enterprises managerial skills developing / Managers von Litauische Betriebe Führungs Fertigkeiten Erziehung

Lekešytė, Gerta 06 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo „Lietuvos įmonių vadovų vadybinių įgūdžių ugdymas“ pagrindinis tikslas – nustatyti, ar Lietuvos įmonių vadovų vadybiniai įgūdžiai yra pakankami ir kurias sritis būtina ugdyti. Siekiant įgyvendinti šį tikslą, pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo atlikta vadybinių įgūdžių sampratos, savybių ir sričių teorinė analizė. Antroje darbo dalyje atliktas tyrimas apie Lietuvos universitetų, kolegijų ir specializuotų mokymų programas, kuriose siūloma ugdyti vadybinius įgūdžius, bei vadovų įgūdžių apklausa ir jos analizė. Atlikus tyrimą identifikuotos problemos: pirmoji – įvairaus pobūdžio vadovai neturi pakankamai įgūdžių, kurie turėtų būti labiausiai reikalingi atliekant jų darbą; antroji – nors vadovai neturi pakankamai įgūdžių, bet jie ir nesiima papildomų ugdymo priemonių, t. y., nelanko specializuotų seminarų, paskaitų ar panašių mokymų, skirtų vadovams. Šioms problemoms spręsti trečioje darbo dalyje pateikiami du pasiūlymai: 5 žingsnių metodas, kaip pritraukti daugiau vadovų ugdyti vadybinius įgūdžius ir specializuota apklausa, skirta nustatyti valdymo funkcijų sritis, kuriose vadovų įgūdžiai silpniausi. / It's about managerial skills, which are using Lithuanian leaders. In theoretical research its written, what skills are usefull for leaders, in what firm managing places they are usefull and possibilities, where is it poddible to get these skills. In practical research You will find information about real posibilities, to get managerial skills in Lithuanian Universities, coleges and seminars and data from Lithuanian managers interrogatory. Here was founded twoo problems: Lithuanian managers don't have enough managerial skills and they don't try to get or improve them. Finaly, there is sugetion with five steps hoe to attract managers to learn about managerial skills and suggestion how to ascertain, which managers skills should be improved. / Des Arbeits „Managers von Litauische Betriebe Führungs Fertigkeiten Erziehung“ Hauptziel ist zu zeigen, dass Mehrzahl Managers von Litauische Firmen ungenügend Fertigkeiten haben. Dafür war Folgende Dinge gemacht: theoretische Analyse (erste Arbeits Teil) von Haupt Funktionen und Eigenschaften des Führerarbeits; in zweite Arbeits Teil war die Forschung von Litauische Universitäten und Kolegien, die Managers oder änliches Spezialisation Ausbildung bieten, gemacht; Untersuchung von Seminare, die für Führers spezialisiert sind; in zweite Arbeits Teil war Befragung von Fertigkeiten der Führers und Befragungs Analyse gemacht; endlich im dritte Arbeits Teil war Vorschlag abgebietet, wie im Forschung gefundete Problemmen zu lösen. In Untersuchung war diese Problemmen gefunden: erste – Managers der Betriebe hat ungenügend Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten; die sehr wichtig für Führers Arbeit sind; zweite – Managers haben ungenügend Fertigkeiten und sie machen nichts, um es zu verbessern. Zu diese Problemme zu lösen gibt es Vorschlag, wie die Führers zum lernen anziehen mit fuenf Schritte Method und Befragung, wie zu ermitteln, in welche Gebiete had diese Managers schlechteste Fertigkeiten.

Exploring the life orientation potential of secondary school musical productions : the case of The Green Crystal / Amanda Salomina Potgieter

