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Vliv mykorhizních a saprotrofních hub na výnosové vlastnosti a příjem dusíku u rajčete a póru / The effect of mycorrhizal nad saprotrophic fungi on yield properties and nitrogen uptake of tomato and leek plantsKudláčková, Marta January 2011 (has links)
Currently looking for alternative approaches to crop production which would be in accord with sustainable development. The present thesis was aimed on testing of organic cultivation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and leek (Allium porrum L.) by using amendment with organic maize biomass (Zea mays L.), mycorrhizal fungi and saprotrophic fungi. The effects of different combinations of microbial inoculations on nitrogen uptake, plant growth and yield were investigated in greenhouse conditions. Supplied 15 N-labelled organic matter was separated from the root system by a nylon mesh which permitted only fungal hyphae to pass through but not plant roots. In the first year experiments the treatments differed in the presence or absence of three factors: organic matter, saprotrophic fungus Agrocybe sp. and mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicolaj & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe. Plant inoculation with Agrocybe sp. alone or together with G. mosseae increased plant growth of tomato in the presence of organic matter. Tomato yield were not increased significantly. Shoot dry weight of leek increased when plants were treated with mycorrhizal fungus G. mosseae and organic matter. Microbial inoculation did not influence nitrogen (15 N) uptake from the organic source. In following experiments, all treatments contained...
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Development and use of introgression populations for the detection of QTL related to important agronomic traits in eggplantMangino, Giulio 28 October 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es uno de los cultivos comerciales de hortalizas solanáceas más importantes que se cultiva ampliamente en Asia y la región del Mediterráneo. A pesar de su importancia económica, la disponibilidad de poblaciones experimentales y herramientas genómicas para el mejoramiento es aún muy limitada en comparación con otros cultivos importantes. Debido a la alteración progresiva del ecosistema global por el cambio climático, las plantas están constantemente expuestas a condiciones ambientales estresantes que impactan negativamente en su productividad. El cuello de botella genético ocurrido durante la domesticación de la berenjena, que limita la disponibilidad de recursos genéticos para su mejoramiento genético, hace que este cultivo sea extremadamente vulnerable al cambio climático, por lo que se requieren nuevas estrategias para reducir su erosión genética. En este contexto, los parientes silvestres de los cultivos (CWRs) han demostrado ser un recurso genético válido para la mejora vegetal, ya que su uso permite ampliar la diversidad genética de los cultivos y, en paralelo, desarrollar variedades mejoradas adaptadas al cambio climático. Para lograr este objetivo, en esta tesis doctoral informamos sobre el desarrollo y la evaluación de materiales avanzados de berenjena obtenidos mediante el uso de parientes silvestres. En el primer capítulo, realizamos una evaluación fenotípica en dos ambientes de un conjunto de 16 ILs de berenjena con introgresión de S. incanum, un pariente silvestre. Se evaluaron diecisiete caracteres agronómicos para comparar el rendimiento de las ILs con el parental recurrente e identificar QTLs para los caracteres investigados. Encontramos diferencias morfológicas significativas entre los parentales, y el híbrido resultó heterótico para los caracteres de vigor. A pesar de que la interacción entre genotipo y ambiente (G x E) resultó significativa para la mayoría de los caracteres, en general las ILs mostraron pocas diferencias fenotípicas con el progenitor receptor, incluso en presencia de grandes fragmentos de introgresión del progenitor silvestre. Se encontraron valores de heredabilidad bajos a moderados para los caracteres agronómicos. En total, detectamos diez QTLs estables, dos de los cuales estaban relacionados con caracteres de planta y cuatro para caracteres de flor y fruto. En general, las introgresiones de S. incanum mejoraron los valores medios de la mayoría de los caracteres de planta y flor, y disminuyeron el de los caracteres de fruto. Para tres QTLs relacionados con la longitud del pedicelo del fruto y con el peso del fruto, encontramos evidencia de sintenia con otros QTLs identificados previamente en poblaciones de berenjena. Siete QTLs eran nuevos, de los cuales cuatro relacionados con la altura de la planta, con la espinosidad del cáliz de la flor y con la longitud del pedicelo del fruto no colocalizaron con ningún QTL previamente identificado en las poblaciones de berenjena, y tres relacionados con el diámetro del tallo, con la longitud del pedúnculo y del estigma, fueron los primeros identificados en berenjena para estos caracteres. En el segundo capítulo, el conjunto de IL de berenjena con introgresiones de S. incanum se evaluó para la forma del fruto en dos ambientes. Específicamente, realizamos un fenotipado detallado de los frutos de los parentales, del híbrido y de las ILs utilizando 32 descriptores morfológicos de la herramienta fenómica Tomato Analyzer. Se encontraron grandes diferencias morfológicas en los frutos de los parentales, y el híbrido presentó valores negativos de heterosis para muchos de los caracteres de forma del fruto, siendo fenotípicamente más cercano al parental S. incanum. Para la mayoría de los descriptores de forma del fruto observamos diferencias significativas entre las ILs y el parental receptor, incluso en presencia de pequeños fragmentos de introgresión del parental silvestre. A pesar de que la contribución del ambiente y la... / [CAT] L'albergínia (Solanum melongena L.) és un dels cultius comercials d'hortalisses solanácees més importants que es cultiva àmpliament a Àsia i la regió del Mediterrani. Malgrat la seua importància econòmica, la disponibilitat de poblacions experimentals i eines genòmiques per al millorament és encara molt limitada en comparació amb altres cultius importants. A causa de l'alteració progressiva de l'ecosistema global pel canvi climàtic, les plantes estan constantment exposades a condicions ambientals estressants que impacten negativament en la seua productivitat. El coll de botella genètic ocorregut durant la domesticació de l'albergínia, que limita la disponibilitat de recursos genètics per al seu millorament genètic, fa que aquest cultiu siga extremadament vulnerable al canvi climàtic, per la qual cosa es requereixen noves estratègies per a reduir la seua erosió genètica. En aquest context, els parents silvestres dels cultius (CWRs) han demostrat ser un recurs genètic vàlid per a la millora vegetal, ja que el seu ús permet ampliar la diversitat genètica dels cultius i, en paral·lel, desenvolupar varietats millorades adaptades al canvi climàtic. