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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of viscoelasticity and the sol-gel transition in the physiological function of biological fluids

Hsu, Shan-Hui January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Transição sol-gel em soluções orgânico-aquosas de lisozima e o efeito indutor do solvente: caracterização cinética e estrutural / Sol-gel transition in aqueous-organic solutions of lysozyme and the solvent-inducing effect: a kinetic and structural characterization

Silva, Marcelo Alves da 14 August 2006 (has links)
A transição sol-gel de lisozima dispersa em tetrametiluréia/água foi investigada em profundidade. Tais dispersões geraram sistemas de alta viscosidade que evoluíram para a formação de géis ?físicos?, i.e., sistemas de redes viscoelásticas mantidas por interações do tipo forças de van der Walls e ligações de hidrogênio. O enfoque deste trabalho foi dividido em duas frentes: a) estudo do sistema lisozima nas misturas binárias; b) estudo das misturas binárias indutoras do efeito de gelificação na ausência da proteína. Realizou-se um estudo cinético e dinâmico das dispersões e géis por meio de experimentos reológicos, espectroscópicos e calorimétricos. A partir dos resultados reológicos procurou-se correlacionar as propriedades mecânicas macroscópicas dos géis com suas propriedades microscópicas, tendo sido possível estabelecer o caráter fractal dos agregados formados. Os estudos espectroscópicos no infravermelho permitiram acompanhar mudanças estruturais da proteína durante o processo de gelificação, revelando o efeito do meio na estruturação secundária da lisozima. Observou-se que a mistura binária tende a causar um aumento de conteúdo de folhas b na proteína quando acima da concentração crítica de fração de massa de tetrametiluréia em água (wTMU > 0,6), com uma concomitante redução no teor de hélices alfa. Estudos calorimétricos revelaram uma dependência inversamente linear das entalpias e temperaturas de denaturação da lisozima com a concentração do co-solvente orgânico no sistema, observando-se ausência de qualquer evento térmico na região acima da concentração crítica do solvente misto. Com a finalidade de se sondar as características dinâmicas e estruturais das misturas binárias responsáveis pela indução do efeito de gelificação em lisozima, foram realizados estudos solvatocrômicos envolvendo as misturas binárias tetrametiluréia/co-solvente, em que os co-solventes ensaiados foram água e alguns álcoois. A comparação entre o efeito solvatocrômico das misturas TMU/água e TMU/álcool permitiu verificar o caráter estruturador da TMU em meio aquoso e seu efeito desestruturador nos meios alcoólicos. / Lysozyme sol-gel transition in tetramethylurea/water was investigated in depth. These dispersions produced highly viscous systems, which evolved to physical gels, i.e., systems where the gel backbone is maintained by van der Walls forces and hydrogen bonding. The work was conducted in two fronts: a) the study of lysozyme dispersions in binary mixtures; b) the study of the binary mixtures themselves. A kinetics and dynamical characterization of the dispersions and gels was undertaken by means of rheological, spectroscopic and calorimetric assays. In the light of the rheological data, correlations were proposed between the gel mechanical macroscopic behaviour and its microscopic properties. The fractal character of the gels was established and their dimensionality calculated. Infrared spectroscopic experiments revealed changes in the protein secondary structure during and well after the sol-gel transition induced by the binary solvent mixture. It was found that the binary mixture induces an increase in the b-sheet content with a concomitant reduction of the a-helix, when above its critical concentration, as expressed in mass fraction of tetramethylurea in the binary mixture (wTMU >0.6). Calorimetric studies revealed that both denaturation temperature and enthalpy decrease linearly with the increase of TMU mass fraction in the mixed solvent, with no thermal effect being noticed above the binary mixture critical concentration. In order to investigate the dynamic and structural characteristics of the binary mixtures responsible for lysozyme sol-gel transition, solvatochromic assays were carried out for several TMU/co-solvent systems, where the co-solvents assayed were water and a few alcohols. Results revealed that TMU has structure-maker behaviour in water and structure-breaker behaviour in alcohol systems.

