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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of standard test procedures for integral storage solar domestic hot water systems

Lindsay, Russell Charles 24 September 2008 (has links)
All-day experimental tests were performed to determine the thermal performance of two commercial integral storage collectors for solar domestic hot water systems. These tests were performed under a variety of ambient conditions and irradiance levels, both with and without forced circulation and noontime hot water draws. An analytical model was developed to predict the thermal performance of one of the two systems tested and predicted performance was compared with experimental results. Experimental and analytical results indicate that thermal stratification has a mininal effect on the daily collection efficiency of integral storage collector, so that a standard test similar to ASHRAE Standard 93-77 might reasonably be used to obtain the performance characteristics of the collection element of these systems. The results of an ASHRAE 93-77 type test might then be used to obtain performance ratings under ASHRAE Standard 95 procedures using an in-line heat source. The results of the present investigation may be used to validate such an ASHRAE 95 test method. / Master of Science

Solar assisted power generation (SAPG) : investigation of solar preheating of feedwater

Pierce, Warrick Tait 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Solar Assisted Power Generation (SAPG) can be seen as a synergy of solar and fossil plants – combining the environmental benefits of the former and the scale, efficiency and reliability of the latter. SAPG offers great potential for cost effective utilization of solar energy on utility scale and could accelerate the adoption of solar thermal energy technologies in the short and medium term, especially in countries with a significant coal base and a good solar resource such as Australia, China, United States, India and South Africa. SAPG is the replacement of bled-off steam in a Regenerative Rankine power cycle. Power plant simulations were performed using weather data for Lephalale, South Africa (Matimba power station). With an increase in the solar field outlet temperature, an increase in overall solar to electric efficiency was observed, superior to a stand-alone Solar Thermal Power Plant(s) (STPP) at similar temperatures. The performance of four solar collector technologies was compared: flat plate, evacuated tube, Linear Fresnel (LF) and Parabolic Trough (PT). This comparison was limited to the normal incidence angles of irradiation. For this application, nonconcentrating technologies are not competitive. For non-normal incidence angles, annual simulations were limited to PT and LF at final feedwater heater temperatures. The actual aperture area of around 80 000 m2 was used (50 MW thermal based on LF). On an equal aperture area basis, PT outperforms LF significantly. For the conventional North-South arrangement, LF needs to be around 53% of the specific installation cost (in $/m2 aperture area) of PT to be cost competitive. A SAPG plant at Lephalale was compared to a stand-alone Solar Thermal Power Plant STPP in a good solar resource area, namely Upington, South Africa – Parabolic Trough solar collector fields of equal size were considered for both configurations. It was found that the annual electricity generated with a SAPG plant is more than 25% greater than a stand-alone STPP. If the cost of SAPG is taken as 72% of the cost of a stand-alone STPP, this translates into SAPG being 1.8 times more cost effective than stand-alone STPP. Furthermore, SAPG performs better in high electricity demand months (South African winter – May to August). Stand-alone STPP have been adopted in South Africa and are currently being built. This was achieved by the government creating an attractive environment for Independent Power Producers (IPP). Eskom, the national power supplier, is currently investigating solar boosting at existing Eskom sites. This report argues that on a national level, SAPG, specifically solar preheating of feedwater, is a more viable solution for South Africa, with both its significant coal base and good solar resource. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Son ondersteunde krag generasie (SOKG) kan gesien word as sinergie van sonkrag en fossiele brandstof aanlegte – dit voeg die omgewings voordele van die eersgenoemde en die grote, effektiwiteit en betroubaarheid van die laasgenoemde by mekaar. SOKG opper groot potensiaal vir koste effektiewe gebruik van son energie op nutsmaatskappyskaal en kan die aanvaarding van sontermiese energietegnologieë in die kort en medium termyn versnel, veral in lande met beduidende kool reserwes en goeie sonkrag voorkoms soos Australië, China, Verenigde State van Amerika, Indië en Suid-Afrika. SOKG impliseer die vervanging van aftap stoom in die regeneratiewe Rankine krag kringloop. Kragstasie simulasies was gedoen met die gebruik van weer data van Lephalale, Suid-Afrika (Matimba kragstasie). Met die toename van die sonveld uitlaat temperatuur kon oorhoofse son-na-elektrisiteit effektiwiteit vasgestel word, wat hoër is as die van alleenstaande sontermiese krag stasie (STKS) by soortgelyke temperature. Die effektiwiteit van vier son kollekteerder tegnologieë was vergelyk: plat plaat, vakuum buis, lineêre Fresnel (LF) en paraboliese trog (PT). Die vergelyking was beperk tot normale inval van bestraling. Vir hierdie toepassing is nie-konsentreerende tegnologie nie mededingend nie. Vir nie-normale inval hoeke was jaarlange simulasies beperk tot PT en LF by finale voedingswater temperatuur. Die werklike opening area van omtrent 80 000 m2 was gebruik (50 MW termies gebaseer op LF). By gelyke opening area, uitpresteer PT LF beduidend. Vir die gebruiklike Noord-Suid rankskikking benodig LF omtrent 53% van die spesifieke installasie kostes (in $/m2 opening area) van PT om kostes mededingend te kan wees. ‘n SOKG aanleg by Lephalale was vergelyk met alleenstaande STKS in die goeie son voorkoms gebied van Upington, Suid-Afrika – Paraboliese trog kollekteerder velde van gelyke grote was oorweeg vir al twee konfigurasies. Dit was gevind dat die jaarlikse elektrisiteit gegenereer vanaf SOKG meer as 25% is as die van alleenstaande STKS. Indien SOKG oorweeg word met 72% van die kostes van alleenstaande STKS, dan beteken dit dat SOKG 1.8 keer meer koste effektief is as alleenstade STKS. Verder, SOKG presteer beter in die hoer elektrisiteitsnavraag maande (Suid- Afrikaanse winter – May tot Augustus). Alleenstaande STKS is gekies vir Suid-Afrika en word tans gebou. Dit is bereik deur dat die regering ‘n aantreklike omgewing geskep het vir onafhanglike krag produsente. Eskom ondersoek tans SOKG by bestaande Eskom persele. Hierdie verslag beweer dat op nasionale/Eskom vlak, SOKG, besonders son voorverhitting van voedingswater, meer haalbare oplossing is vir Suid-Afrika met sy beduidende koolreserwes en goeie son voorkoms.