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu, en aquesta tesi doctoral presentem el desenvolupament i l'avaluació de materials avançats d'albergínia obtinguts mitjançant l'ús de parents silvestres. En el primer capítol, realitzem una avaluació fenotípica en dos ambients d'un conjunt de 16 IL d'albergínia amb introgresions de S. incanum, un parent silvestre. Es van puntuar dèsset caràcters agronòmics per a avaluar el rendiment de les ILs en comparació amb el parental recurrent i identificar els QTL per als caràcters investigats. Trobarem diferències morfològiques significatives entre els parentals, i l'híbrid va resultar heteròtic per als caràcters de vigor. A pesar que la interacció entre genotip i ambient (G x E) va resultar significativa per a la majoria dels caràcters, en general les ILs van mostrar poques diferències fenotípiques amb el progenitor receptor, fins i tot en presència de grans fragments d'introgresió del progenitor silvestre. Es van trobar valors de heredabilitat baixos a moderats per als caràcters agronòmics. En total, detectarem deu QTL estables, dos dels quals estaven relacionats a caràcters de planta i quatre per a caràcters de flor i fruit. En general, les introgresions de S. incanum van millorar els valors mitjos de la majoria dels caràcters de planta i flor, i van disminuir el dels caràcters de fruit. Per a tres QTL relacionats amb la longitud del pedicel del fruit i amb el pes del fruit, trobem evidència de sintenia amb altres QTLs identificats prèviament en poblacions d'albergínia. Set QTL eren nous, dels quals quatre estaven relacionats amb l'altura de la planta, amb la espinositat del calze de la flor i amb la llargària del pedicel del fruit no van colocalitzar amb cap QTL prèviament identificat en les poblacions d'albergínia, i tres relacionats amb el diàmetre de la tija, amb la llargària del peduncle i de l'estigma, van ser els primers reportats en albergínia per a aquests caràcters. En el segon capítol, el conjunt de IL d'albergínia amb introgresions de S. incanum es va avaluar per a la forma del fruit en dos ambients. Específicament, realitzarem un fenotipado detallat dels fruits dels parentals, de l'híbrid i de les ILs utilitzant 32 descriptors morfològics de l'eina fenómica Tomato Analyzer. Es van trobar grans diferències morfològiques en els fruits dels parentals, i l'híbrid va presentar valors negatius de heterosis per a molts dels caràcters de forma del fruit, sent fenotípicamente més pròxim al parental S. incanum. Per a la majoria dels descriptors de forma del fruit observarem diferències significatives entre les ILs i el parental recipient, fins i tot en presència de xicotets fragments d'introgresió del parental silvestre. A pesar que la contribució de l'ambient i la interacció G × E van ser significatives per a quasi tots els descriptors, trobem que els seus... / [EN] Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the most important commercial solanaceous vegetable crops grown widely in Asia and Mediterranean region. Despite its economic importance, the availability of experimental populations and genomic tools for breeding is still very limited compared to other major crops. Due to the progressive alteration of global ecosystem by climate change, plants are constantly exposed to stressful environmental conditions that impact negatively on their productivity. The genetic bottleneck occurred during eggplant domestication, which limits the availability of genetic resources for its genetic improvement, makes this crop extremely vulnerable to climate change, and, therefore, new strategies are needed for reducing its genetic erosion. In this context, crop wild relatives (CWRs) have demonstrated to be a valid genetic resources for plant breeding, as their use allows to broaden the genetic diversity of the crop and, in parallel, develop improved varieties adapted to climate change. To achieve this objective, in this doctoral thesis we reported on the development and evaluation of eggplant advanced materials obtained by using crop wild relatives. In the first chapter, we have conducted a phenotypic evaluation in two environments of a set of 16 eggplant ILs with introgression from S. incanum, a close wild relative. Seventeen agronomic traits were scored to test the performance of ILs compared to the recurrent parent and identify QTLs for the investigated traits. We found significant morphological differences between parents, and the hybrid was heterotic for vigour related traits. Although significant genotype x environment interaction (G x E) was detected for most traits, the ILs generally exhibited few phenotypic differences with recipient parent, even in the presence of large introgression fragments from the wild parent. Low to moderate heritability values were found for the agronomic traits. In total, we detected ten stable QTLs, two of which were for plant-related traits and four for both flower- and fruit-related traits. In general, S. incanum introgressions improved the performance of most plant- and flower-related traits and decreased that of fruit-related traits. For three QTLs related to fruit pedicel length and fruit weight, we found evidence of synteny to other QTLs previously reported in eggplant populations. Seven QTLs were new, of which four related to plant height, flower calyx prickles, and fruit pedicel length, did not colocalized with any previous identified QTLs in eggplant populations, and three related to stem diameter, peduncle length, and stigma length, were the first reported in eggplant for these traits. In the second chapter, the set of eggplant ILs with introgression from S. incanum was evaluated for fruit shape in two environments. Specifically, we performed a detailed phenotyping of the fruits of the parents, hybrid, and ILs using 32 morphological descriptors of the phenomics tool Tomato Analyzer. Large differences in fruit morphology were found between ILs parents, and the hybrid exhibited negative values of heterosis for many fruit shape traits, being phenotypically closer to S. incanum parent. For most fruit shape descriptors, we observed significant differences between ILs and recipient parent, even in the presence of small wild donor fragments. Although the contribution of the environment and G × E interaction were significant for almost all descriptors, we found that their effects on fruit shape were relatively low, and the observed variations in fruit shape was mainly genetically regulated. Hierarchical clustering revealed nine clusters of highly correlated traits and six ILs groups. A total of 41 QTLs were mapped. Of these, sixteen associated to Basic Measurement and