Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spanning tre""
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Applications of a Novel Sampling Technique to Fully Dynamic Graph AlgorithmsMountjoy, Benjamin 11 September 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we study the application of a novel sampling technique to building fully-dynamic randomized graph algorithms. We present the following results:
\item A randomized algorithm to estimate the size of a cut in an undirected graph $G = (V, E)$ where $V$ is the set of nodes and $E$ is the set of edges and $n = |V|$ and $m = |E|$. Our algorithm processes edge insertions and deletions in $O(\log^2n)$ time. For a cut $(U, V\setminus U)$ of size $K$ for any subset $U$ of $V$, $|U| < |V|$ our algorithm returns an estimate $x$ of the size of the cut satisfying $K/2 \leq x \leq 2K$ with high probability in $O(|U|\log n)$ time.
\item A randomized distributed algorithm for maintaining a spanning forest in a fully-dynamic synchronous network. Our algorithm maintains a spanning forest of a graph with $n$ nodes, with worst case message complexity $\tilde{O}(n)$ per edge insertion or deletion where messages are of size $O(\text{polylog}(n))$. For each node $v$ we require memory of size $\tilde{O}(degree(v))$ bits. This improves upon the best previous algorithm with respect to worst case message complexity, given by Awerbuch, Cidon, and Kutten, which has an amortized message complexity of $O(n)$ and worst case message complexity of $O(n^2)$.
\end{enumerate} / Graduate / 0984 / b_mountjoy9@hotmail.com
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Problema da árvore geradora de comunicação ótima: variantes, complexidade e aproximação / Optimum communication spanning tree problem: variants, complexity and approximationSantiago Valdes Ravelo 18 February 2016 (has links)
O problema da árvore geradora de comunicação ótima recebe um grafo com comprimentos não negativos nas arestas e um requerimento não negativo entre cada par de vértices; sendo o objetivo encontrar uma árvore geradora do grafo que minimize o custo de comunicação, que é a soma sobre cada par de vértice da distância entre eles na árvore vezes o requerimento entre eles. Este problema é NP-difícil, assim como vários casos particulares dele. Neste trabalho estudamos algumas variantes deste problema, introduzimos novos casos particulares que são também NP-difíceis e propomos esquemas de aproximação polinomial para alguns deles. / The optimum communication spanning tree problem receives a graph with non-negative lengths over the edges and non-negative requirements for each pair of nodes; being the objective to find a spanning tree of the graph that minimizes the communication cost, which is given by the sum, over each pair of nodes, of the distance, in the tree, between the nodes multiplied by the requirement between them. This problem and several of its particular cases are NP-hard. In this work we study some of the variants, also we introduce new NP-hard particular cases of the problem and propose polynomial approximation schemes for some of them.
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A Study Of The Performance Of D-Wave Quantum Computers Using Spanning TreesHall, John Spencer 04 May 2018 (has links)
The performances of two D-Wave 2 machines (476 and 496 qubits) and of a 1097-qubit D-Wave 2X were investigated. Each chip has a Chimera interaction graph G. Problem input consists of values for the fields hj and for the two-qubit interactions Ji,j of an Ising spin-glass problem formulated on G. Output is returned in terms of a spin configuration {sj}, with sj = +1 or -1. We generated random spanning trees (RSTs) uniformly distributed over all spanning trees of G. On the 476-qubit D-Wave 2, RSTs were generated on the full chip with Ji,j = -1 and hj = 0 and solved one thousand times. The distribution of solution energies and the average magnetization of each qubit were determined. On both the 476- and 1097-qubit machines, four identical spanning trees were generated on each quadrant of the chip. The statistical independence of the these regions was investigated.
