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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ingénierie frugale pour les bases de la Pyramide : concevoir des produits ouverts pour des contextes multiples / Frugal engineering for bases of the Pyramid : design open products for multiple contexts

Lecomte, Chloé 01 December 2014 (has links)
La globalisation des marchés, la croissance rapide des pays émergents, le défi de la conception durable des produits et services et les besoins des population à bas revenu sont autant d'enjeux qui incitent les entreprises à chercher de nouvelles formes d'organisation et d'innovation y pour répondre. La théorie de la Base de la Pyramide (BoP) s'inscrit dans ce contexte actuel et propose de contribuer à la lutte contre la pauvreté tout en suivant une logique économique. Bien qu'elle soit relativement récente, la littérature sur cette thématique est multiple et s'inscrit aujourd'hui principalement en sciences de gestion et sciences économiques. Les apports dans le domaine de l'ingénierie sont encore assez peu nombreux et de multiples interrogations restent en suspens sur la faisabilité et l'opérationnalité d'une telle approche. L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est de comprendre en quoi les dynamiques d'innovation orientées Base de la Pyramide demandent de repenser les pratiques de conception actuelles, plus particulièrement l'ingénierie frugale. Ce procédé de conception, qui intègre des économies d'usage et de dépense, est exploré comme moyen de concevoir des produits et des services dans le double enjeu de lutte contre la pauvreté et de rentabilité économique. Nos contributions se situent sur deux axes. Le premier s'appuie sur une étude de 215 cas d'innovation BoP relatés dans la littérature pour proposer une catégorisation des stratégies appelées BoP. Cette catégorisation donne lieu à une lecture à multi-niveaux et permet de dégager des constats importants : la difficulté de combiner impact social et impact économique dans une même approche, la dichotomie marquée entre les stratégies de marché et les stratégies inclusives, ainsi que l'existence de multiples contextes BoP qui rend compte d'une tension entre l'assouvissement des besoins (impact local) et la recherche d'un changement d'échelle (impact global). Le deuxième axe de contribution porte sur la conception frugale, prise comme une approche possible orientée Base de la Pyramide. Nous définissons l'ingénierie frugale par la recherche du juste-suffisant entre la proposition d'une valeur essentielle et la recherche d'un bas coût. La proposition de nouveaux concepts, tels que les « Non Trade Off » (éléments non négociables) du processus de conception et l' « Adaptabilité » d'un produit, nous amène à interroger l'unicité de ce juste-suffisant. La valeur essentielle n'est pas un concept absolu et unique, mais se décline en une multitude de valeurs (re)définies par l'appropriation du produit lors de la conception, la fabrication et l'usage. Cette appropriation passe par des stratégies de focalisation sur des fonctionnalités essentielles, de façon à pouvoir répondre à un environnement pauvre en ressources et en infrastructures, réduire les coûts de production et d'assemblage et répondre à un besoin essentiel. La conception frugale s'inscrit alors dans une logique inclusive, où chaque partie prenante de la chaîne de valeur contribue à redéfinir le juste-suffisant d'un produit frugal en fonction du contexte. Ces résultats, issus de terrains empiriques en Inde et au Vietnam, permettent d'insister sur la prise en compte d'éléments de l'environnement contextuel dans la conception. Nous proposons de représenter ces éléments sous forme de Scènes, pour compléter les outils centrés-utilisateurs existants, et contextualiser la réflexion sur la valeur essentielle du produit. Pour conclure, de ces résultats émergent les prémisses d'un modèle ouvert de la conception frugale qui laisserait d'avantage de flexibilité aux populations de la Base de la Pyramide à s'approprier la valeur essentielle du produit conçu. Concevoir des produits ouverts, adaptables à la variabilité des contextes, permet ainsi d'œuvrer pour un développement plus durable. / Globalization of markets, rapid growth of emerging countries, challenges of a sustainable design and needs of low-income populations trigger companies to look for new forms of organization and innovation. The Base of the Pyramid (BoP) theory takes root on these challenges and suggests fighting against poverty while generating economic growth. Although recent, the literature on this topic is diverse and today falls mainly in management and economic sciences. The contributions in the field of engineering design are quite few, and many questions remain on the feasibility and operability of such an approach. The goal of this research is to understand how the dynamics of the BoP-oriented innovation may require rethinking current design practices. We will particularly explore frugal engineering, a design process that enrolls economy of use and expense, as a means to design products and services within the dual challenge of fighting against poverty and economic growth. Our contributions take place in two areas. The first one is based on a review of 215 BoP case-studies related in the literature: the outcome is a categorization of the BoP-called strategies. This categorization allows a multilevel reading that generates significant findings: the difficulty of combining social and economic impacts within the same approach, the dichotomy between market and inclusive strategies, as well as the existence of multiple BoP contexts which reflects a tension between needs' satisfaction (local impact) and economy of scale (global impact). The second area of contribution is about frugal design, taken as one possible BoP-oriented approach. We define frugal engineering as the search for a just-enough between a core value and a low-cost proposition. Our proposition of new concepts, such as the “Non Trade Off” during the design process and the “Adaptability” of the product, leads us to question the uniqueness of this just-enough. The core value is not an absolute concept; rather it comes in multiple values (re)defined during design, manufacturing and use phases of the product life cycle. This appropriation is made by focusing on key features of the product, in order to meet the environment, resource and infrastructure constrained, to reduce production and assembly costs, and to meet an essential need. Therefore, frugal design is incorporated in an inclusive logic, in which each stakeholder of the value chain contributes to redefine the just-enough of the product (and process). These results, obtained by empirical studies in India and Vietnam, emphasize the importance of contextual elements to take into account during frugal design. We propose the Scenes as a new tool for representing these elements. The Scenes complement the existing user-centered design tools, and help to contextualize the discussion on the core values of a frugal product. To conclude, the premises of an open frugal design emerge from this research. Such a model would leave more flexibility to the BoP users to appropriate themselves the product and define their essential values. Thus, designing open and adaptable products is a way to nourish a better sustainable development.