Fruit Shape Index descriptors were syntenic to other previously reported in several intraspecific and interspecific eggplant populations, while twenty-five QTLs related to Blockiness, Homogeneity.... / This work was undertaken as part of the initiative “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting, and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives”, which is supported by the Government of Norway. The project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For further information, see the project website: http://www.cwrdiversity.org/. Funding was also received from Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant AGL2015-64755-R from MINECO/FEDER); from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI-2018-094592-B-100 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE); from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 677379 (G2P-SOL project: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops); and from Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de la Universitat Politècnica de València (Ayuda a Primeros Proyectos de Investigación; PAID-06-18). Giulio Mangino is grateful to Generalitat Valenciana for a predoctoral grant within the Santiago Grisolía programme (GRISOLIAP/2016/012). / Mangino, G. (2022). Development and use of introgression populations for the detection of QTL related to important agronomic traits in eggplant [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188916 / Compendio
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Linking Genetic Resources, Genomes and Phenotypes of Solanaceus CropsAlonso Martín, David 30 November 2024 (has links)
[ES] El impacto del cambio climático en los cultivos hortícolas es cada vez más evidente, lo que ha llevado a la pérdida y erosión de diversidad genética de manera drástica. Esto plantea importantes desafíos para la mejora de los cultivos, que requiere la exploración de los recursos fitogenéticos conservados en los bancos de germoplasma y el desarrollo de tecnologías que permitan evaluar el valor fenotípico y genotípico de estos materiales. Sin embargo, la situación actual de las colecciones de germoplasma es la existencia de duplicados no identificados entre colecciones, errores en la clasificación taxonómica, documentación insuficiente y no disponible para investigadores y mejoradores, añadido a la falta de financiación para la conservación y gestión adecuadas. Esto dificulta enormemente la utilización de estos recursos. En la presente Tesis se aborda este problema comenzando por la unificación de datos de pasaporte, fenotipado e imágenes de las principales colecciones de tomate, pimiento y berenjena en un mismo repositorio en el primer capítulo.
El segundo capítulo se centra en el desarrollo y optimización de un método de extracción de ADN genómico de alta calidad, rápido y económico que combina las ventajas del método de extracción basado en el CTAB, añadido a la purificación de los ácidos nucleicos en una matriz de sílice. Es un método universal que puede utilizarse para diferentes especies y tejidos. Se ha evaluado la eficiencia del ADN genómico resultante en diferentes plataformas de secuenciación como SPET (Single Primer Enrichment Technology) y Oxford Nanopore, generando resultados muy prometedores. Esto facilita el paso previo al genotipado de las colecciones que es la extracción de ADN.
En el tercer capítulo se aborda el genotipado de las colecciones. El elevado número de accesiones de cada cultivo, en particular el tomate, supone un problema de tipo económico, en ocasiones irresoluble. Por ello, el tercer capítulo está orientado a la evaluación del potencial de la tecnología de secuenciación SPET, más económica que otras conocidas, para el genotipado de alto rendimiento de colecciones de germoplasma de tomate y berenjena. Los resultados revelan que el genotipado SPET es una tecnología robusta y de alto rendimiento para estudios genéticos, incluyendo la posibilidad de identificación de duplicados y errores de clasificación taxonómica en las entradas conservadas en los bancos. Con la información generada en los primeros tres capítulos se establecieron las colecciones nucleares para cada cultivo, abarcando la máxima diversidad genética y fenotípica en un conjunto de 450 individuos.
Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo, se analiza y describe la colección nuclear de tomate a nivel genético y fenotípico, mediante un enfoque basado en el establecimiento de grupos genéticos basados en su proximidad genética. El análisis de la diversidad genética y fenotípica reveló patrones de variación distintos entre diferentes grupos genéticos, contradiciendo afirmaciones anteriores que proponían una disminución en la diversidad genética como consecuencia de la mejora genética y descubriendo correlaciones entre rasgos morfológicos únicas dentro de los diferentes grupos.
En resumen, esta tesis aumenta el conocimiento y accesibilidad a las colecciones de Solanaceae en bancos de germoplasma y proporciona herramientas moleculares. Destaca la importancia de estos bancos como reservorios de diversidad genética, aunque enfrenten desafíos como datos limitados y duplicados. Estos avances sientan las bases para la conservación y programas de mejora futuros. / [CA] L'impacte del canvi climàtic en els cultius hortícoles és cada vegada més evident, la qual cosa ha portat a la dràstica pèrdua i erosió de la diversitat genètica. La reduïda diversitat genètica planteja importants reptes per a la millora dels cultius. Sent necessari l'exploració dels recursos genètics vegetals conservats en els bancs de germoplasma i el desenvolupament de tecnologies que permeten avaluar el valor fenotípic i genotípic d'aquests materials. Pel que fa a les col·leccions de germoplasma presenten duplicats no identificats entre col·leccions, errors en la classificació taxonòmica, falta de finançament per a la conservació i gestió adequades a banda de documentació insuficient i no disponible (investigadors i milloradors vegetals). En la present tesi doctoral en el primer capítol s'aborda aquest problema unificant les dades de passaport, fenotipat i imatges de les principals col·leccions de tomaca, pebre i albergínia en un mateix repositori.
El segon capítol es focalitza en el desenvolupament i optimització d'un mètode d'extracció de ADN genòmic d'alta qualitat, ràpid i econòmic que combina els avantatges del mètode d'extracció basat en el CTAB amb l'ús de matrius de sílice. El mètode desenvolupat pot utilitzar-se de manera universal per a diferents espècies i teixits vegetals. S'ha avaluat l'eficiència del ADN genòmic resultant en diferents plataformes de seqüenciació com SPET (Single Primer Enrichment Technology) i Oxford Nanopore, generant resultats molt prometedors. Això facilita el pas previ al genotipat de les col·leccions que és l'extracció d'ADN.