Potgieter, Amanda Salomina January 2012 (has links)
The problem I investigated in this research is the extent to which participation in a secondary school musical production contributes curricularly and pedagogically towards equipping learners for meaningful and successful living in a rapidly changing and transforming society within a life skills education programme. The importance of creating a dialogic space where secondary school learners may practise life skills within the Life Orientation curriculum has been my main focus. My aim was to investigate and discuss the Life Orientation potential of the secondary school musical production as dialogic educative space for life skills attainment. I specifically employed a hybrid epistemology, namely constructivist hermeneutic phenomenology. In this qualitative study a small number of participants were interviewed individually and in focus groups because of their particular knowledge and lived experience regarding the research topic and the musical The Green Crystal as the chosen case study. This enabled me to construct and interpret their subjective reality and construct meaning within the particular social context of the secondary school musical production. The data I generated, coded and interpreted validate the notion that the secondary school musical production is a hybrid genre which is essentially a practise ground for life skills attainment through the media of music, movement and drama. It also emerged from the data that the secondary school musical production provides a dialogic and educative space to and for all participants to practise life skills within the subject Life Orientation. The participants indicated that their participation in the productions have been life-changing events. A notable contribution from the data was the confirmation that life skills learnt and practised during the musical production are transported into adult life. The life skills learnt through participation in a secondary school musical production are embedded in the memory of the participants and the lessons learnt purify over time. These individual and psychosocial life skills gained, honed and practised by participants assisted them in adapting to a changing and transforming society as functional and contributing adults (self-in-society). / MEd (Learning and Teaching), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Exploring the life orientation potential of secondary school musical productions : the case of The Green Crystal / Amanda Salomina Potgieter

Potgieter, Amanda Salomina January 2012 (has links)
The problem I investigated in this research is the extent to which participation in a secondary school musical production contributes curricularly and pedagogically towards equipping learners for meaningful and successful living in a rapidly changing and transforming society within a life skills education programme. The importance of creating a dialogic space where secondary school learners may practise life skills within the Life Orientation curriculum has been my main focus. My aim was to investigate and discuss the Life Orientation potential of the secondary school musical production as dialogic educative space for life skills attainment. I specifically employed a hybrid epistemology, namely constructivist hermeneutic phenomenology. In this qualitative study a small number of participants were interviewed individually and in focus groups because of their particular knowledge and lived experience regarding the research topic and the musical The Green Crystal as the chosen case study. This enabled me to construct and interpret their subjective reality and construct meaning within the particular social context of the secondary school musical production. The data I generated, coded and interpreted validate the notion that the secondary school musical production is a hybrid genre which is essentially a practise ground for life skills attainment through the media of music, movement and drama. It also emerged from the data that the secondary school musical production provides a dialogic and educative space to and for all participants to practise life skills within the subject Life Orientation. The participants indicated that their participation in the productions have been life-changing events. A notable contribution from the data was the confirmation that life skills learnt and practised during the musical production are transported into adult life. The life skills learnt through participation in a secondary school musical production are embedded in the memory of the participants and the lessons learnt purify over time. These individual and psychosocial life skills gained, honed and practised by participants assisted them in adapting to a changing and transforming society as functional and contributing adults (self-in-society). / MEd (Learning and Teaching), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Habilidades motoras fundamentais e especializadas, aplicação de habilidades no jogo e percepção de competência de crianças em situação de risco : a influência de um programa de iniciação ao tênis

