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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring the Effects of Soil Parameters on Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function

Pradhan, Pushkar Shrikant 14 December 2001 (has links)
Remote sensing data acquisition often requires a revisit to the same target. Therefore, it is not always possible to have the same illumination and viewing conditions. Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) is an attempt to predict the reflectance of an object for any given viewing and illumination geometry by explaining the interaction of the incident energy with the target object, the medium lying between the source and the target, and the interaction of the reflected energy with the medium between the target and the sensor. In this study various factors affecting BRDF were explored. Various factors contribute to this characteristic of the surface to reflect unequally in different directions like its structure, shape, degree of absorption and transmittance. Bidirectional Reflectance Factor, Anisotropic Factor, and Anisotropic Index were used in the research. Radiances were recorded using the Sandmeier Field Goniometer of target areas at the agricultural farms of Mississippi State University.

Estimation de la rugosité du sol en milieux agricoles à partir de données Sentinel-1 / Estimation of surface roughness over bare agricultural soil from Sentinel-1 data

Choker, Mohammad 30 April 2018 (has links)
La télédétection spatiale est d’une importance primordiale pour la cartographie et la surveillance des problèmes environnementaux. Son intérêt réside dans la capacité des capteurs satellitaires spatiaux à fournir des informations globales et permanentes de la planète, aux échelles locale à globale. La télédétection radar a montré son grand potentiel ces dernières années dans la caractérisation des états de surface du sol. L’état de la surface du sol, et en particulier l’humidité et la rugosité, exerce une influence fondamentale sur la répartition de la pluie entre infiltration, rétention superficielle et ruissellement. Il a un rôle essentiel dans les processus hydrologiques de surface et ceux associés à l’érosion et aux processus d’évapotranspiration. La caractérisation et la prise en compte de ces conditions de surface constituent actuellement un enjeu important pour la modélisation à base physique des processus hydrologiques ou pour le couplage surface-atmosphère. Dans ce cadre et depuis plusieurs années, plusieurs études scientifiques ont montré le potentiel des données micro-ondes actives dans l’estimation de l’état hydrique du sol et de sa rugosité de surface.Les nouveaux systèmes radar (SAR ʺSynthetic Aperture Radarʺ) ont permis d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives pour l’observation de la terre grâce à l’amélioration de la résolution spatiale (métrique sur TerraSAR-X et COSMO-SkyMed) et temporelle (TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, Sentinel-1). La disponibilité depuis peu des nouveaux capteurs radar bande C Sentinel-1 (Sentinel-1A et Sentinel-1B) rend indispensable l’évaluation des données Sentinel-1 pour la caractérisation des états de surface du sol et en particulier la rugosité de surface.Le travail de thèse se structure en trois parties. La première partie consiste à évaluer les modèles de rétrodiffusion de radar les plus utilisés (IEM, Oh, Dubois and AIEM) en utilisant un large ensemble de données de SAR et des mesures expérimentales des paramètres du sol. Cette évaluation permet de trouver le modèle de rétrodiffusion le plus robuste qui simule le mieux le signal radar afin de l'utiliser par la suite dans la procédure d'inversion du signal radar pour estimer la rugosité du sol. Le deuxième axe de recherche de cette thèse consiste à proposer un modèle de rétrodiffusion radar semi-empirique pour les polarisations HH, HV et VV. Ce nouveau modèle sera construit