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Kvalita života osob s mentální retardací v kontextu transformace sociálních služeb / Quality of life mentally handycapped persons in context of transformation social servicesSkořepová, Romana January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract Thesis name: Persons with mental retardation and their quality of life in context of Social Services transformation. Purpose of this thesis is to describe process, history, progress and risks of transformation of Social Services in Czech Republic. Target of this thesis is not transformation of Social Sevices in Czech Republic generally but it is targeted on Nalžovický zámek organization, Social Services provider where transformation is in progress from 2013. In thesis I investigate how clients using supported housing perceive this service in context of quality of their life. My thesis includes theoretical base focused on mental retardation, social services, institutional care. Purpose of this thesis is not representative research or academic analysis of data. Used information are extract from professional literatury and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs website. Main used method is narative interview. Thesis has six chapters. Results of my research are presented in chapter five and I consider this chapter as most important. Research shows clients of supported housing perceive this service in a very positive way and are satisfied. Feel this opportunity as a new way how to make quality of their life better.
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Dodržování standardů kvality sociálních služeb v rezidenčních zařízeních pro osoby se zdravotním postižením v Jihočeském kraji. / The observance of quality standards of social services for people with health disorder in rezidence facilities in South Bohemian region.MIKULENKOVÁ, Iveta January 2009 (has links)
This Graduation work dealth with the observance of quality standards of social services for people wiht health disorder in rezidence facilities in South Bohemia. The goal of this work was observance of the Standard 2 and Standard 3. It was ascertained that the standard 2 {--} Protection of rights of personae isn´t the best breaking standard. The Hypothesis 1 isn´t confirm. Standard 3 {--} Conducting with applicant abouth social service isn´t the best observance standard. The Hypothesis 2 isn´t confirm too. All the rezidence facilities are observancing of quality standards of social services.
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Sociální služby a komunitní plánování města Pelhřimova / Social services and community planning in PelhřimovMarešová, Miroslava January 2008 (has links)
The graduation theses target the actual situation of social services in the area of pensioners in Pelhřimov. The process of the community planning of social services and his contribution for the efficient and quality social services are evaluated. Specified preferences in the community plan are compared with their implementation. It is also focused on the cooperation of triad (social services users, providers and submitters) within the community planning.
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SOUČASNÉ TRENDY POSKYTOVÁNÍ SOCIÁLNÍCH SLUŽEB: VYHODNOCENÍ DOPADŮ REFORMY SOCIÁLNÍCH SLUŽEB VE STŘEDOČESKÉM KRAJI / Current trends of social services: Evaluate the impacts of the reforms of social services in the Central Bohemia RegionBeranová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the current trends of social services and assesses the impacts of reforms in Central Bohemia region. The goal of diploma thesis is the analysis of the effectiveness of the social services financing in Central Bohemia region and subsequent prognosis of development of the resident social services when an ageing of population is taken into account. In the theoretical part the thesis focuses on unsustainability of the concept of welfare state in the area of social services. Special attention is devoted to the multi-resources financing of social services and its ineffectiveness. Analytical part of the thesis confirms an ineffectiveness of the social services financing with the use of concrete cases of home of seniors in Central Bohemia region. During analysis the inspections of the social services and research among providers of the social services were used as a starting point. On the basis of this knowledge the strategic SWOT analysis which summes up the impacts of the reform in Central Bohemia region was carried out.
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Zajištění sociálních služeb na příkladu integrace cizinců / The provision of social services on the example of the integration of foreignersKalousková, Radana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the provision of social services on the example of the integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the role played by nongovernmental organizations in providing social services in the integration of foreigners and the problems they face. The theoretical part of the work focuses on the characteristics of social services, their legislative basis and the area for financing social services. The thesis then examines the development of migration policy in the Czech Republic, the concept of state in the integration of foreigners and the role of different actors of social integration of foreigners. Analytical part examines the role of nongovernmental organizations that provide services for foreigners in their integration into society. Analysis was performed on the example of the Centre for Integration of Foreigners in Prague. On the basis of the findings was defined the role of nongovernmental organizations and the problems associated with providing services in the integration of foreigners.