Piffero, Constance Müller January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa, de delineamento quase-experimental, foi verificar a influência de um Programa de Iniciação ao Tênis (PIT) com duas abordagens, Clássica (AC) e de Contexto Motivacional para a Maestria (AM), no desempenho de habilidades motoras fundamentais (HMF), especializadas do Tênis (HMET) especializadas do Tênis no jogo (HETJ) e na percepção de competência (PC) de crianças em situação de risco. A amostra desta pesquisa foi não probabilística, intencional, composta por 61 crianças (29 meninas e 32 meninos), com idades de 6 a 12 anos (M = 9,4), sendo 30 crianças da AC e 31 crianças da AM. Para as avaliações das crianças foram utilizados o Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000); o Instrumento de Avaliação das Habilidades Motoras Especializadas do Tênis, o Instrumento de Avaliação de Habilidades Especializadas do Tênis no Jogo e a escala The Self-Perception Profile for Children (HARTER, 1985). O PIT foi desenvolvido em 26 semanas, implementando, para a AM os pressupostos da estrutura TARGET e do Sport Education Model e para a AC os modelos clássicos de aprendizagem do Tênis. General Linear Model com medidas repetidas no fator tempo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos do PIT no desempenho motor e nos níveis de PC, bem como, a influência de faixa etária e gênero. Teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para a comparação intra-grupo e teste de Mann-Whitney para a comparação inter-grupo (no jogo quanto à categorização). Análise de variância com medidas repetidas no fator tempo, delta e significância do delta por meio de One Way ANOVA foram utilizadas para avaliar o impacto da intervenção. Os resultados indicaram que 1) crianças do PIT demonstraram mudanças significantes (p < 0,01) nas habilidades de locomoção (HL), sendo que as crianças da AM revelaram escores significativamente (p = 0,034) superiores quando comparadas com a AC ao final da intervenção; 2) todas as crianças evidenciaram mudanças significantes nas habilidades de controle de objeto (HCO) da pré para a pósintervenção (p < 0,01); 3) não houve interação da faixa etária nas HL (p = 0,885) e nas HCO (p = 0,940) e do gênero nas HL (p = 0,791) e nas HCO (p = 0,723); 4) mudanças positivas e significantes (p < 0,01) nas HMET para todas as crianças; 5) interação não significante da faixa etária (p = 0,519) e do gênero (p = 0,24) nas HMET; 6) interação não significante da faixa etária (p = 0,523) e do gênero (p = 0,117) nas HETJ quanto à freqüência; 7) quanto à categorização das HETJ, resultados evidenciaram mudanças positivas para as crianças do PIT ao longo da intervenção, representando 62,5% das atitudes demonstradas no jogo; 8) crianças mais velhas da AC apresentaram mudanças significantes (p < 0,05) da pré para a pós-intervenção em duas categorias de comportamento, enquanto que, crianças mais velhas da AM em cinco (p < 0,05); 9) quanto ao gênero, não houve interação significante (p = 0,50) nas HETJ na categorização das atitudes; 10) quanto à PC, todas as crianças apresentaram mudanças significantes da pré para a pósintervenção (p < 0,01);11) não houve interação significante para a faixa etária (p = 0,096) e gênero (0,465) nas percepções de competência. A implementação de um Programa de Iniciação ao Tênis, baseado em propostas metodológicas eficazes e condizentes com as necessidades reais dos participantes, promove ganhos motores, sociais e emocionais que efetivam a participação das crianças no esporte e na atividade física e contribuem com o seu desenvolvimento. / The purpose of the present study, with a quasi-experimental design, was to verify the influence of a Beginning Tennis Program (BTP) with two approaches – the Classical approach (CA) and the Mastery Motivational Climate approach (MA) – on the development of fundamental motor skills (FMS), specialized tennis motor skills (STMS), specialized tennis motor skills in play (STMSP), and on perceived competence (PC) of children in risky situation. The sample was not probabilistic, intentional, and composed of 61 children (29 girls and 32 boys), aged 6-12 yr. (M = 9.4). Thirty children were submitted to the CA and 31 to the MA. The children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000), the Instrument for Assessing Specialized Tennis Motor Skills, the Instrument for Assessing Specialized Tennis Motor Skills in Play, and The Self-Perception Profile for Children (HARTER, 1985). The BTP was carried out in 26 weeks and implemented for MA the assumptions of the TARGET structure and the Sport Education Model, and for CA the classical models for tennis learning. General Linear Model with repeated measures on the time factor was conducted to assess the BTP effects on motor development and on PC levels, as well as the influence of age group and gender. 7) concerning STMSP categorization, children in BTP demonstrated positive changes over the intervention, representing 62.5% of the attitudes adopted in the play; 8) older children of CA showed significant changes (p < 0.05) from pre- to post-intervention in two behavior categories, whereas older children of MA showed significant changes in five (p < 0.05); 9) concerning gender, there was no significant interaction (p = 0.50) in STMSP in attitude categorization; 10) all children showed significant changes in PC from pre- to post-intervention (p < 0.01); 11) there was no significant interaction of age group (p = 0.096) and gender (0.465) in PC. The implementation of a Beginning Tennis Program based on effective methodological proposals that are suitable for the participants’ real needs fosters motor, social, and emotional gains that reinforce the children engagement in sports and physical activity, and favour their development.

The influence of a pre-school programme on the acquisition of social and communicative skills

Dworetzky, Lynne 10 1900 (has links)
The critical role of children’s play in the development of peer relationships, social and communicative skills is reviewed and discussed. The difficulties experienced by a pre-school learner in engaging in peer relationships, communicating successfully in a classroom situation and constructively using play materials was explained. This was done through the use of anecdotal records, checklists, questionnaires, photographic evidence and a semi-structured interview with the learner’s parent. A pre-school play programme, using blocks, dough and puppets (BDP Programme) was devised and used to assess its influence on the acquisition of social and communicative skills by a non-social and non-communicative learner. The study found the BDP Programme to be very successful in assisting this learner to develop peer relationships and communicative skills in the peer group and thus played a critical role in the social development of this learner. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Habilidades motoras fundamentais e especializadas, aplicação de habilidades no jogo e percepção de competência de crianças em situação de risco : a influência de um programa de iniciação ao tênis