En el tercer capítol aborda l'optimització del procés de genotipat de les col·leccions generades. L'elevat nombre d'accessions de cada cultiu, en particular la tomaca, suposa un problema de tipus econòmic, a vegades irresoluble. Per això, aquest capítol està orientat a l'avaluació del potencial de la tecnologia de seqüenciació SPET per al genotipat d'alt rendiment de col·leccions de germoplasma de tomaca i albergínia a un preu econòmic. Els resultats revelen que el genotipat SPET és una tecnologia robusta i d'alt rendiment per a estudis genètics, incloent-hi la possibilitat d'identificació de duplicats i errors de classificació taxonòmica en les entrades conservades en els bancs de germoplasma. La informació generada va permetre establir col·leccions nuclears per a cada cultiu, abastant la màxima diversitat genètica i fenotípica en un conjunt de 450 individus.
Finalment, en el quart capítol, s'analitza i descrigué la col·lecció nuclear de tomaca a nivell genètic i fenotípic, focalitzant-se en l'establiment de grups genètics basats en la seua proximitat genètica. L'anàlisi de la diversitat genètica i fenotípica va revelar patrons de variació diferents entre diferents grups genètics, contradient afirmacions anteriors que proposaven una disminució en la diversitat genètica a conseqüència de la millora genètica. També és descobriren noves correlacions entre trets morfològics únics dins dels diferents grups. L'estudi destaca la importància d'abordar les iniciatives de millora de la tomaca tenint en compte tant la diversitat genètica com la fenotípica, amb especial èmfasi en aspectes com la grandària, la forma, el color i la qualitat del fruit.
En definitiva, els treballs realitzats en aquesta tesi doctoral augmenten, d'una banda, el coneixement i l'accessibilitat a les principals col·leccions de solanàcies conservades en els bancs de germoplasma. Per un altre, generen eines moleculars que permeten l' avaluació genotípica de les col·leccions analizades. En resum, aquests avanços suposen una base per al futur, proporcionant informació valuosa per a la pròpia conservació de les col·leccions i el seu ús en programes de millora. / [EN] The impact of climate change on horticultural crops is increasingly evident, leading to drastic loss and erosion of genetic diversity. This poses significant challenges for crop improvement, which requires the exploration of plant genetic resources conserved in germplasm banks and the development of technologies. However, the current situation of germplasm collections is characterized by the existence of unidentified duplicates among collections, taxonomic mislabelling, insufficient and unavailable documentation for researchers and breeders, and a lack of funding for proper conservation and management. This greatly hampers the utilization of these resources. This thesis addresses this problem by starting with the unification of passport, phenotyping, and image data from the main collections of tomato, pepper, and eggplant. Genotyping these collections enables the creation of core collections, enhancing knowledge of genotypic and phenotypic variability for researchers and breeders.
In the first chapter, an inventory of available passport and phenotypic data of tomato, pepper, and eggplant accessions conserved in major European and non-European germplasm banks were conducted to improve the efficiency of plant genetic resource management.
The second chapter focuses on the development and optimization of a high-quality, fast, and cost-effective genomic DNA extraction method that combines the advantages of the CTAB-based extraction method with nucleic acid purification on a silica matrix. The efficiency of the resulting genomic DNA was evaluated on different sequencing platforms, such as Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) and Oxford Nanopore, yielding promising results. This facilitates the prerequisite step of DNA extraction before genotyping the collections.
Chapter three addresses the genotyping of the collections. The high number of accessions for each crop, particularly tomato, poses an often insurmountable economic problem. Therefore, chapter three is focused on evaluating the potential of SPET sequencing technology, which is more cost-effective than other known methods, for high-throughput genotyping of tomato and eggplant germplasm collections. The results reveal that SPET genotyping is a robust and high-performance technology for genetic studies, including the identification of duplicates and taxonomic misclassifications in the accessions stored in the germplasm banks. Based on the information generated in the first three chapters, core collections were established for each crop, encompassing maximum genetic and phenotypic diversity in a set of 450 individuals.
Finally, in the fourth chapter, the genetic and phenotypic analysis of the tomato core collection is examined and described using an approach based on establishing genetic groups based on their genetic proximity. Genetic and phenotypic diversity analysis revealed distinct patterns of variation among different genetic groups, contradicting previous claims of a decrease in genetic diversity due to genetic improvement and uncovering unique correlations between morphological traits within different groups. The study highlights the importance of considering both genetic and phenotypic diversity in tomato breeding initiatives, with a particular emphasis on aspects such as fruit size, shape, color, and quality.