Advanced control strategies for optimal operation of a combined solar and heat pump system

Ahmad, Muhammad Waseem January 2013 (has links)
The UK domestic sector accounts for more than a quarter of total energy use. This energy use can be reduced through more efficient building operations. The energy efficiency can be improved through better control of heating in houses, which account for a large portion of total energy consumption. The energy consumption can be lowered by using renewable energy systems, which will also help the UK government to meet its targets towards reduction in carbon emissions and generation of clean energy. Building control has gained considerable interest from researchers and much improved ways of control strategies for heating and hot water systems have been investigated. This intensified research is because heating systems represent a significant share of our primary energy consumption to meet thermal comfort and indoor air quality criteria. Advances in computing control and research in advanced control theory have made it possible to implement advanced controllers in building control applications. Heating control system is a difficult problem because of the non-linearities in the system and the wide range of operating conditions under which the system must function. A model of a two zone building was developed in this research to assess the performance of different control strategies. Two conventional (On-Off and proportional integral controllers) and one advanced control strategies (model predictive controller) were applied to a solar heating system combined with a heat pump. The building was modelled by using a lumped approach and different methods were deployed to obtain a suitable model for an air source heat pump. The control objectives were to reduce electricity costs by optimizing the operation of the heat pump, integrating the available solar energy, shifting electricity consumption to the cheaper night-time tariff and providing better thermal comfort to the occupants. Different climatic conditions were simulated to test the mentioned controllers. Both on-off and PI controllers were able to maintain the tank and room temperatures to the desired set-point temperatures however they did not make use of night-time electricity. PI controller and Model Predictive Controller (MPC) based on thermal comfort are developed in this thesis. Predicted mean vote (PMV) was used for controlling purposes and it was modelled by using room air and radiant temperatures as the varying parameters while assuming other parameters as constants. The MPC dealt well with the disturbances and occupancy patterns. Heat energy was also stored into the fabric by using lower night-time electricity tariffs. This research also investigated the issue of model mismatch and its effect on the prediction results of MPC. MPC performed well when there was no mismatch in the MPC model and simulation model but it struggled when there was a mismatch. A genetic algorithm (GA) known as a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II) was used to solve two different objective functions, and the mixed objective from the application domain led to slightly superior results. Overall results showed that the MPC performed best by providing better thermal comfort, consuming less electric energy and making better use of cheap night-time electricity by load shifting and storing heat energy in the heating tank. The energy cost was reduced after using the model predictive controller.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de estabilizador de temperatura para aprimoramento de bancada de ensaio de coletores solares