Piffero, Constance Müller January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa, de delineamento quase-experimental, foi verificar a influência de um Programa de Iniciação ao Tênis (PIT) com duas abordagens, Clássica (AC) e de Contexto Motivacional para a Maestria (AM), no desempenho de habilidades motoras fundamentais (HMF), especializadas do Tênis (HMET) especializadas do Tênis no jogo (HETJ) e na percepção de competência (PC) de crianças em situação de risco. A amostra desta pesquisa foi não probabilística, intencional, composta por 61 crianças (29 meninas e 32 meninos), com idades de 6 a 12 anos (M = 9,4), sendo 30 crianças da AC e 31 crianças da AM. Para as avaliações das crianças foram utilizados o Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000); o Instrumento de Avaliação das Habilidades Motoras Especializadas do Tênis, o Instrumento de Avaliação de Habilidades Especializadas do Tênis no Jogo e a escala The Self-Perception Profile for Children (HARTER, 1985). O PIT foi desenvolvido em 26 semanas, implementando, para a AM os pressupostos da estrutura TARGET e do Sport Education Model e para a AC os modelos clássicos de aprendizagem do Tênis. General Linear Model com medidas repetidas no fator tempo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos do PIT no desempenho motor e nos níveis de PC, bem como, a influência de faixa etária e gênero. Teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para a comparação intra-grupo e teste de Mann-Whitney para a comparação inter-grupo (no jogo quanto à categorização). Análise de variância com medidas repetidas no fator tempo, delta e significância do delta por meio de One Way ANOVA foram utilizadas para avaliar o impacto da intervenção. Os resultados indicaram que 1) crianças do PIT demonstraram mudanças significantes (p < 0,01) nas habilidades de locomoção (HL), sendo que as crianças da AM revelaram escores significativamente (p = 0,034) superiores quando comparadas com a AC ao final da intervenção; 2) todas as crianças evidenciaram mudanças significantes nas habilidades de controle de objeto (HCO) da pré para a pósintervenção (p < 0,01); 3) não houve interação da faixa etária nas HL (p = 0,885) e nas HCO (p = 0,940) e do gênero nas HL (p = 0,791) e nas HCO (p = 0,723); 4) mudanças positivas e significantes (p < 0,01) nas HMET para todas as crianças; 5) interação não significante da faixa etária (p = 0,519) e do gênero (p = 0,24) nas HMET; 6) interação não significante da faixa etária (p = 0,523) e do gênero (p = 0,117) nas HETJ quanto à freqüência; 7) quanto à categorização das HETJ, resultados evidenciaram mudanças positivas para as crianças do PIT ao longo da intervenção, representando 62,5% das atitudes demonstradas no jogo; 8) crianças mais velhas da AC apresentaram mudanças significantes (p < 0,05) da pré para a pós-intervenção em duas categorias de comportamento, enquanto que, crianças mais velhas da AM em cinco (p < 0,05); 9) quanto ao gênero, não houve interação significante (p = 0,50) nas HETJ na categorização das atitudes; 10) quanto à PC, todas as crianças apresentaram mudanças significantes da pré para a pósintervenção (p < 0,01);11) não houve interação significante para a faixa etária (p = 0,096) e gênero (0,465) nas percepções de competência. A implementação de um Programa de Iniciação ao Tênis, baseado em propostas metodológicas eficazes e condizentes com as necessidades reais dos participantes, promove ganhos motores, sociais e emocionais que efetivam a participação das crianças no esporte e na atividade física e contribuem com o seu desenvolvimento. / The purpose of the present study, with a quasi-experimental design, was to verify the influence of a Beginning Tennis Program (BTP) with two approaches – the Classical approach (CA) and the Mastery Motivational Climate approach (MA) – on the development of fundamental motor skills (FMS), specialized tennis motor skills (STMS), specialized tennis motor skills in play (STMSP), and on perceived competence (PC) of children in risky situation. The sample was not probabilistic, intentional, and composed of 61 children (29 girls and 32 boys), aged 6-12 yr. (M = 9.4). Thirty children were submitted to the CA and 31 to the MA. The children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000), the Instrument for Assessing Specialized Tennis Motor Skills, the Instrument for Assessing Specialized Tennis Motor Skills in Play, and The Self-Perception Profile for Children (HARTER, 1985). The BTP was carried out in 26 weeks and implemented for MA the assumptions of the TARGET structure and the Sport Education Model, and for CA the classical models for tennis learning. General Linear Model with repeated measures on the time factor was conducted to assess the BTP effects on motor development and on PC levels, as well as the influence of age group and gender. 7) concerning STMSP categorization, children in BTP demonstrated positive changes over the intervention, representing 62.5% of the attitudes adopted in the play; 8) older children of CA showed significant changes (p < 0.05) from pre- to post-intervention in two behavior categories, whereas older children of MA showed significant changes in five (p < 0.05); 9) concerning gender, there was no significant interaction (p = 0.50) in STMSP in attitude categorization; 10) all children showed significant changes in PC from pre- to post-intervention (p < 0.01); 11) there was no significant interaction of age group (p = 0.096) and gender (0.465) in PC. The implementation of a Beginning Tennis Program based on effective methodological proposals that are suitable for the participants’ real needs fosters motor, social, and emotional gains that reinforce the children engagement in sports and physical activity, and favour their development.

