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Characterizing the AbcR/VtlR system in the RhizobialesSheehan, Lauren Marie 30 July 2018 (has links)
Rhizobiales encompass a diverse group of microbes, ranging from free-living, soil-dwelling bacteria to disease-causing, intracellular pathogens. Although the lifestyle of these organisms vary, many genetic systems are well conserved. One system, named the AbcR/VtlR system, is found throughout rhizobiales, and even extends to bacteria in other orders within the Alphaproteobacteria.
The AbcR sRNAs are an example of sibling sRNAs, where two copies of the abcR gene are typically present in the genome. The AbcRs are involved in the negative regulation of ABC-type transport systems, which are important components for nutrient acquisition. Although the AbcRs share several features amongst organisms, major differences can be found in their functional and regulatory redundancy, the targets they regulate and how they regulate them. Specifically, one major difference in the AbcRs lies in the nucleotide sequences utilized by the sRNAs to bind mRNA targets. In the present studies, the regulatory mechanisms of the AbcR sRNAs were further characterized in the mammalian pathogen Brucella abortus, and the full regulatory profiles of the AbcRs were defined in the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
As mentioned above, the AbcR sRNAs are important for the proper regulation of nutrient-acquiring transport systems in the Rhizobiales. Since these sRNAs are critical to the lifestyle of a bacterium, proper regulation of this system is key to survival. A LysR-type transcriptional regulator, named VtlR, was found to be the bonefide transcriptional activator of abcR1 in B. abortus. Furthermore, VtlR has been shown to be a key component in host interactions in several rhizobiales. The preset work has shed light on the evolutionary divergence of this regulator in bacteria, and further defined the regulatory capacity of VtlR in Agrobacterium.
Overall, the studies described here have made significant advances in our knowledge of the AbcR/VtlR-regulatory systems in the Rhizobiales, and have further defined this system as being a vital part of host-microbe interactions. / PHD / Understanding the genetic systems utilized by microbes to cause infection is key for developing therapeutics that can be administered to fight against them. Moreover, identifying and characterizing these essential microbial systems can be exploited for the development of drugs to target and shut down these systems, thus causing cell death. The present work took a basic molecular biology approach and characterized a highly conserved genetic system, named the AbcR/VtlR system, in two pathogenic bacteria: the plant pathogen Agrobacterium and the mammalian pathogen Brucella. Overall, the work described here shows this system to be an important component in acquiring nutrients for the microbe, and, most importantly, found the AbcR/VtlR system to be essential for host-microbial interactions.
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Genome-wide expression analysis and regulation of microRNAs and cis natural antisense transcripts in Arabidopsis thalianaZhan, Shuhua 13 January 2012 (has links)
Small RNAs (sRNAs), circa 21-26nt RNA molecules, are a novel class of regulatory molecules that influence many aspects of plant biology. The first objective of this thesis was to utilize computational approaches both to investigate how microRNAs (miRNAs), a type of sRNA, as a class affect their target transcripts’ accumulation and to identify novel miRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana. The second objective of this thesis was to examine the regulation of protein coding (PC) cis natural antisense transcripts (cis-NATs), which have the potential to make double stranded RNA.
Computational analysis of the expression of miRNA-regulated genes demonstrated that the transcriptomes of the inflorescences of plants defective in miRNA biogenesis were similar to normal leaf tissues and dissimilar to normal pollen and seed. Thus, miRNAs cause the plant transcriptome to shift from a vegetative to reproductive state. Known miRNA targets fail to explain miRNA-defective mutant transcriptome patterns. Novel computational approaches were used to discover five new mature miRNAs. Interestingly, two miRNAs have different functions but are encoded by perfect complements of the same precursor molecule.
