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Vad främjar motivation hos ungdomar? : Vikten av anpassning och stöd för lärandeNummelin, Johanna, Fransson, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
Motivation inom skolan är avgörande för elevers lärande. I self- determination theory (SDT) betonas vikten av inre motivation genom autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet. Stöd, höga förväntningar och målsättningar har visats sig ha positiv inverkan på motivation. Syftet med denna undersökning var att studera vad som främjar ungdomars motivation, med utgångspunkt i SDT samt ungdomars och vuxnas perspektiv, utifrån skilda tillvägagångssätt i motivationsarbete. Intervjuer genomfördes med 8 deltagare från en friskola och 8 från en ungdomsverksamhet. Analysen genomfördes i tre steg: gemensamma komponenter, skillnader mellan verksamheterna och i relation till SDT. Resultatet visade på viktiga gemensamma nämnare som individanpassning, lärarstöd samt mål- och utvecklingsfokus. En skillnad som framträdde verksamheterna emellan är huruvida det går att arbeta med höga förväntningar eller om ungdomen bör styra sin process själv. Ett öppet klimat, med stor individanpassning och tillitsfulla relationer, har framkommit vara grundförutsättningar för den inre motivationen.
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Does social support moderate between job autonomy and job satisfaction? / Shashika RamesarRamesar, Shashika January 2006 (has links)
The success of the future for South African organisations relies heavily on its leadership,
rather than on its management. Transformational leadership is critical to modem business,
especially within the South African context. Transformational leadership is essentially about
instilling a sense of purpose. in those who are led, and encouraging commitment by
empowering employees through growth and development. This enables employees the
opportunity to adapt and grow within organizations. The leader promotes change by creating
a motivational climate which enhances growth, development, commitment, goal achievement
and enjoyment. In order to facilitate the requirements of such an environment the employee
needs social support that would enable job autonomy and ultimately job satisfaction.
The objective of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of social support between
job autonomy and job satisfaction, and to see if job satisfaction of employees in a large
banking group can be predicted by their experience of job autonomy and social support in the
workplace. The study was conducted within one of South Africa's leading financial
institutions. In order to achieve the study objectives, data was collected from a sample
(n=178) which consisted of employees ranging from junior management (CIT levels) to
middle management (MIP levels).
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Stepwise multiple
regression analyses were carried out to determine whether the independent variables hold any
predictive value regarding the dependent variable (job satisfaction). The results of the
multiple regression revealed that gender had no effect in predicting participants' job
satisfaction, indicating that effects for the other variables may operate similarly for males and
females. It was found that participants' experience of autonomy, and the support they receive
from colleagues are important in predicting their experiences of job satisfaction. However,
the moderating effect of social support (from either colleagues or supervisor), was not
supported in this research. This finding indicates that social support does not play a role in
the translation of the experience of autonomy in job satisfaction. Further research into the moderating effects of social support between job autonomy and job
satisfaction is warranted. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007
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Social network practices : an investigation into the perceptions of businesswomen / Marlene BogaardsBogaards, Marlene January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Business Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Social network practices : an investigation into the perceptions of businesswomen / Marlene BogaardsBogaards, Marlene January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.Com. (Business Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Religion and Depression: Examining the Nature of the RelationshipHansard, Stephanie 10 May 2014 (has links)
After more than a century of research, the nature of the relationship between religion and mental health still is not fully understood. Some studies find that religion is associated with better mental health. Other studies find that religion is associated with worse mental health. Many prior studies have conceptualized religion either as individual religiosity or as religious group participation, with mixed results. It is also necessary to establish the temporal relationship between religion and mental health. While prior religion could influence subsequent mental health, prior mental health could also influence subsequent religion. It is also important to identify factors which this relationship. Results of the present study show that a) prior religion is associated with subsequent mental health, b) individual religiosity and religious group participation relate to subsequent mental health in different ways, c) these relationships are partially mediated by personal mastery, social support, and physical disability.
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Högskolestudenters upplevda stress : Har känsla av sammanhang, kön och delaktighet betydelse?Furberg, Sofia, Sahlén, Mathilda January 2015 (has links)
Stress är i dagens samhälle ett vanligt förekommande fenomen inom många domäner där individer på olika vis drabbas. Högskolestuderande är en av grupperna. Tidigare forskning visar att olika faktorer bidrar till stress och att stress kan leda till allvarliga konsekvenser för individer. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka faktorer som relaterar till högskolestudenters upplevda stress. Till grund för studien låg fem frågeställningar. En enkätundersökning genomfördes för att besvara frågeställningarna. Enkäten bestod av en demografisk del, Antonovskys KASAM-formulär och Cohens perceived stress scale. Respondenterna var 302 studerande vid en högskola i Mellansverige, varav 205 kvinnor och 96 män. Databearbetning skedde med korrelationer, t-test, variansanalys och regressionsanalys. Resultatet mynnade ut i slutsatsen att högskolestudenternas KASAM och könstillhörighet relaterar till upplevd stress, men att delaktighet inte relaterar till upplevd stress. Förslag för framtida forskning inom ämnet ges.