Convergência entre competências organizacionais, funcionais e individuais : um estudo em empresas de tecnologia da informação e comunicação na Grande Florianópolis / Convergence among organizational, functional and individual competencies: a study of companies in the information communication and technology fields in Florianópolis

Farah, Carolina Pizolati 02 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-01T19:18:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 120599.pdf: 1393476 bytes, checksum: 479d2ec9dca7e5416dd5753182ded1ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to analyze the convergence of organizational skills , functional and individual companies in the information technology and communication in Florianópolis. The research is characterized as a descriptive, qualitative, attended by directors, presidents, executives, managers and programmers eight (08) companies in the sector, a total of 24 (twenty four) respondents. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using descriptive analysis and categorization of content. The study identified the organizational skills and functional competencies and individual professionals. The results showed that there is convergence between the organizational skills and functional competencies and individual ICT companies of Florianopolis, in the perception of respondents - CEOs, managers of the technical programmers and technicians interviewed. Also concluded that the organizational skills and functional competencies and individual are related to each other and between levels of expertise of the professionals interviewed. / O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a convergência entre as competências organizacionais, funcionais e individuais de empresas do setor de tecnologia da informação e comunicação da Grande Florianópolis. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo descritivo, de natureza qualitativa, do qual participaram diretores, presidentes, executivos, gestores e programadores de 08 (oito) empresas do setor, totalizando 24 (vinte e quatro) entrevistados. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e analisados a partir de categorização e análise descritivade conteúdo. O estudo permitiu identificar as competências organizacionais e as competências funcionais e individuais dos profissionais. Os resultados apontaram que existe convergência entre as competências organizacionais e as competências funcionais e individuais em empresas de TICs de Florianópolis, segundo a percepção dos participantes da pesquisa CEOs, gestores da área técnica e técnicos programadores entrevistados. Também concluiu-se que as competências organizacionais e as competências funcionais e individuais estão relacionadas entre si e entre os níveis de atuação dos profissionais entrevistados.

Habilidades motoras fundamentais e especializadas, aplicação de habilidades no jogo e percepção de competência de crianças em situação de risco : a influência de um programa de iniciação ao tênis