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Stock Market Network Topology Analysis Based on a Minimum Spanning Tree ApproachZhang, Yinghua 31 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Application of Random Matrix Theory for Financial Market SystemsWitte, Michael Jonathan 10 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Random walk on uniform spanning tree and loop-erased random walk / 一様スパニングツリーとループ除去ランダムウォークの上のランダムウォークSatomi, Watanabe 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第25436号 / 情博第874号 / 新制||情||146(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科先端数理科学専攻 / (主査)准教授 白石 大典, 教授 磯 祐介, 教授 木上 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Enhancing security and scalability of Virtual Private LAN ServicesLiyanage, M. (Madhusanka) 21 November 2016 (has links)
Ethernet based VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) is a transparent, protocol independent, multipoint L2VPN (Layer 2 Virtual Private Network) mechanism to interconnect remote customer sites over IP (Internet Protocol) or MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) based provider networks. VPLS networks are now becoming attractive in many Enterprise applications, such as DCI (data center interconnect), voice over IP (VoIP) and videoconferencing services due to their simple, protocol-independent and cost efficient operation. However, these new VPLS applications demand additional requirements, such as elevated security, enhanced scalability, optimum utilization of network resources and further reduction in operational costs. Hence, the motivation of this thesis is to develop secure and scalable VPLS architectures for future communication networks.
First, a scalable secure flat-VPLS architecture is proposed based on a Host Identity Protocol (HIP). It contains a session key-based security mechanism and an efficient broadcast mechanism that increase the forwarding and security plane scalability of VPLS networks. Second, a secure hierarchical-VPLS architecture is proposed to achieve control plane scalability. A novel encrypted label-based secure frame forwarding mechanism is designed to transport L2 frames over a hierarchical VPLS network. Third, a novel Distributed Spanning Tree Protocol (DSTP) is designed to maintain a loop free Ethernet network over a VPLS network. With DSTP it is proposed to run a modified STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) instance in each remote segment of the VPLS network. In addition, two Redundancy Identification Mechanisms (RIMs) termed Customer Associated RIMs (CARIM) and Provider Associated RIMs (PARIM) are used to mitigate the impact of invisible loops in the provider network.
Lastly, a novel SDN (Software Defined Networking) based VPLS (Soft-VPLS) architecture is designed to overcome tunnel management limitations in legacy secure VPLS architectures. Moreover, three new mechanisms are proposed to improve the performance of legacy tunnel management functions: 1) A dynamic tunnel establishment mechanism, 2) a tunnel resumption mechanism and 3) a fast transmission mechanism.
The proposed architecture utilizes a centralized controller to command VPLS tunnel establishment based on real-time network behavior.
Hence, the results of the thesis will help for more secure, scalable and efficient system design and development of VPLS networks. It will also help to optimize the utilization of network resources and further reduction in operational costs of future VPLS networks. / Tiivistelmä
Ethernet-pohjainen VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) on läpinäkyvä, protokollasta riippumaton monipisteverkkomekanismi (Layer 2 Virtual Private Network, L2VPN), jolla yhdistetään asiakkaan etäkohteet IP (Internet Protocol)- tai MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) -yhteyskäytäntöön pohjautuvien palveluntarjoajan verkkojen kautta. VPLS-verkoista on yksinkertaisen protokollasta riippumattoman ja kustannustehokkaan toimintatapansa ansiosta tullut kiinnostavia monien yrityssovellusten kannalta. Tällaisia sovelluksia ovat esimerkiksi DCI (Data Center Interconnect), VoIP (Voice over IP) ja videoneuvottelupalvelut. Uusilta VPLS-sovelluksilta vaaditaan kuitenkin uusia asioita, kuten parempaa tietoturvaa ja skaalautuvuutta, optimaalista verkkoresurssien hyödyntämistä ja käyttökustannusten pienentämistä entisestään. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena onkin kehittää turvallisia ja skaalautuvia VPLS-arkkitehtuureja tulevaisuuden tietoliikenneverkoille.