Designa för välmående : en meta-analys över anställdas engagemang genom sociotekniska system / Design for wellbeing : a meta-analysis about employee engagement through sociotechnical systems

Karlsson Lalander, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Alla människor är egna individer och dessa individuella skillnader påverkar hur vi upplever sociotekniska system. Det finns en problematik bland system inom organisationer nämligen att systemen inte lever upp till organisationers förväntningar. Sett ur ett perspektiv av välmående anställda innebär det att systemen inte uppfyller de psykologiska grundbehoven tillhörighet, kompetens och autonomi. Det finns ett flertal färdiga sociotekniska system på marknaden vars syften är att bidra till ökat välmående bland anställda inom organisationer. Problematiken med färdiga sociotekniska system är att de inte innehar samma grad av flexibilitet till organisationers specifika behov som ett nytt sociotekniskt system. Samtidigt finns en problematik i designprocesser av nya sociotekniska system där den sociala och tekniska kontexten inte anammas som en helhet på grund av att metoder inom sociotekniska system inte har tillräcklig sammanhållning. System som inte designas med hänsyn till anställdas välmående kan orsaka arbetsrelaterad stress. För att motverka den här problematiken har det här examensarbetet gjort en litteratursökning med perspektiv ur informatik, psykologi och Human Resources. Utifrån litteratursökningen har kriterier för sociotekniska system formulerats och applicerats på färdiga sociotekniska system. Jämförelsen resulterar i en djupare diskussion av två sociotekniska system som uppfyller flertalet kriterier men samtidigt visar på en problematik som främst berör att tillräcklig hänsyn inte har tagits till personliga möten och individuella skillnader. Resultatet av diskussionen mynnar ut i ett antal designprinciper som lägger grund för vidare forskning och belyser utvecklingsmöjligheter inom sociotekniska system i relation till välmående anställda inom organisationer. / All people are own individuals and our individual differences affect how we experience a sociotechnical system. There is a problematic situation among systems where they cannot live up to the expectations of organizations. From a wellbeing perspective it implies that the systems do not fulfill our fundamental psychological needs which are competence, autonomy and relatedness. There are some finished sociotechnical systems whose purpose are to contribute to increased wellbeing among employees in organizations. The issue regarding finished sociotechnical systems is that it cannot adopt to organizations needs the same way a new sociotechnical system could. Also, there is another problematic situation with processes of design among new sociotechnical systems where not enough consideration is taken to the social and technical context as a unit because there is a disconnection between methods regarding socio technical systems. When systems are not designed with enough consideration to wellbeing among employees it can cause stress related to work. This examination has taken the perspectives of informatics, psychology and Human Resources to counteract this problem. Criterias have been formulated from the results of the literature search to be applied to finished sociotechnical systems. Two of the finished sociotechnical systems fulfilled most of the criterias but a problem was still highlighted since not enough consideration have been taken to personal meetings and individual differences. The result of the discussion ends up in design principles which build a ground for further research and opportunities of development among sociotechnical systems in relationship to wellbeing among employees in organizations.

