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Hodnocení vztahů úrovně neuromotoriky, tělesného somatotypu, tělesné zdatnosti a herních dovedností u hráčů ve fotbalu v kategorii U12. / Assessment of the relationship between level of neuromotor, body somatotype, physical fitness level and game skills at football players in U12 category.Vytlačil, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
Title: Assessment of the relationship between level of neuromotor, body somatotype, physical fitness level and game skills at football players in U12 category. Objectives: The aim is to determinate the relationships between levels of neuromotoric, body somatotype, overal physical fitness level and the individual playing skills at football players in the U12 age category. Methods: The main research method of our work was the observation method. The research were included soccer player (n = 40; 11,5 ± 0,3 let). Neuromotor age, we investigated using Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT - 2). Physical fitness was assessed using a test battery UNIFITTEST 6-60. To determine the somatotype we used the methodology of Heath - Carter 1967. For data analysis we used basic descriptive statistics, correlation, linear and multiple regression. Results: A significant correlation (r = -0.60; p <0.001) was found between the level of fundamental motor skills (level of neuromotoric) and the specific game skills (slalom with the ball). Significant correlations were also found between the level of fundamental motor skills (level of neuromotoric) and physical fitness (r = 0.64; p <0.001) and between levels of physical fitness and the specific game skills (slalom with the ball; r = 0.55; p <0.01). These...
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Body composition especially external skeletal robustness in association with physical activity and recreation in pre-pubertal children : a national and international investigationRietsch, Katrin January 2013 (has links)
In children the way of life, nutrition and recreation changed in recent years and as a consequence body composition shifted as well. It is established that overweight belongs to a global problem. In addition, German children exhibit a less robust skeleton than ten years ago. These developments may elevate the risk of cardiovascular diseases and skeletal modifications. Heredity and environmental factors as nutrition, socioeconomic status, physical activity and inactivity influence fat accumulation and the skeletal system. Based on these negative developments associations between type of body shape, skeletal measures and physical activity; relations between external skeletal robustness, physical activity and inactivity, BMI and body fat and also the progress of body composition especially external skeletal robustness in comparison in Russian and German children were investigated.
In a cross-sectional study 691 German boys and girls aged 6 to 10 years were examined. Anthropometric measurements were taken and questionnaires about physical activity and inactivity were answered by parents. Additionally, pedometers were worn to determinate the physical activity in children. To compare the body composition in Russian and German children data from the years 2000 and 2010 were used.
The study has shown that pyknomorphic individuals exhibit the highest external skeletal robustness and leptomorphic ones the lowest. Leptomorphic children may have a higher risk for bone diseases in adulthood. Pyknomorphic boys are more physically active by tendency. This is assessed as positive because pyknomorphic types display the highest BMI and body fat. Results showed that physical activity may reduce BMI and body fat. In contrast physical inactivity may lead to an increase of BMI and body fat and may rise with increasing age. Physical activity encourages additionally a robust skeleton. Furthermore external skeletal robustness is associated with BMI in order that BMI as a measure of overweight should be consider critically. The international 10-year comparison has shown an increase of BMI in Russian children and German boys. Currently, Russian children exhibit a higher external skeletal robustness than the Germans. However, in Russian boys skeleton is less robust than ten years ago. This trend should be observed in the future as well in other countries.
All in all, several measures should be used to describe health situation in children and adults. Furthermore, in children it is essential to support physical activity in order to reduce the risk of obesity and to maintain a robust skeleton. In this way diseases are able to prevent in adulthood. / Die Lebens- und Ernährungsweise sowie die Freizeitaktivitäten von Kindern haben sich im Laufe der letzten Jahre verändert. Daraus resultieren Veränderungen der Körperzusammensetzung. Es ist hinreichend bekannt, dass Übergewicht ein globales Problem ist. Des Weiteren weisen deutsche Kinder ein weniger robustes Skelett auf als noch vor 10 Jahren. Diese Entwicklungen können zu unterschiedlichen Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems bzw. des Skelettsystems führen. Neben genetischen Faktoren haben Umweltfaktoren wie Ernährung, sozialer Status, die körperliche Aktivität bzw. Inaktivität einen Einfluss auf die Fettakkumulation und das Skelettsystem.
