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Social och situationell prevention i praktiken : En studie om Skellefteå och Ekerö kommuns lokala brottsförebyggande arbete med barn och ungdomar / Social and situational prevention in practice : A study about Skellefteå and Ekerö county's local crime prevention work with children and teenagers.Lundmark, Isabel, Myrén, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
Den kriminalpolitiska debatten kring ungdomsbrottslighet är ständigt pågående och många olika lösningar diskuteras. Kommunerna måste ta ett stort ansvar för det lokala brottsförebyggande arbetet och hur kommunerna ser på problematiken blir därför avgörande för hur de använder sina resurser för att arbeta brottsförebyggande. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur Skellefteå och Ekerö kommun arbetar brottsförebyggande med barn och ungdomar samt att undersöka om och i så fall hur, kriminalpolitik på kommunal nivå påverkar arbetet och synen på barn- och ungdomsbrottslighet. Studien är av kvalitativ art och deltagarna i studien har valts ut utifrån yrkesmässig koppling till det lokala brottsförebyggande arbetet samt talespersoner från de kommunala Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna. Datamaterialet samlades in genom delvis strukturerade intervjuer som genomförts enligt trattprincipen. Analysen av datamaterialet har sedan gjorts genom tematisk analys där datamaterialet systematiskt har behandlats och delats in i teman. Resultatet visar att det finns stora likheter mellan hur Skellefteå och Ekerö kommun arbetar brottsförebyggande med barn och ungdomar. Det visar också att uppfattningen inom båda kommunerna är att de har en relativt låg barn- och ungdomsbrottslighet jämfört med andra kommuner. Däremot har narkotikarelaterade brott ökat i kommunerna de senaste åren. Resultatet i analysen förklaras med brottspreventionsteorier, där det också framkommer ett samband mellan politiskt parti och vilken preventionsteori partiet format sin kriminalpolitik utifrån. Vidare diskuteras den partipolitiska variation som framkommer i resultatet och hur det trots upplevd diskrepans i vissa fall inte innebär att det endast finns skillnader i hur politiken formulerar sin lokala politik samt hur kommunerna satsar sina resurser för att förebygga brott av barn och ungdomar.
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Den unika möjligheten - en studie av den svenska förskolemodellen 1968-1998 / The Unique Possibility - A Study of the Swedish Preschool-Model 1968-1998Hammarström-Lewenhagen, Birgitta January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish preschool-model interlaces care, nurturing and learning and is organised to solve twin functions; providing children a playbased learning-environment and enabling parents to combine parenthood with work. The model was developed within the social sector then incorporated into the educational system 1998. This shift and the model´s “unique characteristics” praised by OECD formed the point of departure for this study. The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the discussions and negotiations shaping the Swedish preschool-model during 1968-1998. The research questions address: discursive themes; actors involved; governmental intentions; claims about the preschool´s task, pedagogical content and the preschool´s institutional identity and relationship to the institutions: social service, school and family. The study utilized abductive textual analysis inspired by discourse analysis and narrative approaches. Main text sources are: official reports, bills, steering documents, the preschool teachers´ periodical 1968 -1998 and a media debate. The results illuminate preschool-teachers´ struggle for a pedagogical identity and the construction of the educareconcept as a flexible and pragmatic solution to several societal interests and values. Governmental intentions concerning equality, emancipation and democratization have had great influence on the process in combination with a recurring theme about a revised preschool pedagogy with a strengthened focus on children´s learning. Political efforts to foster a preschool for all in a future are identified and described as one of the main discursive themes. Different standpoints about earlier school start are analyzed. The overall result is that the framework and core features of the model laid down by the National Commission on Child care still has a great impact on the launched syllabus (Lpfö) in the end of the period as on the curriculum in a broader sense.
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”Förebyggande socialt arbete" – behövs en vidare definition?Azzam, Mahmoud January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to better understand the Swedish concept of“förebyggande socialt arbete”, preventive social work. I have conducted elevenqualitative interviews with different key persons and skaters, together withparticipant observation. During the process of analyzing the material I have usedRandall Collins´ concepts of interaction ritual chains together with Jean Laves andEtienne Wengers concept of situated learning. The answers could be split up inthree areas, first those who regard prevention work as building good things for thefuture. The second group to prevent something bad to happen and the third groupregard preventive social work to be repairing what was broken. The first group,mostly architects, included all three levels of the urban system, the social culturecontext, the human interaction and the urban design. The second and third group,mostly participant from the social work area, focused on the individual level.Although social work should be involved in social policy and development areincluded in the Swedish Social Serves Act. The findings is that Swedish definitionof social work need to be wider in order to include the urban design as a part ofsocial prevention work.