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Hodnocení efektivity sociální služby chráněné bydlení / Evaluating the effectiveness the social services sheltered housingTaran, Pavlína January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the social services sheltered housing. Due to demographic developments, increasing demand for social services and increasing spending in the social sector, the effectiveness of social services will be an increasingly important topic. We can assume, that because of to these factors, there will be more pressure on social services to prove their results. This study talks about theoretical concepts of effectiveness and defines the concept of effectiveness, which could be applied in social services. The work summarizes the models of measuring effectiveness in selected countries, including the Czech Republic, and specifies the concept of effectiveness in the Carlsbad region, in which sheltered housing social services are provided. The work also defines the term "the need" of the users of the social services and presents models, that can identify those needs. The part, that determines the effectiveness of social services, is in the research section. This is the part, where identification of adverse social situations and identification of meeting the needs of the users, is specified. Research, which used qualitative methodology, investigated whether sheltered housing social services are able to fulfill all these needs specified. Research has...
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Návrh systému hodnocení kvality poskytovaných služeb nízkoprahového klubu Jahoda / The quality evaluation system of the low-threshold club Jahoda servicesWeiderová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The quality evaluation system of the low-threshold club Jahoda services" deals with questions of evaluation and rising of social services quality, which is the primary objective for well functional organization in commercial as well as noncommercial zone. Thesis is primary applied to sphere of social services and its aim is making proposal for evaluation of services quality for concrete institution providing low-threshold social services to children from 6 to 15years old. The first part describes social services in legal social services in legal and describes low- threshold institutions for children and teenagers, representation low-threshold club Jahoda. Next targets are about possible styles of evaluation provided services quality and their fixation in standards of social services quality. The second part of thesis is practical part, which attends to the proposal of system for quality evaluation offered services in low-threshold club Jahoda. Proposal of this system is coming out from analysis of present system used in the institution and its main part is questionnaire investigation between users, employees, volunteers and trainees of NZDM Jahoda. Pilot was tested between all persons interested in and its representation is a part of the thesis to.
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Развитие организации предоставления социальных услуг гражданам пожилого возраста : магистерская диссертация / Development of the organization of the provision of social services to senior citizensПетрова, В. А., Petrova, V. A. January 2019 (has links)
The author considers in this work the organization of the provision of social services to elderly citizens is considered as a certain process, which consists of several stages, from identifying the degree of need of an elderly person to provide social services to the systematic monitoring of their provision. Despite the fact that such an organization does have positive results and is aimed at providing social services to older people in modern conditions, taking into account their capabilities and interests, there are some drawbacks that do not allow us to talk about the completeness and timeliness of their provision. The presence of these problems allows us to say that the problem of organizing the provision of social services to elderly citizens is relevant and requires improvement in this process. The purpose of the research conducted in the research work is to theoretically study the organization of the provision of social services to elderly citizens (for example, GAU “KTSSON Verkh-Isetsky District of Yekaterinburg”, and to develop a project aimed at improving the provision of social services in this organization. The first chapter consists of two sections: the first deals with the concept of “senior citizen”, the border of old age, as well as classifying an elderly person as a social In the second section, the theoretical aspects of the organization of social services, its stages and the legal framework on which it is based are described. The second chapter consists of two sections. The first deals with the organization of the provision of social services to elderly citizens in the Sverdlovsk region. In the second - on the example of GAU “KTSSON Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg.” Identified existing problems. The third chapter includes a project aimed at improving existing problems in GAU "KTSSON Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg." / Автор рассматривает в данной работе организацию предоставления социального обслуживания гражданам пожилого возраста рассматривается как некий процесс, который состоит из нескольких этапов, начиная от выявления степени нуждаемости пожилого человека в предоставлении социальных услуг до систематического контроля за их предоставлением. Несмотря на то, что такая организация действительно имеет положительные результаты и направлена на оказание социальных услуг пожилым людям в современных условиях с учетом их возможностей и интересов, прослеживаются некоторые недочеты, которые не позволяют говорить о полноте и своевременности их оказания. Наличие данных проблем, позволяет говорить о том, что проблема организации предоставления социального обслуживания гражданам пожилого возраста является актуальной и требует совершенствования в данном процессе. Целью исследования, проведённого в научно-исследовательской работе, заключается в теоретическом исследовании организации предоставления социального обслуживания гражданам пожилого возраста (на примере ГАУ «КЦСОН Верх-Исетского района г. Екатеринбурга», и разработка проекта, направленного на совершенствование оказания социального обслуживания в данной организации. Первая глава состоит из двух параграфов. В первом рассматривается понятие «гражданин пожилого возраста», границы старости, а также причисление пожилого человека к социально-демографической группе. Во втором параграфе раскрыты теоретические аспекты организации социального обслуживания, его этапы и нормативно-правовая база, на котором оно основано. Вторая глава состоит из двух параграфов. В первом рассматривается организация предоставления социального обслуживания гражданам пожилого возраста на территории Свердловской области. Во втором – на примере ГАУ «КЦСОН Верх-Исетского района г. Екатеринбурга». Выявлены существующие проблемы. Третья глава включает проект, направленный на совершенствование существующих проблем в ГАУ «КЦСОН Верх-Исетского района г. Екатеринбурга».
