Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soja"" "subject:"soma""
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Návrh letounu pro zástavbu hybridní pohonné jednotky / Aircraft design for the installation of a hybrid powerplantKapoun, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The master‘s thesis "Aircraft design for the installation of a hybrid powerplant" is focused on the design of the airplane suitable for hybrid powerplant. At the same time it is also deal with the most suitable location of the components necessary for this powerplant. These components are: a combustion engine, electric motor, gearbox and bed engine. Part of the master thesis is application-mount designed components: location and number of containers with batteries, a proposal for a new engine bed suitable for a hybrid powerplant. In the sub - section of the thesis is made a simple calculation of the economic return on investment from the perspective of the end-user aircraft with a hybrid powerplant.
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Gå och lägg dig?Dagsberg, Jim, Nordmark, Max January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka elevers sömnvanor i årskurs 9 samt ge förslag på möjliga interventioner som kan gynna deras sömnvanor. Syftet är även att undersöka om sömnutbildning har en plats inom skolämnet idrott och hälsa mot bakgrund av dess kursplan. Enkätsvar från 79 elever i årskurs 9 har utgjort underlaget för sömnvanor hos eleverna. En systematisk litteraturöversikt har bidragit med information om elevers sömnvanor nationellt och internationellt samt olika sömninterventioners effektivitet. En dokumentanalys har även utförts på styrdokumenten kopplade till idrott och hälsa för att undersöka hur sömn framställs inom skolämnets ramar. Resultaten visar att elever som deltog i vår undersökning sover bättre än vad tidigare forskning visat om elever i samma åldersgrupp. Dock är det ändå 26% av eleverna i vår undersökning som inte når upp till National Sleep Foundation´s rådande sömnrekommendationerna under vardagarna. På helgen är det däremot endast 4% av eleverna som hamnar under sömnrekommendationerna. Enkätsvaren visar också att eleverna vanligtvis lägger sig inför skoldagarna för de har en tid att passa, medan de lägger sig på helgerna för att de är trötta. Vår litteraturöversikt av sömninterventioner visar att sömnutbildning endast har en kortsiktig positiv effekt men att det finns potentiella fördelar med senarelagd starttid av skoldagen. Kognitiv beteendeterapi kan också vara en möjlig intervention att pröva. Dokumentanalysen visar att sömnutbildning har en implicit plats inom skolämnet idrott och hälsa men att det är upp till den undervisande läraren om det ska ingå.
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Vlna baladismu v české poezii před první světovou válkou / Wave of balads in the Czech literature before WWIRohlíková, Monika January 2012 (has links)
This work describes a wave of ballads in the czech poetry before WWI. The work has two parts. The first part maps teoretical basis of studied scientific works about ballads and baladism. Part two contains interpretation of partial texts of poetical ballads or balladic poems. This part try to catch the interpretation from the sight of traditional view of ballads and also to define individual, the tradition exceeded, conceptions. Key words Ballad, the czech poetry before WWI, Antonín Sova, Jaroslav Durych, Petr Bezruč, Viktor Dyk, Fráňa Šrámek, balladic motives.
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Αρχιτεκτονικές υλικού χαμηλής ισχύος για την αποκωδικοποίηση συνελικτικών κωδίκων σε ασύρματα modemsΓκρίμπας, Δημήτρης 26 October 2007 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια της διπλωματικής εργασίας μελετήθηκε μια κατηγορία αλγορίθμων διόρθωσης λαθών που προκύπτουν κατά τη μετάδοση δεδομένων μέσα από ένα ασύρματο τηλεπικοινωνιακό κανάλι. Η μετάδοση των δεδομένων έγινε χρησιμοποιώντας τις διαμορφώσεις BPSK, QPSK, 16 – QAM και 64 – QAM. Η μελέτη επικεντρώθηκε στην περίπτωση της συνελικτικής κωδικοποίησης δεδομένων. Για την υλοποίηση του αποκωδικοποιητή (decoder) μελετήθηκαν συγκριτικά οι αλγόριθμοι Viterbi και SOVA καθώς και οι αντίστοιχες αρχιτεκτονικές υλοποίησης τους σε υλικό, ως προς την πολυπλοκότητα, την κατανάλωση και την ταχύτητά τους για συγκεκριμένη ικανότητα διόρθωσης λαθών που μετράται ως μείωση του BER. Επίσης, μελετήθηκαν τέσσερεις διαφορετικοί τρόποι αποδιαμόρφωσης και αποκωδικοποίησης των δεδομένων για διαμορφώσεις QAM βασισμένοι στον αλγόριθμο Viterbi.
