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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Elisa Rivera (17139109) 13 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) a critical theme is in un-<br>derstanding and delving into determining specular points, and how to optimize its solutions.<br>The implications are significant for soil moisture, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), water stor-<br>age, and climate dynamics. For instance, the Signals of Opportunity in P-Band Investigation<br>(SNOOPI) will utilize observations in reference to the specular point to evaluate measurements<br>that could be used to determine water content, soil moisture, and SWE. The focus of this<br>study is presenting and evaluating two prominent methods for determining specular points:<br>the Minimum Path Delay (MPL) and the Unit Difference (UD). Specular point determin-<br>nation presents various challenges which include: surface roughness, temporal and spatial<br>variability, and multipath effects. All of these earth’s surface characteristics pose a challenge<br>for scientists and engineers who wish to collect terrestrial parameters. The analysis in this<br>study offers a comparative approach focusing on data from the simulator for the CubeSat<br>SNOOPI mission is to evaluate specular point determination accuracy as well as offer a real-<br>world application to determine the efficacy of the two methods. Through this evaluation,<br>the researcher aims to improve specular point determination techniques used in the GNSS-R<br>community and offer insights into future techniques and how they can support each other<br>for more precise results.<br></p>

Implementation of UAS-based P-band signals of opportunity receiver for root-zone soil moisture retrieval

Peranich, Preston 30 April 2021 (has links)
Root-zone soil moisture (RZSM) is an important variable when forecasting plant growth, determining water availability during drought, and understanding evapotranspiration as a flux. However, current methods indirectly estimate RZSM using data assimilation, which requires time-series data to make model-based predictions. This is because direct measurement requires a lower frequency signal, typically P-band and below (<500MHz), to reach root zone depths and, in turn, necessitates a larger antenna to be deployed in space, which is often unfeasible. A new remote sensing technique known as Signals of Opportunity (SoOp) reutilizes transmitted communication signals to perform microwave remote sensing. This means that SoOp platforms need not include a transmitter, but rather rely on passive radar technology to make measurements. This thesis details the development of a UAS-based P-band SoOp receiver instrument. This platform will be used to progress the state-of-art in techniques for direct measurement of RZSM.

Summer Regional United States Diurnal Temperature Range Variability With Soil Moisture Conditions

Brewer, Robert Wayne 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation in Soil Moisture in Soil and Water Conservation Practices in Denton, Texas

Rylander, Halley G. 06 1900 (has links)
This investigation has attempted to show that soil and water conservation practices do increase the amount of soil moisture in five of Denton County, Texas soils: Denton clay, Durant clay, San Saba clay, Kirvin fine sandy loam, and Tabor fine sandy loam.

Coupling Physical and Machine Learning Models with High Resolution Information Transfer and  Rapid Update Frameworks for Environmental Applications