Ensin väitöskirjassa esitellään skaalautuva ja turvallinen flat-VPLS-arkkitehtuuri, joka perustuu Host Identity Protocol (HIP) -protokollaan. Seuraavaksi käsitellään istuntoavaimiin perustuvaa tietoturvamekanismia ja tehokasta lähetysmekanismia, joka parantaa VPLS-verkkojen edelleenlähetyksen ja tietoturvatason skaalautuvuutta. Tämän jälkeen esitellään turvallinen, hierarkkinen VPLS-arkkitehtuuri, jolla saadaan aikaan ohjaustason skaalautuvuus. Väitöskirjassa kuvataan myös uusi salattu verkkotunnuksiin perustuva tietokehysten edelleenlähetysmekanismi, jolla L2-kehykset siirretään hierarkkisessa VPLS-verkossa. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan uuden Distributed Spanning Tree Protocol (DSTP) -protokollan käyttämistä vapaan Ethernet-verkkosilmukan ylläpitämiseen VPLS-verkossa. DSTP:n avulla on mahdollista ajaa muokattu STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) -esiintymä jokaisessa VPLS-verkon etäsegmentissä. Väitöskirjassa esitetään myös kaksi Redundancy Identification Mechanism (RIM) -mekanismia, Customer Associated RIM (CARIM) ja Provider Associated RIM (PARIM), joilla pienennetään näkymättömien silmukoiden vaikutusta palveluntarjoajan verkossa.
Viimeiseksi ehdotetaan uutta SDN (Software Defined Networking) -pohjaista VPLS-arkkitehtuuria (Soft-VPLS) vanhojen turvallisten VPLS-arkkitehtuurien tunnelinhallintaongelmien poistoon. Näiden lisäksi väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan kolmea uutta mekanismia, joilla voidaan parantaa vanhojen arkkitehtuurien tunnelinhallintatoimintoja: 1) dynaaminen tunnelinluontimekanismi, 2) tunnelin jatkomekanismi ja 3) nopea tiedonsiirtomekanismi. Ehdotetussa arkkitehtuurissa käytetään VPLS-tunnelin luomisen hallintaan keskitettyä ohjainta, joka perustuu reaaliaikaiseen verkon käyttäytymiseen.
Tutkimuksen tulokset auttavat suunnittelemaan ja kehittämään turvallisempia, skaalautuvampia ja tehokkaampia VLPS järjestelmiä, sekä auttavat hyödyntämään tehokkaammin verkon resursseja ja madaltamaan verkon operatiivisia kustannuksia.
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Chaînes alternées dans les graphes arête-coloriés : k-linkage et arbres couvrants / Proper paths in edge-colored graphs : k-linkage and spanning treesMendy, Gervais 28 September 2011 (has links)
Un graphe arête-colorié Gc est un graphe dont les arêtes sont coloriées par un ensemble de couleurs données. Un sous-graphe de Gc est dit proprement colorié s'il ne contient pas d'arêtes adjacentes de même couleur. Un graphe ou multigraphe c-arête-colorié Gc, est dit k-lié (respectivement k-arête-lié) si et seulement si quelque soient 2k sommets distincts de V(Gc), notés, x1 y1 , x2 y2 , ..., xk yk , il existe k chaînes élémentaires sommet-disjointes (respectivement arête-disjointes) proprement arête-coloriées, reliant x1 à y1 , x2 à y2 , ... , xk à yk .Un arbre couvrant propre d'un graphe Gc est un sous-graphe de Gc qui est un arbre couvrant proprement colorié.Un arbre couvrant faiblement colorié est une arborescence telle qu'il existe une chaîne proprement coloriée entre la racine et chaque sommet du graphe.Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous donnons des conditions suffisantes pour qu'un graphe arête-colorié soit k-lié. C'est un problème classique en théorie des graphes, avec des applications multiples. Ainsi, nous avons établi entre autres les résultats suivants.A) Tout multigraphe 2-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 242k tel que dc(Gc) ≥ n/2+k –1, est k-lié. B) Tout multigraphe c-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 2k et de taille m≥ cn(n–1)/2 – c(n–2k +1)+1 est k-lié.C) Tout multigraphe c-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 2k tel que dc(x) ≥ n/2 pour tout sommet x, est k-arête-lié.D) Tout multigraphe 2-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≥ 2k ≥ 10 et de taille m ≥ n2 –5n + 11 tel que dc(x) ≥ 1 pour tout sommet x, est k-arête-lié.Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, deux autres problèmes classiques en théorie des graphes sont traités dans la version arête-coloriée. Il s'agit des arbres couvrants et des chaînes hamiltoniennes. Nous donnons ci-dessous quelques résultats.E) Tout graphe simple c-arête-colorié k-connexe d'ordre n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 avec c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, a un arbre couvrant propre.F) Tout graphe Gc connexe c-arête-colorié de degré rainbow rd(Gc)=k et d'ordre n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 avec c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, possède un arbre couvrant propre.G) Tout graphe simple c-arête-colorié k-connexe d'ordre n ≥ ((k + j)2 + 3(k + j) – 2)/2 avec c ≥ ((n – k – j)(n – k – j – 1))/2 + 2 , où j(j –1)=k , possède un arbre couvrant faiblement colorié.H) Tout multigraphe Gc d'ordre n ≥ 14 et de taille m ≥ (n – 3)(n – 4) + 3n – 2 tel que rd(Gc) = 2, possède une chaîne hamiltonienne propre. I) Tout multigraphe c-arête-colorié d'ordre n ≠ 5, 7 et de taille m ≥ n2 – 3n + 4, possède une chaîne hamiltonienne propre.La plupart des résultats exposés, sont les meilleurs possibles relativement aux propriétés sur les conditions suffisantes. / A c-edge-colored graph Gc is a graph whose edges are colored by a given set of colors. A subgraph of Gc is proper if no two adjacent edges have the same color.A c-edge-colored graph or multigraph Gc is k-linked (respectively k-edge-linked) if for any 2k distinct vertices, say x1 y1 , x2 y2 , ..., xk yk , there exist k vertex-disjoint (respectively edge-disjoint) proper paths joining x1 to y1 , x2 to y2 , ... , xk to yk .A proper spanning tree of a graph Gc is a spanning tree such that any two adjacent edges differ in colors.A weak spanning tree is a spanning rooted tree such that there exists a proper path between the root and every vertex of the graph.In the first part of this thesis, we provide conditions which are sufficient for an edge-colored graph to be k-linked. It is a classic problem in graph theory , with many applications. So, we established among others the following results.A) Every 2-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 242k such that dc(Gc) ≥ n/2+k –1, is k-linked.B) Every c-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 2k and size m≥ cn(n–1)/2 – c(n–2k +1)+1 is k-linked.C) Every c-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 2k is k-edge-linked if for each vertex x, dc(x) ≥ n/2.D) Every 2-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≥ 2k ≥ 10 and size m ≥ n2 – 5n + 11 is k-edge-linked if for each vertex x, dc(x) ≥ 1.In the second part of this thesis, two other classic problems in graph theory are treated in edge-colored version: spanning trees and hamiltonian paths. We give below some results.E) Every c-edge-colored simple k-connected graph of order n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 with c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, has a proper spanning tree.F) Every c-edge-colored connected graph Gc of rainbow degree rd(Gc)=k and order n ≥ C²k+1 + k + 2 with c ≥ C²n–k–1 + k +1, has a proper spanning tree. G) Every c-edge-colored simple k-connected graph of order n ≥ ((k + j)2 + 3(k + j) – 2)/2 and c ≥ ((n – k – j)(n – k – j – 1))/2 + 2 , with j(j –1)=k , has a weak spanning tree.H) Every c-edge-colored multigraph Gc of order n ≥ 14 and size m ≥ (n – 3)(n – 4) + 3n – 2 such that rd(Gc) = 2, has a proper hamiltonian path.I) Every c-edge-colored multigraph of order n ≠ 5, 7 and size m ≥ n2 – 3n + 4, has a proper hamiltonian path.Most of the given results are the best possible with regard to the properties on the sufficient conditions.