Transição sol-gel em soluções orgânico-aquosas de lisozima e o efeito indutor do solvente: caracterização cinética e estrutural / Sol-gel transition in aqueous-organic solutions of lysozyme and the solvent-inducing effect: a kinetic and structural characterization

Marcelo Alves da Silva 14 August 2006 (has links)
A transição sol-gel de lisozima dispersa em tetrametiluréia/água foi investigada em profundidade. Tais dispersões geraram sistemas de alta viscosidade que evoluíram para a formação de géis ?físicos?, i.e., sistemas de redes viscoelásticas mantidas por interações do tipo forças de van der Walls e ligações de hidrogênio. O enfoque deste trabalho foi dividido em duas frentes: a) estudo do sistema lisozima nas misturas binárias; b) estudo das misturas binárias indutoras do efeito de gelificação na ausência da proteína. Realizou-se um estudo cinético e dinâmico das dispersões e géis por meio de experimentos reológicos, espectroscópicos e calorimétricos. A partir dos resultados reológicos procurou-se correlacionar as propriedades mecânicas macroscópicas dos géis com suas propriedades microscópicas, tendo sido possível estabelecer o caráter fractal dos agregados formados. Os estudos espectroscópicos no infravermelho permitiram acompanhar mudanças estruturais da proteína durante o processo de gelificação, revelando o efeito do meio na estruturação secundária da lisozima. Observou-se que a mistura binária tende a causar um aumento de conteúdo de folhas b na proteína quando acima da concentração crítica de fração de massa de tetrametiluréia em água (wTMU > 0,6), com uma concomitante redução no teor de hélices alfa. Estudos calorimétricos revelaram uma dependência inversamente linear das entalpias e temperaturas de denaturação da lisozima com a concentração do co-solvente orgânico no sistema, observando-se ausência de qualquer evento térmico na região acima da concentração crítica do solvente misto. Com a finalidade de se sondar as características dinâmicas e estruturais das misturas binárias responsáveis pela indução do efeito de gelificação em lisozima, foram realizados estudos solvatocrômicos envolvendo as misturas binárias tetrametiluréia/co-solvente, em que os co-solventes ensaiados foram água e alguns álcoois. A comparação entre o efeito solvatocrômico das misturas TMU/água e TMU/álcool permitiu verificar o caráter estruturador da TMU em meio aquoso e seu efeito desestruturador nos meios alcoólicos. / Lysozyme sol-gel transition in tetramethylurea/water was investigated in depth. These dispersions produced highly viscous systems, which evolved to physical gels, i.e., systems where the gel backbone is maintained by van der Walls forces and hydrogen bonding. The work was conducted in two fronts: a) the study of lysozyme dispersions in binary mixtures; b) the study of the binary mixtures themselves. A kinetics and dynamical characterization of the dispersions and gels was undertaken by means of rheological, spectroscopic and calorimetric assays. In the light of the rheological data, correlations were proposed between the gel mechanical macroscopic behaviour and its microscopic properties. The fractal character of the gels was established and their dimensionality calculated. Infrared spectroscopic experiments revealed changes in the protein secondary structure during and well after the sol-gel transition induced by the binary solvent mixture. It was found that the binary mixture induces an increase in the b-sheet content with a concomitant reduction of the a-helix, when above its critical concentration, as expressed in mass fraction of tetramethylurea in the binary mixture (wTMU >0.6). Calorimetric studies revealed that both denaturation temperature and enthalpy decrease linearly with the increase of TMU mass fraction in the mixed solvent, with no thermal effect being noticed above the binary mixture critical concentration. In order to investigate the dynamic and structural characteristics of the binary mixtures responsible for lysozyme sol-gel transition, solvatochromic assays were carried out for several TMU/co-solvent systems, where the co-solvents assayed were water and a few alcohols. Results revealed that TMU has structure-maker behaviour in water and structure-breaker behaviour in alcohol systems.

Reologické vlastnosti biodegradabilních termocitlivých kopolymerů / Rheological properties of biodegradable thermosensitive copolymers