Sommerlot, Andrew Richard 13 December 2017 (has links)
Few current modeling tools are designed to predict short-term, high-risk runoff from critical source areas (CSAs) in watersheds which are significant sources of non point source (NPS) pollution. This study couples the Soil and Water Assessment Tool-Variable Source Area (SWAT-VSA) model with the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) model and the Global Forecast System (GFS) model short-term weather forecast, to develop a CSA prediction tool designed to assist producers, landowners, and planners in identifying high-risk areas generating storm runoff and pollution. Short-term predictions for streamflow, runoff probability, and soil moisture levels were estimated in the South Fork of the Shenandoah river watershed in Virginia. In order to allow land managers access to the CSA predictions a free and open source software based web was developed. The forecast system consists of three primary components; (1) the model, which preprocesses the necessary hydrologic forcings, runs the watershed model, and outputs spatially distributed VSA forecasts; (2) a data management structure, which converts high resolution rasters into overlay web map tiles; and (3) the user interface component, a web page that allows the user, to interact with the processed output. The resulting framework satisfied most design requirements with free and open source software and scored better than similar tools in usability metrics. One of the potential problems is that the CSA model, utilizing physically based modeling techniques requires significant computational time to execute and process. Thus, as an alternative, a deep learning (DL) model was developed and trained on the process based model output. The DL model resulted in a 9% increase in predictive power compared to the physically based model and a ten-fold decrease in run time. Additionally, DL interpretation methods applicable beyond this study are described including hidden layer visualization and equation extractions describing a quantifiable amount of variance in hidden layer values. Finally, a large-scale analysis of soil phosphorus (P) levels was conducted in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, a current location of several short-term forecast tools. Based on Bayesian inference methodologies, 31 years of soil P history at the county scale were estimated, with the associated uncertainty for each estimate. These data will assist in the planning and implantation of short term forecast tools with P management goals. The short term modeling and communication tools developed in this work contribute to filling a gap in scientific tools aimed at improving water quality through informing land manager's decisions. / PHD / Water pollution in the United States costs billions of dollars every year. Surface water pollution is caused by excess nutrients and effects the value of fisheries, recreational activities, and commercial operations, and can even lead to health hazards such as dangerous algal blooms. A major source of water pollution is from agricultural activities such as fertilizing crops. This type of pollution is called non-point source, as there is no obvious point where excess nutrients from fertilizers or manure enters the water, such as a discharge pipe, instead the pollution flows over the land first and then into the waterways following the rainfall-runoff patterns. One way to prevent non-point source pollution from agricultural activities is to give farmers tools to optimize operations in a way that can help lower the chance that pollution will occur. Scientific models, like a weather forecast, can help, but there is a lack of tools made specifically for reducing water pollution that are available to farmers. This work focuses on creating a free to use, high resolution and rapid update forecast delivered over the internet, capable of informing agricultural management practices to reduce water pollution. Over the course of this study, published advances in watershed modeling were made filling gaps in existing forecast technology. The final product combines cutting edge watershed science, machine learning and statistical models, web mapping tools, and terabytes of data to meet design goals.

Effects of alternative silvicultural practices on oak regeneration in the southern Appalachians

Lorber, Jean Herault 13 October 2003 (has links)
The regeneration in oak-dominated stands following five silvicultural treatments was examined on four sites in the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia. Treatments included: silvicultural clearcut, leave-tree, commercial clearcut, shelterwood, and group selection. The effects of harvesting were compared among sites and among treatments. Oak regeneration dominance, measured by the relative density of dominant and codominant oak regeneration, was the most important variable calculated from the data. Oak regeneration dominance varied by site, but did not vary by silvicultural treatment; all treatments resulted in relatively low numbers. Therefore, the silvicultural treatments used here were not enough to overcome the site specific limitations to successful oak regeneration. Oak species also seemed to be less important in the regenerating stands than in their parent stands. The biggest losses in oak importance occurred on the intermediate and high quality sites; competitive oak regeneration was relatively scarce on two of the three sites with an oak site index (base age 50) of over 70 ft. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify the factors controlling oak regeneration at a smaller scale. The most important variables were those that described the oak stump sprouting potential, the understory and overstory oak component in the pre-harvest stand, post-harvest light and soil nitrogen levels. / Master of Science

Deep learning-based radio frequency interference detection and mitigation for microwave radiometers with 2-D spectral features

Alam, Ahmed Manavi 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Radio frequency interference (RFI) poses significant challenges for passive microwave radiometry used in climate studies and Earth science. Despite operating in protected frequency bands, microwave radiometers often encounter RFI from sources like air surveillance radars, 5G communications, and unmanned aerial vehicles. Traditional RFI detection methods rely on handcrafted algorithms designed for specific RFI types. This study proposes a deep learning (DL) approach, leveraging convolutional neural networks to detect various RFI types on a global scale. By learning directly from radiometer data, this data-driven method enhances detection accuracy and generalization. The DL framework processes raw moment data and Stokes parameters, dynamically labeled using quality flags, offering a robust and efficient solution for RFI detection. This approach demonstrates the potential for improved RFI mitigation in passive remote sensing applications.

Water- en soutbalanse van geselekteerde besproeide gronde van die benede Bergrivier opvanggebied

