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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stulna Attribut, -om skinheadskulturens utveckling från 1960-talet tills idag. / Stolen Attributes, -the skinhead culture from the 1960s to today.

Ivansson, Andreas January 2003 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om skinheadskulturen och icke-rasistiska skinheads. Syftet med uppsatsen är Att beskriva skinheadskulturens utveckling från dess start tills idag och hur dagens icke-rasistiska skinheads förhåller sig till den. Uppsatsen är indelad i två delar där det i del 1 redogörs för skinheadskulturens utveckling och var brytningen kom mellan icke- och rasistiska skinheads kom. Litteraturstudier ligger till stor del till grund för del 1. Idel 2 har ett antal icke-rasistiska skinheads intervjuats och deras syn på skinheadskulturen och deras roll i den redovisas. Frågor har varit av typen: Varför är du skinhead? Hur kan du som icke-rasistiskt skinhead fortsätta att vara skinhead trots att du kan bli beskylld för att vara rasist? Hur länge kommer du att vara skinhead?

Meze svobody: Cenzura, regulace a politická korektnost v literatuře po roce 1989 / Censorship in ČR after 1989

SEGI, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation thesis examines czech literary censorship after 1989. It presents a polemical addition to a monograph published one year earlier entitled V obecném zájmu [In the General Interest], which covered the same period. The main methodological resource is represented by the books of a British theatrologist Helen Freshwater, who based her inclusive model of censorship on the border crossing of hard and soft censorship. Moreover, she moved her emphasis on discourse as the main indicator of what is considered a censor´s intervention in a particular historical moment. The core of the thesis consists of four chapters, which on the basis of the original research examine the typical cases of censorship and related discourse. These chapters are included in a broader frame of a changing notion of censorship and political correctness in the discussed period. The chapter devoted to the banned skinhead music group Braník is based on the examination of the respective court´s files and the analysis of the changing notion of freedom of speech in the beginning of the 1990s. The chapter about the censorship of literature for children and youth is based on the comparison of various editions of books written by Bohumil Říha. Furthermore, the conditions are observed, under which the interventions to these new editions were identified as censorship. Censorship on internet is treated in the chapter devoted to the regulation of the virtual (literary) child pornography, while the chapter devoted to political correctness focuses on texts and paratexts of splatterpunk literature. This doctoral work should offer a complex picture of changing ways of censorship and thinking after 1989.

Vzrůstající oblíbenost extremisticky orientovaných politických stran v ČR / The rising popularity of extremist political parties in the Czech Republic

LEPIČ, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
In the submitted thesis the author focuses on the rising popularity of extremist political parties in the Czech Republic. The popularity growth of extremist political parties in the Czech Republic is proven by election results in recent years. Right-wing extremists{\crq} ``combat power{\crqq} growth is closely connected with the increasing number of their followers. Regional elections in 2008, in which the Labour Party achieved almost 29 thousand votes, which represents eight times more than the party had achieved in the previous elections in 2004, can be a proof of that. What is more, this party achieved 1.07% votes in the European Parliament elections and it surpassed the limit which is necessary for the state subsidy requisition. In the Theoretical Part the author deals with definitions of basic terms ``extreme{\crqq} and ``radical{\crqq}. Then he deals with the theoretical division of the political scene, from both the current point of view and the historical point of view, into the rights and the lefts. Then he attends to some terms which are closely associated with extremism, such as: nationalism, anti-Semitism and racism. In the Conclusion of the Theoretical Part the author focuses on the far rights and the far lefts. He pays attention to both the current representatives and to their predecessors of those extreme lines. In the Practical Part the author sets his targets and defines hypotheses and he also attends to the used research procedure there. The research was made via questionnaire investigations. Questions were focused on people{\crq}s opinions which are related to inadaptable citizens and extremism. There were also some questions which were focused on activities of those parties in the above mentioned fields, regarding the inadaptable citizens and extremism, which have their members in the Parliament of the Czech Republic. In the Practical part of the thesis the author also evaluates the observed results in light of respondents{\crq} achieved level of education. In the Discussion of the thesis the author compares the observed data with the knowledge of experts. He also focuses on divergent opinions of asked respondents, in connection with their achieved level of education. The thesis and the observed results could be used by general public interested in extremism in the Czech Republic. Besides, the thesis and the observed results could be used as a source of information to improve general knowledge about the scene of extremism and about the problems pertaining to the scene in the Czech Republic.

Komparace politických a kulturních aktivit extrémně pravicové scény v ČR a SRN v 90. letech 20. století / Comparison of political and cultural activities of the extreme right in the Czech Republic and Germany during 90's in the 20th century

Pardubská, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Master thesis "The comparison of political and cultural activities of the extreme right in the Czech Republic and Germany during 90's in the 20th century" is firstly defining the terms related to study of the extreme right. Secondly, the thesis is analyzing success of German and Czech extreme right wing parties in the elections, then establishing and forms of membership in the extreme right organizations, making demonstrations, protest events and violent acts with extreme right context which are organized by supporters of the extreme right thoughts. Thirdly, the thesis is focusing on cultural activities, such as live music events with extreme right music artists, with outlining the lyrics of these Czech and German artists. Finally, comparative analysis is describing the form and frequency of all political and cultural activities. Conclusion of the thesis is that forms of the extreme right in the Czech Republic and Germany in the 90's were very similar, however in Germany these activities were more regular and more brutal. KEYWORDS Extreme right wing, ultra - right, neo - Nazism, extreme right wing parties, extreme right organizations, skinheads.

Subkultura extrémní pravice ve Svobodném státě Sasko / Far-right Subculture in the Free State of Saxony

Lujcová, Drahomíra January 2017 (has links)
Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá subkulturou krajní pravice ve Svobodném státě - pojednáno v multidisciplinárním kontextu, práce vysvětluje důvod také využívá politologické roviny, vymezuje pojem pravicového extremismu a ukazuje jeho rávní úrovni je rozvedena reakce státu ve formě legislativních a represivních opatření. V kontextu občanského vzdělávání jsou prezentovány instituce a aktéři, kteří v Sasku na tomto poli působí s cílem eliminovat pravicový extremismus ve společnosti. Text rovněž definuje, jak velké nebezpečí subkultura ve společnosti představuje. Vláda se snaží s pravicovým extremismem vypořádat, i když se žádná politická strana nedostává přímo do parlamentu. Jde především o hrozbu společenskou spočívající v páchání trestné činnosti, schopnosti mobilizace a tvoření chybných ideologických přesvědčení. Stát chce primárně svoje občany chránit před kriminální činností, vzdělávat je a rozvíjet demokratické uvědomění, přičemž systém občanského vzdělávání Spolkové republiky Německo je celosvětově považován za vzor, jelikož se obor po druhé světové válce stal díky specifickému vnímání pravicového extremismu součástí německé identity

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