Genome-wide analysis of cis-NAT abundances revealed that protein coding (PC) cis-NATs tend to be co-expressed, broadly expressed, and highly expressed across diverse abiotic stress conditions. These expression patterns were negatively associated with sRNAs because sRNAs were under-represented within PC cis-NATs compared to PC non-cis-NATs. sRNAs also mapped to cis-NATs and non-cis-NATs at similar frequencies in mutants defective in nat-siRNA biogenesis relative to other genotypes. We suggest a common euchromatin environment and possibly antisense RNA stabilization of mRNA transcripts may contribute to the high level, breadth, and co-expression of cis-NATs. However, cis-NATs are correlated less frequently than expected, and cis-NAT transcript abundances often differ more than expected. In addition, sRNAs matched PC cis-NATs relative to PC non-cis-NATs more frequently in abiotic stress conditions than in control conditions. Thus, although sRNAs do not have a widespread role in regulating cis-NATs, sRNAs may have a focused role in regulating cis-NAT transcript abundances. / PhD thesis / NSERC
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The role of small RNAs in C4 photosynthesisGage, Ewan January 2013 (has links)
The C4 cycle represents a series of biochemical and anatomical modifications that are targeted to overcome the effects of photorespiration caused by the oxygenase capability of Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase (RuBisCO). The cycle has evolved independently in over 60 lineages, which suggests that recruitment of genes into the C4 cycle is a relatively easy process. However, the mechanisms by which the anatomy and cell-specificity of the components of the C4 cycle is achieved is poorly understood. Preliminary work in maize indicated several components of the C4 cycle may be targeted by microRNAs (miRNAs). To explore this, a library of sRNA sequences from mature leaf tissue of the model C4 species Cleome gynandra L. was generated and then searched against a list of expressed sequence tag sequences for candidate genes of the C4 cycle. To complement this, transgenic C. gynandra containing the viral p19 protein, which is capable of suppressing miRNA activity, were produced. A limited subset of the candidate C4 genes showed a high level of sRNA read alignment. In C. gynandra plants expressing p19 photosynthesis was compromised and transcripts of several genes (most notably RbcS and RCA) were upregulated. These data were complemented by examining the effect of illumination on developing C. gynandra cotyledons, and attempts to generate a hybrid between C. gynandra and the C3 C. hassleriana Chodat. RbcS also showed elevated abundance in etiolated cotyledons, although this rapidly declined after illumination. The remainder of the C4 genes profiled accumulated in etiolated tissue, but were upregulated within 6 hours of illumination. Therefore, this study has illustrated that miRNA activity may play a role in maintaining the C4 photosynthetic cycle at optimum efficiency, although it has not been possible to identify at which point(s) this regulation is applied. Secondly, RbcS appears to be subject to multiple regulatory mechanisms in C. gynandra, and it is possible that miRNAs have a role in negatively regulating expression of RbcS.
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Epigenomics of Post-testicular Sperm MaturationGalan, Carolina 26 August 2021 (has links)
Beyond the haploid genome, mammalian sperm carry a payload of epigenetic information with the potential to modulate offspring phenotype. Morphologically mature sperm exit the testes, but cannot swim or interact with the oocyte without extensive remodeling during epididymal transit; this includes modifications to the lipid composition of the sperm membrane, gain of necessary proteins, and a dramatic shift in sperm RNA content. Epididymal maturation has also been linked to changes in the sperm methylome suggesting that the epididymis might play a broader role in shaping the sperm epigenome. First, we characterized the genome-wide methylation landscape in seven germ cell populations from throughout the male reproductive tract. Our data emphasize the stability of cytosine methylation in mammalian sperm, and identify a surprising, albeit transient, period during which sperm are associated with extracellular DNA. Second, given our interest in the small RNA repertoire of sperm we set out to address known bias in sequencing protocols by comparing several small RNA cloning protocols. We found a protocol recently developed by Kathleen Collins’ lab (OTTR) to be superior to commercially available kits in providing an accurate representation of tRNA fragment levels as compared to Northern blotting. These results not only provide a more accurate representation of tRNA fragments, but also more complexity than previously seen allowing us to reassess the true sperm small RNA content. Taken together, these results provide significant insight into the mechanisms and factors modulating sperm epigenomics during post-testicular sperm maturation.