Η μεθοδολογία της διπλωματικής περιέλαβε την υλοποίηση ενός πλήρους μοντέλου τηλεπικοινωνιακού συστήματος με μη ιδανικό κανάλι, AWGN, στο οποίο προστέθηκαν μηχανισμοί διόρθωσης λάθους. Η μελέτη έλαβε υπόψη τον κβαντισμό στο δέκτη στην αναπαράσταση δεδομένων καθώς και στα ενδιάμεσα αποτελέσματα. Αξιολογήθηκαν τρόποι κβαντισμού συναρτήσει παραμέτρων του καναλιού, και εντοπίστηκαν τα ελάχιστα αναγκαία μήκη λέξης για την υλοποίηση των αλγορίθμων του δέκτη, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη το trade-off μεταξύ απόδοσης και κόστους υλοποίησης σε υλικό. Με τη χρήση bit-true εξομοιώσεων μελετήθηκαν τρόποι ελαχιστοποίησης της δυναμικής περιοχής που απαιτείται για την αναπαράσταση των ενδιάμεσων μετρικών. Σε κάθε περίπτωση αναλύθηκε η απόδοση των αλγορίθμων με βάση το ποσοστό των λαθών στο δέκτη (BER) ενώ συνεκτιμήθηκε η πολυπλοκότητα της αντίστοιχης υλοποίησης VLSI. / This thesis focuses on a class of algorithms for the correction of errors due of the transmission of data through a wireless telecommunications channel. The modulations employed are BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. The study focuses on convolutional coding. The performance of solutions based on Viterbi and SOVA algorithms are comparatively studied, as well as the corresponding hardware architectures, in terms of the complexity, consumption and speed, while specifications are set in terms of error correction capability, measured in BER. Also, four different ways of combined demodulation and decoding of QAM data are studied based on the Viterbi algorithm.
The methodology assumed in this thesis includes the realization of a complete telecommunications system model assuming an additive white gaussian noise channel, AWGN, in which mechanisms of error correction are added.
The study takes into consideration the quantization effects in the receiver and in all the intermediary operations of algorithms. It has been found that the ideal quantizer for the receiver is related to channel parameters. In addition the shortest necessary word lengths were identified taking into consideration trade off between output and hardware realization cost. By means of bit-true simulations, ways of minimization of dynamic region, required for the representation intermediary metrics were studied. In every case the performance of algorithms is analyzed in terms of BER, as well as computational cost and impact on VLSI realization.
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Små barns sociala liv på vilan : Om deltagande och ordningsskapande i förskolan / The Social Life of Very Young Children at Naptime : On Participation and Local Order in the PreschoolGrunditz, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines how very young children (1-3 years) organize participation during naptime, a recurrent activity of everyday life in preschools. Focus is on how these children practice their social and cultural understandings of the local order and thus establish various local orders as part of how they shape their peer cultures and the routines of the naptime. An ethnomethodological and conversation analytic (EM/CA) perspective is used to explore the organisation of the local orders oriented to by the children in their participation during naptime. A special interest is directed at how small children use embodied actions and various semiotic resources as they actively take part in this preschool routine. The data, collected during fieldwork with participant observations, consist of video recordings and field notes. The recordings are analysed using EM/CA methods, including detailed attention to embodied features of interaction along with spatial and material arrangements. Transcriptions of interaction comprise representations of both verbal and visual aspects, e.g. gestures, gaze and movement through the room. The study shows that naptime involves more than sleep. It is demonstrated how very young children, through interaction with each other and the pedagogues, are active agents in sustaining, creating, re-creating and challenging the local orders of naptime. Through embodied actions and the use of various semiotic resources, the children are able to create time and space for their own peer cultures within this institutional routine. Overall, the study sheds light on the sophisticated ways in which very young children use their knowledge of cultural and institutional routines – the spatial organisation of sleep mattresses, artefacts (e.g. blankets, pacifiers and soft toys) and the sequential structures of the naptime – to constitute spaces for play and joyful interaction with peers and pedagogues. In spite of their sometimes limited vocal language, these very young children are able to use a variety of semiotic resources to constitute their own social life within naptime, often through secondary adjustments to institutional and adult structured order.
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Turbo konvoluční a turbo blokové kódy / Turbo-convolution and turbo-block codesŠedý, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The aim is to explain the Turbo convolutional and block turbo codes and decoding the secure message. The practical part focuses on the design of a demonstration program in Matlab. The work is divided into four parts. The first two deal with theoretical analysis of coding and decoding. The third section contains a description created a demonstration program that allows you to navigate the process of encoding and decoding. The fourth is devoted to simulation and performance of turbo codes.