à l'aide d'une grande base de données réelle. Ce nouveau modèle sera également utilisé dans la procédure d'inversion du signal radar pour estimer la rugosité du sol. Le dernier axe de cette thèse consiste à construire une méthode d’inversion du signal radar en utilisant les réseaux de neurones afin d’évaluer le potentiel des données Sentinel-1 pour l’estimation de la rugosité des sols en milieux agricoles. Ces réseaux de neurones seront entrainés à l'aide d'un ensemble de données synthétiques élaborées à partir des modèles de rétrodiffusion radar choisis (IEM calibré par Baghdadi et du nouveau modèle proposé) et validés en utilisant deux ensembles de données: un ensemble de données synthétiques et une base de données réelle (images Sentinel-1 et mesures in situ d’humidité et de rugosité du sol). La base de données réelle a été collectée en Tunisie (Kairouan) et en France (Versailles). / Spatial remote sensing is of paramount importance for mapping and monitoring environmental problems. Its interest lies in the ability of space satellite sensors in providing permanent information of the planet, at local, regional and global scales. Also, it provides spatial and repetitive territories visions and ecosystem views. Radar remote sensing has shown great potential in recent years for the characterization of soil surface conditions. The state of the soil surface, in particular moisture and roughness, has a fundamental influence on the distribution of rainfall between infiltration, surface retention and runoff. In addition, it plays an essential role in surface hydrological processes and those associated with erosion and evapotranspiration processes. Characterization and consideration of these surface conditions have been recently considered as an important issue for physically based modeling of hydrological processes or for surface-atmosphere coupling. In this context and for several years, several scientific studies have shown the potential of active microwave data for estimation of the soil moisture and the surface roughness.New SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) systems have opened new perspectives for earth observation through improved spatial resolution (metric on TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed) and temporal resolution (TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, Sentinel-1) . The recent availability of new Sentinel-1 C-band radar sensors (free and open access) makes it essential to evaluate the potential of Sentinel-1 data for the characterization of soil surface conditions and in particular surface roughness.The work revolves around three parts. The first part consist of evaluation of the most used radar backscattering models (IEM, Oh, Dubois, and AIEM) using a wide dataset of SAR data and experimental soil measurements. This evaluation gives the ability to find the most robust backscattering model that simulates the radar signal with good agreement in order to use later in the inversion procedure of the radar signal for estimating the soil roughness. The second research axe of this thesis consists of proposing an empirical radar backscattering model for HH, HV and VV polarizations. This new model will be developed using a large real dataset. This new model also will be used in the inversion procedure of the radar signal for estimating the soil roughness. The last axe of this thesis consists of producing a method to invert the radar signal using neural networks. The objective is to evaluate the potential of Sentinel-1 data for estimating surface roughness. These neural networks will be trained using wide synthetic dataset produced from the radar backscattering models chosen (IEM calibrated by Baghdadi and the new proposed model) and validated using two datasets: one synthetic dataset and one real (Sentinel 1 images and in-situ measurements). The real datasets are collected from Tunisia (Kairouan) and France (Versailles).