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Identification of MicroRNAs in Bovine Spermatozoa with Implications of FertilityRobertson, LaShonda S (LaShonda Shakita) 11 December 2009 (has links)
MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that could possibly play a major role in fertility. In the experiment, spermatozoa were extracted from bovine followed by an extraction of total RNA. Bovine spermatozoa were extracted from two bulls of different fertility, high and low fertility. An expression array was done to compare the expression levels of the microRNAs. It was shown that thousands of microRNAs are present in bovine spermatozoa but only a small amount was significantly expressed. The microRNAs from low fertility bulls were more highly expressed than those in high fertility bulls. A Bioanalyzer gel was used to confirm the results of the microarray data. The microRNAs were present in the bull’s spermatozoa at 25 nucleotides. The functions of the significantly expressed microRNAs are not known but there is a great possibility that their functions affect fertility.
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Phylogenetic distribution of plant snoRNA familiesBhattacharya, Deblina Patra, Canzler, Sebastian, Kehr, Stephanie, Hertel, Jana, Grosse, Ivo, Stadler, Peter F. 08 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are one of the most ancient families amongst non-protein-coding RNAs. They are ubiquitous in Archaea and Eukarya but absent in bacteria. Their main function is to target chemical modifications of ribosomal RNAs. They fall into two classes, box C/D snoRNAs and box H/ACA snoRNAs, which are clearly distinguished by conserved sequence motifs and the type of chemical modification that they govern. Similarly to microRNAs, snoRNAs appear in distinct families of homologs that affect homologous targets. In animals, snoRNAs and their evolution have been studied in much detail. In plants, however, their evolution has attracted comparably little attention. Results: In order to chart the phylogenetic distribution of individual snoRNA families in plants, we applied a sophisticated approach for identifying homologs of known plant snoRNAs across the plant kingdom. In response to the relatively fast evolution of snoRNAs, information on conserved sequence boxes, target sequences, and secondary structure is combined to identify additional snoRNAs. We identified 296 families of snoRNAs in 24 species and traced their evolution throughout the plant kingdom. Many of the plant snoRNA families comprise paralogs. We also found that targets are well-conserved for most snoRNA families. Conclusions: The sequence conservation of snoRNAs is sufficient to establish homologies between phyla. The degree of this conservation tapers off, however, between land plants and algae. Plant snoRNAs are frequently organized in highly conserved spatial clusters. As a resource for further investigations we provide carefully curated and annotated alignments for each snoRNA family under investigation.
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Contribution bioinformatique à l' analyse du transcriptome humainLoe-mie, Yann 25 January 2012 (has links)
Dans la première partie j'ai analysé des jeux de données de RNA-seq de transcriptome de petits ARNs disponibles dans les bases de données publiques. J'y ai observé 2 points intrigants : - une grande partie des lectures (bien que courtes) ne peux pas être alignée sur le génome de référence sans discordance et cette fraction non-alignable est parfois majoritaire. - de nombreuses lectures ont des tailles autours de 15-18nt qui ne correspondent à aucun type de petits ARNs connues, cette fraction est également majoritaires dans certains cas. Ces expériences sont souvent conçues pour la détection des miRNAs et l'analyse bioinformatique de ces données passent toujours par un alignement sur le génome de référence ou sur des séquences connues pour donner des petits ARNs. J'ai donc simplement éliminé la contrainte d'alignement dans l'analyse de ces données et effectué un regroupement des lectures par similarité (à la manière des ESTs). Ce regroupement donne une vision différente des données dans laquelle la notion de position génomique n'est plus centrale et ouvre la possibilité d'y découvrir