La gouvernance des organisations temporaires contraintes à de forts enjeux de sécurité / The governance of temporary organizations that face major safety issues

Mazzorana-Kremer, Florie 16 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse trouve son origine dans un terrain d’étude industriel portant sur l’impact d’un changement technologique sur un site de stockage de gaz. Cette organisation s’est avérée intéressante par son caractère temporaire. La question qui s’est posée pour nous était : peut-on l’analyser comme une organisation classique ? Comment appréhender ce caractère temporaire ?En réponse à ces questions, une revue de littérature, en grande partie scandinave, s’est avérée faire référence à des organisations dites « temporaires ».Cette notion apparait en effet dans plusieurs articles et ouvrages à partir desquels nous avons pu dresser une définition de l’organisation temporaire et en préciser plusieurs caractéristiques récurrentes telles que le contexte incertain, des règles de coordination informelles, l’influence d’une organisation pérenne…Ces premiers travaux nous ont confortés dans l’idée que l’organisation à laquelle nous faisions face était bien une organisation temporaire. En revanche, ils ont mis en exergue une absence de consensus de la part des auteurs analysés sur le mode de fonctionnement de ces organisations différentes des organisations qui ont vocation à durer.Il est à noter, suite à une seconde revue de littérature portant, cette fois, sur les principaux courants des « safety sciences » (qui qualifient les théories et les recherches ayant pour objectif d’assurer, au sein des systèmes, la sécurité des hommes) que la nature temporaire de l’organisation n’y faisait pas l’objet d’un examen particulier. Pourtant, plusieurs cas notables étudiés – comme par exemple celui de l’accident de la navette Challenger – constituent des cas d’organisations temporaires.Cette absence de consensus sur ce qui caractérise le fonctionnement d’une organisation temporaire et ce manque de prise en compte de la dimension temporelle dans la littérature des safety sciences nous ont encouragé à poursuivre nos recherches sur ce que pouvait être la gouvernance et la gestion de la sécurité dans l’organisation temporaire.Nous avons en revanche renoncé à retenir une hypothèse – vu l’absence de consensus obtenu – pour la tester sur plusieurs cas particuliers, dont le nôtre.C’est donc à partir d’une approche qualitative inspirée de la Méthode de la Théorie Ancrée (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) que nous avons analysé les données extraites de notre terrain de stockage de gaz et émis des premières hypothèses concernant leur fonctionnement et leurs sources de risques spécifiques. Il est apparu que cette gouvernance, pour préserver la sécurité de l’organisation, reposait tant sur un formalisme éprouvé que sur une dose de flexibilité. Ces hypothèses ont été confrontées à d’autres cas de la littérature et nous ont fait prendre conscience de la complexité que la dimension temporaire transmettait à notre nouveau type d’organisation… / Our interest in temporary organizations emerged from the analysis of a gas storage company that was facing a Major technological change. This change was carried out by an organization composed of a formal project gathering of different companies and by the parent company itself.We found this organization very interesting because of its temporary nature. We asked ourselves, in fact, could we analyse it, as we would for any other organization? How could we account for this temporary characteristic?To answer these questions, our first objective was to review the existing literature related to organizations that are temporary. It appeared that a big part of this literature referred to so-called “temporary” organizations. They were described as systems that had a high level of uncertainty. They were often said to be managed by informal coordination rules that were occasionally influenced by parent companies…These first investigations further supported the idea that our gas storage case study was indeed, dealing with a temporary organisation. There was also a notable lack of consensus among the different studies on how these organizations should be managed. Additionally, this confirmed our belief that these temporary systems could generate unexpected risks because of their non-traditional approaches and behaviors.In the second phase of our thesis, we reviewed the Safety Science literature (the “safety sciences” refer to the theories and research whose objectives are to ensure the safety of humans and systems). We noticed that most of the theories dealing with Safety Science did not address and take into account, the temporary nature of organizations and their consequential effects on security. However, some relevant case studies we looked at, like the Challenger accident or the Mann Gulch disaster, did in fact concern temporary organizations.We then pursued our research by focusing more on governance and safety management topics.Based on the aforesaid lack of consensus, we decided not to use any single hypothesis from our readings. On the contrary, we carried out a qualitative analysis. An analysis without any preconceived notion, inspired from the Grounded Theory Methodology (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).We then did several interviews and field observations on our gas storage project. Based on these interviews and observations, several hypotheses emerged. One of these hypotheses was that the complexity of temporary organizations, tied to their limited time frames, led individuals to sometimes make suboptimal trade-offs between their various planned tasks. Additionally, this complexity and these time constraints made it difficult to identify and assess risks.