Santos, Crisciele Ferreira dos January 2016 (has links)
O uso de energia solar para o aquecimento de água, além de permitir economizar energia elétrica, evita picos de consumo nas horas mais críticas do dia. Para um uso eficiente da energia solar é necessário utilizar um coletor solar. Este deve passar por um teste para analisar sua eficiência de conversão da energia solar em energia térmica para a água. A eficiência é avaliada com base na temperatura de entrada, na temperatura de saída, na radiação solar que atinge a área do coletor, no calor específico da água e na vazão mássica. Para padronizar os testes e ter uma melhor precisão dos resultados obtidos são utilizadas normas, neste caso a norma brasileira NBR 15747-2. Nela são descritos os seguintes métodos de ensaio de coletores com cobertura de vidro: o método estacionário e o quase dinâmico. Ambos possuem requisitos que devem ser cumpridos para validação do resultado dos testes. Um dos parâmetros que influencia diretamente no cálculo da eficiência é a temperatura de entrada da água no coletor. A variação permitida desta para o método estacionário é de ± 0,1°C da temperatura média medida. No Laboratório de Energia Solar da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul existe uma bancada construída para realizar o teste de coletores solares, porém para fazer ensaio simultâneo de dois coletores é necessário que a temperatura de entrada para ambos os coletores seja a mesma e também não varie mais que o permitido. Assim, foi desenvolvido e montado um estabilizador de temperatura com controle proporcional, integral, derivativo (PID) para atender essa necessidade. O estabilizador foi testado em bancada de laboratório de modo a observar seu comportamento e, após constatar que sua capacidade de controle atendia ao requisito da norma, este foi montado na bancada externa em que são realizados os testes. De posse dos resultados obtidos durante os ensaios dos coletores conclui-se que o estabilizador de temperatura cumpriu seu papel na bancada. Além de permitir que a bancada possa ser utilizada para ensaios de mais de um coletor simultaneamente, o dispositivo agrega a possibilidade de realizar comparações muito precisas do desempenho de dois coletores diferentes. / The use of solar energy in water heating is a way to save electricity, and avoid consumption peaks during the most critical hours of a day. For an efficient use of solar energy it is necessary to use a solar collector. The collector should pass a test to analyze its efficiency in conversion of solar energy into thermal energy for the water. Efficiency is evaluated based on the inlet and outlet temperature, solar radiation reaching the area of the collector, specific heat of water and mass flow rate. To standardize the tests and have greater certainty of results standards are used like the Brazilian´s standard NBR 15747-2. This norm describes two test methods for glassed collectors: the stationary and quasi dynamic method, both have requirements that must be met for the validity of the test results. One of the parameters which directly influence the calculation of the efficiency is the water inlet temperature in the collector. The stationary method requires a variation of ± 0.1 °C at the average temperature measured. In the Laboratório de Energia Solar da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul exists a bench built to perform testing of solar collectors, but to simultaneously test more than one collector is necessary that the inlet temperature of both collectors are the same and also does not vary more than allowed. Thus it was developed and mounted a temperature stabilizer with proportional, integral, derivative (PID) control to meet this need. The stabilizer has been tested indoor at the laboratory to observe their behavior and after noting that his ability to control met the standard required it was mounted on the outdoor bench where the tests are performed. With the results obtained during the testing of collectors is possible to notice that the temperature stabilizer comply with its purpose on the bench. In addition to allowing the test bench to be used for testing more than one collector simultaneously, the stabilizer adds the possibility of performing accurate comparisons of the performance of two different collectors in various situations, since all operational conditions are equal.