Surface Parameter Estimation using Bistatic Polarimetric X-band Measurements

Ben Khadhra, Kais 29 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
To date only very few bistatic measurements (airborne or in controlled laboratories) have been reported. Therefore most of the current remote sensing methods are still focused on monostatic (backscatter) measurements. These methods, based on theoretical, empirical or semi-empirical models, enable the estimation of soil roughness and the soil humidity (dielectric constant). For the bistatic case only theoretical methods have been developed and tested with monostatic data. Hence, there still remains a vital need to gain of experience and knowledge about bistatic methods and data. The main purpose of this thesis is to estimate the soil moisture and the soil roughness by using full polarimetric bistatic measurements. In the experimental part, bistatic X-band measurements, which have been recorded in the Bistatic Measurement Facility (BMF) at the DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Microwaves and Radar Institute, will be presented. The bistatic measurement sets are composed of soils with different statistical roughness and different moistures controlled by a TDR (Time Domain Reflectivity) system. The BMF has been calibrated using the Isolated Antenna Calibration Technique (IACT). The validation of the calibration was achieved by measuring the reflectivity of fresh water. In the second part, bistatic surface scattering analyses of the calibrated data set were discussed. Then, the specular algorithm was used to estimate the soil moisture of two surface roughnesses (rough and smooth) has been reported. A new technique using the coherent term of the Integral Equation Method (IEM) to estimate the soil roughness was presented. Also, the sensitivity of phase and reflectivity with regard to moisture variation in the specular direction was evaluated. Finally, the first results and validations of bistatic radar polarimetry for the specular case of surface scattering have been introduced. / Aktuell sind nur sehr wenige Messungen mit bistatischem Radar durchgeführt worden, sei es von Flugzeuggetragenen Systemen oder durch spezielle Aufbauten im Labor. Deshalb basieren die meisten der bekannten Methoden zur Fernerkundung mit Radar auf monostatis-chen Messungen der Rückstreuung des Radarsignals. Diese Methoden, die auf theoretischen, empirischen oder halb-empirischen Modellen basieren, ermöglichen die Schätzung der Oberfächenrauhigkeit und die Bodenfeuchtigkeit (Dielektrizitätskonstante). Im bistatischen Fall wurden bisher nur theoretische Modelle entworfen, die mittels monostatischer Messungen getestet wurden. Aus diesem Grund ist es von großer Bedeutung, Erfahrung und Wissen über die physikalischen Effekte in bistatischen Konfigurationen zu sammeln. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es, anhand vollpolarimetrischer, bistatischer Radarmessungen die Oberfächenrauhigkeit und Bodenfeuchtigkeit zu bestimmen. Im experimentellen Teil der Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse bistatischer Messungen präsentiert, die in der Bistatic Measurement Facility (BMF) des DLR Oberpfaffenhofen aufgenommen wurden. Die Datensätze umfassen Messungen von Böden unterschiedlicher statistischer Rauhigkeit und Feuchtigkeit, die mittels eines Time Domain Reflectivity (TDR) Systems bestimmt werden. Zur Kalibration des BMF wurde die Isolated Antenna Calibration Technique (IACT) verwendet und anhand der Messung der Reflektivität von Wasser überprüft. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wird anhand der kalibrierten Daten eine Analyse der Oberflächenstreuung in bistatischen Konfigurationen vorgenommen. Im Anschluss daran wird mittels des Specular Algorithm eine Schätzung der Bodenfeuchte zweier Proben unter- schiedlicher Rauhigkeit (rau und fein) durchgeführt. Ein neues Verfahren zur Schätzung der Oberfächenrauhigkeit, das auf dem kohärenten Term der Integral Equation Method (IEM) basiert, wurde eingeführt. Daneben wird die Empfindlichkeit der Phase sowie der Reflektivität des vorwärtsgestreuten Signals gegenüber Veränderungen der Bodenfeuchtigkeit analysiert. Schließlich werden erste Ergebnisse und Validierungen bistatischer Radarpolarimetrie für den Fall der Vorwärtsstreuung präsentiert.

Dinâmica da formação de crostas superficiais em função de práticas de preparo do solo e chuva simulada / Dynamic of surface crust formation in different tillage systems and simulated rainfall

