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Strategie řešení slovních úloh řešitelných rovnicemi / Solving strategies for word problems that can be solved with equationsChromá, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this work is to get acquainted with the issue of solving word problems by means of equations, to state and to analyse various ways of solving them. The thesis also includes the comparison of strategies for solving word problems that are selected by students who have been already taught the given type of the equation, and students who have not yet mastered these procedures. The introductory part of the work deals with word problems in general. There the terms such as the word problems, procedures, methods and strategies used for solving word problems are specified. In the next part of the text, the basic types of equations are characterized. For each type of the equation, one typical word problem was selected and it was experimentally found out which solving strategies were used by students most often. Keywords: word problem, algebraic equation, non-algebraic equation, system of equations
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Numerická studie simultánních rovnic / Numerical study on simultanious equationsŠaroch, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
Title: Numerical study on simultanious equations Author: Vojtěch Šaroch Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Petr Lachout, CSc. Abstract: In this thesis we deal with simultaneous equation model. In first chapter we introduce to theoretical aspect of this problem, especially estimation procedures and their properties. We mention issues of identification and an inconsistency of OLS-estimates for the simultaneous modeling. In second chapter we introduce theory of estimation, especially we will focus on interval estimation and precision. We mention empirical approach too. In the third chapter we perform a numerical study on simple macroeconomic model on generated dates. We are interested in properties interval estimations of parameters, the convergence rate, difference between empirical and theoretical extimation etc. Keywords: simultaneous equations model, interval estimation, empirical estimation 1
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Podnikatelé v daňovém řízení / Entrepreneurs in tax procedureLokvencová, Markéta January 2006 (has links)
Práce podává výklad zásad daňového řízení, práv a povinností podnikatelů a pracovníků správce daně. Práce je zaměřena na podnikající fyzické osoby. Teoretický výklad zákona je doplněn názornými příklady.
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Nadnárodní společnosti, vybrané otázky jejich finančního řízeníŠtěpánová, Helena January 2006 (has links)
Tato doktorská disertační práce byla vypracována v letech 2004 ? 2005 na základě empirického výzkumu u českých afilací nefinančních nadnárodních společností. Nadnárodní společnosti (TNC) lze definovat jako obvykle velmi velké a geograficky velmi pružné podniky, překračující hranice jednotlivých národů a států. Skládají se z mateřských (řídících) společností, které mívají sídlo v zemi původu TNC, a mnoha zahraničních afilací v tzv. hostitelských zemích po celém světě. Tato forma mezinárodního či spíše již globálního podnikání maximálně využívá výhod ekonomie rozsahu a synergického efektu. Hlavní cíl této práce bylo vyřešit následující problém: Jak se TNC chovají v českém ekonomickém prostředí se zaměřením na finanční stránku věci. Důležitost tohoto tématu spočívá v nedostatečné pozornosti věnované zvláštnostem finančního řízení u těchto společností, především pak mezinárodním transakcím a nadnárodní transferové soustavě a jejich regulacím ze strany OECD a EK resp. EU. Práce obsahuje následující části, které odpovídají cílům a testovaným hypotézám: vymezení, popis, klasifikace a hodnocení TNC, dále vymezení a popis podnikové strategie u TNC jako obzvlášť významného nástroje řízení, vymezení, popis a analýza transferové soustavy, především transferových cen u TNC a nakonec výsledky výzkumu, celkové shrnutí a doporučení. Hlavní úlohou finančního řízení TNC (samozřejmě kromě maximalizace zisku) je diverzifikace rizika změn a rozdílů měnových kurzů, úroků, daňových sazeb a inflace. Tato práce potvrzuje fungování transferové soustavy, která je schopna pružně přesouvat příjmy a zisky mezi jednotkami TNC, a užívání transferových cen, aniž by se dodržoval princip tzv. tržního odstupu u afilací TNC v ČR. Patrné je to zvláště u dovážených zásob. To potvrzuje důležitost zkoumání této oblasti. Upozorňuje se zde také na možnost editační povinnosti a uzavírání smluv tzv. APA u finančních úřadů. Avšak tato poměrně nová kompetence těchto orgánů předpokládá mezinárodní spolupráci se správci daní, minimálně v rámci EU, v oblastech jako porozumění různým daňovým systémům, identifikace původu a objemu transferů TNC.
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Plnění rozpočtu v konkrétních podmínkách města LanškrounMačátová, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Teoretický popis postavení a působnosti obce, rozpočtové soustavy, veřejných rozpočtů, mimorozpočtových fondů a rozpočtu obce. Historie a současnost města Lanškroun. Analýza vývoje a složení výdajů města Lanškroun v letech 2003 ? 2005, účelu vynakládaných prostředků. Analýza vývoje a složení příjmů města Lanškroun v letech 2003 ? 2005, zdrojů, ze kterých příjmy pro město plynou. Hospodářská činnost města a Fond rozvoje bydlení.
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Posouzení provozu motorových vozidel se vznětovými motory využívajícími systém přímého vstřikování paliva Common-Rail. / The assessment of the use of motor vehicles equipped with diesel engines using direct fuel injection of Common - Rail.ŠINDELÁŘ, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the Common-Rail fuel system. The aim of this work is to develop an overview of development of the fuel-injection system. The first part is devoted to the description of the selected fuel system. All the parts of the system are described and explained there. Also the explanation of the management of the injection is included. Subsequently, other variants of the fuel system are described here. Further parts focuse on the diagnostic instruments and measuring emissions, also operational materials are described and divided in there. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the economic calculations which were made from the perspective of the economy operation of motor vehicles. The work also includes an evaluation of the measurements results and determines the appropriateness of the use of the Common-Rail fuel system for vehicles.