Aufgrund der negativen Entwicklungen wurden daher die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Körperbautyp, Skelettmaßen und der körperlichen Aktivität; die Beziehungen zwischen der äußeren Skelettrobustizität, der körperlichen Aktivität bzw. Inaktivität, dem BMI und dem Körperfettanteil sowie die Entwicklung der Körperzusammensetzung insbesondere die äußere Skelettrobustizität von russischen Kindern im Vergleich zu deutschen Kindern überprüft.
In einer Querschnittstudie wurden 691 Jungen und Mädchen im Alter von 6 bis 10 Jahren aus Berlin und Brandenburg untersucht. Es wurden anthropometrische Messungen vorgenommen, Fragebögen bezüglich der sportlichen Aktivität und Inaktivität beantwortet sowie ein Schrittzähler zur Bestimmung der körperlichen Aktivität von den Kindern getragen. Für den internationalen Vergleich der Körperzusammensetzung wurden Daten aus den Jahren 2000 und 2010 von deutschen und russischen Kindern verwendet.
Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der pyknomorphe Körperbautyp die höchste und der leptomorphe Typ die niedrigste äußere Skelettrobustizität aufweisen. Leptomorphe Kinder könnten daher das höchste Risiko für Knochenerkrankungen im Erwachsenenalter aufweisen. Tendenziell zeigen pyknomorphe Jungen eine höhere körperliche Aktivität als die anderen Typen. Dies ist positiv zu bewerten, da die pyknomorphen Typen den höchsten BMI und Körperfettanteil besitzen. Wie die Resultate ergeben, kann die körperliche Aktivität zur Reduktion bzw. Inaktivität zur Erhöhung des BMIs und des Körperfettanteils führen. Die körperliche Inaktivität steigt mit zunehmendem Alter. Die körperliche Aktivität unterstützt weiterhin den Aufbau eines robusten Skeletts. Die äußere Skelettrobustizität ist ebenfalls positiv mit dem BMI assoziiert, so dass dargelegt werden konnte, dass der BMI als Maß für Übergewicht kritisch betrachtet werden sollte. Im internationalen 10-Jahresvergleich zeigt sich eine Zunahme des BMIs bei russischen Kindern und deutschen Jungen. Zurzeit weisen die russischen Kinder immer noch ein robusteres Skelett auf als die Deutschen jedoch ist das Skelett bei russischen Jungen weniger robust als noch vor 10 Jahren. Diese negative Entwicklung sollte weiterhin beobachtet werden auch in anderen Ländern.
Alles in allem, sollten immer mehrere Maße zur Beschreibung des Gesundheitszustandes herangezogen werden. Weiterhin ist einer Förderung der körperlichen Aktivität bei Kindern notwendig, um zum einen das Risiko für Übergewicht zu minimieren und zum anderen ein robustes Skelett aufzubauen, um somit Erkrankungen im Erwachsenenalter vorzubeugen.
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Významnost vztahů mezi vybranými off ice testy a výkonem v ilinoa agility on ice testu v nejvyšší domácí soutěži vybraných hráčů dorostové kategorie / The significance of link between selected off ice tests and agility ilinoa on ice test in youth ice hockey players from the highest Czech competitionChvátal, David January 2021 (has links)
Title: Relation between selected off-ice tests and performance in on-ice Illinois Agility test of ice hockey players between 14-17 years old in Czech elite category. Objectives: The main goal of this thesis was to determine whether the somatotype and selected off-ice tests are significant predictors for performance in the on-ice agility test in ice hockey players in the youth elite category. Methods: The research group consisted 28 ice hockey players (8 forwards and 18 defenders) x̅ = 14,88 ± 0,57. Players played highest youth league during the measurement period. The method of Heath and Carter (1990) was used to determine the somatotype. Squat Jump, Countermovement Jump, Free Arm Countermovement Jump, Sit and Reach, pull-ups and off- ice Illinois Agility with a ball were used as off-ice tests. The Aspin-Welch two-samle T-test with Effect size (ES) Hedges' g was used to evaluate the degree of difference in performance between forwards and defenders. Pearson's correlation coefficient with ES coefficient of determination R2 was applied to determine the tightness of relationships between selected variables. Evaluation of the significance of predictors for performance in on- ice agility tests was performed through multiple regression analysis. The significance of the model was assessed according to the...