Chamradová, Ivana January 2012 (has links)
Hlavním cílem předložené diplomové práce byla příprava, charakterizace a reologická studie "inteligentních" injektovatelných hydrogelů, které jsou biodegradovatelné, biokompatibilní a s řízenou životností sestávajících se z hydrofilního polyethylenglykolu (PEG) a hydrofobního kopolymeru kyseliny polymléčné a polyglykolové (PLA/PGA). Výsledný termosenzitivní PLGA–PEG–PLGA kopolymer, který geluje při teplotě lidského těla, byl dále funkcionalizován anhydridem kyseliny itakonové získané z obnovitelných zdrojů, přinášející jak reaktivní dvojné vazby tak i funkční –COOH skupiny na konce kopolymeru. Navíc byl PLGA–PEG–PLGA kopolymer modifikován bioaktivním anorganickým hydroxyapatitem pro použití jako injektovatelné kostní adhezivum. Oba modifikované kopolymery jak ITA/PLGA–PEG–PLGA/ITA tak i PLGA–PEG–PLGA/HAp ovlivňují reologické vlastnosti původního PLGA—PEG—PLGA kopolymeru rozhodující o tom, zda by mohly být nové polymerní materiály vhodné jako injektovatelné nosiče léčiv nebo kostní lepidla v lékařských aplikacích. Experimentální část této práce je zaměřena především na charakterizaci viskoelastických vlastností jak nemodifikovaného PLGA—PEG—PLGA kopolymeru tak i s přidáním ITA nebo HAp metodou obrácených testovacích vialek (TTIM) a dynamickou reologickou analýzou. Výhodou TTIM je vizualizace přechodu sol-gel, určení kritické gelační teploty a kritické gelační koncentrace. Reologická měření poskytují informace o viskozitě a vizkoelasticitě gelu změnou elastického (G´) a ztrátového (G´´) modulu. Připravené kopolymery byly také charakterizovány 1H NMR a GPC. Povrch a velikost částic HAp byl popsán pomocí SEM a laserového analyzátoru částic. Původní PLGA—PEG—PLGA kopolymer i kopolymer modifikovaný ITA a HAp vykazovaly sol-gel přechod vyvolaný zvýšením teploty. Reologické vlastnosti kopolymerů v koncentračním rozmezí 6 až 24 hm. % ve vodě byly studovány buď TTIM nebo užitím reometru a získané výsledky spolu velmi dobře korespondovaly. Reologické vyhodnocení prokázalo dvě „překřížení“, kde G´ =G´´. První překřížení velmi dobře korespondovalo s prvním sol-gel přechodem nalezeným prostřednictvím TTIM. Maximální hodnota G´ odpovídající nejvyšší tuhosti polymerního gelu byla situována v bílém gelu. Druhý fázový přechod představuje přechod mezi gelem a suspenzí, kdy je bílý polymer oddělen od vody. Tuhost gelu roste s rostoucí koncentrací polymeru ve vodě. Pro srovnání, kopolymer modifikován jak ITA, tak i přidáním HAp (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 hm %) vykázal zvýšení tuhosti gelu oproti původnímu kopolymeru PLGA–PEG–PLGA a přiblížení teploty maximální hodnoty G´ tělesné teplotě (37 °C). Bylo prokázáno, že jak ITA/PLGA–PEG–PLGA/ITA kopolymer tak i PLGA—PEG—PLGA/HAp kompozit jsou vhodnými kandidáty na injekovatelné systémy pro řízené uvolňování léčiv či kostní adhezivum pro ortopedii nebo zubní aplikace.


Sai Swapneel Aranke (11209545) 30 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Smart windows that modulate solar radiation by changing their optical state in response to temperature stimulus are developing as promising solutions towards reducing the energy consumption of buildings. The market adoption of such systems has been slow due to the barriers in scalability, cost, as well as complexity in their integration into existing systems. Aiming these features, we have proposed a retrofit smart window design based on the temperature-responsive polymer Methyl Cellulose (MC). The system utilizes a sustainable, earth abundant and cost-effective cellulose based thermo-responsive material to transform existing windows to a thermally dynamic smart window system. The observed optical change of MC from transparent to opaque state is dependent on temperature and is triggered by the thermodynamic mechanism of reversible coil-globule transition, which results in a stable performance of the proposed device. Its solar modulation ability was studied using ultraviolet-visible- spectroscopy. Effect of MC concentration and various salts on the optical performance were investigated. It was found that the transition temperature the polymer can be tuned by varying MC concentration and by adding salts to the system. The tunability of transition temperature is a function of the concentration of salt and the type of anion in the salt. It was observed that the transition temperature of the window can be tuned between to , allowing a wide range of control over switching temperature. Controllable LCST, low freezing point, sustainable base material, scalable production, low cost, retrofit system makes them ideal candidates for smart window applications. </p>

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