Jaqueline Dalla Rosa 10 July 2012 (has links)
As crostas são o resultado da degradação da estrutura superficial dos solos, favorecem a erosão e a degradação ambiental dos solos. Este estudo avaloiu a dinâmica da formação de crostas superficiais e as consequencias sobre a porosidade, condutividade hidráulica (K), retenção de água, densidade (Ds) e a rugosidade de um Argissolo Vermelho amarelo conduzido com diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo e aplicação de lâminas de chuva simulada. Avaliou-se também, através de um experimento em laboratório, os processos envolvidos na quebra dos agregados, sob chuvas simuladas. O experimento foi conduzido, nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Em parcelas de 15 x 30 m foram conduzidos os diferentes preparos do solo: preparo convencional (PC), preparo reduzido (PR) e sem preparo (SP). Dentro das parcelas instalou-se micro-parcelas de 1m x 1m, onde foram aplicadas diferentes lâminas de chuva simulada (0, 27, 54 e 80 mm) com intensidade de 80 mm h-1. Foram realizadas coletas de dados de rugosidade, medidas de K, coleta de amostras indeformadas de solo para análise da porosidade e confecção de lâminas delgadas, e também anéis cilíndricos para curva de retenção de água (CRA) e Ds do solo. No experimento de laboratório, utilizou-se dois solos (siltoso e argiloso) e duas classe de agregados (1-3 e 3-5 mm). Os agregados foram submetidos a diferentes chuvas simuladas (28mmh-1 + EC forte; 28mmh-1 + EC fraca; 90mmh-1 + EC forte; 90mmh-1 + EC fraca) e após avaliou-se o diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados (DMP). A dinâmica da formação de crostas ocorreu de maneira diferenciada em ambos os sistemas de preparo. Nos sistemas de PC e PR a maior redução da porosidade, pelo efeito da chuva aplicada, ocorreu na camada da crosta e no sistema SP na camada da subcrosta. A camada da crosta foi responsável pela redução da porosidade e K, e aumento da Ds nos sistemas PC e PR. As maiores umidades volumétricas observadas nas CRA ocorreram no sistema de PR e as menores no PC e não demonstraram evolução entre as chuvas aplicadas. A rugosidade superficial do solo variou em função dos sistemas de preparo realizados. Os sistemas conservacionistas (PR e SP) apresentaram maior rugosidade no primeiro ano, no segundo ano a maior rugosidade foi observada no sistema SP. O PC demonstrou nos dois anos estudados a mesma tendência, em função das chuvas aplicadas, inicialmente ocorreu um aumento na rugosidade até uma chuva máxima diminuindo em seguida. No experimento em laboratório, as maiores reduções no DMP ocorreram até a lâmina de 3 e 2 mm para o solo argiloso e siltoso, respectivamente. Nas quantidades iniciais de chuva (lâminas iniciais) a intensidade foi determinante na redução do DMP, com o aumento da quantidade de chuva a energia cinética (EC) passou a influenciar a redução do DMP. A intensidade de 28 mm h-1 promoveu as maiores reduções do DMP possivelmente pelo maior tempo de exposição dos agregados ao molhamento. / The crusts are the result of degradation of the surface structure of the soil, favoring erosion and environmental degradation of soils. This study evaluated the dynamics of the develop surface crusts and its consequences on the porosity, hydraulic conductivity (K), water retention, bulk density (Ds) and the roughness of a Typic Hapludult conducted with different systems of tillage and application of sheets simulated rainfall. Was also evaluated through the an laboratory experiment, the processes involved in the breakdown of aggregates under simulated rainfall. The experiment was conducted in the years 2009 and 2010. In plots of 15 x 30 m were installed the soil tillage: conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT). Inside of the plots was installed micro-plots of 1m x 1m, which were applied different sheets of simulated rainfall (0, 27, 54 and 80 mm) with intensity of 80 mm h-1. Roughness data, K measurements, sampling of undisturbed soil samples for porosity analysis and preparation of thin sections, and also cylindrical rings for water retention curve (SWRC) and Ds, were collected. In the laboratory experiment two soils (Silt Loam and Clay Loam) and two aggregate classes (1-3 and 3-5 mm) were used. The aggregates were submitted to different simulated rainfall (28mmh-1 + KE strong; 28mmh-1 + KE weak; 90mmh-1 + KE strong; 90mmh-1 + KE weak) and after the mean weight diameter (MWD) was evaluated. The dynamics of crust formation occurred differently in both tillage systems. In the CT and RT systems the major reduction of the porosity, by effect of the applied rainfall, occurred in the crust layer and in the NT system occurred in the subcrosta layer. Crust formation was responsible for reducing the porosity and K, and increasing Ds, in RT and CT systems. The higher volumetric moisture contents observed in CRA occurred in the PR system and the lowest in CT. The CRA did not show changes between the applied rainfall. The surface roughness of the soil varied in relation to the tillage systems. RT and NT systems showed a higher roughness in the first year during the second year a higher roughness was observed in the NT system. The CT in the two years studied showed the same trend of evolution according to of applied rainfall, initially there was an increase in roughness up to a maximum rain and then decrease. In the laboratory experiment, the largest DMP reductions occurred in the 3 and 2 mm rainfall for the Silt Loam and Clay Loam soils, respectively. In the initial amounts of rainfall, the intensity was determinant in the MWD reduction. With the increase in the amount of rainfall, the kinetic energy influences the MWD reduction. The intensity of 28 mm h-1 produced the greatest reductions in DMP, possibly due to the longer exposure of the aggregates to wetting.