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Развитие диверсифицированной системы социальных услуг в России (на примере Свердловской области) : магистерская диссертация / The development of a diversified system of social services in Russia (using the example of the Sverdlovsk region)Мордвинова, Т. С., Mordvinova, T. S. January 2024 (has links)
В выпускной квалификационной работе рассмотрена теория смешанной/диверсифицированной системы общественного благосостояния, включающая государственных и негосударственных исполнителей социальных услуг. Проанализированы основные проблемы становления такой системы услуг в отечественной региональной практике на основе результатов эмпирического исследования. Проведено aнкетировaние получателей социальных услуг (n=106) и интервью с руководителями НКО Свердловской облaсти, внесенные в Реестр постaвщиков услуг (n= 8). / In the final qualifying work, the theory of a mixed/diversified system of public welfare, including state and non-state performers of social services, is considered. The main problems of the formation of such a system of services in the domestic regional practice are analyzed based on the results of an empirical study. A survey of recipients of social services (n=106) and interviews with the heads of NGOs in the Sverdlovsk region included in the Register of Service Providers (n= 8) were conducted.
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The transforming roles of management boards in non-profit social welfare organisationsNefdt, Wendy Muriel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Universally social welfare organisations are under considerable pressure to perform
in new and demanding ways. Continual change in one form or another is an
inescapable part of both social and organisational life. After the political
transformation of 1994, all South African non-profit social welfare organisations were
called upon to participate in the development of an equitable, people-centred,
democratic and developmental social welfare system.
The process of reconstruction and development which is currently underway in South
Africa requires non-profit social welfare organisations to transform their governance
structures and approach in keeping with the new social developmental approach to
service delivery such as the White Paper for Social Welfare (1997), the Non-profit
Organisations Act (1997), the Public Finance Management Act (1999), the Codes
of Good Practice for South African Non-profit Organisations (2001) and the
Code of Corporate Governance - King II Report (2002).
The political reforms in South Africa and the dramatic change in socio-economic
policies and legislation such as the promulgation of the White Paper for Social
Welfare (1997) illustrates how the external environment could impact on the
provisioning of social welfare services in the non-profit sector. Social welfare
organisations are therefore challenged to transform their governance structures to
reflect the legislative changes in the country.
In order for social welfare service providers to implement a developmental approach
to social welfare, management boards of non-profit social welfare organisations need
to adopt a proactive role in facilitating the transformation process. The management
board is a policy making body of the organisation with a legal duty to ensure that the
organisation's actions are consistent with the its goals and objectives. The motivation for the research study is to explore whether management boards of
non-profit social welfare organisations had transformed their governance structure
and practice in keeping with the transformed social welfare legislation and codes of
The literature review demonstrates that management boards of social welfare
organisations have clearly defined roles and responsibilities. A more progressive
perspective on the roles and responsibilities is linked to the management board's
ability to respond to changing environments. According to theorists on modern
governance (Carver, 1990, Abels and Murphey, 1981, and Herman, 1989),
management boards should initiate, plan and manage the change process in order to
improve the operational effectiveness of the organisation and to strive towards what
ought to be for the creation of a just society. The White Paper for Social Welfare
(1997) describes a just society as being one that facilitates the development of
human capacity and self-reliance within a caring and enabling environment.
The findings of the study conclude that the majority of management boards of social
welfare organisations have transformed their governance structure however, they
should be more informed about contemporary governance practices and social
welfare transformation processes. Management boards need to develop an agenda
for social transformation in order to respond more proactively to the call for a
transformed social welfare practice in the country.