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Vztah mezi tělesnou zdatností a úrovní pohybové aktivity u dětí staršího školního věku / The relationship between physical fitness and level of physical activity in older school age childres.Hrušková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
Title: The relationship between physical fitness and level of physical activity in older school age childres. Objectives: The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of physical activity on physical fitness and somatotype. To determine the level of physical fitness of older school-age children at Davle school using the diagnostic system Unifittest (6-60). Further determine physical activity using a pedometer and a questionnaire during a one week evaluation. To find out the relationship between movement mode and somatoype which was determined by the method Heath - Carter. Methods:. The main scientific theoretical - empirical method is the method of testing and observation. The research involved 57 children aged 12 to 14 years in the second grade of Davle school. Testing was performed during physical education classes. To determine physical fitness, the subjects underwent four parts of the Unifittest (6-60) and anthropometric tests to determine the somatotype according to the Heath-Carter method. Using a pedometer and then filling out a questionnaire, the testers wrote down their physical activity during one week and the physical activity performed at medium - high intensity. The object of the research employed basic descriptive statistics, correlation analyzes and the Shapiro-Wilk test to analyze...
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Vztah mezi vybranými off-ice testy, somatotypem a výkonem v on-ice testech Illinois Agility u hráčů ledního hokeje juniorské kategorie v nejvyšší domácí soutěži / Relation between selected off ice tests, somatotype and performance in on-ice Illinois Agility tests in junior ice hockey players from Czech elite categorySlavíček, Tobiáš January 2020 (has links)
Title: Relation between selected off-ice tests, somatotype and performance in on-ice Illinois Agility tests in junior ice hockey players from Czech elite category. Objective: The aim of this thesis was to verify whether the somatotype and off-ice tests are significant predictors for performance in on-ice agility tests in junior ice hockey players from Czech elite category. Methods: The research sample consisted of 32 junior hockey players (17 defenders and 15 forwards) ̅ = 17.64 ± 1.02 from Czech elite category. The Heath and Carter (1990) method for measuring of somatotype was used. The off-ice tests included Squat Jump, Countermovement Jump, Free Arm Countermovement Jump, Broad Jump, Five-Jump test, Sit and Reach, Pull-ups and off-ice Illinois Agility with (small size) ball. Further, on-ice Illinois Agility with puck and Illinois Agility without puck were used as dependent variables. The differences in performance between defenders and forwards were analysed by Aspin-Welch's two-sample T-test with Effect size (ES) Hedges's g. The degree of significance of the predictors for dependent variables in on- ice agility tests was assessed by multiple regression analysis with significance of model at the level of p<0.05 and ES described as adjusted R2 . Results: Comparison of the results achieved by...
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Faktory ovlivňující hodnocení atraktivity mužské postavy / Factors affecting perception of human male bodyTřebický, Vít January 2012 (has links)
According to previous research physical attractiveness plays an important role in our everyday life. People are treated differently on the basis of their physical appearance and from an evolutionary point of view physical attractiveness is a key factor in mate selection, being a cue of an individual's mate value and genetic qualities. Research shows that the highest attractiveness ratings tend to be given to physiques with a higher level of development of lean muscle mass and a V shaped upper body. Such a physique body constitution could indicates how a high level of physical fitness and a man's health of man and be a cue of the man's qualities as a mating partner. However, results of the previous studies are inconclusive due to the methods and stimuli employed. To address the shortcomings exhibited by the previous studies investigations, we ran two online studies. In the first study, women rated the attractiveness of a new and more extensive set of black and gray silhouettes derived from photos of the somatotypes. In the second study, we tested whether physical attractiveness of men can be increased by a voluntary change of their upper body shape. In both studies we were testing how interindividual differences of the female raters modulate the ratings of attractiveness. Results of the first study...
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Vliv současných trendů na determinanty sportovního výkonu v triatlonu / The influence of the current trends on the determinants of sports performance in triathlonČervenka, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Name: The influence of the current trends on the determinants of sports performance in triathlon. Aim: Main aim of the diploma thesis was to find out the influences of current trends in triathlon and how they can influence the determinants of a sports performance and predict in which direction the triathlon will go in the future. Methods: According the historical method by Hroch it was used to determine the historical context. The results were properly interpreted in the context of a problem definition, data collection and analysis based on inductive- deductive reasoning. The research deals with the search, processing, and analysis of data for various types of triathlons within the International Triathlon Union (ITU). The results from several selected triathlon races of the world championship are also analyzed, from the shortest format (super sprint) to the longest, which is a long triathlon (Ironman). The research also included an interview with an employee of the Commission of the International Triathlon Union (triathlon development committee) Outcome: According to the analysis of historical development, triathlon competitions are shortening, and the share of triathlons is rising at the expense of Olympic triathlons. There is no fundamental difference in BMI values between the best super sprint...