Engelbrecht, Hendrik Nicolaas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study was conducted between 2000 and 2002 in the lower Berg River catchment of the semi-arid Western Cape Province to investigate the effect of irrigation developments (wheat fields to table grapes) on the quality of the Berg River as well as the sustainability of these developments. This study was necessitated by the mineralisation of both the Breede and Berg River, probably due to irrigation together with the higher pressure on these water resources from the growing demand for fresh water from the Cape Town metropolitan area. Water and Salt balances of two dominant soil patterns (Glenrosa/Swartland and Oakleaf/Hutton soil forms) from the catchment area were monitored at two localities. Vineyard blocks of different ages in the same soil forms were used to study the effect of irrigation over time. The electrical conductivity of the soil water extracts (ECe) was measured three times over depth at the selected sites and the quality of irrigation and drainage return-flow were monitored. Soil water storing capacities of these stony (high rough fragment' fractions) soils were also characterised for more efficient drainage quantity prediction. Glenrosa/Swartland soils showed the highest ECe's (200-400 mx.m") that decreased significantly after four to five years of irrigation and distribution became more uniform over depth. These high salt concentrations were explained due to natural occurrence of salts, mineral weathering and salts from the irrigation water. Oakleaf/Hutton soils showed lower ECe's « 200 nfS.m") but they are subject to the quality of the irrigation water, which is not that constant over years. Localised salt accumulation was observed due to the irrigation method and became more prominent over years. Drainage quantities were under predicted because of the big/high rough fragment fractions and the occurrence of preferential-flow. This prohibited the accurate calculation of the soil water house holding characteristics. It also led to the under calculation of salt return-flow, but it was very evident that the most salt retumflow occurred from the Glenrosa/Swartland soils. Effective irrigation management to achieve and maintain optimal soil water levels and to reduce the negative impact of high ECe's is essential for the sustainability of these irrigation developments. At present it does not seem that the irrigation return-flow is causing dramatic mineralisation of the lower Berg River, but it is a situation that must be monitored as the developments extent and become older (come into production). It seems that irrigation return-flow only has an influence on the quality of the river at the beginning of such a development, but after about three years the influence directly correlates with the quality of irrigation water and mineral weathering. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Studie is gedurende die jare 2000 tot 2002 in die benede Bergrivier opvanggebied van die semi-ariede Wes-Kaap Provinsie gedoen om die effek van besproeiingsontwikkelings (koringlande na tafeldruiwe) op die kwaliteit van die Bergrivier se water, asook die volhoubaarheid van besproeiingslandbou te ondersoek. Hierdie studie was genoodsaak deur toenemende versouting van beide die Breede- en Bergrivier, waarskynlik a.g.v. besproeiing, tesarne met groter druk op hierdie waterbronne van wee die groeiende aanvraag na vars water deur die Kaapstadse metropool. Water- en soutbalanse van twee dominante grondpatrone (Glenrosa/Swartland en Oakleaf/Hutton grondvorms) binne die opvanggebied was by twee lokaliteite gemoniteer. Wingerdblokke van verskillende ouderdomme binne dieselfde grondvorms is gebruik om die effek van besproeiing oor tyd te ondersoek. Die elektriese geleiding van die grondwaterekstrak (EGe) was drie maal op verskillende dieptes by geselekteerde persele gemeet en die kwaliteit van besproeiingswater en dreineringsterugvloei was deurgaans gemoniteer. Grondwaterstoringskapasiteite van hierdie klipryke ( hoe 'growwe fragment fraksie) gronde was ook gekarakteriseer vir meer doeltreffende voorspellings van dreineringshoeveelhede. Glenrosa/Swartland gronde het die hoogste EGe's getoon (200-400 mx.m') wat na vier tot vyf jaar se besproeiing aansienlik afgeneem het en meer uniform met diepte versprei was. Die hoe soutkonsentrasies is veroorsaak deur die natuurlike voorkoms van sout in die grond, minerale verwering en sout vanuit die besproeiingswater. Oakleaf/Hutton gronde het laer EGe's getoon « 200 mS.m-I ), maar hierdie gronde se soutinhoud is ook onderhewig aan die kwaliteit van die besproeiingswater en dreinering wat oor jare nie baie konstant was en nog is nie. Gelokaliseerde soutaansarneling tussen wingerdrye is ook waargeneem a.g.v. die besproeiingsmetode en dit word meer prominent oor jare. Dreineringshoeveelhede was onder-voorspel a.g.v. die groot/hoe growwe fragment fraksies en voorkoms van voorkeurvloei, wat die akkurate modellering van grondwaterhuishouding beperk het. Dit het ook daartoe gelei dat soutterugvloei ondervoorspel was, maar dit was duidelik dat die meeste soutterugvloei vanuit die Glenrosa/Swartland gronde plaasvind. Effektiewe besproeiingsbestuur, om optimale grondwaterpeile te handhaaf en om negatiewe effekte van hoe EGe te beperk, is noodsaaklik vir die volhoubaarheid van hierdie tipe besproeiingsontwikkelings. Tans blyk dit nie of besproeiingsterugvloei drarnatiese versouting van die benede Bergrivier veroorsaak nie, maar dit is egter 'n situasie wat deeglik gemoniteer moet word soos wat ontwikkelings uitbrei en ouer word (in produksie kom). Besproeiingsterugvloei het dus net aan die begin van so 'n ontwikkelling 'n invloed op die EG van die rivier, maar na ongeveer drie jaar hou die invloed direk verband met die kwaliteit van die besproeiingswater en minerale verwenng.