des phénomènes non-standard. La deuxième partie est tirée d'une collaboration avec le laboratoire U675 INSERM. J'ai fait l'analyse bioinformatique des gènes dérégulés par la répression par RNAi du gène REST dans une lignée de neuroblastome de souris (N18). Ce gène est un facteur de transcription qui réprime les gènes neuronaux dans les cellules non neuronales. Ce répertoire de gènes dérégulés est potentiellement constitué de gènes clefs dans la biologie des neurones. / In first part of this thesis I have analysed small RNA-seq transcriptome data. I have noticed : - a large fraction of reads can't be aligned perfectly on reference genome - lot of reads are very short (15-18 nt) and don't match on previously known functionnal small RNAs. These experiments are designed for miRNA discovery and bioinformatics analysis of these data use alignments on genome or on known small RNA precursors sequences. I have eliminated the alignment and I have clustered these sequences. This clustering let me to observe these data with a new view in wich the genomic location is not central and open the gate to discover unconventional events. The second part is the analysis of deregulate genes by the silencing of the gene REST/NRSF in mouse N18 cell line. This gene is a transcription factor and it works as a repressor of neuronal genes in non neuronal cells. This deregulate genes repertoire potentially contains key genes in neuron biology. We found in this repertoire a network of genes centered on SWI/SNF complex including SMARCA2. This gene was associated to schizophrenia (SZ) in association studies and structural variation studies. In this network we found another genes associated to SZ. We show that these genes exhibit positive evolution in primate compare to rodents.
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Ciblage & élimination des transposons et de leurs vestiges lors des réarrangements programmés du génome somatique de la paramécie / Targetting & elimination of transposons and their remnants during programed re-arrangments of paramiecium somatic genomeDenby Wilkes, Cyril 13 November 2014 (has links)
Les éléments transposables (ET) ont un impact majeur sur le fonctionnement etla dynamique des génomes, à l’échelle de l’individu et de l’espèce. Le cilié Parameciumest un modèle original pour l’étude des ET. Chaque individu unicellulaire a un génomegerminal qui subit, lors des processus sexuels, des réarrangements massifs, comprenantl’élimination des ET et de leurs vestiges à copie unique, pour former un génome somatiqueoptimisé pour l’expression des gènes. La programmation épigénétique de cesréarrangements implique des petits ARN dans un processus complexe de soustractiongénomique.Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai effectué des analyses bioinformatiques et biostatistiques dedonnées hétérogènes à l’échelle du génome pour : (i) Identifier et analyser des propriétésintrinsèques, de dizaines de milliers de vestiges d’ET à copie unique, appelés "InternalEliminated Sequences" (IES). (ii) Comprendre le rôle de déterminants génétiques et dedifférents facteurs épigénétiques dans le ciblage et l’élimination des IES.L’ensemble de ces analyses met en lumière la co-Évolution des ET et des mécan-Ismes de défense de l’hôte. / Transposable elements (TE) have major impact on the function and dynamicsof genomes, both at the level of the individual and of the species. The ciliate Parameciumprovides an original model for studies of TE. Each individual unicell has a germlinegenome that undergoes massive rearrangements at each sexual generation including thephysical elimination of TE and their single copy remnants, yielding a somatic genomestreamlined for gene expression. The epigenetic programming of the rearrangementsinvolves small RNAs in a complex process of genomic subtraction.During my thesis, I carried out bioinformatic and biostatistical analyses of heteroge-Neous, genome-Scale datasets in order to : (i) Identifiy and study the intrinsic propertiesof tens of thousands of TE remnants know as "Internal Eliminated Sequences" (IES).(ii) Explore the roles of genetic determinants and epigenetic factors in the targeting andelimination of the IESs.Taken together, the studies illustrate the co-Evolution of TE and host defense mecha-Nisms.