Dançando com não/humanos : processos sociotécnicos de criação em dança contemporânea como experimentos de pesquisa

Milioli, Danielle 09 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-02-08T12:55:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2012_Danielle Milioli.pdf: 2720853 bytes, checksum: bbcd1f0c226a90604b86da1f5af31a75 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jordan (jordanbiblio@gmail.com) on 2017-02-08T13:03:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2012_Danielle Milioli.pdf: 2720853 bytes, checksum: bbcd1f0c226a90604b86da1f5af31a75 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-08T13:03:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISS_2012_Danielle Milioli.pdf: 2720853 bytes, checksum: bbcd1f0c226a90604b86da1f5af31a75 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-09 / CAPES / Este trabalho se situa como diálogo interdisciplinar entre Dança Contemporânea e Psicologia Social atravessado por questionamentos provenientes do campo dos estudos sociotécnicos acerca da centralidade da agência humana. A dissertação é composta por três experimentos onde uma artista e não/humanos são parceiros de dança. A noção de experimentos sociotécnicos de criação empregada visa realçar humanos e não/humanos sem hierarquia agencial ou epistêmica entre ambos. Nessa perspectiva, diferentemente de objetos cênicos tão frequentes na dança, não/humanos são aqueles com quem se constitui a criação. Em cada experimento sociotécnico de criação, diferentes não/humanos constituíram as danças: papéis, grãos de soja e refugos tecnológicos. No primeiro experimento, tomam-se papéis como objeto sensorial para produzir arranjos que tornam visíveis multiplicidades corporais e atributos concernentes às materialidades com as quais se dança. No segundo experimento, a soja como uma espécie companheira encorpora diferentes práticas e transforma-se em tropo para pensar uma natureza dançante que traduz a relacionalidade na construção do mundo. No terceiro, discutem-se as relações entre dança e tecnologia em processos de aparelhagem e desaparelhamento em relações de exoevolução num corpoexperimento. / This paper situates itself as an interdisciplinary dialog between Contemporary Dance and Social Psychology, getting through questionings originating from sociotechnical studies on centrality of human agency. The dissertation is composed of three experiments where an artist and non-humans are dance partners. The notion of sociotechnical experiments of creation applied here aims to highlight humans and non-humans without agencial or epistemical hierarchy between both. In this perspective, unlike scenic objets so often in dance, non-humans are those with whom creation is constituted. In each sociotechnical experiment of creation, different non-humans constituted the dances: papers, soy grains and technological junk. In the first experiment, papers were taken as sensorial object to produce arrangements that turn corporal multiplicities and attributes, concerning the materialities with which it dances, visible. In the second experiment, the soy as companion specimen embodies different practices and turns into a trope to think a dancing nature that translates the relationality in world construction. In the third, relations between dance and technology are debated, in processes of deciving and undevicing in exoevolution relations in an experiment-body.