Looking Outward from the Village: The Contingencies of Soil Moisture on the Prehistoric Farmed Landscape near Goodman Point Pueblo

Brown, Andrew D 08 1900 (has links)
Ancestral Pueblo communities of the central Mesa Verde region (CMVR) became increasingly reliant on agriculture for their subsistence needs during Basketmaker III (BMIII) through Terminal Pueblo III (TPIII) (AD 600–1300) periods. Researchers have been studying the Ancestral Pueblo people for over a century using a variety of methods to understand the relationships between climate, agriculture, population, and settlement patterns. While these methods and research have produced a well-developed cultural history of the region, studies at a smaller scale are still needed to understand the changes in farming behavior and the distribution of individual sites across the CMVR. Soil moisture is the limiting factor for crop growth in the semi-arid region of the Goodman Watershed in the CMVR. Thus, I constructed the soil moisture proxy model (SMPM) that is on a local scale and focuses on variables relevant to soil moisture – soil particle-size, soil depth, slope, and aspect. From the SMPM output, the areas of very high soil moisture are assumed to represent desirable farmland locations. I describe the relationship between very high soil moisture and site locations, then I infer the relevance of that relationship to settlement patterns and how those patterns changed over time (BMIII – TPIII). The results of the model and its application help to clarify how Ancestral Pueblo people changed as local farming communities. The results of this study indicates that farmers shifted away from use of preferred farmland during Terminal Pueblo III, which may have been caused by other cultural factors. The general outcome of this thesis is an improved understanding of human-environmental relationships on the local landscape in the CMVR.

Facteurs influençant le succès de la restauration des populations de carex faux-lupulina

Langlois, Annabelle 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire visait à déterminer les pratiques et les facteurs favorables au succès des réintroductions du carex faux-lupulina (Carex lupuliformis), une espèce vivace menacée poussant dans divers types de milieux humides ouverts du nord-est de l’Amérique du Nord. Pour répondre à cet objectif, des expériences de germination en serres ont été réalisées, et la survie, la vigueur et le microhabitat de chaque plant de carex faux-lupulina connu au Québec (sauvage ou réintroduit) ont été mesurés. Nos résultats montrent que le carex faux-lupulina est une espèce facile à propager ex situ. Une stratification froide (4°C) des semences dans du sable humide pendant un mois induit des taux de germination élevés. Nos résultats montrent également que des pucerons exotiques, ainsi qu’une transplantation dans des habitats inadaptés aux besoins de l’espèce en termes d’humidité du sol et de lumière disponible, ont causé la mort prématurée d’un grand nombre de transplants. Notre programme de réintroduction a permis d’établir une nouvelle population de l’espèce au Québec, et a potentiellement permis de sextupler la taille des populations de la province. Globalement, cette étude a permis de mieux comprendre l’écologie du carex faux-lupulina, et ainsi de faciliter la restauration de ses populations. / This study aimed to determine the practices and factors influencing the success of the reintroductions of false hop sedge, an endangered perennial species growing in North American open wetlands. To do so, germination experiments were performed, and the survival, vigour and microhabitat of each false hop sedge plant known in Québec (wild or reintroduced) were measured. Our results show that false hop sedge is easy to propagate ex situ. A cold stratification (4°C) of seeds in wet sand for one month induced higher germination rates. Our results also show that exotic aphids, as well as a transplantation in habitats that did not meet the false hop sedge requirements in terms of soil moisture and available light, caused the premature death of many transplants. Our reintroduction program allowed the establishment of at least one new false hop sedge population in Québec, and potentially contributed to sextupling the size of the provincial population. Overall, this study allowed us to better understand the ecology of false hop sedge, and thus facilitate the restoration of its populations.

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