Análise de coletores solares com armazenadores integrados baseado na geometria cubóide utilizando CFD /

Sales, Flávio Bréglia. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Vicente Luiz Scalon / Banca: Carlos Teófilo Salinas Sedano / Banca: Santiago Del Rio Oliveira / Resumo: As discussões recentes sobre sustentabilidade tem destacado os sistemas de aquecimento solar como alternativa adequada para aquecimento de água. Estes sistemas tem ganho notoriedade tanto para uso doméstico como no aquecimento de piscinas. Um dos aspectos que é frequentemente destacado como principal dificuldade para a sua popularização, entretanto é o custo de sua implantação. Uma das formas de reduzir este custo é minimizando o número de componentes e simplificando o sistema. Nesta linha de desenvolvimento muito tem se discutido sobre o uso de sistemas integrados coletor-armazenador (ICS). Baseando-se nestas avaliações, este trabalho pretende estudar diferentes configurações geométricas de coletores solares com armazenador integrado do tipo cubóide e verificar a influência sobre o aproveitamento de energia térmica quando se utiliza diferentes dispositivos para direcionar o fluxo de água quente. A partir de simulações numérico-computacionais é possível identificar as geometrias que apresentam melhor estratificação térmica no armazenador. A estratificação da temperatura em um armazenador é um fator extremamente importante no estudo de coletores solares, pois determina a porção de temperatura mais elevada. O modelo base, validado experimentalmente na literatura, foi utilizado com condições de fluxos de calor incidente e de perda por resfriamento constantes com boa concordância de resultados. Modificações geométricas foram implementadas e avaliadas para otimizar os parâmetros de projeto deste tipo de coletores solares integrados. Outras análises alterando o volume do sistema coletor-armazenador foram realizadas: um com 200 litros de capacidade e outro com 300 litros, de maneira a estabelecer um tamanho ótimo do sistema. Para visualizar a estratificação do armazenador... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Recent discussions highlighted the sustainability of solar heating systems as an apropriate alternative for heating water. These systems has gained prominence for both household and swimming pool heating. One aspect that is often highighted as the main obstacle to its popularity is the cost of its implementation. One way to reduce this cost is to minimize the number of components and simplifying the system. In this field of development has long been discussed about the use of integrated collector-storage (ICS). Based on these evaluations, this work analyzes different geometrical configurations of integrated solar collector-storage with storage type cuboid and the influence on the use of thermal energy when you use different devices to direct the flow of hot water. From numerical-computational simulations, the geometry with better thermal stratification in the storage can be identified. the stratification of temperature in a storage is an extremely important factor in the study of solar collectors, because it determines the portion of higher temperature. The base model, experimentally validated in the literature, was used with constant conditions of incident head flux and loss for cooling. Geometric changes were implemented and evaluated to optimize the design parameters of this type of integrated solar collectors. Further analysis by changing the volume of the collector-storage system were carried out: a 200 liter capacity and another with 300 liters, in order to establish and optimum size of the system. To view the stratification of the storage, images with the temperature profile are shown at the end of the heating and cooling periods and the following graphics show the stratification coefficient. The CFD method allowed to obtain results with good agreement with those used as the basis from the literature. Results... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Effects of blade configuration on flow distribution and power output of a zephyr vertical axis wind turbine.