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k-árvores de custo mínimo / Minimum cost k-treesOshiro, Marcio Takashi Iura 11 June 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata do problema da k-árvore de custo mínimo (kMST): dados um grafo conexo G, um custo não-negativo c_e para cada aresta e e um número inteiro positivo k, encontrar uma árvore com k vértices que tenha custo mínimo. O kMST é um problema NP-difícil e portanto não se conhece um algoritmo polinomial para resolvê-lo. Nesta dissertação discutimos alguns casos em que é possível resolver o problema em tempo polinomial. Também são estudados algoritmos de aproximação para o kMST. Entre os algoritmos de aproximação estudados, apresentamos a 2-aproximação desenvolvida por Naveen Garg, que atualmente é o algoritmo com melhor fator de aproximação. / This dissertation studies the minimum cost k-tree problem (kMST): given a connected graph G, a nonnegative cost function c_e for each edge e and a positive integer k, find a minimum cost tree with k vertices. The kMST is an NP-hard problem, which implies that it is not known a polynomial algorithm to solve it. In this dissertation we discuss some cases that can be solved in polynomial time. We also study approximation algorithms for the kMST. Among the approximation algorithms we present the 2-approximation developed by Naveen Garg, which is currently the algorithm with the best approximation factor.
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Extensibilité des moyens de traitements pour les données issues des vastes systèmes d'informations géographiques / Extending tools for geographic information systems dataDo, Hiep-Thuan 13 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’évolution des Systèmes d’Informations Géographiques (SIG) et de leur capacité à répondre à des problématiques environnementales qui s’expriment de manière globale et transversale. Dans un contexte ou l’information géographique est en plein essor et où la quantité de données disponible ne cesse de croitre, le besoin en terme d’outil d’aide a la décision n’a jamais été aussi fort. Cette étude s’attache tout particulièrement au cadre de la résolution de problématiques liées à l’eau et l’environnement lorsque les données deviennent trop volumineuses pour être traitées par des moyens de calculs séquentiels classiques. Nous proposons une plateforme de calculs répartis sur une grappe d’ordinateurs qui parallélise le calcul de la délimitation des bassins versants des grands fleuves et la détermination des flots d’accumulation. A cette fin nous introduisons une technique de calcul parallèle d’une forêt d’arbres couvrants minimums représentant le parcours de l’eau de chaque point du Modèle Numérique de Terrain (MNT) vers la mer. Cette technique débute par une délimitation des cuvettes (ensemble de points allant vers le même minimum local) contenues dans le MNT. Ensuite une hiérarchie de déversement des cuvettes les unes dans les autres est construite jusqu'à obtenir les bassins versants des fleuves. L’étude se poursuit par la description d’un algorithme parallèle pour le calcul très couteux des flots d’accumulation en chaque point du MNT. Enfin cette thèse présente une version ≪out-of-core≫ de nos algorithmes parallèles afin d’étendre la portée de nos travaux a des grappes de dimensions modestes qui ne peuvent pas charger en mémoire la totalité du MNT traite. / My thesis is part of the development of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their ability to respond to environmental challenges that are expressed in a global and transversal way. We consider a context in which geographical information is growing, in addition the amount of data available continues to grow. Therefore, the need a tool for decision support has never been stronger. This study aim to solve problems related to water and the environment when the data become too large for sequential computing. The main objective of the thesis proposes a platform for distributed computing on a cluster of computers that parallelizes the watershed computing of major rivers and the determination of the flow accumulation. The idea is based on the construction of a minimal spanning tree, via a hierarchy of graphs, modeling the water route on the DEM toward the ocean. The technique begins from computing catchment basins that are set of pixels for which a drop of water will end the same local minimum. After that, a hierarchy of basins is computed in order to give the catchment basins of the rivers in the DEM. The study continues with a description of a parallel algorithm for computing the global flow accumulation for automatic drainage network extraction in large digital elevation models. Finally, the thesis presents a version ≪out-of-core≫ of our parallel algorithms to extend the scope of our work in clusters of size small that cannot load into memory the entire treated DEM.
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