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Zhodnocení vývoje příjmů státního rozpočtu v závislosti na výběru daní / The Budget Revenues Analysis Depending on the Tax CollectionSlavíková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the analysis of state budget revenues, depending on the collection of taxes. In the first part they are characterized theoretically public finances, their principles and public functions that are key to understanding the functioning of the state and needs of the state budget. The following chapters in the theoretical part describe the budget system, as its policies, budget process, budget structure and not least the state budget, including the definition of revenue and expenditure sided. In the end of the tax they are characterized by their functions, sorting, principles and important reforms of the tax system in the Czech Republic.
Own part is devoted to the analysis of individual types of taxes in the years 2006-2015. First, they are characterized by changes in the legislation of different taxes, such as the above rate. Then the individual taxes are graphically displayed and analyzed over those years. At the end of the analytical work the income taxes are evaluated to total government revenue. It is used method of comparison to compare actual and predicted revenues to the state budget. Conclusion of the analytical part deals with statistical calculation based, whereby found a very strong dependence of the total income tax revenues and the statistical calculation is then interpreted and evaluated.
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Analýza a modelování struktury a vývoje smíšených porostů v oblasti Sudetské soustavy / Analysis and modeling of the structure and development of mixed forest stands in the Sudety mountainsVacek, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with analysis and modeling of the structure and development of selected mixed forests in protected areas of the Sudeten system, especially in the Giant Mountains national parks, Protected Landscape Area Broumovsko and Orlické Mountains, but also in other areas of the Czech Republic. This study is composed of a set of six published manuscripts that are covering three thematic ranges: structure of forest stands, regeneration of forest stands and forest modeling. The main objective of this work was to evaluate a vertical, horizontal and species structure, total diversity and development of mixed forest stands in central Sudetes. The partial aim was to analyse production parameters of forest stands, effect of microrelief and game on natural regeneration and assessment of dead wood in the area of interest. Further, the objective of the study was to develop explicit and non-explicit crown width and slenderness quotient models for Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and to predict the development of mixed forest ecosystem using growth simulations and to evaluate parameters and interactions among stand structure, climatic factors and natural regeneration, using especially analysis of variance, correlation matrix, spatial statistic and multivariate analysis. For this purpose a system of permanent research plots was used, which are regularly monitored since 1980 or were newly established. Using mapping technology FieldMap, selected parameters were measured for tree layer, natural regeneration individuals and dead wood. The results showed that the spatial distribution of beech stands in optimum stadium changes with the altitude from the regular pattern through random to aggregated spatial pattern of beech forests near the timberline. The spatial distribution of natural regeneration is highly aggregated, distribution of stumps is random and horizontal structure of the centroids of the crowns is always more regularly distributed than stems due to crown plasticity. Browsing damage of the leading shoot by game is an important limiting factor for height growth of natural regeneration, especially for silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). The study of the influence of microrelief on the growth of beech regeneration showed that the highest average height was found on slope and pits, while the lowest on the mounds. From the effect of climatic factors on the radial growth of trees, it was found that temperature is a limiting factor for growth in mountain areas, respectively that positive effect of temperature decreases with decreasing altitude and conversely the influence of precipitation increases. Finally, spatially explicit models (as opposed to non-explicit) described a larger part of the crown width variations for spruce and beech and of the slenderness quotient for spruce. The largest contribution to the models after breast diameter was dominant height.
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Uplatnění absolventů na trhu práce po složení zkoušky dle Národní soustavy kvalifikací / Employment opportunities of the National Systém of Qualifications graduates on the labour marketHourová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
This Dissertation Deals with the Problem of National Qualification System Project(NSK). This Project Has To Be an Instrument for the Acceptability of Result of Apprenticeship and Further Education as Well as for Consideration of Contemporary Possibility of Finding Employment on the Labour Market after Passing the Exam According to NSK.
In the Theoretical Part of Dissertation are Defined the Basic Terms.
The Following Part is Directed on the Survey and Analysis of Law and Implementing Regulations Dealing with this Problem and Implemennting Regulations Linked with it, Included European Union Regulation Concerning Qualification and Comparison of the EU Requirements with the Czech Ones.
Practical Part of Dissertation is Focused on Vocational Qualification Marked by Code 69-008-E: Cleaning Worker (Cleaner) of Administrative Surfaces. Questionnaire Survey was Made with the aim to Evaluate Reasons for which Graduates Took Part in the NSK System and the Benefit with Regard to Possibility of Obtaining the Employment in the New Branche or Keeping Actual Labour Position.
The Conclusion Contains the Evaluation of the Utilization NSK in Practice, the Benefit of this System for Those which Passed the Examination and the Summarizing Evaluation of Questionnaire Survey Results.
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Příčiny svalových zranění ve výkonnostním kuželkářském sportu / Causes of muscle injuries in the efficiency skittle sportMUSILOVÁ, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuces on the causes of muscle injuries in sport ninepin bowling. The theoretical part defines the muscle groups of the body, but also various muscle injuries that may occur during sports. It also describes the characteristics ninepin bowling, its trainning process and lifestyle players. The practical part of the thesis through research focuses the causes of muscle injuries and lifestyle players. The research is based on a survey, which was attended by people who ninepin bowling in the past operated or still operate it.
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