Formação de uma infraestrutura de informação para telerradiologia: uma série de estudos de caso baseados na teoria de projeto para complexidade dinâmica

Oliveira, Márcio Adamec Lopes 01 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-02-16T14:19:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3167295 bytes, checksum: 34dcd049f9a42299f52a581ab2f3ac6d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-16T14:19:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 3167295 bytes, checksum: 34dcd049f9a42299f52a581ab2f3ac6d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-01 / Technological developments have provided a variety of integrated tools that favor the emergence of information technology solutions and hence the arising of new infrastructures, although there is an increase in the complexity of these solutions. Teleradiology and local solutions for distribution of medical images are evidences of such technological developments. However, it is not known the existence of an infrastructure for teleradiology with characteristics of the so called Information Infrastructures (II), such as: capacity for dynamic organization, built by a growing and heterogeneous technical and social elements with high levels of adaptation and variation, and also holding decentralized and episodic control, that can evolve unbounded and under various conditions. Such infrastructure, if applied to local and global solutions for teleradiology, favors the emergence of a public social space for radiology practices, breaking down the boundaries between the local and the global. This work aims to understand what obstacles hinder the formation of such an information infrastructure. For this, we used the design theory for dynamic complexity (DTDC) in information infrastructure, based on the theory of complex adaptive systems (CAS), as the main reference in the investigation of a series of case studies in teleradiology. To achieve this goal, a study was conducted based on empirical descriptions of solutions for teleradiology, seeking for evidence in each case, resulting in a compiled set of knowledge qualities, shortcomings and obstacles mapped to a set of design rules of the DTDC. The result of this investigation shows the technical and social disability around the adaptability as a major factor to hinder the expansion of teleradiology and hence the formation of an information infrastructure. Finally, it was concluded that despite the growing number of solutions for teleradiology, it was not observed an II for teleradiology; and that the key to the formation of such an II is designing to enable the maximum sociotechnical flexibility, i.e., the ability to adapt continuously with high level of independence between the elements and able to deal with diverse social and technical contexts. / A evolução tecnológica tem fornecido uma variedade de ferramentas que quando integradas favorecem o surgimento de soluções de tecnologia da informação e, consequentemente, o aparecimento de novas infraestruturas, embora haja um crescimento na complexidade dessas soluções. A telerradiologia e as soluções locais para distribuição de imagens médicas são evidências dessa evolução tecnológica. Apesar disso, ainda não se observou uma infraestrutura para teleradiologia com características das denominadas infraestruturas de informação (II), a saber: capacidade de organização dinâmica, constituída por uma quantidade crescente e heterogênea de elementos técnicos e sociais, com elevados níveis de adaptação e variação de componentes, possuindo ainda controle descentralizado e episódico e que evolui de forma não limitada e sob condições diversas. Tais infraestruturas, se aplicadas a soluções locais e globais para telerradiologia, favoreceriam o aparecimento de um espaço social público para práticas radiológicas, derrubando as fronteiras entre o local e o global. O objetivo desse trabalho é buscar compreender quais obstáculos dificultam a formação de tal II. Para isso, utilizou-se a teoria de projeto para complexidade dinâmica (TPCD) em infraestrutura de informação, baseada na teoria dos sistemas adaptativos complexos (SAC), como referência principal na investigação de uma série de estudos de caso em telerradiologia. Para alcançar tal objetivo, foi realizada uma pesquisa baseada em descrições empíricas de soluções para telerradiologia, buscando evidências em cada caso, resultando em um conjunto compilado de conhecimento acerca de qualidades, deficiências e obstáculos mapeados para o conjunto de regras de projeto da TPCD. O resultado dessa investigação evidencia a deficiência técnica e social em torno da capacidade de adaptação como um importante fator para dificultar a expansão da telerradiologia e, consequentemente, a formação de uma infraestrutura de informação. Finalmente, concluiu-se que, apesar da crescente quantidade de soluções para telerradiologia, não foi possível observar tal II; e que a chave para a formação desta II está em projetar visando a máxima flexibilidade sociotécnica, isto é, a capacidade de adaptação, de modo contínuo, com alto nível de independência entre os elementos constituintes e a capacidade de lidar com contextos sociais e técnicos diversificados.