In conclusion, this thesis enhances knowledge and accessibility to major Solanaceae collections in germplasm banks, while providing molecular tools for genotypic evaluation. It underscores germplasm banks' role as genetic diversity reservoirs, despite challenges such as data limitations and inaccuracies, emphasizing the importance of data standardization and maintenance. These advancements lay a foundation for conservation and breeding programs in the future. / This work was supported by grants CIPROM/2021/020 from Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain), PID2021-128148OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, PDC2022-133513-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”, by Grant Agreement No. 677379 (G2P-SOL project: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops) from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, by the Grant Agreement No. 101094738 (PRO-GRACE project: Promoting a Plant Genetic Resource Community for Europe) from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, as well as by the initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives", which is supported by the Government of Norway. This later project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For further information, see the project website: htp://www.cwrdiversity.org/. The overall work also partially fulfils some goals of the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR)–MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4—D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022). David Alonso is grateful to Universitat Politècnica de València for a predoctoral (PAID-01-16) / Alonso Martín, D. (2023). Linking Genetic Resources, Genomes and Phenotypes of Solanaceus Crops [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201550
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Pollination ecology and mating system of Solanum rostratum (Solanaceae) in North AmericaSolis-Montero, Lislie January 2013 (has links)
Buzz-pollination or pollination by vibration occurs in several families of angiosperms including some important commercial crops such as potatoes and tomatoes. Buzz-pollinated flowers release pollen via small pores or slits on the anther’s tip that require the use of vibrations by specialized pollinators, usually bees, to remove the pollen. Some buzz-pollinated species have elaborate floral morphologies including dimorphic anthers within the same flower (heteranthery), and mirror-image flowers (enantiostyly) where the style is reciprocally deflected to either the left or right side of the floral axis. The complex floral morphology and buzz-pollination syndrome seen in these species require a close physical interaction between the sexual organs of the flowers and the bodies of insect visitors. Despite the broad taxonomic distribution of buzz-pollination in angiosperms (more than 60 families are buzz-pollinated) relatively few studies have described the pollination ecology of these species under natural conditions. The main goal of the present work was to characterize the pollination biology, mating patterns and antagonistic interactions (e.g. pollen theft) in natural populations of a buzz-pollinated species. For this purpose, I studied Solanum rostratum (Solanaceae), a buzz-pollinated, self-compatible, annual weed with complex floral morphology (both enantiostylous and heterantherous flowers). This species usually grows in disturbed areas in its native range (Mexico) and has become invasive around the world. My research was divided into three components. First, I characterized the pollination and reproductive biology of natural populations in Mexico. I performed floral manipulations in six natural populations of S. rostratum to estimate fruit and seed set. In three of these populations, I carried out 115 hours of pollinator observations and quantified the incidence of pollinators versus pollen thieves. I also measured the efficiency of a subset of floral visitors in triggering fruit set after single visits. Second, I investigated whether morphological correspondence between the size of the pollinator’s body and floral morphology influences pollen transfer. In experimental arrays, I exposed flowers of S. rostratum that varied in the distance between their sexual organs, to bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) of different sizes, and recorded pollen deposition and fruit and seed production. Finally, I determined the mating system (i.e. the proportion of self- and cross-fertilized offspring) of natural populations in Mexico and of introduced populations in the United States of America, using newly developed microsatellite markers. My results show that S. rostratum is visited by a wide range of bees of different sizes (0.9–9.8 mm in thorax diameter), but that only a small subset of these visitors act as pollinators. Most visitors act as pollen thieves, consuming pollen while effecting little or no pollination. I also found that correspondence between a pollinator’s size and the separation of the S. rostratum sexual organs determines pollen deposition and fruit production; pollen deposition decreased when bees were small relative to the distance between the sexual organs visited the flowers. My genetic analyses show that natural populations of S. rostratum maintain a relatively high outcrossing rate (tm = 0.75 ± 0.03) across the native and introduced range. Furthermore, genetic diversity is reduced in invasive populations, but this is not accompanied by changes in mating system. My work shows that the morphological fit between the pollinator and the flowers is important in determining the dynamics of pollen transfer and fruit production in this buzz-pollinated plant. Distinguishing between pollinators and pollen thieves in buzz-pollinated plants is essential for understanding the evolution of buzz-pollination, as pollen theft could be a major selective force for these species.
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Molecular analysis of the S-RNase in self-incompatible Solanum chacoenseQin, Xike January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Vegetation response to clearing of exotic invasive plants along the Sabie River, South AfricaGarner, Richard David 26 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9202137P -
MSc Dissertation -
School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Studies -
Faculty of Science / The Reconstruction and Development Programme’s Mpumalanga Working for Water Programme (WWP) has cleared exotic and commercial weed species from the riverine environment since 1994. This study serves as an assessment of the impact and modification caused as a result of invasion and the subsequent clearing of the exotic vegetation on flora in the riverine zone of the Sabie River Catchment. The experimental design compares the before and after clearing effects and includes altitude and invasion intensity variables. The investigations included: in situ soil seed banks, environmental modification, vegetation structure, species diversity and effectiveness of clearing.
Clearing and invasion by exotic species altered soil chemical, physical and ground cover parameters. The extent of these modifications was dependent on the extent of invasion and clearing done within the community. Clearing of exotic species however, acted as an additional disturbance to that caused by invasion. Environmental modifications that occurred with clearing and invasion within the study were positively related to percentage soil organic matter, and ground cover (soil, litter, vegetation).
Invasion by exotic species alters the vegetation structure, the extent of which was directly related to the invasion intensity. The main source of vegetation structure modification is attributed to tall growing exotic species such as Eucalyptus grandis and Solanum mauritianum. Both of these species dominated the indigenous vegetation, E. grandis by expanding the upper canopy and S. mauritianum by dominating the mid canopy. Clearing of invasive vegetation resulted in an additional disturbance proportional to the extent of invasion intensity. Invasion did not result in any large changes to the vegetation at low intensity but clearing at this intensity increased the disturbance and altered the vegetation structure.
Soil seed banks were limited in the number of species and dominated by two exotic species. The soil seed bank of woody species related positively to the community species richness. The total soil seed bank density did not relate to invasion intensity or clearing thereof but propagules of individual species within the soil seed banks did. The seeds of the exotic species, Acacia mearnsii and S. mauritianum, illustrated burial as prerequisite for persistence in the soil seed bank. A. mearnsii and S. mauritianum seeds were found to have half-life’s of up to 25 years and 13 months respectively.
The species richness and diversity varied only marginally because of invasion and clearing. Species alpha diversity increased with clearing due to weedy and pioneer species establishment. Beta diversity effectively highlights the species turnover with clearing and invasion.
Success in eradication of exotic species had mixed results. Clearing of high invasion sites was effective but in lower invasion categories a number of exotic individuals were missed. Clearing effectiveness was good for certain species such as E. grandis and Pinus patula, but poor for others such as S. mauritianum. Coppicing is a significant issue for E. grandis and S. mauritianum. The persistence of individuals (coppicing & missed individuals) coupled with very large persistent seed banks has repercussions for the clearing programme, as it may prevent effective eradication.