Ajedegba, John Oviemuno 01 July 2008 (has links)
Worldwide interest in renewable energy systems has increased dramatically, due to environmental concerns like climate change and other factors. Wind power is a major source of sustainable energy, and can be harvested using both horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines. This thesis presents studies of a vertical axis wind turbine performance for applications in urban areas. Numerical simulations with FLUENT software are presented to predict the fluid flow through a novel Zephyr vertical axis wind turbine(VAWT). Simulations of air flow through the turbine rotor were performed to analyze the performance characteristics of the device. Major blade geometries were examined. A multiple reference frame (MRF) model capability of FLUENT was used to express the dimensionless form of power output of the wind turbine as a function of the wind freestream velocity and the rotor's rotational speed. The simulation results exhibit close agreement with a stream-tube momentum model. / UOIT

The evaluation of a solar-driven aqua-ammonia diffusion absorption heating and cooling cycle / M.C. Potgieter.

Potgieter, Marthinus Christiaan January 2013 (has links)
Several steps are followed in order to evaluate the cycle as the title suggests. The diffusion absorption refrigerator (DAR) cycle performance is evaluated when using helium or hydrogen as auxiliary gas. A slight increase in COP is found when using helium, but it is not sufficient to justify the cost. A secondary simulation of an alternate dual-pressure cycle using a pump is done as feasibility comparison with the same parameters as the diffusion cycle. It was found that the second cycle is not acceptable due to high evaporator temperatures needed to ensure liquid enters the pump instead of partially evaporated solution. This would greatly increase the work input required for what essentially becomes a compressor. Optimisation of the DAR is evaluated by simulating the use of a rectification column and the effects of different design points on overall performance. Meteorological data for Potchefstroom, South Africa is used to perform a yearly analysis on the simulated cycle and to specify a suitable design point. The use of a radiative cooling system as heat sink for the system is then investigated and incorporated into the system model. Finally, the performance characteristics of the simulated DAR cycle are discussed, verified and compared with available data from similar research. It is shown that a 40% solution aqua-ammonia-hydrogen cycle driven by 526 kW of solar thermal energy at 130°C and a system pressure of 1.5 MPa can easily achieve a COP over 0.4 with an air-cooled absorber at 40°C and a water-cooled condenser at 35°C. A 231 kW refrigeration capacity at an average evaporator temperature of –20°C is achieved, satisfying the requirements for a domestic refrigeration system. / Thesis (MIng (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The evaluation of a solar-driven aqua-ammonia diffusion absorption heating and cooling cycle / M.C. Potgieter.

Potgieter, Marthinus Christiaan January 2013 (has links)
Several steps are followed in order to evaluate the cycle as the title suggests. The diffusion absorption refrigerator (DAR) cycle performance is evaluated when using helium or hydrogen as auxiliary gas. A slight increase in COP is found when using helium, but it is not sufficient to justify the cost. A secondary simulation of an alternate dual-pressure cycle using a pump is done as feasibility comparison with the same parameters as the diffusion cycle. It was found that the second cycle is not acceptable due to high evaporator temperatures needed to ensure liquid enters the pump instead of partially evaporated solution. This would greatly increase the work input required for what essentially becomes a compressor. Optimisation of the DAR is evaluated by simulating the use of a rectification column and the effects of different design points on overall performance. Meteorological data for Potchefstroom, South Africa is used to perform a yearly analysis on the simulated cycle and to specify a suitable design point. The use of a radiative cooling system as heat sink for the system is then investigated and incorporated into the system model. Finally, the performance characteristics of the simulated DAR cycle are discussed, verified and compared with available data from similar research. It is shown that a 40% solution aqua-ammonia-hydrogen cycle driven by 526 kW of solar thermal energy at 130°C and a system pressure of 1.5 MPa can easily achieve a COP over 0.4 with an air-cooled absorber at 40°C and a water-cooled condenser at 35°C. A 231 kW refrigeration capacity at an average evaporator temperature of –20°C is achieved, satisfying the requirements for a domestic refrigeration system. / Thesis (MIng (Mechanical Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de estabilizador de temperatura para aprimoramento de bancada de ensaio de coletores solares

