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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skurdo šeimos 5 - 7 metų vaiko kompetencijų ypatumai / The aim of this dissertation was to measure remit level of 5 - 7 years old childs from social exclusive family

Juodkienė, Daiva 27 June 2005 (has links)
It is obvious that great socio – economic inequality in our society keeps growing up. Unemployment makes the daily life rather difficult for many people who are forced to receive smaller income, change their life regulations and rhythm as well as to experience psychological tenseness and lack of confidence in their future. Their socio – economical activities decline thus causing their social loneliness that contradicts to human social development. The problems of unemployment influence both jobless people and their families. The aim of the surwey is to evaluate the peculiarities of the institutional education of a child who is brought up in socio – cultural backgrounds of poverty. 402 children from different towns and villages of Lithuania participated in the surwey, 90 of them were from poor socio – cultural environment. The survey aimed to compare the peculiarities of communication competence, attitude towards healthy way of life, intelectual and cognitive skills, ethical development, nud for socio – cultural interests and experience between the children living in ordinary economic conditions and children living in rather poor economic conditions. The hypotheses of the survey proved that different socio – economic environment has great influence on the level of children`s competences as the experience of a child living in poor social environment can not be equal to the experience of a child living in traditional ordinary social environment. However, the institutional... [to full text]

Gerovės modeliai ES ir jų taikymo Lietuvoje galimybių analizė / Welfare models in eu and the analysis at application feasibility in lithuania

Staniūtė, Kristina 08 September 2009 (has links)
XX amžiaus pabaiga ir XXI amžiaus pradžia siejama su Europos valstybių vykdomos socialinės politikos kūrimu bei reformomis siekiant kuo efektyviau kovoti su skurdu ir mažinti nedarbo lygį. Šalių formuojama nacionalinė socialinė politika skirtingai įgyvendina prioritetinį tikslą – užtikrinti gerovę kiekvienam piliečiui. Vienos valstybės šias problemas sprendžia didelia socialinės sferos įtaka, taikydamos platų pajamų perskirstymą ir taip užtikrindamos universalią gerovę kiekvienam piliečiui, kitos palaiko minimalias valstybės įtakos pozicijas suteikiant minimalias socialines garantijas ir leidžiant veikti laisvai rinkai. Ne išimtis ir Lietuva, atmetusi sovietinį socialinės politikos modelį, turėdama galimybę remtis Europos Sąjungos senbuvių šalių patirtimi, ieško optimalaus „gerovės modelio“, atitinkančio politines, ekonomines ir socialines realijas. Ši tema pasirinkta siekiant pateikti priimtiniausią pagal norimus pasiekti rodiklius „gerovės modelį“ Lietuvai. Tyrimo problema - šiuo metu Lietuvoje taikomas socialinės politikos modelis dar nėra suformuotas iki galo ir neišsprendžia svarbiausių visuomenės „gerovės“ užtikrinimo tikslų – skurdo mažinimo ir nedarbo lygio mažėjimo. Tyrimo objektas – „gerovės modeliai“, egzistuojantys Europos Sąjungoje. Darbą sudaro 70 puslapiai, kuriuose yra 11 lentelių ir 25 paveikslai, 3 priedai, 40 literatūros ir informaciniai šaltiniai. / The end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century is bound with the creation of pursued social politics of European States and with the reforms striving to fight effectively with the poverty and to diminish unemployment level. The national social politics formed by States differently fulfils the prioritized aim – to assure welfare for every citizen. Some States solve these issues by the great social sphere influence, applying broad income redistribution and in this way assuring universal welfare for every citizen; others support the minimal influence positions of the State granting the minimal social securities and letting the free market function. Lithuania is not the exception – rejecting the Soviet social politics model and having the possibility to lean on the experience of old resident European Union countries, it searches for optimal “welfare model” that satisfies political, economical and social realia. This theme was chosen seeking to present the most reasonable “welfare model” for Lithuania according to the desirable objects that need to be achieved. The research object – “welfare models” existing in European Union. The work consists of 70 pages that include 11 tables, 25 images, 3 appendices and 40 literature and informational sources.

Skurdo ir socialinės atskirties mažinimo politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje: asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, integracijos darbo rinkoje atvejis / Implementation of poverty reduction and social inclusion policy in lithuania: the case of integration of ex-prisoners into the labour market

Balčienė, Justina 23 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas asmenų, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, integracijos darbo rinkoje politikos įgyvendinimo veiksmingumas skurdo ir socialinės atskirties mažinimo politikos kontekste. Remiantis darbe sintezuotu teoriniu modeliu, politika analizuojama išskirtų šešių kintamųjų kontekste. Siekiant identifikuoti politikos įgyvendinimo metu kylančias problemas, jų priežastis ir patvirtinti arba paneigti iškeltas pagrindinę bei šalutines hipotezes, darbe atliekami kelių lygių tyrimai. Išanalizavus ir aprobavus oficialių dokumentų informaciją ir tyrimų metu gautus duomenis, darbe nustatomi politikos įgyvendinimo veiksmingumą mažinantys veiksniai. / This paper analyzes policy implementation of ex-prisoners integration into the labour market in the political context of poverty reduction and social inclusion. The aim of this paper is to identify the main problems that influence the effectiveness of implementation and their causes. To reach this goal the research is divided into three sections. The main question of this master thesis is: “Why do only few ex-prisoners integrate into labour market?” It can be answered by confirming or denying the raised primary and secondary hypotheses in the context of the main problems and their reasons that influence the effectiveness of policy implementation. In conclusion, the policy analysis of people coming back from imprisonment and their integration into the labour market shows (despite that some hypothesis were only partly confirmed) that the State implements the policy that is appropriate enough and could be effective. In this process the outcome of the policy implementation depends not only on the role of governmental and non-governmental institutions, but most importantly, on the characteristics, efforts and attitudes of the target group and on the intentions of employers to engage this person.

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