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Association of Social Support and the Well-being of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Analysis of the Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL) Cohort StudyGooden, Reginald O. 09 January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a disabling, chronic, multisystem autoimmune disease that occurs in women of childbearing years (15-40) and spans a lifetime. Little is known about the relevance that social support has in the context of mental health wellbeing for patients with SLE. Physicians may be an adequate source of support when it comes to SLE. Since there are arrays of triggers for depression, there is a need to understand the SLE experience to help with disease management.
Objective: To examine the association of social support from a physician and the mental health wellbeing of SLE patients.
Methods: We examined 652 SLE patients from the Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL) cohort. Descriptive analysis was performed. Univariate analysis was performed to examine the associations of the main dependent variables (Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)) and each independent variable. Both, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine associations between selected characteristics and main independent variables (emotional or social support and social support from a physician) with the categorized mental component score and PHQ9 depression score, individually and together. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals were used to determine statistical significance.
Results: SLE patients who perceived having enough emotional/social support were found to have an overall better mental health status than the average American, and 64% less likely to be depressed compared to patients who did not have enough emotional/social support. Patients who were categorized as having social support from a physician were found to be in poorer mental health statuses, as measured by the MCS SF-12 and PHQ9 depression score.
Conclusion: The findings of this study show that emotional or social support is associated with a better mental health well-being for SLE patients. SLE patients who have enough emotional or social support were found to have above normal general mental health and less depression. This study did not show any direct associations between physician social support and mental health wellbeing.
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Factors Influencing Outcomes of Heart Failure: A Population Health ApproachNagpal, Seema 27 September 2011 (has links)
Background: Symptomatic heart failure is a chronic and disabling condition that affects over 350 000 Canadians and is characterized by inevitable progression. Historically, research on the ways to increase survival has focused on biomedical factors. However, the continued poor prognosis of heart failure has prompted the search for other ways to improve the lives of these patients. Research in other chronic conditions demonstrates that social circumstances, described collectively as individual social interactions (e.g. social support, social participation) and community social factors (e.g. social capital, social norms), can influence health outcomes. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to describe and assess the impact of selected social circumstances potentially related to heart failure outcomes. Methods: Two literature reviews and one empirical study were performed. Conceptual models were proposed to describe the hypothesized pathways between selected social circumstances and heart failure outcomes. The first review was a systematic review of quantitative studies evaluating the relationship between social support and both rehospitalization and death. The review included a critical analysis of the methods employed by previous studies. The second review integrated the qualitative and quantitative literature describing the relationship between individual social interactions (including support, roles and participation) and the quality of life of patients or experience of living with heart failure. A narrative summary was provided and an integration of findings from both qualitative and quantitative study designs was performed. In the empirical study, patients‘ demographic and clinical information was examined simultaneously with selected community factors in a multilevel analysis. Outcomes of interest included rehospitalization or death of heart failure patients. Results: The systematic review shows that previous quantitative research has linked social support to reduced rehospitalization, but there is little evidence to link it with prolonged survival. The critique of the methods describes an inadequate conceptualization and inconsistent measurement of social support. A conceptual model showing how social support can influence rehospitalization is proposed. The integrative review presents qualitative research that identified the following social interactions as important components of the heart failure experience: social support, social participation and role fulfillment. However, no quantitative relationship between social support and quality of life was found. The potential reasons for the discrepant findings between the qualitative and quantitative studies include: the focus on social support as the only component of social interactions assessed in the quantitative literature; and the inconsistent measurement of social support. A conceptual model is presented to describe the multiple components of social interactions and the theoretical basis for their effects. The multilevel analysis demonstrates that individual factors exerted the strongest effect on heart failure outcomes in most models. Community characteristics had little influence on rehospitalization or death. Study design and analysis issues are proposed to explain these findings. Conclusion: The literature reviews and the empirical study provide a contribution to the population health literature, offering a broad approach to assessing the determinants of disease progression in heart failure patients. This thesis research advances the discussion about which social circumstances may influence heart failure outcomes and their pathways. The use of the proposed conceptual models in future research will help clarify the role of social circumstances in the prognosis of heart failure.
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Online Help SeekingGreidanus, Elaine 11 1900 (has links)
When stress becomes distress, people seek to decrease their psychological pain using methods that seem convenient and appropriate. In an increasingly technology-based society, the Internet provides opportunities for individuals in distress to seek information and connections with others. Research on Internet-based help services indicates that many people seek help online because of the anonymity and control afforded by the communication medium. This study explored the experiences of 10 people who sought help for mental health concerns and used the Internet as part of the process. Participants were recruited from online sources and posters placed in Internet cafes. Transcripts from the community message boards and blogs helped to support the reports for some participants. Basic qualitative inquiry was used to help understand these experiences and represent them in a way that facilitates understanding in others. Results of this study indicate that the role of the Internet in the process of help seeking is perceived differently, based on participants individual differences. However, the results also indicate ways that online and offline resources can be combined to facilitate early help seeking and seamless transitions between helping services. This study highlights the unique implications of online help services for adolescents and those seeking help online for suicidality, highlighting the benefits and challenges of online help. Implications of this study support the necessity to develop an integrated online/offline mental health strategy, as well as clear guidelines for online counselling. Recommendations are made for online service providers and directions for future research are suggested. / Counselling Psychology
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青年期の親への愛着によるソーシャル・サポート,サポート希求の差異とそのバランスの検討 : 父親,母親,友人に焦点をあてて丹羽, 智美, NIWA, Tomomi 25 December 2003 (has links)
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