Santos, Crisciele Ferreira dos January 2016 (has links)
O uso de energia solar para o aquecimento de água, além de permitir economizar energia elétrica, evita picos de consumo nas horas mais críticas do dia. Para um uso eficiente da energia solar é necessário utilizar um coletor solar. Este deve passar por um teste para analisar sua eficiência de conversão da energia solar em energia térmica para a água. A eficiência é avaliada com base na temperatura de entrada, na temperatura de saída, na radiação solar que atinge a área do coletor, no calor específico da água e na vazão mássica. Para padronizar os testes e ter uma melhor precisão dos resultados obtidos são utilizadas normas, neste caso a norma brasileira NBR 15747-2. Nela são descritos os seguintes métodos de ensaio de coletores com cobertura de vidro: o método estacionário e o quase dinâmico. Ambos possuem requisitos que devem ser cumpridos para validação do resultado dos testes. Um dos parâmetros que influencia diretamente no cálculo da eficiência é a temperatura de entrada da água no coletor. A variação permitida desta para o método estacionário é de ± 0,1°C da temperatura média medida. No Laboratório de Energia Solar da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul existe uma bancada construída para realizar o teste de coletores solares, porém para fazer ensaio simultâneo de dois coletores é necessário que a temperatura de entrada para ambos os coletores seja a mesma e também não varie mais que o permitido. Assim, foi desenvolvido e montado um estabilizador de temperatura com controle proporcional, integral, derivativo (PID) para atender essa necessidade. O estabilizador foi testado em bancada de laboratório de modo a observar seu comportamento e, após constatar que sua capacidade de controle atendia ao requisito da norma, este foi montado na bancada externa em que são realizados os testes. De posse dos resultados obtidos durante os ensaios dos coletores conclui-se que o estabilizador de temperatura cumpriu seu papel na bancada. Além de permitir que a bancada possa ser utilizada para ensaios de mais de um coletor simultaneamente, o dispositivo agrega a possibilidade de realizar comparações muito precisas do desempenho de dois coletores diferentes. / The use of solar energy in water heating is a way to save electricity, and avoid consumption peaks during the most critical hours of a day. For an efficient use of solar energy it is necessary to use a solar collector. The collector should pass a test to analyze its efficiency in conversion of solar energy into thermal energy for the water. Efficiency is evaluated based on the inlet and outlet temperature, solar radiation reaching the area of the collector, specific heat of water and mass flow rate. To standardize the tests and have greater certainty of results standards are used like the Brazilian´s standard NBR 15747-2. This norm describes two test methods for glassed collectors: the stationary and quasi dynamic method, both have requirements that must be met for the validity of the test results. One of the parameters which directly influence the calculation of the efficiency is the water inlet temperature in the collector. The stationary method requires a variation of ± 0.1 °C at the average temperature measured. In the Laboratório de Energia Solar da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul exists a bench built to perform testing of solar collectors, but to simultaneously test more than one collector is necessary that the inlet temperature of both collectors are the same and also does not vary more than allowed. Thus it was developed and mounted a temperature stabilizer with proportional, integral, derivative (PID) control to meet this need. The stabilizer has been tested indoor at the laboratory to observe their behavior and after noting that his ability to control met the standard required it was mounted on the outdoor bench where the tests are performed. With the results obtained during the testing of collectors is possible to notice that the temperature stabilizer comply with its purpose on the bench. In addition to allowing the test bench to be used for testing more than one collector simultaneously, the stabilizer adds the possibility of performing accurate comparisons of the performance of two different collectors in various situations, since all operational conditions are equal.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de estabilizador de temperatura para aprimoramento de bancada de ensaio de coletores solares