Initially the WWP has been successful in removing exotic vegetation, however there is a failure to address the regenerative properties of some exotic species. Unless a rigid schedule of follow up clearing treatments occurs, an even larger invasion problem could exist.
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Crescimento e partição de assimilados em batata, avaliação de clones-elite e correlação entre caracteres de aparência de tubérculo nas primeiras gerações de seleção / Growth and partitioning of assimilates in potatoes, advanced clone evaluation and correlation between tuber appearance characters in the early selection generationLenz, Émerson Andrei 16 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-06-20T15:52:02Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-05-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A batata é a principal hortaliça cultivada no Brasil, e a principal forma de
comercialização é in natura, apesar do recente aumento no consumo de batata
processada. Cultivares com diferentes propósitos exigem características especificas.
Portanto, é essencial o constante aprimoramento das estratégias de seleção nos
programas de melhoramento de batata. Conhecer o padrão de crescimento das
cultivares também se torna essencial para alcançar altas produtividades. Foram
desenvolvidos três estudos. O primeiro teve objetivo de avaliar a produtividade de
cultivares de batata por meio de índices fisiológicos. Foram avaliadas cinco
cultivares através de cinco coletas ao longo do ciclo vegetativo. Em cada coleta foi
determinado a área foliar e a massa seca da planta. Dados primários foram
submetidos a análise de regressão. Os índices fisiológicos foram analisados pela
tendência das curvas. As cultivares BRS F63 (Camila) e BRSIPR Bel são eficientes
na partição de assimilados aos tubérculos, e assim como a BRS Clara iniciam
precocemente o crescimento dos tubérculos. A BRS Ana é vigorosa, e assim como a
Macaca prioriza o desenvolvimento do aparato fotossintético até 60 dias após o
plantio. O segundo estudo avaliou correlações entre aparência de tubérculos e seus
caracteres componentes em função do recipiente de cultivo na geração de plântula
(GP) e tamanho de parcela na primeira geração clonal (PGC). Foram avaliadas 30
genótipos de 10 famílias. Na GP foram cultivados em recipientes pequeno, médio e
grande. Na PGC, de acordo com o recipiente em que haviam sido cultivados os
genótipos na GP, foram conduzidos em parcelas de 1, 2 e 3 plantas. Foram
avaliados caracteres de aparência de tubérculo através de escala visual, contados e
pesados os tubérculos da parcela. Dados foram submetidos a análise de correlação
entre e dentro de gerações. Seleção de forte e média magnitude só pode ser
efetuada para massa e número de tubérculos, respectivamente, se cultivado em
recipiente/parcela grande. Formato de tubérculo em recipiente/parcela média ou
grande pode ser submetida a seleção moderada. O terceiro estudo avaliou o
desempenho de 10 clones avançados em comparação a duas testemunhas quanto
ao rendimento e qualidade industrial em dois experimentos. Dados foram
submetidos a análise de variância conjunta e teste de agrupamento de médias. O
clone F21-07-09 teve a maior produtividade e características de processamento
satisfatórias. Os clones F161-07-02, F110-07-01, F131-08-26, F102-07-22 e F183-
08-01 também demonstraram elevado potencial produtivo e boas características de
processamento. Portanto, cultivares tem padrão de crescimento e partição de
assimilados diferenciados, e o constante aprimoramento de estratégias de seleção é
essencial para desenvolver cultivares adaptadas as condições brasileiras e que
supram a necessidade da cadeia produtiva. / Potatoes are the main vegetable crops in Brazil, and fresh commercialization is the
main form, despite the large increase in processed potatoes consumption in last
years. Cultivars intended for each purpose require specific characteristics. Therefore,
the constant improvement of selection strategies in the breeding programs aiming at
potatoes cultivars add characteristics. Knowing the growth pattern of cultivars is
essential for achieve high productivity. Thereby, were developed three studies. The
first had objective to evaluate productivity through physiological indexes. It were
evaluated five potatoes cultivars through five collections throughout the vegetative
cycle. Were determined the leaf area, total dry matter, and leaf, stem and tuber dry
matter. The primary dates were evaluated by regression analysis. The estimated
physiological indexes were analyzed by the tendency of the curves. It was verified
that the cultivars BRS F63 (Camila) and BRSIPR Bel are more efficient in the
partitioning of assimilates to tubers, and just like BRS Clara starting the growth of
tubers early. The BRS Ana is vigorous and present greater vegetative development,
and just like Macaca prioritizes the development of assimilatory system until 60 days
after planting. The second study aimed evaluate correlation between tuber
appearance and your component characters in function of size pot in the seedlings
generation (SG) and plot size in the first clonal generation (FCG). It were evaluated
30 genotypes in 10 families in split-plot experimental design. In SG were cultivated in
small, medium and large pot size. In FCG, according to the pot size in which they
had been cultivated in SG, were conducted in plots of 1, 2 and 3 plants. The
appearance components characters were evaluated, counted and weighty plot
tubers. Correlation analysis were performed between and within generation. Strong
and intermediate selection can only be performed for mass and number of tubers,
respectively, if cultivated in large pot/plot. For tuber shape in medium or large pot/plot
moderate selection can be made. The third study had objective to evaluate the
performance of advanced clones in yield and industrial quality. Ten clones and two
cultivars were evaluated in two experiments. The data were submitted to analysis of
joint variance and clustering test. The clone F21-07-09 were more productive and
had satisfactory processing characters. The clones F161-07-02, F110-07-01, F131-
08-26, F102-07-22 and F183-08-01 have also demonstrated high production
potential and good processing characteristics. Therefore, cultivars had pattern of
growth and partitioning of assimilates differentiated, and the constant improvement of
selection strategies is essential for cultivars development adapted to the Brazilian
conditions and that supply the need of productive chain.