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Multifaceted RNA-mediated regulatory mechanisms in Streptococcus pyogenesLe Rhun, Anaïs January 2015 (has links)
Bacterial pathogens rely on precise regulation of gene expression to coordinate host infection processes and resist invasion by mobile genetic elements. An interconnected network of protein and RNA regulators dynamically controls the expression of virulence factors using a variety of mechanisms. In this thesis, the role of selected regulators, belonging to the class of small RNAs (sRNAs), is investigated. Streptococcus pyogenes is a pathogen responsible for a wide range of human diseases. Genome-wide screenings have indicated that S. pyogenes encodes numerous sRNAs, yet only a limited number have been characterized. A major goal of this study was to identify and characterize novel sRNAs and antisense RNAs (asRNAs) using RNA sequencing analysis. We validated 30 novel sRNAs and asRNAs, and identified 9 sRNAs directly cleaved by the ribonucleases RNase III and/or RNase Y. Previous work from the laboratory has highlighted the role of sRNAs from the type II Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats-CRISPR associated proteins (CRISPR-Cas) systems in S. pyogenes. CRISPR-Cas systems provide adaptive immunity to prokaryotes against infection by mobile genetic elements. Two sRNAs, forming a complementary duplex (dual-RNA), are effectors of this system: the mature CRISPR RNAs (crRNAs) and the trans-activating crRNA (tracrRNA). The dual-RNA guides the Cas9 endonuclease to cleave both strands of the invading DNA in a sequence-specific manner. This RNA-programmable CRISPR-Cas9 system is now utilized for genome editing and engineering in a wide range of cells and organisms. To expand the potentialities of this tool, we both, searched for Cas9 orthologs and predicted numerous tracrRNA orthologs. We defined tracrRNA as a new family of sRNAs sharing the ability to base-pair to cognate crRNAs, without conservation of structure, sequence or location. We show that Cas9 and the dual tracrRNA:crRNAs are only interchangeable between closely related type II CRISPR-Cas systems. In summary, this thesis presents new insights into RNA-mediated regulatory mechanisms in S. pyogenes. We identified and described the expression of novel sRNAs, highlighting potential antisense RNAs. Focusing on the dual-RNA programmable type II CRISPR-Cas system, we provided evidence for co-evolution of the Cas9 enzyme with tracrRNA:crRNA, a basis for Cas9 multiplexing in genome editing.
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Phenotypes and genetic mechanisms of C. elegans enhanced RNAiZhuang, Jimmy Jiajia 08 October 2013 (has links)
RNA interference (RNAi) potently and specifically induces gene knockdown, and its potential for reverse genetics in Caenorhabditis elegans is enormous. However, even in these nematodes, RNAi can be induced more effectively via enhanced RNAi (Eri) mutant backgrounds. With advances in small RNA sequencing, evidence has suggested that the eri pathway plays an endogenous gene regulatory role, which competes with experimentally introduced RNAi triggers for limiting resources. However, the nature, cellular location, and physiological consequences of this small RNA pathways competition remain unclear. To answer these questions, I first fully characterized the genetic phenotypes of all known Eri mutants. I discovered that different components of the eri pathway have subtle differences upon mutation, which affects more than exogenous RNAi. I then attempted to screen for novel enhanced RNAi mutants, guided by hypothetical mechanisms or tissues of expression not associated with known mutants. After these attempts, I fully characterized the genetic mechanisms that account for enhanced RNAi. Surprisingly, I discovered that the nuclear Argonaute nrde-3 and the peri-nuclear P-granule component pgl-1 are necessary and sufficient for an Eri response. Finally, I examined the impact of the competition among microRNA, endogenous siRNA, and exogenous RNAi pathways. I discovered that C. elegans develops slower upon perturbations to its normal flux of small RNA pathways. Insights from these phenotypes and genetic mechanisms shed light on the importance of small RNA biology and offer a novel suite of tools for sensitizing RNAi in broader contexts, especially given the deep evolutionary conservation of most eri-associated genes.
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