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Turbokódy a jejich použití ve sdělovacích systémech / Turbocodes and their application in telecommunication systemsTrčka, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with Turbo code problems. The Turbo codes belong to the group of error correction codes, sometimes referred to as forward error correcting (FEC) codes or channel codes. This thesis can be thematically divided into two basic parts. The first part describes turbo code encoder and decoder block diagram with the illustration of two most frequently used iterative decoding algorithms (SOVA and MAP). The end of this part contains best known turbo codes, which are used in present communication systems. The second part pursues simulation results for the turbo codes using Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) over Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels. These simulations were created in the MATLAB/SIMULINK computer program. It will be shown here, that there exist many different parameters, greatly affecting turbo codes performance. Some of these parameters are: number of decoding iterations used, the input data frame length, generating polynoms and RSC encoders constraint lengths, properly designed interleaving block, decoding algorithm used, etc.
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Multi-dimensional direct-sequence spread spectrum multiple-access communication with adaptive channel codingMalan, Estian 25 October 2007 (has links)
During the race towards the4th generation (4G) cellular-based digital communication systems, a growth in the demand for high capacity, multi-media capable, improved Quality-of-Service (QoS) mobile communication systems have caused the developing mobile communications world to turn towards betterMultiple Access (MA) techniques, like Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) [5]. The demand for higher throughput and better QoS in future 4G systems have also given rise to a scheme that is becoming ever more popular for use in these so-called ‘bandwidth-on-demand’ systems. This scheme is known as adaptive channel coding, and gives a system the ability to firstly sense changes in conditions, and secondly, to adapt to these changes, exploiting the fact that under good channel conditions, a very simple or even no channel coding scheme can be used for Forward Error Correction(FEC). This will ultimately result in better system throughput utilization. One such scheme, known as incremental redundancy, is already implemented in the Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) standard. This study presents an extensive simulation study of a Multi-User (MU), adaptive channel coded Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Multiple Access (DS/SSMA) communication system. This study firstly presents and utilizes a complex Base Band(BB) DS/SSMA transmitter model, aimed at user data diversity [6] in order to realize the MU input data to the system. This transmitter employs sophisticated double-sideband (DSB)Constant-Envelope Linearly Interpolated Root-of-Unity (CE-LI-RU) filtered General Chirp-Like (GCL) sequences [34, 37, 38] to band limit and spread user data. It then utilizes a fully user-definable, complex Multipath Fading Channel Simulator(MFCS), first presented by Staphorst [3], which is capable of reproducing all of the physical attributes of realistic mobile fading channels. Next, this study presents a matching DS/SSMA receiver structure that aims to optimally recover user data from the channel, ensuring the achievement of data diversity. In order to provide the basic channel coding functionality needed by the system of this study, three simple, but well-known channel coding schemes are investigated and employed. These are: binary Hamming (7,4,3) block code, (15,7,5) binary Bose-Chadhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) block code and a rate 1/3 <i.Non-Systematic (NS) binary convolutional code [6]. The first step towards the realization of any adaptive channel coded system is the ability to measure channel conditions as fast as possible, without the loss of accuracy or inclusion of known data. In 1965, Gooding presented a paper in which he described a technique that measures communication conditions at the receiving end of a system through a device called a Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) [12, 13]. This device accelerates the system’sBit Error Rate (BER) to a so-called Pseudo Error Rate(PER) through a process known as threshold modification. It then uses a simple PER extrapolation algorithm to estimate the system’s true BER with moderate accuracy and without the need for known data. This study extends the work of Gooding by applying his technique to the DS/SSMA system that utilizes a generic Soft-Output Viterbi Algorithm(SOVA) decoder [39] structure for the trellis decoding of the binary linear block codes [3, 41-50], as well as binary convolutional codes mentioned, over realistic MU frequency selective channel conditions. This application will grant the system the ability to sense changes in communication conditions through real-time BER measurement and, ultimately, to adapt to these changes by switching to different channel codes. Because no previous literature exists on this application, this work is considered novel. Extensive simulation results also investigate the linearity of the PER vs. modified threshold relationship for uncoded, as well as all coded cases. These simulations are all done for single, as well as multiple user systems. This study also provides extensive simulation results that investigate the calculation accuracy and speed advantages that Gooding’s technique possesses over that of the classic Monte-Carlo technique for BER estimation. These simulations also consider uncoded and coded cases, as well as single and multiple users. Finally, this study investigates the experimental real-time performance of the fully functional MU, adaptive coded, DS/SSMA communication system over varying channel conditions. During this part of the study, the channel conditions are varied over time, and the system’s adaptation (channel code switching) performance is observed through a real-time observation of the system’s estimated BER. This study also extends into cases with multiple system users. Since the adaptive coded system of this study does not require known data sequences (training sequences), inclusion of Gooding’s technique for real-time BER estimation through threshold modification and PER extrapolation in future 4G adaptive systems will enable better Quality-of-Service (QoS) management without sacrificing throughput. Furthermore, this study proves that when Gooding’s technique is applied to a coded system with a soft-output, it can be an effective technique for QoS monitoring, and should be considered in 4G systems of the future. / Dissertation (MEng (Computer Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / unrestricted
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