A gestão pedagógica nas escolas integrais e a implantação do sistema de informações educacionais de Pernambuco: uma abordagem à luz da perspectiva sociotécnica

Oliveira, Juliana Maria Rosilda de 13 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cristhiane Guerra (cristhiane.guerra@gmail.com) on 2017-01-06T12:59:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2327185 bytes, checksum: c11288b3fe7dbef8cc2ec640349b1f9b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-06T12:59:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2327185 bytes, checksum: c11288b3fe7dbef8cc2ec640349b1f9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-13 / This paper presents an investigation into the System of Educational Information of Pernambuco (SIEPE) and its use by school managers of one hundred twenty-five full-time schools in Pernambuco. The aim of the study was to investigate the pedagogical management of full-time schools from the implementation of SIEPE. In light of the socio-technical approach that studies the dimensions: people, tasks, technologies and structures this study sought to identify the pedagogical changes designed by the school management after the implementation of SIEPE. For this, we conducted literature to relate the socio-technical approach to SIEPE and the manager's work in the dimension of educational management and explained the functioning of the system, describing the recording of data and the use of the information generated in the system and used the school management. The Government of the State of Pernambuco created the SIEPE - educational Pernambuco information system with the intention of strengthening the difficulties in access to the data needed by the school to monitor student learning and assist the Secretary of State for Education to set goals to advance social quality education. The study, a quantitative approach was conducted via online questionnaire sent to 125 managers. Our sample has 119 participants respondents which corresponds to a percentage of 95.2%. four analyzes were performed statistics, descriptive, multivariate factorial, correlation and multiple regression. The analyzes indicate that SIEPE corroborates digital inclusion and the creation of a technological culture, and greater integration between school and community, by providing a collaborative environment, the school management system implementation and management of programs and goals and thus enabling the manager to work more directed to the pedagogical way. In general, the survey confirmed that the SIEPE allows a better organization of schools in making pedagogical interventions from the information generated by the system when they are shared and experienced by all school subjects. / Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre o Sistema de Informações Educacionais de Pernambuco (SIEPE) e sua utilização pelos gestores escolares das cento e vinte e cinco escolas de tempo integral em Pernambuco. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a gestão pedagógica das escolas de tempo integral a partir da implantação do SIEPE. À luz da abordagem sociotécnica que estuda as dimensões: pessoas, tarefas, tecnologias e estruturas esse estudo buscou identificar quais as mudanças pedagógicas concebidas pelo gestor escolar após a implantação do SIEPE. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico para relacionar a abordagem sociotécnica com o SIEPE e o trabalho do gestor na dimensão da gestão pedagógica, bem como se explicou o funcionamento do sistema, descrevendo o registro dos dados e a utilização das informações geradas no sistema e utilizadas pela gestão escolar. O Governo do Estado de Pernambuco criou o SIEPE – Sistema de informações educacionais de Pernambuco com a intenção de estreitar as dificuldades no acesso aos dados necessários pela escola para monitorar a aprendizagem dos estudantes e auxiliar a Secretaria de Educação do Estado a traçar metas para avançar em educação de qualidade social. O estudo, de abordagem quantitativa, foi realizado através de questionário online enviado para os 125 gestores. Nossa amostra tem 119 respondentes participantes o que corresponde a um percentual de 95.2%. Foram realizadas quatro análises estatísticas, descritiva, fatorial multivariada, de correlação e de regressão múltipla. As análises indicam que o SIEPE corrobora com a inclusão digital e a criação de uma cultura tecnológica, além de uma maior integração entre escola e comunidade, através da disponibilização de um ambiente colaborativo, da implantação de sistema de gestão escolar e do gerenciamento de programas e metas e assim possibilitando ao gestor trabalhar de forma mais direcionada ao pedagógico. De modo geral, a pesquisa confirmou que o SIEPE possibilita uma melhor organização das escolas na realização de intervenções pedagógicas a partir das informações geradas pelo sistema, quando essas são compartilhadas e vivenciadas por todos os sujeitos escolares.