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Controle biológico de doenças foliares e murchas do tomateiro pelo uso rizobactérias / Biological control of tomato´s foliar and wilt diseases by the use of rhizobactariaRocha, Dediel Júnior Amaral Rocha 30 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-06-20T16:50:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A busca por alternativas no controle de doenças em substituição ao uso intensivo de
agrotóxicos tem sido objeto da pesquisa agrícola. Rizobactérias são conhecidas pelo
biocontrole de doenças e promoção de crescimento em diversos cultivos. Os
objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a eficácia de seis rizobactérias, pré-
selecionadas, no controle de Ralstonia solanacearum e Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici
(FOL), em casa de vegetação e relacionar este comportamento a produção de
compostos “in vitro”, bem como avaliar a proteção de plantas de tomate contra
doenças da parte aérea que ocorreram naturalmente em condições de campo. Foi
avaliada a capacidade destas rizobactérias em produzir quitinases, amilases,
lipases, compostos antibióticos e de solubilizar fosfato. A microbiolização das
sementes com a rizobactéria DFs1420 (Bacillus sp.) reduziu a severidade da murcha
bacteriana em 66% aos 14 dias após a inoculação, no primeiro ensaio e valores de
AACPD em 70%, no segundo ensaio. Este controle pode ser associado à produção
de compostos responsáveis pela antibiose observada “in vitro”. Streptomyces
(DFs1296 e DFs1315) e Bacillus sp. (DFs1414) reduziram significativamente a
murcha de fusário. O controle observado pode ser atribuído à atividade quitinolítica
e/ou antibiótica por compostos voláteis. Foram instalados três ensaios de campo. A
severidade das doenças foliares foi monitorada ao longo do tempo. As rizobactérias
foram capazes de proteger as plantas contra Septoria lycopersici. DFs1414 e DFs1421
(Pseudomonas sp.) foram as mais estáveis, proporcionando proteção em dois ensaios
consecutivos. As rizobactérias DFs1296 e DFs1420 foram capaz de controlar a
requeima (Phytophthora infestans) em dois ensaios. A bactéria DFs1296 também
apresentou capacidade de proteção contra estas e outras doenças quando
pulverizada semanalmente na parte aérea. De modo geral, o controle alcançado por
estas bactérias, microbiolizadas às sementes ou em aplicação foliar, não diferiu dos
tratamentos utilizando produtos químicos recomendados para a cultura em
aplicações semanais. / The search on alternative control of diseases to replace the use of pesticides has
been the subject of agricultural research. Rhizobacteria are known by controlling
diseases and promoting growth in several crops. The objectives of this work were to
evaluate the efficacy of six rhizobacteria pre-selected for the control of Ralstonia
solanacearum and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) in greenhouse, and to relate
this behavior with the production of compounds "in vitro", as well as evaluate the
protection of tomato plants against foliar diseases under field conditions. It was
evaluated the ability of these rhizobacteria to produce chitinases, amylases, lipases,
antibiotic compounds and to solubilize phosphate. The seed microbiolization with
rhizobacterium DFs1420 (Bacillus sp.) reduced the severity of the bacterial wilt 66%
at 14 days after inoculation and AUDPC 70%, respectively, the first and second
assays. This control may be associated with the production of compounds
responsible for the antibiosis observed "in vitro". Streptomyces (DFs1296 and
DFs1315) and Bacillus sp. (DFs1414) significantly reduced fusarium wilt. The control
observed can be attributed to the chitinolytic activity and/or antibiosis in the presence
of volatile compounds. Three field trials were carried out in field. The foliar diseases
severity was monitored over time. The rhizobacteria were capable of protecting
plants against Septoria lycopersici. DFs1414 and DFs1421 (Pseudomonas sp.) were the
most stable, providing protection in two consecutive trials. The rhizobacteria
DFs1296 and DFs1420 were able to control late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in two
trials. DFs1296 also had the ability to protect against these and other diseases when
sprayed weekly in the plant canopy.In general, the control achieved by these
rhizobacteria, by seed microbiolization or by foliar application, did not differ from
treatments using recommended chemical in weekly applications.