Dinâmica da formação de crostas superficiais em função de práticas de preparo do solo e chuva simulada / Dynamic of surface crust formation in different tillage systems and simulated rainfall

Rosa, Jaqueline Dalla 10 July 2012 (has links)
As crostas são o resultado da degradação da estrutura superficial dos solos, favorecem a erosão e a degradação ambiental dos solos. Este estudo avaloiu a dinâmica da formação de crostas superficiais e as consequencias sobre a porosidade, condutividade hidráulica (K), retenção de água, densidade (Ds) e a rugosidade de um Argissolo Vermelho amarelo conduzido com diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo e aplicação de lâminas de chuva simulada. Avaliou-se também, através de um experimento em laboratório, os processos envolvidos na quebra dos agregados, sob chuvas simuladas. O experimento foi conduzido, nos anos de 2009 e 2010. Em parcelas de 15 x 30 m foram conduzidos os diferentes preparos do solo: preparo convencional (PC), preparo reduzido (PR) e sem preparo (SP). Dentro das parcelas instalou-se micro-parcelas de 1m x 1m, onde foram aplicadas diferentes lâminas de chuva simulada (0, 27, 54 e 80 mm) com intensidade de 80 mm h-1. Foram realizadas coletas de dados de rugosidade, medidas de K, coleta de amostras indeformadas de solo para análise da porosidade e confecção de lâminas delgadas, e também anéis cilíndricos para curva de retenção de água (CRA) e Ds do solo. No experimento de laboratório, utilizou-se dois solos (siltoso e argiloso) e duas classe de agregados (1-3 e 3-5 mm). Os agregados foram submetidos a diferentes chuvas simuladas (28mmh-1 + EC forte; 28mmh-1 + EC fraca; 90mmh-1 + EC forte; 90mmh-1 + EC fraca) e após avaliou-se o diâmetro médio ponderado dos agregados (DMP). A dinâmica da formação de crostas ocorreu de maneira diferenciada em ambos os sistemas de preparo. Nos sistemas de PC e PR a maior redução da porosidade, pelo efeito da chuva aplicada, ocorreu na camada da crosta e no sistema SP na camada da subcrosta. A camada da crosta foi responsável pela redução da porosidade e K, e aumento da Ds nos sistemas PC e PR. As maiores umidades volumétricas observadas nas CRA ocorreram no sistema de PR e as menores no PC e não demonstraram evolução entre as chuvas aplicadas. A rugosidade superficial do solo variou em função dos sistemas de preparo realizados. Os sistemas conservacionistas (PR e SP) apresentaram maior rugosidade no primeiro ano, no segundo ano a maior rugosidade foi observada no sistema SP. O PC demonstrou nos dois anos estudados a mesma tendência, em função das chuvas aplicadas, inicialmente ocorreu um aumento na rugosidade até uma chuva máxima diminuindo em seguida. No experimento em laboratório, as maiores reduções no DMP ocorreram até a lâmina de 3 e 2 mm para o solo argiloso e siltoso, respectivamente. Nas quantidades iniciais de chuva (lâminas iniciais) a intensidade foi determinante na redução do DMP, com o aumento da quantidade de chuva a energia cinética (EC) passou a influenciar a redução do DMP. A intensidade de 28 mm h-1 promoveu as maiores reduções do DMP possivelmente pelo maior tempo de exposição dos agregados ao molhamento. / The crusts are the result of degradation of the surface structure of the soil, favoring erosion and environmental degradation of soils. This study evaluated the dynamics of the develop surface crusts and its consequences on the porosity, hydraulic conductivity (K), water retention, bulk density (Ds) and the roughness of a Typic Hapludult conducted with different systems of tillage and application of sheets simulated rainfall. Was also evaluated through the an laboratory experiment, the processes involved in the breakdown of aggregates under simulated rainfall. The experiment was conducted in the years 2009 and 2010. In plots of 15 x 30 m were installed the soil tillage: conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT) and no-tillage (NT). Inside of the plots was installed micro-plots of 1m x 1m, which were applied different sheets of simulated rainfall (0, 27, 54 and 80 mm) with intensity of 80 mm h-1. Roughness data, K measurements, sampling of undisturbed soil samples for porosity analysis and preparation of thin sections, and also cylindrical rings for water retention curve (SWRC) and Ds, were collected. In the laboratory experiment two soils (Silt Loam and Clay Loam) and two aggregate classes (1-3 and 3-5 mm) were used. The aggregates were submitted to different simulated rainfall (28mmh-1 + KE strong; 28mmh-1 + KE weak; 90mmh-1 + KE strong; 90mmh-1 + KE weak) and after the mean weight diameter (MWD) was evaluated. The dynamics of crust formation occurred differently in both tillage systems. In the CT and RT systems the major reduction of the porosity, by effect of the applied rainfall, occurred in the crust layer and in the NT system occurred in the subcrosta layer. Crust formation was responsible for reducing the porosity and K, and increasing Ds, in RT and CT systems. The higher volumetric moisture contents observed in CRA occurred in the PR system and the lowest in CT. The CRA did not show changes between the applied rainfall. The surface roughness of the soil varied in relation to the tillage systems. RT and NT systems showed a higher roughness in the first year during the second year a higher roughness was observed in the NT system. The CT in the two years studied showed the same trend of evolution according to of applied rainfall, initially there was an increase in roughness up to a maximum rain and then decrease. In the laboratory experiment, the largest DMP reductions occurred in the 3 and 2 mm rainfall for the Silt Loam and Clay Loam soils, respectively. In the initial amounts of rainfall, the intensity was determinant in the MWD reduction. With the increase in the amount of rainfall, the kinetic energy influences the MWD reduction. The intensity of 28 mm h-1 produced the greatest reductions in DMP, possibly due to the longer exposure of the aggregates to wetting.