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Estética e imagem corporal de mulheres jovensSilva, Greicielle Pereira Arruda e 15 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-17T20:31:41Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-15 / CAPES / FAPEMAT / A estética e a aparência física influenciam o comportamento
individual e coletivo e cada vez mais tem sido tema de estudo. O tamanho físico é
um atributo comum de beleza, saúde, sinais sexuais e reprodutivos em mulheres. A
estética e imagem corporal são importante componente de saúde física e mental e
um dos objetos de trabalho das áreas que envolvem o exercício físico e a nutrição.
OBJETIVO: propor uma fórmula para estimar a nota estética corporal de mulheres
jovens e verificar se existe diferença no julgamento estético entre homens e,
mulheres, e a associação da imagem corporal com variáveis antropométricas em
mulheres jovens praticantes e não praticantes de exercício físico. MÉTODOS: A
amostra foi composta por 65 mulheres 25,2 ± 4,3 anos. No artigo 1, a amostra foi
dividida em dois grupos, grupo praticante de exercício físico e grupo não praticante
de exercício físico. Para a avaliação da imagem corporal utilizamos o Body Shape
Questionnaire (BSQ) e a escala de silhuetas de Stunkard. Para avaliar a pratica de
atividades e exercícios físico utilizamos o questionário internacional de atividade
física (IPAQ). No artigo 2, foram feitas medidas antropométricas e fotografias de
vista anterior, perfil e posterior vestindo um biquíni padronizado. A nota estética foi
dada por um júri de 32 profissionais de educação física, sendo 19 homens e 13
mulheres, com as respectivas idades médias (27,79±5,78; e 29,85±2,97). Para
associação foi utilizada a correlação linear de Pearson. A comparação entre as
variáveis foi pelo teste t pareado. A estimativa da equação da nota estética foi
realizada pela regressão linear múltipla com significância de p 0,05.
RESULTADOS: Ambos os grupos apresentaram semelhanças quanto ao IMC e
todas as circunferências estudadas. Quanto ao BSQ, observamos que no grupo
praticante de exercício 59% tinham distúrbio de imagem através do BSQ, e 75% no
grupo não praticante de exercício físico. Na avaliação da autoimagem pela escala de
silhueta, ambos os grupos demonstraram o desejo de diminuir compleição física.
Verificamos que ambos os instrumentos apresentaram correlações importantes com
as variáveis antropométricas nos dois grupos estudados. Os valores médios da nota
votada pelos julgadores do sexo feminino e masculino não se diferenciaram quando
comparados entre si e com a média geral, apenas as variáveis: peso de Gordura
(kg), IAQ e CMC influenciaram a avaliação estética. Os valores da correlação destas
variáveis com a nota estética votada foram significativas (Peso G kg r= -0,651 e p=
<0,001; IAQ= -0,505 e p= <0,001; CMC= 0,336 e p= 0,006). As comparações das
médias das notas estéticas votadas e das notas estéticas estimadas pela equação e
que não foram diferentes entre si (p= 0,50). E foram significativamente
correlacionadas (r= 0,81; p <0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres jovens independente
do IMC e compleição física manifestam a preocupação e insatisfação com a imagem
corporal. A prática de exercício físico favorece a uma melhor autoavaliação da
imagem corporal. A associação negativa entre gordura corporal e IAQ e estética
sugere que o principal componente a ser modificado para a melhora da estética é a
gordura corporal, e o IAQ quando em excesso. O desenvolvimento muscular da coxa
demonstrou importância na avaliação estética. Finalmente é possível estimar a
avaliação estética em mulheres jovens com medidas antropométricas. / The aesthetic and physical appearance influence individual and
collective behavior and increasingly has been studied. The physical size is a common
attribute of beauty, health, sexual and reproductive signs in women. The aesthetic
and body image is important for physical and mental health component and is one of
the objects of work areas involving physical exercise and nutrition. OBJECTIVE: To
propose a formula to estimate body aesthetic note of young women and to
investigate the difference in aesthetic judgment for men and women, and the
association between body image and anthropometric variables in young women
athletes and non-exercising. METHODS: The sample consisted of 65 women 25.2 ±
4.3 years. For the assessment of body image use the Body Shape Questionnaire
(BSQ) and the scale of Stunkard silhouettes. Anthropometric measurements were
made and photographs of previous view, profile and later wearing a patterned bikini.