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Estudo citogenético e molecular em nove espécies do gênero Solanum L. (Solanaceae A. Juss)MELO, Cláusio Antônio Ferreira de 23 February 2009 (has links)
Submitted by (ana.araujo@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-06T17:20:00Z
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Clausio Antonio Ferreira de Melo.pdf: 1234735 bytes, checksum: b484875f7a75cae77cbddff1d89b47ed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-06T17:20:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-23 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Mitotic chromosomes of nine Solanum L. (Solanaceae A.Juss.) species were cytogenetically analyzed using the conventional technique, CMA/DAPI and florescent in situ hybridization. S. atropurpureum Schrank, Solanum dulcamara L., S. gilo L., S. melongena L. and S. nitidibaccatum Bitter., showed a diploid chromosome number 2n=24. While Solanum luteum Mill., S. nigrum L., and S. laciniatum Ait., showed 2n=48, 2n=72, 2n=92, respectively.The species karyotype were symmetric, with morphology metacentric or submetacentric and the interphasic nucleus were semi-reticulated type. The condensation pattern was always from the telomere to the centromere. S. luteum showed heteropcnotic chromosomes pair in metaphases. S. dulcamara, S. atropurpureum and S. luteum, two CMA3 +/DAPI- terminals blocks were observed in one chromosome pair. Solanum nitidibaccatum showed two subdivided satellites with the application of fluorochromes. We also observed in this species in several CMA3 +/DAPI- blocks in telomeres. In Solanum laciniatum and S. nigrum were observed four CMA3 +/DAPI- blocks in two chromosome pair. The application of DNAr 45S probes in the FISH technique was applied only in S .luteum, S. nigrum, and in S. laciniatum, and showed two hybridization sites of rDNA 45S in the fist one, and four sites in the others. We noticed that the localization of species-specific marker was successful, allowing the identification of the analyzed species. The estimation of the genetic diversity in Solanum species was also made using ISSR markers. A total of 27 primers were tested giving 299 polymorphic bands with a average of 97,4%. However the intra-specific average was lower 16,7%. We realized that the application of just one UBC 841 or 846 primer can be used to identify the genotypes of S. melongena safely. The dendrogam gendered by UPGMA method grouped the species analyzed in four groups. / Cromossomos mitóticos de nove espécies do gênero Solanum L. (Solanaceae A. Juss.) foram analisados, pelas técnicas de coloração convencional, CMA3/DAPI e FISH com sonda DNAr 45S. S. atropurpureum Schrank, Solanum dulcamara L., S. gilo L., S. melongena L. e S. nitidibaccatum Bitter., apresentaram 2n=24. Solanum luteum Mill., S. nigrum L., e S. laciniatum Ait., apresentaram 2n=48, 2n=72, 2n=92, respectivamente. O cariótipo das espécies foi bastante simétrico, com morfologia variando de metacêntrico a submetacêntrico e núcleo interfásico semi-reticulado. O padrão de condensação observado foi do tipo proximal. Em S. luteum foi observado um par cromossômico com heteropcnose negativa em células metafásicas. S. dulcamara, S. atropurpureum e S. luteum apresentaram dois blocos CMA3 +/DAPI- terminais em um par cromossômico. Em S. nitidibaccatum dois satélites evidenciados pela técnica de CMA3/DAPI apresentaram-se subdivididos, além dessa característica observaram-se blocos CMA3 +/DAPI- na maioria dos telômeros em S. nitidibaccatum. Em S. laciniatum e S. nigrum foram observados quatro blocos CMA3 +/DAPIem dois pares cromossômicos, um em cada homólogo. A técnica de hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) com sonda DNAr 45S revelou dois sítios de DNAr 45S em S. luteum e quatro sítios em S. nigrum e S. laciniatum. Constatou-se que a localização de marcadores espécie-específicos foi satisfatória, permitindo a identificação das espécies citadas. A análise da diversidade genética em espécies do gênero Solanum via marcadores ISSR também foi estimada, em que um total 27 oligonucleotídeos iniciadores foram testados fornecendo 299 bandas polimórficas, representando um polimorfismo total de 97,4%. Entretanto o polimorfismo intra-específico foi de apenas 16,7%. Observou-se que a aplicação de apenas um olii, UBC 841 ou 846 pode ser feita para a identificação dos genótipos de S. melongena com segurança. A análise da diversidade genética via ISSR foi satisfatória, resultando no agrupamento dos táxons em quatro clados principais.
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Seleção de linhagens F5 de tomateiro em dois sistemas de cultivo sob temperaturas elevadas / Selecting lines F5 tomato in two cropping systems at elevated temperaturesSANTOS, Lucas da Silva 20 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by (ana.araujo@ufrpe.br) on 2017-02-20T16:17:19Z
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-20 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Adverse environmental conditions, particularly high temperatures in tomato cause lower fertilization of the flowers, reducing fruit set and consequently the productivity. The ideal temperature for a better development and fruiting plant is 25 to 28ºC during the day and 15 to 18ºC overnight, outside these limits, the plant has trouble setting fruit. Thus, the aim of this work was to select F5 lines of tomato high temperature tolerance and genetic stability and adaptability in two culture environments. We evaluated 20 lines F5, and two controls Yoshimatsu and hybrid SE 1055 F1. The maximum mean temperature during the experiment inside the greenhouse and in the field were 37.46ºC and 32.55ºC, respectively, considered out of range to the ideal development of tomato, especially in the greenhouse, where the average maximum temperature was far above the ideal. Lines 08, 12 and 13 showed the highest percentage of fruit in a greenhouse, however in the field, there was no difference between lines. In field experiment, the cultivar Yoshimatsu and lines 06 and 08, showed average mass commercial fruit per plant more than 4.0 kg. Lines 06 and 08 showed high adaptability and stability and productivity for mass marketable fruits per plant, in the two environments, and for purposes of selection, the most suitable. / As condições ambientais adversas, principalmente temperaturas elevadas ao qual o tomateiro é submetido, provocam menor fertilização das flores, diminuindo o pegamento dos frutos e consequentemente a produtividade. A temperatura ideal para o melhor desenvolvimento e frutificação da planta é de 25 a 28ºC durante o dia e 15 a 18ºC durante a noite, fora desses limites, a planta passa a ter problemas na fixação de frutos. Desse modo, objetivou-se com esse trabalho selecionar linhagens F5 de tomateiro quanto à tolerância a altas temperaturas e a adaptabilidade e estabilidade genética em dois ambientes de cultivo. Foram avaliadas 20 linhagens F5, e como testemunhas a cultivar Yoshimatsu e o híbrido SE 1055 F1. Os valores médios da temperatura máxima durante o período do experimento no interior da casa de vegetação e no campo foram de 37,46ºC e 32,55ºC, respectivamente, considerados fora dos limites ideais ao desenvolvimento do tomateiro, principalmente em casa de vegetação, onde a média da temperatura máxima ficou muito acima da ideal. As linhagens 08, 12 e 13 apresentaram maior porcentagem de pegamento de frutos na casa de vegetação, já no campo, não houve diferença entre as linhagens. As linhagens 06 e 08 e a cultivar Yoshimatsu, no experimento de campo, apresentaram média de massa comercial de frutos por planta superior a 4,0 kg. As linhagens 06 e 08 apresentaram maior adaptabilidade e estabilidade e produtividade para massa de frutos comerciais por planta, aos dois ambientes, sendo, para efeito de seleção, as mais indicadas.
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