Surface Parameter Estimation using Bistatic Polarimetric X-band Measurements

Ben Khadhra, Kais 31 January 2008 (has links)
To date only very few bistatic measurements (airborne or in controlled laboratories) have been reported. Therefore most of the current remote sensing methods are still focused on monostatic (backscatter) measurements. These methods, based on theoretical, empirical or semi-empirical models, enable the estimation of soil roughness and the soil humidity (dielectric constant). For the bistatic case only theoretical methods have been developed and tested with monostatic data. Hence, there still remains a vital need to gain of experience and knowledge about bistatic methods and data. The main purpose of this thesis is to estimate the soil moisture and the soil roughness by using full polarimetric bistatic measurements. In the experimental part, bistatic X-band measurements, which have been recorded in the Bistatic Measurement Facility (BMF) at the DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Microwaves and Radar Institute, will be presented. The bistatic measurement sets are composed of soils with different statistical roughness and different moistures controlled by a TDR (Time Domain Reflectivity) system. The BMF has been calibrated using the Isolated Antenna Calibration Technique (IACT). The validation of the calibration was achieved by measuring the reflectivity of fresh water. In the second part, bistatic surface scattering analyses of the calibrated data set were discussed. Then, the specular algorithm was used to estimate the soil moisture of two surface roughnesses (rough and smooth) has been reported. A new technique using the coherent term of the Integral Equation Method (IEM) to estimate the soil roughness was presented. Also, the sensitivity of phase and reflectivity with regard to moisture variation in the specular direction was evaluated. Finally, the first results and validations of bistatic radar polarimetry for the specular case of surface scattering have been introduced. / Aktuell sind nur sehr wenige Messungen mit bistatischem Radar durchgeführt worden, sei es von Flugzeuggetragenen Systemen oder durch spezielle Aufbauten im Labor. Deshalb basieren die meisten der bekannten Methoden zur Fernerkundung mit Radar auf monostatis-chen Messungen der Rückstreuung des Radarsignals. Diese Methoden, die auf theoretischen, empirischen oder halb-empirischen Modellen basieren, ermöglichen die Schätzung der Oberfächenrauhigkeit und die Bodenfeuchtigkeit (Dielektrizitätskonstante). Im bistatischen Fall wurden bisher nur theoretische Modelle entworfen, die mittels monostatischer Messungen getestet wurden. Aus diesem Grund ist es von großer Bedeutung, Erfahrung und Wissen über die physikalischen Effekte in bistatischen Konfigurationen zu sammeln. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es, anhand vollpolarimetrischer, bistatischer Radarmessungen die Oberfächenrauhigkeit und Bodenfeuchtigkeit zu bestimmen. Im experimentellen Teil der Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse bistatischer Messungen präsentiert, die in der Bistatic Measurement Facility (BMF) des DLR Oberpfaffenhofen aufgenommen wurden. Die Datensätze umfassen Messungen von Böden unterschiedlicher statistischer Rauhigkeit und Feuchtigkeit, die mittels eines Time Domain Reflectivity (TDR) Systems bestimmt werden. Zur Kalibration des BMF wurde die Isolated Antenna Calibration Technique (IACT) verwendet und anhand der Messung der Reflektivität von Wasser überprüft. Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit wird anhand der kalibrierten Daten eine Analyse der Oberflächenstreuung in bistatischen Konfigurationen vorgenommen. Im Anschluss daran wird mittels des Specular Algorithm eine Schätzung der Bodenfeuchte zweier Proben unter- schiedlicher Rauhigkeit (rau und fein) durchgeführt. Ein neues Verfahren zur Schätzung der Oberfächenrauhigkeit, das auf dem kohärenten Term der Integral Equation Method (IEM) basiert, wurde eingeführt. Daneben wird die Empfindlichkeit der Phase sowie der Reflektivität des vorwärtsgestreuten Signals gegenüber Veränderungen der Bodenfeuchtigkeit analysiert. Schließlich werden erste Ergebnisse und Validierungen bistatischer Radarpolarimetrie für den Fall der Vorwärtsstreuung präsentiert.

Modélisation de l'effet de la rugosité de surface et de la litière des couverts naturels sur les observations micro-ondes passives : application au suivi global de l'humidité du sol par la mission SMOS / Modelling the effects of surface roughness and a forest litter layer on passive microwave observations : application to soil moisture retrieval by the SMOS mission

Lawrence, Heather 15 December 2010 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la mission spatiale SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity), nous présentons dans cette thèse une nouvelle approche numérique de modélisation du calcul de l’émissivité et du coefficient bi-statique de systèmes forestiers sol-litière en Bande L. Le système sol-litière est représenté par deux couches diélectriques 3D comportant des interfaces rugueuses, une démarche qui n’apparait pas actuellement dans la littérature. Nous validons notre approche pour une seule couche en comparant les simulations de l'émissivité avec celles produites par la méthode des moments et des données expérimentales. A partir de ce nouveau modèle, nous évaluons la sensibilité de l’émissivité du système sol-litière en fonction de l’humidité et de la rugosité de la litière. Ce nouveau modèle permettra de créer une base de données synthétiques d’émissivités calculées en fonction de nombreux paramètres qui contribuera à améliorer la prise en compte de la litière dans l'algorithme d’inversion des données de la mission spatiale SMOS. / In the context of the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission, we present a new numerical modelling approach for calculating the emissivity and bistatic scattering coefficient of the soil-litter system found in forests, at L-band. The soil-litter system is modelled as two 3-dimensional dielectric layers, each with a randomly rough surface, which to our knowledge has not previously been achieved. We investigate the validity of the approach for a single layer by comparing emissivity simulations with results of Method of Moments simulations, and experimental data. We then use the approach to evaluate the sensitivity of the soil-litter system as a function of moisture content and the roughness of the litter layer. The numerical modelling approach which has been developed will allow us in the future to create a synthetic database of the emissivity of the soil-litter system as a function of numerous parameters, which will contribute to validating and improving the inversion algorithm used by the SMOS mission to retrieve soil moisture over forests.

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