The legislative framework of the South African Government makes provision for the
formulation of principles and regulations that guide transformation practices in the
non-profit social welfare sector. In order to ensure that transformation takes place
within the sector, the government has mandated the Department of Social
Development with the responsibility to monitor the process. The challenge that exists
for the Department of Social Development is to create a structure for dialogue and
feedback between the various role players in order to share the responsibility for the
transformation of social welfare practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die algemeen is daar 'n redelike mate van druk op welsynsorganisasies
om op nuwe en uitdagende maniere dienste te lewer. Voortdurende
verandering in die een of ander vorm is 'n onvermydelike deel van beide die
sosiale en organisatoriese lewe. Na die politieke transformasie van 1994 is
daar 'n beroep gedoen op alle nie-winsgewende maatskaplike
welsynsorganisasies in Suid Afrika om deel te neem aan die ontwikkeling van
'n gelyke, mens-gesentreerde, demokratiese en ontwikkelende maatskaplike
welsynsisteem .
Die proses van rekonstruksie en ontwikkeling wat tans in Suid-Afrika aan die
gang is, vereis van nie-winsgewende welsynsorganisasies om hulle
bestuurstrukture en benadering in ooreenstemming te bring met die nuwe
maatskaplike ontwikkkelingsbenadering tot dienslewering soos vervat in die
Witskrif vir Maatskaplike Welsyn (1997),
Die politieke hervorminge in Suid-Afrika en die dramatise veranderinge in
sosio-ekonomiese beleid en wetgewing, soos byvoorbeeld die uitvaardiging
van die Witskrif vir Maatkskaplike Welsyn (1997), Wet op Organisasies sonder
Winsoogmerk (1997), Wet op Openbare Finansiële Bestuur (1999), Kodes vir
Goeie Praktyk vir Suid Afrikaanse Nie-Winsgewende Organisasies (2001) en
die Kode vir Korporatiewe Bestuur- King II Verslag (2002), illustreer hoe die
eksterne omgewing die voorsiening van maatskaplike welsynsdienste in die
nie-winsgewende sektor kan beïnvloed. Maatskaplike welsynsoganisasies
staan daarom voor die uitdaging om hulle bestuurstrukture sodanig te
verander, dat dit 'n weerspieëling sal wees van die wetgewende veranderinge
in die land.
Om die maatskaplike welsyns-voorsieners in staat te stelom 'n ontwikkelings
-benadering te implimenteer, moet bestuursrade van nie-winsgewende
organisasies 'n pro-aktiewe rol speel om die transformasie proses te fasiliteer.
Die bestuursraad is die beleidmaker van die organisasie en het 'n wetlike verpligting om seker te maak dat die organisasie se optrede in
ooreenstemming is met die organisasie se doelstellings.
Die motivering vir die navorsing is om ondersoek in te stelof bestuursrade
van nie-winsgewende maatskaplike welsynsorganisasies hulle
bestuursstrukture en praktyk aangepas het om in ooreenstemming te wees
met die veranderde maatskaplike welsynswetgewing en praktyk kodes.
Die literatuurstudie toon aan dat bestuursrade van maatskaplike
welsynsorganisasies duidelike gedefinieerde rolle en verantwoordelikhede
het. 'n Meer progressiewe perspektief op die rolle en verantwoordelikhede is
gekoppel aan die bestuursrade se vermoë om te reageer op veranderende
omgewings. Volgens skrywers oor moderne bestuur (Carver, 1990, Abels en
Murphey, 1981, en Herman, 1989), moet bestuursrade die veranderingsproses
inisieer, beplan en bestuur ten einde die operasionele effektiwiteit van
die organisasies te verbeter en om te streef na wat behoort te wees vir die
totstandkoming van 'n regverdige samelewing. Die Wit Skrif vir Maatskaplike
Welsyn (1997) beskryf 'n regverdige samelewing as een wat die ontwikkeling ,
van die kapasiteit van die mens en sy vermoë tot selfstandigheid fasiliteer
binne 'n ondersteunende en bemagtigende omgewing.
Die wetgewende raamwerk van die Suid Afrikaanse Regering maak
voorsiening vir die formulering van beginsels en regulasies wat die
transformasie proses in die nie-winsgewende maatskaplike welsyn sektor
begelei. Om te verseker dat transformasie wel plaasvind binne hierdie sektor,
het die regering 'n mandaat gegee aan die Departement van Maatskaplike
Ontwikkeling om hierdie proses te monitor. Die uitdaging vir die Department
van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling lê daarin om 'n struktuur daar te stel vir
dialoog en terugvoering tussen die verskillende rolspelers sodat hulle
gesamentlik verantwoordelikheid kan neem vir die transformasie van die
maatskaplike welsyn praktyk.
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