MARIANA MARTINS ROSAS E SILVA 09 March 2005 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho tem por escopo analisar a compatibilidade do Planejamento Inovador com uma empresa da área de comércio eletrônico. Inicialmente, estudam-se os conceitos do processo de inovação visando à ambientação da área de comércio eletrônico. Em seguida, o Planejamento Inovador é apresentado e analisado, revelando-se as peculiaridades do enfoque sociotécnico e do Planejamento Adaptativo, essenciais em sua composição. Nessa etapa, apresentam-se ainda os princípios da sustentabilidade que, embora não constituam a base do Planejamento Inovador, são características imprescindíveis em uma empresa de inovação no século XXI. Em seguida, procede-se à avaliação do planejamento estratégico em uma empresa de comércio eletrônico ao longo de sua existência, o que possibilita a visualização da aplicabilidade de tais conceitos. Por fim, ressalta-se ser o Planejamento Inovador uma forma eficaz de levar a empresa em estudo à excelência em sua área de atuação, considerando os princípios de sustentabilidade. / [en] The work aims to evaluate the relation between Innovatory Planning and an ecommerce company. Initially, the concepts of the innovation process are studied to enhance the understanding of ecommerce. Next, Innovatory Planning is presented and analyzed, thus disclosing the essential peculiarities of the sociotechnical approach and adaptive planning in its structure. In this stage, the principles of sustentability are presented and it is realized that, although not explicit in Innovatory Planning, they are important characteristics in an innovative company from the century XXI. Then, the analysis of the strategical planning in an e-commerce company, throughout its existence, makes it possible to comprehend the applicability of such concepts. Finally, presenting the choices made by the company, it is revealed that Innovatory Planning makes the organization able to reach the excellence in its area of performance, taking into consideration the sustentability principles.

Inertia in Sociotechnical Systems : On IT-related Change Processes in Organisations

Lind, Thomas January 2017 (has links)
The introduction of new information technology (IT) in an organisation is one way of changing the conditions for how tasks and work processes can be designed and performed, as well as how people in the organisation interact with each other. Today, many Swedish workers rely completely on IT to be able to perform their jobs, while experiencing a combination of continuous and intermittent IT-related changes that affect this ability. The introduction of new or updated IT systems in an organisation is an example of what is referred to as an IT-related change process in this thesis. Because IT has become such an integral part of modern organisations, many change processes in organisations are simultaneously enabled and constrained by the IT systems involved in a change process. In this thesis, I introduce the concept of inertia in sociotechnical systems to analyse IT-related change processes in organisations, and how achieving the goals of these processes is complicated by organisational, social, and physical aspects in addition to technology. The context of this thesis is the Swedish public sector domains of health-care and higher education, and the result of research studies and experiences from four action research projects in these settings. The contribution of this thesis adds to the contributions of the included papers through the definition of inertia in sociotechnical systems and its subsequent application. The thesis shows that the concept of inertia in sociotechnical systems can be used to understand IT-related change processes as changes to the characteristics of a sociotechnical system, and, in the context of organisations, how these processes affect and are affected by an organisation’s characteristics. This is illustrated in the thesis through the application of the concept on examples of IT-related change processes from the included papers and research projects. In addition, the thesis shows that the use of vision seminar methods can benefit Swedish organisations, since new IT is often introduced without clearly defined, expressed, understood, and accepted goals.

Mettre le web social au service des marques : une sociologie pragmatique du community management en France / Put the social web at the service of commercial brands : a pragmatic sociology of community management in France

Jammet, Thomas 19 September 2016 (has links)
L’essor du « web 2.0 », couramment qualifié de web participatif ou social, a réactivé le vocable de la « communauté » pour désigner le regroupement spontané d’internautes autour de sujets de discussion ou de projets communs. À mesure que se développent les plateformes informatisées d’échange d’information et de contenu, au premier rang desquelles Facebook et Twitter, les annonceurs les investissent massivement de leur présence, sous forme de pages et de comptes de marque, pour tirer profit de l’expressivité des internautes au prisme de la « communauté de marque ». La gestion de ces espaces promotionnels innovants est confiée à une nouvelle catégorie de prestataires de service – les community managers – chargés de promouvoir l’offre des organisations et de répondre à la demande ininterrompue d’informations des consommateurs. C’est ce double mécanisme de la relecture marchande des collectifs en ligne et de la visée stratégique de leur administration qui est questionné ici. Le community management est traité comme un accomplissement pratique, afin de saisir la manière dont une doctrine du marketing s’inscrit dans une activité professionnelle qui se reconfigure au fil de vagues successives de rationalisation de la communication numérique de marque. Ce faisant, cette recherche souhaite contribuer à une sociologie pragmatique qui refuse de réifier le processus de « transformation numérique » de nos sociétés, pour décrire la manière dont celui-ci est performé par une pluralité d’acteurs qui œuvrent à aligner l’expressivité des consommateurs connectés sur les besoins des entreprises. / The rise of “Web 2.0”, commonly referred to as social or participatory Web, has reactivated the terminology of “community” to characterize the spontaneous gathering of individuals around joint discussion topics or projects. As the computerized information and content sharing platforms – such as Facebook and Twitter – develop, companies are heavily investing them by creating brand pages and accounts permitting them to take advantage of the expressivity of Internet users through the prism of the “brand community”. The animation of these innovative promotional spaces is entrusted to a new category of service providers – the community managers – responsible for promoting organizations and responding to the consumers’ ongoing demands for information. This thesis questions the dual mechanism of online collectives’ commercial reinterpretation and of the strategic aim of their management.Considering community management as a practical achievement, the analysis describes how a marketing doctrine is being unfolded in a professional activity that is successively reconfigured through the rationalization of digital brand communication. By doing so, this research wishes to contribute to a pragmatic sociology that refuses to reify the process of “digital transformation” of our societies by describing how the latter is performed by a plurality of actors working to adjust the expressiveness of connected consumers to the companies’ needs.