Piffero, Constance Müller January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa, de delineamento quase-experimental, foi verificar a influência de um Programa de Iniciação ao Tênis (PIT) com duas abordagens, Clássica (AC) e de Contexto Motivacional para a Maestria (AM), no desempenho de habilidades motoras fundamentais (HMF), especializadas do Tênis (HMET) especializadas do Tênis no jogo (HETJ) e na percepção de competência (PC) de crianças em situação de risco. A amostra desta pesquisa foi não probabilística, intencional, composta por 61 crianças (29 meninas e 32 meninos), com idades de 6 a 12 anos (M = 9,4), sendo 30 crianças da AC e 31 crianças da AM. Para as avaliações das crianças foram utilizados o Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000); o Instrumento de Avaliação das Habilidades Motoras Especializadas do Tênis, o Instrumento de Avaliação de Habilidades Especializadas do Tênis no Jogo e a escala The Self-Perception Profile for Children (HARTER, 1985). O PIT foi desenvolvido em 26 semanas, implementando, para a AM os pressupostos da estrutura TARGET e do Sport Education Model e para a AC os modelos clássicos de aprendizagem do Tênis. General Linear Model com medidas repetidas no fator tempo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos do PIT no desempenho motor e nos níveis de PC, bem como, a influência de faixa etária e gênero. Teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para a comparação intra-grupo e teste de Mann-Whitney para a comparação inter-grupo (no jogo quanto à categorização). Análise de variância com medidas repetidas no fator tempo, delta e significância do delta por meio de One Way ANOVA foram utilizadas para avaliar o impacto da intervenção. Os resultados indicaram que 1) crianças do PIT demonstraram mudanças significantes (p < 0,01) nas habilidades de locomoção (HL), sendo que as crianças da AM revelaram escores significativamente (p = 0,034) superiores quando comparadas com a AC ao final da intervenção; 2) todas as crianças evidenciaram mudanças significantes nas habilidades de controle de objeto (HCO) da pré para a pósintervenção (p < 0,01); 3) não houve interação da faixa etária nas HL (p = 0,885) e nas HCO (p = 0,940) e do gênero nas HL (p = 0,791) e nas HCO (p = 0,723); 4) mudanças positivas e significantes (p < 0,01) nas HMET para todas as crianças; 5) interação não significante da faixa etária (p = 0,519) e do gênero (p = 0,24) nas HMET; 6) interação não significante da faixa etária (p = 0,523) e do gênero (p = 0,117) nas HETJ quanto à freqüência; 7) quanto à categorização das HETJ, resultados evidenciaram mudanças positivas para as crianças do PIT ao longo da intervenção, representando 62,5% das atitudes demonstradas no jogo; 8) crianças mais velhas da AC apresentaram mudanças significantes (p < 0,05) da pré para a pós-intervenção em duas categorias de comportamento, enquanto que, crianças mais velhas da AM em cinco (p < 0,05); 9) quanto ao gênero, não houve interação significante (p = 0,50) nas HETJ na categorização das atitudes; 10) quanto à PC, todas as crianças apresentaram mudanças significantes da pré para a pósintervenção (p < 0,01);11) não houve interação significante para a faixa etária (p = 0,096) e gênero (0,465) nas percepções de competência. A implementação de um Programa de Iniciação ao Tênis, baseado em propostas metodológicas eficazes e condizentes com as necessidades reais dos participantes, promove ganhos motores, sociais e emocionais que efetivam a participação das crianças no esporte e na atividade física e contribuem com o seu desenvolvimento. / The purpose of the present study, with a quasi-experimental design, was to verify the influence of a Beginning Tennis Program (BTP) with two approaches – the Classical approach (CA) and the Mastery Motivational Climate approach (MA) – on the development of fundamental motor skills (FMS), specialized tennis motor skills (STMS), specialized tennis motor skills in play (STMSP), and on perceived competence (PC) of children in risky situation. The sample was not probabilistic, intentional, and composed of 61 children (29 girls and 32 boys), aged 6-12 yr. (M = 9.4). Thirty children were submitted to the CA and 31 to the MA. The children were assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) (ULRICH, 2000), the Instrument for Assessing Specialized Tennis Motor Skills, the Instrument for Assessing Specialized Tennis Motor Skills in Play, and The Self-Perception Profile for Children (HARTER, 1985). The BTP was carried out in 26 weeks and implemented for MA the assumptions of the TARGET structure and the Sport Education Model, and for CA the classical models for tennis learning. General Linear Model with repeated measures on the time factor was conducted to assess the BTP effects on motor development and on PC levels, as well as the influence of age group and gender. 7) concerning STMSP categorization, children in BTP demonstrated positive changes over the intervention, representing 62.5% of the attitudes adopted in the play; 8) older children of CA showed significant changes (p < 0.05) from pre- to post-intervention in two behavior categories, whereas older children of MA showed significant changes in five (p < 0.05); 9) concerning gender, there was no significant interaction (p = 0.50) in STMSP in attitude categorization; 10) all children showed significant changes in PC from pre- to post-intervention (p < 0.01); 11) there was no significant interaction of age group (p = 0.096) and gender (0.465) in PC. The implementation of a Beginning Tennis Program based on effective methodological proposals that are suitable for the participants’ real needs fosters motor, social, and emotional gains that reinforce the children engagement in sports and physical activity, and favour their development.

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