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Prevence v sociální práci a ve školním prostředí / Prevention in Social Work and in School EnvironmentMachačová, Julie January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on prevention in social work and in school environment. It presents possibility of interdisciplinary cooperation by creation of school social worker position. Emphasis is put particularly on bullying as one of the form of risky behavior. Theoretical part of the work defines topics such as social prevention, prevention in school environment, school social worker and school bullying. Practical part of the thesis elaborates on selected interviews with school employees, family members and social workers using grounded theory approach. Focus of the analysis is put on inter-role cooperation in primary prevention of school bullying. Key words: social prevention, prevention in social work, school social worker, school primary prevention, bullying, inter-role cooperation
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Překážky injekčních uživatelů nelegálních návykových látek spojené s přístupem k socialním službám / Barriers to injecting drug users related to access social servicesČerná, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the social stigma of injecting users of illegal addictive substances, specifically it deals with the social stigmas that may occur in connection with the use of addictive substances. Social stigma can result in barriers to the use of social services by injecting drug users. The diploma thesis deals with the obstacles that injecting users of illegal addictive substances encounter when using social services. The work tries to identify, map, and describe these obstacles. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the topic of the social environment, addictive substances, addiction, methods of working with users of addictive substances and obstacles associated with the use of social services and other services. The main chapters deal with theoretical topics related to the topic and title of the diploma thesis. The subchapters then elaborate the main topics in more detail. The empirical part of the work was realized through a qualitative survey, specifically through semi-structured interviews. The research sample was a set of contact center clients in the Ústí Region. The main goal of this work is to identify and describe the obstacles that injecting users of illegal addictive substances encounter when using social services. The other sub-objectives were as follows: to...
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Sociální práce s fotbalovými fanoušky v zemích Evropské unie jako inspirace pro Českou republiku / Social Work with Footbal Fans in the European Union Countries as an Inspiration for the Czech Republic.Jindrová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
Thesis "Social work with football fans in the European Union countries as an inspiration for the Czech Republic" is about specific kind of social work with football fans and so called fan projects. Work consists of introduction of specifics of football fans, resp. hooligans when describes history of this area and also the most recent situation. This is followed by theoretical and fundamental part of the work that describes working projects or projects that can be taken as an example. This part includes international projects of fan's embassies and explains the concept of fan project of fan management. This is covering also social prevention and contact work suitable for fan project. Description of the target group of fan projects, their financing and summary of recommended competence of fan worker. The end of theoretical part describes in details a fan project which comes from contact work and youths clubs. It includes description of activities that are offered, services and how it is served. This is the most important part of the whole work as it brings exact description for realization that can be used for a future projects. The practical part completes theoretical part and investigates level of information of football club in this social work area, their opinion on role and responsibilities of...
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Sociální práce s fotbalovými fanoušky v zemích Evropské unie jako inspirace pro Českou republiku / Social Work with Footbal Fans in the European Union Countries as an Inspiration for the Czech Republic.Jindrová, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Thesis "Social work with football fans in the European Union countries as an inspiration for the Czech Republic" is about specific kind of social work with football fans and so called fanprojects. Work is focusing on description of topics and projects realized at international Europe level, following by description of situation in England, Italy and Germany. Projects mentioned in work are either already working or are mentioned as inspiration for CZ. Work explaining approach in each country including description of organization activities. Projects that are covering this topic in Czech Republic, are also listed in work. Also international project of fans embassy as an example of social service with football fans are included in work. Fan project including example of best practices is part of the work. Practical part of work - qualitative research is supplementing theoretical part and it is coming in several parts. Part of research is describing attitude of football clubs for this king of social work, part is describing interviews with employees of organization working with football fans in Europe. Another part is analyzing documents of specific Fanclub and analyze of email communication with members of fans associations. Practical part is complementing theoretical part. At the end there is...
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Rodina a možnosti prevence sociálně deviantního chování dětí a mládeže / Family and ways of prevention of socially deviant behavior among youthFáberová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical part consists of four chapters, empirical investigation, the practical part.Chapter one focuses on the notion of family and its importance. Except for clarification of the concept are described the basic characteristics of the family now, basic functions of the family and educational styles. Conclusion of the firts chapter looks at the family as a potential risk factor of development and socio-pathological behavior in children and adolescents. The second chapter explains the basic concepts of social deviance and social pathology and describes the main causes of social pathologies. The third chapter describes the various social pathologies, which pose the greatest risk for the age group of children and adolescents. There are described in more detail: dependence on psychoactive substances, aggression and violence, vandalism, bullying, cyber crime and delinquency and pathological gambling. The fourth chapter is devoted to prevention, especially for a preventive action in the family. Practical part is an empirical investigation, in which the case study of ten children and adolescents who have committed some form of pathological behavior.
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Problematika služeb sociální prevence pro ohrožené rodiny s dětmi ve vybrané lokalitě / The issue of social prevention services for at risk families in the chosen regionNeubauerová, Natália January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of social prevention services for at-risk families with children in the selected location. The main objective for the author is whether the current institutional conditions for provision of social prevention for vulnerable families it possible to avoid placing children in institutional care. The second main objective is to identify problems related to the provision of these services within the institutional settings. The author, using several theoretical and factual resources, describes given issue and translates it to the enviroment of the village with extended powers Ústí nad Labem. Through expert research with selected involved we identified the main barriers which prevent the satisfactory provision of social prevention in the selected location. In Ústí nad Labem there is the highest number of at-risk families with children in the Czech Republic and social prevention services at the location in question are not sufficiently supported neither financially nor in terms off staff.
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