Veredas da informação em culturas de tradição oral: a esfera encantada das bibliotecas vivas. / -

Edison Luis dos Santos 06 August 2018 (has links)
A tese apresenta o estudo de natureza exploratória do processo de produção partilhada de saberes e apropriação de dispositivo de informação desenvolvido com mestres e aprendizes da cultura de tradição oral. A travessia pelas -veredas da informação? neste território simbólico diferenciado foi delineada com base em três pilares: a) construção de trama conceitual, que contempla o desenvolvimento diacrônico dos processos mnemotécnicos, desde os primórdios até a contemporaneidade, demonstrando como determinados autores ao longo da história participam do jogo de forças sociais, disputando formas, possibilidades, arranjos e ordenamento do conhecimento; b) apresentação do contexto social de pesquisa e respectivo universo simbólico-cultural dos mestres Griôs da tradição oral, por meio de abordagem epistêmica que perpassa pelo reconhecimento ontológico das bibliotecas vivas; c) criação de rede sociotécnica para gestão de dispositivo, com base no conceito operacional de -produção partilhada de saberes? para solução de demandas por apropriação e circulação social de informações. A obra resulta de um diálogo na fronteira entre o legado das culturas de tradição oral e as novas tecnologias da escrita, em que experimentamos uma relação com o saber, voluntária e coletiva, da ciência como artesanato. A materialização da produção partilhada de saberes se deu no fazer prático (savoir-faire) por meio do qual os sujeitos do saber aprenderam a conhecer e a fazer juntos. Descreve o método empregado no processo de criação de um -dispositivo antropotécnico?, entendido como prótese virtual das bibliotecas vivas, lugar de memória, empoderamento e protagonismo social dos mestres e aprendizes da tradição oral, configurado de forma integrada e colaborativa, com abertura para a inovação social estratégica e as trocas simbólicas com os atores de outros pontos de cultura/memória, do Brasil e do mundo. / The thesis presents the exploratory study of the process of shared production of knowledge and appropriation of information device developed with masters and apprentices (teachers and learners) of the culture of oral tradition. The crossing of the -information paths? in this differentiated symbolic territory was based on three pillars: a) construction of a conceptual framework, which contemplates the diachronic development of mnemonic processes, from the earliest times to the present time, demonstrating how certain authors throughout (along) the history participate in the game of social forces, disputing forms, possibilities, arrangements and ordering of knowledge; b) presentation of the social context of research and the respective symbolic-cultural universe of the masters Griôs of oral tradition, through an epistemic approach that permeates the ontological recognition of living libraries; c) creation of a sociotechnical network for device management, based on the operational concept of -shared production of knowledge? to solve demands for appropriation and social circulation of information. The work results from a dialogue at the border between the legacy of cultures of oral tradition and the new technologies of writing, in which we experience a relationship with the voluntary and collective knowledge, of the science as craft. The materialization of the shared production of knowledge took place in the practical way (savoir-faire) through which the subjects of knowledge learned to know and to do together. Describes the method used in the process of creating an -anthropotechnical device?, understood as virtual prosthesis of living libraries, place of memory, empowerment and social protagonists, the masters and learners of oral tradition, configured in an integrated and collaborative\'s way, with openness to innovation social and symbolic exchanges with the actors of other points of culture / memory, of Brazil and of the world.

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