Santos, Crisciele Ferreira dos January 2016 (has links)
O uso de energia solar para o aquecimento de água, além de permitir economizar energia elétrica, evita picos de consumo nas horas mais críticas do dia. Para um uso eficiente da energia solar é necessário utilizar um coletor solar. Este deve passar por um teste para analisar sua eficiência de conversão da energia solar em energia térmica para a água. A eficiência é avaliada com base na temperatura de entrada, na temperatura de saída, na radiação solar que atinge a área do coletor, no calor específico da água e na vazão mássica. Para padronizar os testes e ter uma melhor precisão dos resultados obtidos são utilizadas normas, neste caso a norma brasileira NBR 15747-2. Nela são descritos os seguintes métodos de ensaio de coletores com cobertura de vidro: o método estacionário e o quase dinâmico. Ambos possuem requisitos que devem ser cumpridos para validação do resultado dos testes. Um dos parâmetros que influencia diretamente no cálculo da eficiência é a temperatura de entrada da água no coletor. A variação permitida desta para o método estacionário é de ± 0,1°C da temperatura média medida. No Laboratório de Energia Solar da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul existe uma bancada construída para realizar o teste de coletores solares, porém para fazer ensaio simultâneo de dois coletores é necessário que a temperatura de entrada para ambos os coletores seja a mesma e também não varie mais que o permitido. Assim, foi desenvolvido e montado um estabilizador de temperatura com controle proporcional, integral, derivativo (PID) para atender essa necessidade. O estabilizador foi testado em bancada de laboratório de modo a observar seu comportamento e, após constatar que sua capacidade de controle atendia ao requisito da norma, este foi montado na bancada externa em que são realizados os testes. De posse dos resultados obtidos durante os ensaios dos coletores conclui-se que o estabilizador de temperatura cumpriu seu papel na bancada. Além de permitir que a bancada possa ser utilizada para ensaios de mais de um coletor simultaneamente, o dispositivo agrega a possibilidade de realizar comparações muito precisas do desempenho de dois coletores diferentes. / The use of solar energy in water heating is a way to save electricity, and avoid consumption peaks during the most critical hours of a day. For an efficient use of solar energy it is necessary to use a solar collector. The collector should pass a test to analyze its efficiency in conversion of solar energy into thermal energy for the water. Efficiency is evaluated based on the inlet and outlet temperature, solar radiation reaching the area of the collector, specific heat of water and mass flow rate. To standardize the tests and have greater certainty of results standards are used like the Brazilian´s standard NBR 15747-2. This norm describes two test methods for glassed collectors: the stationary and quasi dynamic method, both have requirements that must be met for the validity of the test results. One of the parameters which directly influence the calculation of the efficiency is the water inlet temperature in the collector. The stationary method requires a variation of ± 0.1 °C at the average temperature measured. In the Laboratório de Energia Solar da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul exists a bench built to perform testing of solar collectors, but to simultaneously test more than one collector is necessary that the inlet temperature of both collectors are the same and also does not vary more than allowed. Thus it was developed and mounted a temperature stabilizer with proportional, integral, derivative (PID) control to meet this need. The stabilizer has been tested indoor at the laboratory to observe their behavior and after noting that his ability to control met the standard required it was mounted on the outdoor bench where the tests are performed. With the results obtained during the testing of collectors is possible to notice that the temperature stabilizer comply with its purpose on the bench. In addition to allowing the test bench to be used for testing more than one collector simultaneously, the stabilizer adds the possibility of performing accurate comparisons of the performance of two different collectors in various situations, since all operational conditions are equal.

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