How the practice of physical activities and exercises used the international physical
activity questionnaire (IPAQ). The aesthetic note was given by a jury of 33 physical
education teachers, 19 men and 13 women, with their average age (27.79 ± 5.78;
29.85 ± 2.97). For association was used Pearson correlation coefficients and the
comparison between variables was by paired t test. The estimate of aesthetic note of
the equation was the multiple linear regression with significance p = 0.05. RESULTS:
Both groups showed similarities in BMI and all studied circles. As for the BSQ, we
observed that in the exercise practitioner group 59% had image disturbance by BSQ,
and 75% group not practicing physical exercise. In assessing the self-image by the
silhouette of scale, both groups showed a desire to decrease physique. We observed
that both instruments showed significant correlations with anthropometric variables in
the two study groups. The average values of the note voted for men and women did
not differ when compared, and the overall average. Only variables: fat weight (kg),
IAQ and CMC influenced the aesthetic evaluation. The correlation values of these
variables with voted aesthetic note were significant (r = -0.651 Weight Gkg p =
<0.001; IAQ = -0.505, p = <0.001; CMC = 0.336 and p = 0.006). Mean comparisons
of voted aesthetic notes and notes aesthetic estimated by the equation and which
were not different (p = 0.50). The aesthetic rated notes and notes estimated aesthetic
were significantly correlated (r = 0.81; p <0.0001). CONCLUSION: Women young
independent of BMI and physique expressed concern and dissatisfaction with body
image. The physical exercise promotes a better self-assessment of body image. The
negative association between body fat and IAQ and aesthetic suggests that the main
component to be modified to improve aesthetics is body fat, and the IAQ when
excessive, and even muscle development thigh demonstrated importance in
aesthetic evaluation. You can estimate the aesthetic evaluation in young women with
anthropometric measurements.
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Tělesné složení a motorická výkonnost mužů ve věku od 18 do 25 let / Body Composition and Motor Performance of Males Aged 18 to 25 YearsZAHRADNÍČKOVÁ, Zita January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to collect, compare and evaluate body size, body composition, vital lung capacity, dynamometry and a level of motor performance of men aged from 18 to 25 years of two target groups - men who are professional swimmers or floorball players, and males of a common population. Using standard somatometric methods, a group of 39 swimmers, a group of 39 floorball players, and a group of 39 non-sportsmen of a common population were examined. The examined body parametres were body length, body weight, bustline, arm line, contracted-arm line, forearm line, thigh line, calf line; width of epiphysis of humerus and femur, wrist, ankle, biacromial and bicristal breadth, breadth of the transverse and sagittal section of chest; skin folds. The ascertained data were compared with the results of previous researches. The thesis also includes the results of motor tests, dynamometry and vital lung capacity.
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Fyzická zdatnost osobních ochránců Policie České republiky / Physical Fitness of the bodyguards of the Police of the Czech RepublicMejsnar, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Title of the work: Phycical fitness of personal protectors of the Police of the Czech Republic. Objectives: The main aim of the work was to determine and evaluate the profile of physical fitness of the members of the Close Protection Division, Protective Services of the Police of the Czech Republic. Methods: The work has character of emprical research, its main method was observation. Research sample was composed of 21members (age range 28-55) of the Close Protection Division of Protection Service of the Police of Czech Republic. Within complex testing were used non-invasive methods (anthropomotoric testing, analysis of body composition, anaerobic and aerobic testing, tests for local power and tests of reactivity). An invasive method was also used to test a capillary blood sample to determine the cholesterol level and the postworkout lactate level in blood. Somatic factors were eveluated individualy (antropometry, somatotype, body composition). Conditioning claims were also evaluated (anaerobic, aerobic, lokal power). Within psychophysiological requirements as tested reactivity on acustic and optical signal and as a last there were found out information from health area, blood pressure was measured and compared to level of cholesterol of research sample. Results: The results of observation has...
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